The length of Great Ancoats Street frontage within the Village Core should be refurbished and re-used for retail and commercial purposes, with residential / commercial uses on the upper floors. New buildings should have a similar mix of uses.
New buildings will maintain and enhance the complexity and density of the street elevations along Great Ancoats Street.
retail) on Blossom Street, providing animation onto the street, with the
vacant buildings, a vacant site on the Great
above. The scheme should include a taller
Ancoats Street frontage and an open site to
feature on the corner of Cotton Street, but
the rear. These two sites, which are bisected
should also address distant views of the
by Gun Street, are mainly in one ownership.
towers on Royal Mill and Murray's Mill.
The development principles are as follows:
Blossom Street is important, it leads from
The Great Ancoats Street/Blossom
the Northern Quarter/City Centre through
Street/Gun Street buildings (Baron's
to the heart of Ancoats. Along its length,
Building) could be retained as part of
any redevelopment.
active ground floor uses, preferably shops
ii Gun Street should be retained as a
and bars/restaurants, etc. Upper floors
through route, and certainly as a
could be residential or commercial, but
pedestrian route. There is potential for
must be uses which properly occupy the
the frontage on Gun Street to be
space and do not create inactive areas often
developed as small scale retail and
workspace accommodation.
seen above shops in some high streets. The recent public realm improvements have
The Baron's site comprises a mix of existing
potential for residential / commercial
and wherever practical, there should be
iii The vacant site on Great Ancoats Street
been designed to ensure the highest level of
should be developed for retail /
pedestrian priority. The impact of vehicles
commercial use on the ground floor,
will be minimised by means of the traffic
with upper floors being developed for
circulation system and speed limits.
other uses such as offices and/or
George Leigh Street and Sherratt Street are also key routes into the Village, and the
treatment of the streetscape should improve the pedestrian environment, these streets will have on-street parking, mainly time
limited except where it is specifically related to a “residents only” scheme. Tree planting could be used to improve privacy for the residents in Victoria Square and Anita Street. The axial view of St. Peter's Church along Sherratt Street will exploited with sensitive public realm treatment and the use of buildings to frame vistas.
iv Upper floors should rise to at least 3
storeys above ground floor on the
Great Ancoats Street frontage.
v The Jersey Street and Blossom Street
elevations should be at least two
storeys high and have ground floor
units which provide some animation
and activity onto the street.
vi Servicing of the site should be from
Gun Street.
vii Any redevelopment proposals should
include for the retention of 5 Jersey
Street (the 'Gun Street Warehouse').
Rochdale Canal Zone
t Stree
Tib S
central open gutter. The relatively narrow plot
zone is shown on the plan opposite.
sizes and the diversity of materials and heights
am S
narrow alleyway with original flags and a
mills in Ancoats as well as the Canal itself. This
This area includes the most important cotton
create an intricate and memorable frontage onto the main road.
Land on Great Ancoats Street between Redhill
The Rochdale Canal Zone is bounded by Great
Street and Jersey Street offers a significant
Ancoats Street, Jersey Street and the Rochdale
regeneration opportunity, subject to the
Canal. In this vicinity, the Canal has recently
constraints of a conservation area including the
undergone works to make it navigable as part of
need to retain historically and architecturally
a major phased restoration scheme. The line of
important features.
r Str
mill buildings overlooking the canal forms a bold and dramatic street wall and skyline which captures the spirit of Ancoats. This relationship should be maintained and enhanced in all future developments proposed for the area. Together, the various mills provide a record of the technological advancement in mill building
Planning The most important factor which will influence the regeneration of this area will be the restoration and re-use of the area's historic mills.
design from the late 18th century through to
Conversion should aim to achieve publicly
the early 20th century.
accessible uses wherever possible on ground
The area contains a variety of other historic
the 1850s, and is the last surviving remnant of Manchester's important flint glass industry and is the largest non-textile industrial building to survive from the period. It is currently being refurbished as managed workspace, a use which is to be encouraged within the area. At the corner of Jersey Street and Great Ancoats Street is one of the most intact Victorian corner shops in Manchester, close to which lies a
floors upper storeys could be converted to accommodate a variety of uses with particular emphasis on commercial and residential use.
eastern end of Jersey Street. This was built in
Port St
S Tariff
buildings including the Flint Glass Works at the
ton S
The line of mill buildings overlooking the canal forms a bold and dramatic street wall and skyline which captures the spirit of Ancoats.
