Creative Communities

Race Unity Day Art Competition

Creative Communities
Race Unity Day Art Competition
Chatter is compiled by
A exercise and peer support group for people living with
Waimakariri District Council Community Team Private Bag 1005 Rangiora 7440
0800 965 468
Join us weekly for a 45-minute excercise class tailored for people living with heart failure. Followed by tea and coffee.
Delivered by a Be Fit For Life exercise instructor and supported by a local nurse, you can exercise with confidence. Regular information sessions on living with heart failure will be supported by the Heart Foundation.
Waimakariri Community Team
Contributions to this Newsletter are welcome, and can be faxed, emailed or posted for the next edition to the above address.
When: Every Tuesday
The closing date for contributions is before the 20th of the month prior to publication.
Where: Main Power Stadium (conference rooms), 289 Coldstream Rd, Rangiora
Time: 10am
If you wish to receive an electronic copy of Chatter via email or no longer want to receive a hard copy, please contact us.
Register: Please contact Sadie 027 5013 173 or email or refer via ERMS community programs.
Cost: $7 or any koha | donation you can give is welcomed.
Ngā mihi o te tau hou
Hopefully you’ve had a good rest over the break. Whilst our summer was late in starting, I wonder whether the wet Christmas has been a bit of a blessing for the many people who said they were shattered at the end of last year? One thing about the rain is that it usually makes us stop for a bit and properly relax - potter, read a book, watch a movie.
Hopefully, you have started 2025 with a bit more spring in your step. What better time to think about doing something new?
Inside this month’s edition of Chatter you’ll find a range of opportunities to engage in local (free) events, arts and recreation, as well as details for local services and support to enhance your wellbeing. It’s worth having a look at the InnerBoy Men’s Mental Health App, profiled in the Community Information section. With a QR link, it’s an easy way for men to access inspiring and useful information to develop their personal resilience, and enhance their mental and emotional wellbeing.
As we reflect on the year ahead, many of us resolve to give more of our time and resources to help others.
The Volunteering section includes a variety of great opportunities to do so; including information about Volunteer Expos, to be held in March. There really is something to suit anyone!
With a lot of people starting new roles in January, we can expect to see new faces around meeting tables and at networking opportunities across the District. It’s always good to put faces to names and learn a bit about our new local workers. If you are one of those, we encourage you to send through introductions, including a recent photo. These are featured each month and will help welcome and include you in the life of the District’s vibrant community sector.
I rather like this witty quote by Rainer Maria Rilke: “And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
Kia ora! My name is Lauren Tilley and I have just joined the Community Team at Waimakariri District Council, taking over Emily Belton’s Youth Development Facilitator role while she’s on parental leave for the year.
I have been working in the community development and youth engagement sectors for the last several years. Most recently, I worked with a Canadian youthled environmental not for profit focusing on empowering youth voices in climate discourse and providing resources to help youth get informed, involved, and employed in the social impact space. I’m excited for the opportunity to build upon my youth engagement skills and to work with the strong networks of youth service providers across the district.
I’m originally from the east coast of Canada, and have lived in Spain, England, and Vancouver over the past few years. My love of the outdoors motivated me to move to Christchurch in 2024, and I can be found tramping, camping, playing beach volleyball and learning to surf in my free time. I welcome all recommendations on the best spots to explore!
I’m really looking forward to being part of a great team over the next year. Please feel free to contact me from 9am-5pm Mondays to Fridays at or 027 223 0896.
We at Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust have been celebrating our efforts alongside volunteers over the spring with the planting of 7,400 trees and shrubs. Christ’s College volunteers have also been recently contributing to our mahi for the environment and getting some on the ground experience with our Rangers, Murray and Josh.
Additionally, checks of our most recent planting at Huria Reserve showed a survival rate of approximately 95% or more with most of the plants looking very healthy, which was exciting to see! This was particularly exciting for our Ranger, Emily, who advised species selection and placement to ensure they would be suited to the environment. If you took part in the planting on 28 September, ka pai! We hope to be holding another planting event in the Autumn of 2025 at Huria Reserve in Kaiapoi, so keep an eye out on our Facebook page.
The weather has been heating up, putting the pressure on our plants, and increasing the fire risk in the park. Thank you for helping us keep our community safe this summer by avoiding the use of fireworks to reduce fire risks!
Recent botanical surveys in our park’s wetlands have revealed the impressive plant diversity that is flourishing in our rehabilitated areas.
Facebook: Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park
Instagram: tkot_friendsoftuhaitarapark
Make sure to check out our Facebook page for a recent post on some of the cool ferns and fungi found in the understorey of Tūtaepatu Lagoon.
Additionally, an unlikely gem was found, native musk (Thyridia repens)! This “At Risk - Declining” species was found in some saltmarsh habitat near Waikuku. The botanist who found this species also noted that this site was the only place he had seen the white flower morph.
With the New Year we’re giving our office a fresh start too — get ready for a new pop of colour! If you’re heading down to Woodend Beach, make sure you check out our funky new hue.
We hope you all are having a fantastic time over summer and are enjoying the park’s environment and wildlife. Spotted any native birds, mammals, lizards, or creepy crawlies in the park? Let us know on our Facebook page — and don’t forget to share your snapshots if you were lucky enough to catch one in action!
Ensure you’re staying safe on the beach by following the direction and guidance of Surf Life Saving NZ, who will be patrolling at Pegasus Beach throughout summer. Check
Rangiora Just Brass
Information: Free brass band available for some youth by referral
Contact: Rangiora Woolcraft
Time: 2nd and 4th Mondays 12pm-3:30pm
Location: Anglican Church Hall, Rangiora, 355 High Street
Information: Previously called Spinning and Weaving Group. Teaching spinning, weaving, felting, dyeing, knitting, crochet. Visits to related-interest groups and farms; workshops. Spinning wheels and carding machine for hire to people to learn.
