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Training / Professional Development / Courses

Kia hora te marino, kia papa pounamu te moana, kia tere te karohirohi i mua i tou huarahi.
May calm and tranquility be widespread, may the waters that you sail in glisten like greenstone, and may their shimmering light guide you safely on your journey.
The LifeKeepers programme aims to equip communities and whānau with the knowledge and skills needed to help prevent suicide.
Through this training you'll: learn how to talk responsibly about suicide gain an understanding of the risk factors that contribute to someone being suicidal learn what to look for when someone may be at risk of suicide develop strategies for how to ask about suicide, respond with confidence, and engage different services and supports
LifeKeepers suicide prevention training is FREE, evidence based, clinically safe, culturally responsive, and available to New Zealand citizens and residents 18 and over*
Register now via the website: www.lifekeepers.nz
*LifeKeepers is funded by the Ministry of Health to provide suicide prevention training for those New Zealanders who are most likely to interact with people at risk of suicide and who do not already have access to funded suicide prevention training. The programme has not been funded for registered professionals who already have access to suicide prevention training, or for those who belong to organisations which currently provide or fund suicide prevention training for their staff.
MHERC Online Workshops 2022
Safer Home Visiting in Community Work Safety is important when travelling around the community, and working in private homes presents potential risks to staff and clients. This workshop will discuss risk assessment and management, identifying potential threats and explore personal boundaries. Learn how to decrease risk and increase confidence in dealing with challenging situations. Thursday 3 February, 9am–12pm. Presented by Chris Taua, Dr. Cost $99.00 incl. GST.
Common Mental Health Disorders Learn about the experience of common mental disorders: mood disorders, psychosis, and Anxiety Disorders. Develop a better understanding of how to best support those with mental illness and their family members. Tuesday 8 February, 9am-1pm. Presented by Chris Taua, Dr. Cost $129.00 incl. GST.
Thrive and Revive: Managing Capacity and Reducing Overwhelm In a world that is focused on competence, productivity and efficiency it is easy to become overwhelmed with the expectations demanded of us. Friday 11 February, 10am–1pm. Presented by Marina Shearer. Cost: $99.00 incl. GST. Navigating Alcohol and Other Drug Services Develop skills and increase your knowledge around assisting individuals who present with alcohol and other drug (AOD) issues. Recognise problematic AOD use, understand the impact on the individual and family/whanau and how to access support services in Canterbury. Thursday 17 February, 9am–12pm. Presented by Samantha Williams. Cost: $99.00 incl. GST.
Psychosis: Understanding and Providing Safe and Effective Support This workshop will provide a general introduction to the experiences and impacts of Psychosis. After exploring what is meant by Psychosis and how it impacts, particular focus will be given to ways to support an individual with active symptoms of Psychosis in relation to support, risk management and referral. Tuesday 22 February, 9am–1pm. Presented by Chris Taua, Dr. Cost: $99.00 incl. GST. For more information on the above workshops and to see more go to: mherc.arlo.co/w/upcoming/

SeniorNet North Canterbury: Courses for the New Year
These are held in the Learning Centre, a quiet dedicated facility in central Rangiora. The tutors are very patient and will go at your pace and with your needs foremost.
Events on offer in the first three months of 2022
Tuesday 8 February, afternoon Question & Answer session
Wednesday 16 February, morning First Steps in using a Computer
Wednesday 9 March, morning Internet Banking 1
Wednesday 16 March, morning Internet Banking 2
Wednesday 23 March, morning Finding out “things” on the internet Further details and course registration is available from Lynda-Marie on 021 107 9169.
GROW Upcoming Online Events
ZOOM with Confidence
Positive Mindset for Positive Impact
Staying Social: How to up your social media game!
A New Understanding of Mental Health – How the mind and body interact
Severe Trauma & Stress Recovery
Leaders as Coaches
Skills For Working With Borderline Personality Disorder 101

For information and to see the range of face-to-face workshops go to: grow.co.nz/upcoming-events/