Radium Stre
igh Street
ge Le
h Street George Leigh
Blossom Stre
Naval Stre
Wadeford Close
on St
Bengal Stre
y Str
om St
Bloom Stre
Poland Street
George Leig
Bengal Stre et
Sherratt Stre
Cornell Stre
Hood Street
y Str
Radium Stre et
ord S
Bengal Street
Jersey Street
Murray Stre et
Redhill Street
Overview of proposals for the Rochdale Canal Zone
The range of uses suitable for the Royal Mill and Murray's Mill may also be appropriate in principle for the New Little Mill. However, the
The major mill complexes should be restored
deeper floorplate of the New Little Mill could
for a variety of uses. Any infill development
make it less appropriate for residential use.
should respect the form and scale of
Consideration will be given to a range of
neighbouring buildings. Traffic calming will
other innovative uses.
be introduced along Redhill Street as part of the public realm improvements which will
It will be essential to develop the mill curtilages sensitively so that the architectural
hopefully be brought forward in conjunction
and historic qualities for which they were
with adjacent development.
listed, are enhanced. Particular attention will need to be paid to the treatment of internal courtyard space, which should not simply be
Proposals for the Rochdale Canal Zone
given over to car parking. ■
More detailed proposals for this zone are
basin in some form, within the Murray's Mill
as follows: ■
complex should be considered as part of any development proposal. Proposals should at
The Royal Mill Complex and the Murray's Mill
least ensure that the possibility of re-opening
Complex, both listed buildings, should be
the canal basin at some stage in the future, is
converted to accommodate a mix of uses,
retained. The missing wing of the Bengal Mill
including residential and commercial space,
should be replaced in a manner that respects
with active uses on the ground floor,
the form and scale of the remaining
accommodation would be acceptable. Wherever possible, ground floor uses should be publicly accessible. Given the special status of these mill buildings, there will be a continuing need to involve and consult various bodies such English Heritage.
The possibility of restoring the internal canal
Traffic calming measures along Redhill Street will be required and their implementation will be considered in detail in parallel with development proposals.
The recreational potential of the canal should be exploited.
All historic artefacts and structures (bridges
ii New development should include
and locks, etc) associated with the canal
retail/commercial use on Great Ancoats
should be retained and enhanced.
Street frontage. It should also include
several upper floors offering
commercial and/or residential
Redevelopment of unsightly and undesirable industrial sites flanking the canal will be welcome. Possible uses include residential, commercial, and good quality industrial
iii The elevation to Redhill Street should
buildings. ■
Poor environments and existing modern industrial buildings should be screened from
to the north.
iv Retail/commercial units should front
onto Great Ancoats Street and Redhill
addition the rear and service areas of the
The southern corner of Redhill Street/Great Ancoats Street commands a view over a
The recreational potential of the canal
wide area. Its great prominence makes it
should be exploited. The scope for private
ideal for a strong visual statement, such as
temporary moorings along Redhill Street,
a major piece of public art, or high quality
close to the Royal Mill complex, should be
signage. Consideration should be given to
explored with the canal operator. Other
lighting the mills and their features along
active uses of the recently restored canal
Redhill Street.
will be encouraged. ■
'street wall' of the major mill complexes
screening from the canal and mills.
acknowledge and complement the
the canal and street by new planting. In Central Retail Park would benefit from
Redevelopment proposals for the former
The site at Redhill Street/Great Ancoats
Long Mill car park site should fully respect
Street/Jersey Street is a key gateway. Any
the special character of the area. Any
development proposals for this site should
redevelopment proposals should
have the following elements :
complement the scale of surrounding developments and their relationship with
i It’s role as a gateway location, both to
Ancoats and the City Centre, should be
reflected in the proposals for the site.
There is an opportunity for a prominent
corner structure at the Redhill
Street/Great Ancoats Street junction.
Quality will be of paramount
the street.
Oldham Road Zone
This area contains most of the remaining residential accommodation in the Ancoats
Conservation Area, as well as the biggest
The strategy for regenerating this area will
employer in the area. (See plan opposite).
largely revolve around encouraging re-use of the important buildings at the corner of Great Ancoats Street and Oldham road in conjunction
with new development on the vacant land immediately adjacent. Improvements to the
The area contains a number of historically
environment and developing short stay lay-by
interesting buildings as well as three notable
parking to allow retail outlets to benefit from
listed buildings : the Crown and Kettle (Grade II,
passing trade will also be important.
