DisCover the hiDDen treasures of Beijing
北京 的秘密
design route through China’s capital city
Wine in China: culture or treNd?
葡萄 酒文化 深层 解读
Postcards from Sicily 来自西 西 里的 明信片
horasis gloBal China Business meeting
中国 达沃斯共商未来 中国 经济专题报道 interview with Jochum Haakma
Hu Bing: a Chinese gentleman
中国绅士: 胡兵 No.02 2013 Price € 6,95
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design route through China’s capital city
葡 萄酒文化 深 层解读
Postcards from Sicily 来自西西 里 的明信片
中 国达沃斯共商未来 中 国经济专题报道 interview with Jochum Haakma
中国 绅士 : 胡 兵 Nr.02 2013 Adviesprijs € 6,95
Cover price € 6, 95 per issue
1 Year(s) Subscription of 4 ISSUES € 25 XiN: You know China from here! 中 国 就 是《 新 》! Subscribe or give a gift subscription to XiN magazine!
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82 Table of ConTenTs
62 14 11
Editor’s letter 主编的悄悄话
World Press Photo 2013 2013世界新闻摄影比赛
Asian Top Model 2013 2013度亚洲超级模特大赛
Dutch hat designer wins Beijing Creativity Award 荷兰设计师在京荣膺创作大奖
TrEndIng TopICS 热 门 话 题 14
Designed in China: Shang Xia, Hermés’ Chinese strategy 上下:爱马仕的中国之道及一 系列观念突破
Sky city: the tallest building in the world 天空城市
Angelle Chang’s Stylebook 《新》时尚指南
Interviews with two young designers from Hong Kong 两位来自香港的年轻设计师专访
8 most popular luxury brands in China 中国最流行八大奢侈品牌
In Europe 在欧洲
TravEl 旅 游 50
ClubMed resorts 从法国远道而来找中国的有钱人
Lengers yacht 豪华游艇
Xavier Kat: The Chinese Grape Wall versus the world 深层解读:葡萄酒在中国
Postcards from Sicily 来自西西里的明信片
CovEr STorY 特 写 36
Hu Bing, a Chinese gentleman 中国绅士胡兵专访报道
ChIna STorIES 68
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
Portrait: Robert van Hunsel, North sea Jazz goes China! 北海爵士乐和中国结下不解之缘
106 72
The treasures of Beijing: design route through China’s capital city 北京街头巷尾深处的明珠
la ChInE En roSE 文 化 艺 术 82
Game of Kings Polo and its Asian origin 马球极其亚洲起源
Marvel! 赞!
BUSInESS & gloBal CommUnITY
36 106
KuiperCompagnons: Architecture with a heart 建设“心”之未来
CUlInarY 新 派 舌 头 112
XiN’s autumn wine selection 《新》秋酒正浓
From Holland with Leaf Koppert Cress’ food revolution 片片绿叶迷你世界
A Taste of Autumn: miniature culinary surprises
商务与全球社区 88
Interview with Jochem Haakma: Horasis’ Global China Business Meeting & Sustainable future 《新》独家报道中国达沃斯论坛在 荷兰海滨之城海牙召开
Gwendolyn Talks 企业如何在荷兰扎根
Huawei: When opportunity knocks 华为:机会是给有准备的人
Lasé Hu: The meaning of luxury 奢侈的意义
Faces & Places: Out of Africa 饮水思源
To Shop & To go & To know 趋!趣!去! 118
Kabrita Gold Goat Milk Pow(d)er
Fun characters 思路花语
XiN’s hot dates 新日历
XiN’s taste makers 新发现
In the spotlight 抢眼“新”派对
XiN’s Christmas Edition is showing off 《新》圣诞专刊亮出皇牌 X i N Ma ga zi N e
editor’s letter
AutumN is abouT ConfidenCe
新 鲜 、 快 乐 、自我 秋 天 讲 的 是 一 个 关 于自信 的 故 事 。
Designers want us to dress like spring, in billowing things. I, for one, don’t feel like spring. I feel like a second spring when every leaf is a flower. Indeed, warm red autumn has a different sense of sexuality, sense of fun, or sense of what’s cool, sexy or tough. Recently, an artist friend of mine and I had a conversation over the telephone. He said in a sort of bold way: “I tell you the truth. Art produces ugly things that frequently become more beautiful with time. Fashion, on the other hand, produces beautiful things that always become ugly with time.” Obviously, I couldn’t resist taking a seat offered to me and answered, “So why don’t we change our time this time and set the clock to suit us?” People, it really is that simple! XiN’s autumn edition is clearly about changing time, about change. It is our sophisticated effort to reverse the accepted dynamics and to place Asia in the center with a BIG idea. For XiN, China/Asia is in the center. I think that’s a very different perspective. China as a country that has taken a lead in world affairs has to have a touch of iron about her: but this time the iron is soft. It’s about sharing. We share ideas. From culture to economy, from art to business concept, XiN’s autumn edition covers a variety of subjects that shows the spectrum of our contemporary life. XiN’s softness and toughness contribute to our global community. XiN is about identity but it is not. Our new perspective is something very organic and authentic. We are here, we are from here, we are of here and that will naturally show. We are new, and the new always decides what’s familiar. XiN is a rebel, but one with a cause; one that is louder, more confident and eloquent because we know what we stand for. It is said that French women have been made beautiful by the French people – they are very aware of the way they move and speak, they are very confident about who they are. French society made them like that. I would say that Chinese men and women are made beautiful by our times and our globalizing world! Let’s start to shine today! In the autumn you choose and harvest. It’s a smile, it’s a kiss, it’s a sip of wine… The eternal autumn shall not fade. I fall for you, my lovely autumn –I fall for you, XiN and XiN’s bright, sexy, inspiring audience!
Julie O’Yang
Julie O’Yang 设计师大多喜欢我们大家打扮得像春天一样花枝招展,但我个 人更偏爱“第二春”的金秋。秋天里每片树叶都是一朵花,它 给与我们的是不一样的乐趣、不一般的酷和性感,秋天坚毅而 顽强。 前些时候我同一位艺术家朋友交谈,他说:“跟你明说吧,艺 术制造丑陋,但这丑陋随着时间的推移会变美起来,相反呢, 时尚制造美丽,但这美丽随着时间的推移会变丑起来。” 我就顺水推舟回答:“那么我们改变时间不就完事了吗?拨下 时钟上的指针?” 的确这么简单!《新》秋季刊是关于改变时间让落伍的时间来 与我们同步。《新》是关于改变! 《新》把中国及亚洲放在舞台正中央,这是前所未有的视角。 我们主张把亚洲及中国放在读者的视野中心,这与大家习以为 常的视角显然大有差异。 中国作为一个国家,已经在世界事务各个领域中在扮演率先的 角色,为此她的个性中应该含“铁”,但这块铁是柔和的, 因为她是关于同全世界的人们分享。《新》杂志是分享的舞 台,从文化到经济,从艺术到经营理念,这本秋季刊涵盖各种 主题,显示了我们当代生活方方面面,透视我们时代跳动的脉 搏,以此来加强地球上各个社区之间的纽带。 但与此同时,我们所要展示的新视角是种很自然的表现,发自 我们的内心,也受到我们所来自的地域及过去及传统之启发。 我承认,《新》是有点点叛逆的味道,但这绝非偶然,我们听 到了时代的呼声。 有人说,法国女人之所以美丽是因为法兰西造就了她们,她们 一言一行中都很清楚自己是谁,她们非常自信。我呢,我就觉 得是这个时代和这个全球化世界造就了我们来自中国男人女人 们,是时代让我们更自信美丽! 那何不如就让我们借机好好闪耀一番!? 秋天是选择和收获的季节,它好似一个微笑,一个吻,一杯美 酒...... 我祝愿《新》读者们像秋天一样永葆黄金魅力。
X i N Ma ga zi N e
Editor-in-Chief Julie O’Yang, Art Director Samo Media, Marlot van den Hoek Editorial team Denny Stam, Pim Wiersinga, Lasé Hu, Vanderven Oriental Art, Xavier Kat, Saskia Schurink, Inge Jansen, Door van der Wiele, Angelle Chang, Gwedolyn Tates, Ine van Zeeland, Machtelt Schelling Copy editor Karen van Lente Sales Photography Stéfano Iannuso | Isabelle Persyn | Distribution XXX Production Samo Media, Pr & Marketing Norah Jing Chu Subscription Subscription rate € 25,- (4 issues). List price € 6,95 Costumer service Publisher Lasé Hu Xin Media Badhuisweg 74 2587 CL Den Haag lasé
All rights reserved. Reproduction in any matter in any language in whole or in part without prior written permission is strictly prohibited. All prices are correct at time of going to press but are subject to change.
w w w.X I nmagaz I 12
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
热门话题 DESIGNED IN CHINA: SHANG XIA, HeRMéS’ CHINeSe STRATeGY 上下:爱马仕的中国之道及一 系列观念突破 ANGELLE CHANG’S STyLEBooK 《新》时尚指南 INTErvIEWS WITH TWo youNG DESIGNErS FroM HoNG KoNG 两位来自香港的年轻设计师专访 8 MoST PoPuLAr LuXury BrANDS IN CHINA 中国最流行八大奢侈品牌 SKy CITy: THe TALLeST BuILDING IN THe WORLD 天空城市 IN EuroPE 在欧洲
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{Julie o’YaNg is aN euroPe-based fictioN writer, essaYist aNd screeNwriter. Her fictioN, essaYs aNd filM reviews Have beeN featured iN iNterNatioNallY reNowNed PublicatioNs. visit www.JulieoYaNg.coM for Her book titles aNd curreNt ProJects.}
撰文:Julie O’Yang (欧阳竹俪)
shang Xia Hermès’ Chinese strategy 上下 : 爱 马 仕的中国之道及一 系 列观念突破 {coNteMPorarY cHiNese desigN looks to iNNovate aNd diversifY tHe doMestic iNdustrY; cHiNese desigNers are tHe keY to fiNdiNg New, uNique PersPectives aNd MeaNiNgs bY iNterPretiNg cHiNa’s ricH cultural, Historical aNd PHilosoPHical traditioNs. tHe result is iNeXtricablY eNtwiNed stories of cultural life aNd Politics iN cHiNa.}
{当代中国设计的外观创新和多样化的国内产业,中国的设计师们解释中国丰富的文化,历史和哲学传统,寻找新的,独特 的 视角和 意 义 的 关 键 。 其 结 果 是 在 中 国 的 文 化 生 活 和 政 治 有 着 千 丝 万 缕 的 纠 缠 在 一 起 的 故 事 。 }
hina is on the verge of a design revolution. Since the opening up of the People’s Republic of China in the 1980s, emerging designers have been on the fast track to compete with the big names from the West. As they strive for fame, fortune and selfexpression, these young people in their thirties and forties have more freedom to create – and to consume – than their parents. Influenced by styles and approaches ranging from ancient ceramics to communist propaganda posters, from Confucius to Mao, from communism to capitalism, from patriotism to cosmopolitanism and globalism, the post-Cultural Revolution generation will drive the culture and innovation in China as well as the rest of the world. Meanwhile, the Chinese government is making massive investments in design and innovation, supporting creative activities, including design education programs, innovation parks and privatized companies at the local and national levels. The goal is to stimulate economic growth and to establish China as a global creative power.
XiN Ma g a z i N e
中国正在发生一场设计革命。上世纪80年代改革开放后,中 国人民共和国新兴一代设计师已经走上快车道,正在同来自 西方大牌激烈竞争。他们追求名利,主张自我表达,这些30 到40岁的年轻人比他们的父母拥有更多的自由创造与消费空 间,他们深受各种风格的影响,包括从中国陶瓷到文革宣传 画,从孔夫子到毛泽东,从共产主义到资本主义,从爱国主义 到都市主义和全球化,文革后的一代将不仅会推动中国的文化 和创新,其能量会波及当今全世界。中国政府在大量投资设计 和创新,支持创新活动中包括教育课程,设计园区以及在全国 各地的私有化的公司。这一切的目标是为了刺激经济增长,但 也是为了把中国建设成为一个全球性的创意主力。 显然,当代中国设计面向国内同行业的创新及多元化,中国的 设计师在诠释中华文化、历史和哲学传统并寻找新的、独特的 视角和意义这个过程中相当关键,他们的创作是同中国文化生 活和政治息息相关的纠缠在一起的故事。
SHaNg Xia
shanghai sTore looks like an iglo
X i N Ma ga zi N e
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It is unmistakable that the contemporary Chinese design looks to innovate and diversify the domestic industry, and Chinese designers are the key to finding new, unique perspectives and meanings by interpreting China’s rich cultural, historical and philosophical traditions. The result is inextricably entwined stories of cultural life and politics in China.
WhAt iS ShANg XiA? Shang Xia, 上下, means “up-Down” in Mandarin, a phrase that conveys a concept of yin-yang harmony. The brand is backed by French luxury giant Hermès International SCA and run by French-trained Shanghai designer Jiang Qiong’er. Founded in 2008, Shang Xia, of which Hermès owns as much as 75%, currently has two stores, one in Shanghai and one in Beijing. In June this year, Shang Xia has finally confirmed its grand opening in Paris, which is planned for September. The store will be located on Rue de Sèvres, next to a Hermès store. The plan for a Paris store was first announced in December, and then again in February. A store in Paris is the key link in the brand’s development in the next five years. Patrick Thomas, CeO of Hermès, said the Paris location was planned when the first store opened in Shanghai, and he believes it will put the brand’s global appeal to the test. Jiang Qiong’er, the woman behind the innovative luxury brand, said a Shang Xia store in Paris will necessarily have to combine Chinese culture with the mature commercial system of the West. Shang Xia is an unique, uplifting answer to a luxury brand influenced by traditional Chinese design elements. Despite not having turned a profit, Shang Xia plans to continue its expansion overseas. { t r u e b e a u t Y is Nev er uNfas Hi oN able. s HaNg X ia
上下传达一种阴阳和谐的概念。这个品牌的背后是法国奢侈品 巨头爱马仕和上海设计师蒋琼耳。 上下成立于2008年,其中爱马仕股份达75%,目前该品牌已 经有北京和上海两家店。在今年6月上下终于确认将在9月扩 展新店到巴黎的Rue de Sèvres街,在爱马仕专卖店的旁边。 巴黎店的计划首次是在12月宣布,然后2月再次宣布。 在巴黎开店对品牌在未来五年中的发展是一个关键环节。爱马 仕首席执行官Thomas说,巴黎店铺的计划是在上海开设专卖 店那时就已经提出,他相信这是对品牌的全球吸引力的考验。 蒋琼耳本人表明巴黎上下专卖店是把中国的文化结合到西方成 熟的商业操作系统中。上下这个奢侈品牌注重采用中国传统文 化的设计元素,这是个独特的也是令人振奋的回答,尽管上下 还没有开始盈利,但仍然继续其海外扩张的计划。
sta N d s f o r q u ali tY wHi cH i s Not tH e s aMe tHi Ng as l o g o . i t ’ s l i k e aN ageles s woMaN wHo ar r ests You r at t e N t i o N b Y Her flueNc Y, accur acY aNd Power. t He r e i s so M e t H i Ng i N Her to Hear , s oMetH i Ng to see, so M e t Hi N g t o s Mell, s oMetH i Ng to tas te, s oMetHiNg t o t o u c H, s o Me s ecr ets You wi ll N ev er kNow...}
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
上下被定位为一个中国品牌,其产品宣扬中国传统工艺, 同时也淡化其外来影响。 蒋琼耳说:“我们不想成为时 尚,我们追求永恒美,例如上下明代的椅子的设计,我们 要让它在50年或100年以后还具有现代感。”真正的美是 永远不会过时的。上下代表质量,而不仅仅是名牌。
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sh an g X i a stan ds f o r cr a f ts ma n s h i p
Shang Xia is positioned as a Chinese brand, and its products incorporate traditional Chinese craftsmanship, while its owners play down its foreign provenance. “We are not trying to be fashionable,” says Jiang. “We aim for an aesthetic standard that is timeless. Like the Ming Dynasty chair, we want it to still look modern in 50 or 100 years.” True beauty is never unfashionable. Shang Xia stands for quality which is not the same thing as logo: it is more than logo. Hermès has 20 stores in China, including two that opened earlier this year. Across Asia (excluding Japan), the brand’s sales were up 45% in the first half of 2010 compared to the same period last year. It’s an upward trend that is not unique to Hermès. “The growth of many brands here is the same,” says Thomas. “You have people with taste, and the desire for long-lasting, beautiful objects.” How Shang Xia may impact Hermès’ mainland China strategy remains to be seen. However, Hermès’ support is a mixed blessing for Shang Xia, complicating its identity as a mainland Chinese brand. It is a familiar conundrum for those seeking the prize of being China’s first home-grown luxury brand, such as Taiwan’s Shiatzy Chen, or the Richemont-owned Hong Kong brand Shanghai Tang: foreign involvement grants global cache, but dilutes the claims of “Chineseness” that can be aggressively questioned in the mainland. On the
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popular internet portal Sina, commentators dismissed Shang Xia by comparing it to “Chinese” food sold at Kentucky Fried Chicken. Commentators also mocked the name Shang Xia as awkward and stilted.
ENdANgErEd hEritAgE CrAftS A Shang Xia store is a design utopia; a gallery of craft where simplicity holds sway in the ornate details. The collection, which ranges from porcelain tea sets to furniture to cashmere Mao jackets, is composed of understated classic pieces that use traditional Chinese elements in unexpected ways, mythical and futuristic. The individual pieces remind you of quiet people. People who aren’t given to emotional outbursts, people who are economic with words – they need a laser precision, a poetic clarity. It’s like an ageless woman who arrests your attention by her fluency, accuracy and power. There is something in her to hear, something to see, something to smell, something to taste, something to touch, some secrets you will never know... Shang Xia claims that all its products are made in collaboration with Chinese artisans or in-house craftspeople, combining traditional techniques with modern designs, and Jiang Qiong’er says she hopes the brand will contribute to the preservation and renewal of China’s endangered heritage crafts.
{ Pl ac i Ng as i a i N tHe ceNter coM Pli cates Per s Pec tives, i t i s u N i q u e N e s s a Nd fr es HNes s bor N oN tH e s tage of a g l obal/ glocal ecoN o M Y}
Local materials and based on local crafts. Crafts as family tradition. This marketing tactic seems to resonate with China’s cultural renaissance as well as global green revolution. The Chinese are increasingly exploring their roots and crafts and bringing them up to date. Middle and upper class Chinese have a romantic view of the rural past and rural culture, and crafts. Top-notch luxury tea is an example of a growing interest in China’s romantic past, a certain homesickness. Shang Xia fits in with that trend. Hermès has a penchant for finding designers who avoid the spotlight: Martin Margiela, who has never been photographed and communicates via fax; Kermit Oliver, the reclusive Texan postman whose Americana tableaux number among Hermès’ most collected silk scarves; and Zhang Da, the mysterious designer behind the clothing line for Shang Xia, its Chinese label. Hermès has always celebrated quiet, deep craftsmanship, and Shang Xia does not waver from that mission.
dEfYiNg CulturAl gEogrAphY China has become the second largest economy, the world wants to know more about China. This is perfect timing for Chinese contemporary design to decide its main priority: to define who we are on our terms. This goes for Chinese contemporary culture in general, from literature
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
爱马仕在中国拥有20家专卖店,其中两个于今年初开业。在 整个亚洲(不包括日本在内),该品牌的销售额在2010年 上半年比去年同期分别增长45%, 呈上升的趋势。 Thomas 说:“很多品牌在中国发展都很快,有这样一个有品位又懂得 不朽之美的消费群。” 上下如何会影响到爱马仕在中国大陆的战略仍有待观察。然 而,爱马仕的支持对上下是半喜半忧的一件事。中国大陆品牌 的身份确定很复杂,这也是大家熟悉的难题,为成为是中国第 一家本土的奢侈品牌,例如台湾的夏姿陈,香港的上海滩:外 资参与,中国特色。 但后者在大陆会受质疑。在新浪网的网 友评论上下就好像是在肯德基店出售中餐,也嘲笑上下这一名 字尴尬和造作。
上下专卖店算是一家集设计的乌托邦,工艺简单的精品拥有挥 洒华丽的细节,有各种茶具、家具及羊绒中山装,低调的经典 作品采用意想不到的方式结合了中国传统元素,充满神密与 未来风,它们的氛围会让你想起一个喜好安静的人,情感的细 腻,话也很少但用词很准确精密,充满诗意的清晰度。这就好 比一位永恒的女人,她的流畅性,准确性和力度让你难忘,可 以听到她、看到她、闻到她、触摸到她,她身上带有你永远不 会知道的秘密...... 上下的所有的产品都与中国工匠合作,结合了传统技术与现代 设计,蒋琼耳说她希望该品牌将有助于保存和延续中国濒危的 历史悠久的传统手工业。 结合当地材料,利用当地的精工手工,发扬家族传统。这种营 销手段乎与中国的文化复兴以及全球绿色革命一拍即合。中国 人也正在越来越多地探索自己文化的根源,并在此之上进行 创新。中国中上层阶级移情乡土传统和文化及传统手工艺品, 高档茶叶就是一个很好的例子,上下品牌也正符合这一潮流。 爱马仕偏好避免聚光灯的设计师,例如Martin Margiela;深居 简出的得克萨斯州邮递员Kermit Oliver, 他设计的高档丝巾体 现美洲风,最受收集者崇尚;还有张达,这位神秘的服装设计 师,由他设计制作的上下时装。爱马仕向来注重深厚的工艺, 上下也如此。
中国已成为世界第二经济体,世界需要更多地了解中国。这是 一个不可错过的时机,它为中国当代设计决定其先决任务:用 自己的条款来定义自我。 这涉及到当代中国文化的各个领域,从文学到电影,从视觉艺 术到音乐和独立乐队。这是一个激动人心的机会,是选择方向 的上好时机。 文化个性、文化帝国主义和亚洲之定义,我们触及了三个极其 敏感近乎于禁忌话题。上下的蒋琼耳是领头人,这些前卫们将 中国和亚洲放在中心位置,这是一个非常不同、前所未有的角 度,但也是有机的、真实的角度。 “来自这里,在这里,是 这里的”特质会自然流露出来,而不是勉强的。这是一个全新 的视角,“新来者居上”,新观念最终取胜,这也是一个历史 的通常法则。
guo Pei
CoCo Chanel oF cHina
X i N Ma ga zi N e
guo Pei
CoCo Chanel oF cHina
c h in e s e n e s s
to the film industry, from visual art to music to indie pop. It’s an opportunity not to be missed. It’s time for us to choose direction. Identity politics, cultural imperialism and define Asia, the three sensitive, almost taboo topics we touch upon. Shang Xia’s Jiang Qiong’er takes the lead. These avant-garde initiatives place China and Asia in the center. It’s a very different perspective, but a very organic and authentic one. From here, made here, and of here. It’s a new perspective, and the new always decides what’s familiar. Placing Asia in the center complicates perspectives, it is uniqueness and freshness born on the stage of a global/glocal economy. edward Said, author of Orientalism, attempted to give a rational face to this cultural imperialism in his sequel, Culture and Imperialism. “Just as none of us is outside or beyond geography, none of us is completely free from the struggle over geography. That struggle is complex and interesting because it is not only about soldiers and cannons but also about ideas, about forms, about images and imaginings.” Creating for somebody will be replaced by creating from somebody. everything is possible. Chinese consumers still prefer to use a luxury as a status symbol, however investment in art and “reward yourself” culture is growing. Currently, the amount of foreign and domestic buyers for Shang Xia’s Shanghai store is 3:2, and the brand’s Beijing store has more Chinese clients, reaching 85%. Quality and creative ideas attract more and more people, who are interested in a particular style and way of living. “We are not a luxury brand, we do not do fashion.” Jiang Qiong’er insisted in the media that the philosophy of Shang Xia brand is the traditional elegance combined with a dash of modern city life combined. The brand’s most important outreach methods is not through advertising. Instead Shang Xia invites craftsmen for a live demonstration, in addition to a production process presentation. This strategy is con-
sto re f ro n t wi th l o go
sidered to be “more emotional and communicative”. Shang Xia believes that if something looks very powerful but you don’t know much about it, it will be very attractive. Affluence means influence. Creative industry is about power. China is on the verge of being a cultural superpower.
