Chatter December 2022

Page 15

December 2022 Community Groups News Water safety information inside Community Lunches Christmas Christmas gift donations needed

Kindly Sponsored by The Sugar Room, local baker Sam volunteered her expertise to teach our rangatahi and their Mentors all the tricks of her trade. Many masterpieces were made and so much fun was had!

Chatter is compiled by Waimakariri District Council Community Team Private Bag 1005 Rangiora 7440 0800 965 468

If you or your business would like to help organise or support our next match event, we'd love to hear from you.

Waimakariri libraries have a range of online options for your holiday enjoyment.

movies and documentaries: ebooks, eaudio, emagazines and newspapers:

If you wish to receive an electronic copy of Chatter via email or no longer want to receive a hard copy, please contact us.

this Chatter edition 03
What’s in
310 7004
@bbbsnorthcanty A key part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters youth mentoring programme involves organising fun events for our matches, the most recent being a cupcake and rock decorating extravaganza!
Volunteering 13 Services & Programmes 15 Funding 23 Events 24
Cover photo: Waimakariri Age-friendly Advisory Group
Waimakariri Community Team Contributions to this Newsletter are welcome, and can be faxed, emailed or posted for the next edition to the above address. The closing date for contributions is before the 20th of the month prior to publication. Out More

Greetings from the Editor

Not sure how December rolled around so quickly, but here we are! Looking at the editorial last year, the Town Centre is a bit behind schedule with the Christmas decorating and I have to confess feeling somewhat relived about that. It feels as though we’ve just got back to business as usual after a year of Covid cancellations and weather and fire events - no time to be thinking about shopping!

Also, at the risk of being gloomy, I am always mindful of the financial and emotional pressure that Christmas can put on people. For some, all of the advertising with perfect families opening expensive gifts just exacerbates feelings of loneliness or poverty.

So, for those of us not in that position, what can we do to support those who are not as socially or financially advantaged?

We can pop down to one of the foodbanks with fancy chocolates and little luxuries that make the day a bit special.

We can go out of our way to remember someone who will be on their own.

If Christmas is causing undue stress, it’s worth considering what are the nonnegotiables that make it special for us and those we love. For me, that’s soaking

the fruit and making the Christmas Cake, setting up the tree with the eclectic array of Christmas decorations, each with their own special memory, and it’s midnight church with beautiful music and candles. It’s also the little wee ‘Santa Sack’ gifts that I still give to my 20 and 30 something year olds and it’s the Christmas stories in the books that I place on the coffee tables around the house. A real delight to lift the spirits and donate to a great cause is the Soroptimist Christmas Tree Festival, held in the Council foyer in the middle of December each year; and the delightful carolling that goes with it. So many special wee things to be thankful for and to detract us from the Christmas madness. Ngā manaakitanga o te kirihimete ki runga i a koe me tō whānau

The blessings of Christmas on you and your family.



Northern Phoenix is an established dragonboat team based in the Waimakariri district.

We are currently looking for new paddlers aged between 12 and 112 to join our mixed gender team! No experience required. Some of our current team have paddling experience and some with none, but we all come together with the same enthusiasm for the sport, to be part of a team, enjoy the camaraderie - and with a bit of a healthy competitive streak, too. We train at 6.15-7.30pm (approx) on the Kaiapoi River by the Mandeville bridge on Mondays and at Lake Rua on Wednesdays.

For more information you can find us on Facebook or contact Mike on 027 278 3450.

Kaiapoi Garden Club

We wish to thank all the people who supported us this year as we celebrated our 100 year birthday. Our local sponsors made it possible to have functions to make it a very special birthday.

Happy Christmas to all citizens in our district and we hope that the gardeners of Waimakariri will enjoy the vegetables of fresh garden peas and new potatoes for their main meal and perhaps strawberries for dessert.

If watering your garden over summer's hot days remember the best times are early morning or in the evening.

Happy gardening from Kaiapoi Garden Club.

Find the best places to swim over the summer months for over 750 beach, river and lake sites throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.

