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Community Information
What’s Happening in North Canterbury
April and May 2022
Groups have resumed following Covid safety practices (includes sighting of vaccination passes, social distancing/hand hygiene and mask wearing). We also have several online workshops in the offering. Please contact us on 0800 226 695 to register or find out more about the groups and activities or pop into the office at 143 Percival Street, Rangiora.
Therapeutic Art Group Every Monday, 10am-12pm This weekly group is facilitated by Lynette. Held at Kaiapoi Baptist Church, 67 Fuller Street, Kaiapoi. Park on site. All patients and their carers welcome. Catering from absolute beginners to advanced painting skill. Rangiora Walking & Coffee Group Every Tuesday, 9.30am Facilitated by Glenda and Chris. Open to all patients and carers. Please note change in meeting arrangements. Meet outside The Warehouse at 9.30am for a walk around Northbrook Waters and then to Station Cafe at 10.30am to purchase your coffee. Patient Group First Wednesday of the month, 10am Upcoming dates: 6 April, 4 May. Meet other patients in this supportive and informative session. Held at the Centre 143 Percival Street, Rangiora. Cancer Society Men’s Get Together Last Wednesday of the month, 1pm Upcoming dates: 30 March, 27 April at 143 Percival Street, Rangiora. We will confirm location for the April group. Oxford Support Group Third Wednesday of the month, 10am Next held on 16 May at Café 51, Main Street, Oxford. Facilitated by Ans from the Oxford Cancer Society Volunteer Support Group. All patients and carers most welcome. Seasons for Growth workshop Following on from our grief and loss information session for cancer patients or carers we are seeking interest in this 2 x four hour workshop on offer for adults to process experiences of trauma, loss, and change. Participants appreciate the peer group setting for safe sharing of their experiences and the discovery of their own resources in the grief process in response to dealing with illness, bereavement, redundancy, family breakup, relocation, natural disaster and more. The workshop will be facilitated by Shona Lawson. If you are interested or wish to know more, please contact us. We will confirm details when we have eight people registered. Rural Clinics Available for cancer patients and carers to find out about treatment related support
and rehabilitation. Held monthly (or thereabouts). Please contact us to make an appointment. • Waikari Health Centre Clinic,
Monday 11 April and Monday 9 May, 1-3pm • Amuri Health Centre (Rotheram),
Friday 25 March, 10am-12pm • Oxford Hospital, commencing on
Wednesday 4 May, 2-4pm Cancer Society online resources Managing sleep problems: cancer.org.nz/ cancer/cancer-treatment/side-effects-ofcancer-and-treatment/sleep-problems NEW Cancer Society Online Monthly Financial Workshops Held 2nd Wednesday of the month, 10am-12pm Next date: Wednesday 13 April. Provided by ANZ, Community Law and Ministry of Social Development for Cancer Society patients, family and whānau. This two hour financial workshop will look at ways to help manage the stress associated with a diagnosis and change in financial situation. Please register for this Zoom workshop by contacting Fran on 06 356 5355 or email fran.harvey@cancercd.org.nz Other resource and supports … CanBead are running online jewellery workshop for patients and carers. Go to caninspire.org.nz/canbead.html for more information. Participants will require their own laptop. Rangiora Workshop 17 March is FULL. There will be another held later in the year. Details to follow. Kaikōura Wednesday 25 May, 1-3pm Registration by phoning CS NC by Wednesday 11 May 2022. Look Good Feel Better Workshops for women at CS Rangiora on Saturday 11 June and 19 November, 10am-12.30pm To enrol online go to lgfb.co.nz/ class-schedule The Rangiora workshops are listed under Christchurch with our address, 143 Percival Street in the details. There are also workshops online for men. Please register at lgfb.co.nz/programmes/for-men Blue Bros Exercise classes for Men 8.15am on Mondays, Mainpower Stadium, Coldstream Road, Rangiora Facilitated by Misha, this committed group extends a warm welcome to new patients. Contact Dave on 027 202 7525 to register. Next Steps group exercise Cancer rehabilitation class combines yoga, pilates and cardiovascular exercises to build strength, stamina and flexibility. This 10-week class commences Term 2 on Fridays 12.30-1.30pm starting 6 May at the Rangiora Fitness Centre, 345 Flaxton Road, Rangiora. Please contact
susan@activehealth.co.nz or phone 03 383 6290 to find out more or to register. Prostate Foundation support group Monthly meeting in Rangiora (2nd Tuesday of the month). Contact Dean and Lois on 021 0224 6078 or email rangiora@prostate.org.nz Lymphoedema Education Sessions Held each month 11am-12.30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Chapel, Burwood Hospital. Enter via Gate 3, Mairehau Road. Learn skills for the self-management of lymphoedema. Next dates: 15 March, 12 April. To book phone 03 383 6833 or email physiobd@cdhb.health.nz to register for the group or attend by Zoom. Ostomy NZ Support Meet alternative months in Rangiora (First Tuesday, Artisan Cafe) and Christchurch (First Wednesday, Kidd’s Cakes, Cranford Street). Next meeting in Rangiora Tuesday 3 May. Contact Brent on 03 313 5744, Diane on 027 416 4185 or email ostomycanterbury@gmail.com for education and support for patients and families. Kaikoura Blue Bros Exercise classes for Men in Kaikōura, Wednesdays at 10am Please call Belinda Rickerby 027 562 0811 to register. Join this community class to maintain your strength, flexibility, fitness and enjoy the camaraderie of others.
Cancer Society North Canterbury Fundraisers