Late 19th century), Victoria Square (Grade II, 1889 - 1894), and the so-called 'Black Glass'
Flexibility will be shown regarding the potential
Building (Grade II, 1939). Recent initiatives here
planning uses for historic buildings such as the
have included the refurbishment of the Black
Crown and Kettle and Virginia House. Office
Glass Building, a partial refurbishment of
use, leisure, food and drink uses would be
Victoria Square housing, some improvements to
acceptable at ground floor, although the ideal
the terraced housing off Anita Street and
would be to see the Crown and Kettle re-opened
George Leigh Street, and the enveloping of the
as a public house/restaurant. Commercial use of
Crown and Kettle.
Virginia House would be appropriate.
The 'Black Glass' Building was originally owned and occupied by United news & Media, along with many of its adjoining structures. However, printing activity had been declining for some time and the buildings have been sold on. The Black Glass building has been refurbished and let to Friends Provident. The Oldham Road shopping frontage has suffered decline partly as a result of the reduction in population in Ancoats and partly because of its failure to capitalise on passing trade as a result of parking restrictions which make stopping and shopping difficult.
Flexibility will be shown regarding the potential planning uses for historic buildings such as the Crown and Kettle and Virginia House.
Swan t Stree
ib St
Radium Stre et
igh Street
ge Le
on St
Blossom Stre
Naval Stre
om St
Bloom Stre
Bengal Stre
y Str
George Leigh
Poland Street
George Leig
h Street
t Stree
ton New
Bengal Stre
Sherratt Stre
Cornell Stre
t Stree
Hood Street
Jersey Street
ord S
Radium Stre et
Port Street
Bengal Street
Murray Stree t
y Str
Redhill Street
S Tariff
Overview of Proposals for the Oldham Road Zone
Proposals for the Oldham Road Zone
For the most part, the main road frontages in
More detailed proposals for this zone are as
this zone are intact and should be preserved
and enhanced. There is some land at the west end of Oldham Road near its junction with
The re-use of historic buildings will be important, particularly in relation to vacant
Great Ancoats Street which is vacant, and some
but important buildings. However, the
buildings between Henry Street and Cornell
opportunity does exist for a substantial new
Street which will need to be the subject of
development on under used land fronting
further investigation to determine their future.
Oldham Road, adjacent to the Crown and Kettle public house. Where the built form of the 'street wall' has been lost, there should be new infill buildings of a character and quality befitting a major radial route into the City Centre and forming the boundary of one of the City's most significant historic conservation areas. ■
A major new mixed use development could be created on the corner of Cornell Street/ Henry Street/Oldham Road. Servicing to any redevelopment of the Cornell Street/Henry Street/Oldham Road block should be off Oldham Road, using Henry Street.
The accommodation to the rear of the Black Glass Building could be appropriate for a variety of uses. Employment-generating uses would be welcomed, although a mixed-use scheme could be equally satisfactory. Office use would be appropriate, together with new technology operations, or leisure uses such as sport, cinema, or theatre. The City Council and the Urban Village Company would be willing to work closely with applicants with innovative proposals to ensure that this building becomes a recognised feature of City life.
Upgrading the appearance of shop fronts, and the replacement of unsightly shop front security, needs to be considered as part of a programme of improvements to the appearance of Oldham Road.
Where feasible, the historic buildings on
Short stay lay-by/street frontage parking for retail units fronting Oldham Road between
and Bengal Street should be refurbished and
Cornell Street and the boundary of the
enhanced with the aim of achieving full
Conservation Area with Miles Platting
occupancy for retail and service use on
should be developed wherever possible.
upper floors to commercial and residential uses.
Oldham Road between Great Ancoats Street
ground floors, as well as the conversion of
Victoria Square and the terraced housing on George Leigh Street/Anita Street are fine and contrasting examples of early municipal housing. There should be on-going consultation and involvement of residents regarding their needs, and a rolling programme of physical and environmental improvements should be prepared.