Fees: $50 per year
Rangiora Arts Society
Time: Weekly 9am-2pm
Location: The Skurr Centre, Rangiora Showgrounds
Information: Experienced and beginner artists welcome
Contact: Hein Bremen (President) 027 733 0964 or Julie Hassall (Treasurer) 021 615 398
Rangiora Photographic Society
Time: 7pm, 2nd and 4th Tuesday of month
Location: McAlpines Pavilion
Contact: Keith Sycamore 021 902 169
Rangiora Pottery Group
Time: Weekly 10am-3pm
Location: Loburn Domain, 154 Loburn Whiterock Road, Loburn
Cantabrainers – North Canterbury Choir
Time: Weekly 1.30pm
Location: Woodend Community Hall
Information: The Choir is a Therapeutic Choir for neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke and Multiple Sclerosis. It is lead by our Registered Music Therapist (Kimberley Wade) and a Registered Speech Language Therapist (Angela Reimer).
Contact: Tarsha Triplow
Rangiora Singers
Time: Weekly 7.15pm-8.45pm (during School Term)
Location: North Canterbury Musical Society Rooms, 189 Northbrook Road, Rangiora
Information: Community based adult choir. No auditions necessary. Mix of contemporaryvarious eras, show and traditional.
Contact: Gina Fowler, Cell 022 351 2519,,
Oxford Spinning Group
Time: Fortnightly 10am-2pm
Location: 56 Main Street, Oxford
Information: Beginners to experienced welcome. Fibre crafts. Please bring your own lunch.
Contact: Johanna Gessler (Group Leader) 020 411 12624,
North Canterbury Woodcraft Group
Time: Weekly 1pm-4pm (Thursdays 7pm9pm and 1st & 3rd Saturdays 9.30-3.30pm)
Location: Northbrook Studios, 189 Northbrook Road, Rangiora
Information: The Club’s purpose is to further members’ interests in woodcraft and woodturning, and to promote all such related crafts.
Contact: Merv Laws, 021 237 7105 or Noel Graham, 027 240 8112
North Canterbury Embroidery Guild
Time: 6pm-9pm every 2nd Wednesday and 2pm-5pm every 4th Sunday
Location: The Skurr Centre, Rangiora Showgrounds
Information: Please note dates may change due to venue availability. Updates posted on Facebook. Everyone is welcome, find out more for $5.
Contact: Nick, 021 226 7121
Hurunui Camera Club
Time: 7pm-9pm every 3rd Thursday of the month
Location: Amberley Library
Information: The camera club is open to all those who love photography, from beginners to experienced photographers. Mobile phone users are also welcome. We have some workshops, outings and some Photo Challenges throughout the month.
Contact: Martin Clements, 021 086 99062 or Rose Kerin, 027 449 6712
February 2025
Cancer Society
43 Church Street, Rangiora, 7400
Phone: 0800 22 66 95 Driving Service: 021 913 503
Every cancer journey is different and our new online support centre has been designed to give you choice in the way you are supported through yours. Visit to find out more, to book an appointment with one of our experienced Cancer Navigators, to view our online resources and to find out about support groups that are happening in your community.
Art for Wellbeing: Held every Monday (except public holidays), 10am-12pm. Kaiapoi Baptist Church, 67 Fuller Street, Kaiapoi. Connect with others who are also on a cancer journey and enjoy connecting through art - a wonderful chance to create!
Rangiora Walking & Coffee Group: Held every Tuesday. This group is for patients and carers. Meet outside The Warehouse at 9.30am for a walk around Northbrook Waters and then a coffee at La Luna 264 High Street, Rangiora at 10 30am for some friendly peer support. Facilitated by Glenda and Linda.
Rangiora Support & Information Group: Held 1st Thursday of the month, 10am, Cancer Society North Canterbury Centre, 43 Church Street, Rangiora. Next group will be held Thursday 30 January, not 6 February due to it being Waitangi Day, then 6 March. We look forward to seeing you there.
Gynae Cancer Peer Support Group: Held every 2nd Monday of the month (except public holidays), 4.15pm, Hope Trust, 115 East Belt, Rangiora. Facilitated by Catharine, contact A successful peer support initiative now in its second year. Next group: Monday 10 February.
Making Connections with Cancer Group: Held last Thursday of each month, Coffee Culture Rangiora – 113 High Street, 6pm. Offering support and connection for others living with any type of cancer in North Canterbury. Please register to attend by emailing Facilitators: Simone Antoniuk, 44, Living with Stage 4 ALK-POSITIVE Lung Cancer, and Lisa Peacey, 50, living with Neuroendocrine Cancer.
Aqua Aerobics: Held every Thursday, 12pm, Dudley Aquatic Centre - for those interested please advise your Cancer Navigator prior to participating. Discounted sessions, $5 per person to be paid to the Cancer Society to receive your voucher.
Support, advice and information available locally for all those impacted by cancer. Drop in during the day and time indicated or contact the Cancer Society to make an appointment in the community or in your own home.
Rangiora: Every Monday and Friday 1pm-4pm, Cancer Society North Canterbury Centre, 43 Church St, Rangiora (in the North Canterbury Netball Centre)
Kaiapoi Drop-in clinic: Weekly Thursday mornings, 10am–1pm, Korotuaheke Room (Meeting Room 3), Ruataniwha Civic Centre (Kaiapoi Library), 176 Williams St, Kaiapoi.
Amberley Medical Centre: First and third Friday of the month, 10am-12pm, 6 Hilton Drive, Amberley
Cheviot Support Group with a Cuppa and Chat: Held 2nd Wednesday of the month, 10am– 11.30am, 15 Seddon Street, Cheviot. Hosted by the Cheviot Volunteer Support Group, a Cancer Society team member will be present to share information and advice. All those on a cancer journey are welcome. Resume 12 February.