Recreational water quality monitoring programmes run from November to March for most regions.

Go to:

If you're heading to the beach this summer check out this website before you leave home. It provides information on beach conditions, lifeguard patrol hours, hazards that may exist, weather forecasts and a whole lot more.

Go to:

Community Information

Greetings from

Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara rangers o te taiao

We have recently been scorched by fire. While we have experienced the loss of native flora as old as 11 years, and fauna, we are optimistic about the potential for good long term.

We have seen throughout the park after this incident, that native flora have been particularly resistant and resilient in the face of the fire, often with fire creeping towards our natively planted biota-nodes and skirting around them.

Watering of the plants was also a must, as a result of well and truly evaporated soils from the fire.

It is evident that mats of pine needles under plantation pine forest made for good kindling as well as our native bracken fern which has speciated and adapted to fire stress in Australia. Their roots are deep and heat tolerant, so despite the fact that their fronds have been burned to smithereens, they will shoot back up in no time. Native planting efforts and weed control by the ranger team, Deacon University and Conservation Volunteers have been well underway to beat woody weeds and grasses competing for new-found space and nutrients.

New space once filled by introduced woody weeds has opened up and created opportunities for expansion of regenerative native forest and ease of access. The ash covered ground will also benefit our new plantings by adding to the nutrient levels of the soil. We are hoping for some more rain to reduce fire risk and give some relief to plants in the area. We are still patrolling the park and putting out small remnant smoking patches. Already plants are starting to sprout new leaves and the park is getting glimpses of green again in some areas. Planting efforts have also been directed towards non-affected areas such as Pines Beach with planting of mākaka (salt marsh ribbonwood). We hope to make the best out of an unfortunate situation to enhance and expand our diverse habitats within the park. One step backwards, two steps forward. Ngā mihi nui for all of your support on Facebook recently and in the community. Remember to follow us on to keep up with events and what the rangers are up to in the park:

Facebook: Friends of Tūhaitara

Instagram: tuhaitara_coastal_park


Dental treatment

If you're on a low income or benefit, we may be able to help pay towards the cost of dental treatment, especially if it's urgent.

From 1 December 2022, you can apply for up to $1,000 in a 52-week period for immediate and essential dental work. This change is part of Budget 2022.

We may not be able to cover the full cost of your dental treatment. You don't have to be on a benefit to qualify for this help. Remember you may have to pay some of the money back, depending on your situation.

Who can get it

You may be able to get help for dental treatment for you or a child, if whoever needs it is in serious pain and the dentist has said that urgent work needs to be done.

We may also be able to help pay for other essential dental work that needs to be done.

Whatever your situation, to apply you need to:

• be 16 or over (if you're 16 to 19 and have a Youth Service provider, contact Youth Services)

• be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident

• normally live in New Zealand and intend to stay here

• have an immediate and essential need.

It also depends on:

• how much you and your partner earn

• any money or assets you and your partner have.

Your income will be assessed either weekly or yearly, depending on the kind of help you qualify for. Income and asset limits usually apply.

For further information, asset limits, current income limits, what assistance you can get and how to apply visit: workandincome. dental-treatment.html


Age Friendly Update

The Waimakariri Age-friendly Advisory Group has a new Chairperson. Our first three years is now up and I did not seek re-election.

At our meeting on 16 November Norman West was voted in as Chairperson and other current members re-elected.

At the recent Elder Care Canterbury (ECC) meeting we heard from a myriad of organisations which are working with older people in the district. The libraries are helping people in many ways, not only with book lending. They have classes to help folk learn computer skills and will even do their internet banking for them since we no longer have cheques.

Housing and sub-standard housing is an issue for older people, with many living in camp grounds, sheds or sharing with family. We desperately need an Abbeyfield House in Waimakariri where 12-14 people on low income can live in their own ensuite apartment and be provided with meals and the company of other folk to alleviate loneliness. There is a group working towards this but it is costly and they have asked the Council to provide some land at a low rental on which to build an Abbeyfield House. The Council would have no responsibility for the upkeep of the property as it would be looked after by the national Abbeyfield Charity. It would also free up other housing in the district.

