The SPRING 2015
w w w w
ISSU E 03 —
by Wagas & mr willis
冬天,再见。 春天,你好
Best Value Wines New Arrival
mr willis says
Inside No.195
Decanter Top 50 selected wines on sale now at Baker & Spice 精选《醇鉴》世界排名前50葡萄酒 现在Baker & Spice有售
Dish to share among friends: Fregula
The story behind the Wagas family
on 195 Anfu Lu 安福路195号Wagas家族餐厅的成长故事
FOREWORD 春风渐起,暖阳蓝天,我最近也刚加入一个健身房。一个让人振奋的春天就这么 开始了。 这一年有太多事情值得我们期待。我们与资生堂(Shiseido)和耐克(Nike)的合作 为羊年开了一个好头,现在我们又开始为今年大量开店作准备。Wagas和Baker & Spice会在今年进入深圳、无锡、苏州、青岛和成都,我们期待和更多朋友分享 我们的咖啡文化,结交友谊。 安福路195号是我们家族餐厅的家,这一期Journal的专题故事就是以安福路195 号为故事的主角。机会、创新和改变是公司近日的关键词,而安福路195号就是 最好的缩影。2007年成立,2015年5月这里将会经历一番改造,重新出发,敬请 期待。 几周前,我读到一篇关于中国游客在新西兰裸足露营的文章。我热爱中国文化的 一个很重要的原因就是中国人乐于积极尝试新鲜事物。我记得以前我和Craig两 人赤脚在复兴公园野餐都会被中国妈妈们说。时代真的在变。 我喜欢抓住机会告诉人们他们很出色。这次也特别有荣幸能够在The Journal第 15页告诉所有为宝贝献出爱心的人们:你们真的很棒。 这一期春季刊是由我们年轻的室内设计师团队和文案Mona一起创作编辑完 成,希望你们能够喜欢。我们希望和运营团队一起努力,在新的一年实现企业成 长和自我提升,更重要的是,要玩的开心。 羊年快乐!
The sun is out, the sky is blue, I joined a gym and we are ready for an exciting Spring season. We have a lot to be excited about. Having kick started the sheep year with Nike and Shiseido crossover collaborations, we are now prepping for the upcoming onslaught of store opening. We are very excited to share our café culture and make new friends in new cities as Wagas and Baker & Spice expand into Shenzhen, Wuxi, Suzhou, Qingdao and Chengdu. The Spring issue of The Journal features 195 Anfu Lu, the birthplace of our extended family of restaurants and cafes. Opportunity, innovation and change are the current buzzwords in our company – and 195 Anfu Lu epitomises this. We did this in 2007. And we are doing it again in May 2015, so stay tuned. A few weeks ago I read an article about Chinese tourists in New Zealand, barefoot and camping. One of the things I love about Chinese culture is the openness to try new things. I remember back in the day Craig and I would get lectured by Chinese mothers for not wearing shoes when picnicking at Fuxing Park. Times are-a-changin'. I love having the opportunity to tell someone they are amazing. So it's pretty special, and an honour to have the opportunity to tell thousands of people that they are amazing on page 15. The articles in this spring issue were largely put together by our team of inspiring young architects and copywriter Mona. I hope you enjoy it. Together with our operations team, we aim for another year of business growth, self-improvement and most all, fun times. Happy Sheep!
刚入职的时候,我是以翻译的身份加入The Journal的编写工作的,这对一个第 一次涉足编辑的我来说格外有趣。在和这个年轻有活力的团队工作了六个月之 后,我的工作职责扩展到了撰写文案,负责社交媒体的发布,洽谈媒体和商业 合作的机会等等。和生活方式不同行业的人打交道让我对餐饮行业有了新的了 解。Wagas不仅只是擅长做咖啡、健康的美食和果汁,也是在经营着一种生活 方式。 去年12月,Jackie将总编The Journal的指挥棒交到了我手上: “我觉得你可以 搞定下一期The Journal,需要帮忙随时和我说。”这就是我们的企业文化。每 个人都有施展才华的平台和不断成长的空间。The Journal也在随着我们的成长 变得更好。 敬请期待我们在新的一年带来更多的内容。
My entry into Wagas started out translating for The Journal, very exciting for a first timer. After 6 months’ working in this young and dynamic team, the job has evolved into a multi purpose role covering copywriting, social media, media and co-branding specialist. Meeting new people from various lifestyle industries has helped me gain a fresh perspective on the café and restaurant industry. What we do here at Wagas is more than just food, juice and coffee – it's a lifestyle. Jackie passed The Journal management baton over to me in December. "I think you can take care of the next issue on your own, I am here to help when you need." she said. This is our company culture. Everyone is entitled to a great platform to grow and develop his/her potential. We are always changing and evolving for the better. So is The Journal. Expect more from us in the upcoming year.
Jackie Yun Managing Partner
Mona Tan Co–editor, Copywriter
CONTRIBUTORS Editors: Jackie Yun, Mona Tan Photographers: Sara Biancaccio Creative Director: Abigail Yang Designers: Abigail Yang, Roxy Zheng Special thanks to: Craig Willis, Connie Gu, Peter Gong, Paula Pinilla, our bakers and chefs, friends of Wagas and mr willis who participated in creating The Journal Contact: The Journal by Wagas and mr willis is published Quartely. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited. All prices and credits are accurate at time of going to press but are subject to change. The Journal and it’s owners cannot be held responsible for any unsolicited material. The Journal by Wagas & mr willis 是我们的季度报刊。如未经允许,禁止重印或重新发表部分或全部报纸的任何内容。在报纸印刷之际,所有产品的价格均准确无误,但也不排除改动的可能性。 The Journal及其所有者不会接受任何未经请求的材料。
CONTENTS p. 04 / 请多多留意 Keep an Eye Out
p. 18 / 195号的故事
Wagas家族餐厅大本营的旧颜新貌 。
Check at our spring products and promotions. Stay tuned and stay hungry!
A peek inside the home of Wagas family restaurants.
p. 06 / mr willis谈美食分享 mr willis Says 从地中海畅游中汲取灵感,Mr. Willis教你做可以分享的完美一餐。
Inspired by Mr Willis’ Mediterranean holiday, a perfect meal to make and share.
p. 08 / 历史名酒庄:里奥哈维加 Historic Vineyard: Rioja Vega 每期The Journal会与来自世界各地的酿酒师深度探讨葡萄酒酿造和鉴赏。
Every issue, The Journal chats with winemakers from around the world on winemaking and tasting.
p. 10 / 高质酒,低价格 Top Quality. Low Price 酒柜补货必不可少 之 优惠酒单
Time to stock your wine cabinet again!
p. 12 / 额外推荐最有价值佳酿 Extra Value Wines Recommendation 权威强推和收藏价值极高的新酒 。
New Year, new wines, same best value.
p. 14 / 新鲜出炉 之 复活节烘焙 Fresh out the Oven 复活节十字面包和兔子饼干食谱 。
It’s Easter! Hot Cross Buns and Bunny Cookies Recipes.
p. 20 / 完美野餐清单 Perfect Picnic Checklist 野餐清单完全列表,清新美味伸手可得!
A checklist that makes your picnic simple and tasty.
p. 22 / 我们大家庭的好友 Friends of the Family 和Heidi Dugan和Vivian Yuan两位资深媒体人浅聊工作生活 。
Chat with two media professionals, Heidi Dugan and Vivian Yuan.
p. 24 / 香漫米泰 Spice up the Sping with Mi Thai p. 26 / 我们喜爱的当季食谱 Seasonal Recipes We Love p. 28 / 新年,新足迹 New Year. New Cities. p. 29 / 与我们互动 Get Social with Us p. 31 / 我们的家族品牌 Our Family Locations
Keep an Eye Out 请多多留意
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Check out our spring products and promotions. Stay tuned and stay hungry! 这个春季我们持续推出更多新品新优惠,敬请关注!
Alfresco salad
这个春天HENKES推荐完美户外美味:香扒三文鱼色拉,甘蓝 菜,甜菜、羊酪和香醋蜂蜜调味汁,售价98元。
On the menu this spring a perfectly alfresco salad Grilled flaked salmon, kale, beetroot and goat’s cheese with a balsamic and honey dressing. 98rmb.
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Mi Thai已成为餐前/后鸡尾酒最时髦去处。装修精致时尚的酒吧整晚为你制作异域风情十足的鸡尾酒, 美好夜晚就此开始。推荐酒款:罗勒伏特加和泰姜莫吉托。
Mi Thai Cocktail Menu
Mi Thai is the new destination for pre- or post-dinner cocktails! The finely designed chic cocktail lounge that offers exotic drinks will guarantee you a fabulous evening. Recommend: Basil Drop and Thai Ginger Mojito.
Amokka Weekend Brunch
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周末早午餐来点蛋卷美味又营养。Amokka每个周末早上8点到 下午5点供应菠菜蛋卷等各式营养蛋卷,售价62元。
What’s better than an omelet for a weekend brunch? Amokka presents Spinach and avocado omelet with hash brown & wheat toast, 62rmb every weekend. 8am to 5pm
Irresistible Cookies at Baker & Spice Baker & Spice春季新甜食 丹麦烘焙师Daniel推陈出新,带来春天新甜食:腰果三色巧克力饼干和蔓越莓巧克力燕麦饼干。 每块15rmb
Danish baker Daniel’s latest sweet treat: Triple Chocolate Cookies with Cashew Nuts and Oat Cookies with Cranberry. 15rmb each.
N º4 Handcrafted Pasta at BANG by mr willis BANG by mr willis手工意式面食 BANG的意面全部都由意大利粗粒小麦粉、新鲜鸡蛋和橄榄油手工做成。这个春天在BANG精致的 阳台上清新享用意大利小饺子配鲜虾, 番茄和罗勒叶,售价98元。
At Bang our pastas are freshly hand crafted using Italian semolina, fresh eggs and olive oil. Dine alfresco this spring on Bang’s magnificent terrace. Handmade prawn tortellini with tomato and basil. 98rmb. 4
mr willis Lunch Set
128元即可在开放式厨房的mr willis享用到澳式质朴美食午市套餐。 周一至周五,上午11点至下午2点。
Our inviting kitchen-dining room offers a straightforward set lunch - two courses 128RMB. Expect a small seasonal menu that is market and whim driven Monday – Friday 11am – 2pm
Baobei Spring Luncheon at mr willis 宝贝基金会春季午餐会
Wagas Wechat is Online Now Wagas微信账号现已正式上线 关注我们@Wagas沃歌斯,第一时间在掌握Wagas动向,全新的店址定位功能让您 轻松找到附近的门店。沃歌斯会员计划即将上线,敬请期待。
Wagas Wechat is officially online now. Follow us @Wagas沃歌斯 and keep updated of our latest promotions and store locations. Wagas Reward Program will be launched soon.
韦栗士2014年春天午餐会为宝贝基金会的Titus宝贝筹资超过35,000元。今年午餐会将于4月21日12时举行, 携新老朋友为宝贝Brian筹募手术资金。 预约联系:021-5404 0200 or 宝贝基金会:
Our 2014 Baobei Spring Luncheon raised over 35,000rmb for baby Titus. This year join old & new friends to raise funds for baby Brian’s recent surgeries. Tuesday April 21, 12:00 noon Reservation: 021-5404 0200 or Baobei Foundation:
Sushi Raku Dinner Set 乐寿司晚市套餐 乐寿司推出惊艳晚市套餐,提供最丰盛 的日式料理,从色拉到刺身,烤鱼或天 妇罗到寿司,文蛤汤或海鲜茶壶汤到自 制甜品。每天下午5:30pm后有售,售 价158元。
N º9
Raku’s dinner set offers a comprehensive selection of food. Including salad, sashimi, grilled fish or seafood tempura, sushi, clam ginger teapot soup and homemade dessert! 158rmb, 7 days a week from 5:30pm.
