Join us for a Christmas Eve celebration! evening filled
Waimakariri District Council Community Team
Private Bag 1005 Rangiora 7440
0800 965 468
Waimakariri Community Team
Contributions to this Newsletter are welcome, and can be faxed, emailed or posted for the next edition to the above address.
Please enquire about tickets 03 928 3066 support@hopecommunity co nz
The closing date for contributions is before the 20th of the month prior to publication.
If you wish to receive an electronic copy of Chatter via email or no longer want to receive a hard copy, please contact
Greetings from the Editor
As I write this, we’re a week away from December. Although the Christmas decorations and merchandise have started creeping into our shops, the rush has yet to start, and there’s a nice relaxed feeling in our town centres.
Next week, the trees will go up on the Council lawn and outside the Kaiapoi library. Then, the wonderful ladies from Soroptomists will be busily supervising the installation and decoration of the 40 or 50 Christmas trees that make up the splendid Christmas Tree Festival, in the Council foyer. If you haven’t been in to see it, do! It is an absolute joy and raises much needed funds for local charity.
With the year drawing to a close, I’d like to extend a shout-out to all of the wonderful community organisations and agencies who support residents with vulnerabilities or in crisis. This district really is blessed by the number of people, either volunteering or paid, who genuinely want to work together to make the District a great place to live in.
As usual, many local organisations are offering outreach support for those struggling to make ends meet, or looking to be alone on Christmas Day.
There are giving trees at supermarkets and some real estate agencies across the District. If you want to reach out, food banks are always in need of extra goodies at Christmas and basics to get people through the post Christmas crunch! They can also tell you about community Christmas meals. You will note inside, details of holiday operating hours for local support services. We all know how the pressure can ramp up at this time of year, so do something to fill your cup. For me, there is nothing quite like the quiet of a midnight Christmas Eve Carol Service, with all the candles, as a chance to breathe.
Thanks for your contribution to our community this year - even if it was just being a smiling face in the street. You never know how much that might bless someone.
Meri Kirihimete Merry Christmas
Addictive Eaters Anonymous
Addictive Eaters Anonymous (AEA) is a worldwide Twelve Step fellowship based on Alcoholics Anonymous.
AEA members have found recovery from binge eating, anorexia, bulimia, other forms of addictive eating and compulsive exercise. Through working the Twelve Steps of AEA, members find peace of mind and the ability to live a meaningful and productive life. Wherever you are, whatever your problem with food, AEA can help.
Mondays: 7.30pm–8.30pm at the Durham Street Methodist Church, 309 Durham Street North, Christchurch. Carpark around back on Chester Street West.
Wednesdays: 7.30pm–8.30pm. Held online. Visit for details of how to join.
Fridays: 7.30pm– 8.30pm at St Mark’s Presbyterian Church 150 Withells Road, Avonhead, Christchurch.
Contact details: Phone: (03) 662 9128 Email: or visit the website:
Find the best places to swim this summer for over 850 beach, river and lake sites throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. LAWA updates as new information is available, giving you access to the latest water quality information to decide when and where to swim. Water quality monitoring programmes run from November to March for most regions. Go to:
Safeswim gives you up to the minute information on water quality and swimming conditions at your favourite spots.
Go to:
Final dates for North Canterbury Plunket groups will be:
• Rangiora: Tuesday 10 December 2024
• Kaiapoi: Thursday 12 December 2024
We would like to thank all our whānau for their support during 2024, and wish you all a wonderful, safe Christmas and New Year.
We look forward to seeing you all again in 2025 for some new, exciting programmes.
If you need any help or advice over the holiday period, please call Plunketline on 0800 933 922, they have registered nurses available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Meri Kirihimete
Does your household have an emergency plan?
Each of our household's plan will be different because of where we live, who lives with us and who might need our help. When you’re making your household plan, remember to include everyone. Think about the special requirements of disabled people, older people, babies, young children, pets and other animals.
