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Services & Programmes
Volunteering for CAB
In November we are advertising for volunteers, with applications closing on Friday 18 November 2022. Training will commence in mid-January 2023. We’re looking for people who are good listeners, non-judgmental, willing to learn and keep learning, and confident using a computer. We can promise an expansion of your knowledge, a great deal of satisfaction in helping and empowering a client, and a bunch of really nice people to work alongside. If you’d like to apply, please get in touch with us for an application form. All trainees are fully supported with initial and ongoing learning plus a mentoring programme as you come up to speed with the challenges and pleasures of being a CAB volunteer.
Our Clinics
We hold fortnightly clinics that cover legal assistance, employment, budgeting and immigration queries. All are now back to being held face-to-face in our office. Just get in touch and we can book you in. In addition, we have volunteers who are also Justices of the Peace, and they offer their service when they’re on duty. Again, please get in touch to find out when they’ll be in the office.
Extra support even if you’ve already done some research. Even if you’ve already done some research, we’re happy to discuss options with you and perhaps find even more information to support you. It can be very helpful to talk things over before taking action, whether that’s what to say when you visit a retailer about a faulty product, how to approach your gas/phone/power provider about a query on your bill, or how to talk to your employer about an issue in the workplace.
Our Service
Do come and see us. We are trained to listen and to research. We’ll deal with anything that’s concerning you no matter how big or how small. We’re here to help. You can find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email northcanterbury@cab.org.nz plus we’re on Facebook and Neighbourly. We’re open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 3.30pm.

Citizens Advice Bureau North Canterbury Number of Enquiries
Community Consumer Education Employment/Business Family/Personal Finance/Benefits Health Housing/Land Legal/Government TOTAL EQUIRIES 1-31 AUGUST 2022 1-30 SEPTEMBER 2022 24 16
55 0 18 26 21 11 25 64
57 5 12 24 13 9 26 55
Community Energy Action - Curtain Bank
At CEA we collect donated second hand curtains and give them away to households who cannot afford curtains. Curtains from our Curtain Bank are available to anyone in need, you do not need a Community Services Card. Curtains are also available for rental properties. Our recycled curtains will be lined and refitted where required. Donations Our Curtain Bank service is free. However donations are very much appreciated. Suggested donations per set: • CSC/tenant: gold coin • other homeowners: $5 • landlords: $20 Our Curtain Bank is not fully funded and your donation keeps the service going for other clients like yourself. Why curtains are important Good quality, lined curtains that fit your windows well are an essential part of a warm, energy efficient home. If your curtains are thin, single layered, torn, or poorly fitting, they should be replaced. Even the energy efficiency of double-glazed windows is improved with good curtains. For more information and how to apply go to: cea.co.nz

War Memorial Hall 1 Albert Street, Rangiora 7400 PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440 Office Phone: 03 313 3505 servicemanager@bsnc.org.nz www.bsnc.org.nz
Benefit Entitlements – Talk to a Financial Mentor Today
Here in New Zealand our Ministry of Social Development, through their Work and Income offices, are able to provide a range of support services, including financial Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales assistance, to support a wide range of needs. are coming soon! The types of things they can help with are: (Friday 25 and Monday 28 November) • If you’re not working, have lost your job and/or need help to get a job. • If you have urgent or unexpected bills, or maybe a family emergency. If you’re looking for a bargain, this may be the time to find one! • You need help with your living expenses.Or will it? • A range of services for Seniors. • A range of services for Youth (16 to 19 year olds). • Support with health and disability issues. • Help for those caring for others. • Help and support for those raising children. A scan on social media after the 2021 sales noted in several posts where people said they found that some items presented for sale weren’t actually that cheap after-all. • Help for those who’ve had a change in relationship status and need extra Our advice is to research the specific items support. you want to buy, and make sure that you • Other benefits and entitlements. are getting a genuine best price before The Work and Income website offers a lot of information on how to access help, you commit to purchasing it. including what support you can receive, as well as all the forms you might need to fill-There is a great website you can visit to in. ensure you are getting the best deal: https://workandincome.govt.nz/eligibility/index.htmlpricespy.co.nz/theme/black-friday.
However, you might be finding the website difficult to navigate, or you’re not sure if you are able to access support at all. You can talk to the great people at Work and
Income, and they are only too happy to help.
However, if you want to talk to a Financial Mentor first (it’s free and confidential), we can discuss your particular situation and support you with your conversations with
Work and Income.
In some cases we can even accompany you to Work and Income appointments.
Or we can work with you on-line using your own MyMSD Log-in to help you navigate the large amount of information available, and help with filling-in forms.
Our Financial Mentors are friendly, knowledgeable and more than happy to help.
They understand the Work and Income system – and what they don’t know they will certainly find out for you.
So, if you’d like some support to find out what benefits or extra support you can access, contact us to talk to a Financial Mentor today.
Beware Black Friday and Cyber Monday debt
Another helpful website is: pricespy.co.nz/theme/cyber-monday You can see what bargains are coming up and check to see which retailers have the best prices. “Buy-now pay-later” or “credit card”? If you’re thinking about using a buy-now pay-later scheme or your credit card to fund your purchase, think about how much you’re already paying off each month, and consider if you can really afford the extra payments. You could talk to a Financial Mentor who’ll provide you with free and confidential advice regarding your personal finances – now that IS a bargain! A Financial Mentor will not take control of your money. They will provide you with new tools and knowledge which might improve your situation – what you do is entirely up to you. A Financial Mentor can advocate for you, or provide you support and guidance to advocate for yourself. A Financial Mentor can empower you to make better budgeting decisions. There is no obligation, all our services are free and confidential. Take the first step now and contact our Service Manager, Sharon Grant, on 03 313 3505.

