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Rangiora War Memorial Hall 1 Albert Street, Rangiora 7400 Rangiora War Memorial Hall PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440 1 Albert Street, Rangiora 7400 Office phone: 03 313 3505 PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440 servicemanager@bsnc.org.nz Office phone: 03 313 3505 www.bsnc.org.nz servicemanager@bsnc.org.nz www.bsnc.org.nz

December office closure

December office closure

We’re taking a well-earned break over this Christmas holiday season.

The office will be closed from midday, Thursday 22nd December and re-opening on Monday 16th January 2022.

Our Trustees, Volunteers and Staff wish you a stress-free Christmas. Don’t spend more than you can afford. Stick to your shopping list. Spend time with family and friends.

We’re taking a well-earned break over this Christmas holiday season.

The office will be closed from midday, Thursday 22nd December and re-opening on Monday 16th January 2022.

Our Trustees, Volunteers and Staff wish you a stress-free Christmas. Don’t spend more than you can afford. Stick to your shopping list. Spend time with family and friends.

We cover the Waimakariri and Hurunui districtsWe cover the Waimakariri and Hurunui districts Phone 03 313 3505 anytimePhone 03 313 3505 anytime Email: servicemanager@bsnc.org.nzEmail: servicemanager@bsnc.org.nz www.bsnc.org.nzwww.bsnc.org.nz www.facebook.com www.facebook.com Please call MoneyTalks if you need immediate advice: 0800 345 123Please call MoneyTalks if you need immediate advice: 0800 345 123

Going Flatting in the New Year? Talk to a Financial Mentor today Going Flatting in the New Year? Talk to a Financial Mentor today

Are you planning to go flatting in the New Year?

Perhaps it will be your first time living away from home?

Even if you have been flatting for a while, it is always a good idea to get your finances in order, so you know what expenses you’ll need to budget for.

Talk to a Financial Mentor to help you get your budget in order, they can help you work out what you can afford.

Are you planning to go flatting in the New Year? Perhaps it will be your first time living away from home? Even if you have been flatting for a while, it is always a good idea to get your finances in order, so you know what expenses you’ll need to budget for. Talk to a Financial Mentor to help you get your budget in order, they can help you work out what you can afford.

Get in touch with us today! Read more on our website (https://bsnc.org.nz/going-Get in touch with us today! flatting/) or phone our Rangiora based office on 03 313 3505 Read more on our website (https://bsnc.org.nz/going-flatting/) or phone our Rangiora based office on 03 313 3505

Our office will close for the Christmas/ New Year break on Tuesday 20 December at 3.30pm and reopen on Monday 9 January 2023 at 9.30am. We’re all connected That’s why the CAB service is so important. We act as a critical community hub, connecting people with the information and services they need. We provide the warmth and welcome of a place where anyone can come to talk about, and get help with, any issue. The CAB service includes in-depth interviewing of a client to identify what is happening for them or what information they seek, and to find out what they’ve done so far. The trained volunteer researches options specific to each client’s situation and then explains these to the client in a way that helps them understand and work out what they want to do next. Our bureau has an extensive, reliable and accurate database of local and national information at our fingertips, which is updated regularly, along with pamphlets and booklets.

Language Support If English isn’t your first language, we have an internal Language Support service to make it easier for clients to access the language skills of CAB volunteers across the country. Our intranet enables one of our volunteers to see others around the country who are available to assist a client in another language. Currently, we are able to support more than 30 languages using this service.

Get in touch Do come and see us. We’re trained to listen and to research. We’ll deal with anything that’s concerning you no matter how big or how small. We’re here to help. Our opening hours are 9.30am to 3.30pm, Monday to Friday. You’ll find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email



CommunityWellbeingOffice 200KingStreet,Rangiora

Closes: 12pmonFriday23rdDecember2022 Reopens: 9amonWednesday4thJanuary2023

KaiapoiCommunitySupport 24SewellStreet,Kaiapoi

Closes: 2.30pmonFriday23rdDecember2022 Reopens: 10amonMonday9thJanuary2023


Ifyouorsomeoneinyourwhānauneedtotalk,youcanfree-callortext1737anytimetoget supportfromatrainedcounsellor. Ifyourequireurgentorcrisismentalhealthcare,callCrisisResolution0800920092, (24hours,7daysaweek).