Find advice on tailoring your plan for your household at getready.govt. nz/prepared/household/tailoryour-plan
We’re here. Free call or text 1737 any time, 24 hours a day.
You’ll get to talk to (or text with) a trained counsellor.
Our service is completely free.
Local Peer Support
December 2024
Cancer Society
43 Church St, Rangiora, 7400
Phone: 0800 22 66 95 Driving Service: 021 913 503
Art for Wellbeing: Held every Monday (except public holidays) 10am-12pm. Kaiapoi Baptist Church, 67 Fuller Street, Kaiapoi. A wonderful chance to create! Final art class for 2024, 16 December. Classes resume 20 January.
Rangiora Walking & Coffee Group: Held every Tuesday. This group is for patients and carers. Meet outside The Warehouse at 9.30am for a walk around Northbrook Waters and then a coffee at La Luna 264 High Street, Rangiora at 10.30am for some friendly peer support. Facilitated by Glenda and Linda.
Rangiora Support & Information Group: Held 1st Thursday of the month, 10am, Cancer Society North Canterbury Centre, 43 Church Street, Rangiora. Next session Thursday 5 December We look forward to seeing you there.
Cheviot Cuppa & Chat Group: Held 2nd Wednesday of the month, 10am-11 30am, Craft Centre, 15 Seddon Street, Cheviot. Hosted by the Cheviot Volunteer Support group. All those on a cancer journey are welcome.
Oxford Support Group: Held 3rd Wednesday of the month, 10am, Cafe 51, Main Street, Oxford. Facilitated by Ans and the Oxford Volunteer Cancer Society Support Group. Catch up with volunteers, patients, and carers. All welcome to join for a coffee and chat.
Gynae Cancer Peer Support Group: Held every 2nd Monday of the month (except public holidays), 4.15pm, Hope Trust, 115 East Belt, Rangiora. Facilitated by Catharine. A successful peer support initiative now in its second year.
Making Connections with Cancer Group: Held the last Thursday of the month, 6pm, Coffee Culture Rangiora, 113 High Street. Facilitated by Simone Antoniuk, 44, living with Stage 4 ALK-POSITIVE Lung Cancer and Lisa Peacey, 50, living with Neuroendocrine Cancer. We would like to offer support and connection for others living with any type of cancer in North Canterbury. Please register to attend by emailing
Aqua Aerobics: Held every Thursday, 12noon, Dudley Aquatic Centre - for those interested please advise your Cancer Navigator prior to participating. $5 per person to be paid to the Cancer Society.
Community Drop-In Clinics
Support, advice and information available locally for all those impacted by cancer. Drop in during the day and time indicated or contact the Cancer Society to make an appointment in the community or in your own home.
Rangiora: Monday and Friday 10am–1pm, Cancer Society North Canterbury Centre, 43 Church St, Rangiora (in the North Canterbury Netball Centre)
Kaiapoi Drop-in clinic: Weekly Thursday mornings, 10am–1pm, the Korotuaheke Room, Ruataniwha Civic Centre (Kaiapoi Library), 176 Williams St, Kaiapoi.
Amberley Medical Centre: First and third Friday, 10am-12noon, 6 Hilton Drive, Amberley.
Oxford Support Group: Held 3rd Wednesday of the month, 10am, Cafe 51, Main Street, Oxford A Cancer Society team member will be present to share information and advice
Cheviot Support Group: Held 2nd Wednesday of the month, 10am–11.30am, 15 Sedden Street, Cheviot A Cancer Society team member will be present to share information and advice
Hurunui/Waikari: Amuri Community Health Centre, drop-in sessions as required.
