3 minute read
4 Nau mae haere mai from the rangers at Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust

Over the past couple of months our team has been busy planning some exciting new projects at Tūhaitara Coastal Park, many of which include opening up overgrown areas, planting native trees and expanding our network of biota nodes throughout the park. The areas that have been cleared were extremely dense and covered in a tangle of blackberry, thistle, broom, and many other types of invasive weeds. Now that this space has been opened up, our team will be organising some upcoming volunteer planting days and the dates will be released in the next few weeks.
We have been busy brush-cutting and planting hundreds of native trees along the trails at Pines Beach wetland. Our newest biota node which is still in its early stages can be located near our pā harakeke. While we had the digger hired, we cleared some ground at Gladstone to make room for a tōtara forest. We think that this will be a special planting and would love to get the community involved to help us plant these forest giants!

Another project that we have been working on and which is in its early stages, is an installation of a fish passage. Fish passages are extremely important as they allow native freshwater fish to complete their lifecycles by connecting habitats and allowing for migration. Studies show that half of New Zealand’s freshwater networks and waterways are partially or fully inaccessible to migratory fish. Man-made barriers such as culverts, weirs and dams can block migration paths for native fish species i.e., eel and whitebait species such as īnanga, kōaro and kōkopu. If native fish are unable to access waterways to reach their destination and complete their lifecycle, it is likely their numbers will reduce, or they may be lost from a stream completely.
Our Instagram account has been updated. If you would like to keep up to date with our activities at the park, please follow us at: tkot_friendsoftuhaitarapark
To hear about our upcoming planting days and important dates please visit our Facebook page: Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park
Living Well - North Canterbury
Living Well - North Canterbury
A exercise and peer support group for people living with heart failure.
An exercise and peer support group for people living with heart failure.
Join us weekly for a 45-minute excercise class tailored for people living with heart failure. Followed by tea and coffee.
Join us weekly for a 45-minute exercise class tailored for people living with heart failure. Followed by tea and coffee.
Delivered by a Be Fit For Life exercise instructor and supported by a local nurse, you can exercise with confidence. Regular information sessions on living with heart failure will be supported by the Heart Foundation.
Delivered by a Be Fit For Life exercise instructor and supported by a local nurse, you can exercise with confidence. Regular information sessions on living with heart failure will be supported by the Heart Foundation.
When: Every Tuesday
When: Every Tuesday
Where: McAlpines Pipe Band Hall, 8a Ashley St (in the Rangiora New World carpark)
Where: McAlpines Pipe Band Hall, 8a Ashley St (in the Rangiora New World carpark)
Time: 10.30am
Time: 10.30am
Register: Please contact Sadie 027 5013 173 or email Sadie.Ross2@cdhb.health.nz or refer via ERMS community programs.
Register: Please contact Sadie 027 5013 173 or email Sadie.Ross2@cdhb.health.nz or refer via ERMS community programs.
Cost: $7 or any koha | donation you can give is welcomed.
Cost: $7 or any koha | donation you can give is welcomed.

New Transport Option For Older Persons
Older Person's New Transport Option
The St John Health Shuttle service operates 10am-3pm, Monday to Friday to help transport older people in North Canterbury to their health appointments. For appointments outside of these times, there is now an alternative option.

Several North Canterbury not-for-profit organisations have combined resources to offer a transport service to help fill the gap

Return journeys to Christchurch cost $45pp. Costs may vary if the travel is shared, or is outside the Borough of Rangiora.
To make a booking, please call the Citizens Advice Bureau on 03 313 8822, at least one weekday prior to your appointment date.
This service is offered in collaboration between:
And in consultation with: St John’s Health Shuttle, Waimakariri District Council, RSA, Ballarat, and Age Friendly Waimakariri.