Chatter March 2025

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Living Well - North Canterbury

Chatter is compiled by

A exercise and peer support group for people living with heart failure.

Waimakariri District Council Community Team

Private Bag 1005 Rangiora 7440

0800 965 468

Join us weekly for a 45-minute excercise class tailored for people living with heart failure. Followed by tea and coffee.

Waimakariri Community Team

Ashley Gorgeous Gala Day

Waitangi Day

Delivered by a Be Fit For Life exercise instructor and supported by a local nurse, you can exercise with confidence. Regular information sessions on living with heart failure will be supported by the Heart Foundation.

Contributions to this Newsletter are welcome, and can be faxed, emailed or posted for the next edition to the above address.

When: Every Tuesday

The closing date for contributions is before the 20th of the month prior to publication.

Where: Main Power Stadium (conference rooms), 289 Coldstream Rd, Rangiora

Time: 10am

If you wish to receive an electronic copy of Chatter via email or no longer want to receive a hard copy, please contact

Register: Please contact Sadie 027 5013 173 or email or refer via ERMS community programs.

Cost: $7 or any koha | donation you can give is welcomed.

Greetings from the Editor

The early summer rains seem to be finally abating and it has been good to get some decent runs of good weather at last! I am thinking that March might be the month for getting outdoors and even enjoying a few late swims in our rivers and beaches.

The Walking Festival kicks off this month. See details inside, or check out the Visit Waimakariri website to find some great walks in our lovely District, catering to a variety of fitness levels and many that are accessible for those with limited mobility. We’re proud to be a Council that applies an intentional approach toward creating a district where people impacted by physical, mental or cognitive impairments can have equitable access to local places, services and supports. This month we look forward to the release of the recently reviewed Accessibility Strategy, which frames activity that helps us to achieve that aspiration.

Community development work often involves research and engagement with the organisations, groups, individuals and sectors that serve and support local people. We’re blessed with talented and dedicated partners across these, who work together to ensure that our district is

well served with things to do, ways to get help, and chances to connect and grow skills, contacts and opportunities.

The biggest challenge expressed by many of them is the acquisition of funding — whether their mahi will align with rationalised funder priorities. Each year the Department of Internal Affairs holds a workshop for Not for Profit organisations supporting the community, to help identify priorities for the Community Operations Grant Funding Scheme. This year the meeting will be held in Pegasus on Wednesday 5 March. Details are in the ‘Community Information’ section inside.

As usual Chatter is full of useful information about what’s on offer in our wonderful District.

Happy reading

Ka kite anō

Until next time

Lyn Blair Mayors Taskforce For Jobs

My name is Lyn Blair, and I have joined the Community Team taking over from Elizabeth Trevathan as MTFJ Facilitator (Mayors Taskforce for Jobs) while she’s on parental leave for the year.

My background is in education working as a facilitator, tutor and lecturer in the tertiary sector with adults and youth, focusing on preparing them for the workplace and finding the best fit for them. My previous employment was with a social housing provider in Christchurch as employment coach, supporting and assisting tenants to become work ready and find employment.

Originally from Dunedin, I love living in the Waimakariri District, with all its wonderful places to explore and experience with

my family. My favourite is walking along our beautiful beaches. I am very lucky to have my children living very close by and in recent weeks we have welcomed to our family our beautiful grandson, Thomas. It’s great to be able to use my experience and skills to assist residents of the Waimakariri District to find their pathway to employment, education and training and being part of the awesome Community Team.

Please feel free to contact me from 8.30am–4.30pm Monday to Friday at or 027 249 7284.

Community Information

March 2025

Cancer Society North Canterbury 43 Church Street, Rangiora, 7400

Phone: 0800 22 66 95 Driving Service: 021 913 503

Every cancer journey is different, and our online support centre gives you choice in the way you are supported through yours. Visit to find out more, to book an appointment with one of our experienced Cancer Navigators, to view online resources or to find out about support groups that are happening in your community.

Local Peer Support

Art for Wellbeing: Held every Monday (except public holidays), 10.00am-12.00pm. Kaiapoi Baptist Church, 67 Fuller Street, Kaiapoi. Connect with others who are also on a cancer journey and enjoy connecting through art - a wonderful chance to create!

Rangiora Walking & Coffee Group: Held every Tuesday. This group is for patients and carers. Meet outside The Warehouse at 9 30am for a walk around Northbrook Waters and then a coffee at La Luna 264 High Street, Rangiora at 10.30am for some friendly peer support. Facilitated by Glenda and Linda.

Rangiora Support & Information Group – for clients, whānau and carers: Held 1st Thursday of the month, 10.00am, Cancer Society North Canterbury Centre, 43 Church Street, Rangiora. Next group 6th March All welcome.

Gynae Cancer Peer Support Group: Held every 2nd Monday of the month (except public holidays), 4.15pm, Hope Trust, 115 East Belt, Rangiora. Facilitated by Catharine, contact Next group: Monday 10th March

Living well with Gynaecological Cancer series – Menopause, 13 March, 7.00pm at the Canterbury Cancer Centre. Contact Emma Richards or 03-379 5835 for more information or to register

Making Connections with Cancer Group: Held last Thursday of each month, Coffee Culture Rangiora – 113 High Street, 6pm. Offering support and connection for others living with any type of cancer in North Canterbury. Please register to attend by emailing Facilitators: Simone Antoniuk, 44, Living with Stage 4 ALKPOSITIVE Lung Cancer, and Lisa Peacey, 50, living with Neuroendocrine Cancer.