Half-priced Pizzas at La Strada
La Strada 披萨半价 La Strada西康路店每晚5点后所有披萨5折! This Spring La Strada Xikang Lu offers 50% of all Pizzas after 5pm EVERYDAY
mr willis says mr willis 谈美食分享
在摩洛哥游玩的时候,我的朋友Aziz带我去他一个叔叔家吃异国风情浓 郁的北非小米。 炖好的羊肉加上蔬菜和鹰嘴豆,最后再加入北非小米。厨师小心翼翼地 在一个大盘中将肉和蔬菜摆盘,再浇上浓汤。 去西西里的时候也和一个朋友一起分享一道地中海海鲜浓汤,配上一 大碗以杏仁作浇头的北非小米。这道菜需要花很长时间慢慢品尝:先是 将螃蟹、鲜虾和蛤蜊捞出吃掉,再从碗底把彻底泡软的小米舀出细细 咀嚼。 利古里亚移民将和北非小米极为相似的小米面从突尼斯带到了撒丁岛。 这种小米面是由切成小球状并烤熟的粗粒小麦面团做成。 海鲜小米面在BANG也是一道备受推崇的分享菜肴,将明虾、鱿鱼、鲷 鱼、青口和蛤蜊和蒜瓣翻炒,再加入番茄、芹菜、鲷鱼浓汤、辣椒以及藏 红花熬出香味。
In Morocco, Aziz took me to an uncle’s home for couscous. Lamb was braised, with vegetables and chickpeas added, couscous steamed over the stew. The cook carefully arranged the meat and vegetables on a large platter, moistened with broth. INTRODUCTION Craig Willis 厨师 Craig Willis从小亲手种植新鲜蔬果,青少年时期开始在澳大利亚新 南威尔士的餐厅烹饪美食。之后在澳洲各地知名餐厅有长达10年的严 格培训,后在罗德豪维岛(号称“太平洋最美的岛”-编者注)和一个 法国知名厨师培训项目当过学徒。Craig在2000年到达了上海。作为 Wagas建成非常重要的一位核心人物,Craig 更是上海最受欢迎餐 厅mr willis和La Strada的主厨。现在Henkes 和Bang by mr willis 两家餐厅也呈现可分享的质朴美食,供新老朋友品尝。Craig的至爱是 认真用心烹饪简单的美食,特别是混杂着来自地中海气质的澳大利亚 美食。
In Sicily friends shared a Mediterranean seafood stew, served with couscous in a large bowl and topped with almonds. It is a long slow dish to eat: first fish out the crabs, prawns and clams, then scoop up the flavor soaked couscous lying at the bottom of the broth. Ligurian immigrants brought Fregula, similar to couscous, to Sardinia from Tunisia. It is made from semolina dough, which is rolled into small balls and then toasted. At Bang our Seafood Fregula is a popular dish to share. King prawns, squid, fish, mussels and clams are fried with garlic and then tomato, celery, fish stock, chili and saffron are added to make an aromatic broth.
Craig Willis - Cook From a childhood growing fresh produce and cooking in northern New South Wales, ten years training iniconic Sydney restaurants, stints on Lord Howe Island and a Stage in France, Craig arrived in Shanghai in the year 2000. Instrumental in Wagas foundations, Craig is the chef behind Shanghai’s favourites - mr willis & La Strada. Now also serving rustic honest fare for sharing at Henkes and Bang by mr willis. Craig’s passion is for simple well-cooked food, dishing up an Australian mix of influences from the Mediterranean.
番茄 藏 红花沙 司
garlic cloves,
onion, chopped
西芹,切成小块 celery, sliced
Fregula can be bought from deli stores; if you can’t find Fregula you could use couscous, brown rice, lentils or chickpeas. To prepare, tip the Fregula into a pot of boiling salted water, gently simmer for around 10 mins, testing as you go, like pasta I like it firm but not hard. The Fregula should roughly double in size. Drain and cool.
01/ 6
2 (片) 1 (个) 4 sticks (根)
1 branch (把)
bay leaves
2 (片)
olive oil
50ml (毫升)
1 pinch (撮)
soaked in hot water peeled and chopped
400g (克)
N STEW 在一口深锅中倒入橄榄油热锅,嫩煎 蒜瓣、洋葱、西芹、月桂叶和百里香, 直到变透明色。倒入切好的番茄、藏 红花和浸泡藏红花的水,再倒入由 鱼骨炖出的简单鱼汤,慢炖到蔬菜变 软,汤汁变少变浓。
Heat the olive oil in a nice big pot and gently sauté the garlic, onion, celery, bay and thyme until translucent. Add the peeled diced tomatoes, saffron and its soaking water. Add some simple fish stock made from the bones of the fish you are using. Simmer this broth until the vegetables are tender and it has reduced and thickened a little.
king prawns
鱿鱼,洗净 squid, cleaned 切成条状 and cut into wide stripes 青口贝 mussels 蛤蜊
snapper fillet, cut into chunks
1 piece(片)
garlic cloves, smashed
olive oil white wine
在锅里倒入橄榄油,清炒蒜瓣,炒到软但颜色尚未变的程度。加入明虾和鲷鱼片(先加厚一点的,鱼皮一面朝下)烹煮,等 到五分熟正好,倒入一些白葡萄酒,这时锅里便散发出一股浓香。然后用同样的方法炒鱿鱼。青口壳内的污物需要清理干 净,蛤蜊也需要浸泡一段时间后洗掉砂砾。用橄榄油热锅,倒进蒜瓣、洋葱和百里香,让香味不间断;倒入青口和葡萄酒, 盖上锅盖焖片刻,晃锅后查看青口是否已经开口,开口后即可出锅。然后用同样的方法炒蛤蜊。
Warm some olive oil in a pan and gently fry the garlic to soften but not colour. Add the prawns & fish, thick pieces first, skin side down, allow them to colour, cook to medium and then add a splash of white wine to loosen the flavour from the pan. Cook the squid in the same way. Mussels need to be scrubbed and the beard pulled away from the shell; clams should be soaked in water to remove the grit. Heat a pan with a little oil; add some garlic, onion and thyme to get the flavour going. Throw in the mussels and a splash of wine and cover with a lid. Shake the pan around, remove the mussels from the pan as they’re open. Cook the clams in the same way.
小火慢炖小米面浓汤,然后倒入海 鲜加热。撒上一些切好的意式西芹, 加入适量的盐和胡椒。 最后倒入一个大碗中,一道可供大家 分享的菜肴完成!
Heat the broth with the Fregula then add the seafood to warm through. Add some rough chopped Italian parsley and check for salt and pepper. Pour the lot into a large serving bowl from which to share.
04/ 7
Historic Vineyard: Rioja Vega 历史名酒庄:里奥哈维加酒庄
里奥哈是西班牙最小的省份之一,位于西班牙中北部。 19世纪,法国酒庄遭受葡萄根瘤蚜侵袭,酿酒环境惨遭破坏,酿酒大师们选择在里奥哈重拾辉煌。 事实证明,他们的选择是对的;里奥哈已成为世界顶级葡萄酒酿造的重要区域之一。 La Rioja, located in the northern center of Spain, is one of the smallest provinces in this country. It was the land chosen by the French maestros in the 19th century after the vineyards in their own land were ravaged by the phylloxera epidemic. Their choice proved right: today La Rioja is the unique region that produces some of the world’s highest quality wines. 里奥哈维加是西班牙最古老的产酒区之一。是什么造 就了它的显著历史成就呢?
酒庄是如何将年份变量对葡萄酒质量的影响降到最 低的呢?
这座酒庄在欧洲原产地名保护标准出台之前就已屹立已久,这就 保证了商标上保留Rioja字样。里奥哈维加是如今为数不多的能够 将起源追溯到这片土地酿酒历史开端之时的酒庄之一。酒庄成立 已有130多年,但仍然保持着精益求精的酿酒态度,我们不断学习 掌握酿酒新技术并研发学习,积累了许多经验,才得以形成如今 源源不断往世界各地运输种类丰富葡萄酒的稳定局面。
最重要的一步是在葡萄还未被采摘的时候就去葡萄园研究品尝葡 萄,然后再决定采摘的最佳时间。我们的酒庄设备先进,能够全年 跟进葡萄的生长情况,保证葡萄和葡萄酒的高质量。
丹魄是西班牙最典型优秀的葡萄品种,但还有很多其它优 秀葡萄品种不为人知。可以介绍一些给大家吗?你最喜欢 的是哪个品种? 里奥哈的葡萄酒通常采用丹魄,歌海娜,格拉西亚诺,马士罗和维 奥娜白葡萄酿酒。这里的土质非常理想:钙质粘土,低含量有机物 质、营养和矿盐,细砾满地,还有冲积层和砂砾层的残留物用来保 持水分。 我们最喜欢的是歌海娜,这种葡萄生长在老藤上,果味浓重,还带 有草莓、黑莓和覆盆子的混合口感,接而是胡椒辛辣口感,和中餐 中的牛肉搭配食用尤佳。
酒庄日常运营的一天是怎样的? 每天都不一样,但都是朝着同一个目标在努力的:给我们的客人尽 可能地提供最好的葡萄酒。每个部门都是在这个共同目标在组织 策略运行。酿酒部和技术部紧密合作,在装瓶的时候保证葡萄酒 质量不受影响。财务部一直和客户沟通,了解他们的需求并保证我 们的葡萄酒能通过好的进出口商抵达到客户手中。日常工作中还 有一部分工作很重要,就是让人了解我们酿造的葡萄酒都是独特 并且是高质量的,因为我们相信只有让更多人了解我们的酒,才会 喜欢和购买享用它们。
欧洲有许多保证葡萄酒质量的明文规定,通常最高级 别的就是欧洲原产地名保护规范,法国有原产地命名 控制,意大利和西班牙也有同类型规范。但里奥哈产 区有一个更高级别的分类:优质法定产区。您能简单 解释一下里奥哈为什么这么特别吗? 里奥哈葡萄酒师收西班牙原产地名保护法规保护的。1991年,里奥 哈又荣获优质法定产区这一殊荣,这对里奥哈来说是至高的荣誉。 优质法定产区分类规则里对产区范围、葡萄品种、最大允许产量、 酿造和陈酿技术等都有作相关规定。控制委员会对生产销售葡萄 酒各个阶段都施行一系列严格有效的控制,保证一切都在法规允 许范围之内。
游客对西班牙的酒庄之旅的兴趣日益渐长,您能推荐 一些路线吗? 西班牙很多区域都产酒,也都各自拥有不同的自然风光,所以很 难选出一两条路线来推荐。如果非要选的话,我会推荐里奥哈和 纳瓦拉产区,这两个产区可以放在一个旅程路线中。西班牙南部 生产雪莉酒的产区也是个不错的选择。这些地方产的酒都各有千 秋,酿造方法不一,但相同的是他们都有着迷人的景色和传统。
Esperanza Elias Occupation / 职业 : Winemaker 酿酒师 Wine region / 酒区 : La Rioja, Spain 西班牙里奥哈 Winery / 酒庄: Rioja Vega 里奥哈维加
Rioja Vega is one of the oldest wineries in Spain. What shaped its historical significance? The origins of this wine cellar dated prior to the time when the Protected Designation of Origin standards were established, which enabled it to preserve the word Rioja in its trademark. Today Rioja Vega is one of the few wine cellars whose winemaking tradition dates back to the dawn of wine culture in this outstanding region. More than 130 years have passed since the foundation of the winery and by continuing with the same attitude, we have steadily gained wisdom, experience and knowledge by adapting to technological advances and carrying out research in order to be able to offer the wide range of wines we have today. Tempranillo is the Spanish grape par excellence, but there are many other varieties unknown for many. Could you introduce some and tell us which one is your favourite? For our Rioja wines, we use Tempranillo, Granacha, Graciano, Mazuelo and White Viura grapes. The soil is clay-calcareous, with low levels of organic matter, nutrients and mineral salts and an abundance of pebbles, remains of alluvium and gravel that provide optimum water retention. Our favourite is Garnacha from a small plot of old vines which tend to be quite fruit-filled with an interesting mix of strawberry, blackberry and raspberry flavors followed by a dash of peppery spice that matches perfectly well with Chinese dishes like beef. How do you manage to reduce the vintage-tovintage variation in the quality of the wines? The most important step is to taste the grapes before them being picked to study and select the right time for harvesting. Our winery is also well equipped with high technology to follow through the progress of the grapes throughout the year in order to achieve high quality grapes and wines.