亚洲转移到中心会使情况复杂化,它是在一个全球性的/全球 本土化经济舞台上发展出生的独特和新鲜的产物。Edward Said指出: “正如我们无法超越地理局限,任何人都无法摆脱 地理局限的战斗,它既复杂也很有趣,因为这不仅是关于士兵 和大炮,而是关于思想,关于形状,图像和想象。” 创作者 将不是为某人创作而更是从自己的个体角度出发来创造,一切 皆变得有可能。 中国消费者仍然喜欢用奢侈品作为身份的象征,然而艺术投资 和“犒赏自己”的文化也真正深入人心。目前,上下上海店来 自国外和国内的买家数量比例是3:2,北京店有更多的中国客 户,达到85%。质量和创意吸引越来越多的人,他们注重特 定的风格和生活方式。 蒋琼耳在媒体中坚持说:“我们不是一个奢侈品牌,我们不要 做时尚。” 上下品牌理念是以传统的优雅结合了几许现代城 市生活。该品牌的宣传不通过广告,而是作现场演示,邀请工 匠到场及生产过程演示,这一战略被认为是“更富有表现力和 沟通力”。上下认为,如果作品有力并且妙在其中令人回味无 穷,这将是非常有吸引力的。 富裕代表着影响力度。创意产业是关于力度。 中国正在成为文化超级大国。
X i N Ma ga zi N e
treNdiNg toP ic
sky CitY The tallest building in the world
hina has embraced the challenge of putting up the world’s tallest building in only 90 days. The 838 meter skyscraper, dubbed Sky City, is set to house 17,400 people as well as a hotel, a hospital, several schools, offices and apartments. The skyscraper, located in Hunan Province’s capital Changsha, will feature over a hundred highspeed elevators, and is expected to be able to withstand a magnitude 9.0 earthquake. When completed, the building will be 10 meters taller than the Dubai landmark Burj Khalifa, the world’s current tallest building, which took five years to build. China-based Broad Sustainable Building Co., LTD. will employ several thousand workers for the ambitious project, which will be build at a rate of five stories a day to meet the deadline. They will reportedly use the ‘prefabrication’ technique in which blocks of the building are constructed offsite and then pieced together. On June 17, 2013, Broad Sustainable Building Group chairman Zhang Yue said the construction will commence in August 2013 with the first four months spent for pre-fabrication and the next three months for installation onsite. The expected date of completion is March 2014.
天空城市 概要 状态
技术细节 层数
1.000.000 平方米
t eks t > > ju l i e o’ Ya ng
天空城市,是一座正在计划中的超级摩天大楼,高楼将落户中 国湖南省长沙市望城区,项目净占地30亩,总投资不低于40 亿元人民币,建设周期仅为90天。 建成后,大楼高度将达838米,共220层,建有酒店、医院、 学校和办公室,安装104部高速电梯,可容纳1.74万名居民。 发展商为远大可建科技有限公司。
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
angelle Chang’s
STyle book
《新》时尚指南 { aNgelle cHaNg is a cHiNese ProfessioNal Model, PreseNter aNd PersoNal sHoPPer. borN iN tHe NetHerlaNds fotografie: MicHel zoeter
to caNtoNese PareNts, sHe Has alwaYs beeN fasciNated bY differeNt lifestYles. However, iN fasHioN sHe fiNds a Natural waY to eXPress Her iNdividualitY. Her love for fasHioN as well as Her sHarP seNse of treNds aNd stYle briNgs Her to XiN. tHis is tHe Place wHere sHe sHares Her iNsPiratioNs aNd dreaMs witH a stroNg PersoNal sigNature! WWW.ANgEllEChANg.Com }
X i N Ma ga zi N e
sP ic e uP Y ou r c l assic wear witH a l eoPard t ou c H a l à lou is v u ittoN & versac e
asian Models invade
neW York fashion Week 亚洲模特儿登场亮相世界级时装大舞台 “i s ee a tr eNd, eveN More aNd More, eveN More eXc itiNg. More c HiNese d e s i gN e rs , M or e PeoP le ar e oPeNiN g sH oPs iN c HiNa, aNd Not Ju st iN t He west. c HiN a is be co M i N g s tr oNger aNd s troN ger; M ore c reativitY is c oMi Ng f roM tH e c ou NtrY aNd i a M s o eXci ted, ” s aYs vi veNNe taM, tHe g u aNgzH ou -b orN fasHioN desigNer at New Y o rk fa sH ioN week 2013.
s brands look to China for growth, big names in the fashion industry are bringing change on the big stages. This year, the shows have a strong Asian flare. This means that Asian designers and models are moving into the mainstream. eastern prints on western tones. Strong looking Asian male models have also been spotted on the best runways during the fall/winter collections 2013/2014. And closer to home, we found Dutch Asian models on the catwalk of Amsterdam Fashion Week 2013. This fall, fashion with Oriental influences will keep us bright and warm while colorful leaves become our home decor. au t u MN f o r M eN i s elegaNt. s li gHtlY baggY b ottoMs aNd s tr i Pes defi Ni telY r ule tHe s easoN
撞色几何,赶走秋冬单调! 时尚达人当然要比一般人预先知道下一季的流 行趋势!今年秋冬,各种夏日里的缤纷色彩继 续走红,意大利品牌Iceberg便是其中的领军 人物,明黄、桃红等色彩在几何图形的呈现 下,充满硬朗大气的感觉,这个秋冬你也不妨 给自己的衣橱加点色彩! Colorful gEomEtrY to kEEp thE moNotoNouS WiNtEr AWAY!!
dries vaN NoteN & keN zo. tHis c oMiNg a ut uM N i s a ll ab ou t el egaNt su its iN ear tH toNes aN d Mo re s t ri P e s !
This fall and winter, a variety of summer colors continue to dominate our street view. The Italian brand Iceberg takes the lead: bright yellow, pink and other colors in geometric rendering, tough, simple and full of atmosphere. Give your wardrobe more colors! Autumn has always been inspired by nature, where warm earth colors of red, yellow-gold, bronze and purple make their way into our life. The upcoming season is all about love and connection. Connecting to nature and Mother earth, connecting to different cultures on our planet, connecting to our loved ones. We see panther print accessories as the finishing touch for a masculine look. Rich fabrics with Oriental floral and stripes, the mandarin collar and cape-like jackets. Dare to mix your daily wear with floral and stripes and balance it with the many earth-tone colors. The mandarin collar and cape-like jackets make an imperial impression, but they look amazing with casual pants as well. Be classic and stylish, boys!
{ t He 1 9 t H e di ti oN of aM s ter daM fas Hi oN week took
WhEN iNNoVAtioN mEEtS fAShioN Technology brings opportunities for Dutch fashion, offering talented, inspired, and inspiring young designers to go out of the box. While the digital world makes fashion in 3D and 4D, fashion designers already use high tech for so-called “intelligent” fashion. Young Dutch designers Iris van Herpen, Maartje Dijkstra and Anouk Wipprecht are all into “to-wear technology”.
g-StAr & YouNg tAlENtS A stage for the most talented of in total seven Dutch fashion academies is Lichting, supported by G-Star in co-operation with HTNK and the New Institute. Last year the Dutch-Chinese Yvonne Kwok won Lichting 2012, the prize for young fashion design talents. Lichting 2013 went to Henriette Tilanus. Her Original Collection with dots and stripes is a tribute to Lady Sitwell.
P l ac e f r o M 6 tH to 1 6tH J ulY 20 13 . fr oM lol ita’s b Y J i MMY Pa u l to clas s i cs wi tH M aNdar i N c ol l ars b Y vaN be N t Hu M , 2 9 des i gNer s Pr es eNted tH ei r c ol l ec tioN s Ho w i N g tHe Mos t di v er s e v i ew ev er of tHe du tc H fa s H i o N i N dus trY. v i v e le Multi cultur ali sM iN ou r lowlaN d’ s caP i tal!}
…And, Francisco van Benthum came back home. “My home is here,” says the Dutch designer with strong entrepreneurial blood. His autumn/winter line is elegant and has a business-like tone with a clear, concise style and is very comfortable. His collection convinces us that he is ready to conquer the world! X i N Ma ga zi N e
stY lebook
“Believe me, men Do Care. ”
《新》派 男
- aNgelle cHaNg -
the Xin reBel-liCious man: He iS uP aNd Wild!
Sk-ii for mEN
The modern man knows how to take care of his looks and keep a fit body. Ambassador of SK-II for Men is the “It feels good looking good” Godfrey Gao. For XiN’s masculine audience, Gao recommends SK-II facial treatment essence to get that lady killer complexion.
porSChE ‘ i s tYle s tar s ’ bY i Ngebor g s teeNHor s t c outur e wr i s tba Nd for M eN ‘ fade to b lack’ www. ets Y. coM / Nl/s H oP/ i s tYles tar s
The new Zebra-striped Porsche Le Mans is certainly fashionable. It is the first Porsche 24 Hours contender in 16 years and will compete in the 2014 run of the famous race. 2014 is a sportive year. Sport events include Fifa World Cup in Brazil, Winter Olympics in Russia, FIBA Basketball World Cup in Spain, Asian Games’ largest event in South Korea and many more. Thrilled to see Sport & Fashion run into each other around the globe! << ShAVE
La Marin’s revitalizing eye cream uses anti-aging ingredients such as Sea Salt and Algae extracts. Hyaluronic acid diminishes the fine lines around the eyes, providing intensive hydration to reduce embarrassing puffiness, eye bags and dark rings.
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
SPorT aNd fashion
get c u f f ed b Y c HaNel MaNc Hette www.c HaNel .c oM
will Come muCh Closer in 2014, briNgiNg morE ENErgY ANd iNNoVAtioN
运动和时装相遇将带 来更多力度和创新 << hAir
Nowadays men can style their hair easily and create a look that matches their personality. For the coming season, Corry van der Pluijm designed the “Wild Rockabilly” using Sexy hair spray & play, Van Bearle Hairfood, and Van Bearle regulating oil to complete the smart and slightly untamed look.
Hugo bos s gr eeN for t He Moder N g olf tr av eller . www. H ugobos s . coM sPor ts aNd fasHioN go “HaNd iN HaNd” : desigN er c arMic Hael b Yf iel d accessories b Y Hou se of b Yf iel d www.Hou seof b Yf iel d.c oM (PHoto: c HikiN tsaN g)
<< ANti-StrESS
EYE CArE CrEAm for him
La Marin’s revitalizing eye cream uses anti-aging ingredients such as Sea Salt and Algae extracts. Hyaluronic acid diminishes the fine lines around the eyes, providing intensive hydration to reduce embarrassing puffiness, eye bags and dark rings.
No More PaNda eYeS wiTH La MariN for MeN
X i N Ma ga zi N e
stY lebook
Luxury is… iNterNet sHoPPiNg is a growiNg PHeNoMeNoN; esPeciallY oNliNe fasHioN stores are PlaYiNg a More aNd More sigNificaNt Part tHese daYs. eacH
& maDe
Year tHere are rougHlY 10 MillioN dutcH PeoPle buYiNg oNliNe, aNd iN cHiNa about 242 MillioN oNliNe sHoPPers buY soMetHiNg witHout leaviNg tHeir HoMe. tHe NuMber is still goiNg uP raPidlY.
in China
luXurY is Made iN cHiNa, YeP!
WWW.ShANghAitANg.Com Founded by David Tang in 1994, Shanghai Tang is a China-based international brand combining luxury with traditional elements. Shanghai Tang is available online, for him, for her and for children.
“ i J u s t t Ho u g Ht to M Ys elf tH at i f You agr ee tHat c Hi N a w i l l e v e N tuallY be tHe lar ges t ecoN o MY iN tH e w o r l d , i t i s t i Me to s tar t a br aN d tH at i s qui NtesseN t i al lY c Hi N e s e . ” —dav i d taNg, fouNder of clotHiN g cHai N s HaNg Hai taN g
WWW.joWjuNior.Com Jow Junior for your Gentleman Junior by Dutch-Chinese fashion designer Winnie Chan. unique modern design with traditional fabrics from China. Funny illustrations by Josien Bruinsma.
WWW.XANdErzhou.Com Today, “Made in China” has a whole different meaning. Xander Zhou is one of the most influential Chinese designers in China since he established his label in 2007. He studied Fashion Design in the Netherlands and is presently based in Beijing. Check his Spring/Summer 2014 collection Contextuality.
WWW.NE-tigEr.Com/EN Ne –Tiger founded by Tiger Zhang holds a leading position in China’s fur industry. Known as China’s premier luxury brand with an impressing 2013 collection in Song Dynasty Style.
XaNder zHou’s dutcH iNsPiratioN iN His coNteXtualitY collectioN www.Ne-tiger.coM/eN
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
home sWeet
home diY wall of fame WWW.dAViddErkSEN.Nl Bring nature home with handmade wooden and copper lights by Rotterdam-based Dutch designer David Derksen. <<
WWW.grAhAmbroWN.Com 2013/2014 home trends is about dressing the wall and combining design wallpapers with a highly personal touch is the key. Start today and discover the artist in you! Make your own photo wallpaper or paint long stripes in your favorite colors. Hua, meaning blossom in Chinese, is part of the Asian collection by Chinese architect/designer Steve Leung for British wallpaper brand Graham & Brown. We are definitely seeing tradition coming back in authentic, creative handicrafts. We want to stay close to Mother Nature and bring her effortless expressions home. Check the new eurasian look and mix the best of both worlds! Blossom up your walls and make it even more personal with “emotion” captured by artist and photographer Chen Man.
X i N Ma ga zi N e
stY lebook
niah tang: duriNg tHe secoNd editioN of saloNè della Moda, Hosted bY stravagaNte Pr froM rotterdaM, tHe NetHerlaNds, i Had tHe oPPortuNitY to talk to two fasHioN desigNers froM HoNg koNg.
荷兰鹿特丹的Stravagante PR主办的Salonè della Moda今年第二次举行,《新》专门 来到这里找两位香港的雄心勃勃年轻时装设计师进行交流,得知他们的创作灵感来源和 来自他们个人世界的新鲜事。
let’s eavesDrop on them anD finD out more! 让我们来听听怎样来 ide y l e g u ted t s s ’ N Xi leN t w o ta N e r s s t e e m N desig fa s h i o o N g Ko N g : from h
dress cHiNa’s first ladY 彭丽媛
in Ya m
mouNtAiN YAm studied Fashion and Textiles at the Hong Kong Polytechni university. In 2011, he started his fashion label 112 mountainyam. The label connects nature with future. How? For example, Yam’s fall/winter collection is about transformation. The designer transforms and translates digital prints, which are inspired by nature and animals, into pieces of clothing that exude an urban sense and sensibility.
eung kenax l
曾学习时装及纺织。2011年他开始了自己的品牌112 mountainyam,以自然和未来元素相结合,例如他的秋/ 冬设计,设计师把起源于大自然和动物的灵感转化为数码 印刷图案,散发出强烈的现代都市感。
kENAX lEuNg graduated from the same university as Mountain Yam, the two of them are good friends. Leung received the winning award during Hong Kong Young Fashion Designer’s Contest 2012 for his interesting choice of fabric, loud colors and prints. His collection is bold and progressive. Both Yam and Leung are wildly ambitious. They are not afraid to work hard and are determined to achieve the best they can. MouNtaiN YaM
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
keNaX leuNg
来自同一所大学, 在2012年香港青年时装设计大赛中获得优 胜奖,他在面料、亮色和图案的设计方面很大胆很有创意。
tAlkiNg About iNSpirAtioN Mountain: “Nature, architecture, music, a smile, a glass of wine… everything I feel connected with, everything around me gives me inspiration. especially in Hong Kong, I feel very much inspired by local designers. British education in Hong Kong enables me to be open-minded. I travel a lot, and every new place is a new, different muse to me.” Kenax: “In Hong Kong we like to run, we like to feel healthy. Celebrities run in fashionable sportswear. Nike, Adidas, Puma; these brands are doing well, because ordinary people copy celebrities and are wearing what they are wearing. Sportswear is fashion; the design and small details are more fun and crazy, but still it’s functional. Puma is presently collaborating with international designers to create a fashion statement. People are ready to pay more for that. I will. Stylish sportswear that inspires you to jump and run. How great is that!”
uNiSEX & WorkiNg WomEN Kenax: “I started out with menswear and unisex style, but then I found out that some female clients wanted my designer clothes. I like to play with prints; digital prints, screen prints. I also like to play with texture. It’s one of my signatures. My style is street-wise, edgy and colorful, strongly influenced by hip-hop and youth culture. I like to look at graphic design and paintings; you can find those influences back in my work as well. I prefer functional fabric. For example, fabric used for backpacks, or mesh. I like their distinct structure. Since it’s polyester, I can use digital prints easily. There is no particular clothing style in HK, it’s a bunch of everything, very mixed. So it’s pretty much about individuality. Information comes in through all kinds of channels, we experiment freely with all sorts of styles out there.”
Photo: Chi King Tsang
Mountain: “I create for working women, I love their energy! My mum is one of them. She is the very soul of my design. These women are not only hard working, they have a warm heart. You know, tough on the outside but sweet and loving on the inside.”
own labels. I learn from them; these people know about marketing at both national and international level. They stay creative. Asian people are more into prints and loud colors. I think it would also work in Paris and London.”
drESSiNg up thE firSt lAdY
Mountain: “China feels familiar to us. We are Chinese so we would like to start something in China and be in touch with our family and friends. We study abroad, come back, and design and bring our creations to the rest of the world… I do not think it’s difficult for a Chinese designer to launch a label abroad. I believe in quality and craftsmanship plus retail price. If you want to achieve something, you just go for it. I believe in hard work.”
Mountain: “I would keep it simple, adding a pencil skirt or a black jacket. The First Lady can help China’s fashion industry grow. I’d like to see her in more forward-looking clothes. Kenax: Colors and prints, yeah. When the First Lady appears in front of us, she should be elegant and well dressed. My functional fabric will look good on her, some toughness plus contrasting colors for the lining. Lovely.”
ChiNA Kenax: “There are more and more talented Chinese designers these days, they are good at doing business as well. Vivienne Tam, for example, is a successful designer in New York. Many Chinese designers study abroad and then return to their homeland to start their
2014 Mountain: “Neon, pastel colors, prints. These are the key elements for the upcoming two seasons. The material will change perhaps; lace, for example. Yellow is the color of 2014.” Kenax: “Functional fabrics used in haute couture. A safari jacket, re-tailored. That sort of things.”
X i N Ma ga zi N e
treNdiN g toPic
8 most popular luxury brands 中国最受欢迎的 8大奢侈品牌
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
According to Bain, Chinese consumers’ taste for high-end brands have made these eight most popular brands in China:
根据报告,中国消费者购买的高 端品牌中,下面8大品牌最流行:
1. louis Vuitton (46%)
1 、 路易威登(46%)
2. chanel (36%)
2 、香奈儿(36%)
3. Gucci (22%)
3 、古奇(22%)
4. Armani (20%)
4 、阿玛尼(20%)
5. christian Dior (17%)
5 、迪奥(17%)
6. Rolex (14%)
6 、劳力士(14%)
7. cartier (11%)
7 、卡地亚(11%)
8. Hermès (8%)
8 、爱马仕(8%)
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hina now has the means to spend big on luxury goods – which has been endlessly reported. China also knows exactly what luxury goods it wants. The consulting firm Bain & Company released a new report on the Chinese luxury market that shows China is the fastest-growing consumer of leather products and jewelry globally. The Chinese luxury market is expected to grow by 23% this year, reaching 84.3 billion yuan (uS$12.7 billion).
“bY 2015, ChiNA iS EXpECtEd to SurpASS jApAN AS thE World’S NumbEr 1 luXurY Market, accouNtiNg for More tHaN 20% of tHe global deMaNd.” - mCkiNSEY iNSightS ChiNA, 2011-
Hermès is one of the top five brands in China for suitcases and handbags, according to Bain. Bain’s survey of 1,500 mainland Chinese consumers over the past 12 months revealed that most of the luxury spenders are between 25 and 44 years old; a much younger demographic than Japan and europe where high-end spenders are mostly people over 40. Bain partner Bruno Lannes says: “The younger generation has a relatively higher education level, better knowledge of brands and increasing personal earnings.” The report confirms that China’s obsession with luxury is spreading to more Chinese and to more cities. Luxury brands are rapidly opening stores throughout China to make it easier for Chinese shoppers to find coveted luxury goods, like handbags, closer to home. In fact, their infatuation with luxury have prompted the Chinese, who are traditionally savers, to spend on luxury goods. Families in first-tier cities like Beijing and Shanghai that earn between 5,000 and 15,000 yuan (uS$ 753 and uS$ 2,259) per month, would spend 21,000 yuan (uS$ 3,162) on luxury goods each year. Consumers in second- and third-tier cities like Chongqing and Tianjin show similar traits when it comes to luxury spending. In those cities, the wealthiest with a monthly income over 100,000 yuan (uS$ 15,000) are spending 186,000 yuan (uS$ 28,000) per year — about two months income — on luxury goods. This is slightly higher than their counterparts in first-tier cities who spend 166,000 yuan (uS$ 25,000) a year. even those who earn 5,000-15,000 yuan per month are spending several month’s income – 12,000 yuan (uS$ 1,807) per year on luxury. Luxury companies perceive the willingness of Chinese consumers to spend robustly and are jumping to open outlets both to meet and to stoke demand.
中国人现在有能力花钱买奢侈品, 中国人也知道想要的奢侈品。 咨询公司贝恩的一份最新报告显示,中国奢侈品市场同全球相 比增长最快的消费是皮革制品及饰品。中国奢侈品市场预计将 增长23%,达到人民币843亿,相当于美元127亿。 在中国最流行的5个同行品牌中,爱马仕的行李箱和手袋则最 看好。 贝恩公司的调查表明,在过去12个月1500中国内地消费者挥 金如土年龄段是在25和44岁之间,比日本和欧洲高端品牌消 费群年轻, 日本欧洲同等级消费者在40岁以上。 “年轻一代具有较高的教育水平,了解品牌多,而且他们的收 入也在不断增长 。” 贝恩的合作伙伴Bruno Lannes这样说。 报告证实中国人对奢侈品的痴迷已蔓延到越来越多的中国城 市,很多高档品牌在中国各地开了专卖店,有利于中国消费者 就近购买手袋等名牌产品。 事实上,中国传统储户都愿意花费投资高档奢侈品,例如在一 线城市,如北京和上海,月收入为人民币5千至1万5千元(相 当于美元753和2259),每年奢侈品平均花费是人民币2万1千 元(相当于美元3162)。 在第二和第三线城市,如重庆和天 津,消费者在奢侈品花销方面表现出类似的倾向,这里最富有 人家的每月收入如果超过人民币十万元(相当美元15000)在 奢侈品上的的支出每年约人民币18万6千元(相当美元28000 ),大约可折合为两个月的收入,这个数字是略高于一线城市 1万6千6百元的奢侈品支出额(相当美元25000)。 奢侈品公司看到了中国消费者的潜力,极其愿意开直销店满足 需求。
The fifteen high-end luxury brands polled in the survey combined have opened 80 new outlets in total throughout China this year. Coach is set to open 30 new stores this fiscal year, while Tiffany’s plans to open four stores soon.
参加高端奢侈品牌调查的15个品牌,他们今年在中国各地开 设了80个新直销店。Coach也计划开设30个分店,Tiffany计划 开4个分店。
Of course, right now the foreign luxury companies reap all the Chinese luxury spending since there really isn’t any Chinese competition.
国外的奢侈品牌在中国大有收益,这是因为没有来自中国的竞 争对手。
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in europe
英国 应 该 吸 引更多 的 中 国 游 客
ecent media channels, tourism and retail associations in the uK have been extremely vocal in their frustration that Britain should attract more Chinese tourists but is lagging behind other countries like France and the uS. London is losing out on lucrative Chinese tourist visits “every minute” because of Britain’s bureaucratic and expensive visa process, a leading tour operator has warned. Yu Ning Ning, president of China International Travel Service, the country’s most powerful tour operator, said tourists find it easier to go to european countries covered by the single Schengen visa rather than London. Her company, which runs 800 travel agencies, brings fewer than 10,000 tourists to Britain a year from a total customer base of 3.2 million. Chinese visitors usually want to visit a number of european countries and can do that on the Schengen visa. If they want to include London they have to go through a laborious separate application for a uK visa.
Ms Yu said: “If I want to send 1,000 people [to the uK] I have to send buses [to a visa processing center]. This is really causing problems. every minute you are losing business.” Improvements announced last year by the Home Office have made little difference in persuading major tour companies to include the uK on travel itineraries, she added. Asked if she had detected any improvement, Ms Yu replied: “Not much.” She said: “The uK visa is not a cheap visa, it’s a more expensive visa,” adding that the British system is even more complicated than the uS process for Chinese visitors. Ms Yu, who was in London for a conference organized by the British Hospitality Association, said her tour operator will continue to avoid sending large groups to the uK until there are substantial improvements. Another frequent complaint is the inadequate facilities at uK airports to reclaim tax on purchases. Apart from Heathrow, most uK airports only have a post box where Chinese visitors can submit claims, unlike in europe where most airports have help desks, said Ms Yu. A Home Office spokesman said: “China is one of the uK’s priority markets for tourism and business. Our Chinese visa system provides an excellent service and we will continue to make improvements wherever possible, but we will not compromise the security of our border.” (London evening Standard)
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伦敦每分钟都在失去来欧洲花钱的中国旅游者,这是因为英 国政府繁琐和昂贵的签证手续。中国国际旅行社总社总裁于 宁宁说中国游客更容易取得申根签证,而伦敦不包括在内。 于宁宁所在公司有800个旅行社,每年总数为320万欧洲游 客,到不列颠仅有1万人。英国签证需要单独办理,而且很艰 辛,英国的签证比申根签证也更昂贵。对于中国游客,英国 签证手续的制度比美国的还复杂。没有实质性的改进,国旅 不打算办理很多中国旅游团去英国。另一种常见的抱怨是英 国机场退税设施不足,除了希思罗机场外,英国其他机场只 有一个邮筒来办理中国游客的事项,而欧洲大陆的大多数机 场都有专门的咨询台。 英国内政部的一名发言人表示:“中国在我国旅游和商业市场 上有优先地位。我们对中国的签证制度服务优良。我们将继续 作出可能的改善,但我们不会损害边境安全。”
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《新 》独家专访
Hu Bing:
a Chinese gentleman bY PiM wiersiNga
中国绅士: 胡兵 oNe cool daY iN berliN fiNds Hu biNg – NobodY would give HiM 40 - oN a sofa Near tHe Hotel wiNdow. as a Model, He becaMe aN idol to MaNY; NeXt siNger aNd all-rouNd actor; Now He is oN His waY to becoMe a cHiNese geNtleMaN wHilst sHuttliNg all over tHe world. His eYes radiate iNtelligeNce. sooN tHe coNversatioN drifts froM Past successes to tHe future He sees for HiMself – beYoNd MerelY coNtiNuiNg a career.