The Poland St Zone t Stree
Tib S
This is a run down area, extending from the
along this part of Oldham Road. Some of the retail
Rochdale canal through to Oldham Road and
/ non-retail units are of historic interest and have ldham St O group value within the Conservation Area.
including a combination of retailing, business
uses, industry and a small area of vacant local authority land, including a block of multi-storey
ran through the area have been filled in, however,
redevelopment, of some of the larger sites for new
building over them has been limited. The street
area are deteriorating, particularly around Portugal Street, Silk Street and Oldham Road. To
and the Wheatsheaf. The Germanic style warehouses on George Leigh Street are particularly striking buildings. Many of the shop units on Oldham Road have gone over to non-retail uses or are vacant and in a very poor condition. Some remain as communitysupporting traditional shops - albeit scattered
that the zone will have an artisan feel with small industrial, commercial and office space, interrupted by residential uses. It will be desirable for all such uses to address the street and, wherever possible, open onto the pavement in order to create activity and interest.
houses include the Cross Keys, The Shamrock Inn
terms of scale of development, it is envisaged
together with very early workers' housing. Public
Port Street
activities will be acceptable in principle. In
S Tariff
engineering buildings of the period have survived,
light industrial and other employment-related
Street, where some small industrial / workshop /
industrial character of this area, retailing,
buildings are concentrated around Portugal
y Str
within this zone. Given the commercial /
the area's links with Miles Platting. Small historic
A range of land uses are considered appropriate
cul-de-sac industrial estates. These have severed
ton S
ord S
pattern has been lost and replaced by modern
om St
the east of Poland Street even the grid iron street
frontages and small scale nature of parts of the
there will be appropriate development and
historic fabric should be retained; infill
y Str
development will be of compatible scale; and
part of old Ancoats. The canal arms which once
The Poland Street Zone is the least well-preserved
three issues- the presumption that important
igh Street
ge Le
r Str
The regeneration of this area needs to focus on
flats. (See plan opposite).
Radium Stre
Bengal Stre
Sherratt Stre
Cornell Stre
George Leigh
Jersey Street
Radium Stre
Bengal Street
Murray Stree
Redhill Street
Rodney St
Hood Street
Naval Stre
Blossom Stre
Wadeford Close
Bengal Stre
on St
Bloom Stre
Bu t l e r
h Street
Poland Street
George Leig
New housing will be encouraged, particularly the conversion of upper floors of retail units, would be welcomed at the eastern end of the
Detailed proposals for the Poland Street Zone
Village. This will bring life after working hours
More detailed proposals for this zone are as
and provide better security through increased
activity. The retail frontage of Oldham Road will need to be enhanced and will form a shop
existing street frontages, particularly on
window for the area. Current parking and
Oldham Road and Portugal Street. New
access problems to this frontage will need to be
development for commercial or residential
addressed as part of the wider scheme of
uses should generally be between 2 - 4
improvements for Oldham Road.
In terms of new development, there is scope for infill development or redevelopment in the
Where possible, new build should reinforce
A wide range of infill sites exist in this zone particularly around Silk Street and Portugal
block bounded by Oldham Road, Radium Street,
Street and at the Poland Street/Jersey Street
Bengal Street and George Leigh Street, as well as
junction. Development here should respect
in the area around Butler Street/Rodney Court.
the plot size of original curtilages. ■
Overview of proposals for the Poland Street Zone
The enhancement and full occupancy of historic industrial buildings is particularly desirable, especially for employment generating uses. Along Oldham Road, the
The area around Rodney Court could be
emphasis is upon obtaining full occupancy of
redeveloped for commercial and/or residential
the ground floors for retail and servicing, with
uses, this would best be facilitated by the
the conversion of the upper floors to
production of a development brief following
commercial and residential.
local consultation, which would include consideration of the future of the open space.
There are some heavy industrial uses in Jersey Street. Their redevelopment for uses more
This area has several infill opportunities and a number of derelict backland sites. It will primarily be an employment area, although certain bad-neighbour industries or environmentally damaging activities will be discouraged. The Oldham Road frontage is in need substantial improvement.
compatible with the wider objectives for the area would be welcome.