What is a typical day like at the winery? Every day is different but aimed to the same objective: to be able to offer our customers the best wines possible. Each department is strategically organized with this goal in mind. The winemaking department works extensively with our technical team in the vineyards, and controlling each and every aspect of the bottling process so the maximum quality is guaranteed. The commercial department works endlessly with our customers finding out their needs and making sure our quality products reach our customers through the best network of importers and distributors. Another important part of our everyday work is to educate people the uniqueness and highest standard quality of our wines as we believe that the more people know about our wines, the more they are going to like them and buy them. In Europe, wine regions follow certain regulations that guarantee the quality of wines. Usually, the highest status is the PDO (Protected Designation of Origin), AOC (Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée) in France and DOC in Italy and Spain. However, Rioja has an even higher status: DOCa (Denominación de Origen Calificada). Would you briefly explain why Rioja is so special? Rioja wines are protected by the oldest Designation of Origin in Spain. In 1991, it was awarded the highest category – Calificada – making Rioja the designation in Spain to be so honored. The regulations establish the borders of the production area, the grape varieties that may be grown, maximum allowable yields, approved winemaking and ageing techniques and so on. The Control Board is making sure these regulations are followed by running a strict and efficient control system from production to commercialization. Travellers have growing interest in wine routes while touring in Spain. Could you recommend a couple of them? Many regions in Spain produce wine and they are all beautiful in different ways, so it’s difficult to choose one or two. But if I had to choose I would recommend the Rioja and Navarra regions that can be combined in a single amazing trip. The sherry region in southern Spain is another difference choice of route. They all have completely different types of wines and offer different perspective of winemaking while standing out for their landscapes and tradition.
98 RMB /btl
Rioja Vega GG 2012
OR RMB118/ btl
La Rioja, Spain Medium body GG for Garnacha and Graciano. Flavoursome and balanced feeling, remarkable acidity and fresh fruit end. GG是指由歌海娜和格拉西亚诺两种葡萄酿制而成。口感丰富 平衡,伴有恰到好处的酸味和新鲜水果的余味。
WHEN YOU BUY 3 买三瓶RMB135/瓶
/btl 135 RMB
Rioja Vega Crianza 2011
OR RMB155/ btl
La Rioja, Spain Medium-full body Complex array of aromas on the nose, with notes of red fruits and liquorice, and subtle hints of toast, spices and cinnamon. 多层次香气扑鼻而来,混着红果和香草,和一丝烤木、香料和肉 桂的香味。 WHEN YOU BUY 3 买三瓶RMB145/瓶
145 RMB /btl OR RMB165/ btl
Rioja Vega Reserva 2008 La Rioja, Spain Full body Lovely rich sweet oaky berry nose. The palate shows deep ripe fruit. Layered complexity is added by the coffee and chocolate. 有芬芳的甜橡木浆果味,成熟果香盘留舌尖,咖啡和巧克力浓 香更添层次丰富感。 91 points by Robert Parker's Wine Advocate
WHEN YOU BUY 3 买三瓶RMB255/瓶
255 RMB /btl OR RMB275/ btl
Albret La Viña de mi Madre 2009 Navarra DO, Spain Full body Very expressive, with plenty of fruit flavours and a perfectly integrated wood. The sweet tannins add the ripe character. Elegant and classy! 极富表现力,带有充盈的果味并和木质完美结合。甘甜的丹宁 成熟有力,优雅且经典。" 90 points by Robert Parker's Wine Advocate 92 points by the Spanish wine guide Peñín
(来自里奥哈维加集团所属纳瓦拉产区 RV group also produces in Navarra DO)
Top Quality.Low Price!! 高质酒·低价格
为何Baker & Spice的葡萄酒有如此优异的性价比? 因为我们直接采购,直接进口,并直接销售。
Why are Baker & Spice wines the best? Because we buy directly, import directly and sell directly, with no middle man.
WHEN YOU BUY 3 买任意三瓶
rmb/btl rmb/btl
158 1 78
Tenuta Oliveto Il Leccio 2007
Rosso di Toscana IGT, Italy
Medium body
百分百桑娇维赛酿制葡萄酒献上丰富的多汁的樱桃、李子和香料口感。橡木陈酿15个月,更是添加了香草、肉桂和烤杏 仁的味觉。
This 100% Sangiovese offers lavish layers of succulent cherry, plum and spice. The 15 months oak aging add vanilla, cinnamon and toasted almond. WHEN YOU BUY 3 买任意三瓶
415 448
Gagliasso Barolo Torriglione 2009
Barolo DOGC, Italy
Medium body
Impeccably balanced Barolo with a very soft finish featuring fine-grained tannins. Raspberry, cranberry, violet and truffle combined on the nose. Awards 90 points by Stephen Tanzer WHEN YOU BUY 3 买任意三瓶
rmb/btl rmb/btl
98 118
Cave de Saumur Tuffeau 2012
Saumur AOC, France
Medium body
A medium dark colour reveals black fruit, cherry and herbal aromas. Awards Silver Medal Concours Général Agricole de Paris 2013
Château de Caraguilhes 2012
Corbières AOC, France
Château Cazal Viel Clos du Vent 2008
Saint Chinian AOC
Medium/full body
Clos du Vent shows a unique character of concentrated Syrah, with ripe red fruit and spices combined with a subtle note of toast. 10
145 165
WHEN YOU BUY 3 买任意三瓶
295 328
Full body
Delicate nose with floral and spice aromas. Fresh red and dark berries with chocolate, herbs and spice on the palate. Awards Gold Medal Challenge Millésime Bio 2014 Bronze Medal Decanter World Wine Awards 2014
WHEN YOU BUY 3 买任意三瓶
rmb/btl rmb/btl
Domaine Rietsch Riesling Stein 2012
Alsace AOC, France
Light body
Fine and complex nose that evokes flowers, fruit and honey. Balanced and fresh.
WHEN YOU BUY 3 买任意三瓶
rmb/btl rmb/btl
115 128
Delaunay Les Cabotines Rosé 2013
Touraine AOC, France Light body
Well-balanced, this wine is smooth and subtle on the palate with delicate fruit flavors. Drink lightly chilled! WHEN YOU BUY 3 买任意三瓶
rmb/btl rmb/btl
175 195
Matahiwi Holly Sauvignon Blanc 2012
Wairarapa, New Zealand Medium body
Lime skin and elderflower aromas along with a mineral, crushed stone note marry with nutty yeasty characters and a savoury edge. WHEN YOU BUY 3 买任意三瓶
rmb/btl rmb/btl
98 118
Cave de Saumur Tuffeau 2012
Saumur AOC, France
Light body
This fresh, light and low acidity Chenin Blanc has a fruity and mineral taste of apple and citrus. WHEN YOU BUY 3 买任意三瓶
125 148 Delaunay Sauvignon Blanc 2013 Touraine AOC, France
Light body
Awards Silver Medal Concours Général Agricole de Paris 2013
欢迎来Baker & Spice店内选购。
Buy from Baker & Spice while stocks last.
极富表现力,带有强有力的异域水果、黑加仑蓓蕾、葡萄柚和桃 子的香气。
Very expressive and powerful aromas of exotic fruits, blackcurrant buds, grapefruit, peach. Awards
Henkes由MaxHaahr撰写的酒单荣获中国侍酒师协会2014最佳中小型酒单奖。 此酒单同时在mr willis和Mi Thai提供。 Henkes won 2014 China's Best Medium Wine List. This wine list created by Henkes Manager Max Haahr is also available at mr willis and Mi Thai.
Bronze Medal Concours Géneral Agricole de Paris 2014 International Wine Challenge 2014
欢迎上网查看更多精选葡萄酒和奖项与星评。 Visit online for more hand-picked wine selections, and to see more awards and ratings!
Our Recommendations from Worldwide Renowned
's Top 50 List
精选自世界知名葡萄酒杂志《醇鉴》Top 50 佳酿 我们以从历史悠久的酒庄进口最有价值葡萄酒引以为傲,也以引进葡萄酒权威推荐的美酒为荣。这一期我们从世界 最佳葡萄酒杂志《醇鉴》的2013年度最佳50瓶葡萄酒中挑选了4款佳酿向您推荐。 佳酿需品赏,这四款葡萄酒均在 Baker & Spice有售。
95+ points
by Decanter 《醇鉴》评分95分
We pride ourselves on obtaining the best value wines from historic vineyards, as well as hottest bottles recommended by authoritative critics. On this issue, we’re proud to introduce 4 of the best 50 wines of the year 2013 shortlisted by the world’s best wine magazine – Decanter. Tasting is believing. Available in all Baker & Spice stores.
Muriel Reserva 2008
by Decanter 《醇鉴》评分95分
Rioja DOCa, Spain Medium-full body
口感复杂,香气浓烈,陈年香草香料 的香气结合巧妙,在舌尖留下成熟的 红果香,以及一丝酒和香料的气息。 口感圆润,顺滑优雅,余韵悠长让人 产生极大满足感。 Very complex and intense aroma, with fine scents of aging which are assembled perfectly: vanilla, spices and herbs. The palate boasts mature red fruits along with hints of liquorice and spice. Round, velvety and elegant, with a very long, satisfying finish.
165rmb / btl Château La Truffe 2011
这款酒和烤羊肉,葡萄藤串起的肉 片,酱鱼以及烟熏奶酪等搭配饮用 特别适宜,配巧克力尤佳。 This wine matches especially well with roasted lamb, cutlets barbequed on vine shoots, fish in sauce recipes, as well as smoked and cured cheese. Excellent wine to accompany chocolate desserts.
by Decanter 《醇鉴》评分95分
Pomerol AOC, Bordeaux, France Full body
by Robert Parker's Wine Advocate 罗伯特 · 帕克葡萄酒 倡导家评分 90分
245rmb / btl Domaine Yann Chave, Le Rouvre 2012
Saint Chinian AOC, France Full body 甘甜温和,带有黑果实的精巧香气 和微妙的辛辣感。口感丰满,混杂着 果香、碎石和香草气息。余味持久, 是瓶上佳的好酒。 Sweet, warm, svelte aromas of black fruits and subtle spice. A rich, voluptuous and intellectually satisfying palate, packed with velvety fruits, crushed stone and spice. Magnificent, compelling wine of place. Long finish. 适宜和烤肉煮肉搭配,也可以尝试 和卡芒贝尔奶酪搭配! Best served with grilled meats and meat stews. Try it also with some grilled camembert cheese!
by Decanter 《醇鉴》评分93分
Crozes-Hermitage AOC, France
Medium body 这瓶2012年份若夫葡萄酒由雅 恩沙芙酒庄最老葡萄树的果实 酿造而成,浑厚有力,果香扑 鼻。单宁味成熟,丰满辛烈,果 酸浓,酒味醇厚,辛辣的橡木桶 味更添独特。口味现代,但具有
樱桃香气浓郁,气味浓烈,带 有黑果实和花香,口感强烈 袭人,丰润醇厚。层次分明, 酸度灵动优雅且余味悠长 和谐。
Sweet, juicy, oaky nose – the cherry fruit has flair and charm. Complex nose, combining black fruit and floral aromas. Rich and dense attack. Volume in mouth, full and vinous. Harmonious wine with firm but refined tannins. The acidity gives it drive, elegance and length.