Another issue reported on at the ECC meeting was the ability to shop and pay forward, and what this means for low income earners at Christmas when buying gifts for their family. Many get into

debt they cannot repay. In our house we have “Sustainable Christmases” which not only saves money, it helps save the planet from climate change. This year

I am making necklaces from some old beads of my mother’s, buying a few things from opportunity shops to support them, ordering Greenpeace calendars, making some crafts, potting plants and baking. We are also taking our family out for a meal which will help support the economy.

I wish the Waimakariri Age-friendly Advisory Group best wishes for their ongoing work and look forward to remaining involved when their next survey takes place of what needs to be done to make Waimakariri an even better place for older people to live.

tmas ng TED BY KAIAPOI COMMUNITY SUPPORT, 24 SEWELL ST. MMUNITY WELLBEING NORTH CANTERBURY TRUST CONTACT KCS@WELLBEINGNC ORG NZ Please donate your new gift here by Mon 12th December 2022: Blackwell's Department Store, Kaiapoi Kaiapoi Library ld Kaiapoi ora iora, Kaiapoi and Pegasus you Share the joy of Christmas with a North Canterbury family in need Gifts for children, teens, mums and dads are needed. 8
Ideal all year round Fully fenced, large outdoor area with archgola Use of indoor area and centre kitchen Hire Fee: $160 ($80 + $80 refundable bond) Woodend Playcentre Hire Woodend Playcentre for your birthday party! contact: 9

Making our roads safer, our families mobile and our youth employable; a driving licence makes a difference.

Community Driver Mentor Programme CDMP


One of the main reasons many inexperienced drivers are having accidents on our roads is they do not have enough hours supervised driving experience. This means they are more likely to make poor decisions especially when it comes to risky situations. One way to help fix this is by increasing their driving hours on the road

The Community Driver Mentor Programme matches up learner drivers with full licensed volunteer mentors to coach and learn safe driving practices and the skills for the driver to pass the restricted test.



• Self Awareness

• Road Awareness

• Personal responsibility

• Self Confidence .

• Help a learner driver prepare for the restricted test

• Mentors volunteer to supervise the learner’s driving and help them become safer on our roads.

• Act as a coach and supervisor for a range of practical driving experiences

• Have the support of a qualified instructor and will be given the tools to assist the learner driver

• Help foster positive safe habits that will follow the learner throughout their lifetime of driving.

• Transform lives


• You can help make our roads safer and support people to do the right thing.

• All mentors will complete a ‘fit and proper person’ check.

• If you have held your license for more than 2 years and can offer two one hour drives weekly on one of our programmes, please contact us.


• Qualified training and full support

• The use of the programme automatic car and fuel

Whiria te tangata.

We provide inclusive community programmes that release an individual’s potential, giving growth and opportunity.


You can help make our roads safer and support people to do the right thing.

Contact Julia Graham m.021953754 The Salvation Army Driver Programmes Coordinator

The Salvation Army: Making our roads safer, our families mobile and our youth employable; a driving licence makes a difference. Transforming Lives.


A key part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters youth mentoring programme involves organising fun events for our matches, the most recent being a cupcake and rock decorating extravaganza!

Kindly Sponsored by The Sugar Room, local baker Sam volunteered her expertise to teach our rangatahi and their Mentors all the tricks of her trade. Many masterpieces were made and so much fun was had!

If you or your business would like to help organise or support our next match event, we'd love to hear from you.

03 310 7004 @bbbsnorthcanty

Rangiora War Memorial Hall

Rangiora War Memorial Hall

1 Albert Street, Rangiora 7400

1 Albert Street, Rangiora 7400 PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440 Office phone: 03 313 3505

PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440 Office phone: 03 313 3505

December office closure

December office closure

We’re taking a well-earned break over this Christmas holiday season.

We’re taking a well-earned break over this Christmas holiday season.