Aqua Aerobics: Held every Thursday, 12.00 noon, Dudley Aquatic Centre - for those interested please contact your Cancer Navigator Discounted sessions: $5 per person to be paid to the Cancer Society to receive your voucher

Community Drop-In Clinics

Support, advice and information available locally for all those impacted by cancer. Drop in during the day and time indicated or contact the Cancer Society to make an appointment in the community or in your own home.

Rangiora: Every Monday and Friday – NOTE NEW TIME: 12.00 - 3.00pm, Cancer Society North Canterbury Centre, 43 Church St, Rangiora (in the North Canterbury Netball Centre)

Kaiapoi Drop-in clinic: Weekly Thursday mornings, 10am – 1pm, Korotuaheke Room (Meeting Room 3), Ruataniwha Civic Centre (Kaiapoi Library), 176 Williams St, Kaiapoi.

Amberley Medical Centre: First and third Friday of the month, NOTE NEW TIME: 9.00 – 11.00am, 6 Hilton Drive, Amberley

Cheviot Support Group with a Cuppa and Chat: Held 2nd Wednesday of the month, 10.00am – 11.30am, 15 Seddon Street, Cheviot. Hosted by the Cheviot Volunteer Support Group, a Cancer Society team member will be present to share information and advice. All those on a cancer journey are welcome

Oxford Support Group: Held 3rd Wednesday of the month, 10.00am, Cafe 51, Main Street, Oxford Facilitated by Ans and the Oxford Volunteer Cancer Society Support Group. A Cancer Society team member will be present to share information and advice. Catch up with volunteers, patients, and carers. All welcome

Hanmer Springs Health Centre – Monday 7th April, 10am – 1pm Email to make a booking

Hurunui – Amuri Community Health Centre, Rotherham & Waikari Health Centre – To make a booking please email

Kaikoura Healthcare: To make a booking please email

Fundraising, Events and Activities

Relay for Life North Canterbury 2025 : Saturday 5th April, Kaiapoi Rugby Football Club, 10am – 10pm. Go to to find out more and to sign up. Celebration lap and morning tea acknowledges anyone living with cancer, their whanau and carers. Please contact Tiff on 021-139 4909 for more information. Major Partner - Precut Construction Limited. Celebrate, Remember & Fight Back against cancer - Together let’s do something remarkable!

Other Resources and Support

Blue Bros exercise class and peer support for men with a cancer diagnosis. This dedicated group extends a warm welcome to new patients. BB Nth Canterbury runs 3 classes: Monday & Friday, 8.15am with Mischa. Wednesday, 8.15am, with Kaaren. All classes held at Mainpower Stadium, Coldstream Road, Rangiora. For more details contact or 027 202 7525

CHILLAX – Weekly on Wednesdays, 2.30pm, Canterbury Cancer Centre, 74 Langdons Road, Papanui. Cost $12 cash. CHILLAX is a fusion of tai chi, yoga, pilates, stretch and relaxation – all at a slow controlled pace designed to soothe your mind as well as gently mobilise your body. All welcome at any stage of treatment and recovery. Register with Kris 021 262 8886,

CanBead Jewellery workshops with Kirstee from Can Inspire Trust. Next workshop: Tuesday 13 May, 10.30am, North Canterbury Cancer Centre. Contact to register attendance. All those on a cancer journey welcome. One workshop per client.

Music Group – Cancer Society clients, whānau, and support networks are invited to Music Therapy Sessions , facilitated by Southern Music Therapy, at the Canterbury Cancer Centre, 74 Langdons Road, Papanui, 3.15pm start. Learn and experience how music can support your health and wellbeing: Singing Group-19 Feb, Instrument Percussion-19 March. To register contact Heather 027 482 4567 or

Look Good Feel Better – Free sessions, for anyone with any cancer. at any stage. It is time away from the world of diagnosis, treatment and recovery, to help you navigate cancer with confidence, feel stronger and live better. 4/3 - The Papanui Club, 22/3 - Canterbury Cancer Centre, 25/3 Selwyn Library Workshops for men are available online. To find out more or to register go to

Prostate Foundation support group in Rangiora on 2nd Tuesday of each month at the John Knox Centre, The Stewart Lounge, cnr High & King Streets, Rangiora Contact Dean and Lois on 02102246078 or email

For more info on services and support for prostate and testicular cancer

Ostomy NZ - Support group meets alternative months at 10.00am in Rangiora on the 1st Tuesday per month (4 Feb @ Artisan Cafe) and CHCH 1st Wednesday per month (5 March @ Kidd’s Cakes, Cranford St). For more information or to learn more about education & support contact Brent 03 313 5744 or Diane - 0274164185,

Breast Cancer Foundation for education, awareness, and support. Contact 0800 902 732 and

Sweet Louise – supports New Zealanders living with advanced breast cancer (Stage 4) Regular member meeting's held locally for members to connect, or if you are currently living with advanced breast cancer and not yet a Sweet Louise member, (and would like to be) go to or contact Ashleigh 027 328 8003 for more info

Talk Peach Gynaecological Awareness and Education website

Shocking Pink online and in-person (Christchurch), supporting women with a breast cancer diagnosis under the age of 45, go to

Lymphoedema Education Sessions (also via Zoom). Held each month from 11.00am - 12.30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Chapel, Burwood Hospital. Enter via Gate 3, Mairehau Road. Learn skills for the self-management of lymphoedema. To book phone 033836833 or email to register.