Selected from a plot where Yann Chave has his oldest vines, Le Rouvre 2012 has a powerful, exuberantly fruity nose. Fine, ripe tannins, good concentration and tangy, fruity acidity. Spicy oak backs it up rather than veils it. Modern, in the best sense, with excellent ageing potential.
适宜搭配烤肉,烤羊肩,或肉 味丰富的牛羊肉,比如黑胡椒
Enjoy it with a nice recipe of roasted beef or duck confit.
385rmb / btl 12
Le V de Viranel 2011
烤菲力牛排。 Delicious with pork roasts, lamb shoulder, or seasoned red meats, such as pepper-crusted filet mignon.
295rmb / btl
最有价值葡萄酒 葡萄酒爱好者必藏超值新酒
Best Value Wines! Extraordinary Values for Vino Gourmets
我们时刻关注新酒并将它们纳入我们庞大的收藏中。我 们亲自从酒庄挑选并进口这些新酒。 倾情推荐佳酿:10年份的醇厚Domaine du Grand Ormeau和收藏价值极高的04年份Muriel Gran Reserva. 所有葡萄酒均在Baker & Spice有售,快来挑选装 满你的酒柜吧!
We’re constantly on the lookout for new and exciting wines to add to our immense selection. We handpicked these vintages and had them shipped from the wineries. We highly recommend ’10 Domaine du Grand Ormeau of amazing taste and ’04 Muriel Gran Reserva of great value. Time to stock your wine cabinet with these crowd pleasers! Available in all Baker & Spice stores.
Valenciso Reserva 2007
Muriel Gran Reserva 2004
Rioja DOCa, Spain
Rioja DOCa, Spain
Franz ETZ Grüner Veltliner 2012
Medium body
Full body
Kamptal DAC, Austria
葡萄酒呈深樱桃红色,浓厚却带有新鲜 果味和微妙的上好橡木的诱人香气。单 宁口感优雅。
这是一款具有中度宝石砖红的红葡萄 酒,带有浓厚的陈酿芬芳和成熟果味。 口感完整,如丝质一般顺滑。
Light body
Cherry deep colour, intense fruit and fine oak hints. Elegant and velvety tannins.
A great classic Rioja with oaky aromas and ripe fruit. Smooth and silky.
葡萄味道新鲜却略带辛辣,余味悠长。 Fresh and spicy with yellow fruit and a long, fresh lingering citrus finish.
《醇鉴》杂志评分96分 罗伯特·帕克葡萄酒倡导家评分93分 西班牙权威品鉴机构Guía Proensa评分94分 96 points by Decanter 93 points by Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate 94 points by Guía Proensa 2014
285 rmb / btl
225 rmb / btl
165 rmb / btl
Resalte Reserva 2005
Resalte Crianza 2009
Resalte Vendimia Seleccionada 2012
富有香草、干草的香气。余味带有成熟黑 莓和波伊森莓的浓香,随后跟着无花果和 摩卡香气。
Ribera del Duero DO, Spain
Ribera del Duero DO, Spain Full body 芳香:极富表现力,成熟果香,带有黑加 仑、黑莓、干草和可可香气。 Very expressive, with notes of ripe fruit, blackcurrant, blackberries, liquorice and cocoa. 《葡萄酒观察家》评分90分 《葡萄酒爱好者》评分89分 西班牙各大葡萄酒媒体评分94、92和90分
Ribera del Duero DO, Spain Full body
Vanilla, liquorice and toast on the nose. Flavors of ripe blackberry and boysenberry followed by fig and mocha.
90 points by The Wine Spectator 89 points by Wine Enthusiast 94, 92, 90 points in different Spanish wine media.
《酒讯杂志》评分93分 《葡萄酒爱好者》评分91分 《葡萄酒观察家》评分90分 93 points by Wine & Spirits 91 points by Wine Enthusiast 90 points by The Wine Spectator
435 rmb / btl
265 rmb / btl
Medium body Resalte系列葡萄酒种最年轻的葡萄 酒。带有鲜明的果香和厚重的橡木芬 芳。口感圆润丰富,新鲜平衡,香味持 久悠长。 Young wine with a marked fruit character and integrated oak aromas. It is balanced, flavoursome and persistent.
195 rmb / btl
Domaine du Grand Ormeau 2010
Montirius Le Clos 2010
Lalande de Pomerol AOC, France
Vacqueyras AOC, France
Les Cigales de Montirius 2012
Medium body
Medium body
Côtes du Rhône AOC, France
这款酒香气复杂混合,带有烤咖啡豆和成熟果 实的香味。余味和谐悠长,结束带有一些果香。
这款深红葡萄酒带有覆盆子、干草和香草 香味。鼻尖所闻即舌尖所尝,伴有优雅细 腻的新鲜味道。
Fine and complex nose, notes of roasted coffee and ripe fruit. Nice wooded and harmonious.
A deep red wine. Raspberry, liquorice and vanilla with a lovely aftertaste. 斯蒂芬·坦泽评分92分 罗伯特 ·帕克葡萄酒倡导 家评分90-92分
Medium body 由歌海娜和西拉葡萄酿造而成的这款 上乘罗纳河谷混酿带有清新红果香。 生物动力栽培。 Gourmand wine with fresh notes of red and fresh fruits.
92 points by Stephen Tanzer 90-92 points by Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate
245 rmb / btl
338 rmb / btl
168 rmb / btl 13
Easter Baking: Fresh Out the Oven 新鲜出炉之复活节烘焙 复活节来临,又到了新鲜出炉的浓郁甜点香味溢满家里的时候了! 亲手烘焙饼干面包并不难。前两期Journal中介绍了Baker & Spice的面包糕点师Daniel和 Connie,我们和他们相处了一下午,学了几招如何做复活节经典十字面包和兔子饼干。 整个过程十分简单,意想不到的自制美味也一定会给家人朋友带来巨大惊喜。 Easter‘s here; it’s time to fill the house with the aroma of freshly baked treats! Baking bread at home is not very difficult. We spent an afternoon with our talented bakers, Connie and Daniel learning the tricks of making classic Easter Hot Cross Buns and Bunny Cookies. The recipes are easy to follow and guaranteed to please. Happy Easter!
Hot Cross Buns 面包粉
bread flour salt butter sugar hot cross bun spice
盐 黄油 糖 十字面包香料
15g (克) 60g(克) 60(克)
dried yeast 鸡蛋 eggs 水 water 葡萄干,浸湿 raisins, soaked
生姜 香菜 丁香 肉桂
450ml(毫升) 500g(克)
Crossing Mixture
十字面包香料 nutmeg ginger coriander cloves cinnamon
Hot Cross Bun Spice 豆蔻粉
制作十字所用材料 10g(克)
10g (克)
cake flour vegetable oil water
150g(克) 50g (克) 150g(克)
15(克) 15g(克)
1. 将所有原料混合之后慢速搅拌2分钟,再快速搅拌5-6分钟,最后加入葡萄干,小心搅拌 2. 放置45分钟,让原料混合团发酵成一整个面团 3. 揉捏面团以增强面团的劲道。保持室温24-26度,放置30分钟 4. 将面团匀分成多块,每块90g,揉捏成圆形面团 5. 将面团块紧密德摆置在烤盘中,铺上烤盘纸,保证最后发酵时面团能连在一起 6. 放置1小时,完全发酵好之后,在面包上用裱花袋画上十字 7. 放进烤箱,以 180ºC烘烤15-20分钟,直到呈好看的棕色 8. 从烤箱拿出来之后立刻用全脂牛奶淋面
1. Mix all the ingredients slowly for 2 minutes then 5-6 minutes on fast speed, add raisins last and carefully mix in 2. Rest for 45 minutes, allowing the dough to ferment as one mass 3. Kneeding the dough. Rest for another 30 minutes while keeping at room temperature 24-26ºC 4. Scale 90g dough pieces and kneed them into balls. 5. Place them on a tray with baking paper underneath, keep them close together so they will prove together 6. Final rest for approximately 1 hour, when the dough is fully proved, make a piping bag out of baking paper and mark the buns with a cross 7. Place into the oven. Set the temperature at 180ºC. Bake for 15-20 minutes until they turn nice brown color 8. Brush them with whole milk immediately when taken out from the oven
谢谢你们的爱心 感谢每一位购买宝贝橘子冰茶的顾客。 因为你们,我们筹集并向宝贝基金会捐 助了447,811元。 因为你,很多宝贝的生命得以被拯救。 谢谢你们的付出。 感谢所有Wagas和Baker & Spice团队 所给予的支持。 Thank you to EVERY customer who purchased our Baobei Orange tea. Because of YOU, 447,811rmb was raised and donated to Baobei Foundation. YOU have helped to save the lives of a lot of babies. Thank you for making a difference. Thank you to all the Wagas and Baker & Spice team for their support.
*Makes 20 pieces
Easter Bunny Cookie 蛋糕粉 黄油 鸡蛋
cake flour butter eggs
350g (克)
icing sugar marzipan
250(克) 250g(克)
Icing 糖霜 糖粉 蛋清 柠檬皮
icing sugar egg white lemon zest
600g(克) 100g (克) 10(克)
1. 将蛋糕粉、黄油、杏仁糖膏和糖霜混合搅拌,然后再打入鸡蛋搅拌,注意不要搅拌过度 2. 将面团放进冰箱冷冻,直到面团变硬 3. 拿出面团,用模具切出兔子形状面团,放在烤盘上 4. 用糖霜装饰饼干,画上胡子、尾巴、鼻子和眼睛 5. 放进烤箱,以 210ºC烘烤5-6分钟,直到饼干呈金黄色
1. Mix flour, butter, marzipan and icing sugar, then add the eggs, don't over mix it. 2. Refrigerate the dough until it turns hard 3. Take out the dough. Use the mould to cut into shapes and put them on the tray 4. Decorate the cookies with icing 5. Set the temperature at 210ºC. Bake for 5-6 minutes until they turn into a light gold color *Makes 50 pieces
INSIDE NO.195 195号的故事 安福路195号是一众Wagas家族餐厅的栖息地:Baker & Spice, La Strada, Mi Thai, mr willis和Amokka。 近期 Baker & Spice 迎来大翻新,里里外外都即将以焕然一新的面貌出现。安福路195势必会为这条历史老街带来新一轮的生 机和活力 。
No. 195 Anfu Lu is home to the extended Wagas family: Amokka, La Strada, mr willis, Baker & Spice and Mi Thai. With Baker & Spice undergoing renovation, No. 195 is bound to bring even more vitality to the neighborhood.