The office will be closed from midday, Thursday 22nd December and re-opening on Monday 16th January 2022.

The office will be closed from midday, Thursday 22nd December and re-opening on Monday 16th January 2022.

Our Trustees, Volunteers and Staff wish you a stress-free Christmas.

Our Trustees, Volunteers and Staff wish you a stress-free Christmas.

Don’t spend more than you can afford. Stick to your shopping list. Spend time with family and friends.

Don’t spend more than you can afford. Stick to your shopping list. Spend time with family and friends.

We cover the Waimakariri and Hurunui districts

We cover the Waimakariri and Hurunui districts

Phone 03 313 3505 anytime

Phone 03 313 3505 anytime



Please call MoneyTalks if you need immediate advice: 0800 345 123

Please call MoneyTalks if you need immediate advice: 0800 345 123

Going Flatting in the New Year? Talk to a Financial Mentor today

Going Flatting in the New Year? Talk to a Financial Mentor today

Are you planning to go flatting in the New Year?

Are you planning to go flatting in the New Year?

Perhaps it will be your first time living away from home?

Perhaps it will be your first time living away from home?

Even if you have been flatting for a while, it is always a good idea to get your finances in order, so you know what expenses you’ll need to budget for.

Even if you have been flatting for a while, it is always a good idea to get your finances in order, so you know what expenses you’ll need to budget for.

Talk to a Financial Mentor to help you get your budget in order, they can help you work out what you can afford.

Talk to a Financial Mentor to help you get your budget in order, they can help you work out what you can afford.

Get in touch with us today!

Get in touch with us today!

Read more on our website ( flatting/) or phone our Rangiora based office on 03 313 3505

Read more on our website ( flatting/) or phone our Rangiora based office on 03 313 3505

& Programmes

Our office will close for the Christmas/ New Year break on Tuesday 20 December at 3.30pm and reopen on Monday 9 January 2023 at 9.30am.

We’re all connected That’s why the CAB service is so important. We act as a critical community hub, connecting people with the information and services they need.

We provide the warmth and welcome of a place where anyone can come to talk about, and get help with, any issue.

The CAB service includes in-depth interviewing of a client to identify what is happening for them or what information they seek, and to find out what they’ve done so far. The trained volunteer researches options specific to each client’s situation and then explains these to the client in a way that helps them understand and work out what they want to do next. Our bureau has an extensive, reliable and accurate database of local and national

information at our fingertips, which is updated regularly, along with pamphlets and booklets.

Language Support

If English isn’t your first language, we have an internal Language Support service to make it easier for clients to access the language skills of CAB volunteers across the country. Our intranet enables one of our volunteers to see others around the country who are available to assist a client in another language. Currently, we are able to support more than 30 languages using this service.

Get in touch

Do come and see us. We’re trained to listen and to research. We’ll deal with anything that’s concerning you no matter how big or how small. We’re here to help. Our opening hours are 9.30am to 3.30pm, Monday to Friday.

You’ll find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email


Holiday Opening Hours

Community Wellbeing Office

200 King Street, Rangiora

Closes: 12pm on Friday 23rd December 2022

Reopens: 9am on Wednesday 4th January 2023

Kaiapoi Community Support

24 Sewell Street, Kaiapoi

Closes: 2.30pm on Friday 23rd December 2022

Reopens: 10am on Monday 9th January 2023

Need to talk

If you or someone in your whānau need to talk, you can free call or text 1737 anytime to get support from a trained counsellor.

If you require urgent or crisis mental health care, call Crisis Resolution 0800 920 092, (24 hours, 7 days a week).