Oxford Support Group: Held 3rd Wednesday of the month, 10am, Cafe 51, Main Street, Oxford. Facilitated by Ans and the Oxford Volunteer Cancer Society Support Group. A Cancer Society team member will be present to share information and advice. Catch up with volunteers, patients, and carers. All welcome to join for a coffee and chat. Resume 19 February.
Hurunui/Waikari: Amuri Community Health Centre, drop-in sessions as required. Hanmer Springs and Kaikoura: Home visits and drop-in sessions as required Hanmer Springs next clinic Tuesday 24 February, 10am–1pm.
Relay for Life North Canterbury 2025: Saturday 5 April, Kaiapoi Rugby Football Club, 10am–10pm Proud to announce our Major Partner, Precut Construction Limited – welcome Chris and his team to the Relay family. Go to to find out more and to sign up. Celebration lap and morning tea acknowledges anyone living with cancer, their whanau and carers. Please contact Tiff on 021 139 4909 for more information.
Blue Bros exercise class and peer support for men with a cancer diagnosis. This dedicated group extends a warm welcome to new patients. BB Nth Canterbury runs 3 classes: Monday & Friday, 8.15am, facilitated by Mischa. Wednesday, 8.15am, facilitated by Kaaren. All classes held at MainPower Stadium, Coldstream Road, Rangiora. For more details contact or 027 202 7525
CHILLAX – Pilot programme – Weekly on a Wednesday, 2.30pm, Canterbury Cancer Centre, 74 Langdons Road, Papanui. Cost $12 cash. CHILLAX is a fusion of tai chi, yoga, pilates, stretch and relaxation – all at a slow controlled pace designed to soothe your mind as well as gently mobilise your body. All welcome at any stage of treatment and recovery. Register with Kris 021 262 8886,
CanBead Jewellery workshops with Kirstee from Can Inspire Trust. Next workshop is in Cheviot and open to anyone in the Hurunui to attend, Wednesday 12 February, 11.30am. Contact to register attendance. All those on a cancer journey welcome. Keep an eye out for more classes in 2025. One workshop per client.
Music Group – Cancer Society clients, whānau, and support networks are invited to Music Therapy Sessions, facilitated by Southern Music Therapy, held at the Canterbury Cancer Centre, 74 Langdons Road, Papanui Learn and experience how music can support your health and wellbeing through a series of group or individual sessions. To register for sessions in 2025 contact Heather on 027 482 4567 or 5 Feb & 19 March –Singing Group, 19 Feb – Instrument Percussion Group.
Look Good Feel Better - Keep an eye out for local workshops coming in 2025. Workshops for men are available online. Christchurch workshops being held 22 Feb & 20 May. To find out more or to register go to
Prostate Foundation support group in Rangiora on 2nd Tuesday of each month at the War Memorial Hall, 1 Albert Street. Contact Dean and Lois on 021 0224 6078 or email For more info on services and support for prostate and testicular cancer
Ostomy NZ Support group meet alternative months at 10am in Rangiora (1st Tuesday – 4 Feb, Artisan Cafe) and CHCH (1st Wednesday – 5 March, Kidd’s Cakes, Cranford St). For more information contact Brent 03 313 5744 or Diane –027 416 4185, to learn more about education and support for patients and families.
Breast Cancer Foundation for education, awareness, and support. Contact 0800 902 732 and
Sweet Louise – Sweet Louise supports New Zealanders living with advanced breast cancer (Stage 4). They regularly host Member Meetings locally for members to connect with each other facing a similar diagnosis. For up-to-date meeting information or if you are currently living with advanced breast cancer and are not yet a Sweet Louise member, (and would like to be) go to or contact Ashleigh 027 328 8003 for more info.
Talk Peach Gynaecological Awareness and Education website
Shocking Pink online and in-person (Christchurch), supporting women with a breast cancer diagnosis under the age of 45, go to
Lymphoedema Education Sessions (also via Zoom). Held each month from 11am-12.30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Chapel, Burwood Hospital. Enter via Gate 3, Mairehau Road. Learn skills for the self-management of lymphoedema. To book phone 03 383 6833 or email to register.
Leukaemia and Blood Cancer NZ 0800 15 10 15, 20 Cashel Street, Christchurch. For more information on services check out
Pinc & Steel Cancer Rehabilitation with a Certified Cancer Rehabilitation Physiotherapist is available through Active Health offering group and individual sessions in Rangiora and Christchurch. Go to or contact for more information or to register.
Canteen support for teenagers with their own cancer experience or a parent or sibling with cancer. For more information go to
Addictive Eaters Anonymous (AEA) is a worldwide Twelve Step fellowship based on Alcoholics Anonymous. AEA members have found recovery from binge eating, anorexia, bulimia, other forms of addictive eating and compulsive exercise. Through working the Twelve Steps of AEA, members find peace of mind and the ability to live a meaningful and productive life.
Wherever you are, whatever your problem with food, AEA can help.
Mondays: 7.30pm–8.30pm at the Durham Street Methodist Church, 309 Durham Street North, Christchurch Central City. Carpark around back on Chester Street West.
Wednesdays: 7.30pm–8.30pm. Held online. Visit for details of how to join.
Fridays: 7.30pm–8.30pm at St Mark’s Presbyterian Church 150 Withells Road, Avonhead, Christchurch.
Contact details
Phone: (03) 662 9128, Email: or visit the website:
Join us weekly for a 45-minute excercise class tailored for people living with heart failure. Followed by tea and coffee.
Delivered by a Be Fit For Life exercise instructor and supported by a local nurse, you can exercise with confidence. Regular information sessions on living with heart failure will be supported by the Heart Foundation.