{今秋柏林已充满凉意,胡兵坐在靠窗的沙发上。40岁的胡兵,脸庞依然轮廓清晰,保持着明眸皓齿的形象。除了天赐的样貌, 后 天 的 勤 奋 和 不 懈 努力才 成 就 了 今 天 的 他 。 他 穿 梭 于 世 界 各 地 , 工 作 之 余 他 接 触 到 了 世 界 的 经 典 、 大 师 和 名 流 , 如同行 万 里 路 , 胡兵把这些都融汇到自己的身上 。 多 年 前看胡 兵 , 是 帅哥偶 像 , 如 今 他 已 经 沉 淀 , 成 为 不 可 多 得 的 中 国 绅 士 。 }
His is hard work, by any standards. Hu Bing, however, shows no trace of being fatigued or fed up. Instead, he is thrilled! Life took a new turn. Gone seems the idol of yore, gone the entertainer – or rather, these roles now found an unheard-of balance. The entertainer became a gentleman par excellence, and in this capacity he has a mission to fulfill.
《新》: 观众心中的胡兵是360ᵒ 全方位型的娱乐人。举世瞩目 的时装设计家 Valentino Garavani 美称他:“中国顶尖级男模 特儿”。他也是职业电影演员和歌手。请问胡兵这个名字在中 国影坛意味着什么?粉丝是把他当成偶像呢还是独具天赋的演 员,或者这个名字会带来票房排名冠军?想听听胡兵自己眼中 的自己。
胡兵(下文简称胡): 模特是我进入这个行业的敲门砖吧,起 码外界都是这样认为的。在中国的电影行业,我算是个小角 色,你所熟知的和欧洲人了解的中国大腕里,起码没有我的 名字。如果真的说点儿什么,我倒觉得我的身上可以看到中国 电影产业几十年的缩影,而这也是我所经历的、能够分享给你
Designer Valentino Garavani hailed him as China’s top male supermodel. But then he cut a mark as an actor and a singer too. Who is the man who conquered the Chinese film industry? Does the audience see him as an idol, a talented actor or
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“as long as You are after true love, you will find a genTleman like me.”
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an instant box office success? These were the first questions I brought with me. “I think my modeling was a stepping stone to the film industry, from an outsider’s point of view at least. I don’t think of myself as a name in the film world, nothing like the big Chinese and european names. Looking at my acting career so far, I would say my first film roles were a continuation of my modeling, glamour and all. In time I progressed, and like others, I focused more and more on developing my professional acting skills.”
的;从我开始凭借样子在娱乐产业一炮而红,到现在慢慢沉 淀、积累了电影演出的经验,就好像中国电影从开始的偶像 式,到现在的深度化,越来越多的明星和偶像都注重重新修炼 自己的演技、更多的学习其他行业的知识丰富自己。之后,我 有进军好莱坞的计划,和世界级的导演合作,得到的作品和结 果,也是我人生沉淀后向观众的反馈吧。至于定位我自己,不 能算偶像、也不是票房保证,我倒愿意当个有智慧的男演员。
In The Last emperor, the stunning Bertolucci movie shot in the Forbidden City during the 1980’s, young Puyi says to his english tutor: “I am not a gentleman. I never mean what I say, and I’m not allowed to say what I mean.” Whatever gentlemanly skills Hu Bing is at odds with, candor is not one of them. He is as honest and open about his modeling work as about his plans to pave a way to Hollywood.
《新》: 自己觉得更多是演员还是更多是歌手?哪个职业胡 兵更加看重一些呢? 胡: Actor, in my opinion. 在尝试了演艺圈所有的工作之后, 我发现,歌手的确是能表达我内心的情感,演员能真正把我的 沉淀和理解展示给大家。对每一个角色的塑造就是在体验不同 的人生,比如我塑造过成功的商人、领军人物,这种感觉对我 现在做“中国绅士”就是一种不同的领悟,出演不同的人生。 《新》:
“i wisHed to sHare MY 2012 successes witH acquaiNtaNces all over tHe world, because i kNow How loNelY life caN be iN a foreigN couNtrY. tHere are risks iNvolved, You kNow, oNe MaN’s iNsPiratioN MaY well be aNotHer MaN’s sHock”
“I am still learning until this very day. Of course my resonance with a large audience was a great help, and I am most grateful for it. I suppose you could call me an idol, I certainly was one. But when it comes to film, one must go beyond this. It would not help me to stay an idol, and breaking box office records is not an ultimate goal for me either. I’d rather be a wise actor.”
ACtor or SiNgEr – WhiCh oNE doES hE likE bESt? “Actor! Mind you, showbiz and I are on friendly terms ever since my career got started – like the air we breathe. Besides, as a singer I may express inner feelings. Music is a like a lifelong
与我们大家分享一下吗? 胡: 我有很多著名音乐人的朋友,可以说我的耳朵被人宠坏 了。最近我最喜欢的音乐是,Lana Delrey的Summertime Sadness,那种音乐营造的空灵感,能让我在静谧的坏境里思考。 影响我的音乐家,我觉得是马友友,他将华人对音乐的崇拜和 热爱、华人对音乐的天分和教育传承,让人钦佩。 我自己也很喜欢发现新的音乐,例如在渡假时我最喜欢找来 当地的音乐,这样就会丰富我个人对世界各地人情风味的知识 和亲身体验。 《新》:2005年可以说是在你的事业上很重要的一年,因为 有做出一个重大决定,那就是在事业顶峰你突然决定离开中国 大陆去美国“深造” 。那是怎么回事?当时是怎样的打算? 回头看来,这个决定有没有走对? 胡:当时我还太年轻,虽然在大陆取得了一定的成绩,但是你 一定明白,人往上走的道理。一定要和很多国外优秀的演员和
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romance. I am blessed with musical friends, I got spoiled ears. Hollow music kills inspiration, but my favorites have changed over time. until very recently, it was Lana Del Rey’s Summertime Sadness. And I adore Yo-Yo Ma, to me he exemplifies a typical Chinese love for music, its rich heritage, its flair…Yo-yo is so admirable! I am no musician – I am an actor. Acting is about understanding. To share this understanding with audiences is my true calling, and my aspiration to be a Chinese gentleman amounts to the same thing really – and yet, it reflects a different kind of insight, celebrating a different kind of life.”
tEAmWork ANd humblE rolES In 2005, in the very prime of his career, Hu Bing left China for the united States. It was part of a deliberate “growth plan”, a kind of advanced education in acting. “At that time I was too young, I can see that now. But I learned that people want the truth. So you better be an excellent actor, and to get there, one has to be content with teamwork, humble roles and foreign settings. Once you’ve been through it, you are ready to treat yourself to a more professional level of performing. That’s why I did it.” A Chinese gentleman is the title of a campaign created by Hu Bing’s team. The actor himself shaped the basic idea of the brand name. “I wished to share my 2012 successes with acquaintances all over the world, because I know how lonely life can be in a foreign country. There are risks involved, you know, one man’s inspiration may well be another man’s shock.”
团队合作后,才能更专业地对待自己的表演。所以我当时决 定,去读书,需要花几年的时间沉淀下来,吸收更多的东西, 为我之后的演艺道路铺垫基础。 我这条路确实走对了,我希望启发国内很多的同行和演员们, 他们也应当有这样的勇气来走一段不同寻常的路。 《新》:胡兵同 China Affinity。
胡: 一切得从“中国绅士”说起…… “中国绅士”是我的团队为我打造的一个campaign。在年初 的时候,我突然得到一个灵感,好像天赐一样,让我和我的团 队分享,分享我2012年以前遇见的成功中国商人和我的海外 的朋友的经历,他们带给我的无疑是另一种生命的震撼、或者 另一个生活的启迪。尤其是当一个人在异国他乡,孤立无援, 或者得到同胞的支持时候,那种执着、坚韧和中国人骨子里的 绅士情怀,是值得我来推崇的。 China Affinity就是要把这种刻苦的精神传扬出去,这可以说是 我们长期合作的主要一项吧。
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Hu Bing is determined and committed to the challenges. By now it is his attempt to promote international communication for improved cross-cultural understanding and trust between the world and China. Why is this so important? “After having been showered under praises for years, I wish to adopt the unassuming nature which I know is part of the Chinese attitude I value. Luminaries before me, Ang Lee, Jackie Chan or Jet Li, these gentlemen did the same sort of thing. They are like beacons for me, and building a loving bridge between China and the world, it’s such a romantic idea!”
“as loNg as You are after true love, You will
《新》:我们得知胡兵还在做对自己对大家都很重要的一件 事,那就是加强和促进中国同世界的交流,对不对?在全球化 的当今世界,想要建立人与人之间、文化与文化之间的理解和 信任确实是件大事。 胡: 这真是对我这么多年的工作一个极高的表扬了,我要遵 着中国人传统的谦卑态度来接受您的鼓励。其实在我之前已经 很多人做了这样的事情,比如李安导演、成龙大哥、李连杰, 他们都是我在前进路上的明灯,他们为中国和世界沟通已经造 起了一座坚固的桥梁,我只是其中的一小股力量。但这确实是 一件大事,是我作为文化人的一件大事,也是面向未来的一件 大事!
fiNd a geNtleMaN like Me”
ChAritY iN CANNES For more than one decade, the actor has been involved in charity projects. He was editor-in-chief of Bazaar Men and was responsible for fundraising at Charity Night. He was similarly involved with esquire to support the preservation of the rain forest. In 2003, he helped improving China’s image by establishing the link between his homeland and the World Wildlife Fund; he attended charity dinners in Cannes and was part of the cause. Hu Bing will be continuing to put the Chinese Gentleman campaign to good initiatives. Amidst all the hustle and bustle, Lu Bing’s attitude is still: Never stop learning. Recently, he completed directing a multi-national co-production War Queen. A high profile movie featuring Oriental magic for a world-wide audience was launched in the summer of 2013. Director Hu Bing: “It is interesting because of its historical themes, I hope it will attract attention.”
fEmAlE bEAutY Hu Bing is a mystery when it comes to his personal life. Shrouded in accessibility as it were, his eyes defy probing; one can only wonder how many members of the opposite sex have been defied likewise. Thank you for your time, Mr. Hu. I would like to ask one more question. What is beauty in your eyes? What is female beauty? Please share the secret with XiN’s female readers how to conquer a man like Hu Bing? “Actually, a lot of people say beauty resides in the brain... I adhere to that view. And when it comes to physical beauty, I think the clavicle is what I find most attractive on a lady.” He laughs, his face friendly and his demeanor almost intimate. “As long as you are after true love, you will find a gentleman like me.”
《新》:胡兵打算长期坚守影坛,最近还执导了一部大戏…… 胡: 我最近出演新戏比较多,这些戏里的重头戏是在为一个 新戏准备,这部戏是一个多国合拍片,叫《战争女王》,是一 个非常有意思的历史题材片,希望大家关注。 《新》:参加公益慈善活动了吗? 胡: 我之前在《芭莎男士》杂志做主编,我和女刊主编一起 打造了两年的芭莎慈善夜,我们每年都会由不同的主题,倡导 中国的绅士、淑女一起为需要帮助的弱势群体出力。我也在为 《时尚先生》杂志做环保方面的形象大使,我们当时关注世界 雨林。在2003年,我作为WWF的中国第一个形象大使,推广 WWF在中国的环保形象。包括在戛纳电影节、罗马电影节, 我也参加和参与了慈善晚宴等活动。 《新》: 请给我们讲讲“美”的定义是什么?胡兵眼中女性 美最关键的部位?(笑)我们的女性读者很想知道征服美男子 胡兵的秘密武器。(大笑) 胡:其实有头脑是很多人说的美女的特征,我也坚持这个说 法。女性真正吸引人的地方,我认为是锁骨,锁骨也是上帝赐 予女人的最美的部位。其实只要用真心去爱,就能找到像我这 样的男人啊。 编辑手记:我们感觉胡兵做中国绅士,一方面是他把世界上华 商那种成功、坚韧的精神分享给国人;另一方面,我们觉得他 作为中国绅士,就是在为世界展示一个成功的中国男人的精 彩,他的这张中国绅士的世界名片,上面写满了“中国绅士” 的特点、符号,他用这张名片传递着“中国绅士”这个独特的 词汇的味道。
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your eYeS 新眼睛 WorLD PrESS PHoTo 2013 2013 界新闻摄影比赛
ASIAN ToP MoDEL 2013 2013 度亚洲超级模特大赛 DuTCH HAT DESIGNEr WINS BEIJING CrEATIvITy AWArD 荷兰设计师在京荣膺创作大奖
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
XiN kisses Your eYes
2013 cHeN wei seNg (MalaYsia) woN tHe 1st Prize iN tHe sPorts actioN siNgle categorY witH His Picture of a JockeY sHowiNg relief aNd JoY at tHe eNd of a daNgerous ruN across rice fields duriNg tHe Pacu Jawi bull race iN batu saNgkar, west suMatra.
World Press Photo is an independent, non-profit organization based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Founded in 1955, the organization is known for holding the world’s largest and most prestigious annual press photography contest. XiN attended World Press Photo 2013 held at Felix Meritis’ canal house. We picked our favorites, which we would like to share with our readers. 每年一度的世界新闻摄影比赛(World Press Photo,简称WPP)在荷兰举 行,所以又称荷赛。它成立于1955 年,总部设在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹。主编 为大家选择了两幅最起眼的来自亚洲的 作品,一幅是运动类一等奖, 表现印度 尼西亚苏门答腊的赛牛场景,另一幅则 是当代社会类一等奖,表现越南同性恋 现状。去年8月第一届Gay Pride在河内 举行,越南将成为亚洲第一个通过同性 恋合法化法律的亚洲国家。
first Prize iN tHe categorY coNteMPorarY issues stories. 22 JuNe, 2012: PHaN tHi tHuY vY (1992) aNd daNg tHi bicH baY (1992) watcH tv iN da NaNg. tHeY Have beeN togetHer for a Year. vietNaM is coNsideriNg MakiNg saMe-seX couPles legallY Possible aNd would becoMe tHe first asiaN couNtrY to allow gaY Marriage. last august, tHe first gaY Pride took Place iN HaNoi. PHoto: Maika elaN (vietNaM)
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XiN kisses Your eYes
Text: Julie O’Yang
top moDel 2
tHe asiaN toP Model 2013 editioN took Place tHis Past MarcH. tHe 16-Year-old dewi asHleY vaN beNscHoP woN tHe title of asiaN toP Model 2013. sHe also woN a triP to sHaNgHai as well as a coNtract witH a ModeliNg ageNcY iN tHe cHiNese MegacitY.
moment and have done shootings for the biggest web shop here. I have done campaigns for brands as well as some TV commercials. I love Istanbul! It’s so alive, there are so many things to do here…We are planning to go to China very soon.
it was Not aN easY race for dewi. all caNdidates Had aN asiaN backgrouNd aNd were all eXtreMelY attractive, settiNg off aN eXcitiNg battle aMoNg tHe ParticiPaNts. witH eleveN otHer fiNalists, dewi eMbarked oN tHe coMPetitioN to coNviNce tHe JurY, PosiNg for PHoto sHoots witH differeNt tHeMes iN creatioNs bY YouNg dutcH desigNers. XiN Had tHe cHaNce to cHat witH tHe asiaN beautY dewi about
Could you tell us something about your family in holland, about your background? I live in Nederhorst den Berg, a little village nearby Hilversum. I still live with my parents, Monique and Marco. My mother is Indonesian and my father is Dutch. I am thankful for everything my parents have done for me, without them I wouldn’t be where I am now.
Her uPbriNgiNg, Her dailY life aNd Her future PlaNs.
2013年3月亚洲模特儿选举赛在荷兰开幕,16岁的Dewi Ashley Van Benschop夺得桂冠。请读《新》与这位亚洲美 女温馨访谈记录。
Congratulations, dewi! Very exciting news. Were you surprised? I was very surprised, because there were so many beautiful girls in the competition. I still can’t believe it. …overwhelmed, maybe? because the title means your career could kick off on a global stage. it’s a turning point for you, isn’t it? Yes definitely. I can’t wait to see more of the world during my modeling work. Could you please share your impression of China with us? unfortunately, I haven’t been able visit China yet, as I was booked for 2 months to work in Istanbul. I am staying in Turkey at the
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how did you get started in modeling? is this what you have always wanted as a child? I did some fashion shoots in the past just for fun. When I met my coach and manager Lorraine from Genevieve Productions, that’s how everything got really started. Lorrain coached me in professional modeling and we started building my portfolio. Lorrain also signed me up for Asian Top model, and lots of doors have opened for me ever since. Yes, this is what I have always wanted! It’s great to see myself in a campaign or on telly (laughs). And I meet loads of inspiring people every day! I was supposed to go to Beijing Fashion Week for Dutch-Chinese designer Sheguang Hu. Such a pity I couldn’t, as I had other job engagements. But I do hope to be attending Beijing Fashion Week 2014! finally, what does a normal day of dewi’s life look like? I am a student at St. Aloysius College in Hilversum. I do the normal stuff in life, you know, homework, hanging out with my friends etc. I love shopping and modeling. Of course, I also feel sad often. I am a teenager; lots of things are going on under this young surface. I am working hard to become a professional model. I feel blessed in many ways. I would like to have my own business in the near future.
XiN kisses Your eYes
fotografie // dewi
dewi asHleY vaN beNscHoP is froM NederHorst deN berg, tHe NetHerlaNds. it’s Her dreaM to break iNto tHe ModeliNg iNdustrY aNd our asiaN beautY HoPes tHat tHe title will HelP Her oN tHe waY to aN iNterNatioNal career
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XiN kisses Your eYes
Wins BeijinG
Dirk-Jan Kortschot from Holland’s Arnhem won the first China International Hat Design Competition in Beijing, China. With his collection Chin, he won the Creativity Award from nearly 700 entries from all over the world including countries such as China, Spain, Hungary and the Netherlands. Sixty-three designers were selected based on design sketches with the competition theme Dream China. Twenty-one collections made it to the final round. Dirk-Jan is planning to make a new design for the Chinese market.
荷兰当代帽饰设计在京获得国际帽饰比赛大奖,Dirk-Jan Kortschot 来自荷兰的阿尔那姆市。
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
旅游 CLuBMED rESorTS 从法国远道而来找中国的有钱人 LENGErS yACHT 豪华游艇 PoSTCArDS FroM SICILy 来自西西里的明信片 XAvIEr KAT: THe CHINeSe GRAPe WALL VeRSuS THe WORLD 深层解读:葡萄酒在中国
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{iNge JaNseN is a siNologist aNd tHe autHor of tHree dutcH travel guides (doMiNicus cHiNa, beiJiNg aNd sHaNgHai). siNce sHe first travelled to cHiNa iN 1993, sHe JourNeYed eXteNsivelY tHrougHout tHe couNtrY, coveriNg tHousaNds of kiloMeters. iN 2008 sHe started Her owN busiNess, MiNgbai, wHicH MeaNs ‘to uNderstaNd’ iN cHiNese. sHe writes for several Media, gives talks oN cHiNa aNd teacHes about cHiNa at scHools. visit www.MiNgbai.Nl for More iNforMatioN.}
Club Med 从 法国远道而来 找 中国的有钱人
CluB meD sets its eYe on
ChiNa’s wealthy tourists
little did belgiaN water Polo PlaYer gérard blitz kNow, tHat wHeN He fouNded club MéditerraNée iN 1950, siXtY Years later wealtHY cHiNese tourists would becoMe oNe of club Med’s Most iMPortaNt target grouPs. tHe freNcH all-iNclusive resort oPerator HoPes to Make cHiNa its biggest Market outside fraNce bY 2015.
Club Med提供 一 价 全 包 假 期 , 包 括 丰 富 充 实 的 假 期活 动 & 选 项、个人化精致服务,家庭、情侣、朋友,或者单独前往都 能 开 心自在 地 享 受 特 制 假 期 。 所 有 的 假 期 锁 事 都 不用 操 心 , 你 与挚爱只要放纵于美好假期时光,更不必担心预算超支!请 读下文Club Med在 中 国 。
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Surrounded by green rice fields and the jagged peaks so characteristic of the spectacular karst mountains in the southern Chinese province of Guangxi, lies the newest signature resort of Club Méditerranée, also known as Club Med. Sitting about thirty kilometers away from the very popular tourist destination Guilin, the splendid, brand-new resort is equipped with comfort and luxury any modern and spoiled holiday-maker could ever wish for. This is one of the luxury resorts with which Club Med hopes to attract wealthy tourists from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Hadi Kamouh, CeO of Club Med Benelux, says: “We aim to reach China’s more affluent population. We are targeting the Chinese from large cities looking for a short stay as well as the M(eetings)I(ncentives) C(onferences)e(xhibitions) population.”
from budgEt to upmArkEt Founded in 1950 by a group of travelers headed by Gérard Blitz on the then still unspoiled Spanish island of Mallorca, the very first Club Med was far from luxurious. It was rather a bit Spartan. The purpose was to offer sporty all-inclusive holidays in the midst of nature with a group of kindred spirits. Over the years Club Med had developed into a successful company that became known for its budget all-inclusive beach and ski holidays. Because of increasing competition and the rise of an international and more demanding clientele, and from 2001 onwards a deteriorating global economy, Club Med’s success however started to wane. In order to turn the tide, the company has been trying to reposition itself since 2004 in the upscale segment of the tourism market.
在中国南方广西省,翠绿的稻田和奇异的山峦环绕着Club Med旅游胜地,它离桂林30公里,但却具有现代旅游观 光客梦寐以求的舒适和奢侈条件,这就是该公司打算进入 中国并希望征服来自中国、台湾和香港的富人的渡假村之 一。公司总裁Hadi Kamouh先生说:“我们的顾客群是富 足的中国人,我们面对来自中国各大城市短期渡假的顾客 或者会展(MICE)旅游客。 1950年,在由Gérard Blitz带领下的一群旅游发烧友,在西班 牙的Mallorca岛上开始了第一家Club Med,那个时候,条件艰 辛,更谈不上什么奢侈,他们的想法就是能在大自然怀抱中渡 假,提供假期所有服务。后来Club Med发展成为海滩及滑雪
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fiVE rESortS iN ChiNA bY 2015 In 2010 Club Med made plans for the following five years, and China’s rising numbers of affluent tourists started to play an important role. Mr. Kamouh: “It is Club Med’s goal to attract up to 6% of the potential Chinese visitors to Club Med’s 4 and 5 star holiday resorts by 2015, which is 0.2% of the total Chinese population. Based on this calculation, Club Med hopes to receive over 200,000 Chinese customers by 2015.” If Club Med succeeds in its mission, China will become its biggest market outside France in terms of quantity of visitors. Fosun International is a major Chinese investment group and have already bought a 10% stake in the company in 2010. Together with AXA Pe, Fosun recently launched a friendly takeover bid to acquire 46% each. Club Med hopes so to bring in Fosun’s knowledge of the Chinese property market. Fosun will be cooperating in identifying opportunities for new resorts in China. Club Med plans to open five resorts in China in 2015 and is on its way to make it real. In 2011 Club Med opened its first village in China; Yabuli is a ski resort in the north-eastern province of Heilongjiang. The second resort in south China’s Guilin has been running at full capacity since August 2013. By the end of 2013, a third resort is planned on Dong’ao Island, an islet in South China Sea, not far from Hong Kong and Macau.
uNiquE EXpEriENCES for thE iNdiViduAl The concept of an all-inclusive holiday in which not only meals, drinks and snacks are offered but also various activities is new to China. Moreover, Club Med is still at its start and relatively unknown to Chinese tourists. This is changing rapidly, however. Hadi Kamouh: “We notice a strong increase of our customers in China, which shows Club Med is more and more taken into consideration by our target group. In 2012 a total of 86,000 visitors from Greater China means an increase of 13% compared to 2011!” China’s wealthy tourists are increasingly opting for luxury holidays with a taste for unique, exceptional experiences. The combination of luxury and individual experiences might be the key to make Club Med resorts a great success in China. On the other hand, the success formula will definitely meet competitions. Therefore, high quality and listening to the wishes of China’s more and more demanding tourists will be vital for Club Med if the company wants to hold its position long-term.
