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Waimakariri Youth Council Update
The beginning of 2022 has been a busy one for the Waimakariri Youth Council (WYC) as we have recruited 7 new members. We had a number of amazing applications come through and it was a tough decision to narrow these down! The first meeting that the new recruits will attend will be our February meeting and it will be great to start 2022 off with an awesome team of young people. The WYC are looking forward to the Dudley Park Redevelopment Project making some progress, with work beginning on the first stage of our plan later this year. We are also looking to get involved in some more environmental work throughout the year. We can’t wait to see what 2022 has in store! We thought we might give you a quick introduction to the members of your WYC for 2022. Here are the names of all your Youth Council members and also the reason why they joined the Youth Council: I decided to join the Waimakariri Youth Council because… Lexie Mealings - “I have grown up in the Waimakariri District and feel a close connection to the district. I also wanted to bring my skills acquired from my tertiary study to the WYC.” Lucy Malone - “I wanted to make changes to the Waimakariri District to make it a more welcoming and caring place where everyone can find opportunities to bring out the best in themselves. I also thought that the WYC would be a great place to meet new people.” Monte Gooch - “I believe the youth viewpoint is critical for the Waimakariri District Council. I wanted to contribute to shaping our community and learn more about how local government works.” Oliver Kelly - “I love public speaking and acting as a voice for those who may not wish to speak up for themselves. I felt that the WYC would provide me with the opportunity to expand on my experiences.” Oscar Bai - “I wanted to see what I could do for the community.” Thalia Rae - “I love to be a part of the community and feel like I’m doing something. I love volunteering and working with people. I’ve loved being on WaiYouth and wanted to take a step up.” Zack Lappin – “I wanted to join the WYC as I wanted to create positive change for local people and youth within the region, and others like myself who have a disability. I want to go into politics when I am older, and I felt that the WYC would be a stepping stone towards that long term goal.” We look forward to updating you later in the year!
The Waimakariri Youth Council