When: Every Tuesday
Where: Main Power Stadium (conference rooms), 289 Coldstream Rd, Rangiora
Time: 10am
Register: Please contact Sadie 027 5013 173 or email or refer via ERMS community programs.
Cost: $7 or any koha | donation you can give is welcomed.
The Kaiapoi Garden Club welcomes new members to our meetings and club outings.
Wednesday 12 February 2025, 7.30pm, at Riverside Bowling Club, Hinemoa Park, Belcher Street, Kaiapoi
Speaker: Daphne O’Connell - Flax Weaving and its history Visitors are welcome
There is a lot of NZ wildlife tucked away in corners of Waimakariri. The goal of Pest Free Waimakariri is to encourage more of this by getting rid of the pests that prey on them or compete for their food. These are things like possums, rats, stoats and weasels.
A great bunch of volunteer groups are out there in the field removing these pests. You’ll know some which have been around for a while – Ashley Rakahuri Rivercare Group, Silverstream volunteers, and all those who pitch help in Tūhaitara Coastal Park.
A number of new trapping groups have started recently in smaller parks and reserves. In Rangiora, Matawai Park, Northbrook Wetland and Townsend Wetland now have traps set up and looked after by locals.
In Kaiapoi there are trappers at Kaiapoi Lakes and on the Waimakariri/Kaiapoi River confluence. And there are others.
One of our goals is to see more kereru New Zealand pigeon in Waimakariri. These are pretty common at Ashley Gorge (thanks Ashley Gorge trappers) and among the hills but not common elsewhere. Trapping makes a huge difference to how successfully kereru breed so it would be great to have more trapping in the forest areas where they nest.
Another bird we’d love to see more is the tui. Tui are occasionally seen in Tūhaitara Park and the pest trapping there will make it a good place for more tui to live and nest.
Over summer we’re running a photo competition to celebrate our native Waimakariri wildlife. We’re looking for photos of native birds, insects, fish and anything else that walks, flies or wriggles in Waimakariri. You can enter close-up portrait photos of these but we’re also after photos that show them in their habitat or in the Waimakariri landscape.
Go to our photo comp website for more details and to enter.
Cameo Fine Arts in Rangiora will be framing the winners and there are other prizes up for grabs. Thank you Waimakariri District Council and Waimakariri Biodiversity Trust for supporting the competition.
Doug: 021 662 486
Bob: 327 7044 .
Bert: 021 145 3393
New Year Resolutions. Can we guess what your New Year resolutions were?
Get a Mum’s Little Helper safe stool?
Was it to get the Garden seat rebuilt?
Perhaps it was to get a new BBQ table?
Was it to get one of the popular wooden toys?
Was it to get that kitchen chair repaired?
Was it to get a new garden seat - maybe as a memorial Garden Seat?
Was it to tackle the minor repair of a pergola or decking on the house?
Was it to join the Kaiapoi MenzShed?
Talk to the guys at the Shed. Help the Shed to help the Community.
Providing an environment for the health and well-being of men.
Both New Zealand Response Team (NZRT-12) members and team members from the Emergency Support Team (EST) will be there on the night to answer questions you might have about volunteering in the Civil Defence and Emergency Management sector.
Calling all community organisations who are keen to connect with new volunteers!
You are invited to take part in the Volunteer Expos 2025.
Many of our groups are reliant on volunteers to be mentors, companions, drivers, receptionists, governance, catering, clean ups, advisors, retail, deliveries, and so on. This is a chance for volunteers to meet your organisations.
These Expos are co-ordinated by the WDC Community Team and provide the chance to talk to potential new volunteers.
Each event will run for two hours (plus set up and pack up time).
Details for 2025
Friday 7 March Rangiora RSA, 5.30pm–7.30pm
Saturday 15 March Kaiapoi Library, 10am–12pm
Friday 21 March Woodend Community Centre, 5.30pm–7.30pm.
Groups will have a space to set out a small amount of display material, e.g. banners or posters, some takeaway information about the organisation and the volunteer roles. Bring one or two representatives on hand to talk about the volunteer opportunities.
If your group is possibly interested in taking part, please contact
War Memorial Hall
1 Albert Street, Rangiora 7400
PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440
Office phone: 03 313 3505
If you have money worries, bills you can’t pay, creditors keep phoning demanding payment – or maybe your situation has changed, and you would like help to budget for your new circumstances; then contact Budgeting Services North Canterbury.
Budgeting Services North Canterbury is a registered charity and has been working with families and whānau across the Waimakariri and Hurunui districts since 1980.
You’ll always work with a fully qualified Financial Mentor, who provides you with free and confidential advice, to support you as you learn new money management skills.
Our free community education sessions, “Let’s talk About”, offers the opportunity for all participants to talk, share and improve their understanding of “money”.
We provide advocacy services to help negotiate fairer repayment options with creditors. Whether it’s a government department, a bank, or a financial institution, we can advocate on your behalf.
If you need help with insolvency documents or want to understand your consumer rights, our team of Financial Mentors have the expertise to help you improve your situation.
Sharon Grant, Service Manager of BSNC says: “It’s a real privilege to be able to support families to improve their financial wellbeing. We have received wonderful feedback from people delighted to finally repay long-term debts and who are now able to save for the first time in their lives. Talk to us about your situation, we’d be glad to help you to budget better.”
Phone or email to talk about your situation:
03 315 3505 or email:
We’re on Facebook and
Our office is in the War Memorial Hall, 1 Albert Street, Rangiora.
We are trying something new out in North Canterbury and have found a safe space for the older generation living in the region to come and get support/advice. Walk-ins are welcome or bookings can be made if preferred.
This venture starts on Tuesday 4 February 2025.