Leukaemia and Blood Cancer NZ 0800 15 10 15, 20 Cashel Street, Christchurch,

Pinc & Steel Cancer Rehabilitation with a Certified Cancer Rehabilitation Physiotherapist is available through Active Health offering group and individual sessions in Rangiora and Christchurch. Go to or contact for more information or to register. Funding is available to support sessions.

Canteen support for teenagers with their own cancer experience or a parent or sibling with cancer

Death Café is a unique opportunity to discuss any aspect of death and dying over a cuppa. Hosted at Waimakariri and Hurunui Libraries once a month at 2pm. Contact, 027 618 4891, to find out more or go to for 2025 dates. Next group: 23 March at Rangiora Library.

Step, Turn and Swing into Scottish Country Dancing!

If you happen to stroll past the Methodist Church Hall on King Street on a Monday evening, you might just hear the lively strains of a fiddle or accordion and the rhythmic stomp of dancing feet. That’s the Rangiora Scottish Country Dance Club in full swing — quite literally! For years, this cherished local institution has been keeping the spirit of Scottish Country Dancing (SCD) alive, celebrating a tradition that holds a special place in the hearts of many Kiwis.

Scottish Country Dancing isn’t just for those with a tartan in their ancestry — it’s for everyone! No partner? No worries! The club welcomes dancers of all backgrounds, ages, and experience levels. Whether you’re a seasoned reel-spinner or someone whose dance experience is limited to swaying at weddings, you’ll find a friendly, inclusive community ready to guide you through the steps. Classes run weekly from 7.30–9.30pm, and they’re a perfect mix of fun, fitness, and friendship.

A Passion Shared Across New Zealand

The love for Scottish Country Dancing isn’t unique to Rangiora — it’s part of a nationwide enthusiasm that has been flourishing for decades. In fact, the New Zealand Scottish Country Dance Society was established in 1957 and later became a branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society in 1968, cementing the country’s commitment to this vibrant art form. Throughout the year, dancers from across New Zealand come together for summer schools and regional festivals, celebrating the joy of movement and music.

Why Give It a Go? Five Reasons to Try Scottish Country Dancing

1. Cultural Heritage – Many New Zealanders have Scottish roots, and SCD is a wonderful way to honour and keep those traditions alive.

2. Community and Connection – It’s not just about the steps; it’s about the friendships formed on the dance floor and beyond.

3. Mind and Body Boost – Think of it as a fun workout that challenges both your physical coordination and mental agility.

4. Musical Appreciation – If you love toe-tapping jigs and reels played on fiddles, bagpipes, and accordions, you’ll be in heaven!

5. Global Friendships – Being part of SCD connects you to an international network of dancers, with opportunities to participate in events around the world.

So, if you’re looking for a new hobby that offers a dose of culture, exercise, and social fun, why not give Scottish Country Dancing a whirl? Come along on a Monday night and see for yourself — you might just find yourself hooked on the reels, jigs, and strathspeys that have delighted dancers for generations. We’ll see you on the dance floor!

Beginner classes start 3 March at 7.30–8.30pm. Classes for experienced dancers start 24 February at 7.30–9.30pm.

For further information contact Gail on 021 298 4712 or

Addictive Eaters Anonymous

Addictive Eaters Anonymous (AEA) is a worldwide Twelve Step fellowship based on Alcoholics Anonymous. AEA members have found recovery from binge eating, anorexia, bulimia, other forms of addictive eating and compulsive exercise. Through working the Twelve Steps of AEA, members find peace of mind and the ability to live a meaningful and productive life.

Wherever you are, whatever your problem with food, AEA can help.

Mondays: 7.30–8.30pm at the Durham Street Methodist Church, 309 Durham Street North, Christchurch Central City. Carpark around back on Chester Street West.

Wednesdays: 7.30–8.30pm. Held online. Visit for details of how to join.

Fridays: 7.30pm–8.30pm at St Mark’s Presbyterian Church 150 Withells Road, Avonhead, Christchurch.

Contact details:

Phone: 03 662 9128, Email: or visit the website:

Oxford Senior Citizens Club

Oxford Senior Citizens Club would like to give a huge thank you to Oxford Working Men’s Club for allowing us to hold our monthly meeting there. It is greatly appreciated.

A massive thanks to the following businesses for their support of our Christmas raffles

• Main Divide Hair Lounge

• Sheffield Pies

• Queenette Dairy

• Diner Oxford

• Village Foods

• Daisy’s Flowers

• Super Liquor Oxford

• Gas Oxford

• Thea’s Boutique

• The Sunroom For Hair

• Flaxmill Builder’s

• Frews Transport

• The Aquatic Centre

• Lyn Buttling-Bailey Seamstress

• Percival Street Bakery

• Oxford Workingmen’s Club

• Raine & Horne Real Estate

• Oxford Pharmacy

• Oxford Butchery

• Café 51

• West Oxford Hotel

• Black Beech Wine Bar

• Challenge Garage

• Ribblesdale Garden’s

• Premium Pet Foods

• Oxford Fitness Centre

• 4 Trash Rubbish Removal

• Craig Stubbs Pest Control

• Manson Plumbing

• Cust Garden Centre

• Wayne Shinir

• Cust Hotel

• Holmes Builder

Want to join Oxford Senior Citizens? We would love to see you.