ENthuSiAStiC rEViEWS Apparently, Chinese tourists have already found their way to Club Med resorts. The all-inclusive concept seems to be a hit. The comments on travel websites such as Trip Advisor are generally positive; visitors are excited. The presence of Chinese speaking G.O.s, meaning Gentle Organizers, a term Club Med uses for its local staff, is greatly appreciated, as well as the many activities G.O.s organize for both adults and children. As Xu Jin, a businessman from Chengdu, puts it: “There’s nothing better than to have paid for your holiday with little left to worry about other than to enjoy and have fun.” You can have a peek of Club Med China resorts here:
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的渡假专业公司,但由于竞争剧烈,外加国际顾客要求日益苛 刻以及2001年的经济危机,该公司业务开始衰退,为了挽救 这个局面,2004年以来公司开始在高档市场寻求发展。 Club Med在2010年提出了未来五年计划,其中,中国的富裕 游客数量上升开始扮演重要的角色。Kamouh说:“我公司计 划到2015年吸引至6%的中国游客来四星级和五星级的度假村 渡假,这是中国总人口的0.2%。按照这个计算,Club Med希 望在2015年接收20万名中国客人。” 此计划如果成功,中国将成为除法国以外游客数量最大的市 场。复星集团是中国一家大型投资集团,该公司在2010年购买 了Club Med 10%的股权。与AXA PE一道,复星最近提出友好 的收购其46%。Club Med希望就此能利用复星在中国的房地产 市场的知识技能,一道寻找和开发度假村行业中的新商机。
Club Med计划至2015年在中国开设5个渡假村。2011 年,Club Med的第一村在中国东北黑龙江省落成:亚布力阳 光渡假村是滑雪胜地。第二村在中国南方的桂林,并自2013 年8月起全面运作。到2013年底前第三胜地计划开在东澳 岛,这是在中国南海一个小岛上,离香港和澳门不远。
ClubMed提倡的度假模式是不仅提供餐饮,同时提供各 种活动的全包式假期模式,这一概念在中国还比较新,此 外,Club Med还不是大家熟知的名字,而这正在有所转变。 总裁Kamouh说:“我们发现我们目标群越来越把我们公司 当回事,我们在中国的客人也正在强劲增长。 2012年起, 来自中国及周边来的客流量共有86.000人,相比2011年增 加了13%!”
中国的有钱人越来越多人愿意选择高档渡假村,因为这里的渡 假经验独特。豪华奢侈的硬件服务与个人需求相匹配,这是使 Club Med渡假村在中国取得巨大成功的最关键,在这个成功 过程中肯定会遇到竞争,因此保持高品质和倾听客人各方面的 需求也将至关重要,这是公司保持其竞争位置的长远之计。 很显然中国游客已经找到了Club Med渡假村,在TripAdvisor的中 文版网站到到网上,大家对渡假村评论都相当满意。一个讲中 文的G.O.s,(Genteel Organisers),为成人和儿童组织各类活动, 也受到极大赞赏。成都来的商人徐进这样写道:“付了钱来渡 假村渡假,没有任何担忧,只图开心,这是再好不过的。” 请在此查看Club Med中国渡假村:
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superB seleCtion of DutCh anD international YaChts at hisWa amsterDam in-Water Boat shoW 2013 lengers Yachts premiered at hisWa amsterdam in-water Boat show 阿姆斯特丹国际豪华游艇展于2013年9月3日至8日在荷兰首 都阿市中心举行,参展的游艇建造商和经销商来自全世界各 地。Lengers Yachts也前来参展,该公司为来宾演示展出了 整整一系列豪华游艇,引起到会者的极大兴趣。Lengers是 意大利法拉帝集团在比利时、荷兰、卢森堡和德国北部及中 部的正式经销商。
Following last year’s success, 2013 HISWA Amsterdam in-water Boat Show was held once again in the historic heart of the city of Amsterdam. From 3 to 8 September, the new Amsterdam Marina showcased around 300 yachts from all over the world. Like in previous editions, Dutch steel motor yacht builders were given a prominent place while many international brands presented their latest yachts. There were three nautical theme worlds for the exhibitors to show their boats. Adventure Island focused on smaller, faster open boats, Pleasure Island featured cruisers, and Luxury Island was a spectacle of luxurious motor and sail yachts. Dutch steel yacht builders enjoy an excellent global reputation. HISWA Amsterdam in-water Boat Show is an annual event for quality yacht building with a wide range of innovations and diverse sailboat premiers. Visitors to the HISWA Amsterdam in-water Boat Show attended seminars and exciting activities for children of all ages on and around the water, almost all of which were free of charge. People were offered the opportunity to admire the unique history of Dutch shipbuilding as they took part in culinary highlights and wellness events.
(iMage: leNgers YacHts) leNgers YacHts atteNded aMsterdaM iN-water boat sHow 2013. tHe coMPaNY PreseNted a coMPlete raNge of luXurY YacHts, creatiNg a great eXPerieNce for tHe visitors. leNgers YacHts is tHe official distributor of tHe italiaN ferretti grouP iN beNeluX aNd NortH aNd ceNtral gerMaNY.
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{Xavier kat is ceo of wiJNkoPeriJ okHuYseN, wHicH Has coMbiNed traditioN aNd iNNovatioN for More tHaN 145 Years. tHe HaarleM-based coMPaNY sPecializes iN iMPortiNg tHe fiNest wiNes froM Prestigious wiNe-growiNg regioNs aNd is coNstaNtlY lookiNg for New wiNes froM lesser-kNowN areas. MeiNiNger’s wiNe busiNess iNterNatioNal desigNated okHuYseN as “best dutcH iMPorter”. Xavier is vice PresideNt of tHe koNiNkliJke vereNigiNg vaN NederlaNdse wiJNHaNdelareN (kvNw/roYal associatioN of dutcH wiNe traders), teacHer at tHe wiNe acadeMY aNd PresideNt of tHe iNterNatioNal wiNe clubs associatioN.}
Wine in China: Culture or trenD? b Y X av i e r k at
What drives the Chinese people to buy all these expensive wines, and at any price? What can we expect for the future? How will this buying behavior be influenced by the increasing domestic wine production? And what is the future of Chinese wines? Being a so-called traditional wine importer specializing in quality wines from the main wine producing countries such as France, Italy and Spain, I have been dealing with China for several years now. Not that I am selling any wines directly to China or HongKong, and I am not buying any Chinese wines either. No, I have to seriously deal with China since they have become one of the prominent wine buying countries in today’s world. With their huge interest in the classified growths from Bordeaux – the only region in the world with an open market, where prices are fixed based on demand – prices for Bordeaux wines have increased dramatically, even to such an extent that, apart from the few people who think speculating in wine is prosperous, lots of Dutch consumers have stopped buying these wines, which obviously results in less business.
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多年从事葡萄酒进口行业,专长于从葡萄酒生产大国如法国、 意大利和西班牙进口优质葡萄酒,以这个身份我也同中国打交 道好几年了。我同中国大陆以及香港并没有任何生意关系,但 我必须认真对待中国,这是因为它已经成为当今世界上葡萄酒 购买大国之一。波尔图酒市场是全球唯一的开放市场,价格按 照需求也是固定的,但是波尔多葡萄酒的价格已经随着巨大需 求急剧上升。价格猛增导致了葡萄酒投机业的繁荣,而大多荷 兰消费者并不愿意买波尔图酒,造成了业务上的损失。 是什么驱使中国人购买昂贵的葡萄酒?我们未来可以期待什 么?越来越多中国自产葡萄酒将怎样影响中国人的购买行 为?中国葡萄酒的未来是什么?当经济增长达到一定水平 时,中国会像日本那样失去对葡萄酒的兴趣吗?它会不会将 只属于一小群鉴赏家和富人?除了法国(波尔多),其他葡 萄酒生产国能否征服中国市场?它也将成为中国食品和饮料 文化的一部分吗? 要找这些问题答案我只能自己去一趟中国。于是,我参加了国 际葡萄酒进口商的访问团并到访中国。访问团成员都是国际葡
What drives the Chinese people to buy these expensive wines, and at any price? What can we expect for the future? How will this buying behavior be influenced by the increasing domestic wine production? And what is the future of Chinese wines? Will China’s hunger for wine stop when the economic growth reaches a certain point, just like we have seen in Japan? Will wine be something for a small group of real connoisseurs and some wealthy people in the future? Will other wine producing countries – besides France (Bordeaux) – conquer the Chinese market? Will wine become part of the Chinese food and drink culture? These were some of the questions I had, and the best way to get them answered was to visit China and see things with my own eyes. I was given a great opportunity to travel with a small, but interesting group of international wine importers; all of them were members of the International Wine Clubs Association (IWCA). We met all kinds of people involved in the Chinese wine industry, including wine buyers, wine producers, journalists, bloggers, sommeliers, importers, retailers, auctioneers and international investors. And our trip brought us to Hong-Kong, Shanghai, Taiyuan, Ningxia, and finally, Beijing, China’s capital.
萄酒俱乐部协会(IWCA)的成员,我们也遇见了很多中国葡 萄酒业的业内人士,包括葡萄酒买家、生产商、新闻记者、博 客、侍酒师、进口商、零售商、拍卖行和国际投资者,我们走 遍了香港、上海、太原、宁夏和北京。 中国人热情好客,愿意同我们分享信息,尽管这些信息经常会 自相矛盾,数据出入也很大,但每个人似乎都有他自己的道 理。我整理了所有的演讲和谈话内容后,初步同大家分享我个 人对当今中国酒文化的诠释。
一些数据 中国总人口为13.4亿,其中8亿人生活在农村。葡萄酒的消费 量在2011年为19亿瓶,使中国在葡萄酒总消费量在世界第五 位。预计葡萄酒消费量在2016年是30亿瓶! 中国葡萄酒消费其中17%是进口。进口葡萄酒主要是由有较 高收入的人群消费,总共有2千万人。其余83%是所谓中国产 的葡萄酒,这大部分是国外的散装葡萄酒勾兑成的,例如来自 智利、西班牙和南非洲的酒。这些勾兑酒被看成当地农产品, 所以数据就很难明确。进口葡萄酒还有一部分是靠走私,这不
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Our group was well-received. The Chinese were very hospitable and open to share their information with us, even though the information we had often contradicted from one visit to the next. everyone seemed to have his or her own truth, based on very different figures. After sorting out all the presentations and conversations, it was possible for me to distill a general overview and make a personal interpretation on Chinese wine culture today.
SomE figurES ANd firSt CoNCluSioNS: From a total population of 1.34 billion, 800 million Chinese people live in rural areas. The wine consumption in 2011 was 1.9 billion bottles, putting China in the fifth place of total wine consumption in the world. The expected wine consumption for 2016 is 3 billion bottles! 17% of wine consumed in China is imported. Imported wines are mainly drunk by Chinese with a higher income, a group of about twenty million people. Of 83% of so-called Chinese wine, a big part is blended with foreign bulk wine coming from countries like Chili, Spain, and South Africa. These wines are not counted as imported but as local produced, making some of the figures hard to judge. Then again, a part of the imported wines is smuggled into the country and is not included in the consumption chart. Figures about the volume of smuggled wines are not available and stories about it show a discrepancy. Because of the high taxes on foreign wines, it seems a lucrative dealing, but not risk-free I was told.
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Some of my earliest conclusions are: 1. Generally speaking, Chinese people do not like wine but do drink it 2. especially French wine (Bordeaux) is prestigious and adds to status 3. The Chinese government stimulates wine consumption 4. China produces an increasing volume of wine – most of which is of mediocre quality 5. Wine fraud is a huge problem 6. A great amount of the (expensive) imported wines stay unsold in shelves of warehouses.
WhY do ChiNESE driNk WiNE? As I stated above rather boldly, Chinese do not like wine. In fact, this is hardly exaggerated. Ten of the most important reasons for Chinese to drink wine are: 1. The French paradox – wine is good for your health 2. It is modern and sophisticated 3. It contributes to building a good, sociable atmosphere 4. It helps to relax and takes away the daily stress 5. Because wine tastes good! 6. For celebration 7. Since it’s good for your skin, some Chinese women drink wine as a nightcap 8. For a businessman, wine increases your status 9. Showing hospitality to your guests (or showing respect to your host) 10. educational
包括在消费统计中。走私酒总数量不得知晓,但这后面则有着 形形色色的故事。由于对进口葡萄酒高税收,使走私成为牟取 厚利的手段,但也不无风险。
下面是我的一些初步结论: 1、一般来说,中国人不喜欢喝葡萄酒,但他们会去喝葡萄酒。 2、特别是著名的来自法国的葡萄酒(波尔多), 代表着高贵和地位。 3、中国政府鼓励葡萄酒消费。 4、中国自产葡萄酒产量在增加,其中大部分质量平庸。 5、假葡萄酒是一个大问题。 6、大量的(昂贵)进口葡萄酒在货架上卖不出去。 中国人不喜欢喝葡萄酒,这是个大胆的结论,却不是夸张。 那为什么中国人还是要喝葡萄酒呢?我总结出了10大原因: 1、法国悖论: 酒有助于健康。 2、时尚、讲究。 3、有助于建立一个好客的气氛。 4、有助于放松和减轻压力。 5、因为酒好喝! 6、为了庆贺。 7、对皮肤好,一些女性喜欢睡前喝一杯。 8、对于商人来说葡萄酒提高身份。 9、招待客人或送礼。 10、教育目的。
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Looking at these reasons, one can say there is barely place left for bringing together wine and food. Although the love story of food and wine has become increasingly important in many countries, in China it is still getting little attention. Perhaps it’s too early, but personally, I think wine with Chinese kitchen and Chinese dining culture seems a challenge somehow. The variation of Chinese food and the huge differences between regions make wine choice complex. Furthermore, Chinese people serve a lot of different dishes at the same time, making it almost impossible to find one fitting wine to go with all.
gift CulturE The Chinese don’t only drink wine, they also buy wine as a gift. Wine, especially foreign wine, is considered as good taste and prestige, which makes it a very suitable gift. For government officials and army officers, wine is a perfect present and a huge amount of bottles are bought for this purpose. People choose Bordeaux, it’s safe. The famous French region has become the strongest wine brand in China and people trust Bordeaux wine. Besides, the top wines from Bordeaux are arranged in an easily understandable classification. The first growths come on top and offer the most prestige as they are the most expensive. Particularly, Lafite Rothschild stands out. This cru is so well-known in China that it can afford to sell at a much higher price than other Bordeaux wines, even though the other wines are just as good.
总的看来,有一点原因并没有被提到,那就是酒和食品的搭 配。食品和葡萄酒的热搭档已在全世界成为重要的话题,在中 国却很少得到关注。或许我的结论下得太早了,但是我个人认 为中国菜和中国餐饮文化使葡萄酒的选择有些复杂。中国食物 的变化多样,而且不分头盘主菜,都是一起上菜的,所以很难 找到一瓶能配所有菜的葡萄酒。
In emerging markets where high prices are being paid for certain products, dishonesty is a rule. Worldwide this happened on a small scale in the past, the number of falsifications has exploded recently. In China, these fake bottles are probably easier to sell because there is less knowledge. The majority of people will not even notice that the inside is fake as the focus is on the outside, on the label. During my travel I came across some false labels and bottles, sometimes even a larger number were being sold by supermarkets as well as fine wine shops which sell rare and expensive wines. People sell authentic bottles to be refilled with cheap wine. Difficult to intercept these bottles!
rolE of thE goVErNmENt In the Chinese culture, it is quite normal to drink a lot either to celebrate a business deal or to celebrate traditional feasts and birthdays. until recently people drank jiu or baijiu, a strong alcoholic beverage of approximately 50% alc. vol. made of corn, wheat, rice or potatoes. Obviously, this is not very healthy and leads to problems. On top of this, the ingredients used are equally important for food consumption. The government is encouraging wine drinking culture. Wine contains less alcohol and is made of grapes. A big advantage of the latter is that grapes can be grown in regions where no other crops can be cultivated. The future of Chinese wine remains to be seen. The Chinese market offers a certain potential and strategies to explore, and yes, the world should take it seriously!
中国喜欢买葡萄酒当礼物。尤其外国葡萄酒是最佳的礼品,对 于政府官员和军官,酒更是最完美不过,大量葡萄酒也是用在 送礼品给他们。法国波尔图在中国已成为最强的葡萄酒品牌, 得到人们信赖。此外,波尔多葡萄酒的分类易于理解。顶级 波尔多最权威也是最昂贵,拉菲更是脱颖而出,在中国家喻户 晓,比其他波尔多贵很多,尽管质量相当。
弄虚作假达到高峰 新市场高价货,这是弄虚作假的潜规则。在全球范围内,作假 在过去是小规模的。最近弄虚作假却达到高峰。在中国有人出 售假酒瓶,因为人们缺乏知识,大多数人甚至不会注意到里面 装的是假酒,因为人们注重的是瓶子上的标签。我旅行中也遇 到一些虚假标签和假瓶子,有时这些假酒在超市大规模出售, 甚至会拿到精品葡萄酒店出售。人们卖真瓶子来装假酒,辨别 真伪是件很棘手的事!
葡萄酒在中国 中国文化中,喝酒庆贺是很理所当然的事。从前人们喝用玉 米、小麦、大米或土豆制成的烈性白酒,大概有50%酒精含 量,高度酒非常有害健康。此外,粮食消费对中国同样重要, 这就是中国政府鼓励葡萄酒文化的原因,葡萄酒是低度酒,其 优势是可以在没有其他农作物的地区发展种植葡萄园。 展望中国葡萄酒的未来,中国市场为我们提供了一定的潜力以 及战略探索。我们侧目以待! 是的,我们应该关注中国葡萄酒文化!
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{PHotograPHer aNd artist stéfaNo iaNNuso was borN iN sYracuse, sicilY oN a warM aNd raiNY daY iN tHe 1980’s. as a cHild He was fasciNated bY colors, tHrougH wHicH He would fiNd aN iNdividual eXPressioN iN His adult life. He loves books, tattoo, cookiNg, woMeN aNd takiNg cHaNce directioNs iN life. stéfaNo is also a faN of ModerN desigN.}
SiCiLY 来自西 西里 的 明 信片
eing born close to the sea, I can’t say I really like the sea. But I can’t live without my sea. I was born in Syracuse, and every time I’m far away for home, I can feel it calling me. I carry the sea in my veins, I belong to this majestic blue. The sea is the term to describe my love-hate relationship with my native city.
作为出生在大海边的我不能说自己我真的很爱大海,但我的 生活中不能没有我的海。我出生在西西里岛的Syracuse,每 次我离开家去别的地方,都会感觉到大海的呼唤。我血液里 流淌着海水,我属于这片浩大的蓝 色。“海”这个词很准确 地描述了我的对家乡的爱与恨。
My favorite part of Syracuse is the famous place called Ortygia, the old side. It’s a little island connected with the city by two little bridges. A stunning place full of art, and while walking around here you can smell the past and Sicily’s eventful history. every morning there is the market where you can buy fish caught the night before; our harvest from the Mediterranean Sea. Swordfish is a famously delicious dish, we love it! Ortygia is vibrant with cafés and restaurants. You can have a drink at day’s end or enjoy a simple meal looking at the sea, smelling its eternal beauty. Sicily is going for a song, here you can still spend a small amount on an excellent, world class dinner! And one more cool fact. Syracuse is made for cinema: it is cinema. Famous filmmakers have immortalized my birthplace in their monumental works.”
我的城市里我最喜欢地方叫Ortygia,它既古老也很有名,有 两座小桥同城市相连。这是一个充满艺术气息的地方,走在这 里你仿佛可以闻到西西里岛动荡的过去和丰富的历史。每天早 上这里会有市场,可以买到前一天晚上从地中海抓到的鱼,很 新鲜。剑鱼是很有名的地方菜,我们大家都爱吃! Ortygia四 处都有咖啡馆和餐厅,可以在傍晚时喝一杯,也可以一边瞭望 大海一边享受一顿香喷喷的晚餐,体味西西里的永恒之美。西 西里岛不贵,花很少钱就能吃上最上好的世界级烹饪!
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Syracuse更像是走进一部浪漫的电影,很多著名的导演都来 过这里拍摄他们的作品。我的出生地不愧是一部天生的不朽 之作。
for over tWentY-five Centuries We’ve Been Bearing the Weight of superB anD heterogeneous Civilizations, all from outsiDe, none maDe BY ourselves, none that We CoulD Call our oWn.
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that solar hue, that variegation of gleam anD shaDe.
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all this shoulDn’t last; But it Will, alWaYs.
love. of Course, love.
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cHinA sTories
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cHiNa stories
P or trai t 新 人 物
robert van Hunsel:
north sea jazz festival 范 伯格 与北 海爵 士 音 乐 节 borN aNd raised iN tHe soutH of HollaNd, robert started siNgiNg at a verY YouNg age, aNd tHis resulted iN a recordiNg coNtract witH a daNce label iN belgiuM, wHicH would lead to a loNg career iN tHe iNterNatioNal Music iNdustrY. after tHis Period full of tHrills aNd eXciteMeNt, robert worked as a PartNer & fiNaNcial coNtroller at desigN bridge, aN iNterNatioNal desigN ageNcY witH offices iN loNdoN, siNgaPore aNd aMsterdaM. beiNg resPoNsible for tHe eNtire oPeratioN of tHe coMPaNY’s aMsterdaM office, His career seeMed to take a coMPlete turN, aNd He eNJoYed workiNg witH creative PeoPle iN aN iNterNatioNal eNviroNMeNt. MeaNwHile, robert fiNisHed His uNiversitY degree iN fiNaNcial MaNageMeNt. He was iNvited to studY iNterNatioNal artist MaNageMeNt. siX Years later, robert decided oN aNotHer MaJor traNsforMatioN iN His life. duriNg His tiMe workiNg as a fiNaNcial coNtroller at goodMaN, oNe of tHe world’s largest listed iNdustrial ProPertY coMPaNY, He was aPProacHed bY tHe largest art Historical educatioN iNstitute iN tHe NetHerlaNds to becoMe tHeir oPeratioNs MaNager. tHis oPPortuNitY Not oNlY allowed HiM to work iN MaNY differeNt areas, froM fiNaNce to PersoNNel MaNageMeNt, it also gave HiM a better iNsigHt iNto tHe MuseuM aNd art world iN tHe NetHerlaNds. but His discoverY of His great PassioN was Yet to coMe:
范伯格出生成长在荷兰南部,他早年就开始唱歌,并与比利时的舞蹈品牌公司签约,这本将是他漫长的舞台生涯的开端。但在一个充 满刺激的阶段之后,范伯格成为design bridge公司任合伙人及财务总监。该公司在伦敦、新加坡和阿姆斯特丹设有办事处,他主要 负责阿姆斯特丹办事处的整体运作,这似乎是范伯格职业生涯中的一次大转折,但他喜欢在国际环境中同有创意的人们工作。在同一 时期内,范伯格完成了大学金融管理的学业,并被邀请深造国际艺术家管理专业学位。六年后,范伯格作出了另一个重大决定。在世 界上最大的工业地产公司之一的goodMan任财务总监期间,他接触到荷兰最大的艺术史教育学院并成为他们的运营经理,这不仅让他 接触了许多不同的领域工作,而且使他更深入了解荷兰文化艺术界。然而,他最最大的发现还是:
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cHi Na stories
Megacities such as Shanghai, Hong Kong and Beijing left a great impression on him, where he revisited time after time either for private or business reasons. However, Dali, a small, historical town in Southwest Yunnan Province remains his favorite:
范伯格2006年第一次来到中国。在他的一个祖籍中国的朋友带 领下,范伯格走过知名与不知名的中国城市,也走访了香港和台 湾等很多地方。他对中国的确是一见钟情!从此,范伯格很多次 来这里渡假,他对这里人们与文化的痴迷,使他梦想成为中国文 化中的一员。上海、香港和北京这样的大都市给他留下了很深刻 的印象,他也很多次回到这里,然而,滇西南的一个历史悠久的 小城却是他的钟爱:“我记得坐在大理古城的露台上吃午饭喝咖 啡,我一坐就是好几个小时,同陌生人聊天,看行人在山峦起伏 的风景里走动,那简直就是天堂!”与家人和朋友在东莞地区的 山里钓鱼的情景也让范伯格一直念念不忘,傍晚夕阳西下,大家 围坐在篝火边,一起烧烤享受美食,景象其乐融融…...
“i recall sittiNg iN dali old towN oN a terrace, HaviNg
he first time Robert visited China was in 2006, when his friend took him on a long journey. Robert’s best friend is of Chinese origin. He took Robert to new, unknown places in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. It was love at first sight! ever since then, Robert has spent many holidays discovering every part of the country and its warm, generous people; the Chinese culture Robert wanted to be part of –
luNcH aNd driNkiNg coffee. i sat tHere for Hours, cHattiNg witH straNgers, watcHiNg PassersbY iN tHe PaNoraMic view of a MouNtaiNous laNdscaPe. HeaveN!”