安福路在解放前名为巨波来斯路,整条街安静优雅,两旁栽满了 法国梧桐。坐落在前法租界的北角,安福路连接了常熟路和武康 路,有着前法租界文化摇篮的美称。短短的两个街区内,安福路有 着上海传统的弄堂,在梧桐树后若隐若现的历史文化保护建筑, 上世纪20年代的花园别墅,以及街道两头的两栋大楼——世纪商 贸广场和一流的上海话剧艺术中心。这里是折衷文化的象征,是 东西方文化融合之地。
我们的国际建筑师们来自丹麦、中国和澳大利亚,他们正在为安福路195号筹备着 一场激动人心的翻新工程。这个春天全新面貌的Baker & Spice也将会揭开神秘 的面纱。
Formerly known as Dupleix Route, Anfu Lu is a quaint tree-lined street. It ‘s on the northern edge of the Former French Concession between Changshu Lu and Wukang Lu. Anfu Lu lives up to its reputation as the cultural hub of Former French Concession, featuring Shanghai’s traditional lane way communities, hidden heritage villas, a 1920s garden residence and two high buildings, ‘The Center’ and one of Shanghai’s premier theatres, Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre. It’s emblematic of Shanghai’s eclecticism. It is where east meets west.
新设计将会赋予Baker & Spice现代面包房的时尚感,也将过去传统面包房的记 忆融于其中。暖色调实木、铜板和定制磨石子地,丝丝不苟细节都与面包师们烘 焙面包的独运匠心相互呼应。设计挑战着你的触觉,新鲜出炉的面包迎合着你的 嗅觉,新Baker & Spice定会“感“动你。 从前作为中央面包房的空间将会在新设计中被充分利用,打造成一片可以容纳50 位客人的舒适座位区,玻璃落地门窗允许光线充分照进室内,空间感也随之被增 强。新店将会拥有热食厨房和翻新的烤箱区域,提供我们最引以为豪的面包糕 点、手工意面和让人眼花缭乱的鲜榨果汁。 为人所熟知和喜爱的这间Baker & Spice将会被分为三个主要区域,其中两个为 新增区域,大大扩展了现有空间,一是配有各式座椅的咖啡区域,尽可以和朋友 家人在这里小坐或者带着电脑在这里工作;二是藏有丰富新旧世界葡萄酒的酒 窖,我们的葡萄酒团队将会时常在这里举行小型品酒会。墙壁上整齐排列的酒架 展示着我们的不断新增的收藏,欢迎随时来挑选你最喜欢的佳酿。 入口外貌也将被重新设计,以更加开放的姿态迎接客人们,不仅新添了一张共用 餐桌,营造了完美的户外用餐环境。透明的玻璃落地门窗和台阶让你更有机会遇 见好友。最后,夏天的时候Baker & Spice将会开设冰淇淋临时概念店,孩子和 大孩子们是不是很激动很期待呢? 编者按:La Strada, Mi Thai, Mr willis 正常营业。
Our team of international and local designers from Denmark, China and Australia are preparing No. 195 for a facelift. This spring, a new building and a new and improved Baker & Spice store will be unveiled. The new design of Baker & Spice has the feel of a modern bakery but is imbued with traditional elements and materials to evoke a memory of bakeries past. A warm palette of wood, bronze and custom terrazzo combined with the meticulous attention to detail echoes the sense of craftsmanship that our bakers have for their bread. From the tactility of the design to the smell and taste of our breads, the new Baker & Spice satisfies all the senses. The new design will utilize the space that used to house our main bakery. It will seat 50 people in a range of smaller spaces made even more comfortable by the addition of a glassed-in courtyard, which will bring light into the space. Adding a kitchen and a new baking area will allow for a new expanded menu including our famous bread and pastries, hand-made pasta, and a larger variety of freshly squeezed juices. Divided into three main areas, Baker & Spice at No. 195 will retain the convivial drop-by
area that we have grown to know and love. Two new zones will be introduced to the enlarged space. The first, a cozy cafe area with a myriad of seating types for whiling away time with friends and family or working away on your laptop. The second, a dedicated wine room to showcase the growing range of new and old world wines at Baker & Spice and to host tastings led by our passionate wine team. Generous in-built display shelves line the walls to house our ever-growing range of products making it even more convenient to drop-by to pick up your favorite items. The facade re-design creates a welcoming entrance that both curves to enclose a large communal table area and gives way to create a new outdoor space. The floor-to ceiling glass facade and the steps down from the entrance provides informal seating that creates even more opportunity to bump into people you know. Last but not least, children, and big children alike, will be very excited to hear that a pop-up ice-cream shop will make an appearance during the summertime. Editor‘s Note: La Strada, Mi Thai and Mr willis are open for business as usual.
安福路195号时间线 195 ANFU LU TIMELINE
2007/ JUN
2009/ AUG
2007年6月 Amokka
2009年8月 La Strada
2007年夏天,Wagas家族在安福路195安了家。Amokka是进 驻安福路的首家咖啡馆 ,为后来其他咖啡馆的进入打了个好的 头阵。 虽然中国是个以茶文化闻名于世的国家,海派的上海却对咖啡 情有独钟。Amokka以二楼的区域和全天式菜单而闻名。嵌筑
第二个在这里落户的餐厅便是以披萨著称的La Strada。
在墙内的壁炉,拉高的天花板,木质窗棱,雪白的墙壁,还配有 许多舒适的座椅,整个空间明亮宽敞,甚至在阴郁的雨天也让人 倍感清新。
Wagas’ hip family settled down in No.195 in the summer of 2007. Amokka café broke new ground by pioneering the café scene in Anfu Lu. Despite being part of a tea-drinking nation, Shanghai has always had a fondness for coffee shops. Amokka stands out primarily for its upstairs lounge and all day menu. With a fireplace, high ceilings, wooden beams, clean white walls, lots of windows and comfy seats, the room feels bright and airy even on a gloomy Shanghai day.
La Strada在意大利语中意为“小街”,就坐落在195号的入口 处。这家质朴却格调显著的餐厅主要提供罗马式薄披萨,可口的 前菜,也可以在这里品尝到清新的色拉和美味得让人雀跃的提 拉米苏。作为上海最受欢迎的披萨店之一,La Strada在西康路 也开了分店。
2009. 08 La Strada The second dining spot is La Strada pizzeria. Meaning “little street” in Italian, La Strada sits perfectly at the entrance of No. 195. It’s a simple and stylish pizzeria where thin-crust roman style pizza, antipasti, simple salads and tiramisu can be found. As one of Shanghai’s most popular pizzerias, La Strada now has a second branch on Xikang Lu.
2009/ OCT
2010/ JAN
2010/ MAY
2009年10月 mr willis
2009年01月 Baker & Spice
2010年5月 Mi Thai
熟悉mr willis的客人大概的都知道,这家上海餐饮界的宠儿正是 以主厨Craig Willis命名。Craig是稳定Wagas集团根基的关键 人物之一。他在澳大利亚新南威尔士的乡村长大,在悉尼各大著 名餐厅工作过后于2000年来到上海 。Mr willis对他来说是家, 是他掌勺做出澳式和欧式混合风格,带有地中海、中东甚至亚洲 口味的美食。在这里你会品尝到Craig根据季节变换心血来潮
咖啡馆?面包房?还是葡萄酒商?Baker & Spice是所有的集合! 即将进行的重装会让Baker & Spice拥有正式的厨房,为客人制 作新鲜美味的热腾腾的食物。 Baker & Spice以多种手工制作面包为特色,采用自己的咖啡豆 研磨咖啡,直接从海外酒庄直接进口获奖的葡萄酒,价格亲民,饮 用价值颇高。
Mi Thai于2010年开业,成为最后一个落户安福路195号的家族 餐厅。Mi Thai由来自泰国的行政主厨坐镇,为客人提供传统却 带有现代口味的泰式料理。2014年底经历过重新装修之后,更 是以全新的面貌、更加宽敞的空间迎四方食客,开放式的厨房, 舒适的沙发,还有清新创意的鸡尾酒,无疑都将带来更加动人的 感官体验。
2009. 10 mr willis Named after Chef Craig Willis, who was also instrumental in Wagas foundations, mr willis restaurant is one of Shanghai’s favourite dining spots. From a childhood spent in country New South Wales, Australia, Craig worked in iconic Sydney kitchens before arriving in Shanghai in 2000. Mr Wilis restaurant is his ‘home’, where he practices his passion for simple well-cooked Australian-European food, with a touch of Mediterranean, the Middle East and even Asia. Always expect a seasonal menu that is whim driven. Surprises taste good.
2010. 01 Baker & Spice Café? Bakery? Wine shop? Baker& Spice has it all. The renovation of Baker & Spice on Anfu Lu will show off a brand new kitchen. Baker & Spice features an extensive range of specialty handcrafted breads. We use our very own blend of coffee beans and import our own hand-selected wines from vineyards all around the world with unique labels at unbeatable prices. The new space will become a bigger brighter space for the neighborhood community.
2010. 5 Mi Thai Mi Thai opened in 2010, completing the family of restaurants at No.195. Mi Thai offers a menu of traditional Thai flavours with a modern twist developed by their executive Thai Chef. In late 2014, Mi Thai was redesigned and re-launched with a larger space, a new bar and lounge, wine cellar, semi-private dining area and an exciting new food and cocktail menu.
Perfect Picnic Checklist 完美野餐清单 人人爱野餐。The Journal当然也不例外。 野餐不仅仅和食物有关,它是走到户外,躺在草坪上放空,或者嬉戏玩耍。 它可以是好朋友的聚餐,也能作为浪漫约会的选择。 当春色在眼前顺势展开,野餐季也重新回潮, 我们选择了一些我们最喜爱的食物供你伴着春光享用。 Everyone loves a picnic. We at The Journal certainly do. Picnicking is about more than just good food; it’s about getting outdoors,lazing on the grass or kicking the football around. It can be group fun or a romantic afternoon for two. With spring in full bloom, we've rounded up some of our favourite items to picnic and enjoy the sunshine.
餐具清单 PICNIC WARE 野餐篮或背包
Picnic basket or backpack
Knives and forks
Paper party plates and cups
Football, frisbee, badminton, bikes
Sunhat and sunscreen
An esky (portable cooler) and ice
食物清单 FOOD LIST 香草鸡肉和咖喱鸡肉拉法卷 Pesto Chicken and Curry Chicken Wraps 泰式牛肉色拉
Thai Beef Salad
Spinach quiche
Mango chocolate cake
Crusty baguettes
Fresh juice
2 or 3 bottles of wine
Some fruit and your favourite cheese
野餐地点 PICNIC SPOTS 世纪公园
Century Park
No. 1001, Jinxiu Lu, Pudong District, Shanghai.
Long Museum No. 3398 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District, Shanghai. 复兴公园
Fuxing Park
No. 105 Yandang Lu, Luwan District, Shanghai.
贴士:所有食物和饮品均在Wagas和Baker & Spice有售
Tip: All picnic food and drinks available from Wagas and Baker & Spice 21
Friends of The Family
Wagas customers consist of people from all walks of life. To discover who they are and what lifestyle they’re leading, we interview two friends of the family in every issue.
Vivian Yuan 袁敏维
Vivian是一家中国领先传媒集团的资深时尚媒体人。 2000年Wagas在上海中信泰富开了第一家店,Vivian也是从 那时开始成为Wagas家族的老朋友。
City / 居住地 : Shanghai 上海 Nationality / 国籍 : Chinese 中国 Occupation / 职业 : Fashion Media Professional 时尚媒体人
Vivian is a fashion media professional in one of China’s leading media companies. She has been Wagas’ family friend since 2000 at Wagas first store in Citic Square Shanghai.