Second Wednesday of the month, 1.30pm at the Oxford Workingmen’s Club.

Trappers Wanted

McIntoshs on the Waimakariri/Kaiapoi River junction is a popular place for fishermen and whitebaiters. It’s also a place where a couple of secretive New Zealand birds can be found, the marsh crake and the bittern. Sadly, riverbanks are also popular with weasels, stoats and rats which have an impact on the birds of the area.

Over Christmas we set up a new trap line at McIntoshs to clean up some of these predator pests. In the last 6 weeks these traps have caught 10 weasels, 3 stoats and 9 rats, not a bad effort. So where are they all coming from? Well, many will be young animals as it’s that time of year when weasels and stoats leave their den and set off on their own. The juveniles will travel big distances as they get to know the world around them.

Two trappers are looking after these traps along the river, checking them every 1–2 weeks. We have many of these trap lines around the district, from Ashley Gorge to Waikuku to Kaiapoi. They’re in the bush, on the rivers, in urban reserves and in rural reserves. They all run on people power, people who like to get out, get some exercise and have a purpose while they’re at it.

If this sounds like you then we’d love to have your help. Currently we have a trap line in the reserve next to Townsend Fields in Rangiora which urgently needs a trapper or two. Other projects on the Ashley Rakahuri, the Waimakariri and elsewhere also need trappers. It’s a very simple thing to pick up and very satisfying to think of the wildlife benefits you’re creating.

Contact Richard at to learn more.

McIntoshs trap checking

Walking Festival 2025

Silverstream Saunter

Join the Waimakariri Rangers on a wander along the spring fed Silverstream waterway. Discover the unique features of this natural reserve and hear about the diverse habitats, native wildlife, and conservation efforts enhancing this beautiful reserve .

Date: Tuesday 15 April 2025

Time: 10am-12 noon

Location: Silverstream Reserve carpark, 155 South Eyre Road, Clarkville

Fitness Required: Beginner

Grade: Easy–Flat Terrain

Distance: 3km

Postponement Date: Tuesday 22 April 2025

Additional Information: Dogs on leash welcome. Suitable for buggies

Register to participate:

The “Community Organisation Grants Scheme” or COGS provides grants to “non

8 G O O D A L L L A N E


J O I N U S F O R T H E U N V E I L I N G O F T H E N E W L Y R E N O V A T E D 8

G O O D A L L L A N E C O M M U N I T Y H O U S I N G P R O J E C T , W H E R E




H E L P I N G H A N D A N D F O S T E R A S U P P O R T I V E C O M M U N I T Y .

D A T E : F R I D A Y 7 T H O F M A R C H 2 0 2 5


a r a


Doug: 021 662 486 Bob: 327 7044 .Bert: 021 145 3393



New Year Resolutions. Can we guess what your New Year resolutions were?

Get a Mum’s Little Helper safe stool?

Was it to get the Garden seat rebuilt?

Was it to tackle the minor repair of a pergola or decking on the house?

Perhaps it was to get a new BBQ table?

Was it to get one of the popular wooden toys?

Was it to join the Kaiapoi MenzShed?

Was it to get that kitchen chair repaired?

Was it to get a new garden seat

Talk to the guys at the Shed. Help the Shed to help the Community.

Providing an environment for the health and well-being of men.

The Kaiapoi Garden Club welcomes new members to our meetings and club outings.

Wednesday, 12 March, 2025

7.30pm, At Riverside Bowling Club

Hinemoa Park, Belcher St., Kaiapoi.

Speaker: David Barwick - Herbaceous borders –using colour in gardens

Visitors are welcome


The Visiting Service at Age Concern Canterbury has caring volunteers who are keen to spend time with an older person. Our volunteers visit on a regular basis for about an hour each week. They tell us that they enjoy the opportunity to get to know an older person, and that they benet and learn from the experience.

Please call 03 366 0903 and speak to Rebecca or Keeley if you would like to nd out more.

Mini Bus Driver required Permanent Part-time (job share)

The Darnley Club Day Centre for Seniors requires a driver with a P Licence to transport people living in Kaiapoi and surrounding areas to and from the Community Centre. This is a permanent part-time job share position approx 10 hours per week, flexibility needed to cover sickness and holidays.

Hours of work are: Wednesday 2.30–4.30pm Thursday 8–10am 2.30–4.30pm Friday 8–10am 2.30–4.30pm

For an application form and full job description please email or phone: 03 327 5934 between 8.30am–3.30pm Monday to Friday.

St John Health Shuttle

Transporting New Zealanders to their health appointments.

For more information visit or call 0800 ST JOHN (0800 785 646)

Calling all keen volunteers!

You are invited to attend the Volunteer Expo 2025. Many of our groups are reliant on volunteers to be mentors, companions, drivers, receptionists, governance, catering, clean ups, advisors, retail, deliveries, and so on. This is a chance for you to meet local organisations and find out about volunteering opportunities.

