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June 2021

WAG International Artistic Organization


Literary Arts Entries POETRY 4 entries

Vote till June 30th 2021 Choose one art entry per category and send us reply with the number of your choice.

June 2021

WAG International Artistic Organization

Living together in Peace For many people on earth freedom is just a word because they are facing a war they never wanted. They feel like animals in a trap, unable to free themselves. They live in constant fear of capture or death. I have the privilege to live in a peaceful place. So I ask myself: Is it possible that we all live together in peace, nor or yes?

LITERARY ART Poetry Entry nr. 1

June 2021

WAG International Artistic Organization

The duality of Life (Imaginary)

No? or yes? Yes? or no?

Rainbow of possibilities,

My love demanded to know.

hues of opportunities,

Will u marry me? Or let me go?

variety of ingenuity,

Monosyllable words

ying yang of creativity.

With a lifetime in between. Short words that require a deep thought.

My only compass in life, is my inner voice,

If I say "no", will he still love me?

to whom I am married

If I say "yes", will I love myself?

and sometimes divorced.

Can I say "yes" with an open heart? Or say "no" without fear? Do I have the courage, to be true to myself? Or put my soul on the shelf? Can I make sure my "yes" means really "yes", and "no" to really mean "no"? Can I live without "buts or either/or"? Is life limited to black or white, without grays coming to light? Are choices in life that simple, and answers written in stone? I humbly say "not".

LITERARY ART Poetry Entry nr. 2

June 2021

WAG International Artistic Organization

Paper Boats Refugees Dark Continent refugees, fluttering in a wrathful sea, in paper boats, or crossing thirsty burning deserts. like us, then… Will they survive to No compassion?

LITERARY ART Poetry Entry nr. 3

June 2021

WAG International Artistic Organization

No and Yes No - to aggression No - to war, No - to evil beasts that roar No - to force being blind . No - to sadness of any kind No - to hunger, no to pain No - to lies, keep them restrained. Yes - to embracing of friends and woods Yes - to flowers and ripening wheat Yes - to hearts that to the same tune beat Yes - to brotherhood, to children at play Yes - to songs that for all people pray. Yes - to blue skies shining from above, Yes - to laughter and Yes - to love!

LITERARY ART Poetry Entry nr. 4

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