Hanmer Springs and Kaikoura: Home visits and drop-in sessions as required
Fundraising, Events and Activities
Longest Day Golf Challenge: You don’t have to be a golf pro. The Longest Day Golf Challenge is for everyone who loves a day on the green. Complete a golf marathon - 72 holes - in one day to raise funds for New Zealanders facing cancer. 72 sound like too much? Try the 'half marathon' option, that's 36 holes. You choose the day, the course, and the team, or play solo if you prefer. Sign up today at
Relay for Life North Canterbury 2025: Save the date, Saturday 5 April. The organising committee is set up and they are super excited about bring Relay to Kaiapoi in 2025. Watch this space for more info over the following months or go to
Other Resources and Support
Canbead Jewellery workshops with Kirstee from Can Inspire Trust. Christmas Theme Workshop, Tuesday 17 December, 10am–12noon at Canterbury Cancer Centre, 74 Langdons Road, Papanui. Cheviot Workshop, Wednesday 12 February, 11.30am. Contact to register attendance. All those on a cancer journey welcome.
Music Therapy – Cancer Society clients, whānau, and support networks are invited to Music Therapy Sessions. Learn and experience how music can support your health and wellbeing through a series of group or individual sessions. Facilitated by Southern Music Therapy. To register for sessions in 2025 contact Heather on 027 482 4567 or
Look Good Feel Better while they run workshops in North Canterbury at various locations they are also hosting 20 online sessions scheduled before the holidays, each tailored to empower and support individuals through their cancer journey. All classes and resources are completely free of charge. If you would like to attend any of the online sessions please contact and she will send the zoom link direct to you. Keep an eye out for local workshops in 2025. Workshops for men are available online. To find out more go to
Blue Bros exercise class and peer support for men with a cancer diagnosis. This dedicated group extends a warm welcome to new patients. BB Nth Canterbury is now running 3 classes. Monday, Friday at 8.15am. Facilitated by Mischa. Plus, Wednesday at 8.15am. Facilitated by Kaaren. Location for all classes is Mainpower Stadium, Coldstream Road, Rangiora. For more details contact or 027 202 7525.
Prostate Foundation support group in Rangiora on 2nd Tuesday of each month at the War Memorial Hall, 1 Albert Street. Contact Dean and Lois on 021 0224 6078 or email For more info on services and support for prostate and testicular cancer
Ostomy NZ Support meet alternative months in Rangiora (1st Tuesday, Artisan Cafe) and CHCH (1st Wednesday, Kidd’s Cakes, Cranford St). For more information contact Brent on 03 313 5744, Diane on 027 416 4185. Email: to learn more about education and support for patients and families.
Breast Cancer Foundation for education, awareness, and support. Contact 0800 902 732 and
Sweet Louise Support for those with advanced breast cancer. Contact: Ashleigh 027 328 8003 or go to website Now offering a monthly coffee and support group in Rangiora.
Talk Peach Gynaecological Awareness and Education website
Shocking Pink online and in-person (Christchurch) for women in their 20s and 30s with breast cancer
Lymphoedema Education Sessions (also via Zoom). Held each month from 11.00am-12.30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Chapel, Burwood Hospital. Enter via Gate 3, Mairehau Road. Learn skills for the self-management of lymphoedema. To book phone 03 383 6833 or email to register.
Leukaemia and Blood Cancer NZ 0800 15 10 15, 20 Cashel Street, Christchurch. For more information on services check out
Pinc & Steel Cancer Rehabilitation with a Certified Cancer Rehabilitation Physiotherapist is available through Active Health offering group and individual sessions in Rangiora and Jelly Park. Read more and/or register or contact
Canteen support for teenagers with their own cancer experience or a parent or sibling with cancer. For more information go to
Death Café is a unique opportunity to discuss any aspect of death and dying over a cuppa. Hosted at Waimakariri and Hurunui Libraries once a month. Contact to find out more.
A huge thank you to everyone who has supported the Cancer Society this year, from volunteers, drivers, bakers, schools, businesses and organisations to amazing fundraisers, sponsors, donors and suppliers – you enable us to support anyone in a family going through a cancer diagnosis. Wishing you a safe and happy festive season. Tiff, Dana & Anna
The North Canterbury Team
Tūhaitara Coastal Park
Nau mae haere mai from the rangers at Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust!.