Details for 2025:

• Friday 7 March, Rangiora RSA, 5.30–7.30pm

• Saturday 15 March, Kaiapoi Library, 10am–12pm

• Friday 21 March, Woodend Community Centre, 5.30–7.30pm.

For more info, please contact

Foodbank Support Role

Organisation: Community Wellbeing North Canterbury

Location: Kaiapoi Category: Food Services

This role requires someone who understands safe food handling. This role includes sorting and storing donated food items and making up food parcels for clients as they arrive. There is a cleaning and sanitizing component required in the food sorting spaces before and after sorting food. This role can be physically demanding and fast paced – and includes speaking with clients to the foodbank and answering the phone! Commitment required is four hours one day per week (10am-2pm).

For more information on this role search category ‘food services’ at or go direct to this link:

Volunteer Expo 2025

Calling all community organisations who are keen to connect with new volunteers!

You are invited to take part in the Volunteer Expo 2025. Many of our groups are reliant on volunteers to be mentors, companions, drivers, receptionists, governance, catering, clean ups, advisors, retail, deliveries, and so on. This is a chance for volunteers to meet your organisations. These Expos are co-ordinated by the Waimakariri District Council Community Team and provide the chance to talk to potential new volunteers. Each event will run for two hours (plus set up and pack up time).

Details for 2025:

• Friday 7 March Rangiora RSA, 5.30pm–7.30pm

• Saturday 15 March Kaiapoi Library, 10am–12pm

• Friday 21 March Woodend Community Centre, 5.30pm–7.30pm.

Groups will have a space to set out a small amount of display material, e.g., banners or posters, some takeaway information about the organisation and the volunteer roles. Bring one or two representatives on hand to talk about the volunteer opportunities. If your group is possibly interested in taking part, please contact

CAB Awareness Week

Each year, CABs throughout Aotearoa New Zealand celebrate Awareness Week. We will mark it in 2025 from Monday, 10 March to Sunday, 16 March.

Citizens Advice Bureau North Canterbury is a community organisation helping people know and understand their rights and obligations, and how to use this information to get the best outcomes. At CAB we provide people with the confidence and support they need to take action. We invite you to get in touch with us if you need help with any matter, no matter how big or how small. We’re here to help.

This year’s theme for Awareness Week is Awhi Mai, Awhi Atu which is about both giving and receiving – awhi is an embrace, which can be understood as a show of support, and mai and atu are about this support flowing inwards and outwards. We help each other and we are empowered together. This idea of supporting and empowering people individually and collectively is something we know lots about at CAB. It reflects our aims as an organisation – to empower individuals and whānau through our service of advice and information and to also empower communities by advocating for fairer laws and policies based on what we learn from our clients.

Giving and receiving is also the experience of our volunteers and staff in CABs around the motu. Volunteers share their skills and aroha, taking the time to listen and awhi our clients so they are empowered to know and act on their rights and to connect with groups and services in their communities. In turn, our volunteers gain so much –learning new information, developing research and problem-solving skills and contributing to making communities more caring and inclusive.

If you’ve ever considered making a difference in your community, now's your chance How about applying to volunteer with us at Citizens Advice Bureau? We’ll be holding interviews at the end of this month, so please contact us for an application form and role description

Our opening hours are 9.30am to 3.30pm, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and 9am to 4.30pm Tuesday and Thursday.

You’ll find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email

Setting and achieving your financial goals

In August 1979, almost 46 years ago, our service was established in Rangiora.

Since then our service has been at the heart of the communities of the Waimakariri and Hurunui. Our free service is available to all New Zealanders.

Our passion is in advising and mentoring individuals, and their families, in creating and maintaining a sustainable budget.

Our wraparound support agencies are just a phone call away. We often refer clients to local support agencies who are better placed to deal with depression, addictions, housing needs, transport issues etc.

However, we’re very good at just listening and holding your hand … especially when you’re having a wobbly moment.

Not knowing where your money is going to and not being able to manage or service your debt (big or small) can be very stressful. Without judgement, our trained, professional Financial Mentors will help and guide you through the process.

Would you like some assistance with any of the following?

• Create a sustainable budget, set realistic and achievable goals. Turning dreams into reality?

• WOFF – Warrant of Financial Fitness – a review of your budget and general advice.

War Memorial Hall

1 Albert Street, Rangiora 7400

PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440

Office phone: 03 313 3505



• Maybe there are simple ways you could trim your spending or increase your income. Two pairs of eyes are better than one. A huge “well done” if you’re totally on top of it all!

• Compiling a Debts Schedule and a Cashflow will give you a better understanding of your payments and commitments. Knowing (who and what you owe) is better than wondering and stressing because you can’t remember it all.

• A free Credit Check will be another tool we’ll explain to you.

• Learning about Buy Now, Pay Later schemes - the good and the bad. Can you make it work for you?

• Advocacy is an area in which we excel. If you’re having challenging times communicating with various agencies, we will provide the necessary guidance and support. We’ll accompany you to any of the local agencies e.g. W&I.

• In any instance, if a deadlock is reached, we will, with your permission, approach the relevant authority or Ombudsman for their assistance.

• MSD/Work & Income

• Banks

• Creditors etc

• Kiwisaver Hardship Withdrawals, Good Shepherd Loans, No Asset Procedures, Debt Repayment Orders, Bankruptcy – After completing a budget worksheet and debt schedule, and, if there are no other options suitable for your situation, we will help you to complete the application.