我们知道您从2000年便开始光顾Wagas,说说您和 Wagas的第一次亲密接触吧! 与WAGAS的第一次亲密接触有种久别重逢的亲近感,这里的装 饰、这里的音乐、这里的顾客、以及这里的食物,都让我觉得舒 服与融洽,就像是与老朋友的寒暄。而在这之前,自己其实始终 没有在公司附近找到一家合适的早餐店,挺别扭,也很不方便。
转眼Wagas已经快成立15年了,您作为品牌的老 朋友,也见证了品牌的成长。是什么吸引你一直来 Wagas和家族品牌餐厅用餐的呢? 亲切的人际关系和轻松的用餐氛围。
最喜欢的Wagas的食物是什么? 什锦素食色拉拼盘 。
您眼中的健康饮食习惯是怎样的呢? 少而精,符合健康人生的客观规律。
愿意和我们分享一下在媒体出版这个影响人们观念 的行业工作的感受吗? 在这个行业工作的最大感受就是我们能够自始至终保持对新鲜 事物的敏感度,生活与工作的心态也会由此变得更加开放向上。
在新媒体迅速发展以及逐渐成型的今天,您对传统 媒体的发展趋势作出如何预测? 内容产品依然是核心竞争力,但传统媒体必须做出革新,因为互联网生 态已经形成,新媒体趋势不可逆。
您认为传统媒体应该如何应对和适应这股新媒体的 浪潮? 虚心学习、冷静应对,积极创新。
My first visit of Wagas was like meeting a friend who I’d been apart from for a long time. Everything in the store made me feel at ease, the interior decorations, the music, the food as well as other customers, as if I was catching up with an old friend. Before Wagas, I could barely find any nice breakfast place near my office that could make me tick.
As Wagas’ old friend of 15 years, you’ve witnessed its growth as well. What’s so special about the brand that has kept you coming?
在经常接触奢侈和各类生活方式品牌的工作过程中, 您个人是如何看待品牌和品位之间的联系的呢?
The delightful relationship I have with the brand and the relaxing dining ambience.
内容产品依然是核心竞争力,但传统媒体必须做出革新,因为互联网生 态已经形成,新媒体趋势不可逆。
What’s your favourite Wagas food?
2015年有旅行计划吗?旅行的时候会如何选择餐 厅?
2015年有旅行计划。目的地包括欧洲各国,以及日韩等地。选择 餐厅的时候多会以朋友推荐为主,也会参考一些旅游杂志或指南 手册等等。
一般周末会如何度过?最喜欢的和朋友或家人小聚 的地方是哪里?
周末一般围绕家庭生活展开,比如,陪伴家人、和孩子一起学习 充电、观摩最新艺术展览及文艺演出、尝试制作风格美食等。最 喜欢和朋友或家人小聚的地方是有设计感的安静处所。
You’ve been a Wagas customer since 2000. What was your first experience at Wagas like?
New media is evolving at a fast speed, what’s your prediction on traditional media’s development trend? Content remains the core competence but new media wave is irreversible. The Internet ecosystem has been established and traditional media needs to be innovative to keep itself in the competition.
What do you think traditional media should do to cope with the new media wave? Keep calm, keep learning and keep innovating.
With extensive contact with numerous luxury brands, how would you see the link between brand and personal taste? Brand is an external expression while taste is an inner accomplishment. Good taste brings out the best of a good brand.
Mixed Vegetarian Plate.
Do you have any travel plans in 2015? How do you normally choose restaurants while travelling?
What’s a healthy diet to you?
Yes, a lot of traveling plans have been made, including trips to Europe, Japan and South Korea. Friends’ recommendations always have my prior attention. Travel magazines and destination guidebooks can be rather helpful as well.
A healthy diet should be little in content but rich in nutrients.
Publishing is a industry that has a significant impact on people. What’s it like to work in this industry? This job keeps me hyper sensitive to every new thing emerging around me, allowing me to stay open-minded and positive towards both work and life.
What’s your weekend like? Where would you go to spend some quality time with family or friends? I’m always with my family on weekends. We go to new exhibitions, check out new shows or cook different food at home. I tend to go to places with unique designs to spend time with my family or friends.
PROFILE 澳大利亚知名媒体人Heidi同时也是为武术爱好者。她再媒体制 作行业工作多年,作为《洋厨房》这个全球同步播出的以餐饮娱 乐为主题的节目的主持人,Heidi受到了世界各地观众的喜爱,熟 练的中文也是她成为最受欢迎的外籍主持人之一的重要原因。在 家中,她是两个孩子的母亲。
Kung Fu fighting Australian celebrity, Heidi Dugan has worked in media production for many years. Her cooking show You are the Chef is one of the most popular programs on ICS. You are the Chef broadcasts in several continents and concentrates on cuisine and entertainment. Heidi’s popularity is heightened by her impressive Chinese language skills. At home she is a proud mother of two.
Heidi Dugan City / 居住地 : Shanghai 上海 Nationality / 国籍 : Australian 澳大利亚 Occupation / 职业 : ICS TV Host of You are the Chef ICS电视节目《洋厨房》主持人
你因为《洋厨房》这一节目家喻户晓。最初是如何接 下这份工作的呢? 我学过表演,所以最初来中国的时候我是想找一份电视产业的 工作的。当时有幸有机会和当时的上海卫视(现在为东方卫视) 合作,在台里编辑新闻。之后在至今还在播出的ICS的《城市节 拍》(City Beat) 节目担任嘉宾主持。后来制作组决定开播《洋 厨房》并且让我担任主持。这是15年前的事了,我也因此成为上 海第一位外籍主持人。
除了主持《洋厨房》,你是如何安排其它时间的呢? 做一件事时间长了,我就会厌倦。所以很久以前我就决定我会 分散我的时间同时做几件让我感兴趣的事,这样我才能持久。 所以现在,我要做《洋厨房》这个节目,有自己的公司要打理, 为一些公司提供演讲技能培训,当然还有照顾我的家人,所以 还挺忙的。
你的工作需要和很多酒店的主厨进行沟通互动。到 现在为止,让你印象最深刻的合作经验是哪次? 《洋厨房》通常都会采访谁?和采访对象之间有过 沟通障碍吗? 我的采访对象通常是酒店的主厨,不过有时也有幸能采访到一 些餐厅的主厨,比如Craig。我非常喜欢他做的食物,带有浓烈 地中海气息和各种创意风味的食物。 我有时也会采访非英语使用者的厨师,这种时候我们只能用肢 体语言沟通。有一次我们专门从意大利请来一位著名厨师,她完 全不会说英语。整个节目我们的沟通起来都非常困难,但幸好 节目录制很成功,观众也觉得很有趣。我还有机会看她做菜现 学了几招。
你对传统中国美食的兴趣是何时开始的?会经常做 中餐给家人吃吗? 因为小时候学功夫的关系,我会经常去墨尔本的中餐厅吃饭,但 你知道,澳大利亚的中餐馆几乎所有菜都会放菠萝。后来我来了 上海,才发现中餐是如此让人上瘾,我永远都不会吃腻。 自从我有了孩子之后,我就越来越少做中餐了,因为我的中国丈 夫非常擅长做中餐。我希望孩子们能够了解和品尝到不同国家 不同文化的食物,所以我会做除了中餐之外的所有菜系,泰国 菜,日料,希腊甚至土耳其美食。
你的料理灵感是什么? 两年前,我突然对希腊,土耳其和埃及菜,还有地中海料理产生 浓厚兴趣。它们实在是太新鲜太诱人了!
如果不在家自己做的话,一般会去哪里吃饭? 午餐我会去Wagas,我非常喜欢南瓜鹰嘴豆素食色拉。 晚餐的话,如果吃西餐我就会去Craig的餐厅,比如BANG或者La Strada。不过大多数时候我们都是去中餐,尤其是川菜湘菜。我 们也会选择尝试那些我们不怎么在家做的食物,比如日式料理。
给工作的父母提一些实用的在家快速做出美食的小 建议吧! 不要陷入一定要做大餐的这个漩涡里,而且提前计划好要做什 么会让这个过程轻松很多。我会在每个周一早晨都会写下这一 周想让自己和家人吃的食物,然后再根据清单买菜。写完之后 我觉得整个人都轻松很多,在不用再临时去苦恼下一次吃什么的 时候做饭就变得很轻松。
我们知道你热衷武术多年,最初是如何开始练起来 的? 我7岁的时候,我父亲开始练起武术,并且“逼”我一起练。 小时候每周三和五都会训练。长大之后我教过一段时间的女子 防卫术。来中国我先去武汉主修了一年的国际贸易,之后才来到 上海,找到一位武术老师,这才继续学起来。
You are the Chef is one of the most watched shows on ICS channel. How did you get the job? My background is acting, so when I came here, I wanted to find a job in film and TV industry. I got the opportunity to work with which was known back then as Shanghai Satellite TV (now known as Dragon TV), helping them edit the news. Before You are the Chef, I guest hosted City Beat on ICS. Then the producing crew decided to start You are the Chef and asked me to host it. It was 15 years ago, which makes me the first foreign host in Shanghai. Besides hosting the show, how else do you like to keep busy? I get bored doing only one thing so I decided a long time ago that I would split my time to different things and to do them consistently to keep myself interested. I’ve got the show, my own company, some corporate training on presenting skills, and my family. So you could say my plate is pretty full. Who do you interview in your show? Was there any difficulty when communicating with your interviewees? People on my show are mainly the chefs from hotels, although we do have rare opportunities to make it about restaurants where I normally would have talks with chefs like Craig. I adore the food he makes, which is full of Mediterranean flavor and other creative twists. I’ve had situations where I find myself interviewing people who are non-native speakers of English. Sign language is the only way we communicate. There once was an amazing Italian chef on the show and I struggled making a conversation with her on the show but fortunately the show was quite well received and I did learn a lot by watching her cooking. When did your passion for traditional Chinese cuisine begin? Do you cook a lot for your family? Because of the Kong Fu background, I used to go to Chinese restaurants. However, as you know, restaurants in Australia love putting pineapples in every dish.
When I came to China, I find that Shanghai has so much amazing food that I never get bored of. I used to cook Chinese food but since having children I tend to cook it less, simply because my Chinese husband is a very good cook. This means I tend to cook everything else – Thai, Indian, Japanese, Greek and Turkish. I want international food to be seen and understood in our family. Which cuisine most inspires you to cook? About two years ago, I became really passionate about Greek, Turkish and Egyptian food, as well as Mediterranean food. It’s fresh and so voluptuous as it’s crying out loud ‘Eat me!’! If you’re not busy in the kitchen at home, where do you like to go in Shanghai? For a quick lunch, I go to Wagas. I LOVE the vegetarian salad they have with the pumpkin and the falafel. For a western dinner, we would go for Craig’s pastas at BANG or La Strada, but most of the time spicy Chinese food places are our favourites. We love to try something we don’t normally cook at home as well, such as Japanese food. Do you have any tips for working parents for cooking quick and delicious food at home? Don’t get caught up in the idea that you have to cook massive meals. Cooking is easy and fun if you plan it ahead. Every Monday morning, I write a weekly plan of what I want to cook for that week and order accordingly. I feel more relaxed cooking when there’s no stress of thinking about it or rushing at the last minute. It’s well known that one of your passions is martial arts, when did you start learning? When I was about 7 years old, my father started doing Kung Fu and he ‘forced’ me to do it. I used to practice every Wednesday and Friday while growing up. When I grew older, I started teaching women’s self-defense. After moving to Shanghai after a year study in Wuhan majoring in international trade, I found a teacher so I carried on studying it.
