14 minute read

Community Information

What’s Happening in North Canterbury – January – March 2022

Happy New Year! We hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas and New Year break. Groups have resumed following Covid safety practices (includes sighting of vaccination passes) and we remain mindful of Ministry of Health daily updates. Here is what we have in place for the next couple of months: Therapeutic Art group, Mondays 10am This weekly group is facilitated by Lynette. Held at Kaiapoi Baptist Church, 67 Fuller Street, Kaiapoi. Park on site. All patients and their carers welcome. Catering from absolute beginners to advanced painting skill. Rangiora Walking & Coffee Group, Tuesdays 9.30am Facilitated by Glenda and Chris the group meets every Tuesday. Open to all patients and carers. Meet at the Jewellery Stand in The Warehouse at 9.30am for a walk around Northbrook Waters and then to Artisan Café at 10.30am to purchase your coffee and head upstairs. Patient Group, first Wednesday of the month, 10am Next meeting 2nd February. Meet with other patients in a safe, supportive environment. Held at the Centre 143 Percival Street, Rangiora. Managing Breathlessness Education Workshop, Thursday 17 February at 1pm Provided by Catherine, physiotherapist from the Lung Mechanic. Open to all patients and carers to learn exercises and tips to help manage any breathing issues. Grief and Loss Workshop, Monday 21 February, 1.30pm An education session for patients and carers to learn about the grief process, adjusting to loss, and managing change associated with cancer. This may include loss of work, social connection, loss of partner, loss of lifestyle and loss of function. Please phone Gabrielle on 021 904 907 to register. Note: This is the workshop we postponed last year. Canbead are running a morning jewellery workshop for patients on Thursday 17 March. We have Look Good Feel Better workshops scheduled on 11 June and 19 November. Men’s Get Together, last Wednesday of the month. Go to our Facebook page for more information about the group on 23 February. Blue Bros Exercise classes for Men at 8.15am on Mondays Mainpower Stadium, Coldstream Road, Rangiora. Oxford Support Group – third Wednesday of the month, 10am Café 51, High Street, Oxford. Facilitated by Ans from the Oxford Volunteer Support Group. All patients and carers most welcome. Please contact Gabrielle on 0800 226 695 to enquire/register for any of the groups listed above or if you have any suggestions for future group topics or are interested in finding out about our online resources.

Waikari Health Centre Monthly Clinic, commencing Monday 14 February. Appointments available cancer patients and carers. Find out about treatment related support and rehabilitation. Kaikoura Blue Bros Exercise classes for Men in Kaikōura, Wednesdays at 10am Please call Belinda Rickerby 027 562 0811 to register. Join this community class to maintain your strength, flexibility and fitness.

Fundraising & Events World Cancer Day, Friday 4 February. This year’s theme is “Close the care gap”. Visit www.worldcancerday.org/ for more information. Look out for us at PAK’nSAVE Rangiora on the 4th and also during the month of February.

“Cancer Society North Canterbury”, please like or share our page to widen our support network. Thank you!


DATES FOR 2022 A warm invitation is extended to all those individuals, services, and agencies with an interest in the health and well-being of older people to attend on the following dates from 1.30-3.30pm: Wednesday 9 March, Wednesday 20 July, Wednesday 9 November. These are held in the Wyllie Room at the John Knox Centre, Cnr High and King Streets (across from Caltex), Rangiora. (Please note this is a passport vaccine required site). Car parking is at rear of building. We typically have a couple of speakers plus time for discussion, information sharing and networking. There is no charge and refreshments are provided. For further information or to express an interest in presenting, please contact: Helen Ross, Elder Care Canterbury Coordinator helen.ross@psusi.org.nz or phone 03 363 8225 or 027 557 7372.

Friday 11 and Saturday 12 February, 2022

9am-6pm Friday and 9am-2pm Saturday at St Bart’s Church Hall, 23 Cass St., Kaiapoi. Vaccination certificate required for entry Books $2 each or 6 books for $10.

Tea and coffee available.

Donations of good quality books, cds, dvds, jig saws are most welcome. Please no tapes. Donated goods can be left at the Church Hall. Contact Ray Maw 03 327 6404 or Norman 03 327 5552.

This is an Anglican Parish of Kaiapoi Fundraiser towards the maintenance of St Bartholomew’s Church and Hall.