Meri Kirihimete Merry Christmas

Step Ahead Rangiora Rāhina - Monday December 2022

Pick up (by arrangement) from Kaiapoi and Amberley

Rāhina - Monday 5th Rāhina - Monday 12th Rāhina - Monday 19th Rātapu - Sunday 25th

10:00 Coffee Morning 10:00 Coffee Morning 10:00 Coffee Morning

10:30 - 11:30 Tech Group Cybersecurity


10:30 Walk at Woodend Beach


10:30 Craft - Painted Christmas Cards ($2)

12:00 Bring your lunch

1:00 Swim at Dudley Pool ($2.50)


1:00 Cooking For One - Healthy Seed Crackers and Hummus ($2) 1:00 Walk around Rangiora to see Christmas Decorations

10:30 Day out to The Groynes for a Christmas BBQ Lunch ($4.50) followed by a walk and games. Dress up if you wish! 10:30 Member/Staff Liaison Meeting

11:15 Christmas Craft day ($2)


11:15 Meals on Wheels

12:00 Bring your lunch

Christmas Day BBQ - see Stanmore programme for details (make your own way, no transport provided)

Rāhina - Monday 26th Step Ahead Closed

Enhancing the well being of people who experience mental illness 86 Victoria Street, Rangiora BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL Phone 0800 688 732 or txt 022 173 1673

Step Ahead Rangiora Rāapa - Wednesday December 2022

Pick up (by arrangement) from Kaiapoi and Amberley

Rāapa - Wednesday 7th Rāapa - Wednesday 14th Rāapa - Wednesday 21st Rātapu - Sunday 25th

10:00 Coffee Morning

10:30 Group Game "What am I?"

11:15 Open Craft - bring your own craft or knitting


11:15 Meals on Wheels

12:30 Bring your lunch

1:00 Visit The Brick Mill Cafe & Gallery 10:00 Coffee Morning

10:30 Day out in Cust and Oxford. Bring your lunch to have in the park 10:00 Coffee Morning

10:30 Newsletter - collating for mailing out

12:00 Bring your lunch

1:00 Cuppa out for Volunteers

Christmas Day BBQ - see Stanmore programme for details (make your own way, no transport provided)

Rāapa - Wednesday 28th

10:00 Coffee Morning

10:30 Day out to Ashley Gorge with Stanmore and Puriri members. Bring lunch, water bottle, hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, togs, and towel. Wear walking shoes

Enhancing the well being of people who experience mental illness War Memorial Hall, Cnr Albert St & High St BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL Phone 0800 688 732 or txt 022 173 1673


North Canterbury

Comcare Trust is a recovery focused organisation that provides free Mental health and addiction services in the Waimakariri and Hurunui Districts for people with diagnosed mental illness and/or addiction issues.

Comcare North Canterbury provide three valuable support services, offering Peer Support, Activelinks, and Community Mental Health Support. Support staff use a strengths-based approach to empower people to lead their own recovery journey. Peer Support uses shared experiences to support people one to one with understanding of what is happening and discovering how they can move forward. People can be referred by a health care professional, community organisations, or self-refer for this support via the generic referral on our website.

ActiveLinks encourages exploration of mental and physical wellbeing through exercise one to one and in groups. People can be referred by a health care professional, community organisations, or self-refer for this support via the generic referral on our website.

Community Mental Health Support guides people towards independence using a holistic goal-based approach. Accessible via a ‘CAP’ referral form by a Mental Health Provider or GP. Please reach out and get in touch if you or someone you know is experiencing mental health or addiction challenges and would benefit from our support.

3 Alfred Street, Rangiora 7400 Free Phone: 0800 537 3464 www.comcare.org.nz

Peer Support North Canterbury

Peer Support

Comcare’s Peer Support Service supports people, through shared experience, to make sense of what is happening for them and how they want to move forward. Peer Supporters in North Canterbury can meet regularly to provide one to one in person support as a fully mobile service within the Waimakariri and Hurunui districts.

Peer Support helps people to understand each other because they’ve ‘been there’, shared similar experiences, and can model for each other a willingness to learn and grow. In Peer Support, people come together with the intention of changing unhelpful patterns and getting out of ’stuck’ places. It can help to build relationships that are respectful, mutually responsible, and potentially transformative, while feeling safe and accepting. Promoting a ‘trauma-informed’ way of relating to ourselves, Peer Support pushes us to move towards. It focuses on what and where we want to be, rather than focussing on what we need to stop doing.


Peer Support is for anyone aged 18+ who is experiencing mental distress and/or addictions. People can self-refer, be referred by SMHS, their GP or other community services. Visit www.comcare.org.nz/generic-referral to complete a referral. For Peer Support, select “Support to understand how my mental health or addiction impacts me” or “Support to understand my barriers to moving forward” from the What support is required field.

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