Meri Kirihimete Merry Christmas

Rāhina - Monday 5th Rā
Enhancing the well being of people who experience mental illness 86 Victoria Street, Rangiora BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL Phone 0800 688 732 or txt 022 173 1673 18
Step Ahead Rangiora R
Monday December 2022 Pick
(by arrangement) from Kaiapoi and Amberley
Monday 12th
hina - Monday 19th
- Sunday 25th 10:00 Co
Morning 10:00 Coff
Morning 10:00 Coffee Morning Christmas Day BBQ - see Stanmore programme for details (make your own way, no transport provided) 10:30 11:30 Tech Group Cybersecurity or 10:30 Walk at Woodend Beach or 10:30 Craft Painted Christmas Cards ($2) 10:30 Day out to The Groynes for a Christmas BBQ Lunch ($4.50) followed by a walk and games. Dress up if you wish! 10:30 Member/Staff Liaison Meeting 11:15 Christmas Craft day ($2) or 11:15 Meals on Wheels 12:00 Bring your lunch 12:00 Bring your lunch Rāhina - Monday 26th Step Ahead Closed 1:00 Swim at Dudley Pool ($2.50) or 1:00 Cooking For One Healthy Seed Crackers and Hummus ($2) 1:00 Walk around Rangiora to see Christmas Decorations
Step Ahead Rangiora Rāapa - Wednesday December 2022 Pick up (by arrangement) from Kaiapoi and Amberley Rāapa - Wednesday 7th Rāapa - Wednesday 14th Rāapa - Wednesday 21st Rātapu - Sunday 25th 10:00 Coffee Morning 10:00 Coffee Morning 10:00 Coffee Morning Christmas Day BBQ - see Stanmore programme for details (make your own way, no transport provided) 10:30 Group Game "What am I?" 11:15 Open Craft bring your own craft or knitting or 11:15 Meals on Wheels 10:30 Day out in Cust and Oxford. Bring your lunch to have in the park 10:30 Newsletter collating for mailing out 12:30 Bring your lunch 12:00 Bring your lunch Rāapa - Wednesday 28th 10:00 Coffee Morning 10:30 Day out
Ashley Gorge with
and Puriri members. Bring lunch, water bottle, hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, togs, and towel. Wear walking shoes 1:00 Visit The Brick Mill Cafe & Gallery 1:00 Cuppa out for Volunteers Enhancing the well being of people who experience mental illness War Memorial Hall, Cnr Albert St & High St BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL Phone 0800 688 732 or txt 022 173 1673 19

North Canterbury

Comcare Trust is a recovery focused organisation that provides free Mental health and addiction services in the Waimakariri and Hurunui Districts for people with diagnosed mental illness and/or addiction issues.

Comcare North Canterbury provide three valuable support services, offering Peer Support, Activelinks, and Community Mental Health Support. Support staff use a strengths based approach to empower people to lead their own recovery journey.

Peer Support uses shared experiences to support people one to one with understanding of what is happening and discovering how they can move forward. People can be referred by a health care professional, community organisations, or self refer for this support via the generic referral on our website.

ActiveLinks encourages exploration of mental and physical wellbeing through exercise one to one and in groups. People can be referred by a health care professional, community organisations, or self-refer for this support via the generic referral on our website.

Community Mental Health Support guides people towards independence using a holistic goal based approach. Accessible via a ‘CAP’ referral form by a Mental Health Provider or GP. Please reach out and get in touch if you or someone you know is experiencing mental health or addiction challenges and would benefit from our support.

3 Alfred Street, Rangiora 7400

Free Phone: 0800 537 3464


Peer Support North Canterbury

Peer Support

Comcare’s Peer Support Service supports people, through shared experience, to make sense of what is happening for them and how they want to move forward. Peer Supporters in North Canterbury can meet regularly to provide one to one in person support as a fully mobile service within the Waimakariri and Hurunui districts.

Peer Support helps people to understand each other because t hey’ve ‘been there’, shared similar experiences, and can model for each other a willingness to learn and grow. In Peer Support, people come together with the intention of changing unhelpful patterns and getting out of ’stuck’ places. It can help to build relationships that are respectful, mutually responsible, and potentially transformative, while feeling safe and accepting. Promoting a ‘trauma-informed’ way of relating to ourselves, Peer Support pushes us to move towards. It focuses on what and where we want to be, rather than focussing on what we need to stop doing.