Providing opportunities and direction for Youth to develop skills for life

Trade Training Courses 2022

YDOT is currently looking for additional Tutors on a part time basis to assist with our popular Trade Training Courses. We would also be keen to speak with a suitable Trainer for our Gym fitness program. YDOT currently run the following very successful courses: • Automotive • Carpentry and Woodworking • Welding and Fabricating courses These courses operate for small groups of young people in our well equipped workshop(s). Currently our courses run for a couple of hours, multiple days per week. If you enjoy mentoring and working with Youth, have the necessary qualifications and have a desire to "pass on the baton" of knowledge and skills, please send us some initial information indicating your interest and previous experience. Remuneration and hours negotiable on a contract basis. Responses can be directed to our Manager: Dave Stevens – 027 229 1126 www.ydot.co.nz info@ydot.co.nz

GLOW stands for Global Locals of Waimakariri. Once a month we host a social catch up for people from our communities who come from other cultures and countries to come together to meet each other, share experiences and find friendship in people who can share in our experiences. We would love to see you at one of our monthly social events to meet, talk and socialise with us. GLOW will be having its first social night at The Plough Rangiora on Thursday 3 February 2022 at 5.30-7.30pm Everyone is welcome! Whether you are from Invercargill or Iberia, we would love to meet you Find us on Facebook to check this has not been postponed.

Join the kaiapoi toy library!

Kaiapoi Toy Library is a non-profit organization that relies on fundraising, memberships, grants and donations. Membership: Normally…..

Duty Membership $65 a year Non Duty Membership $125 a year

Quote this advert to our librarian to receive a great deal!

Reasons to join the Kaiapoi Toy Library  To get access to a huge range of fun and educational toys for children 0-6 years  Save money by borrowing toys instead of buying.  Support sustainability and stop toys heading to landfill.  Access to a range of indoor and outdoor toys : ride ons, games, puzzles, costumes and much more  Meet other families in the area. For more information contact

Opening Hours Saturday 10.30-12.30pm 9 Cass Street, Kaiapoi

Kaiapoi Toy Library


027 8930237


Available to Hire...

Gazebo Children’s Tables

Bouncy Castle Rollercoaster

10 Is your household ready if someone gets COVID-19?

Tē tōia, tē haumatia | Nothing can be achieved without a plan and a way of doing things

It’s only a matter of time before a positive case of COVID-19 is in your community. The health care system will always be there for those who need help but most people who contract COVID-19 will not require hospitalisation and will be able to isolate safely at home. Everyone who tests positive for COVID-19 and their household needs to stay at home and avoid contact with others, including whānau. Being ready is about people, conversations, connections and knowing what to do. Being ready will mean your whānau and community can help each other if needed. Use the list below to have a kōrero and work out how ready you are to deal with COVID-19. Then, make a plan for your household.

1. Make a plan

Work out what you’ll do if someone gets māuiui/sick • Identify people outside of your home who could help if your family is isolating, for example by dropping off food or supplies or for social support.

Services like The Student Volunteer Army might be able to help with drop offs and Work and Income may be able to help with costs. • Are there people in your household who might need additional care or support? Talk to any in-home carers you have to make sure you agree in advance about what will happen if you need to isolate. Make plans if you have shared custody of a child or dependent. • Talk to your school, work, community groups and networks to find out what their plan is - do they need anything from you? Will they be able to support you? • Work out how to let people know your household is isolating - this could be a sign for your front door or fence. Set up a spot outside your front door with sanitiser and a pen and paper or QR code for people to record their details if they are helping with contactless drop off.

If people are helping with contactless drop offs, do you want them to text or message before they arrive? Beep the car horn from the gate? Use an agreed entrance? • Write down any household instructions someone else could easily follow if you get sick. Cover things like feeding pets, paying bills and watering plants. • Think and talk about how you reduce the chances of

COVID-19 spreading across your household. Can you reduce shared spaces, or increase cleaning? 2. Have what you need

Work out what you’ll need to help you and those around you • Make a list of whānau information - include everyone’s names, ages, national health index numbers (NHI), any medical conditions and medication they normally take or medical supplies each person will need. Include emergency contact information like your Doctor’s clinic, afterhours, and any support agencies. • Gather things you enjoy. What might help stop boredom if you’re isolating at home?

3. Know and share your plan

Make sure the people who matter know what they’ll need to do • Have a house meeting so everyone (including younger ones) knows what to do, how to support each other and who to contact if someone gets sick or has to go to hospital. • Share your plan with wider whānau, neighbours and regular manuhiri/visitors and talk to them about what you’ll need them to do and how you can help each other.

4. Reach out to friends and whānau

We’re all in this together and we’ll get through together • Stay connected - arrange regular catch-ups with your whānau, friends and community. If you’re isolating make sure these are online or by phone. • Support your friends, whānau and workmates to make their own plans to get ready. • Find out what your community is doing - is there a group making meals to freeze, sharing planning tips or just staying in the know?