Over the spring, we have been working hard to get thousands of plants into the ground before the dry stress of summer. We have been extending the edges of our existing biotanodes, adding more sensitive plants to mature biotanodes and planting new areas in the park.
Recent plantings with school students and other volunteers have shone a beautiful spotlight on Nikhil’s Node in the park. The most recent planting was of a low lying, moist area behind the sand dunes next to the biotanode. This area was once filled with willow and burned pine. However, recent forestry operations to remove damaged trees opened the area.
This opportunity has created a fantastic new space for plants in a sheltered spot with dappled shade in some areas and good soil moisture throughout the year despite being so close to the beach. Many species were chosen for this site and placed depending on their preference for available light, water, and sun.
Some species include horoeka, kānuka, kōhūhū, tōtara, ti kouka, hārakeke, puahou and more.
In this location we also found evidence of a resident in one of our insect hotels beside Nikhil’s node. However, this resident is far from “crawly”. We are unsure of what kind of bird has lived here, however we are glad that our insect hotel made a good home for raising their babies.
Bird nest found in one of our insect hotels
I have always admired the determination of plants to adapt and survive. This can be seen with puahou (five finger) trees within Nikhil’s node.
These trees grew and adapted to the sheltered conditions provided by the surrounding pine forest. However, with the removal of the surrounding pine, these trees suddenly had far more sun and wind than they were used to. The shock of this sudden change caused some dieback of these plants. However after a short time, they have put new leaves out that are better suited to the new amount of sun and wind they are experiencing.
We are aiming to further establish native forests that are less flammable and can support native animals for many generations to come.
Therefore, it is important, now more than ever, for our native coastal forests and wetlands with the summer season upon us to keep our fire risk to a minimum in nearby communities.
Facebook: Kaiapoi Men’s Shed Access through 7 Dale Street, Kaiapoi Contacts: Bob 021 111 5534
Doug 021 662 486
Bert 021 145 3393
Facebook: Kaiapoi Men’s Shed Access through 7 Dale Street, Kaiapoi
The MenzShed of Kaiapoi has a variety of wooden toys. You can see them at the Kaiapoi Mill in “The Kaiapoi Arts & Crafts Co-operative” shop.
Facebook: Kaiapoi Men’s Shed Access through 7 Dale Street, Kaiapoi
it isn’t just a Shed! Our Shed houses wood working ngineering group and the paint shop provides finishing or windy we have Cuppa Tea Time with a Biscuit! A to your neighbour about what is happening in their world. out in the community fixing someone’s door, or a fence or other minor work.
The MenzShed of Kaiapoi has a variety of wooden toys. You can see them at the Kaiapoi Mill in “The Kaiapoi Arts & Crafts Co-operative” shop.
You can’t beat a wooden toy! So - don’t forget Donna’s Arts Shop when you are looking for gifts and other items.
You can’t beat a wooden toy! So- don’t forget Donna’s Arts Shop when you are looking for gifts and other items.
There is easy access through the entrance by the main office - and the shop is on the left.
guys working as a team to fabricate items such as ooden toys or repairing items like garden seats. personal projects.
The MenzShed of Kaiapoi has a variety of wooden toys. You can see them at the Kaiapoi Mill in “The Kaiapoi Arts & Crafts Co-operative” shop. You can’t beat a wooden toy! So- don’t forget Donna’s Arts Shop when you are looking for gifts and other items. There is easy access through the entrance by the main office- and the shop is on the left.
There is easy access through the entrance by the main office- and the shop is on the left.
Whether it is a model service station, a fire truck, a tip truck, a model train or the very popular Mother’s little helper stool.
Whether it is a model service station, a fire truck, a tip truck, a model train or the very popular Mother’s little helper stool.
Whether it is a model service station, a fire truck, a tip truck, a model train or the very popular Mother’s little helper stool. Mum’s
Providing an envirronment for the health and well-being of men.