The Public Realm Priority for the implementation of public realm works has been given to Blossom Street and George Leigh Street. These are the two major
Streetscape ■
The selected palette of materials should be
routes into the city centre and have been
in keeping with the character of the local
designed to set a new standard. Further phases
area, of high quality and physically robust.
for key routes will be undertaken in a similar style, feature areas adjacent to important or
'Conservation' kerbs will be provided
listed buildings may be subject to further
enhancement or special treatment to reflect their importance, for side streets, some degree
Pavements will use high quality materials.
of simplification may be appropriate.
Granite setts recovered from underneath modern highway tarmac or from within courtyards should, where possible, be stored for re-use within the area.
Boundaries and Gateways ■ ❃
Streets should be designed as safe places for people.
Existing pedestrian crossings are being improved and one new crossing is being
A style palette will be developed for street furniture.
advertise Ancoats as well as the Northern
Great Ancoats Street should be used to
Street surfaces and crossings and hard surfaces in courtyards, should incorporate
provided to encourage greater pedestrian
smooth pathways and other facilities to
flow to and from the area. The opportunity
enable ease of use by disabled people.
for public art along this important route should be explored, tall structures located on the central reservation islands could fulfil that role without impairing highway safety. ❃
Lighting ■
A street lighting system will be implemented
Oldham Road offers a similar opportunity to
which meets public safety needs without
promote the area and will be considered in
intrusion, but which has a colour spectrum
subsequent phases of public realm
that enables natural building colours to
show through. ■
The style of lighting column has been selected to work well against a background
The core of the area would be given character by urban art features and the use of innovative materials and design.
of both new buildings and Georgian/
The core of the area would be given character
Victorian mill buildings. Columns should
by urban art features and the use of
also be capable of supporting banners
innovative materials and design. Although
etc. for public events.
level changes may be required, access for disabled people must be provided.
Appropriate lighting of prominent buildings will be encouraged, provided
Public spaces should be easy to maintain,
the interests of any residents living in
with a clear sense of 'ownership' of the space
or near the building are safeguarded.
by the community.
Urban Art
Public Space ■
At such an early stage in the area’s
built forms and transient images to communal
development, it is not helpful to be too prescriptive about the form and size of
This term covers a range of meanings, from events. The opportunity exists for all of these
public spaces. They should be capable of
in Ancoats, in order to identify an area, to
evolving in response to activities and
enhance the existing heritage, to point out
developments in the adjacent area.
new development, and to give animation to the Village in a way which involves visitors
Public spaces must be capable of being
and the local community - both workers and
implemented and working in isolation, before
any surrounding buildings bring functions or activity to the space. This could be achieved
Priority locations for urban art will be the
by having programmes of events, or
gateways/crossing points on Oldham Road,
encouraging existing local activities to use
Great Ancoats Street, and in public spaces.
them as a focus.
Other opportunities within the Village will be identified.
Depending upon adjoining development opportunities, the public space could be
Interpretation panels and the Blue Plaque
positioned to the north or the south of
scheme of the Ancoats Buildings Preservation
Sherratt Street. Either possibility will involve
Trust should be used on buildings and
land acquisition. The intention is that Sherratt
structures of historic interest in order to create
Street will remain open to traffic, albeit in a
a heritage trail which includes the Rochdale
restricted form.
Implementation A Comprehensive Approach
The City Council, through the Ancoats Urban
agency promoting redevelopment in the area, it
Village Company, is promoting major
will continue to undertake this role within the
refurbishment and renewal. This approach is being
context of the wider plans for East Manchester
adopted because Ancoats has a concentration of
which are being co-ordinated by New East
problems which require comprehensive action.
Working with the diversity of interests in Ancoats to achieve regeneration and widespread environmental improvements is an ongoing commitment. In order to achieve the changes necessary, integrated and co-ordinated action is important and Supplementary Planning Guidance is part of that process. The City Council, through the Ancoats Urban Village Company is working with Eastside Regeneration, New East Manchester, the Ancoats Buildings Preservation Trust and a variety of other partners, including English Heritage and the North West Development Agency, to ensure that improvement and investment takes place as quickly as possible, in accordance with a consulted-upon and agreed strategy. The amount of dereliction in Ancoats and the scale of opportunity to be seized can only be tackled by concentrating the resources of all agencies, to secure comprehensive renewal in a way that will meet the aspirations of both the present and the future communities of Ancoats.
The Ancoats Urban Village Company is the lead
The Ancoats Urban Village Company will work closely with all stakeholders to achieve a sustainable, mixed use quarter which adds to the wider economic and social objectives of its partners.