If you need help with insolvency documents or want to understand your consumer rights, our team of Financial Mentors have the expertise to help you improve your situation.

Next month we’ll tell you more about our extended community outreach and other wraparound services.

Sharon Grant, Service Manager of BSNC says: “It’s a real privilege to be able to support families to improve their financial wellbeing. We have received wonderful feedback from people delighted to finally repay long-term debts and who are now able to save for the first time in their lives. Talk to us about your situation, we’d be glad to help you to budget better.”

Phone or email to talk about your situation. Phone: 03 315 3505 or email:

We’re on Facebook and

Our office is in the War Memorial Hall, 1 Albert Street, Rangiora.

i n d i v i d u a l s a n d w h ā n a u w e l c o m e

2 course meal with the added bonus of no dishes!

A great chance for you to meet new people in our community. support@hopecommunity

Gold coin donation 111 East Belt Rangiora Wednesdays from 5.45pm No booking required

Step Ahead Rangiora - Poutū-te-rangi/March 2025

Pick up (by arrangement) from Kaiapoi

- Monday 3rd


10:30 Day Trip to Pines Beach (build a sand castle and race marbles) and Christchurch

Lunch at Pines Beach

Explore the Antarctic Centre ($10) Payment by Feb 24th please

10:30 Craft - make cheering signs to support the 250km challenge participants or 10:30 250k Challenge at Kainga Reserve - join the challenge to walk, bike, run or to be a supporter for the day. Bring lunch

250k Challenge

10:30 Nutrition - fats and cholesterol or

10:30 Meals on WheelsRound 2 - visit Rangiora Library on the way to Meals on Wheels

1:00 Visit Heron's Steam Museum in Rangiora ($2.50) or Walk at Bottle Lake Forest

10:30 Member/Staff Liaison Meeting

11:00 Enabling Good Lives Appointments - check book for time slots or 11:00 Exercisedancing for fitness and stretching or 11:00 Prepare a Light Snack - Tuna and Salad Wrap ($1)

10:30 Day trip to Christchurch - visit Tom's Emporium craft shop or the CoCa Art Gallery (Wharenui Harikoa Crochet Marae) bring lunch to have on the new Redzone Pathway and forage for fruit in the afternoon

1:00 Guest Speaker from Aged Concern - learn about available services or 1:00 Swim at Dudley Pool ($2.50)

Step Ahead Rangiora - Poutū-te-rangi/March 2025

Pick up (by arrangement) from Kaiapoi


Are you wanting to start a new event in Waimakariri? Are you trying to grow an existing event in Waimakariri?

Applicants are now invited to apply for up to $5,000 towards promotion or coordination of events that clearly demonstrate economic and/or community benefit to the Waimakariri District.

ENC invites applications for funding of local events twice a year, in March and August.

The next funding round is open 1-31 March 2025.

Check out the criteria and apply online at waimakariri-event-fund or E:

The Waimakariri Event Fund is WDC funding administered by ENC.

The MainPower Community Fund is currently open for Applications

There is $40,000 of funding available to local not-for-profit organisations, community groups and schools in the North Canterbury area.

Eligible groups can apply, one per calendar year.

Applicants are encouraged to apply for between $100-$5,000.

Applications close on Monday 31 March 2025.

To find our more, please visit – community-funding

Your Community Board can support your project with grant funding.

Application forms and grant criteria are available online or from any Council Service Centre. For more information about funding visit the Council website.

Find out more at

Upcoming Workshops

Mental Health First Aid

Become a certified mental health first aider

Empower and equip yourself with the knowledge needed to support somebody experiencing a mental health challenge, with this internationally acclaimed and evidence-based training programme.

Understanding and Working with Attachment in Children and Adolescents

Gain an overview of traditional attachment theory as well as current approaches in relation to trauma in children and young people.

Cultural Safety and Diversity: Taking Your Practice to a New Level

Learn to provide support and care that meets the client’s needs in a way that maintains their personal, social, and cultural identity and dignity, as well as

Understanding the Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury and Ways to Support Clients

Understand what traumatic brain injury (TBI) is, how it affects people, learn strategies to support them and how to access specialist services.


MARCH 2025



6.30pm Saturday, 1pm & 7.30pm Sunday, Ashley Community Church, 39 Canterbury Street, Ashley

Expect an immersive experience in an intimate setting when you attend Julius Caesar, an Avant Garde theatre production, brought to you by JMO Theatrics and Ashley Community Church.

$25 pp, book online at


10am – 3pm, Swannanoa Domain, 1302 Tram Road, Swannanoa

Wander through the huge range of quality craft and trade stalls, try delicious food and refreshments, and experience all day entertainment and children’s games at North Canterbury’s iconic country fair.

Adults $5 donation, kids under 15 free


9am – 10.30pm, Murphy Park, Raven Quay, Kaiapoi

Challenge yourself and have a blast at this ever-popular fun run and walk. Starts at the Murphy Park by Kaiapoi Borough School, and follows the picturesque Kaiapoi River through the centre of town up to the Silverstream Village, and back again.