Fishing with friends and family in the mountains in the Dongguan region is something that Robert looks forward to again. He dreams of the day’s end, when everybody is sitting around the barbeque fire enjoying the lovely food and each other’s company…
2011年是不平凡的一年,范伯格最终决定来亚洲定居,也圆 了他一个梦。他辞掉了工作搬到香港,并在这里开始了自己的 公司,旨在连接中国与荷兰间的创意娱乐产业。一个想法就这 样萌发了:把世界著名的北海爵士音乐节带到亚洲!当时香港 并没有音乐节,但机会却很多,尤其是在娱乐界的成熟的音乐 方面。 范伯格赞赏“Yes we can”的态度,他决定接受这一挑 战。在过去的5年内,香港以及中国内陆音乐行业的水平在迅 速发展,然而结合美食美酒和高端服务的音乐节娱乐模式仍然
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ASiAN drEAm & North SEA jAzz, A bliSSful romANCE 2011 was a momentous year for Robert. At last he settled on following his heart and making his dream come true. He quit his job, packed his bags and moved to Hong Kong, where he started his own company aiming to connect Holland’s creative and entertainment industry with Greater China. An idea was born: what about bringing the world-renowned North Sea Jazz Festival to Asia? At that time, there were no major music festivals in Hong Kong, but opportunities abound! especially in entertainment, and more particularly within the mature music industry. The “can do” attitude of Hong Kong motivated Robert; he decided that he wanted to take the challenge. Music has always been his passion, after all. The level of the music industry in Hong Kong as well as China has improved rapidly over the past 5 years. However, a music festival with good food and wine and VIP hospitality, that idea is still very new. Recently, Hong Kong is open to more and more western music; dance, hip hop and R&B are all up and coming and the local music scene is on the road to changes and diversity. Timing is just right. Most big entertainment companies are now focusing on europe and the uS, but in a couple of years’ time they will shift to Asia. Jazz, in particular, is becoming popular, now more than ever, notably in Mainland China. After convincing the festival organization in the Netherlands of Asian potentials, Robert acquired the exclusive license for the festival in Asia. He is now working towards its realization in 2014, with Hong Kong as the first station and stepping stone to Mainland China. Hong Kong is important because it is showcase to China. Nevertheless, Hong Kong has lost its leading position in the film and entertainment industry, therefore it is important for the city to have something entirely new. A good starting point for the “revival” of Hong Kong’s entertainment industry. Bringing in western artists is Robert’s mission in Asia. North Sea Jazz Festival also plans to promote local artists, such as Jacky Cheung and Aaron Kwok, as well as nurturing upcoming talents, giving them a major platform. Both Hong Kong and China have lots of talents yet to be discovered, they definitely deserve more, wider attention. They still play in local clubs. Now we are giving them the chance to perform on an international stage that is the North Sea Jazz Festival. Apart from working with local artists, Robert is also thinking about working with schools, setting up education programs to get students interested in different kinds of music, particularly jazz, funk and soul, because music helps kids to think in a more creative, open-minded way.
thE futurE Bringing the North Sea Jazz Festival to Hong Kong is only the first step of Robert’s plans. Next will be other Asian cities. Singapore, Kaohsiung, Bangkok... His wildest ambition is to bring North Sea Jazz to mainland China, Shanghai being the first station with its jazzy past, and currently known as the heart of the
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China’s jazz scene. Staging this event provides the opportunity for harbor city Shanghai to connect with other harbor cities in the Asian region, but most of all, it will connect Shanghai with Rotterdam, where the main festival is being held. It’s a gateway and window for Chinese musicians to perform at big festivals around the world. For too long the eyes of the music industry have been focused on the uS and europe. It is about time that Asia comes out to meet the world! China is a country of almost 1.4 billion people, the cities are immense. Bringing in well-known international artists as well as advancing and supporting local talents, Robert is confident that he can entertain Greater China and bring people new, fresh music experience!
ChAllENgES North Sea Jazz in China? Okay, sounds great but… Local government, the police, and local partners; they all have to support the event. That’s not all of it. Long-term commitment and partnership are key. Bringing a international festival to their city means that permits, locations, equipment and local staff are all “up to par”. They should contribute to making it happen. Moreover, potential sponsors should see the added value for their brands to be connected to the event. In the Netherlands, we are spoiled, brands have already found their ways to all kinds of festivals. The whole idea is pretty new to Chinese brands. With the support from the right people in China as well as working with the right partners, the future looks bright for Robert. North Sea Jazz Festival goes China. Period. To celebrate that, Robert will be visiting Hong Kong during the Moon Festival. He will drink to his harvest with his two best friends.
About North SEA jAzz fEStiVAl The first edition of the North Sea Jazz Festival took place in 1976 in The Hague: 6 venues, 300 artists and about 9,000 visitors. In this very first festival year internationally renowned jazz legends performed, such as Sarah Vaughan, Count Basie, Dizzy Gillespie and Stan Getz, as well as most Dutch avant-garde artists. In 2006, the festival moved to its current, bigger location in Rotterdam. In 2013, the organization will be expecting more than 1,000 musicians, spread over 150 performances and 13 different stages. While the number of visitors was between 65,000 and 70,000 in recent years, North Sea Jazz has managed to keep its intimate character. For more information and line-ups of previous editions, please visit
北海爵士音乐节简介 北海爵士音乐节于1976年在海牙举行,当时有6个场 地300位艺术家参加,吸引了约9000名音乐爱好者。 国际爵士乐坛传奇人物如Sarah Vaughan, Count Basie, Dizzy Gillespie 和Stan Getz以及大多荷兰前卫艺术家都 有前来捧场。2006年音乐节搬到鹿特丹市。2013年音 乐节将接待1000多名音乐家,演出150场以上,有13 个舞台,来访者在65000和70000人之间。北海爵士旨 在保留音乐亲密体验的一贯性格。 请访问
很新。香港近年来有越来越多的西方音乐渗透,例如Dance、 Hip Hop 和R&B,本地乐坛也越来越多样性。这是一个引进音 乐节的大好时机,因为大型娱乐公司都相对集中在欧美,过几 年也会有打入亚洲的想法。,再加上,爵士乐在中国内地越来 越受欢迎。范伯格说服在荷兰的音乐节组织者并买断其亚洲独 家授权,此后便致力于2014年香港爵士音乐节的组织活动。 香港很重要,它是进入大陆的门户。香港已经失去了在电影娱 乐业的领先地位,它需要全新的东西来改善它青黄不接的现 状,音乐节是香港娱乐界“复兴”的一个很好的出发点。引进 西方艺术家是范伯格在亚洲的使命,与此同时,爵士音乐节也 会与当地艺术家合作,比如张学友、郭富城等,并且培育未来 的人才,为他们提供一个平台。香港和中国有很多人才,他们 绝对应该得到更多,更广泛的关注,音乐节给他们一个在国际 舞台上表演的机会。除了与艺术家合作外,范伯格也想与学校 合作开展教育计划,让学生有机会接触爵士,Funk和Soul, 因为他相信音乐是激发灵感源头。
未来 北海爵士音乐节搬到了香港只是第一步,下一步则是进入其 他亚洲国家或城市,新加坡、高雄、曼谷.......他最梦寐以求的
是把北海爵士带进中国大陆,上海有爵士乐传统,可成为第一 站,而且上海是海港城市,可以通过音乐节连接亚洲的其他港 口城市,最最重要的是,上海与鹿特丹会连接在一起,后者则 是北海爵士音乐节的主场。这将更有力的帮助中国爵士乐音乐 家们走向世界。音乐行业的目光很长时间都集中在欧美,他相 信,亚洲将是世界的未来!中国几乎有14亿人口,中国城市 巨大,引进国际知名艺术家,推动和支持本地的人才,范伯格 满怀信心,他可以为中国带来更新鲜的音乐体验!
面临挑战 北海爵士音乐带到中国是一个不错的主意,到底要怎么推进 呢?范伯格提到,当地政府和合作伙伴很关键,同时双方长期 的承诺和合作伙伴关系至关重要。很多细节工作比如许可证、 地点、设备和本地工作人员等,多个方面应该齐心合力来促成 这件事。此外,赞助商也应该看到对于品牌的附加值。在荷 兰,大品牌已经很熟悉音乐节的价值与品牌效益,但是,对 于中国品牌,音乐节投放还是一件是新鲜事。范伯格相信与恰 当的合作伙伴合作,得到他们的支持,爵士音乐落地中国的前 景是光明的。为了庆祝他的丰收成果,范伯格将到香港过中秋 节,与他的两个好朋友干杯庆贺。
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the treasures of Beijing Machtelt’s design route through China’s capital city
北京的 秘密 MacHtelt scHelliNg, owNer/director of ubi gallerY, sHares Her favorite sPots iN cHiNa’s caPital citY
u b i 艺 廊 董 事 长 M a Ch t e l t s C h e l l i n g同大 家 分 享 她在中国首 都最喜欢的地址
very year from the last week of September to the first week of October, Beijing is the city of modern design. A cluster of pop-up exhibitions; work by individual designers as well as eyecatching presentations from many countries are everywhere to be seen. From the art district Caochangdi to the impressive factory buildings of 751 D Park, from the Millennium Museum to the ancient hutong area of Dashilar. Amsterdam is the city of honor this year. Dutch designers and their creation will be put on show at all locations. Check Beijing Design Week’s website for more information: For 600 years Dashilar has been Beijing’s most prosperous and cultivated quarter. Located strategically near Qianmen gate, Dashilar spans both royal and civil life, creating one of the country’s most vibrant marketplaces and entertainment venues. The historical place hosts some of the oldest shops as well as theatres; ancient stages, which are believed to be the cradle of Peking Opera.
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每年从9月最后一周至10月的第一周北京是国际现代设计之 都。各种展出、来自各国的出色设计家及抢眼的演示云集一 处,从草场地到751厂房,从中华世纪坛到大栅栏胡同区,随 处可见设计家的作品。阿姆斯特丹是2013年的主宾国,荷兰 设计师及他们的创作将在京吸引眼球。请到北京国际设计周的 网站了解更多信息 大栅栏有600年的历史,也是最繁华最有文化气息的地方,处 在前门附近,有利的地理位置使大栅栏能够融合皇家及民间生 活氛围,这里有着最热闹的市场和娱乐场所,包括最古老的商 店剧院等,这里的舞台被认为是京剧的发源地。
丰富的历史及传统工艺仍然大栅栏的秘密所在。同时,21世 纪之风也吹到了这里,例如北京国际设计周,这必将导致传统 工艺和现代设计之间的化学反应。
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wood carviNg
iNside a teasHoP
MakiNg brusHes
This district has a rich past of traditional crafts, which is still visible for the observant eye. Meanwhile, our 21th century is knocking at the door, embodied by events like Beijing Design Week. This will surely lead to exciting pollination between traditional craftsmanship and contemporary design. The intimate alleys and old factories of Dashilar allow designers and architects to create something unique to this place, something that shows both the multi-layered narrative of the past and design and craftsmanship of the future. The best time to visit Dashilar is Beijing Design Week, during which time over 50 smaller and bigger events are taking place simultaneously. But Dashilar is always worth an exploration. There are a few permanent exhibitions held in interesting buildings. And above all, look for the greatest secrets hidden in the ancient capital. Follow me to discover the best traditional shops! Food design should be part of any design walking tour. I always like to show my visitors two unique shops in Dashilar. I love the ambience;
幽幽小巷和古老的工厂使设计师和建筑师产生独特的灵感,结 合未来的设计和工艺,来显示多层次的过去。参观大栅栏最好 时机是北京国际设计周期间,有50多个大大小小的展览,但 是大栅栏无论何时都值得一游。这里有趣的建筑中也有常设展 览,但最重要的是,这里有很多不为世人广知的去处。来,我 为大家带路! 食品设计应该是任何设计之旅的一部分。我总是喜欢带朋友去 两家大栅栏的老字号,我爱这里的气味,还有包礼品的方式, 美极了! 夹杂在旅游商店中的这间传统茶馆有各种各样的茶,分别装在 大大小小琳琅满目的碗和盘里。 张一元茶店| 大栅栏街22号 六必居是一家泡菜店,从明代开张以来,店内提供各种美味的 泡菜。粮食店街3号
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the quality of the food but – ah, the way they wrap your purchase. So beautiful! Among the touristic shops, you can find a traditional teashop with a gorgeous assortment of tea, which are flaunting in lovely scales and bowls. Zhang yi yuan Tea Store | 22 Dashilar Street Liu Bi Ju is a pickle shop. Opened first in the Ming Dynasty, the shop offers all kinds of delightful, delicious pickles in a fantastic setting of ceramic bowls and rotan vessels. 3 Liangshidian Street Next to Dashilar is LiuLiChang, the old antique district. The west side might be the best-known part, but LiuLiChang east certainly is charming and less crowded. Check Dai Yue Xuan, where you can still find a studio where they make their own calligraphy brushes. Dai yue Xuan, Store for Brushes | 73 LiuLiChang East street Nearby the antique street you will find a very small workshop of two stores. Our Chinese friend Kevin is carving here, burning the
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琉璃厂古董区西侧可能是大家熟知的,但琉璃厂东不那么拥 挤,也是个好地方。这里有卖很精美的书画用毛笔。 戴月轩笔 | 琉璃厂东街73号 古董街附近有家小作坊,两间店铺。我们的中国朋友Kevin在 这里制作木雕和燃绘极其精致的各种场景。他们致力于修缮古 老的教堂。Kevin的老师傅手工精益求精,值得光顾。 琉璃厂东路12号 这是一间非常古老的剪刀店,小店不仅实用而且设计也很精 美。剪刀是带回家的最佳礼物。 大栅栏斜街37号
Ubi艺廊 展出当代珠宝和陶瓷。画廊有2层,顶楼是现代中国陶瓷,楼 下则是很富创意精神的现代饰物珠宝。实惠的价格和独特的工 艺,在北京没有第二家。 杨梅竹斜街39号
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ubi callerY
most delicate scenes into wood. This small studio is dedicated to the decoration of old Chinese churches. The unique pieces made by Kevin’s experience, skillful master are easy on the eye and are worth a visit. 12 Liulichang donglu A very old scissor shop. The small shop is not only practical but also beautifully designed. The scissors make great presents to bring home. 37 Dashilar Xiejie
ubi gAllErY ubi Gallery is a creative place where high quality pieces of contemporary jewelry and ceramics are exhibited. The gallery has 2 floors. On the top floor you can find modern Chinese potteries. On the ground floor there is a huge collection of creative, original pieces of modern jewelry. Affordable prices and unique, only one of its kind items. 39 yangmeizhu
CASuAl loCAtioNS Founded by a group of young people committed to design and originality, most products here are small home ware items, such as pep-
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pershakers, cup and plate sets, postcards and porcelain pendants. All designed in response to suggestions posted on the group’s interactive website. 48 yangmeizhu
jEllYmoN Hip design company Jellymon has their office in one of the hutongs in Dashilar. New design events related to food design; creative production or community specials. Check them out at 5 Dawai Langying Hutong
During Beijing Design Week 2013, SALON will be presenting Amsterdam, with 10 different events in Dasihlar. SALON is a platform for talents from fashion, design, art and culture. SALON brings a mix of Chinese and Dutch design in the amazing historical buildings in Dashilar. The Beijing-based textile designer Henny van Nistelrooy will be part of Salon/BJ, and you can be sure to find great fashion in a surprising, refreshing context.
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iNstallatioN bJdw fasHioN saloN casual locatioNs HeNNY vaN NistelrooY for saloN
Casual Occasions 由一群热心原创和设计的年轻人建立,这里有别具风格的小家 居用品,如胡椒粉瓶、成套的杯子盘子、明信片和瓷吊坠,所 有设计灵感都是来自互动网站上所发布的提议。 杨梅竹斜街48号
Jellymon 潮人Jellymon在大栅栏一条胡同里有自己的办公室,他们组织 设计活动,同食品设计创意制作有关或与社区生活有关。 大外廊营胡同5 号
2013北京国际设计周期间,SALON将代表荷兰阿姆斯特丹市 组织10个展览。SALON是一个平台,用来吸引来自时装、现 代设计、艺术和文化领域的人才。SALON在令人诧异的历史 建筑中寻找中国和荷兰的融合产物。荷兰纺织设计师Henny van Nistelrooy住在北京,他将参加SALON/ BJ。
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Life deserves a good start
Kabrita Gold速 Naturally easy to digest goat milk formula from Holland
lA cHine
en rose 文化艺术 GAME oF KINGS POLO AND ITS ASIAN ORIGIN 马球极其亚洲起源 MArvEL! 赞!
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{wHY do eveN MaNuals of Polo Have a Poetic riNg to tHeM? “certaiNlY iN Your first daYs of PlaYiNg Polo You will ProbablY derive greater Pleasure froM HittiNg tHe ball Just rigHt tHaN froM aNYtHiNg else iN tHe gaMe,” Polo-crack Peter grace tells asPiriNg aficioNados. “i Have vivid recollectioNs of soMe PossiblY luckY, but certaiNlY Marvelous sHots iN MY earlY Polo career wHicH gave Me uNtold Pleasure aNd i aM sure all of tHe PlaYers wHo get bitteN bY tHe ‘Polo bug’ Have tHe saMe recollectioNs.”}
为什么行家们说马 球 是 一 项 具 有 诗 意 的 古 老 运 动 呢 ? 世 界 著 名 马 球 教 练 P e t e r g r a Ce 说 : “ 最 初 玩 马 球 , 打 到 球 是 最大的快 乐。我记得,早年 间 我 有 相 当 不 错 的 ‘ 球 运 ’ , 让 我 的 回 忆 充 满 快 意 , 我 相 信 马 球 运 动 员 都 会 记 得自己‘ 上 瘾 ’ 的 时 刻。”
game of Kings
polo anD its asian origin bY PiM wiersiNga
Watch courtesan-poet Yu Xuanji (middle of the 9th century) partaking in a match, eyeing her clandestine lover in the other team, hand fondling the handle. In a few lines she conjures up the dizzying zigzagging of the ball rather than the rapidly alternating chances for teams; and in the latter half of the poem her eager gaze fastens on one player, while she mentally cheers him (or her), not caring to which team the opponent’s goal belongs. Firm, round, clean, smooth, the ball’s a shooting star; crescent-sticks struggling to strike without a pause. When nothing obstructs them, they flick the ball about; when the way is blocked, they keep it in the hook.
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9世纪中叶有位很有名的女人,她既是一位名妓也是赫赫有名 的诗人,她名叫鱼玄机。鱼氏喜欢参加马球比赛,在比赛中 她一边偷看她的暗恋情人,一边耍弄自己的球棍。我们来看 看她诗中怎么写马球比赛的跌宕起伏。在诗的第二部分,女 诗人明显地只在乎自己的恋人,暗中在为他助威,完全忘记 了他是“敌对”派。 坚固净滑一星流,月杖争敲未拟休。 无滞碍时从拨弄,有遮拦处任钩留。 不辞宛转长随手,却恐相将不到头。 毕竟入门应始了,愿君争取最高筹。 鱼玄机《打球作》
<< kunst & Cultuur Columnist PiM wiersiNga is aN autHor aNd a creative writiNg teacHer. iN 2013 He fouNded i visioN cHiNa (ivc) witH autHor aNd artist Julie o’YaNg. ivc Provides eXPert advice oN culture aNd HistorY for visual ProductioN. tHeir goal is to briNg classical as well as coNteMPorarY cHiNese aNd cHiNa-related literature to a wide raNge of readers, buildiNg a better bridge betweeN filM, literature aNd televisioN.
Don’t be afraid to bend and turn; keep the pulu at hand; fear only lest you miss a shot at your opponent’s goal. Send it through the arch at last! Bring this to an end; I hope your struggle wins you the very first prize.
Send it through the arc at last! What sort of very first prize might Yu Xuanji have in mind for her player, while winning is teamwork? And – if I may phrase it like an ancient lantern riddle – what’s the only human enjoyment we crave the ending of? Precisely. And while our feminine Chinese Pindar opts for a tone of voice reminiscent of a love poem rather than an Olympian ode, one may wonder whether polo is a sport. A game alright; but an
进球了! 鱼玄机打算怎样奖励这一位冠军,但她是不是忘了,马球是团 队运动?这就好比是猜灯谜,猜灯谜不是目的,却是别有用心 的。同古希腊抒情诗人品达赞颂奥林匹克的字字句句有所不 同,鱼玄机宁可把马球当做情诗来解读,我就在想马球是否真 算是一项体育运动。马球是一场游戏,但我觉得它更是一种艺 术境界。所有的道具都很讲究,马匹、马鞭、马辔,护膝、马 匹装饰、马球、球棍,这些细小的环节似乎比游戏的目的都重 要,因为这场游戏很简单,就是为了进个球罢了! 喀什米尔北部,这是丝绸之路的必经之道,也是马球的发源 地,这儿的一块古碑上有这样写:“让常人玩他们自己的游 戏,王之游戏也就是游戏之王!”
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art rather than a sport as we know it. Intricate paraphernalia – trained steeds, bridles, whips, kneecaps for players, bandages for steeds, thin sticks and a tiny ball – seem to represent obstacles and encumbrances rather than means to the game’s end, which is bafflingly simple: Get the ball in the goal! A stone tablet found in the north of Kashmir – on the silk route to which polo is historically connected – says: Let other people play at other things – the king of games is still the game of kings. Like kings or poets, polo-players combine a host of skills, anything from sitting askew on a horseback to knocking the ball the right way without ever losing balance; none of these skills alone defines their artistry, let alone passion. Goals serve to please audiences: they add rhythm to the game and impose limits to excitement; the true aim of the players is to get bitten by the bug once more and bask in their graceful command of the art. Like artists or poets, practitioners of polo don’t aspire to follow rules; they aspire to dissimulate that rules exist – an illusion hard to accomplish when surrounded by trimmed hedges, lawns, club mentality and old boys’ networks; but in rougher settings less so… Imagine the neat lawn to be a stony field or sandy maidan; the car park replaced by stables; the ball a tiny bamboo sphere called pulu – the Tibetan word that gave polo its name.
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同国王或者诗人们一样,马球运动员要掌握很多技巧,从坐 稳马背到击球,而这些微妙的动作中任何一项都不能表明马 球的真正艺术所在,更不用说这项古老运动的激情。 进球是为了取悦观众看客,这是游戏的节奏,为比赛添加动 人的情节,但最重要的是运动员能够被“盯”住,从而展现 运动的艺术魅力。和艺术家一样,马球运动员不打算遵守游 戏规则,而更是在掩饰规则,这样的超难度要通过球场上各 种各样的超难度技巧中体现和发挥出来,再加上每个马球俱 乐部独特的风格还有人际关系。现在我让大家想象一场马球 比赛,不是在草地上进行,而是在乱石阵或沙地上,停车场 现在改成马厩,用一个竹子做的小球,“Pulu”,这个藏语 词就是现代Polo一词的来源,你就知道马球比赛最初是在怎 样的球场中进行的。 是的,这正是国王的游戏,粗狂豪放,而且它不仅仅是男人的运 动,当年的马球宫廷的男男女女,从宫女到太监,人人都参加, 包括女诗人鱼玄机。 让我们到古都长安看看,唐代的世界大都会是鱼氏居住的地方。 团队精神由每个球员来体现出来,他们的神韵、速度、马匹、 技巧。一场比赛不仅仅是为了进球,而更是注重男女球员高超 的全能技术。长安女子都积极参加激动人心的球赛,比男人还 要主动,那时中国女人还没有缠足。当比赛进行得越来越扣人
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A game of kings indeed: the term old boys’ network hardly befits an Imperial Court’s retinue – ladies-in-waiting, concubines and consorts, grandees and eunuchs, oblivious of Court etiquette for once and absorbed, as is courtesan-poet Yu Xuanji.
{ f o r w o M e N too Par take i N tH e eXHi lar atiNg gaM e, M o r e e ag e r tH aN M eN – i N aN er a Pr i or to tHe P rac tic e o f f o o t - b iNdi Ng. aNd as tH e gaM e ev olves, tHe Pu b l i c s o o N d i s PlaYs a gr eater z eal tHaN PlaYers ever d o , d i s s i M u l ati oN of eXci teM eNt bei Ng tHeir Pride.}
Join her in Chang’an, the world’s then largest metropolis and capital of China during the Tang Dynasty. Club or team mentality yields for the awe in which individual players are held; idols or magicians in charismatic command of speed, horses and tactics alike. The event is less about goals than about prowess – be the players male or female… For women too partake in the exhilarating game, more eager than men – in an era prior to the practice of foot-binding. And as the game evolves, the public soon displays a greater zeal than players ever do, dissimulation of excitement being their pride. And while their sticks are whizzing through dust-ridden air, seeking out the tiny bamboo ball amidst the din, not one business deal is struck among spectators: instead hints are exchanged, coded innuendo on who’s in the throes of whom, why, and whether it will or won’t last till dawn… The history of polo has been compared to a lasting love affair on a horseback. Some say it’s like playing golf during an earthquake. In three words: it’s opulent, dignified and warm, just like a fine mink coat. On the eve of World War II, famous Dutch historian Huizinga wrote Homo Ludens, playing man – an act of defiance. He values civilizations not for production rates but their glorious ability to play – a faculty humans share with other animals. The Pulu-craze during one of the most glittering eras in Chinese history underscores his point.
