August 2021
Waimakariri Events 08
1st: Great Oxford Garage Sale Trail 9.00am – 2.00pm, Oxford township. An extravaganza of new, recycled, second hand, vintage, treasures, odds & ends on various sites around Oxford. Maps available from Pearson Park Oval until 11am.
5th: Open Mic Comedy 7.00pm, Five Stags, Rangiora. Join us for a fun, relaxed night of stand-up comedy featuring some fantastic and funny comedians from all over Christchurch and North Canterbury! GA tickets $10pp. 11th: Vieux Amis 7.30pm – 9.30 pm, Chamber Gallery, Rangiora. Justine Cormack (violin) and James Bush (cello) will be joined by Sarah Watkins (piano), performing under the name Vieux Amis. Tickets Ad $35/ St $15 (cash only), from Rangiora Library. 15th: JD Duathlon Mandeville 8.00am – 12.00noon, Mandeville Sports Centre, Mandeville. Duathlon event welcoming competitors of all ages from 5 years up to elite athletes.
From 12noon, MainPower Stadium, Rangiora. Come and celebrate with the rest of the North Canterbury community the official open day of MainPower Stadium. Official proceedings will be followed by the opening of the stadium, the More FM team and sausage sizzle, North Canterbury sporting club demonstrations, Fitness Centre demo classes, special offers and more! 15th: Art Hike at Tūhaitara Coastal Park 10.00am – 2.30pm, Tiritiri Moana Drive, Pegasus. Join artist and walk leader Adele Jackson on the first Art Hike at Tūhaitara Coastal Park. This will be an easy walk through some of the diverse habitats of the park.
22nd: UC Pianists in Concert 2.00pm – 3.00pm, Chamber Gallery, Rangiora. Join the University of Canterbury piano students and their teacher alongside well-known Christchurch pianist, Tim Emerson. Their performance will cover a range of composers.
MORE INFO AT: visitwaimakariri.co.nz/events or Kaiapoi i-Site Visitor Information Centre Ph: 03 327 3134 | E: info@kaiapoivisitorcentre.co.nz