Mum’s Helper
Attention Kaiapoi Residents
• We hope you have your summer garden planting well underway for the Kaiapoi Summer Garden Competition January 31 2025
• Several categories to consider
• Need more Information - email
• Or phone Margaret, 021 161 1705
Next Meeting
Wednesday, 11 December, Members Christmas Dinner
We resume full meetings on 12 February
Daphne O'Connell - Flax Weaving and its history
Visitors welcome
Thank you to all the fabulous volunteers that supported our programmes in 2024.
Thank you to our wonderful staff who supported clients and thank you to all our community partners for a busy and satisfying 2024.
Our offices and programmes are closed from 20 December and are re-opening 6 January 2025.
See you all in the New Year, wishing you all a safe and happy holiday.
Christmas Giving
Share the joy of Christmas with a North Canterbury family in need Gifts for children, teens, mums and dads are needed.
Please donate your new gift here by Tuesday 1 7 December 2024
Ray White Rangiora, Kaiapoi and Pegasus
New World Kaiapoi New World Ravenswood Pak'nSave Rangiora
Blackwell's Department Store, Kaiapoi Kaiapoi Library Rangiora Toyota
Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa
As we approach the festive season, Big Brothers Big Sisters extends a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout the year Thanks to the incredible generosity and commitment of the North Canterbury community, we proudly welcomed 31 more children into our programme in 2024 - supporting more young people than ever before! We’re especially thrilled that our call for male volunteers was met with enthusiasm, helping us close the gender gap. Male mentors now represent an impressive 42% of all 'Bigs'!
This Christmas, why not spread the joy of giving by supporting young people in your community? Instead of a traditional gift, consider making a donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters in honor of your loved ones. We’ll make it special by sending them a personalised card to let them know a donation has been made in their name. Simply email us the recipient’s details and deposit your donation into our account; 02-0876-0258444-00 Ngā mihi o te wā!
Services and Programmes
Our office will close for the Christmas/New Year break on Thursday 19 December at 4.30pm and reopen on Wednesday, 8 January 2025 at 9am.
We’re all connected
That’s why the CAB service is so important. We act as a critical community hub, connecting people with the information and services they need. We provide the warmth and welcome of a place where anyone can come to talk and get help with any issue.
The CAB service includes in-depth interviewing of a client to identify what is happening for them or what information they seek, and to find out what they’ve done so far.
The trained volunteer researches options specific to each client’s situation and then explains these to the client in a way that helps them understand and work out what they want to do next.
We have lots of information available electronically and in printed form and our website has lots of questions and answers and is easy to navigate. Why not try it?
Get in touch
We know that cost is a big barrier for people accessing the services they need. That’s why it’s important to us that our service is free and freely available.
Do get in touch with us. We’re trained to listen and to research. We’ll deal with anything that’s concerning you no matter how big or how small. We’re here to help.
Our opening hours are 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
You’ll find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email
War Memorial Hall
1 Albert St, Rangiora 7400
PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440
Office phone: 03 313 3505
Thinking of Retiring Early?
FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early)
• FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) Movement: Discover the fundamentals of the FIRE movement, including the key principles and why so many New Zealanders are choosing this path to financial independence.
• The Five Different Types of FIRE Plans: Learn about different FIRE strategies such as FIRE, leanFIRE, fatFIRE, barristaFIRE, and CoastFIRE to find the one that best aligns with your goals.
• The Four Percent Rule for FIRE: Understand how the 4% rule works and how it can help you plan a financially secure retirement.
• FIRE and New Zealand Real Estate: Explore whether investing in real estate aligns with the FIRE mentality and the pros and cons.
• Getting FIRE'd in New Zealand - The Seven Must-Know Steps: A comprehensive guide covering the seven essential steps to achieving financial independence
December office closure
We’re taking a well- earned break over this Christmas holiday season.
The office will be closed from midday, Thursday 19th December 2024 and re- opening on Monday 13th January 2025.
Our Trustees, Volunteers and Staff wish you a stress-free Christmas.
Don’t spend more than you can afford. Stick to your shopping list. Spend time with family and friends.