The Ancoats Urban Village Company will work closely with all stakeholders to achieve a sustainable, mixed use quarter which adds to the wider economic and social objectives of its partners.
Conclusion This Supplementary Planning Guidance has been the subject of consultation with landowners, interested parties and members of the public before being adopted by the City Council. It should be read in conjunction with existing policy documents and further development guidance for specific sites, which may be produced in future. However, all development proposals will be subject to the usual statutory processes, including applications for planning permission, listed building and conservation area consents. Where necessary, the use of Planning Agreements under Section 106 of the Planning Act may be appropriate. These, and traffic management measures, will all be the subject of further public consultation. Should it become apparent that compulsory purchase powers need to be used, appropriate action will be taken.
Part One of The Unitary Development Plan
Regional Planning Guidance for the North West (RPG13)
The Unitary Development Plan (the UDP) was
This guidance was published in April 1996. It refers
period of public consultation. Ancoats is the
to the region's rich built heritage and its artefacts,
subject of policies in Part One of the Plan together
monuments and buildings of the Industrial
with a policy contained in Part Two.
Revolution. Para. 3.3 of the Guidance says local authorities should pay particular regard to locations, densities and mixes of development which can be served by public transport and assist
adopted in July 1995 following an extensive
The most relevant Part One policies are summarised on a topic basis, as follows : ■
Housing - Policy H1.1 encourages new
in reducing the need to travel. Para 4.7 says that
housing and policy H1.2 encourages a wider
the towns and cities of the Industrial Revolution
variety of housing.
have potential for urban tourism, and development of this potential can contribute to
upper floors of commercial buildings to be
economic regeneration. It urges that
used for residential purposes.
Development Plans should contain policies for conserving, enhancing, and realising the
Mixed Uses - Policy H1.4 allows for the vacant
Employment Uses - Policy I1.1 seeks to
economic potential of the built heritage. Para 6.4
promote a diversity of employment
urges the re-use or conversion of existing sites
accommodation in East Manchester, and
and premises in order to provide new housing
particularly adjoining the Regional Centre.
Policy I1.3 seeks to promote managed workspaces. ■
Tourism - Policy I1.8 seeks to promote Manchester as a tourist destination, both for conventional and business tourism, because there is scope for a considerable growth in tourist-related employment.
Listed Buildings - Policy E2.7 seeks to ensure
standards of energy efficiency in new
architectural or historical interest are retained,
development; and Policy E1.6 requires
maintained and, where necessary, restored.
building materials used in new development and refurbishment schemes to be
Safety in Design - Policy E3.5 promotes
environmentally friendly wherever possible.
measures which will lead to a safer environment by appropriate design of
buildings and streets.
towns and
Manchester's role as an international and
Disabled Access - Policy E3.7 states that the improvements that improve conditions for
Industrial Revolution
regional centre for arts and culture.
individual works and areas for outdoor
the City Council will continue to develop
performance and displays.
Street Cafes - Policy L1.9 promotes further
Conservation Areas - Policy E3.8 seeks to
provision of street cafes in order to add to the
enhance the appearance of conservation
vibrancy of appropriate streetscapes. ■
Urban Art - Policy L1.8 encourages art as part
and vision is impaired; and under policy T3.5
areas. ■
of the environment, involving buildings,
for urban tourism
disabled people and people whose mobility
routes and facilities for disabled people. ■
Arts and Culture - Policy L1.7 promotes development that will strengthen
City Council will promote environmental
cities of the
Sustainability - Policy E1.5 encourages high
that buildings and areas of special
Highways - Policy T2.1 seeks to maintain the
Shopping - Policy S2.1 seeks to ensure that all
existing highway network rather than embark
parts of the City have reasonable access to
on major new construction. The main
essential shopping facilities. New shops to
emphases will be on making the network
meet local needs will be encouraged where
safer, improving residential areas, and
current provision does not adequately meet
improving conditions for pedestrians and
cyclists. Existing traditional road surfaces will be maintained. Policy T3.1 will ensure that the particular needs of pedestrians and cyclists are catered for. ■
Pedestrian Priority - Policy T3.3 will support the encouragement of further pedestrian priority schemes; create new and improved squares; widen pavements and introduce measures to restrict access to general traffic in areas of high pedestrian use.