心弦的时候,看客比球场上的球员还要投入,但是掩饰动情的 神态更是至关重要,不能有粗鲁的叫喊。 球场上尘土沸沸扬扬,球棍飞舞,马背上的他/她们狂追竹 球,气氛喧闹紧张,而看客们更是屏住呼吸,没有人在谈论生 涯,大家关注的是更细腻的、只可意会不可言传的行为密码。 比赛还会持续多久?越久越好… … 马球的历史可以说是段马背上的罗曼史,有人觉得它就好像 是地震时打高尔夫球,我们现在用三个词总结起来:华丽、高 贵、温暖。马球就好比是一件精致的裘皮大衣。 荷兰历史学家Huizinga在二战前写了《Homo Ludens》(《人 类与游戏》)。他总结人类文明的成果不是生产值而是人类的 游戏能力,在这点上人类和其他生灵息息相通。中国文明高峰 的唐代似乎为他的论点提供了鲜明的证据。
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la cHi Ne eN rose
marvel! poEm
“步步嬌”出“園林好” “折桂令”戲“耍孩兒”
trANSlAtioN: “Gentle Footsteps” lead out of the “Picturesque Garden”; “Snip a Sweet-scented Osmanthus Twig” to “Tease the Child”.
Gentle Footsteps, Picturesque Garden, Snip a Sweet-scented Osmanthus Twig and Tease the Child, are wittily embedded in the couplet. These are also names of certain tunes used in theatrical verse (元曲 yuanqu). The style of verse dates from the Yuan dynasty and was used – according to their rhythms and rhymes – in various Chinese operas. The clever lines, along with the visualised illustration on the cup, indicate that the commissioner might be an ardent fan of opera or even an actor. Additionally, the two added characters, chu in the first line and xi in the second, if put together, can be interpreted as “coming out of the play” or “off the stage”.
Transcription: 逸庵 Transliteration: Yi An Translation: hut of recluse This is a common artistic or literati name and does not refer to any particular person. When read reversely, anyi, it means comfortable and tranquil life.
Transcription: 鶴、壽 Transliteration: he; shou Translation: red-crowned crane; longevity.
famille verte Cup With Chinese CharaCter anD seals cHiNa, kaNgXi Period (1662-1722) height: 11,5 Diameter: 7,8 cM provenanCe: ProveNaNce, Private collectioN, tHe NetHerlaNds
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He (red-crowned crane) is a traditional symbol for long life but also a homophone of the verb he, meaning to celebrate. When placed together, the seals can be read as a pun: Congratulations on your birthday. I wish you a life as long as that of the red-crowned crane! vanderven oriental Art Nachtegaalslaantje 1 5211 LE ’s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
business & GloBAl communiTy
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busiNess & global coMMuN itY
{door vaN der wiele studied aNtHroPologY. sHe is a PublisHed autHor aNd Her subJects cover froM teeNage PregNaNcY iN MeXico citY to HuMaN traffickiNg aNd forced ProstitutioN. curreNtlY, sHe is workiNg oN a NoN-fictioN book about a failed adoPtioN. iN 2010 sHe travelled bY bus aNd traiN froM laNtau islaNd to cHeNgdu, cHiNa. door works as a freelaNce JourNalist. www.doorscHriJveN.Nl}
“the netherlanDs useD to Be the no.1 investor in major Countries. noW the taBles have turneD.” bY door vaN der wiele
“ 荷 兰 过 去 曾在 世 界 主 要 国 家 中 投 资 者 的 排 行榜 上 处 于 首 位 , 如 今的 现 状 已 和从 前 绝 然 不同。 ”
forMer diPloMat JocHuM HaakMa lobbied iNteNsivelY to Make tHe aNNual Horasis cHiNa busiNess MeetiNg coMe to tHe Hague, tHe NetHerlaNds. if You are to survive iN todaY’s world, You Need to cooPerate witH iNterNatioNal Parties. “we caN’t afford to be iNsular wHeN tHe wHole world arouNd us is MoviNg fast.”
{Horasis 源于希腊语,意即远景规划,预测未来的能力。2005年,达沃斯论坛的组织者之一:Frank-Jürgen Richter 先生创立了 HORASIS 智囊团,针对世界新兴经济体,特别是金砖四国的经济前景进行展望。每年Horasis 组织有关中国的讨论,邀请世界著 名企业家和经济学家对中国未来经济发展做出展望,从2005年起已连续举办7届,由于Horasis 中国论坛盛名在外,被人们称作“ 中国达沃斯” 论坛。2012年,荷兰贸促会(NCH) 和海牙市政府的努力下,Horasis 决定将第8届全球中国论坛定于2013年11月10 日-12日在海牙召开。请读下文《新》对中国达沃斯筹办人之一Jochum Haakma先生专访。}
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busiNess & global coMMuN itY
ut we are going to sit in the open air, aren’t we?” Like a whirlwind my guest arrived in the classy lobby of Hotel des Indes. He is tall and silver-haired, sporting his usual bow tie. It’s still early; a waitress quickly puts some cushions on the terrace chairs. Sitting down, Haakma starts off an animated conversation immediately. He told me he cancelled a prior arrangement in order to have more time to talk about the Horasis Global China Business Meeting. The annual event will be held this year on 1011 November in The Hague. The chief executives of the world’s leading companies are invited; around 200 CeO’s from China plus 200 CeO’s from the rest of the world. The meetings rotate among host countries, and Chairman of the Board of the Netherlands Council for Trade Promotion (NCH), Haakma, together with vice mayor of The Hague Henk Kool, lobbied to make Horasis China come to Holland. educated as a lawyer, Haakma enjoyed a long, distinguished career in diplomacy, working in cities such as Bonn, Jakarta, Hong Kong and Shanghai. His past experiences made him a proficient promoter of trade and investment prospects. Since 2007 he has moved to the private sector and is responsible for business development as well as the branding of the TMF Group in Amsterdam; the latter has offices in 81 countries, of which nine are sitting in Greater China.
Jochum Haakma身材高大,满头银发,打着他一贯的蝴蝶领 结,步伐矫健地走进坐落在海牙市中心的Des Indes 酒店大堂。 现在是大清早,一位女服务生赶紧把垫子放在露台的椅子上并 请我们坐下,我们还没坐稳,Haakma已经滔滔不绝地讲起来。 他告诉我他取消了今天的其他约会,这样会有更多的时间来探 讨Horasis中国论坛。该论坛每年举行一次,今年的活动将于11 月10日至11日在荷兰海牙召开,邀请来自全世界各大公司要员 前来出席,其中约200名是来自中国的首席执行官,其余200名 首席执行官则来自世界各国。会议每年由东道国主持。今年, 荷兰贸易促进会(NCH)主席Haakma同海牙市副市长Henk Kool一起游说,使Horasis中国论坛最终来到了荷兰。 Haakma是律师出身,在长期杰出的外交生涯中,他周游列国, 包括波恩、雅加达、香港、上海等大都市,由此积累了丰富的 经验,同时精通贸易和投资前景方面的外交工作。自2007年以 来,他的注意力由政府转移到企业,在阿姆斯特丹TMF集团负 责业务及品牌发展工作。TMF公司在81个国家设有办事处,其 中9个在中国地区。
智囊团 Horasis总部设在瑞士苏黎世,是一个独立的智囊团。从2005年 由Frank Jürgen Richter筹建以来,Horasis目的是“促进一个
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busiNess & global coMMuN itY
A NEutrAl thiNk-tANk Horasis is an independent think-tank based in Zürich, Switzerland. established in 2005 by Frank Jürgen Richter, Horasis is to “enact visions for a sustainable future”, encouraging cooperation and knowledge sharing between developed countries and emerging markets. The first Horasis China meeting was very successful, and soon annual regional meetings followed for India, Russia, and the Middle east. Horasis is not an executive agency or related to any government. It is unbiased. During the China meeting in The Hague, there will be a fixed program with boardroom sessions, panels and plenary sessions. At dinner offered by the host country, the Prime Minister and minister for economy, trade and finance are present. The organization this year is in the hands of NCH, the city of The Hague and West Holland Foreign Investment Agency.
lArgEr CAkE The Chinese government has been urging companies to look beyond borders. Haakma: “At the end of 2011 the global Chinese Foreign Direct Investment was uS $ 425 billion and Chinese investors had setup 18,000 enterprises overseas, employing 888,000 foreigners with a total asset value of uS $ 2 trillion. In 2020, the total amount will be around uS $ 2 trillion, of which more than $ 500 billion is invested in europe.” Competition in China is “cut throat”. Companies must go abroad, and their game is to use advanced technology and build a global brand name, a game that is only possible for “mergers and acquisitions”. Haakma says that “mergers and acquisitions” is an aspect of corporate strategy. By dividing and combining different companies and similar entities, an enterprise can grow rapidly in an old sector or find a new field. The crisis in europe offers business opportunities for China to take over european companies. “Surviving in the globalizing world means either to merge or to cooperate with international parties, whether you like it or not,” Haakma affirms. “In the Netherlands, too few of us realize that our economy for more than 75% depends on foreign countries. We cannot afford to be insular when the whole world around us is moving fast.” The Netherlands is the second largest european trading partner with China, after Germany, and has built production facilities in China in order to enter the market much faster and cheaper. Presently, the cake is significantly larger, however the competition is much more fierce than before. New eu members have also arrived in China under favorable conditions, especially in the automotive industry.
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JocHuM HaakMa
可持续发展的未来远景”。为此,该智囊团鼓励发达国家和新 兴市场之间的合作和知识共享。Horasis第一届中国论坛取得很 大成功,从那之后的年度区域会议也陆续在印度、俄罗斯和中 东召开。Horasis不是一个执行机构或附属于任何政府,它是一 个中立机构。中国论坛在海牙举行期间将会有一个非常紧密的 活动安排,包括讨论会、辩论及全体会议。东道国提供的晚宴 上荷兰首相和经贸部长都会前来参加并与到会者共享晚餐。今 年,NCH、海牙市政府和西荷兰外国投资局共同负责各方面的 活动组织及其细节。
更多商机 中国政府近年来一直敦促国内企业跨出国界。Haakma 说:“2011年底,中国的对外直接投资总额是425亿美元,中 国投资者在海外设置了1万8千家企业,总资产价值为2万亿美 元,雇用88.8万外国员工。2020年,预计总额大约为2万亿美 元,其中500亿美元是用来投资欧洲。” 中国国内的竞争是“你死我活”,企业必须走出国门,供下一 盘棋。而其目标是采用先进技术和建立全球性品牌,通过“收 购和合并”则是赢棋的关键。 “收购和合并是企业战略的一个方面,通过对公司和类似的实 体进行分割和再组合,企业可以在一个古老的行业内快速增长 或寻找到一个新领域来继续拓展。欧洲经济危机为中国提供了 不少商机,中国公司能够接管欧洲公司。Haakma再次说明:“ 如果你要在全球化的世界中生存,合并以及国际合作是必须 的。在荷兰只有很少数人意识到我国经济75%以上是依赖于国 外。在全世界都在发生巨变的当今,我们不能狭隘。”
busiNess & global coMMuN itY
“The Netherlands has one of the best logistics. Rotterdam port is the gateway to europe. With the kind of services we provide, from supply management to finance, we should participate in the world economy as much as we can,” Haakma emphasizes. “Company take-over does not always mean bad news. Dutch companies may lose some but will ultimately gain huge market share in China. The Netherlands used to be the No.1 investor in major countries, now the tables have turned.”
“witH dutcH tecHNologY aNd desigN, HoPefullY!”
Sustainability is one of Horasis’ focus points. “These days, companies are more and more accountable, you can’t do business with the West if you fail to meet the international standards.” For Chinese companies, taking part in the world economy means they also have to be familiar with the rules. Horasis created a forum for the Chinese and Western decision makers to meet up and discuss business ethics and a sustainable future. “If you want to go global and acquire costumers such as Wal-Mart, MeTRO or Blokker, you must work with certain criteria,” Haakma spells out. “Inspectors pay unannounced visits to Chinese factories every month. Of course, pollution and food scandals are horror stories. In March this year, 2,800 dead pigs were found floating in the river of Shanghai. Bad image is puffed up through media channels; bad news travels faster than good news. Meanwhile, China may be working on modern slaughterhouses. With Dutch technology and design, hopefully!”
荷兰是中国的欧洲第二大贸易伙伴,仅次于德国。荷兰在中国 建有各种设施,这样更有利于打进中国市场。目前虽然发展前 景更广大,但是竞争也比从前更加激烈,欧盟新成员趁现在的 大好时机也来到了中国,尤其是在汽车行业。 Haakma指出:“荷兰有最佳的物流,鹿特丹港是欧洲的门户。 从供给管理到融资等各项服务,荷兰都很善于提供,所以我们 应该尽一切可能来参与世界经济!另外,公司接管并不见得是 坏消息,荷兰公司可能会失去一些,但最终将会获得在中国巨 大的市场份额。在过去,荷兰曾在世界主要投资国的排行榜上 处于首位,而今非昔比。”
有好有坏 Horasis的焦点之一是建设“可持续发展的未来远景”。 Haakma说:“目前中国公司越来越可靠,原因是如果不符合国际标 准,你就不能跟西方公司做生意。” 对于中国公司来说,参与世界经济也就意味着首先必须要熟悉 规则。 Horasis为此创建了一个论坛来为中国和西方的决策者提 供见面的机会,大家一同来讨论企业的社会责任和可持续发展 的未来。 “如果你想有大客户,例如沃尔玛、麦德龙或荷兰的Blokker, 你必须达到一定水准,”Haakma阐明。 “目前,很多公司每 个月会对中国工厂进行暗访,起到监督作用。当然了,污染和 食品丑闻的最近也频频进入新闻报道,今年3月,2800头死猪 漂浮在上海的河流中。坏消息比好消息走得快,也会通过媒体 放大。但与此同时,中国可能也正在修建现代化的屠宰场,我 希望是用荷兰的技术和设计!”
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the horasis gloBal China Business meeting horasis -“中国达沃斯” 论坛即将 在荷兰海牙召开
November 10-12, 2013 the hague, the Netherlands 2013年 11月10-1 2日,荷兰海牙Kurhaus h otel, gevers d eynootP lein 30, 2586 CK d en haag-sCheveningen
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You are cord ia l lY i N v it e d t o JoiN us f or tHe H orasis gl oba l c H iN a busiN e ss Me e t iN g a c - l e v e l e v e Nt oN lY
数百名名来自世 界 各 地 的 企 业 家 齐 聚 海 牙, 共 商 未 来 中 国 经 济
he Horasis Global China Business Meeting, organized by Horasis and the Netherlands Council for Trade Promotion (NCH), will take place in The Hague, the Netherlands, at the 5* Steigenberger Kurhaus Hotel from November 10-12, 2013. The Horasis Global China Business Meeting is the foremost annual gathering of Chinese business leaders and their international global counterparts. The meeting is a “by invitation only” event and is limited to decision-makers of private companies, CeOs, COOs, CFOs and Chairmen of the world’s most leading companies. Chinese and international entrepreneurs will discuss opportunities and challenges that lie ahead to achieve China’s next step of economic development. Our speakers will lead us in discussions on current market trends and opportunities. By understanding how today’s developments can impact tomorrow’s results and through firsthand information gained from various industry leaders, you will gain insights on how to stay ahead of your competitors, enhance corporate development and long term growth. Discussion themes like the investment climate in the Netherlands, the partnership between europe and China, envisioning the China Century and the strategic positioning of Dutch top sectors in China. Horasis provides an ideal platform for decision-makers to discuss the critical factors behind China’s rise to global eminence. Don’t miss this unique event and register now! Go to: *The price for the whole package is euRO 1,950 (excl. VAT)
在荷兰贸促会(NCH) 和海牙市政府的努力下,Horasis 决定将 第8届全球中国经济论坛定于2013年11月10日-12日在海牙召 开。此次盛会将主要邀请大中型企业的领导人物参加。Horasis 全球中国论坛将对多个热门话题,如:环境科技、海外投资、 女性创业、可持续性发展、金融、中欧关系、物流、农业食品 等展开讨论。到目前为止来自中国、荷兰、香港、马来西亚、 欧洲、加拿大、瑞士、澳大利亚、美国等地180余名企业家已 报名参加此次盛会,届时预计200-300名来自全球的企业家、 投资者和经济学家将汇聚海牙,这将是2013年在荷兰海牙举办 的高水准经济论坛之一。 值得一提的是,在目前这一百余名优秀企业家中有相当一部 分是投资公司和投资银行,如中国国际金融集团,中坤投资 集团,澳大利亚KOKODA Capital 和Asia Star Capital, 中国的 东软集团(Neusoft),香港东亚银行,俄罗斯SUN Capital, 波兰国家银行,阿曼银行,美国的Wabash Investment,中国 Winhopes Investments ,中国正泰集团(Chint Group)等; 除此之外还有来自世界各地的CEO 平台组织,如世界华商大 会(WECBA),中国企业家协会(China Federation of Industrial Economics),香港Bonds Group of Companies, 拉脱维亚的 Employer’s Confederation, 美国的CEO Clubs Network Worldwide, 中国的CEIBS(中欧商学院),巴西的中巴商会等等,这样 一个高水平论坛必将为海牙带来无限商机。以2012年Horasis 中国论坛为例,拉特维亚 作为举办国,获得了众多投资者的青 睐,有的甚至在拉脱维亚购置土地投资大型旅游项目。 如果您想报名参加此次盛会,请访问中国达沃斯网站,填写报 名表并且回传给我们 *参会活动总价格1,950欧元(不包括增值税)
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business column gWenDolYn tates - DireCtor/oWner ChinaWaYs cHiNawaYs sPecializes iN iNtercultural traiNiNg PrograMs. tHe focus is twofold: dutcH/ westerN culture eXPlaiNed froM a cHiNese PersPective aNd cHiNese culture Made accessible to westerNers.
Cultural 文化 疏 通 : 中 国 人 眼 中 的 荷 兰 人 thE dutCh from A ChiNESE pErSpECtiVE An awareness and understanding of cultural differences increases the chance of business success. As a sinologist in an international business environment, I have for many years focused on dealing with cultural differences when doing business in China. With so many Chinese companies now coming to the Netherlands, it may be wise for the Dutch to look into the mirror and see themselves from a Chinese perspective!
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So, from a Chinese point of view, what do you think – are Dutch people good at networking and do they ever bother about face? Is their image of being direct, practical and goal-oriented, the same when seen through Chinese eyes? In China relations or guanxi are very important. You are whom you know. Of course this applies to any society in a way, but the art of maintaining relations with a complex system of reciprocity, perfec-
busiNess & global coMMuN itY
ted by the Chinese, is much less pronounced in the Netherlands. The focus is on the individual, who is responsible for his own life. Dutch people regard their family and friends as ‘private’, and not to be mixed with business. So it is not unfriendliness that your Dutch business partner does not spend the weekends and evenings with you, he just draws the line between private life and work! The Dutch have an egalitarian society. everyone has the right to speak and to be heard. It is not strange to address your boss by his or her first name, or to disagree openly. Criticism can be quite blunt, especially seen through Chinese eyes. Saving or giving ‘face’ is not an issue in the Netherlands. An opinion, albeit a different one, shows commitment and is met with appreciation. Already in primary school children are encouraged to form opinions and to express them. In China, one who speaks a lot shows weakness, while someone who can afford to be silent shows authority. In the Netherlands, silence is seen as ignorance, or disinterest. A tip for Chinese trying to do business in the Netherlands is: profile yourself, don’t be too modest and do ask questions. Another advice in the field of communication: when giving a presentation, try to be authentic, realistic and do not burden the audience with endless facts and figures. The Dutch are known for their singleness of purpose and their practicality. But why is it that in China you phone someone on his mobile and make a same-day appointment, while in Holland it can take quite a while to get through (barriers can consist of secretaries or the person being in a meeting)? And when you do make your appointment, it will be in three weeks time, as diaries tend to be full… Let’s first consider those meetings – a typical Dutch phenomenon, known worldwide as polderen. This stems from the well-known struggle against water, when farmers all had equal rights and responsibilities for the dry keeping of their land and reaching consensus among all involved was crucial. So remember that in the Netherlands bosses continually consult their employees and an authoritarian attitude simply will not do. Apart from adhering strictly to one’s diary, planning and time keeping is serious business in the Netherlands. When you consider the view of a Chinese manager: “You can plan but changes will happen anyway!”, you can sense a completely different cultural attitude. Concluding it can be said that with an open mind, knowledge and a sense of humor, Chinese-Dutch cultural differences can be overcome and doing business together will become a rewarding and even a refreshing experience!
意识到不同文化之间的相似及相异会有助于双方事业合作的成 功。我自己作为活动于商界的汉学家,多年来,我一直关注着 文化的异同带来的影响,尤其目前很多中方公司来到荷兰,从 中国视角来审视荷兰人大约会是比较明智的。 我想问问,中国人眼中的荷兰人,他们是否善于建立关系网? 荷兰人有没有面子一说呢?荷兰人的直接了当及实际的性格在 中国人眼中又如何呢? 在中国,关系相当紧要,你认识谁是很关键的。当然喽,我们 可以说在任何社会都有“关系”一说,但是呢,关系网的维持 极具文化背景的复杂性,在这方面,荷兰社会却没有中国社会 那么发达那么注重。荷兰社会提倡个人,就是说每个人自己的 为人行事是他自己的事,与他人无关,荷兰人把家人朋友当成 自己的私事,没有必要卷入工作中,所以如果荷兰人在周末或 者晚上没有陪同你去做点什么,并不是说他对你没有好感,仅 仅是“公私分明”罢了! 荷兰社会人人平等,每个人都有权发表自己的观点和看法。直 接叫老板的名字是常见的事,公开地不同意上级的看法也是可 以的,批评有时候对中国人来说会很针锋相对。“丢面子” 或“给面子”在荷兰不存在。如果一个人持有不同的见解,说 明这个人很卖力,所以会得到赞赏。荷兰孩子们从小就被鼓励 表达个人的思想,而在中国,通常的人认为话多是弱点,如果 一个人沉默寡言,大家似乎会觉得有威信。在荷兰呢,如果一 个人什么也不说是无知或冷淡的表现。我建议来荷兰工作的中 国人最好要表露自己,不要过分谦逊,多提问题。在交流沟通 方面,我主张在介绍企业时,强调独创与实际,不要重复一些 冗长的数据。 荷兰人以办事明快、简略实际著称于世,但是我们也知道在中 国当天打电话就可以约会见面谈事情,而在荷兰约会见面则困 难重重,会有秘书啦,开会啦,而且呢,即使是约好了也是三 周之后才能见面,荷兰人似乎忙得不可开交。荷兰的开会现象 也是著称于世的,它的历史根源是荷兰人与海水的斗争,在过 去,农民们每家每户都聚会到一处,一起来协商如何不受水入 侵自己的农田,每户人家都有责任都得参加,所以千万记住在 荷兰,听员工的意见很重要,不是上司说了算。 除了荷兰人大家似乎都很遵守提前很早计划约会,时间表和守 时也很要紧,而中国的经理们常常会说:“ 计划归计划,变 化会发生!”,所以这就是不同文化不同态度。 我的结论也很简单:大家以开放、开明和幽默的方式来对待 所有的差异,那么双方的合作会成功,而且也会带来新奇的 经验!