Please call MoneyTalks if you need immediate advice: 0800 345 123
Holiday Opening Hours
Community Wellbeing Office
200 King Street, Rangiora
Closes: 12pm on Tuesday 24th December 2024
Reopens: 9am on Friday 3rd January 2025
Kaiapoi Community Support
24 Sewell Street, Kaiapoi
Closes: 2pm on Friday 20th December 2024
Reopens: 10am on Monday 20th January 2025
Need to talk
If you or someone in your whānau need to talk, you can free-call or text 1737 anytime to get support from a trained counsellor. If you require urgent or crisis mental health care, call Crisis Resolution 0800 920 092, (24 hours, 7 days a week).
Meri Kirihimete
Merry Christmas
Serving our Waimakariri Community
Food Support - Counselling Centre - Community Garden
Hope Op Shop - Community Kai - Men’s Breakfast
Fruit & Vege Co-op - Top Ups - Woodend Hub
The Hope Community Trust Office, Foodbank, Op Shop and Community Garden will be closing on Friday December 20th and open again Monday January 20th
Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable moments.
Peer Support
North Canterbury
Comcare Trust is a recovery focused organisation that provides free mental health and addiction services in the Waimakariri and Hurunui Districts for people with diagnosed mental illness and/or addiction . issues.
Peer Support: Peer Supporters in North Canterbury can meet regularly to provide one to one in person support as a fully mobile service within the Waimakariri and Hurunui districts. Comcare’s Peer Support Service supports people, through shared experience, to make sense of what is happening for them and how they want to move forward.
Peer Support helps people to understand each other because they’ve ‘been there’, shared similar experiences, and can model for each other a willingness to le arn and grow. In Peer Support, people come together with the intention of changing unhelpful patterns and getting out of ’stuck’ places. Promoting a ‘trauma -informed’ way of relating to ourselves, Peer Support pushes us to move towards. It focuses on what and where we want to be, rather than focussing on what we need to stop doing.
Referrals: Peer Support is for anyone aged 18+ who is experiencing mental distress and/or addictions. People can self -refer, be referred by SMHS, their GP or other community services. Visit /generic-referral to complete a referral.
For Peer Support, select “Support to understand how my mental health or addiction impacts me ” or “Support to understand my barriers to moving forward ” from the What support is required field.
Free Phone: 0800 537 3464
Your Community Board can support your project with grant funding.
Application forms and grant criteria are available online or from any Council Service Centre. For more information about funding visit the Council website.
Find out more at
Poipoia te kākano kia puāwai
9am – 4.30pm, Waimakariri District Council foyer
Marvel at over 30 Christmas trees decorated by schools, community organisations and businesses on display in the Waimakariri District Council foyer.
Gold coin donation, children free.
11am – 6pm, Pegasus Golf Club, 8 Mapleham Drive
Take part in a golf tournament boasting a $25,000 prize pool, guest speakers, celebrity players, all day hospitality and a charity auction. Register: info@premiergolfandwine. com or phone Grant 0274 600 758 11 -
$1500 for three players.
4.30pm – 10pm, CBK Craft Bar & Kitchen, Kaiapoi
Get ready for an epic evening of music, dancing and singing your heart out as headline act Jordan Luck Band performs in Kaiapoi, supported by the talented Josh Keating, An Octave Below and Assembly Required.
R18 event. Adult tickets start from $75, packages available online
9.30am – 3pm, Kaiapoi Park, 1 Smith Street, Kaiapoi
Don’t miss this iconic annual Christmas celebration featuring live music, buskers, bouncy castles and international foods. The finale will be the Santa Parade starting at 2.30pm.
8 MCALPINES MITRE 10 MEGA CHRISTMAS PARTY IN THE PARK 12pm – 4pm, Victoria Park, Rangiora
Koha kindly considered Spend the afternoon with family and friends celebrating the festive season with live entertainment, music, food, craft stalls and plenty of fun activities for kids. This event is in conjunction with the Rangiora Toyota Santa Parade.
