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August 2021

Waimakariri Events


1st: Great Oxford Garage Sale Trail 9.00am – 2.00pm, Oxford township.

An extravaganza of new, recycled, second hand, vintage, treasures, odds & ends on various sites around Oxford. Maps available from Pearson Park Oval until 11am.

5th: Open Mic Comedy 7.00pm, Five Stags, Rangiora.

Join us for a fun, relaxed night of stand-up comedy featuring some fantastic and funny comedians from all over Christchurch and North Canterbury! GA tickets $10pp.

11th: Vieux Amis 7.30pm – 9.30 pm, Chamber

Gallery, Rangiora. Justine Cormack (violin) and James Bush (cello) will be joined by Sarah Watkins (piano), performing under the name Vieux Amis. Tickets Ad $35/ St $15 (cash only), from Rangiora Library.

15th: JD Duathlon Mandeville 8.00am – 12.00noon, Mandeville Sports Centre,

Mandeville. Duathlon event welcoming competitors of all ages from 5 years up to elite athletes.


From 12noon, MainPower Stadium, Rangiora. Come and celebrate with the rest of the North Canterbury community the official open day of MainPower Stadium. Official proceedings will be followed by the opening of the stadium, the More FM team and sausage sizzle, North Canterbury sporting club demonstrations, Fitness Centre demo classes, special offers and more!

15th: Art Hike at Tūhaitara Coastal Park 10.00am – 2.30pm, Tiritiri

Moana Drive, Pegasus. Join artist and walk leader Adele Jackson on the first Art Hike at Tūhaitara Coastal Park. This will be an easy walk through some of the diverse habitats of the park.

22nd: UC Pianists in Concert 2.00pm – 3.00pm, Chamber

Gallery, Rangiora. Join the University of Canterbury piano students and their teacher alongside well-known Christchurch pianist, Tim Emerson. Their performance will cover a range of composers.

MORE INFO AT: visitwaimakariri.co.nz/events or Kaiapoi i-Site Visitor Information Centre Ph: 03 327 3134 | E: info@kaiapoivisitorcentre.co.nz

29th: Rangiora Harness Racing Club 2.00pm – 3.00pm, Rangiora Racecourse, Rangiora.

This is the first harness race day of the new season. There will be 10 action-packed races on the all-weather track.

29th: Waimakariri Country Music Festival Fundraiser. 11.00am – 4.00pm, Rangiora

Showgrounds, Rangiora. Local country music musicians and singers performing to raise money for the Waimakariri Country Music Festival. Tickets $5, on the door.

26th: Chop the Mop 6.30pm – 8.00pm, Rangiora

Library, Rangiora. Featuring special guest poetry readings by John Allison, Bernadette Hall, Ciaran Fox, participants from the North Canterbury Cancer Society - Writers and Orators group, and more. Entry by koha to support Chop the Mop.

30th Antarctica: A Year on Ice 6.00pm, Town Hall Cinemas,

Rangiora. Filmed over 15 years by Frozen Planet photographer Anthony Powell (Kaiapoi), the film features a unique insiders point of view and never before seen stunning footage of the deep Antarctic winters.


Art on the Quay He Kakano o Tamariki from

July 16th. Kaiapoi Library, 176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi

Arts in Oxford Nigel Borell: Haumanu Hauora, until August 15th. INSIDEART: Creativity Knows No Bounds, from August 19th.

72 Main Street, Oxford

Chamber Gallery Rangiora Our Studio, from August 8th.

Rangiora Library, 141 Percival Street, Rangiora. MARKETS

Kaiapoi Farmers Market

Morgan Williams Reserve. Charles St, Kaiapoi.

Every Saturday 10am–12pm. Ohoka Farmers Market

Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka.

Every Friday 9am–12.30pm. Oxford Farmers Market

Main St, Oxford.

Every Sunday 9am–12pm. Oxford Craft Market

Oxford Town Hall, Oxford.

First Sunday of each month 10am–2pm. Rangiora Sunday Market

Blake St Carpark, Rangiora.

Every 2nd Sunday 10am–2pm

Coming in September:

16 - 18 SEPTEMBEr Light Festival

Victoria park, RANGIORA


Limited Numbers, Get Your Tickets Now



Waimakariri Hurunui Kaikoura

MORE INFO AT: visitwaimakariri.co.nz/events or Kaiapoi i-Site Visitor Information Centre Ph: 03 327 3134 | E: info@kaiapoivisitorcentre.co.nz

Sunday 1 August 9am-2pm in and around the Oxford Township

Venue Maps will be available on the day from 9am-11am at Pearson Park Oval, off Dohrmans Road, off Bay Road, or you can sign up to receive one by email at 9am on the day greatoxfordgaragesale@gmail.com After 11am by Pine Tree, Main Street Oxford Phone or text Ron 0274 898 369

Facebook: Great Oxford Garage Sale Trail Coin donation appreciated for map www.oxfordnewzealand.co.nz

ANNUAL SPRING FAIR - Save the date!

Saturday 11 September 2021 Selling from 10am-2pm on the corner of King Street & High Street, Rangiora. Enjoy a Light Lunch, Find Bargains at our Stalls including Baking, Jams etc, Books, Jigsaws and of course the Plants for your Garden and more.

INSIDEART Creativity Knows No Bounds – Work from Canterbury Prisons Thursday 19 August – Saturday 3 October 2021 Opening 3pm Saturday 21 August 2021

INSIDEART Creativity Knows No Bounds is an exhibition of work by artists of Christchurch Men's, Christchurch Women's and Rolleston Prisons exhibited at Oxford Gallery toi o Waimakariri. All proceeds from the sale of artworks will be donated to the Canterbury West Coast Air Rescue Trust.

The exhibition is the first time that artists from across Canterbury Prisons have shared a public gallery space. Artists were encouraged to use the mediums available to them; some were limited to paper and pen and others extended to paint, metal, carvings, wool and other materials. The resulting collection of over 50 art pieces is bold, strong, bright and meaningful.

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