Peer Support is for anyone aged 18+ who is experiencing mental distress and/or addictions. People can self refer, be referred by SMHS, their GP or other community services.

Visit referral to complete a referral.

For Peer Support, select “Support to understand how my mental health or addiction impacts me” or “Support to understand my barriers to moving forward” from the What support is required field.

Phone: 0800 537 3464
FOR A COMMUNITY PROJECT ? Your Community Board can support your project with grant funding. Application forms and grant criteria are available online or from any Council Service Centre. For more information about funding visit the Council website. Find out more at 23



5pm – 8.30pm – Rangiora town centre

Sort your Christmas shopping early and support local. Retailers will be open late in and around the Rangiora town centre. There will be music, markets and even a Santa appearance!



9.30am – 3pm - Hilton Street, Kaiapoi

Get the family together and take part in Kaiapoi’s festive celebrations, starting with a community market (9.30am12.30pm) a Santa Parade (1.30pm) and a Christmas Carnival (9.30am – 3pm).



10am – 3pm – Mandeville Sports Grounds

Experience the atmosphere, colour and excitement of a Country Fete featuring over 130 top quality arts and crafts stalls just minutes from the city.

$10 per adult, under 15s free.


9am – 4.30pm - Waimakariri District Council, Rangiora

Discover up to 30 Christmas trees decorated by schools, community organizations and businesses.

Funds raised will go to North Canterbury Plunket community group.

Gold coin donation.


10am – 6pm - 224 Rangiora Woodend Road, Waikuku

All ages are welcome to witness an exciting action sports event involving mountain biking, BMX and freestyle motocross.

Tickets start from $20 and are available online at TicketFairy.

12 NATURE’S PALETTE Rangiora Library

Admire artwork that reflects the beauty and freedom of the natural world with this exhibition by Zoe Wiseman, from December 12 until January 25, 2023. Free.



10am – 8pm - Showgate Drive, Oxford

Discover an amazing Christmas display that will delight visitors both young and old in Oxford. Please note that opening times vary. $2 pp.



Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi.

Every Saturday, 10am–12pm.


Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday, 9am–12.30pm.

OXFORD FARMERS MARKET Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday, 9am–12pm.


Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.


8.30am – 12.30pm – Pegasus Town

There is a race for every ability with this fast, flat course in the beautiful setting of Pegasus town – which sees runners journey around the lake witnessing the amazing views.

Entries available at


12pm – 5pm - Victoria Park, Rangiora

Enjoy live entertainment, music, food, craft stalls, animals, amusement rides and face painting with your family and friends as you celebrate the festive season. Free.


11am – 3pm – Kaiapoi Food Forest, 32 Cass Street

Bring a picnic blanket, listen to Big Band music, peruse a variety of stalls, and enjoy fresh yummy strawberries! Free.


10am – 2pm - Oxford Gallery

Support local at the first ever Oxford Artisan Market, where you can meet and buy direct from talented artists and creatives. You’ll be sure to find something new! Free.


Hope Centre, - 111 East Belt, Rangiora. Every Thursday, 3pm-7pm.


St John’s Anglican Church Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora. First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm.



Kaiapoi Library 176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi

CHAMBER GALLERY Rangiora Library 141 Percival Street, Rangiora

OXFORD GALLERY 72 Main Street, Oxford


2pm – High Street, Rangiora

Experience one of the biggest parades in the South Island outside of Christchurch, held in conjunction with McAlpines Mitre 10 Mega’s Christmas Party in the Park. Free.