2pm start time, High Street, Rangiora
Attend one of the biggest parades in the South Island outside of Christchurch and enjoy the variety of floats that capture the essence of Christmas.
8am – 2pm, Pegasus Town
There is a race for every ability with this fast, flat course in the beautiful setting of Pegasus town – which sees runners’ make their way around the lake witnessing the amazing views.
The Christmas Wonderland is a mustdo outing for the whole family, where visitors can experience an amazing Christmas display that will delight both young and old!
10am start time, Kaiapoi Island, Wrights Road Entry
Free Run or walk around the Kaiapoi Island Forest and river tracks, showing off your best festive spirit by dressing up in your best seasonal outfit! Whether you’re a soloist, in a group, or with an animal on a leash – everyone is welcome.
The ultimate Kiwi Christmas Party is coming to Rangiora! Watch thrilling harness racing, enjoy live music and indulge in a variety of delicious hospitality options. Whether you’re looking to entertain friends, family or workmates, there’s a package to suit.
$10 pp (18 years and over)
Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi. Every Saturday, 9am–12.30pm.
Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday, 9am-12pm.
Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday, 9am–12pm.
Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.
St John’s Anglican Church Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora. First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm.
179 Lehmans Road, Rangiora, Mon-Fri 8am – 4pm
Check website for dates and locations.
“Biosphere by Genavieve Amyes” 29 November 2024 – 8 January 2025
Kaiapoi Library, 176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi
“The Brilliance of Men by Sharon Earl” 8 December – 20 January 2025
Rangiora Library, 141 Percival Street, Rangiora
12.30pm, Oxford Town Hall
Gather your family and journey to Oxford to enjoy their iconic Santa Parade run by the Oxford Lions.
“Summer Show #10: ARTS EVERYDAY!” 28 November – 26 January 2025 72 Main Street, Oxford
Oxford Christmas Parade 2024
Sunday 15th December
Starts at the Town Hall & finishes at the A&P Showgrounds FLOAT THEME
“A Fairy Tale Christmas”
Those with floats arrive at 12pm and assemble on Burnett Street for a 12.30pm start.
. Float Judging . Kids Fancy Dress Judging . Face Painting . Santa’s Grotto . Games . Ice Creams . Brass Band . Bouncy Castle . Lions Food Caravan CONTACT BRIAN PILBROW 022 850 1913
Tuesday 24 December
Join the
Around the World Summer Reading Challenge
Collect your Summer Reading Passport from your local library, complete the challenges, and go in the draw to win some fabulous prizes!
Waimakariri District Community Networking Forums 2025
2025 Schedule
Venue: Woodend Community Centre
6 School Road, Woodend
Dates: 13 February, 12 June
Venue: Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre
Upstairs meeting room, 176 Williams Street
Dates: 13 March, 10 July, 9 October
Venue: Jaycee Rooms, Main Street, Oxford
56 Main Street, Oxford
Dates: 10 April, 14 August
Venue: Rangiora War Memorial Hall
Corner of Albert & High Streets, Rangiora
Dates: 8 May, 11 September
Venue: Pegasus Community Centre
8 Tahuna St, Pegasus
Dates: 13 November
Ronel Stephens
Waiora Links Community Trust
Gabrielle Barlow
Coordinator, Kaiapoi Community Support
c/- Wellbeing North Canterbury
Phone: 03 327 8945
Jo Ealam
Manager, Oxford Community Trust
37 Main Street
Phone: 03 312 3006
Serena Peychers
Community Team Admin Support, Waimakariri District Council
Phone: 0800 965 468
Peter Johnston
Pegasus Community Centre team
NB: Forums are the second Thursday of a month 12noon-1pm. Tea and coffee will be provided - bring your lunch if you wish.
If there is a significant community issue which would be valuable to have a presentation on, please contact:
Hubs are for the Community
Community Emergency Hubs are popping up all over the district, from View Hill in the west to Pegasus in the east. More are being added all the time.
Here are a few Q&As about the Community Emergency Hubs
What does that mean for me?