An elder abuse social worker and community connecter will be at the available from 10am to 12pm every Tuesday at Dudley Park Pavillion, 45 Church Street, Rangiora.
We look forward to helping you in 2025 with free, confidential, independent information and advice about your rights and the services available in our community.
Our office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 4.30pm.
The CAB service is not-for-profit and delivered by trained volunteers. We’re available face-toface, by phone and by email.
No question is too big or too small to bring to us. We’ll listen, research and assist you in any way we can. There’s no time limit on how long you can spend with one of our volunteers.
Even if you’ve taken some steps already, we’re happy to discuss options with you and perhaps find even more information to support you. It can be very helpful to talk things over before taking action.
We offer additional services for clients including:
• free Justice of the Peace service (please check for days/times)
• free Budgeting, Employment, Immigration and Legal, and Legal Information clinics (please check for days/times)
• free CV preparation and cover letter service (by appointment only)
• a face-to-face settlement information service for newcomers to New Zealand.
If you or someone you know needs information, advice or support, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to help.
You’ll find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email
Comcare Trust is a recovery focused organisation that provides free mental health and addiction services in the Waimakariri and Hurunui Districts for people with diagnosed mental illness and/or addiction . issues.
Peer Support: Peer Supporters in North Canterbury can meet regularly to provide one to one in person support as a fully mobile service within the Waimakariri and Hurunui districts. Comcare’s Peer Support Service supports people, through shared experience, to make sense of what is happening for them and how they want to move forward.
Peer Support helps people to understand each other because they’ve ‘been there’, shared similar experiences, and can model for each other a willingness to le arn and grow. In Peer Support, people come together with the intention of changing unhelpful patterns and getting out of ’stuck’ places. Promoting a ‘trauma -informed’ way of relating to ourselves, Peer Support pushes us to move towards. It focuses on what and where we want to be, rather than focussing on what we need to stop doing.
Referrals: Peer Support is for anyone aged 18+ who is experiencing mental distress and/or addictions. People can self -refer, be referred by SMHS, their GP or other community services. Visit /generic-referral to complete a referral.
For Peer Support, select “Support to understand how my mental health or addiction impacts me ” or “Support to understand my barriers to moving forward ” from the What support is required field.
Free Phone: 0800 537 3464
S t e p A h e a d R a n g i o r aH u i t ā n g u r u / F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 5
R ā h i n aM o n d a y 2 4 t h
P i c k u p ( b y a r r a n g e m e n t ) f r o m K a i a p o i
R ā h i n aM o n d a y 1 7 t h
1 0 : 0 0 C o ff e e M o r n i n g
1 0 : 3 0 M e m b e r / S t a ff L i a i s o n M e e t i n g
L i v e s
1 1 : 0 0 E n a b l i n g G o o d
R ā h i n aM o n d a y 1 0 t h
1 0 : 0 0 C o ff e e M o r n i n g
R ā h i n aM o n d a y 3 r d
1 0 : 0 0 C o ff e e M o r n i n g
1 0 : 3 0 H e l p t o p r e p a r e M i d d a y
M e a l o r 1 0 : 3 0 W a l k a t M i k e K e a n W a l k w a y ,
A p p o i n t m e n t sc h e c k b o o k f o r t i m e s l o t s o r 1 1 : 0 0
1 0 : 3 0 N u t r i t i o nG u t H e a l t h o r 1 0 : 3 0 V i s i t R a n g i o r a R e c y c l i n g & R e f u s e C e n t r e b e f o r e M e a l s o n W h e e l sR o u n d 2
G a r d e n i n gp l a n a
E x e r c i s eb a l a n c e a n d
p o t t e d g a r d e n o r 1 1 : 0 0
b u i l d i n g
s t r e n g t h
B r i n g L u n c h
1 2 : 0 0
B r i n g L u n c h
1 2 : 0 0
A s h l e y R a k a h u r i R e g i o n a l P a r k
M i d d a y M e a lT a c o s
1 2 : 0 0
w i t h G u a c a m o l e a n d
H o r c h a t a D r i n k ( $ 4 . 5 0 )
9 : 3 0 D a y T r i p t o A k a r o a
P i c k u p K a i a p o i a t 9 a m
B r i n g l u n c h t o h a v e o n t h e j e t t y
1 : 0 0 W a l k a t K a i a p o i
I s l a n d f r o m R a v e n Q u a y , fl a t r i v e r s i d e t r a i l o r 1 : 0 0 V i s i t K a i a p o i M u s e u m
C r a f tb o o k m a r k s a n d j e w e l l e r y m a k i n g ( $ 2 )
1 : 0 0
o r 1 : 0 0 S w i m a t D u d l e y
P o o l ( $ 2 . 5 0 )
C r a f tm a k i n g p a p e r fl o w e r s ( $ 2 )
V i s i t K a i a p o i
1 : 0 0
o r 1 : 0 0
C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n s
E n h a n c i n g t h e w e l l b e i n g o f p e o p l e w h o e x p e r i e n c e c h r o n i c m e n t a l h e a l t h c o n d i t i o n s
N o r t h C a n t e r b u r y M u s i c a l S o c i e t y1 8 9 N o r t h b r o o k R o a d , R a n g i o r a B O O K I N G S E S S E N T I A L P h o n e 0 8 0 0 6 8 8 7 3 2 o r t x t 0 2 1 8 5 2 2 4 7
S t e p A h e a d R a n g i o r aH u i t ā n g u r u / F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 5
P i c k u p ( b y a r r a n g e m e n t ) f r o m K a i a p o i
R ā a p aW e d n e s d a y 1 9 t h R ā a p aW e d n e s d a y 2 6 t h
1 0 : 0 0 C o ff e e M o r n i n g
