Tango Eternal 2023

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WAG Artists Members


H O U S E O F C U L T U R E " K O C O R A C I N " , S K O P J E • 2 0 2 3
WAG International Artistic Organization



Gallery KO-RA

House of Culture "Koco Racin"

February 12th, 2023

Skopje, North Macedonia

WAG Artists Members

WAG International Artistic Organization




WAG International Artistic Organization


Jasminka Blažević Paunović

Osijek, 2023



Alicia de Miner, Mexico

Ariela Segal, Israel

Aune Mattila, Finland

Aurora Angelica Aguilera Diaz de Leon, Mexico

Bikkel, Netherlands

Cristina Carri, Argentina

Elfi Sverdrup, Norway

Esther Kahaner, Israel

Goranka Stanic, Croatia

Ingrid Rosas, Mexico

Jadranka Gros, Austria

Jasminka Blazevic Paunovic, Croatia

Lorraine Beattie, New Zealand

Mathis Mathisen, Norway

Miri Freud Mayblum, Israel

Olga Zhminko, Austria

Paivi Ihamaki, Finland

Ronit Koren Illouz, Israel

Shula Ross, Israel

Tamar Istrin, Israel

Vanessa Garside, United Kingdom

Wanda Furtschregger, Austria

Zeynep Asli Kostepen, Turkey


"Tango Eternal", Astor Piazzolla and Golden Age of Tango - is multimedia event, which will be held on February 12th, 2023 (7,30 p.m.) in Gallery KO-RA, House of Culture "Koco Racin", Skopje, North Macedonia.

Organizer: House of Culture

"Koco Racin"

Skopje, N. Macedonia

Co-organizer: WAG Organization HQ

"This year our traditional multimedia project with our group exhibition is dedicated to TANGO, to the golden age of tango and the famous composer Astor Piazzolla. This passion for Tango is an eternal and powerful inspiration in the numerous fields of arts, and at the same time is one of strong and powerful links between different cultures, different nations, different generations and different times..."

Curator: Violeta Kalikj, exp.for visual arts, design and architecture (Skopje)



Untitled 60x80cm Oliloncanvas

Bikkel, Netherlands "TangoEternal" 58x48cm Mixedmediaonlinen 2023.
ShulaRoss,Israel "Tango" 30x40cm Aluminiumrelief 2017.


"Tango" 40x50cm Oilpainting 2010.



35x53cm Dyedfabrics,sewing&application 2023.

Tango Eternal

While dancing the tango, your body comes alive.

Full of energy you respond to the sensual rhythm of the music as you move

in graceful unison with your partner. While dancing the tango, you never want to stop as you feel like you are in heaven.

ArielaSegal,Israel "BeautifulinRed" 84x72cm Oiloncanvas 2011.



Artphoto Paris,2014.
IngridRosas,Mexico "Tango" Digitalpainting



Digitalpainting 2022.

LorraineBeattie,NewZealand "StreetTango" Artphoto,black&white BuenosAires,2019.
AliciaDeMiner,Mexico "Milonga". 35x55cm OilonAmatepaper 2020.
VanessaGarside,UnitedKingdom "PoemTangoEternal" 36x25cm Acrilycandpaperoncanvas 2023.

Tango Eternal

In the Rio de la Plata

The sun dives like a gigantic plate from the purple sky. The moon rises white, luminous, promising.

Oleander blossoms scent the warm breeze , Dark curls sway enticingly in the balmy air And white teeth flash a sneaky grin.

But the music, the demanding beat of the music fast and slow invites us..... I was so very young then.

The rhythms invite me, His smile excites me, Our bodies move deliciously as one. His warm breath fans my cheek, His warm arms take me into the dance. He holds me close, his hard body next to mine. Tango, tango –slow,slow and fast he moves me.

The water sings its own lapping song, Cicadas loud in chorus, Scent of cigars, oleander, The soft rustle of the palms...

I was so very young then...

Te quiero mi amorHe leads me away from the dance floor, into the night

And a 14year old waiter

Blinks helplessly, through dark , round spectacles

As he mixes another mate.

VanessaGarside,UnitedKingdom Poem,2023


"Tango" 40x30cm

Digitalpainting 2023.

MathisMathisen,Norway "Tango" 40x29 Markerdrawing 2022.



23,5x27cm Monotype 2023.

RonitKorenIllouz,Israel "Tango" 40x30cm Markerscolor
Heart beats strongly We breathe in the dark
And light Beginning and the sign World is disappearing Only steps through passion Leading us Tango for Two JasminkaBlaževićPaunović,Croatia Poem,2023
Olga Zhminko, Austria "TangoPassion" 80x100cm Oiloncanvas 2021

CristinaCarri,Argentina "TangoenLaBoca"

Artphoto 2023,BuenosAires



30x30cm Digitalcollage 2023



55x46cm Oilcolorandcharcoal


ZeynepAsliKöstepen,Turkey "TangoDancers" 60x70cm Acryliconcanvas 2023

Tango Eternal

Tango is passion of embrace.

Tango is movement of pirouette and silhouette.

Tango is devoted moment of two bodies in a whirlwind of desire and commitment.

Tango is love and jealousy in a spiral of existence.

Tango is a leading man

And an impassioned, burning woman, telling the story of their lives, all the pain and all the joy.

Tango eternal for eternal love




WAG International Artistic Organization

more then 900 events held around the world, on all continents

6 big festivals, international multidisciplinary art festivals 10 books, covering international artists more then 1000 artists (from more then 90 states) and pupils & students, teachers & professors, from more then 15 states) participated in our events letter of support from many among them

IPB - International Peace Bureau, Nobel Price Laureate



JOIN US: Make Your Art more visible Take part in international events Meet Artists from all over the World Learn something New Make sincere Friendships Travel with the fellow Artists, for fun & Art e-mail: wag.head.office@gmail.com WAG HQ Presidents: Peter Weisz & Jasminka Blazevic Paunovic

WAG International Artistic Organization

D E S I G N " P A U N " • 2 0 2 3
Astor Piazzolla (Pau Bergen / Getty mages)

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