香 漫 米 泰
暖色调的木质家具、黄铜和细致入微的色系搭配,都为Mi Thai这家东南亚餐厅带来现代的设计气息。 Mi Thai 融优雅和亲密氛围为一体,拥有酒吧和餐厅服务,在相似类型的餐厅中独树一帜。新的酒吧吧台将两个长形的用餐空 间相连,空间偌大的餐厅由此被隔成可以用作不同功能的用餐区域,为不同人数的群体提供美食鸡尾酒。鸡尾酒单的丰富不亚 于菜色的美味和显著风格。The Journal这一期向您推荐三款经典必试的春季鸡尾酒: Warm woods, brass and subtle pops of colour were used to evoke a modern interpretation of southeast Asian dining at Mi Thai. Consciously paring back the desire for obvious references, Mi Thai offers an elegant and intimate urban bar and dining setting. The new bar and lounge links the two banquette-lined dining spaces transforming the large restaurant into a series of smaller spaces to suit any group size or function. The kitchen's emphasis on taste and style is paralleled in the cocktail menu. The Journal has handpicked three suitably spring classics that you simply must try:
春季鸡尾酒有特惠, 每晚7:30以后可买一送一。 SPRING WELCOMES everyday from 7:30pm. BUY ONE COCKTAIL, GET ONE FREE 预约电话: 021-5403 9209 私人预订/活动/派对: Reservations: 021-5403 9209 Private group bookings/ events/parties:
米泰内格罗尼 MI THAI NEGRONI 孟买蓝宝石金酒,红苦艾酒,金巴利,柠檬汁,糖浆 Bombay Sapphire gin, red vermonth, Campari, lemon juice, syrup
罗勒 BASIL DROP 绝对伏特加,新鲜罗勒叶,柠檬汁(搅拌) Absolut vodka, fresh basil leaves, lemon juice (blended)
泰姜莫吉托 THAI GINGER MOJITO 朗姆酒,柠檬汁,糖浆,姜酒,薄荷,青柠片,红糖,苏打 rum, lemon juice, syrup, ginger base, mint, lime wedges, brown sugar, soda
Seasonal Recipes We Love
Chicken and Broad Bean Fricassée 法式豆瓣燉鸡 鸡胸肉,对半切
chicken breast fillets, halved
200g x 4 pieces(片)
chicken stock
小土豆,切成薄片 面粉
酸奶油 黑胡椒 盐
新鲜龙嵩叶 橄榄油 黄油
baby carrots
broad beans, peeled
baby potatoes, sliced thinly plain flour
sour cream
cracked black pepper salt
300g(克) 400g(克) 35g(克)
½ teaspoon(茶匙) ½ teaspoon(茶匙)
fresh tarragon leaves
2 teaspoons(茶匙)
olive oil
2 teaspoons(茶匙)
我们热爱的当季食谱 由Wagas集团的行政总厨Peter Gong倾情放送。
By Peter Gong, Executive Chef at La Poste & Wagas Group.
1. 将鸡胸肉片和面粉,盐,黑胡椒放在一起搅拌,筛去多余的面粉。 2. 将油和黄油倒入大煎锅中加热,加入鸡胸肉烹煮,直至鸡肉煮熟转棕色,从锅中取出 。 3. 在同一个煎锅中倒入土豆和胡萝卜,烹煮搅拌1分钟。搅拌鸡汁,煨至沸腾。 盖锅慢火炖5分钟,直到蔬菜变软 。 4. 鸡肉回锅,盖锅慢火炖5分钟,直到煮熟。加入罗汉豆和酸奶油,搅拌煮熟后, 撒上龙嵩叶后即可食用 。
1. Toss chicken into the mix of flour, salt and pepper, shake away excess flour. 2. Heat oil and butter in large deep frying pan, cook chicken until it turns. well brown and almost cooked through. Remove it from pan. 3. Add potatoes and carrots to the same pan, cook and stir for 1 minute. Stir stock and bring it to a boil. Simmer it covered with lid on for about 5 minutes or until vegetables are almost tender. 4. Return chicken to pan, simmer it with lid on for about 5 minutes or until cooked through. Add beans and sour cream; stir until heated through. * serve topped with tarragon.
Fish Chowder
1. 在蒸锅里煮化黄油。加入洋葱,蒜瓣和培根片翻炒,直到洋葱变软 。 2. 加入面粉搅拌,然后再加土豆片,牛奶和蔬菜高汤,煮至沸腾 。 改为小火慢炖10分钟,直到土豆片变软 。 3. 倒入白鱼片,煨4分钟,确保鱼片煮熟 (注意不要煮烂) 。 4. 开锅后倒入碗中,撒上香葱,即可享用 。
切好的白鱼片 White fish fillets, chopped
bacon, chopped coarsely
195g (克)
potatoes, chopped coarsely
vegetable stock
1 litre(升)
plain flour
garlic, crushed
2 cloves(片)
brown onion, chopped coarsely
1. Melt butter in a pot. Add onion, garlic and bacon, cook until onion softens. 2. Add flour and stir. Add potato, milk, vegetable stock, bring it to the boil. Reduce heat, simmer for about 10 minutes or until potato is just tender. 3. Add fish, simmer for about 4 minutes or until fish is cooked through (don’t overcook) 4. Serve with chopped chives.
chopped chives
1/4 cup(杯)
* Serves 6
Char-grilled Chilli Squid Salad 炭烧辣鱿鱼色拉 小鱿鱼
baby squid
cherry tomatoes
sea salt flakes
1 teaspoon(茶匙)
新鲜泰式辣椒,切碎 fresh red Thai chillies, chopped
2 pieces(片)
garlic, chopped finely
2 cloves(片)
fresh oregano leaves, chopped
2 tablespoons(汤匙)
fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves ¼ cup(杯)
baby spinach leaves
lemon juice
1 tablespoon(汤匙)
olive oil
1 tablespoon(汤匙)
1. 轻扯鱿鱼须,将鱿鱼须和身体分离。从鱿鱼眼睛下方将头部切除扔掉,修剪鱿鱼须 。 2. 将鱿鱼体内清洗干净,手指蘸点盐剥除鱼鳍皮。洗净鱿鱼后,用吸水纸将鱿鱼拭干 。 3. 用刀将鱿鱼纵向切成1cm的条状,呈手风琴扇状 。 4. 在鱿鱼须和鱼鳍中加入橄榄油,海盐,辣椒,蒜瓣以及牛至叶搅拌,放进冰箱冷冻1小时 。 5. 从冰箱中取出后倒进热好的煎锅翻炒5分钟,直到鱿鱼肉质变软。加入小番茄, 薄荷,欧芹和菠菜,滴上柠檬汁和额外的橄榄油,即可食用 。
1.Gently separate body and tentacles of squid by pulling on tentacles. Cut the head from tentacles just below eyes, discard head, and trim long tentacles from each squid. 2. Remove clear quill from inside body and discard, peel side scales from body with salted fingers, peel away dark skin. Wash squid well, pat dry with absorbent paper. 3. Use a large knife to slice the squid along its length at 1cm intervals. 4. Mix squid tentacles and scales with oil, salt, chilli, garlic and oregano in a medium bowl, refrigerate for up to 1 hour. 5. Cook squid mixture in heated oiled grill pan for 5 minutes until it becomes just tender. Serve tomatoes, mint, parsley, spinach with squid. Drizzle with lemon juice and extra olive oil. * Serves 4
New Year New Cities 新年. 新足迹 羊年之初,Wagas在深圳和无锡落户。我们热爱深圳全年亚热带的宜人气候,也 欣赏无锡这座江南之城的灵动和优雅。 2014年,苏州见证了Baker & Spice的开业,现在也能够在印象城品尝到Wagas 的食物了。 外国人第一个学会的中文单词里一定有啤酒,也必然不会对青岛这座城市感到陌 生。Baker & Spice旗舰店将会在今年坐落青岛华润中心万象城,这个占地500多 平方米的面包房注定不会只是一家简单的面包房而已。 上海新的购物中心虹桥南丰城即将在几年的施工后正式运营,Baker & Spice也 将进驻南丰城,两层楼的门店能容纳上百位客人,附近上班族有口福了。经常飞国 内航线的朋友也能很快在虹桥机场T2吃到Wagas了。 上海将会迎来多家新的Wagas,分别位于星空广场和花木路上。成都则将会迎来 Wagas和Baker & Spice,两家都坐落在地理位置绝佳、设计惊艳的远洋太古里 楼中。 首都北京的第一家Baker & Spice将会坐落在著名的官舍内。官舍周边遍布各国 领事馆和大使馆,我们希望附近的居民、白领和外交官们会喜欢这个近在眼前的 面包房,有时间过来小坐,享用我们丰富的食物和舒适的空间。 9月份我们终于能够喘口气稍作休息。关注我们的社交平台,获取更多更新的店址 和优惠促销信息。
The Year of the Sheep kicked off with Wagas opening the first stores in Shenzen and Wuxi. We are loving the subtropical all year round climate of Shenzen and the grace and beauty of the river’s south town Wuxi. Suzhou'ers got a taste of Baker & Spice in 2014 and can now enjoy Wagas at In City Shopping Centre. One of the first Chinese words foreigners learn is Pi Jiu. Best known for its beer, the coastal city of Qingdao in eastern China sees the launch of Baker & Spice Qingdao flagship store. Located in MixC Mall, the 500 plus square meter store is set to be more than just a bakery. Down Shanghai Hongqiao way, there has been a lot of construction the last few years. The brand spanking new mall, The Place (formerly known as The HQ) will see Baker & Spice sporting a new look and a double-storey store to house the hordes of hungry office crowds. As for the frequent domestic flyers - Wagas at Hongqiao Terminal 2 is coming soon! Shanghai will have more Wagas opening in Starring Sky and Huamu Lu, while Chengdu will welcome both Wagas and Baker & Spice, perfectly located in the stunningly designed Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li. The well established Grand Summit sees the launch of Baker & Spice first store in the nation’s capital. Surrounded by consulates and embassies, we hope residents, office workers and diplomats will be pleased to duck around the corner to grab breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. We will take a well-deserved breather in September. For up to date store location information and opening promotions, please follow our social media.