X i N Ma ga zi N e
busiNess & global coMMuN itY
{oN a raiNY afterNooN, i waited for a rotterdaM bus. abseNt-MiNdedlY, a billboard of a cHiNese firM briNgiNg Yet aNotHer sMart PHoNe to tHe Public’s atteNtioN, caugHt MY eYe. tHe gadget itself seeMed sleek aNd Neat eNougH, tHougH NotHiNg out of tHe ordiNarY; aNd tHe firM’s NaMe was, if sHort, too eXotic to Nestle iN MeMorY. if aNYtHiNg, i woNdered wHY a firM i Never Heard of saw fit to service aN eXHausted Market. but tHe billboard stuck. sooN i learNed tHat tHe cHiNese Provider of sMart PHoNes was alMost oN a Par witH HouseHold NaMes like saMsuNg or aPPle.}
{ 一 个 阴 雨 绵 绵 的 下 午 , 我 正 在 鹿 特 丹 等 巴 士 。 突 然 间 我看见 站 台 上 巨 幅 智 能 手 机 广 告 牌 , 这 是 家 中 国 公 司 的 产 品 , 华 为 这 个名字听起来对我还比较陌生,我就纳闷地想为什么这个品牌会来到欧洲这个已经饱和的市场。不久后我了解到华为原来 在中国几乎是一个家喻户晓的名字,就好像三星电子或苹果公司一样不足为奇。}
When opportunitY knoCks bY PiM wiersiNga
华 为:机会 是给有准备的人
ecognizing that Holland, where the company is invisibly present since 2004, acts as one of China’s major partners in europe, CeO Simon Xin says both cultures “complement each other neatly.” The openness of the Lowlands meets the Oriental discipline, that is Huawei. Three years ago, there were less than 300 employees. Today Huawei’s Benelux branch has 420 employees, which is a remarkable growth in times of economic slump. Simon Xin: “Many opportunities are still waiting to be explored. In 2010, the increase in sales was 35%; in 2011 it was 28%; in 2012 a good 19%. And for 2013, we anticipate a growth rate of 30% in the Benelux.” As a provider of public telecom networks, Huawei secured a favo-
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
华为董事总经理辛文承认,公司自2004年来到荷兰 - 中国在 欧洲最主要的合作伙伴之一,中荷文化之间能做到“取长补 短”,低地国的开放性外加东方的风纪,这就是华为精神。 三年前有不到300名员工。至今,华为的荷比卢分公司有420 名雇员,这是在全球经济不景气时期很显著的增长。 辛文说:“很多机会还有待我们去发掘。 2010年,华为销售 额增加35%,2011年28%,2012年19%。而2013年,我们预 计在荷比卢将增长30%!” 华为作为网络服务供应厂家能提供低价但可靠的服务,以及高 品质创新的产品。华为的全球员工总数的44%参与研究和进
Ceo simon Xin X i N Ma ga zi N e
busiNess & global coMMuN itY
huaWei makes things possiBle anD makes Dreams Come true. iT is making iTs own dream Come True by beComing a leading global iCT soluTions provider.
rable image by realizing low costs, reliable services and high quality innovation. 44 % of Huawei’s global workforce is involved in research and innovation. The firm, a world leader in patents, is filing 18 new applications per day. In europe, it runs 13 dedicated R&D sites and 20 joint innovation centers in partnership with telecom and ICT partners. This is the key to success: once firms like KPN or Vodafone trust the Chinese partner, others will follow. So now is the time to enter the consumer market.
from SCrAtCh Founded in 1987, Huawei belongs to an early generation of post1978 Chinese companies established after Deng Xiaoping launched his open-door policy. Most companies went from scratch in the economic backwater that was China after the Cultural Revolution. Huawei people, both managers and employees, used to work in a small office that served as a kitchen and dormitory too. Similar conditions prevailed in the first office in europe, kicking off with two employees in 2000.
{tHis is tHe keY to success: oNce firMs like kPN or vodafoNe trust tHe cHiNese PartNer, otHers will follow. so Now is tHe tiMe to eNter tHe coNsuMer Market.}
In 1997, Ren Zhengfei, founder and president of Huawei, number 1 on Fortune China’s list of the “50 Most Influential Business Leaders in China”, visited uS-based multinationals including IBM, among others. He noticed the gap between Chinese and Western companies, and realized why. For Westerners, 1997 was the eve of a new millennium while China had just outgrown Mao! But how could Huawei evolve from such apparently unpromising beginnings into a global player, stirring up old fears of the ‘yellow peril’ on Anglophone continents? How could any Chinese company, operating at the bottom of the global value chain, challenge multinationals on the high end? Huawei immediately set about transforming itself. The company made a huge effort to promote itself at various international expos. It engaged American multinationals to improve processes and learn management skills – not the in-thing to do for a Chinese firm on the rise. Benelux CeO Simon Xin, reflecting on joint efforts with Hollandbased telecommunication player KPN: “Mutual trust is high indeed.”
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
CulturAl EVENtS More than a century after uS Secretary of State John Hay proclaimed his open-door policy in 1899, requesting that various Western countries have equal commercial opportunity on the Chinese market, the uS closed doors on Huawei, one of the world’s leading telemarketers, after allegations of spying on behalf of the Chinese government. In 2012, the Australian federal government decided to ban Huawei from involvement in the National Broadband Network – which certainly helped spread the word about a firm most Australians had never heard of prior to 2012. And again one might ask why incidents like these don’t stop the company from growing in europe – and in many other parts of the world. And today, with 66 % of overall revenue coming from outside China, Huawei is still transforming itself, says Simon Xin, alluding to recent allegations: “We are in a process towards transparency. We used to be an engineering company, now we need to become more open and local.” “Open and local” is Huawei’s global policy and strength. In the uK, for instance, BT, Orange, Virgin and T-Mobile are particularly present; Huawei however chooses to sponsor cultural events, such as Huawei Winter Concert series held in Westminster’s Central Hall.
行创新。该公司专利申请处于世界领先地位,每天平均18个 新的申请。在欧洲共有13个专门的研发基地和20个与合作伙 伴共同拥有的创新中心。 成功的关键在于:一旦KPN和沃达丰信任来自中国的合作伙 伴,其他公司就会效仿,这是进入消费市场的大好时机。
从零做起 华为成立于1987年,是1978年改革开放后成立的第一批公司 之一,走过了文革后从无到有这个艰苦历程。华为管理人员和 普通员工一道在又是厨房又是卧室的小办公室里创业,直至 2000年最初来到欧洲开发的两名员工也是类似的情形。
1997年,华为的创始人兼总裁任正非,Fortune China“50最 具影响力的中国商业领袖”的名单上位居榜首。任走访了总部 设在美国的跨国公司,包括IBM在内。他注意到中国和西方公 司之间的差距,并了解到其中的缘由。对于西方人来说,1997 年快要走进崭新的千禧年,而中国刚刚在学步!华为怎样从一 无所有发展成为一个全球性的遥遥领先的大企业呢?一个在蹒 跚学步的中国公司又怎样挑战高端跨国公司?华为立即动手对 自身进行改革和转变,包括不断在国际博览会上展现新产品,
同时也向美国跨国公司进行借鉴并学习流程和管理。 辛文说同荷兰电信公司KPN合作的基础就是:“相互信任非常 关键。”
文化赞助 1899年,美国国务卿约翰·海伊要求“开放门户”,提出 西方国家在中国市场上应该有平等的商业机会。如今一百年 后,美国把华为拒之门外,声称该公司为中国政府从事间谍活 动。2012年,澳大利亚联邦政府决定禁止华为参与该国宽带 网络, 这使很多从前没听说过华为的澳大利亚人得知了这个 来自中国的品牌。为什么这类事件并没阻止该公司在欧洲及世 界各地的的发展?在今天,公司 66%的整体收入来自中国以 外,辛文指出:“我们正在迈向更高的透明度。我们曾是一家 工程公司,我们需要变得更加开放和地方化。” “开放和地方化”是华为的全球战略。例如在英国,来自 BT,Orange,Virgin和T-Mobile的竞争很激烈,华为大力开展 赞助文化的各项活动,如在威斯敏斯特中央大厅举行的冬季音 乐会系列。 华为使梦想成真,华为也在圆自己的梦,正在成为领先全球的 ICT解决方案提供商。
X i N Ma ga zi N e
busiNess & global coMMuN itY
tHe MeaNiNg
of luXurY 奢侈的意义
Lasé Hu
hen I was eight, I moved to utrecht, Holland, with my mother. During the first weeks, I felt like a young Tarzan lost in the New York jungle. I was born in a small village near Wenzhou in Southeast China. At that time people had no tap water, electricity and gas. We bathed in rivers and cooked on fire made from bamboo we collected in the mountains. until this day I still feel a kid of the wild nature. But mom took me to Holland to join my dad who worked here. Holland, a place where all people are rich! The land of dreams! My parents had a restaurant. I remember I had to sacrifice my weekends and holidays to help them in the kitchen. even back then I already realized how important it is to create opportunities for yourself. A good education was the only way for me to have a better future I was looking forward to. I was determined to achieve something in the Land of Dreams, this was the opportunity given to me! Leading a good life has always been my motivation; a luxury lifestyle, which is not to be mistaken for having money. {i was deterMiNed to acHieve soMetHiNg iN tHe laNd of dreaMs, tHis was tHe oPPortuNitY giveN to Me!}
Luxury is about quality, about rich experiences and remarkable people you meet and most of all, about things that you can help happen. Create opportunities for yourself and those around you. It can be very small things but they are important enough to make a huge difference. Luxury is a way of thinking. The open-mindedness.
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
我八岁时与我的母亲来到荷兰乌得勒支,这里新奇的一切使 我觉得自己是个迷路的孩子。 我出生在中国东南温州市附近的一个小村庄,当时我们村里 没有自来水、没电和煤气。我们在河流里洗澡,用竹子生火 做饭。直到今天我还觉得自己是大自然的野孩子。但是,我 妈把我带到荷兰来找我爸。荷兰,这是人们梦寐以求的地 方!这块梦想的土地! 那时,我的父母开一家餐馆,我记得我牺牲了自己的周末和 节假日来帮助他们在厨房里的劳作。当时我已经意识到给自 己创造机会是多么的重要,良好的教育是我唯一的出路,它 会给我带来一个更好的未来。我当时就下定决心要实现自己 的梦想,因为这就是荷兰给予我的机会! 过上优质奢侈的生活一直是我前进的动力,但是这绝对不要 被误认为是有很多很多钱。 奢侈是用质量来衡量,同丰富的经验及你一生中能遇见的卓 越的人们有关,但最重要的是:奢侈是关于你能给别人带来 什么。为你所关爱的人们和世界创造机会。有时看上去似乎 仅仅是件小事,但它很重要, 因为这件小事可能会给世界 带来很大的变化。 奢侈是一种思维方式,需要创意和开明的思路。 我相信“吸引力”这个规则。首先你要打开你的心,当你的 思路是开放的,你分享你的积极向上的内在能量,你就会得 到好的回报,你就会有能力使一切不可能成为可能。 今年我加入了Dutch Dream Foundation,他们支持像我一 样的青年企业家去圆他们的人生梦。我很愿意有所作为,我 也学会了找到我的新方向而且专注地去实现它。 《新》在今年三月推出首刊,我们在久负盛名的Amstel 酒 店隆重推出。之后我们陆续收到了读者的反馈,其中有好听 的也有不好听的,有批评及建议。 我想很清楚地说《新》不是一本女性杂志。我们的杂志通过 一些有趣的、易懂的话题,例如Lifestyle、旅游、文化和品 质生活,以此来介绍和讲述一些过去鲜为人知的但很重要的 故事。《新》旨在推进在荷兰与中国之间、世界与中国之间 的商务及商机,起到互动作用。 很显然《新》是为我们大家创造各种各样的机会。
busiNess & global coMMuN itY
I believe in the law of attraction. First you have to open your mind and heart, then the universe will conspire to make the impossible possible. When you are open, you share your inner energy, and good things will come to you in return. This year I joined Dutch Dream Foundation, a program to support young entrepreneurs like me to go for their life dream. I want to make a difference, and I have learned to know my new focus and work on it. XiN magazine was launched in March. We had a grand launch party at the prestigious Amstel Hotel. For our first edition we received flattering remarks as well as critical comments. Let me be clear. XiN is not a women’s magazine. We take accessible subjects as our starting point; lifestyle, travel, culture and good taste. We make other, serious subjects visible and less intimidating. XiN aims to advance entrepreneurial bond and creative initiatives between Holland and China, between the world and China. With XiN, we create opportunities. I am sure you have noticed the changes in our autumn edition, one of them being the language. Our editorial team has decided to make the switch from Dutch/Chinese to english/Chinese, much earlier than planned. Our content choices are becoming more international, which will bring along a broader, international audience and distribution. It is more than logical for us to push the switch button now to tap from our international connections and resources. In this process, we have also been able to connect to our strategic partners and share their rich, business operation contents. These are relevant, rewarding topics; they take our readers across the borders. Meanwhile, our close tie with various business communities in both Holland and China made it possible for us to close communal subscriptions and expand our distribution worldwide. The overseas Chinese count 50 million in total. We want to move on to meet them and share our exciting, new ideas with them. Our digital platform is being improved and upgraded to meet this end. Finally, coming back to creating opportunities. In the future, we will further foster XiN as a premium brand. This way we can better serve our strategic partners as well as other brands. We will create special events and organize tailor-made business visits. XiN will also have our own exclusive products. With XiN I do hope to open your heart so that you receive the possibilities life offers you.
Lasé Hu
because XiN is all about sHariNg a little Heart sigN. it’s all aBout sharing a vision.
我相信各位已经注意到了在秋季刊的变动。我们的编辑团 队决定将杂志的双语由中荷文变换成中英文,这比我们的 原计划提早很多。与此同时,内容的选择上我们更加国际 化,这将为杂志带动更广泛的国际读者,有助于全球发行 和国际知名度。所以我们决定立即动手来挖掘我们的国际 潜力和资源。 在这个过程中我们也能够同很多战略合作伙伴相遇并分享他 们丰富的商务操作内容。这些都是大有意义的话题,他们把 我们的读者带进跟广阔的世界,跨越国界。 我们与在荷兰和中国的各企业界密切联系,能够达成集体订 阅合约,扩大我们在全球的发展和销售。目前,海外华人总 数为5000万,我们很想把这一庞大人群变成《新》读者, 我们很愿意与他们分享我们精彩的思路,为此,我们的网络 平台也正在改进和升级来满足这一需求。 创造机会是何等重要。在不远的未来,我们将进一步将《 新》发展为一个品牌,这样我们就可以更好地服务我们的现 今及未来的合作伙伴和其他高档品牌。我们也将组织特别的 活动,Luxury events和组织商务考察团。《新》也将有自 己的独家产品。 当然,这是我的心愿。但最最重要的是,我更希望能打开你 的心扉,使你来接受生活的挑战,看见生活给予我们大家的 各种机会。 《新》也是心。我们心连心,让我们共同分享对未来的期待。
胡兰生 X i N Ma ga zi N e
busiNess & global coMMuN itY
faces & Places
stories Written in sanD anD CarveD in stone:
chinese people from around the globe erwin Pon: out of africa
饮 水 思源 i aM a 38-Year-old fourtH geNeratioN cHiNese soutH africaN, borN aNd raised iN JoHaNNesburg, soutH africa. MY faMilY origiNallY caMe to soutH africa 100 Years ago. MY great graNdfatHer sailed across tHe seas iN tHe earlY 1900s; He caMe froM sHuNde Near fosHaN iN tHe Pearl river delta, guaNgdoNg ProviNce, cHiNa. later oN MY graNdPareNts arrived iN soutH africa iN tHe 1920s. erwiN PoN is tHe cHairMaN of tHe cHiNese associatioN
t’s 5.30am on the 31st of January 2013. I am on my way to the gym before starting work for the day. A typical day at work involves contacting and meeting with Chinese clients, developing strategies, discussing new ideas and meeting with various internal stakeholders at the bank. I work at one of the largest Investment Banks in South Africa and I am the Business Development Director for the Chinese business. I am a 38-year-old fourth generation Chinese South African, born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa. My family originally came to South Africa 100 years ago. My great grandfather sailed across the seas in the early 1900s; he came from Shunde near Foshan in the Pearl River Delta, Guangdong Province, China. Later on my grandparents arrived in South Africa in the 1920s.
of gauteNg (tca). tHe tca was establisHed iN 1903 aNd is oNe of tHe oldest associatioNs iN africa. He is a 4tH geNeratioN cHiNese soutH africaN witH His aNcestors coMiNg froM guaNgdoNg, cHiNa iN tHe earlY 1900s. He Has a bacHelor of coMMerce degree froM tHe uNiversitY of witwatersraNd, aN Mba iN strategic MaNageMeNt aNd works at oNe of tHe largest iNvestMeNt baNks iN africa. He is HaPPilY Married to a taiwaNese wife; tHeY Have beeN togetHer for over 20 Years aNd Have two beautiful daugHters. erwiN is flueNt iN eNglisH, caNtoNese, MaNdariN aNd basic afrikaaNs.
38岁的他出生和成长在南非的约翰内斯堡。他的曾祖父100 前漂洋过海,那是在上世纪初,曾祖父从珠江三角洲顺德 出发外出谋生,之后,1920年,他的祖父母也渡海前往南 非。erwin Pon娓娓道来家族来到异国他乡的经历以及他自 己在种族隔离时期南非的亲身经历,他的童年、今天及对未 来的期望:“南非是我居住的地方,我会经常回到中国,我 也可能会打算回去短住,但是南非确实是我的家,非洲大陆 是我工作、生活的地方,更重要的是这里有我的家人,我和 我的妻子有两个女儿。我有时觉得自己很幸运地生活在一个 正在飞速发展的大陆,而我作为中国人,我身上带着文化和 历史的传承。我内心中自己永远是中国人!”
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thE oldEr gENErAtioNS For them, coming over to South Africa meant leaving many of their family and friends behind. But, given the circumstances and what China was going through, this also meant giving their immediate family an opportunity to start a new and better life. In those days, it took many months by ship to travel from China to South Africa with many stops on the way. My grandparents made this exhausting, precarious trip with their three children, taking their life possessions in the few cases of luggage they could bring along. They disembarked on the shore of this strange, enchanting country called South Africa. In the early days they helped set up the first Chinese school, taught Chinese children the Chinese language and history. eventually they started their own business as traders. In essence, this was the beginning of my family’s history in South Africa.
pASt Growing up in the 1970s was quite difficult. There was still apartheid in the country and for decades, our family endured much of the racist laws that the South African government had implemented. My parents started out living at the end of the city in a place called “Malaycamp”. This area was designated for “non-whites”
busiNess & global coMMuN itY
soutH africa bY NigHt
and was one of the few places where we were allowed to live and set up businesses. { t He Y d i se M bar ked oN t He s Hor e of tH i s s traNge, eNc H aNt i N g c ouNtrY called soutH afr i ca. iN tHe earlY d aYs t He Y HelP ed s et uP t He fi r s t cHiNes e sc Hool , tau g Ht c Hi Nes e cHi ldr eN tHe cHi Nes e laNgu age aNd Hi st o rY. e v eNtuallY tHe Y s tar ted tHei r owN b u siNess as t r a d e r s. i N es s eNce, tHi s was tHe begi NN iNg of MY
My school life was not easy and smooth sailing. Kids would bully the only non-white kid, calling me names such as “ching chong Chinaman” and beating me up because I was “supposed” to be an expert in Kung fu! This bullying by children and sometimes even by teachers continued for many years until my parents moved me to a Waldorf school, which was more open and tolerant to different races and cultures. Again, my sister and I were the only Chinese children at the school, but at least this time there were also children from other races.
fa Mi lY’ s Hi s torY iN soutH afr i ca .} {u ltiM atelY tHou gH, s ou tH af ric a is MY P H Y s i ca l
By the early ’80s, things became a little more easier for us Chinese, as the South African government had passed a new law granting Japanese investors “honorary white” status. As it was very difficult for people to distinguish Japanese and Chinese people, at times things could be a bit easier for us. However, buying a house in “white only” areas was still very challenging. For my parents, they needed to go to all the neighbors around the house they wanted to buy and get a signed off approval that they did not “object” to a Chinese person moving into the neighborhood – if one person objected, you were not allowed to live there. We got lucky. And so, in the early ’80s we were able to move to another neighborhood away from the busy city and I was fortunate enough to attend one of the schools in the suburb – I ended up being the only Chinese person at that school.
H oM e. tHere MaY b e a tiMe wHeN i wil l trav e l ba ck t o c HiNa aNd MaYb e eveN l ive tHere f or a wHi le . b ut f o r al l Prac tic al ities, tHis is MY H oM e. af rica i s wHe re i work, wHere i l ive, wHere i Pl aY aNd More i M P o r ta N t lY, it is wHere MY faMilY l ives. at tiMes i tHiN k t H at i a M eXtreMelY l u c kY, to l ive iN oN e of tHe fa s t e s t gro wiNg aNd devel oPi Ng c oNtiNeNts iN tHe wo rld a N d al so, b eiNg c HiNese i Have tHe c u ltu re, He ri ta ge a N d HistorY of oNe of tHe M ost aNc ieNt aNd i N t e re s t i Ng c ivil izatioN s iN tHe worl d – c HiN a . }
university was a lot more enjoyable for me. By that time, the ANC was no longer banned, President Mandela was released from prison
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and many people believed that South Africa would become the true “rainbow nation”. Since then, from a cultural and race perspective, things have become a lot better. As in any country, there will still be racism but at least people are now more open to different cultures and different races. There is still a lot more to be done but things are improving and getting a lot better than they were during the apartheid.
prESENt The problems we are currently facing are the western propaganda and perceptions that China is trying to take over Africa and steal its natural resources. There are some people that have become really anti-Chinese. This is new, a new challenge and task for the Chinese communities on the continent. All in all, it has been an interesting as well as challenging time to be Chinese born in Africa. At times, I feel that I am stuck in the middle, neither Chinese enough to be completely called a true Chinese from China nor am I African enough to be called completely African. And sometimes, I believe that I am kind of stuck in the “old China” that was taught to me by my grandmother, a time that stood still, a time
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that she “brought along” when she left China in the ’1920s – the China that she had left behind…
futurE ultimately though, South Africa is my physical home. There may be a time when I will travel back to China and maybe even live there for a while. But South Africa is my home. This is the place where I work, live, have fun, and still more importantly, my family lives here. I think I am extremely lucky, to live in one of the fastest growing continents in the world, and being Chinese, I have the culture, heritage and history of one of the most ancient, fascinating civilizations in the world – China. My favorite Chinese saying is 飲水思源: when you drink the water, remember the source. I will never forget where I came from and will forever be grateful to my ancestors and my cultural heritage; and for that, in my heart, China will always be my home!
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{tHe raPid eXPaNsioN of cHiNa’s cities over tHe Past decades aNd tHe ceNtral goverNMeNt’s PlaNs to ProMote urbaNizatioN eveN More iN tHe future, Have soMe PeoPle worried about tYPical ills associated witH big citY life: Noise, PollutioN, coNgested streets, ParkiNg ProbleMs, uglY laNdscaPes. but does it Have to turN out tHat waY?}
中 国 城 市 近 年 来 迅 猛 发 展 以 及 中 国 政 府 大力 支 持 城 市 化 未 来 的 事 实 使 很 多 人 忧 虑 重 重 : 噪 音 、 污 染 、 拥 挤 、 停 车 问 题 、自 然 环 境 破 坏 , 这 些 都 是 发 展 的 通 病 , 但 是 会 不 会 也 有 其 他 更 好 的 解 决 方 式 呢 ?《 新 》与 读 者 共同 解 读 鹿 特 丹 髙 柏 伙 伴 规 划 园 林建筑顾问公司为世界创造的“心”世界!
arChiteCture With a heart City of the sun teXt: iNe vaN zeelaNd
高柏 伙 伴 规 划 园 林 建 筑 顾 问 公 司 : “心”之未来
elsewhere in the world, cities have gone through similar periods of accelerated growth. In the 17th century, small towns in Holland suddenly became magnets for large groups of immigrants fleeing conflicts in other parts of europe. In the 19th and early 20th century, American cities saw an influx of europeans trying their luck in the new country.
WhAt hAVE WE lEArNEd from thESE dEVElopmENtS? Several centuries ago, Amsterdam introduced something new to the city’s streets: trees. Tourists would write home about the leafy trees
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在全世界所有大都市都曾有相似的经历。17世纪荷兰的小镇 突然成为吸引来自欧洲各地的大批移民,而在19-20世纪,大 量欧洲人涌向美国城市寻找新的机会。
我们从过去能学到什么? 几个世纪以前,阿姆斯特丹为公共街道带来了这样的新鲜: 树!到这里来的游客会给家里写信简述在街上散步就好像是在 森林里漫游,纽约中央公园也是出于市民对公共绿色的需求, 我们可以这样说,城市规划注重社区结构和绿化,这大大提高 了城市的内在生活质量。
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agung seDaYu Center - dutcH desigNers aNd PlaNNers kuiPercoMPagNoNs receNtlY woN tHe desigN coMPetitioN for a sustaiNable office buildiNg, aguNg sedaYu ceNter, iN Jakarta, iNdoNesia. “Both towers are connected By an open common space with commercial facilities on the ground floor, six parking floors of which three are underground, and also an integrated garden on the 4th floor. one of the most important sustainaBle principles is the maximum use of natural ventilation in order to reduce the use of mechanical cooling. the whole form and detail of the Building is aimed to avoid direct sunlight to the facade, and to take advantage of the prevailing wind direction. the facade of the Building is dictated By the wind and the sun. By using sun diagrams, the type of louvered door could Be determined for the whole year (which one of the seven types and for which part of the Building). rainwater is collected and reused, solar panels are placed on the horizontal roof, and the therefore appropriated terrace floors. a geothermal heat pump is applied. district cooling is used to improve the Benefit of the cool system.”
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<< kc logo aNd MeaNwHile, iN qiNgdao
lining the canals, telling their friends it was almost like walking in a forest. New York’s famous Central Park was also created to meet a growing need for green open space. urban planning with an eye for social structure and public green has improved inner city life around the world. The realization that living doesn’t just happen indoors has landed. everyone agrees that there is more to a city than just buildings and streets. We assign certain characteristics to the “natives” of the place where we were born or grew up, we see ourselves as at least partly shaped by our hometowns. We have fond memories of certain charming little corners, in which parts of our childhood played out. There are pretty spots in our towns that we like to show to visitors, and we all have favorite streets for shopping or leisure.