For individuals and families that live around the district it means as the hubs open up close by to where you live, it gives you a choice of places to go in the event of a large-scale disaster (large earthquake or flood for example).
A place where you can be with others to both get support or give support to them when it could be most needed.
What are the hubs for?
Primarily supporting the community to both respond and recover from a largescale disaster.
It does this by providing easy to follow instructions on how to organise as a group to support the community.
Who opens and runs the hubs?
The hubs are opened by members of the public that live in the area surrounding the hub. They can be either spontaneous
volunteers (people who step up on the day) or a combination of various trained groups (community response teams, FENZ, LandSAR, CDEM, etc.) who have time after sorting their own affairs but before being tasked by their parent organisations.
Ideally it would be great to have a variety of different people from various parts of the community come together and open the hub.
When does a Hub open?
Typically, the Hubs would only open after a very large disaster event, one that affects most of or all the district. And they typically take about 12 hours for people to open them.
Why 12 hours?
People need to get themselves in order first, take stock of the situation, and help their neighbours and nearby family. After this they start to think about the wider community and how they could be of assistance. It could also be sooner than that – the situation will dictate.
Why wouldn’t the emergency services or CDEM open the Hub?
Because the usual help from the agencies that communities would normally expect to come, and help may not be able to get there, or they might have higher priority jobs to work through before getting to you.
The Civil Defence volunteers we have in the Waimakariri are spread all over the district but there are only about 80 of them and just like the other services they will have taskings that may take precedent over smaller local areas – opening of the District’s Civil Defence Centres (CDC) for displaced people.
What would I do if I wanted to help in a Hub?
There are eight roles with role descriptions and all the supporting things that you need to fulfil those roles in the hub.
As an example, if you are a leadership type of person with the confidence and energy to organise people then the supervisor role might have your name all over it. Alternatively, if you were just keen on making sure the hub facilities were kept going and people relatively comfortable without any fuss, then the facilities maintenance role may be your calling.
There are plenty others to choose from and they are all easy to understand and follow.
Do people stay (sleep) at the Hubs?
We strongly advise that people don’t stay overnight inside the hubs and that they are only operated during the hours of daylight.
Te Hā - Waitaha Smokefree Support offers free support to anyone in Canterbury. After you or your whānau register, a Quit Coach will contact you to discuss how we can best help. We will work with you to set a quit date and provide ongoing support so you can stay smokefree.
We can tailor a smokefree programme that works for you after an initial conversation. This programme will include face-to-face sessions or follow-up by phone or both.
If you find yourself without accommodation after an event, the community that surrounds the hub may be able to offer some solution to your immediate need, otherwise the Civil Defence Centres located around the district can provide you with a place to sleep.
There are more hubs opening all the time – keep listening to the local radios and keep an eye on the Waimakariri District Council’s Facebook page for more information.
Dean Eades
Emergency Management Advisor
Mobile: 027 216 5704
Telephone: 0800 425 700
What can I expect?
• Access FREE Nicotine replacement therapy (patches, gum and lozenges)
• Customised support including incentive programmes
• Information on using medications, withdrawals and setting a quit date
• Use a Smokerlyzer for regular Carbon Monoxide readings
The community driver mentor programme matches up learner drivers with full licenced volunteer mentors to help them learn safe driving practises and the skills needed to pass the Restricted Driver’s Licence test.
Mentors need to:
• Have a full licence for more than two years
• Commit to two one-hour driving sessions a week
• Be patient and want to give back to their community
Access to cars, fuel, training and support will all be provided.
Contact Carolyn Boswell for more information and to sign up!
INTERESTED IN BECOMING A MENTOR? Carolyn Boswell Community Development Facilitator
Check out our spaces for hire across the Waimakariri District – available for all types of events, performances or meetings.
To book one of our rooms or facilities, simply scan the QR code.
Hello From The Community Team!
Peychers Administration Support
Martin Pugh Community Development Facilitator
Elizabeth Trevathan Mayors Taskforce for Jobs Facilitator