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Your Community Board can support your project with grant funding.
Application forms and grant criteria are available online or from any Council Service Centre. For more information about funding visit the Council website. Find waimakariri.govt.nz/communitygrants
On Track –Capacity building for Community Groups

The 2023 On Track series is a six-part monthly programme of training designed to support and increase the knowledge and ability of the leaders and decision makers who keep our many clubs, societies and trusts operating.
The series kicked off in June, focussing on governance and strategic planning presented by Tracey O’Callaghan and Wendy Howe. There are two session per month, the first on a Thursday evening with the same topic repeated on Friday morning, held in the Woodend Community Centre. Eleven organisations are taking part, each represented by several trustees, committee members and/or staff members.
We have an interesting mix of organisations, including sports clubs, arts societies, residents’ associations, spiritual wellbeing, migrant support, environmental groups, media and more. The level of knowledge and experience amongst the participants is also varied, this provides a great opportunity to learn from each other as well as the presenters and make great connections within the community. It’s not too late to join in check waimakariri.govt.nz/ontrack or contact Wendy 021 432 028 or wendy.howe@wmk.govt.nz