Bulbs of Hope Fundraiser – Quality Mixed Daffodil and Tulip Bulbs 10 x Mixed Daffodils $10 10 x Mixed Tulips $12 100 x Mixed Daffodils $95 100 x Mixed Tulips $110 Ordering options: 1. At the North Canterbury Centre, 143 Percival Street, Rangiora 2. Phone: 0800 226 695 or 021 139 4909 3. Email: northcanty@cancercwc.org.nz Recycle Runway Pop-up Shop, Rangiora We are currently calling for the donation of women’s clean, good quality clothing and accessories for our pop-up shop being set up in May. It might be everyday clothes, something chic, classy or with a point of difference: think Retro, Glamour, Vintage. And what better time to declutter with the change in seasons! Please spread the word amongst your friends, family, colleagues, and community. Contact Tiff on 021 139 4909 to arrange delivery or pickup.

For the latest updates and information Go to: covid19.govt.nz/ Access Canterbury specific information through Canterbury District Health Board Go to: cdhb.health.nz/your-health/category/covid19/
MSD Covid Welfare
Support number for those Supported
Isolation Quarantine
Positive Tested People who are isolating from COVID and who need assistance it is
0800 512 337
(MSD look after welfare, not the health related)
We’re here. Free call or text 1737 any time, 24 hours a day. You’ll get to talk to (or text with) a trained counsellor. Our service is completely free. Are you feeling anxious or just need someone to talk to? Call or text 1737. Are you feeling down or a bit overwhelmed? Call or text 1737 Whatever it is, we’re here. Free call or text 1737 anytime.
March/April 2022 Update from Tūhaitara Coastal Park
With the exception of the sounds of nature, it’s been quiet in the park recently. Several of our regular schools have had to cancel their fortnightly visits and we have had to cancel or postpone the events that we had planned for the autumn. This said, we did welcome a visit from Cashmere High School in March, following strict Covid-19 protocols of course. The young people were all social studies students. Their teachers were keen for them to learn more about the cultural significance of Tūtaepatu Lagoon and its importance as a key area for mahinga kai. Relationships between culture and nature are deeply rooted here.
Some of our public events are designed to engage people in nature whilst also encouraging creativity. As part of the 2022 Walking Festival we had planned our second Art Hike, a ranger-led walk that combines art and nature. However, with the Covid situation it can’t go ahead as intended, so we have an alternative invitation for you! We welcome you to come out to the beach and bring a garden rake! Inspired by a local Pegasus resident who creates beautiful sand mandalas using only a rake to draw her designs, we would love to see the beaches along the coastal park decorated with your artwork. Check out the tide times online for the best time to visit, and if you share a photo of your finished sand mandala with us we’ll highlight it on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

We usually start our community tree planting programme in April, but we have had to postpone community involvement until further notice. Hopefully we’ll be able to welcome you to a tree planting event later this year. If you would like to be added to our tree planting volunteers mailing list please send your name, number and contact email to tkot.enquiries@farmside.co.nz and we will contact you as soon as we can run a tree planting session.
Cashmere High School Social Studies group Local Pegasus resident creates beautiful sand mandalas

Find out more about the coastal park and our work: Website tuhaitarapark.org.nz Facebook Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park Instagram tuhaitara.coastal.park
Join the kaiapoi toy library!
Kaiapoi Toy Library is a non-profit organization that relies on fundraising, memberships, grants and donations. Membership:
Duty Membership $65 a year Non Duty Membership $125 a year
Quote this advert to our librarian to receive a great deal!
Reasons to join the Kaiapoi Toy

To get access to a huge range of fun and educational toys for children 0-6 years Save money by borrowing toys instead of buying. Support sustainability and stop toys heading to landfill. Access to a range of indoor and outdoor toys : ride ons, games, puzzles, costumes and much more
Meet other families in the area.
Opening Hours Saturday 10.30-12.30pm 9 Cass Street, Kaiapoi
For more information contact
Kaiapoi Toy Library
027 8930 237
Available to Hire...
Try our new smaller bouncy castle! Members $30 Non-Members $60 $50 Bond

Small Bouncy Castle
Children’s Tables

Bouncy Castle Gazebo Rollercoaster

About Upstream
Upstream empowers customers to impact their community by choosing quality approved businesses, who give a percentage of your sale to good causes supporting children and young people.

Our purpose
Upstream exists to strengthen the wellbeing of children and young people in Aotearoa. Our platform connects customers to socially conscious businesses to generate funds for charities that support our next generation.
Our beginning
Our founders were overwhelmed by the incredible amount of support needed to improve outcomes for young Kiwis. We knew that for many youth charities, raising funds was the hardest part of providing these essential services - so we came up with an innovative way to generate an ongoing stream of charitable funding.
Our model
Meet Upstream’s unique ‘triple win’ model! When customers make a purchase from an Upstream supplier, that supplier donates a portion of their invoice to the good cause of the customers choosing. Customers don’t pay any extra, suppliers find new clients, and charities receive the funding they need. For more information on Upstream go to: upstream.co.nz