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Services - Programmes
The Incredible Years Parenting Programme
Developed by Dr Carolyn Webster-Stratton
in Rangiora starting Thursday 5th August 2021 9:30am-12pm
Should you have any queries or know of any parent/s that would benefit from attending this comprehensive programme please contact us ASAP or encourage parents to do so. Spaces are limited so get in quick!!
Please contact: Nicole Begley 0277125927 nicoleb@psusi.org.nz Gabby Mulder 0273655662 gabbym@psusi.org.nz
About the Incredible Years programme
Incredible Years is a 14-week parenting programme for parents of children aged 3-8 years. It involves weekly sessions of around two hours. Over the weeks, parents develop strategies to build positive relationships with their children and learn how to manage problem behaviours. Parents come to group sessions each week, talk through what has, or hasn’t worked, set goals for their parenting, and develop ways to achieve those goals during the following week.
Topics covered during the program include:
• how to play/spend special time together • praising and rewarding children • communicating positively • setting limits • dealing with disobedience, selectively using distractions, ignoring, time out and other penalties • helping children to problem-solve.
The programme spends a lot of time looking at how parents can develop strong relationships with their children, through play and spending time together. The programme then looks at encouraging the behaviours that parent would like to see, through the use of praise and encouragement. Consequences such as time out and loss of privilege are used selectively, once clear and sensible limits and rules have been tried.
The Incredible Years programme is extensively tested. With a 30-year history, the programme now operates successfully in a wide range of countries. Programmes in New Zealand show reductions in problem behaviour across a range of families.
We’ve moved!
Our new address is 209 High Street, Rangiora. We’re located in the lane that runs from High Street to the Rangiora Library alongside the Waimakariri District Council’s main building. Our neighbours are the council’s Community and Green Space Teams. If you know where HKM Hairdressers was, that’s where you’ll find us. The new location gives us a street frontage and we’re easy to find, with good signposting and signage. We are extremely proud of our forty-three years of service in the North Canterbury community and look forward to continuing to provide our service in the years ahead from our new premises. Our bureau has an extensive, reliable and accurate database of local and national information at our fingertips, which is updated regularly, along with pamphlets and booklets.
We can help you with information as wide ranging as dealing with noisy neighbours, passport applications, art classes in Canterbury, piano tuners, relationships, tenancy, and so much more.

Remember all our services are free and confidential.
You can find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email northcanterbury@cab.org.nz

Activelife is a free twelve-week programme for people who experience mental illness and want to work towards having a healthier lifestyle.
Friday’s – – –
Activelife program supports participants to:
How to enrol:
Via referral on the Comcare Trust website www.comcare.org.nz/generic-referral
Activelife Programme “W ”
Riki (Ngāti Porou, Ngāpuhi) Ara graduate

to get digital savvy for free!
Growing your digital skills is easy and FREE with Ara Connect at Rangiora High School. Learn how to use devices like smart phones and tablets, and gain skills in tools such as email, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Google Docs for personal or professional use. Study at your own pace and fit your learning around work, family and other commitments.
For details call 0800 24 24 76 or email araconnect@ara.ac.nz