1 0 : 3 0 T e R e o M ā o r il e t 's p r a c t i s e o u r T e R e o M ā o r i o r 1 0 : 3 0 W a l k i n g G r o u p
B r i n g L u n c h
1 2 : 3 0
1 0 : 0 0 C o ff e e M o r n i n g
R ā a p aW e d n e s d a y 5 t h R ā a p aW e d n e s d a y 1 2 t h
1 0 : 0 0 C o ff e e M o r n i n g
1 0 : 0 0 C o ff e e M o r n i n gd i s c u s s w h a t i s h a p p e n i n g i n t h e c o m m u n i t y t h i s m o n t h
1 0 : 3 0 W a l k i n g G r o u pl e i s u r e l y w a l k o r 1 0 : 3 0 N e w s l e t t e r M a i l o u t
1 0 : 3 0 T e R e o M ā o r il e t 's p r a c t i c e o u r T e R e o M ā o r i
1 0 : 3 0 W a l k a r o u n d N o r t h b r o o k W e t l a n d sfi n d a n d i d e n t i f y d i ff e r e n t b i r d s a n d p l a n t s
B r i n g L u n c h
1 2 : 0 0
o r 1 0 : 3 0 W o r d G a m e s b e f o r e M e a l s o n W h e e l sR o u n d 4
B r i n g L u n c h
1 2 : 0 0
1 : 0 0 C r a f tm a k e a
s o c k p u p p e t ( $ 2 )
B r i n g L u n c h
1 2 : 0 0
C r a f td e c o u p a g e a b o t t l e , c a n o r b o x ( $ 2 ) o r 1 : 0 0 T e c h G r o u pc o m e w i t h y o u r d e v i c e s a n d q u e s t i o n s
1 : 0 0
V i s i t W a i k u k u B e a c h a n d
1 : 0 0
1 0 : 3 0 D a y O u t i n C h r i s t c h u r c h
L a v e n d e r F a r mb r i n g w a t e r,
s u n s c r e e n a n d ( $ ) i f y o u w a n t t o b u y l a v e n d e r p r o d u c t s f r o m t h e s h o p
V i s i t t h e B o t a n i c G a r d e n s f o l l o w e d b y t a b l e t e n n i s a t 2 p m w i t h
S t a n m o r e a n d P u r i r i m e m b e r s ( $ 1 )
B r i n g l u n c h a n d w a t e r
B i r d w a t c h i n g a t K a i a p o i
1 : 0 0
L a k e s
E n h a n c i n g t h e w e l l b e i n g o f p e o p l e w h o e x p e r i e n c e c h r o n i c m e n t a l h e a l t h c o n d i t i o n s
N o r t h C a n t e r b u r y M u s i c a l S o c i e t y1 8 9 N o r t h b r o o k R o a d , R a n g i o r a
B O O K I N G S E S S E N T I A L P h o n e 0 8 0 0 6 8 8 7 3 2 o r t x t 0 2 1 8 5 2 2 4 7
The Community Activation Grant, launched in 2022, was introduced to empower local community groups to spearhead their own initiatives centred around being smokefree. Since its launch, communities that previously lacked access to funding have been able to successfully build and implement campaigns increasing awareness of smokefree messaging and building relationships between whānau and smoking cessation services.
Our ongoing mission is to continue backing these locally-led campaigns to help more whānau embark on their quit journey and to inspire our young people to stay smokefree.
The purpose of the Community Activation Fund is to support the delivery of community-led activations that align with one or more of these three outcomes:
• Increase the number of people who successfully quit smoking.
• Eliminate inequities in smoking rates and smoking-related illnesses.
• Create a Smokefree generation by increasing the number of children and young people who remain Smokefree.
Any legal entity, trust, or organisation eligible to receive funding can apply. If you do not qualify directly, you may still apply through a partnership with a local provider or organisation.
Download Community Activation Guidelines 2022 via website below.
The grant covers costs directly associated with delivering your activity, up to $5,000. Eligible expenses include:
• Venue or equipment hire
• Support for volunteers
• Equipment
• Costs associated with promoting your activity
• Medals, prizes, giveaways, and spot prizes.
What will not be funded?
The fund does not cover:
• Costs not directly required for the activity (e.g. salaries or wages for existing staff, administrative costs or management expenses).
• Capital costs (e.g. facility development and maintenance, resources which are used to generate income in the future).
For more information or to apply go to:
Your Community Board can support your project with grant funding.
Application forms and grant criteria are available online or from any Council Service Centre. For more information about funding visit the Council website.
Find out more at
Courses have been scheduled and we welcome registrations for 2025
• Tiny Home Building Project
• Carpentry
• Welding and Metalwork
• Automotive
• Introduction to Hospitality
Learn more about Gym equipment and technique in a fun environment suitable for all capabilities. Grab a friend, or just come along and up the fitness level with a qualified trainer.
Course runs 2 evenings per week AND the course is FREE, but you must register. One-off registration fee of $10 applies Have a go!!
To register for all courses, go to our website:
11am onwards, Pegasus Golf Course, 8 Mapleham Road, Pegasus
Enter a team and experience a day of mouthwatering eats, fantastic prizes and plenty of golf!
To register email
11am – 4pm, Ashley Gorge Reserve, 697 Ashley Gorge Road
Come together at the beautiful Ashley Gorge Reserve for a day of family fun and laughter, reminiscent of historical New Year’s Day celebrations. Both young and old will be kept entertained with treasure hunts, music, games and competitions, coffee, candy floss and more.
Gate charge of $10 per car.
11am – 3pm, Trousselot Park, 33 Charles Street, Kaiapoi
Bring a picnic blanket, chair and your whānau to celebrate this special day in Kaiapoi. There will be waita, kapa haka, speeches, performances, kai from a variety of food trucks, market stalls and kids’ activities all on offer.