INFORMATION Please check our website for updates on event changes or cancellations. Scan to receive our monthly events calendar straight to your inbox!
Events 24
FULLER KAI & PERSON TO PERSON HELP TRUST Cordially Invites You to Our CHRISTMAS LUNCH WITH ENTERTAINMENT Friday 16th December Doors open 10am- music from 11am 67 Fuller St Kaiapoi Minimum $2 Donation More information: Call/text Audrey 022 308 1618 or email: 25
FESTIVAL CHRISTMAS TREE SOROPTIMIST 2022 5-16th December • 9am-4.30pm Daily • RANGIORA COUNCIL FOYER • All proceeds go to Plunket N.C. 27
CHRISTMAS CAR OLS IN THE PARK CHRISTMAS EVE Saturday 24 December Pearson Park, Village Green, (next to Fresh Choice) Main Street Oxford 7PM TO 8.30PM *If wet – Oxford Town Hall • Good old fashioned family Christmas Sing-A-Long • Music provided by local talent • Lolly Scramble for the Kids • PLUS a visit from Santa Sponsored by Oxford Butchery, Wayne Roberts Brought to the community by Oxford Promotions FREE EVENT Oxford Butchery S.G & L.J Frahm Phone (03) 312 4205 Mobile 021 269 1817 Email 30
Council Info DO YOU HAVE ALL THE GEAR YOU NEED ON BOARD? CHECK LIST Buoyancy Aids - one that fits correctly for every person on board! Anchor Compass Properly fitted lifejackets save lives BEFORE YOU head off in the boat TICK TICK Boat Hook TICK First Aid Kit Bailing System TICK TICK Fire Extinguisher TICK TICK TICK TICK Knife Rope Torch Distress Flare Radio TICK TICK TICK Alternative Active Power TICK 31
Waimakariri libraries have a range of online options for your holiday enjoyment. For movies and documentaries: For ebooks, eaudio, emagazines and newspapers: Find Out More 32

Waimakariri District Community Networking Forums 2023

2023 Schedule

Location Venue and address


12 noon–1pm


12 noon 1pm

Venue: Kaiapoi Ruataniwha Centre

Upstairs meeting room, 176 Williams Street

Dates: 9 February, 11 May, 10 August

Venue: Jaycee Rooms, Main Street, Oxford 56 Main Street, Oxford

Dates: 9 March, 8 June, 14 September


12 noon 1pm


12 noon 1pm

Venue: Rangiora War Memorial Community Centre

corner of Albert & High Streets, Rangiora

Dates: 13 July, 12 October, 14 December

Contact people

Gabrielle Barlow

Coordinator, Kaiapoi Community Support c/- Wellbeing North Canterbury Phone: 03 327 8945 Email:

Jo Ealam

Manager, Oxford Community Rooms

37 Main Street

Phone: 03 312 3006 Email:

Serena Peychers

Community Team Admin Support, Waimakariri District Council Phone: 0800 965 468 Email:

Venue: Pegasus Community Centre

8 Tahuna St, Pegasus - (just along from the Flat White Café)

Dates: 13 April, 9 November

Roger Rule

Pegasus Community Centre team

Email: Phone: 021 1080 634

NB: Forums are second Thursday of a month - 12noon-1pm. Tea and coffee will be provided - bring your lunch if you wish.

Presentations (prior to networking meetings) will be notified in advance in Chatter

Please get in touch if there is a significant community issue which would be valuable to have a presentation on. We can also assist with carpooling from the Rangiora Service Centre (215 High Street) to Kaiapoi, Oxford or Pegasus. Send any apologies and requests for meeting notes to the contacts listed.

220929168684 September 2022 33
FEELS... Like bo t h highs Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 any time for support from a trained counsellor. Youthline 0800 376 633, free text 234. For urgent mental health support, call Crisis Resolution: 0800 920 092. 34
Celebration of Cultures Dinner Let’s celebrate and enjoy the cultural diversity in our community. Please bring a plate of food ready to eat from your homeland to share. Thursday, 8 December 2022 | 5.30-8pm Kaiapoi Baptist Church, 67 Fuller Street, Kaiapoi RSVP by 5 December to: Carolyn Boswell, 027 293 3407 35

Hello From The Community Team!

Tessa Sturley Community Team Manager Rachel Thornton Community Development Faciliator Wendy Howe Community Development Facilitator Carolyn Boswell Community Development Facilitator Nicola Trolove Safe Community Facilitator Emily Belton Youth Development Facilitator Martin Pugh Community Development Facilitator Alyssa Bright Safe Community Facilitator

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