Adults $20, 5-18 year olds $10, under 5 year olds free


11.30am – 5.30pm, 72 Main Street, Oxford

Weaving together visual, performance and musical arts, FLOW offers hands-on artist-lead activities and workshops, an art market, several performances, art displays and a treasure hunt. Art-lovers won’t want to miss this new festival!

Free entry, admission to workshops $5 pp


9am – 5pm, Red Zone opposite Woolworths, Hilton Street, Kaiapoi

Gather your friends and family and visit this nationwide travelling event that brings a range of funky stalls, rides, live music and entertainment to Kaiapoi.

10am – 3.30pm, Silverstream Reserve, 161 South Eyre Road, Clarkville

Groove all day to a great line up of local musicians performing a range of musical genres and refuel with a gold coin donation sausage sizzle which sees proceeds going to Silverstream Reserve volunteers.

2pm – 3.30pm, Rangiora Town Hall

Kids will love joining Christopher Robin and his best friends as they go on a magical journey in the Hundred Acre wood. Expect a show filled with magical illusions, musical numbers, lots of comedy and interactive special effects.

$58 pp including booking fees, children 3 and under are free


9am – 12pm, Silverstream Subdivision, Kaiapoi

Find yourself a bargain at one of the various garage sales happening all around Silverstream! Remember to bring reusable bags & cash.

7pm – 11.30pm, The Brook Bar, 16 Southbrook Road, Rangiora

Dig out your neon legwarmers and relive the magic of the 80’s as you step back in time partying to iconic anthems.

Earlybird $30, Standard $35, Bundle $130


Oxford Showgrounds, 26 Bay Road, Oxford

There’ll be plenty to see and do at the 120th annual Oxford A&P Show. From shearing to wood chopping, stilt walkers and magicians, highland dancing, craft stalls and more.

$15 per adult, children under 15 free

9am – 3pm, Sefton School, 603 Upper Sefton Road



Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi. Every Saturday, 9am–12.30pm


Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday, 9am-12pm.


Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday, 9am–12pm.


Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm


St John’s Anglican Church Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora. First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm.


179 Lehmans Road, Rangiora, Mon-Fri 8am – 4pm



“Jessica Tierney - Natures Palette” 13 February – 19 March 2025, Kaiapoi Library, 176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi


“The One Tree Exhibition – David Laird” 26 January – 13 March 2025, Rangiora Library, 141 Percival Street, Rangiora


Take part or spectate at this great community event where teams of eight compete in the ancient sport of tug of war. Alongside the competition will be market stalls, raffles, food and entertainment.


11am – 4pm, A&P Showgrounds, Rangiora

Families will love this fun day out that includes a Kidszone, live music, entertainment, wine and food and plenty of market stalls.

Adult tickets $10, Family Pass $20. Available from Humanitix and

“FOLIO 2024: Oxford Area School” From 14 March onwards 72 Main Street, Oxford

Scan to receive our monthly events calendar straight to your inbox!


Rangiora Museum

The Museum is open Wednesdays and Sundays 1.30pm to 4pm for searching your family history and enjoying the many exhibits.

Also available on USB stick or DVD is our one-hour historic film, “100 Years of Farming at Coldstream,” $40.

The next open meeting will be held on Thursday 27 March, 7.30pm at 29 Good Street, beside the Bowling Club.

We are showing another historic film, made by the Museum, “The History of the Rangiora High School Farm.” Many of the early photographs held by the Museum are featured. Supper served, along with the popular Community Chat.

Everyone welcome, free, although donations from non-members of the Rangiora Early Records Society appreciated.

No booking required.





Bring your picnic lunch and something to sit on. This is a 'Pack In & Pack Out’ waste event. Please take your rubbish with you.




Shane, Crusaders Team Manager for 8 years, will host the event, keeping it lively while sharing insights on managing peakperforming teams

Lead Physio for the Crusaders and Director of Active Health Rangiora. John will discuss how exercise can positively influence overall health and well-being.

Special Guest Speaker

Farming tests resilience, but nothing prepared Jack for a life-threatening brain injury in 2013 Eight months in hospital and fifteen major surgeries pushed him beyond anything he’d ever faced

Jack Cocks Jack Cocks
Jo Hopkinson-Haigh Jo Hopkinson-Haigh
Shane Fletcher Shane Fletcher

Join our annual family-friendly festival! 2025 is our 49th festival and 23rd at Waipara Adventure Centre.

Enjoy music, song, dance, poetry, and interactive workshops.

Options for full weekend passes, or day, night passes

Or join us for the Friday night dancing, Ceilidh followed by the Skeatles to start the festival off with fun and good cheer

Further details on the website of Facebook pages or for specific questions email CanterburyFolkFestivalNZ

Waimakariri District Community Networking Forums 2025

2025 Schedule








Venue: Woodend Community Centre

6 School Road, Woodend

Dates: 13 February, 12 June

Venue: Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre

Upstairs meeting room, 176 Williams Street

Dates: 13 March, 10 July, 9 October

Venue: Jaycee Rooms, Main Street, Oxford

56 Main Street, Oxford

Dates: 10 April, 14 August





Venue: Rangiora War Memorial Hall

Corner of Albert & High Streets, Rangiora

Dates: 8 May, 11 September

Venue: Pegasus Community Centre

8 Tahuna St, Pegasus

Dates: 13 November

Ronel Stephens

Waiora Links Community Trust

Gabrielle Barlow

Coordinator, Kaiapoi Community Support

c/- Wellbeing North Canterbury

Phone: 03 327 8945


Jo Ealam

Manager, Oxford Community Trust

37 Main Street

Phone: 03 312 3006


Serena Peychers

Community Team Admin Support, Waimakariri District Council

Phone: 0800 965 468


Peter Johnston

Pegasus Community Centre team


NB: Forums are the second Thursday of a month 12noon-1pm. Tea and coffee will be provided - bring your lunch if you wish.