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Stores Information
Our Family Locations WAGAS SHANGHAI – PUXI 上海浦西
Citic Square 中信泰富 No.1168 West Nanjing Lu, LG11A 南京西路1168号地下一层11A室
Tel: 5466 8312 Fax: 5466 8313
Jiao Zhou Lu. 胶州路 No.265 Jiaozhou Lu 胶州路265号1楼
Tel: 6272 0353 Fax: 6272 0393
In Point 四季坊 No.169 Wujiang Lu,Unit 116 吴江路169号116室
Tel: 6267 0339 Fax: 6217 2023
Tel: 6447 3808 Fax: 6447 3809
No.155 Changshou Lu,L120 长寿路155号L102室
Tel: 3131 5008 Fax: 3131 5009
Donghu Hotel 东湖宾馆 No. 7 Donghu Lu. 东湖路7号
Gubei Carrefour 古北家乐福 No. 268 Southshui Cheng Lu. 水城南路268号
Tel: 6275 5250 Fax: 6275 5251
Central Plaza 中区广场 No.227 North Huangpi Lu,Unit 101 黄陂北路227号中区广场1楼101室
Tel: 5375 2758 Fax: 5375 2759
Bingu 缤谷广场 No.341 Tianshan Lu,Unit 105 天山路341号105室
Tel: 3209 8930 Fax: 3209 8926
Yueda 889 悦达889广场 No.889 Wanhangdu Lu,L1-05 万航渡路889号一层5室
Tel: 6232 9778 Fax: 6232 9776
JOY City 大悦城 No.166 North Xizang Lu,L101 西藏北路166号上海大悦城101-01B
Tel: 3653 8871 Fax: 3653 8872
Wagas Express REEL 芮欧百货 No.1601 West Nanjing Lu,B2-209 南京西路1601号地下二层209室
No.3611 Zhangyang Lu,Unit 120 张扬路3611号3座一层120室
Tel: 2230 9702 Fax: 3256 5693
Tel: 6194 0298 Fax: 6194 0299
Tel: 3376 2207 Fax: 3331 2823
Panyu Lu. 番禺路 No.483 Panyu Lu. 番禺路483号
Tel: 5239 5367 Fax: 5239 5365
Creentech Tower 环智大厦 No.410-416 Hengfeng Lu 恒丰路410-416号
Tel: 3331 5286 Fax: 3331 5287
Greenland 正大乐城 No.699 Zhong Shan Nan Er Lu 中山南二路699号2-104-1
Tel:6067 1630 Fax:6067 1631
Baoland Plaza 宝地广场 No.555 Kunming Lu,D109 昆明路555号宝地广场D栋一层109单元
Tel: 6025 9360 Fax: 6025 9361
Huamu Lu 花木路
Coming Soon
K11 艺术购物中心
No. 252, Room 101, Jinkang Lu. 锦康路252号101室
No.300 Middle Huaihai Lu,B127-129 淮海中路300号K11艺术购物中心B127-129
Fashion Park 丰尚国际生活中
Sanlitun 三里屯太古里 Tel: 010 - 6416 5829 Fax: 010 - 6416 5929
Beijing Kerry Centre, No.1 Guanghua Lu,1F Unit 109 朝阳区光华路1号嘉里中心商场一楼109室
Tel: 010 - 8529 6512 Fax: 010 - 8529 6513
No.1 South Street, Dongzhimen, Room 01-10 东城区东直门南大街1号01-10室
Tel: 010 - 8409 8088 Fax: 010 - 8409 8928 Coming Soon
1F, Viva Plaza, No. 65 East Third Ring Zhong Lu, Chaoyang District. 朝阳区东三环中路65号富力广场1楼
No.1515 West Nanjing Lu, N1-22 南京西路1515号 N1-22
Starring Sky Plaza 星空广场
Coming Soon
B-104, 1F, No.1665 Hongqiao Lu. 虹桥路1665号星空广场1层B-104
Hongqiao International Airport Terminal 2 虹桥国际机场T2
Coming Soon
Tel: 6312 3361 Fax: 6312 3362
Tel: 5441 2916 Fax: 5441 3362
HQ 虹桥南丰城
Coming Soon
2-L101&L204, HQ The Place, No. 100 Zunyi Lu 遵义路100号虹桥南丰城2-L101&L204单元
BAKER & SPICE SUZHOU 苏州 Phoenix Plaza 凤凰文化广场 Phoenix Plaza, No.158 West Suzhou Avenue, F101&102 工业园区苏州大道西158号苏州凤凰广场F101&102
Tel: 025 - 85656120 Fax: 025 - 85656122
IST Mall 艾尚天地购物中心 Tel: 025 - 85656120 Fax: 025 - 85656122
Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li 远洋太古里
Coming Soon
Room 1345, 1F, Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li, No. 19 Dacisi Lu, Jinjiang District 锦江区大慈寺路19号远洋太古里1层1345号
Coastal City 无锡海岸城 No. 168 Lixin Avenue, 1F Room 117 湖滨区立信大道168号海岸城购物中心1层117室
Tel: 0510-8517 9897 Fax: 0510-8517 9870
WAGAS SHENZHEN 深圳 No. 1881 South Baoan Lu, Room 103 罗湖区宝安南路1881号万象城芮欧百货1楼103室
Grand Summit 官舍
Coming Soon
F111, Grand Summit, No. 19 Dongfang East Road, Chaoyang District. 朝阳区东方东路19号官舍F111号
Bistrow by Wagas
Reel Department Store 芮欧百货 Tel: 0755-2223 0655 Fax: 0755-2866 0849
No. 1 Hongqiao Lu, Unit 151-153A 虹桥路1号
Tel: 64482852
La Poste No.225 Xikang Rd. 西康路225号1楼
Tel: 62668789
mr willis
In City 印象城购物中心 MixC Mall, No. 1699, 1F, Xiandai Avenue, Wuzhong District 吴中区现代大道1699号印象城购物中心1层1011A号
Tel: 0512-6956 3387 Fax: 0521-6956 3389
Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li 远洋太古里
No. 195 Anfu Rd. 安福路195号
Tel: 5404 0200
WAGAS CHENGDU 成都 Coming Soon
1F, Sina-Ocean Taikoo Li, No.8 Middle Shamao Street, Jinjiang District 锦江区中纱帽街8号远洋太古里1层1239号
No.1601 West Nanjing Lu, 1F 南京西路1601号1楼
Tel: 3253 0889
Bang by mr willis 5F, No.999 Middle Huaihai Lu 淮海中路999号5楼
Tel: 6483 2066
La Strada Anfu Rd. No. 195 Anfu Lu 安福路195号1楼
Tel: 5404 0100
La Strada Xikang Rd.
Tel: 3536 5698 Fax: 3536 5699
Tel: 62521509
Tel: 5423 1225 Fax: 5423 1226
G138&G175, MixC Mall, Hong Kong Middle Road, Shinan District. 市南区香港中路华润中心万象城G138&G175号
WAGAS NANJING 南京 Room A108, No. 100 Zhongshan Lu 南京市玄武区中山路100号A108
Tel: 5015 2375 Fax: 5015 2376
Fashion Park, No.571 Yunle Lu, Unit 175 上海市闵行区运乐路571号175室
MixC Mall 万象城
Tel:6483 5258 Fax:6483 5226
Wagas Limited Jing'An Kerry Centre 静安嘉里中心
No.1378 Huamu Lu,Unit 137 花木路1378号浦东嘉里城商城一层L137号单元
No.1 Hongqiao Lu,Unit 150 虹桥路1号港汇广场150商铺
No.19 South Sanlitun Street, Building No.8,3F S8-33 朝阳区三里屯路19号院(三里屯太古里,8号楼3楼店铺 S8-33)
Tel: 3393 9981 Fax: 3393 9982
Grand Gateway 港汇广场
University Avenue 大学路 No. 67 Daxue Lu. 大学路67号
No.8 Century Avenue,LG Unit 16 世纪大道8号上海ifc商城LG1层16单元
Tel: 6868 5296 Fax: 6868 5295
Oriental Department Store 东方商厦 No.755 Middle Huaihai Lu,L1 淮海中路755号东方商厦一层
Tel: 6289 8875 Fax: 6289 8876
Kerry Parkside 嘉里城 Tel: 6089 7928 Fax: 6089 7929
Lifestyle Centre 无限度广场 No.138 Middle Huaihai Lu,Unit 108 淮海中路138号一层108单元
No.1376 West Nanjing Lu,Unit 118 南京西路1376号118室东塔
No.1188 Lujiazui Ring Lu,L1 陆家嘴环路1188号L1商铺
Viva Plaza 富力广场 Tel: 5466 1488 Fax: 5466 1489
Tel: 5404 2733 Fax: 5404 2732
IFC 国金中心
No.796 Dongfang Lu,Unit 171 东方路796号171单元
Raffles City 来福士
Printemps 普陀巴黎春天
No. 195 Anfu Lu. 安福路195号
Shanghai Center 上海商城 Tel: 5033 6277 Fax: 5033 6278
Kerry Center 嘉里中心
Grand Gateway 港汇广场 No.1 Hongqiao Lu,Unit 151 虹桥路1号港汇恒隆广场151室
No.199 Fangdian Lu,Unit 31 芳甸路199弄证大大拇指广场31号
No. 1188 Lujiazui Ring Lu 陆家嘴环路1188号 Tel: 3366 5026 Fax: 3366 5027
Loft 尚街 No.283 West Jiangguo Lu,Unit 104 建国西路283号1104室
Anfu Rd. 安福路店 Tel: 5019 2007 Fax: 5019 7929
Jingqiao Lohas 金桥国际商业广场 Tel: 5273 7860 Fax: 5292 1059
HongYi Plaza 宏伊国际广场 No.1 1239-6 Zuchongzhi Lu,Building 3 九江路288号一层116室
No.1 1239-6 Zuchongzhi Lu,Building 3 祖冲之路1239弄6号3号楼
Pudong Plaza 96 广场 Tel: 5208 1978 Fax: 5208 1979
Zhongshan Park Cloudnine 中山公园龙之梦 No.1018 Changning Lu,Unit 1051 长宁路1018号1层1051&1053室
Pudong Big Thumb Plaza 浦东大拇指 Tel: 6335 3739 Fax: 3305 1730
Hongqiao Maxdo Building 虹桥万都中心 No.86 Xianxia Lu,Unit 108 仙霞路86号108室
Chamtime Plaza 长泰广场 Tel: 5292 5228 Fax: 5292 8666
Central Plaza 中环广场 No.381 Middle Huaihai Lu, Unit 116 淮海中路381号116室
扫描二维码 查找你附近的门店 Scan the QR code and find your nearest store
No.225 Xikang Rd. 西康路225号1楼
Tel: 6266 7909
Amokka Café 201 Anfu Rd. 安福路201号
Tel: 5404 0998
Sushi Raku REEL Réel Department Store, No.1601 West Nanjing Lu, 1F 南京西路1601号1楼
Tel: 3253 0711
Mi Thai 2F, No.195 Anfu Lu 安福路195号2楼
Tel: 5403 9209
YOU DAO FOUNDATION 忧道基金会 在上海这个高速发展的都市里,一群朋友关注到外来务工者和他们家人的生存状况,于是,他们共同成立了忧道基 金会。基金会以“与民工同行”为使命,致力于提高民众的社会责任感,聚集爱心人士,建立合作关系,携手改善民 工的生存状态。如果您也愿意伸出援助之手,敬请关注网站
You Dao Foundation was founded by a group of friends who share a common concern for migrant workers in this rapidly growing city . With the vision of “A Way to Walk and Grow with Migrant Workers & their Families”, You Dao Foundation aims to raise awareness about social responsibility, and to build alliances and partnerships in order to help migrants improve their lives. To reach out your hands and help, please visit
MR WILLIS DINNER 韦栗士慈善晚餐 Mr. Willis 餐厅以能与忧道基金会一起,为上海的民工群体,提供教育和福利的支持为荣,Mr. Willis 每年举办两次 忧道基金会教育专项基金筹款晚宴,每次筹款晚宴的所有收入,全部捐给忧道基金会。每一次的筹款晚宴上,社 团、供应商和餐厅员工并 肩合作,为失学的民工子弟能接受教育筹募助学金而努力,希望缓解他们的窘状,为孩子 们和他们的家人创造更好的机会。 从基金创立到现在,忧道已捐助了318 个学年,帮助了许多民工儿童,Mr. Willis的一如既往的支持是忧道基金会的 坚实的支柱。
Mr Willis is proud of the You Dao Foundation’s work to provide Shanghai’s migrant community with education through scholarships & with welfare support. Willis hosts two You Dao fund-raising dinners each year where 100% of the proceeds goes directly to the Foundation. ‘At each dinner, the community, our suppliers and staff come together to give children access to education through scholarships. These scholarships I believe offer better opportunities for them and their families’. Mr. Willis has significantly contributed to the 318 scholarship years that have been awarded since the beginning of the Charity.