Free to attend, or buy wristbands for $10 to access all kids’ activities.
10am – 5pm, Rangiora Showgrounds Pavilion
Country music lovers rejoice! Attend this multi-day country music festival boasting a variety of artists singing and playing their favourite songs. There will be motorhome parking available, too – so why not stay a while!
Day tickets start from $15, more info online
11am – 4pm, Journeys End Campground, 202 Smarts Road, Loburn
Immerse yourself in the magical vibes at this grassroots community festival. Featuring a wonderful selection of Māori arts, live music, entertainment, breathwork, workshops and an array of nourishing holistic modalities and wellbeing stalls.
Ticket prices vary, available online at
11am – 2pm, Tirikatene Reserve, Silverstream Subdivision
Silverstream’s much-loved annual duck race is back! Set to be an unforgettable day of racing, creativity and community spirit, gather your friends and family and come along. This year, proceeds will go to the Kaiapoi Toy Library.
Free to spectate. Ducks are $3.
Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi. Every Saturday, 9am–12.30pm.
Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday, 9am-12pm.
Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday, 9am–12pm.
Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.
St John’s Anglican Church Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora. First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm.
179 Lehmans Road, Rangiora, Mon-Fri 8am – 4pm
“Jessica Tierney - Natures Palette” 13 February – 19 March 2025, Kaiapoi Library, 176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi
“The One Tree Exhibition – David Laird” 26 January – 13 March 2025, Rangiora Library, 141 Percival Street, Rangiora
“Victoria McIntosh: Sitting Pretty – The Desserts of Discontent” 7 February – 9 March 2025 72 Main Street, Oxford
Rangiora Museum
The Museum is open Wednesdays and Sundays 1.30pm to 4pm for searching your family history and enjoying the many exhibits. 2025 calendars are still available and also our one hour historic film “100 Years of Farming at Coldstream”.
The next open meeting will be held on Thursday 27 February, 7.30pm, at 29 Good Street, beside the Bowling Club. A fascinating presentation is planned featuring Paul Schofield of the Canterbury Museum, talking on the Pyramid Valley Moa fossils. Supper served along with the popular Community Chat.
Everyone welcome, free, although donations from non-members of the Rangiora Early Records Society appreciated.
Open to Girls & Boys Year 1-6
Year 3-6 Saturday 15th February 2025
Time: 10.00am - 11.30am
Year 1-2 Saturday 29th March 2025
Time: 10.30am – 11.30am
Dudley Park, Church Street, Rangiora
Come along, learn skills, play a game & have FUN!
This is free to attend, please register online: HTTP://WWW.NCNC.ORG.NZ/HAVEAGO
Come and join us at t he beautifu l As hley G orge Re serve for a day of family fun and laughter, reminiscent of t he historical New Year’s D ay celebrations.
We’l l have hea p s of activitie s going to keep young an d ol d entertaine d:
• Pak N Save Duck Race
• Bouncy Castle
• MC Games and Competitions
• Monster Ra e
• Music
• Fairy Face Painting
• Cool Water River Swimming
Waitangi Day (Thurs 6th Feb) 2025 11am - 4pm THINGS
Gate Charge $10 Per Car
Directed Car Parking
Limited Eftpos, Cash is King
• Painted Stone Treasure Hunt
• Lions Food Caravan
• Plant Stall
• Candy Floss
• BBQ Facilities
• Sweet Tooth Stall
• Co ee Van
MUNDI TRIO at The Balcairn Hall - Friday 28 February, 7:30pm
A musical journey filled with global colours, grooves and influences.
Mundi Trio take to the road again in February 2025 with Arts On Tour New Zealand, transporting audiences through their joyful music to ancient times and places where the beat of the drum and the haunting flute rings out across a star-studded sky
Filled with joy and exuberant energy, Mundi Trio has captured hearts across the land and farflung seas, touring and performing extensively. Just some of the events include Newtown Festival, Festival of Lights (New Plymouth) Christchurch Arts Festival and TEDX. They have also been involved in collaborations with Pub Choir in the Christchurch Town Hall and internationally renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma and Marlon Williams as part of Yo-Yo Ma's Bach Project.
Mundi Trio comprises Brazilian percussionist Ricardo Stuani, guitarist and dancer Chris Dabinett and flautist/vocalist/percussionist/dancer and composer Tamara Smith.
Tamara Smith has travelled the world compiling inspiration for her compositions along the wayfrom performing in jazz clubs in Paris and recording an album in Sri Lanka, to learning traditional Indian flute by the Ganges and warding off alligators in the heart of the Amazon. She is a dedicated professional and her commitment to her craft shines through in her unique, polished and high energy performances.
In this Arts on Tour performance Mundi Trio perform a new series of compositions that weave together the two oldest instruments in human’s history – flutes and percussion- into a sizzling array of dueling Brazilian/African percussion with hypnotic guitar, and vocal melodies soaring above and interlaces stories through music of our interaction’s with nature and ourselves.
With dances choreographed by Tamara intertwined, these exciting new compositions lure people into an ancient memory of the pulse of life and awaken our dancing selves lurking beneath.
“I don’t think anyone wanted the music to end and thus an encore was demanded and happily delivered with as much energy, skill and joy as Mundi Trio had shown throughout.”