Find out more at Covid19.govt.nz

Plans and tools

Use a separate piece of paper to make household plans so everyone knows in advance what to do and how to help. Our emergency contacts People who can help make isolating easier (e.g. by dropping off food) Our care and support plans (e.g. for children, dependents) How we’ll let people know we’re isolating Household instructions (e.g. how to take care of pets and plants, household maintenance such as paying bills)

Wellness kit What everyone needs to look after their health and wellbeing will be different, but below are some general ideas. General hygiene checklist Note down what else you might need:

Note down what other medicines for family members you might need if isolating:

Note down what other things you think might help (e.g. things you enjoy and can do at home):



Tissues Hand sanitiser

Rubbish bags Cleaning products

Cough / Throat / Sinus Soothers such as Kawakawa or other balms, ice blocks, vapour rubs or eucalyptus for steaming, treatments for your nose and throat like sprays or lozenges.

Fever Things to help soothe temperature, like ice packs, hot water bottles, warm clothes and pain relief like paracetamol.

Aches Things to help keep you comfortable – like pillows and blankets.

Dealing with COVID-19 symptoms

Staying mentally well It’s normal to feel anxious or stressed in times of difficulty. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help. For support with anxiety, distress or mental wellbeing, you can call or text 1737 to talk with a trained counsellor for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Some ideas to look after wellbeing include: • Stay connected with friends and whānau • Acknowledge your feelings – it’s normal to feel anxious or stressed • Stick to routines where possible • Limit your time online

Things to find out What don’t you know about COVID-19? What do you need to find out to help you feel more prepared? Covid19.govt.nz is a good place to start.

COVID-19 Support Services

COVID-19 Healthline: 0800 358 5453 Healthline: 0800 611 116 Health advice about babies or children PlunketLine: 0800 933 922 Family Services: 0800 211 211 Work and Income: 0800 559 009 Mental health support: call or text 1737 Alcohol Drug Helpline: 0800 787 797 Rural Support Trust: 0800 787 254 Business support: North Island 0800 500 362 South Island 0800 505 096

The Kaiapoi Garden Club is 100 years old this year and are looking The Kaiapoi Garden Club is 100 years old this year and are looking for past members or relatives of past members, so they can they can for past members or relatives of past members, so they can they can find & share mementos, stories, photographs and happenings during find & share mementos, stories, photographs and happenings during the years. the years. If you have any information please phone Jenny at 03 327 7762. If you have any information please phone Jenny at 03 327 7762.

Celebrations start with an Art Deco themed Garden Party on Celebrations start with an Art Deco themed Garden Party on Saturday 26th February, 2022 at Lacebark, Moodys Rd, Clarkville. Saturday 26th February, 2022 at Lacebark, Moodys Rd, Clarkville. Tickets available at the Kaiapoi i- site $25 (cash only) Tickets available at the Kaiapoi i- site $25 (cash only)

February Meeting- Wednesday 9th at 7.30pm at Riverside Bowling Tickets are limited to 100 and vaccine passes are needed for entry. February Meeting- Wednesday 9th at 7.30pm at Riverside BowlClub. Please wear a mask and have your vaccine pass ing Club. Please wear a mask and have your vaccine passSpeaker - Joseph Hullen - Pre- European use of the land. Speaker - Joseph Hullen - Pre- European use of the land.

Visitors & New Members very welcome Visitors & New Members very welcome





We are looking for 30 young people to learn how to refurbish laptops and participate in an ongoing refurbishment club.

These laptops will then be gifted to whānau and community members to keep.

The idea is to develop the digital skills of the community, to build a sustainable initiative which gives a career pathway into the higher waged opportunities available in the tech sector, while overcoming the challenge of access to a laptop - a tool which is required to be able to easily participate in the increasingly connected world.

Our aim is to have 30 young people refurbish 100 laptops in 2022, and grow the initiative in 2023.

RAD is a flexible framework which can be modified to suit. We provide (for free) training workshops (2 in 2022), laptops to be refurbished, and the parts needed to bring them up to scratch. If you or someone you know is:

Aged between 12 and 30 (ish) Able to attend a one day workshop in March Able to meet up once a week for an hour or two to refurbish laptops Interested in learning new skills and giving back to your community

We 'd love to hear from you!

Training will be a one day workshop, held in mid-March.


Bronwyn Scott bronwyn@recycleadevice.nz 027 620 1234

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