{a growiNg NuM b er of arc Hitec ts, u rb a N P la N N e rs aNd l aNdsc aPers f l oc k to c HiNa to He lP cre at e l ivab l e c ities, Pl ac es wHere PeoP l e l ove t o li v e a Nd work. witH over a c eNtu rY of c oMMuNi t Y d e s i gN eX PerieNc e, ku iPercoMPagN oNs c ou Nts a M o N g t H e f oreMost of tHose desiriN g to eMb el l isH t H e f ut ure of c HiNa’s M egac ities. ku iPerc oMPagNo N s d o e s N’ t Ju st desigN b u il diNgs or distric ts: it’s Ma k i N g ci t i e s of tHe f u tu re: Not a dark Pl ac e tHat we wa Nt t o e s c aPe f roM oN tHe weekeNd, b u t a l igHt Pla ce we li k e to wal k arou Nd iN everY siNgl e daY. }
Our ideas about how we like to live translate into how we design the space around us. Look at the Dutch: the battle against the water that has been flooding the country intermittently for millennia, has influenced the Dutch national character, but on the other hand it also forced the inhabitants to shape the country with dams, dykes and polders. A familiar saying goes: “God created the world, but the Dutch created the Netherlands.”
生活不仅仅是在室内,这个想法进入了我们的视野,大家知道 城市不仅仅是房子和街道而已,我们喜欢把我们自己的性格同 自己生长的城市联系在一起,我们会永远记得童年的某个捉迷 藏的角落,我们喜欢把朋友们带到自己喜欢的某个地方吃饭、 购物或者闲聊。 我们对生活的需求转化为我们对生活环境的设计。就拿荷兰做 例子:荷兰人与海斗争决定了荷兰人的性格,但水的威胁使荷 兰人知道建水坝和造地,正如俗话说:“上帝创造了世界但荷 兰人创造了荷兰!”
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laNdscaPe accordiNg to kc
So we, the inhabitants of a city, can and should have an influence on the design of our surroundings. What do we want? We want nice views, cozy spots to meet our friends, clean air to breathe and clean water to drink, a place for our children to play, reliable facilities, good connections, a pleasant backdrop to our memories. For a long time, most Chinese have been used to having plenty of space around them. The novel restraints of living in a city, with limited space per capita, can be a frustration. urban planning has to take human needs into account to preserve a sense of community. City builders should incorporate the variety of ideas that people have about how they like to live in the design of urban areas. These days, a growing number of architects, urban planners and landscapers flock to China to help create livable cities, places where people love to live and work. With over a century of community design experience, KuiperCompagnons counts among the foremost of those desiring to embellish the future of China’s megacities. KuiperCompagnons doesn’t just design buildings or districts: it designs community spaces, with parks, walks and views. Places that you like to take your loved ones to on a sunny day. City dwellings that not only fit into their surroundings, but make them shine, by caring for the environment and the culture of the people who live in them. In China, KuiperCompagnons is involved in several major waterfront projects, in Qingdao, Dalian, Zhongshan and Shanghai – all with
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an eye for the integration of the natural environment, infrastructure needs, public space and community building. This should be our city of the future: not a dark place that we want to escape from on the weekend, but a light place we like to walk around in every single day – a city of the sun.
我们影响我们生活的环境,这是肯定的。我们喜欢在风景宜人 空气清新的地方与朋友会面,我们向往山美水美人也美高质量 的生活。中国人过去有很多生活空间,大都市人口膨胀带来了 居住空间压力,所以城市规划应更注重社区需求,建筑师应该 把城市人的渴求融入他们的设计中。目前来自世界各地的城市 园林建筑人才涌入中国,为人们建造“可住性很强”的面向未 来的新社区,有百年历史的高柏伙伴规划园林建筑顾问公司就 是其中一员。 髙柏公司不仅仅设计街道和建筑,而是规划社区整体,包括 公园、户外活动场所、风景,是你和你爱的人们爱去的地 方,在其中体会美好环境和文化氛围的乐趣,该公司目前在 青岛、大连、中山和上海都有开发项目,设计中融入“水” 和其他自然元素。 这就是我们未来的城市,一个我们每天生活和呼吸的地方,阳 光明媚,身心健康!
X i N Ma ga zi N e
wHeN i tHiNk of fall, i tHiNk of iNdiaN suMMer. official HolidaYs are over aNd we are back to work. life is back oN track, eXcePt our Heart is Nostalgic about suMMer. after work, You Meet witH Your frieNds iN tHe Park, at tHe beacH, You’ll sHare a glass of wiNe, soMe fiNger food aNd tHe latest gossiP. tHis is tHe Perfect tiMe for a sPicY, full-bodied wiNe. a wiNe tHat clearlY tells You: “HeY, it’s Me aNd reMeMber How i taste!”
- saskia sChurink, sommelier -
唐 代 诗 仙 酒 魔 李太白写 道 : “ 莫 使 金 樽 空 对月。 ” 金 秋 是 关 于 丰 收 、 关 于 明 月、 关 于 亲 人 们 情 人 们 团 圆 。 李 太 白 写 酒 , 我 们 能 进 入 他 的 文 字之中,便有著共享的乐趣。酒就像是恋人一般,是跟着直觉走,走进感觉深处,去发 现日常 生 活 带 来 的 喜 怒 哀 乐 和 短 暂 人 生 的 春 夏 秋 冬 。
Xin’s autumn
Wine guiDe 《 新 》秋 酒 正 浓 To THe wiNe Lover
emotion is gut feeling, and to me that’s exactly what wine is about. Sometimes you are just a little bit in love with a wine, your heart tells you this is what you have been looking for your whole life. And once in a while, you just want to try something new. everyone has his own reasons to choose a particular bottle of wine. In order to translate these delicate feelings into our wine picks, I use an everyday emotion to explain the preferences and varieties.
thurSdAY It is Thursday evening. You come back home after a day of hard work. You want to go to the gym but you know you have got a lot to do tomorrow. You certainly don’t plan to work in the weekend, so if you would finish some stuff this evening, you are a free man. It’s warm outside and the evening smells of roses. Ah, Indian summer! What about a Beaujolais? Yes, a beautiful Morgon, Moulin-a-Vent or Chenas…These wines are made of the Gamay grape (Gamay Noir a jus Blanc), and have soft tannins and a fresh and fruity taste like raspberries. Served a little chilled, the wine will give you the energy boost you need. This is the way to end the week, although – damn, I forgot – it’s still Thursday. This wine of gamay grape has a pronounced raspberry flavour and is yet powerful and full-bodied, which may be a tad unusual for beaujolais. This is why I like its exciting, vibrant character. The wine puts that extra bit of energy into you. It makes a great combination with sautéed, filled duck prepared in blackbean sauce.
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
light red
Gamay noir a jus Blanc domaine les fines Gra ves, Moulin-a-Vent, Beaujolais, france
d fresh an white
nc Chenin Bla osch,
, stellenb Pepin Condé a th sou afric
fridAY It is Friday afternoon. You could have finished your work fast because of the energy boost you got from the wine last night. You are thinking this time you can’t walk away from a drink with colleagues. This is the time you pay attention to the people instead of the wine poured in your glass, and to be honest this is not very important – even though you secretly hope to taste a light, refreshing, less complex wine which would make you chatty, good company. Besides, wine could be just the topic for an excellent conversation. I recommend wines from South Africa. Very fresh and fruity like guava, but there is a lot more tropical fruit coming your way, plus the elegant cool of lime and mineral water. Due to the partially oak layering, the wine has more aromatic structure, and it will keep any conversation going. This wine is made by José Condé, a design artist from the united States. Because of his romance and his love for wine, José moved to South Africa. Together with his father-in-law, he makes this “talkative” wine.
SAturdAY It’s Saturday at last! The fridge is full, the kids are staying with friends. It’s fun time for you and your partner. This rare occasion asks for a wine that is complex and full of life, and its intensity should go with a good meal. It doesn’t matter if you plan to go out for dinner or you two just stay in, it’s an evening to enjoy each other and take pleasure in senses. Worship this wine! Balanced and complex, in France they call it the Caudalis. It is an expression to measure the aftertaste in seconds. Officially and scientifically proven, an aftertaste lasts no longer than 7 seconds! But this wine offers delight for minutes long. Of course this can’t keep me from having another sip just a bit sooner. This wine is so rich, I would keep the meal simple yet powerful to compliment the wine. Beef in red wine sauce to go with potatoes and some veggies, for instance. Something typically French, you would say.
d Cabernet sa uvignon, Cabernet fra nc, Merlot, Petit Verdot Châte au Pichon l ongueville Comtesse de lalande, 2ième Grand Cru Classé, Bordeaux, fr ance
sparklin sweet
Brachetto ui, chetto d’acq
Bra aly Piedmont, it
Sunday afternoon = sweet pies + good company. You enjoy your Sunday breakfast of fried eggs and croissants with your family. You are feeling good, listen to their chitchat and watch your partner reading newspaper. You are daydreaming. But you know you are having visitors in the afternoon, you need to make some cakes or prepare a fruit pie. After all, that’s the good old Dutch way to treat people. In the old days, they used to pour the guests a glass of sherry or beer and jenever. Anno 2013, it’s Champagne time! Cava or a very good Moscato d’Asti will suit the jolly time! Brachetto is a perfect combination with red fruit pastries and deserts, but it is also just right with chocolate, especially white chocolate. It is a sparkling wine deepened by sweet cherry and bramble flavour. It’s never too sweet and it has just enough acidity to keep the wine’s strength. The wine is flexible as it is, and it is excellent to go with all kinds of cheeses and bites such as Italian sausage or spicy nuts you put on your table. And the best thing about this wine, shhh. It is only 5 % vol. of alcohol. You stay tidy and alert enough to watch the kids and you won’t have the awful Monday hangover.
santé! X i N Ma ga zi N e
from With leaf:
Koppert Cress’ food revolution
味 觉建 筑 : 来自荷兰的美食革命 {tHe sceNt of fresH greeN olives iN wadi toPs; tHe acidic flavor of asaNga cress, a Pacific secret oNce used for tea oNlY, tHe subtle laveNder toucH of aN edible flower, akiN to violets; tHe PurPle Haze of Yka leaves, flaPPiNg butterflY wiNgs iN tHe braziliaN backlaNds to lauNcH a sileNt revolutioN iN taste across tHe oceaNs…all tHese beloNg to aN aNcieNt MiNiature uNiverse of flavors, refiNed iN aN ecological koPPert cress glassHouse: Horticultural seedliNgs, adorNiNg tHe taste of Just about aNYtHiNg, froM Mackerel to bloodY MarY. Meet rob baaN, tHe braiN beHiNd koPPert cress food revolutioN.}
{新鲜青橄榄的香味飘逸在娇翠欲滴的Wadi叶上,Asanga水芹诉说着一个来自太平洋的秘密,让人记起薰衣草和紫罗兰的童年往 事, 而紫雾一般的Yka叶,扑闪着蝴蝶般的翅膀穿越在世界的山山水水,带给千家万户一场无声味觉的革命... ... 所有这一切属于一 个古老的微型味觉宇宙,在Koppert Cress的温室中得到完善与完美,来自这里的一片片小小的叶子点缀着桌上的所有佳肴,从鲭 鱼到Bloody Mary。请阅读由Rob Baan领导的坐落在荷兰西部的一个农业小帝国。}
hen Rob Baan bought the company in 2002, he renamed it Koppert Cress and started to shape it according to his vision. On his travels, Baan discovered unique cultures around the world and their food habits and ingredients. Being a passionate home-cooking chef himself, he realized that the success of his vision hinged on the acceptation and adoption by professional chefs. Focusing on the end users, he went to present his products to the finest chefs in europe. Creative and innovative as most of them are, they immediately felt the connection and started to use the “ micro-vegetables”. each cress has its own specific effect on the senses. The delicate flavors and decorative value prove to be the long-expected fun alternative for the less exciting herbs used so far.
ArChitECturE AromAtiquE: SEEdliNgS of uNiquE plANtS
The company’s approach is unique in horticulture. The cress are
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
freshly germinated seedlings from 100% natural, aromatic, plants. These plants offer a freshness and intensity in taste and scent, which are only present in young plants. Gathered from all parts of the earth, the tastes and flavors give an exotic touch to the dishes and intensify gastronomic experience. Fragrance, texture or lovely looks, there is a cress for all, and the assortment is still growing. every year, at least one new item is added to the collection of Architecture Aromatique, with different themes and specialties. The innovative possibilities offered by the 24 cresses and 27 specialties literally blow you away!
CrESSpEriENCE: AN AuthoritY to mAkE A diffErENCE!
To ensure interest as well as create demand for its unique products, Koppert Cress has direct exchange with the end users. Cressperience is a state of the art meeting room, equipped with the necessary
audiovisual tools and a demonstration kitchen. This is where chefs are introduced to the products and can try new things and experiment with them. Cressperience is a special place; Koppert Cress’ quest for innovation in gastronomy starts here. Innovative products of outstanding flavors and shapes, all in the highest quality, are made available to the preparation of tasty creations. Gastronomes are given the opportunity to work on the sensational Molteni Podium IV, an unique instrument for top-level dishes. The dishes prepared on the Molteni Podium IV can be served and tasted. A surprising miniature world of flavor, fragrance and color indeed! every day micro-vegetables from Holland are distributed to all over europe and beyond, to chefs, restaurants, caterers, hotels and food services. The fresh and tasteful ingredients allow chefs to be creative and innovative. Since January 2007, Koppert Cress is also offering its products in the uSA. Special greenhouses were prepared on Long Island to generate a reliable supply of fresh products, and co-operation and partnership with fruit and vegetable wholesalers guarantee the distribution throughout the united States. Instead of sitting back and enjoying the successes, new ideas and market approaches are being developed to ensure Koppert Cress’ leadership. By doing so the company has been able to set the standards and be the authority on the subject.
A SuNNY, ENErgY SAViNg futurE In 2006, the greenhouses in Monster in the Dutch Westland area were expanded to 1.7 ha and a brand-new section was added to the facilities. After a grand opening, the company is now able to cope with the substantial growth over the recent years. Consistent quality and food safety are top priority. At this very moment one of the most sophisticated greenhouses is being built. The
semi-closed glasshouse creates the optimal environment for the cress to grow, and solar panels provide the electricity for the stateof-the-art led lights, which, in turn, provide the exact amount of light for optimal growth. excess heat is harvested and stored at 200 meter deep so it can be used in winter. Cold water can be used in summer to cool the greenhouse. The company produces the seeds itself or under supervision. The seeds, which are unpolluted and clean, are soaked and washed before sowing on cellulose. Tap water is used to water the plants excluding any chance of bad influences. Biological crop control guarantees the absence of pesticides or other residue. Recently, the company has received several rewards, recognizing the innovative approach of the product and the market. The AGF innovation award was presented twice to Koppert Cress. A prestigious biannual award was given by a jury of peers in the Dutch vegetable industry. For Rob Baan, after receiving Culinaire Saisonnier’s title Honourable member of Les Amis Saisonnier and being elected Man of the Year by the Dutch trade magazine Vakblad AGF, his international recognition came with the coveted Premo Internacional Martiko a la callidad del producto, given to the man himself at the Lo Mejor de la Gastrononia in San Sebastian.
X i N Ma ga zi N e
avoCaDo shake
sechuan Cress
with red chilli sechuan Cress granité
Citra leaves Taste: Fresh, acidic citrus notes
shiso leaves Purple Taste: Cumin
Majii leaves Taste: Juicy fresh leaf with strong flavour adopting capacity
red chilli sechuan Cress granité: - 1 red chilli - juice of 1 lime - juice of 1 lemon - 100 g sugar - 325 ml water - 2 cartons of Sechuan Cress
avocado shake: - 2 avocados - juice of 2 limes - 200 ml milk - 200 ml coconut milk - salt, freshly ground pepper
prEpArAtioN Cut the red chilli pepper in half lengthwise, remove the seeds and slice into half rings.
oyster leaves Taste: Salty, fresh oyster
Bring the water, sugar, chilli pepper, lime and lemon juice to the boil in a pan until the sugar has dissolved. Allow to cool and stir in the Sechuan Cress. Pour the mixture into a container and put in the freezer. Whisk occasionally until the mixture is completely frozen.
tazuko leaves Taste: A food-sae, non-edible ingredient
Clean the avocados Purée the flesh wit the lime juice, milk and cocnut milk and season with salt and pepper. Pour the shake into glasses and serve with the red chilli Sechuan Cress granité.
Kikuna leaves Taste: Carrot, celery, nice “bite”
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it’s time for a revolution in infant nutrition!
Chinees text
The global market for infant formula traditionally has been dominated by products based on cow’s milk. This is not surprising, if you consider that cow’s milk is easily available at a reasonable price. But more significant is the fact that there was no full-fledged alternative available. A remarkable concept if you consider that infants do not always thrive well on cow’s milk. However this is all about to change… Hyproca Nutrition, a Dutch dairy company, has made it its goal to offer baby’s all over the world the best start in life. In its 100 years of experience in the production of specialized dairy products and infant formula the company learned that there are better alternatives than cow’s milk if breastfeeding is not an option. That is why they developed Kabrita, the first full range of infant formulas based on easily digestible goat milk.
goAt milk iNfANt formulA Goat milk has a number of interesting characteristics that make it an excellent source for infant formula. It is said that its composition is closer to breast milk than that of cow’s milk. But most importantly, goat milk is naturally easy to digest, which helps to counter the digestion problems that most babies and toddlers face.
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
Kabrita combines these natural benefits of goat milk with the advantages of a present-day formulation. The result is a modern and complete infant formula that is naturally easy to digest, which causes baby’s to experience less discomfort and also helps them to better absorb the essential nutrients that Kabrita goat milk infant formula provides. In addition, it is 100% free of cow milk protein and has a surprisingly mild and pleasant taste.
truStEd dutCh origiN
Kabrita’s goat milk comes from a select group of Dutch goat milk farmers. All Kabrita products are developed and produced in the Netherlands, a country known for its long tradition in high quality dairy products. Hyproca Nutrition is part of Ausnutria Hyproca, a group of dairy companies that operate three well-regarded dairy factories in the Netherlands. Kabrita goat milk infant formulas are available for consumers in europe, Russia, Middle east and South east Asia (China). More information about Hyproca Nutrition and the Kabrita infant formulas can be found on the Global ( or Chinese ( website.
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Chinees text
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Ultra dun, Ultra smart...
4.7â&#x20AC;? HD touchscreen 1.5 GHz Huawei quad core processor 6.18mm slanke elegantie van volledig aluminium 5MP camera aan de voorkant
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Cool! learn Chinese in 5 minutes tek s t Jul ie o ’* Ya N g
京, Jīng, means capital city. 北京,Běijīng, Beijing is the northern capital. 京is derived from 高, meaning high. It is a contraction of 高 with the lower part replaced by 小, a pivot, conveying the idea of loftiness and centrality. Capital City is a lofty subject for: “One who can speak, speaks of the city; one who cannot, talks merely of household affairs.” In XiN’s spring edition, we taught you the character 燕, Yàn, swallow. 燕京, Yānjīng, is an ancient name for Beijing, the name of the capital of the Yan state, one of the powers of the Warring States Period during Zhou Dynasty. 京是北京的京,它由两部分构成,上面是高 字的上半部, 下半部分则 是“小”字。京城对一般小人物来说总是高高在上,似乎望尘莫及。 《新》春季刊期中有教您燕字。燕京是北京最古老的名称,始于周代。
grass X i N Ma ga zi N e
la cHiN e eN rose
Xin’s hot Dates 新日历
25/09/2013 Export opportunities China & meeting a high-level Delegation from China Association of Trade 9.30-12.00AM World Trade Centre, The Hague, the Netherlands
26/09/2013-03/10/2013 Beijing Fashion Week Dutch Design in China, Amsterdam is Guest of Honor 2013 Beijing, China
27/09/2013 Social Innovation Festival Polytechnic university, Hong Kong
04/10/2013 Ageless catwalk, Hong Kong Design for Silver age Polytechnic university, Hong Kong
01/10/2013 - 04/10/2013 The 4th Canton International Art and Collection Fair Guangzhou, China
happy Moon feast!
10/10/2013 – 13/10/2013
Global China Business Meeting & Sustainable Future Kurhaus Hotel, The Hague, the Netherlands
The 4th China International Tea Fair Xiamen, China
28/10/2013 -31/10/2013 Eco Expo Asia 2013 | International Trade Fair on Environmental Protection 2013 Hong Kong, China
29/10/2013 -01/11/2013 CHINA-PHArM 2013 | The 18th China International Pharmaceutical Industry Exhibition Shanghai, China
10/07/2013-16/02/2014 Club to Catwalk Exhibition of experimental young designers including John Galliano London, uK
25/06/2013-27/10/2013 MoorE & roDIN rodin Museum, Paris, France
18/07/2013-01/02/2014 Andy Warhol Exhibition Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art, Las vegas, uSA 122
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
la cH iNe eN rose
Xin’s taste makers 新味道 rEAdiNg for SChEdulE of pErformANCES For a long time, Chinese theatre meant traditional theatre, and then only of the type approved by the Communist party. But this has changed in recent years. Cautiously, yet irrepressibly, independent theatre companies are founded that do not shy away from experimentation and social criticism. One of these is Paper Tiger Theater Studio in Beijing. established in 1997, the company presents drama in which ossified laws of theatre are energetically reduced to rubble, and experiments flourish. In Reading (‘proclaiming’), director and co-founder Tian Gebing merges for instance mime, dance and oration, in a manner somewhat reminiscent of western ‘postmodern’ theatre. Five dancers/actors proclaim texts that are not even remotely intended for the stage – extracts from the birth register, legal acts, linguistic essays, a guide for pregnant women – and that have no relationship at all to the dancers’ movements. This results in highly peculiar and sometimes comical collisions between body and language. For Tian, trained at the prestigious drama school of Beijing where he developed a thorough dislike for, among other things, the endless texts eulogizing the heroes of the Cultural Revolution, this is a liberation. He always experienced text and oration as a fight, constraining him physically. So it was time for a showdown. In Reading, Tian says, it is “as if total strangers are suddenly shackled together.” Language transforms into haphazard waste that eventually merges with the movements of a permanently changing and distorting body. The audience is witness to “the death of language”. Visit for the schedule of performances
jump iNto The GreaT Beyond: ViSuAl poEtrY ANd drAmAtiC tElliNg
In September 2013, short music film The Great Beyond will soon meet the Dutch audiences. The story begins with a Beijing filmmaker, Wei Guo, who fell in love with a Dutch folk-rock band Half Way Station. The Great Beyond is a film where Chinese romanticism touches Dutch realism. Poetic screenshots follow the female contemporary dancer; her intense body movements articulate her confusion and inner conflicts. Meanwhile, we hear the lyrics: Climb up this ladder all the way to the stars, and jump into the Great Beyond. Jump into The Great Beyond. For more information, please visit: (Tex: Olivia Dung)
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DeliCiouslY Dark out of the Blue There’s a dream that returns to the factory at regular intervals. Not a nightmare exactly, but it still comes pretty close. In Requiem for the factory, the protagonist is She, factory. “The last time she punched out, she felt it was her that was being clocked.” The protagonist, no matter how hard she labors to forget who she is, no matter how much time and effort she is putting in forgetting, she just can’t help remembering the factory machines that go on and on and on. She gets stuck in the loop of Time, and she thinks she is working but she can’t get anything done… So, the factory decided to look for a writer, a photographer and an artist to help her end her torture. This is a book that sounds like a song, a stream of consciousness that is experienced through a cacophony of broken windows, abandoned chimneys and brick walls full of shouting graffiti; words of ancient factories that no-one bothers to hear. The sounds of the highly ornamented, rapid mezzosoprano are dissonant and sometimes arhythmical. This is perhaps something of an acquired taste. There is an extraordinary connection between the creators of the factory’s swan song, each complementing or riffing off the others with seemingly little pause or consideration, but pushing through the theme and subject with the single mindedness usually only paralleled by a one-man team. It is a dream that perhaps reflects China’s past, a work ethic, and the force that drives a fear of failure. Perhaps, Requiem for the factory is, more than anything else, about Creation. The process of Creation and the fear of it. (Text: Julie O’Yang)
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
Requiem for the factory ISBN 978-9810743369 Jeremy Fernando (text) Kenny Png (photography) Yanyun Chen (layout) with an afterword by Lim Lee Ching
in The spotlight 绝对抢眼 “新”派对 dragoNs busiNessclub suMMer beacH eveNt JulY 2013
荷兰夏日海滨 XiN’s graNd lauNcH PartY at aMtel Hotel
《新》 火箭发射成功
stars forever!
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Dragons BusinessCluB
Summer Beach Event J u ly 2 0 1 3
XiN Ma g a z i Ne
Xin’s granD launCh partY at Amtel Hotel
X i N Ma ga zi N e
stars forever!
记住2013 年3月的一个春天
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Christmas eDition
《新》 圣诞季节专刊耍出
…is showing off a sense of royalty our sparkling DeCemBer 请上香槟酒! Champagne guiDe a WhirlWinD tour through Chinese Cites During the festive season
the eConomY of Compassion: CharitY in China 公益活动在中国 Chinese Cinema is Dreaming 当代电影梦寻 a lavish Dream hoW the holiDaY tunes are sung BY the DutCh roYal familY, shh…
X i N Ma ga zi N e
The new Range RoveR SpoRT
Fuel consumption combined min./max.: 7,3-12,8 l/100 km, resp. 13,7-7,8 km/l, CO2-emissions resp. 194-298 g/km.