If there is a significant community issue which would be valuable to have a presentation on, please contact:

Small steps together for unity Poster competition

Use paint, crayons, felt pens, coloured pencils or digitally create a poster to show what ‘small steps together for unity’ means to you as part of Race Unity Day on 21 March 2025.

Terms and conditions

Drop entries to any Waimakariri Library by 5pm, 19 March.

Great prizes! For age groups 5–17.

Competition is open to participants from Waimakariri District schools and home schools only.

Prizes will be presented by Mayor Dan Gordon at a special prizegiving on Friday 4 April, 4pm at MainPower Stadium. Find out more at


Come along to our classes to improve your speaking, listening and grammar skills through a range of interesting topics!

Saturdays, 1 February – 29 March 2025 • 10am–1pm Rangiora Town Hall Function Room • 303 High Street, Rangiora

Enrol now

Julie Cloughley | Tutor


Phone: 027 403 8245

Day Time Speakers Club

First meeting: Tuesday 25 February • 1–2pm Build


Keys to maintaining communication and enhancing connection

This talk will explore anxiety, risky behaviours and the impacts of social pressure and technology while offering parenting tips on staying connected in the teen years.

Thursday 13 March 7–8.30pm

MainPower Stadium 289 Coldstream Road, Rangiora

$10 per person


Death Café

Charities – New Charities Laws and Governance Reviews

Friday 28 March, 10.30am–12 noon at the Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre

If your group has charitable tax status (i.e. if it is registered with Charities Services) then changes to the Charities Act will affect you.

Among other things, this update law introduces some new rules about how you do your financial reporting, how you do your fundraising and whose names needs to be on that Charities Services website.

In addition, it will require you to do a governance review of your charity at least once every 3 years — something you’ll be asked to report on in an upcoming annual return that you file with Charities Services.

This workshop, run in conjunction with Community Law Canterbury, may be of interest to your group if you’d like to know more about the changes to this law. Space is limited so bookings are essential.

Scan the QR code or go to

$20 per organisation for up to 2 members per organisation.

Community Emergency Hubs

The Community Emergency Hub network has been expanding over the month of February this year thanks to the community groups and schools that are hosting them.

The hubs are there for the community to help organise themselves after a major disaster event like an earthquake. Combining the communities’ skills, knowledge, and resources to help each other before the main agencies have the opportunity to respond. If the event is big enough you may be isolated for up to and past 72 hours (3 days) and you may well rely on your community to get you and your family through.

In February we’ve opened 4 (at time of publishing cut off) hubs – Sefton Community Hall, Kaiapoi North School, Kaiapoi Borough School, and Ashley Rakahuri School. If the weather plays us a kind hand, by the end of February we’ll have also opened a further two, one at Ohoka School and the other at Te Matauru School in Rangiora.

The full list and locations of the Community Emergency Hubs we have in the Waimakariri District are:

Silverstream – located at the Stirling club house, 1 Camellia Lane.

Pegasus – located at the Pegasus Community Centre, 8 Tahuna Street.

Cust – located at the Cust Community Centre, Mill Road.

Loburn – located at Loburn School, 73 Hodgsons Road.

Swannanoa – located at Swannanoa School, 1305 Tram Road.

Sefton – located at Sefton Community Hall, 591 Upper Sefton Road.

Kaiapoi locations – Kaiapoi North School, 278 Williams Street.

Kaiapoi Borough School, 20 Hilton Street.

Rangiora locations – Rangiora Borough School, 64 Church Street. Te Matauru School, 59 Pentecost Road.

Ohoka – located at Ohoka School, 261 Jacksons Road.

Ashley – located at Ashley Rakahuri School, 4 Boundary Road.

That may be a good start but there are more to come this year, so, if you are keen on being the next group that get a Community Emergency Hub in their area, please don’t hesitate to contact Dean Eades at the Waimakariri District Council. He’s one of two Emergency Management Advisors we have here in the Waimakariri and is keen on making your acquaintance to talk community preparedness.

Dean Eades - Emergency Management Advisor

Mobile: 027 216 5704

Waimakariri Stash Swap

Browse for new treasures and find a home for your unwanted craft supplies with no cash involved!

Bring along your unwanted fabric, haberdashery, buttons, wool, lace, sewing patterns, craft books, paints, brushes, zips, needles, card and stamps from your craft stash!

Saturday 29 March • 10am–12 noon

Kaiapoi Library

Materials Drop Off: Monday 24 March – Friday 28 March

Find out more

Feeling Creative?

Wreath-making workshop

Unleash your creativity and design a stunning wreath for your home!

Whether you’re crafting an autumninspired piece, an Easter-themed decoration, or a heartfelt ANZAC tribute, join an expert wreath maker to help bring your vision to life.

Kaiapoi Library

Thursday 20 March 2025


$10 per person (limit 12 people) Register today at the library counter.

Community Team!

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