Rochdale Canal - The Canal runs along the southern margin of the Conservation Area and in policy E3.4 it is designated a Major Recreational Route where it is intended to improve access and amenity.
The most directly relevant Part Two policy is EM14 which says that :
Reason for Policy EM14 To enable change to be managed in a way which reflects the heritage value of the Ancoats area and
“Policy EM14”
to use conservation strategies as a means of
Within the Conservation Area, the Council will
the area. The Council will be guided by the broad
take positive action to secure :
conclusions of the Ancoats Study, which builds
the conservation of both the overall character of the area and the important individual buildings within it, including in particular the Ancoats Mills;
refurbishment projects involving a mixture of residential, business, hotel and leisure uses; and,
securing the economic and social regeneration of
not just on the area's historical importance, but its closeness to the City Centre and the potential attractions of the Rochdale Canal frontage as a location for investment." City-wide Development Control Policies are also contained within Part 2 of the UDP. They provide detailed guidance for potential applicants and other interested parties. The ones with especial
the promotion of Ancoats as a heritage area
relevance for Ancoats are :
which reflects the City's unique place in world industrial and urban history. Particularly priority will be given to the need to make greater use of multi-storey buildings which
DC9 - Access for Disabled People.
DC10 - Food and Drink Uses.
DC12 - Commercial Uses above shopping
are presently vacant or under-used above the
ground floor. ■
DC14 - Shop fronts and related signs.
DC15 - Advertisements, Hoardings and Posters.
Underpinning the Guide is the belief that the creation of quality townscapes can be an important instrument in enhancing a community’s sense of well-being.
DC15 - Street landscapes.
DC18 - Conservation Areas.
DC19 - Listed Buildings.
DC26 - Development and Noise.
The Guide to Development in Manchester This was prepared following the advice of an independent Advisory Panel, consisting of people with a variety of development and design interests in the City. The panel worked over a period of several months to produce a draft which was the subject of a wide public consultation. The Guide was adopted in April 1996 as Supplementary Planning Guidance to the UDP. Underpinning the Guide is the belief that the creation of quality townscapes can be an important instrument in enhancing a community's sense of well-being. It places great emphasis on making the City more user-friendly, easy to understand, and secure. It can be made so by opening areas up to as many groups of users as possible and by creating a shared sense of ownership of streets and other facilities. Good access must be provided, and a clear sense of difference between spaces. Buildings, streets, squares, and public spaces must be accessible and clearly linked.
Special Needs and Supported Housing
The Conservation Areas Leaflet No. 24 about Ancoats
In April 1998 Supplementary Planning Guidance was adopted for Special Needs and Supported Housing. In this policy, Ancoats is described as an area of 'High Provision' and 'High Unsustainability'. This means that there is a concentration of Special Needs Accommodation and Supported Housing in an area of social and economic difficulties where the local community would find it difficult to absorb a higher provision. As a general rule, additional schemes would not be supported. Where a local unmet need is identified, change of use of an existing project may be appropriate but only exceptionally would a new project be supported.
This leaflet was published by Manchester City Council in 1991, and documents the importance of Ancoats and the need for controls to protect the area's heritage. The conservation leaflet aimed to encourage development which ensures the prosperity of the area whilst paying attention to its special architectural and historic quality. Designation as a conservation area has helped to bring about an awareness of the history and character of Ancoats. In turn, this has increased confidence which is assisting progressive regeneration through the re-use of historic buildings and complementary new development.
List of Credits
Ancoats Buildings Preservation Trust Graphics
BDP Design
Len Grant
Aerial Photography
Urban Splash
By kind permission for use of their miscellaneous images: Axis, Gleesons, Ian Finlay, Stevenson Bell, Artisan H and Urban Splash.
All plans reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, Š Crown Copyright AR 100032520.
For further information, please contact: Dave Brettell (Deputy Group Leader)
Lyn Fenton
Environment & Development Planning Division
Ancoats Urban Village Company
Forward Planning & Regeneration Group
Beehive Mill, Jersey Street, Ancoats,
PO Box 463, Manchester M60 3NY
Manchester M4 6JG
Telephone 0161 234 4602
Telephone 0161 211 1012
Fax 0161 234 4528
Fax 0161 950 0302 E-mail: admin@auvc.co.uk www.auvc.co.uk