Reefton Arts on Tour 2022
Contact people
Ronel Stephens Waiora Links Community Trust
Gabrielle Barlow Coordinator, Kaiapoi Community Support c/Wellbeing North Canterbury Phone: 03 327 8945
Jo Ealam Manager, Oxford Community Trust 37 Main Street Phone: 03 312 3006
Serena Peychers Community Team Admin Support, Waimakariri District Council Phone: 0800 965 468
Trim: 240607091774
Venue and address
202 5 Schedule
Venue: Woodend Community Centre 6 School Road, Woodend
Dates: 13 February, 12 June
Venue : Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre Upstairs meeting room, 176 Williams Street
Dates: 13 March, 10 July, 9 October
Venue: Jaycee Rooms, Main Street, Oxford 56 Main Street, Oxford
Dates: 10 April, 14 August
Venue : Rangiora War Memorial Hall Corner of Albert & High Streets, Rangiora
Dates: 8 May, 11 September
Peter Johnston Pegasus Community Centre team
Venue: Pegasus Community Centre 8 Tahuna St, Pegasus
Dates: 13 November
Woodend 12noon1pm
Kaiapoi 12noon –1pm
Oxford 12noon –1pm
Rangiora 12noon –1pm
Pegasus 12noon –1pm
NB : Forums are the second Thursday of a month 12noon1pm . Tea and coffee will be providedbring your lunch if you wish.
I f there is a significant community issue which would be valuable to have a presentation on, please contact:
A cuppa ‘n’ cake with a difference.
A new and unique opportunity to discuss any aspect of death and dying over a cuppa.
Everyone is welcome to join Death Café North Canterbury, which will be held once a month at a library near you.
16 February 2pm Kaiapoi Library
To book or for more information call or email: Liz 027 618 4891
Anna 027 284 1903
An empty wine bottle serves as a vase in my office – not evidence of secret drinking (I promise!) but because the label is a great conversation starter: Elephant in the room. What could constitute a bigger elephant than talking about death – and its close companion - grief.
Death Café North Canterbury is a free opportunity to discuss any matter related to death and dying - whether about a terminal diagnosis - or not wanting a funeral - or exploring beliefs – or the cost of dying for example. The name is taken from the social franchise, Death Café UK, and here in the Waimakariri, it is professionally hosted and facilitated with a librarian at both Kaiapoi and Rangiora library.
There are over 18 000 Death Cafés worldwide in 89 countries – including many in New Zealand - come and join us one Sunday. With warm wishes, Ngā mihi mahana, Liz grief, loss and palliative support
Our list of Community Emergency Hubs in Waimakariri is growing. A Community Emergency Hub is a safe place for you and your neighbours to go if an emergency strikes.
We have launch events for the following hubs:
2 Feb | Sefton Hall | 1pm start
4 Feb | Kaiapoi North School | 3–5:30pm
14 Feb | Kaiapoi Borough School | 10am–2pm
21 Feb | Te Matauru School | 5–6:30pm
Meet some of Waimakariri’s Civil Defence team, practice your ‘drop, cover, hold’ in the earthquake simulator and contribute to a bespoke emergency plan for your local community.
Keys to maintaining communication and enhancing connection
This talk will explore anxiety, risky behaviours and the impacts of social pressure and technology while offering parenting tips on staying connected in the teen years.
Thursday 13 March 7–8.30pm
MainPower Stadium 289 Coldstream Road, Rangiora
$10 per person
Use paint, crayons, felt pens, coloured pencils or digitally create a poster to show what ‘small steps together for unity’ means to you as part of Race Unity Day on 21 March 2025.
Terms and conditions
Drop entries to any Waimakariri Library by 5pm, 19 March.
Great prizes! For age groups 5–17.
Competition is open to participants from Waimakariri District schools and home schools only.
Prizes will be presented by Mayor Dan Gordon at a special prizegiving on Friday 4 April, 4pm at MainPower Stadium. Find out more at
Kaiapoi Library
Fortnightly, starting Wednesday 12 February 2025 • 2pm
Oxford Library
Fortnightly, starting Thursday 13 February 2025 • 10.30am
Rangiora Library
Fortnightly, starting Friday 14 February 2025 • 10am
Join us to enjoy a short story or poem read aloud with a cup of tea. We pause to share our thoughts and memories as we go along. No reading experience necessary. It’s fun and relaxing and you can make new friends!
Do you need help finding a job?
Need training or driving licences?
Want to work on your confidence for job interviews? Not sure where to find work locally?
Mayors Taskforce For Jobs (MTFJ) can help with all of that and much more.
MTFJ is a partnership between the Waimakariri District Council and Ministry of Social Development.
We will listen and work with you to set personal goals and help you along your journey.
We have funding to pay for things like
• Drivers licences
• Counselling
• Clothing or tools and equipment for work
• Training courses.
About you
• Aged 16–24 or
• Any age living with a health condition or disability or
• Any age and had difficulty finding employment.
Want to find out more?
Lyn Blair
� 027 249 7284
Support for local businesses to help young people to join the local workforce.
Do you have employment or apprenticeship opportunities for local young people? Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ) can support you to train and upskill your new staff.
MTFJ is a collaboration between Waimakariri District Council and Ministry of Social Development.
MTFJ is focused on helping local businesses when they employ a young person under the age of 25, or those of any age who live with a disability or health condition or other needs and have had difficulty finding work. Each funding request is considered on a case-by-case
basis and tailored to fit the needs of the new hire and the business they will be joining.
Funding and support examples
• Purchase of tools
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Wage subsidy
• Training/courses
• Driver licencing costs
• Pastoral care.
Want to find out more?
Lyn Blair
� 027 249 7284
Come along to our classes to improve your speaking, listening and grammar skills through a range of interesting topics!
Saturdays, 1 February – 29 March 2025 • 10am–1pm Rangiora Town Hall Function Room • 303 High Street, Rangiora
Enrol now
Julie Cloughley | Tutor
Phone: 027 403 8245
28 February | 9am – 3pm
Kia Rite Hoea
Ruataniwha | Kaiapoi Civic Centre
$35 per organisation
Registration essential — for more information and registration:
Kia Rite Hoea workshop includes a comprehensive guide book and step by step planning sheets to help turn your great ideas into action.