Step Ahead Rangiora Rāhina - Monday November 2022
Rāhina - Monday 7th Rāhina - Monday 14th Rāhina - Monday 21st Rāhina - Monday 28th
10:00 Coffee Morning 10:00 Coffee Morning 10:00 Coffee Morning 10:00 Coffee Morning
10:30 Celebrate Show Week - Gumboot Throwing in Dudley Park
10:30 Walk around Lake Pegasus
10:30 Sign Language with Cam 10:30 Day Out To Christchurch
Education Session at Rutherford’s Den at the Art Centre ($3)
12:00 Bring your lunch
A visit to the Teece Museum of Classical Antiquities. Bring your lunch. 10:30 Member/Staff Liaison Meeting
11:15 Meals On Wheels
11:15 Craft colouring letter plaques for Starship Hospital 10:30 Meal Prep
10:30 Dancing For Fitness - wear your comfy clothes and have a dance to music
12:00 Bring your lunch 12:00 Midday Meal Cold Meat, Salad and Dessert ($4.50)
1:00 Swim at Dudley Pool ($2.50)
1:30 Craft Show Week themed craft ($2) Sign Of The Kiwi - afternoon tea and short walk on Port Hills 1:00 Craft - make a succulent wall box ($2)
1:30 Walk at the Groynes and feed the ducks followed by a cuppa 1:00 Team Building - fun games and laughter
Enhancing the well being of people who experience mental illness 86 Victoria Street, Rangiora BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL Phone 0800 688 732 or txt 022 173 1673
Rāapa - Wednesday 2nd Rāapa - Wednesday 9th Rāapa - Wednesday 16th Rāapa - Wednesday 23rd Rāapa - Wednesday 30th
10:00 Coffee Morning 10:00 Day out to Cheviot and Gore Bay to have a 10:30 Photo Scavenger Hunt walk along the beach. Bring lunch
10:30 Visit Hope Church Shop
11:15 Meals on Wheels
12:30 Bring your lunch
1:30 Afternoon at Styx Mill Reserve for a walk and a cuppa 10:00 Coffee Morning 10:00 Coffee Morning 10:00 Coffee Morning
10:30 Newsletter - preparing mail out
12:00 Bring your lunch
1:00 Cuppa out for Newsletter Volunteers 10:30 Day out to Hororata bring your lunch to have in the Domain. Return by 4:30pm 10:30 News and Views Discussion - read some articles from The Press
11:15 Open Craft/Board Games
11:15 Meals on Wheels
12:00 Bring your lunch
1:30 Visit Kaiapoi Museum followed by a walk along the riverbank
Enhancing the well being of people who experience mental illness War Memorial Hall, Cnr Albert St & High St BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL Phone 0800 688 732 or txt 022 173 1673
Jump Smart
BUILD A HEALTHY BRAIN AND STRONGER BODY Develop physical and emotional strength to help manage life’s challenges.
Movement and sensory development sessions Do you have a child who: • Struggles with social connections? • Is overly sensitive? • Struggles with concentration? • Has low self-esteem? • Not keen on reading or writing? • Struggles to sit still? • Avoids loud noises? • Is clumsy or poorly coordinated? • Not keen on sports? • Seen as being hyper? Movement and sensory development sessions are available in North Canterbury. A partnership with ICE Trampoline and Succeed Physio means we can offer individually tailored therapeutic sessions to build healthy brains and stronger bodies. We use the great environment of the trampoline and gymnastic centre, with its huge range of fun and motivating equipment paired with our qualified and experienced staff. In this environment we work on physical, social and emotional skills in a safe and dynamic way. Sessions are based on developing the brain and body together. Working on basic physical movements and adding sensory experiences; this supports the brain to become more mature, integrated and efficient. Benefits of the session Physical improvements in: • Balance and co-ordination • Body and spatial awareness • Fitness and strength. Other Improvements: • Mental health and wellbeing • Confidence and self-esteem • Self-regulation of emotions • Improved resilience. Who is this for and when Sessions can cater for all ages and abilities, typically 30 minutes, more for groups. 1:1 (advised for first term) or group sessions where suitable. • Tuesdays 11am–2pm • Fridays 9am–11am • Sundays 9am–12 noon, and other times on request. $42 per session – funding can be advised, please let us know and we can support. First session is free to see if it works for you. Where ICE Trampoline and Gymnastics Sports, 28 Edward St, Rangiora Contacts Kate Wallace – kate@succeedphysio.nz or phone 021 230 4560 Nigel or Vicki Humphreys – nigel.humphreys@outlook.com or phone 021 974 552

We’re here
Free call or text 1737 any time, 24 hours a day. You’ll get to talk to (or text with) a trained counsellor. Our service is completely free. Are you feeling anxious or just need someone to talk to? Call or text 1737. Are you feeling down or a bit overwhelmed? Call or text 1737 Whatever it is, we’re here. Free call or text 1737 anytime

Nōku te Ao: Like Minds Puna Pūtea Social Action Grants
At least one in every five of us in Aotearoa will experience mental distress or illness in our lifetimes. If you’re Māori or Pasifika, that number goes up to one in every three people, or one in every four respectively.
Despite how common mental distress is, people experiencing it are still prejudged and discriminated against. Being judged or discriminated against is more than just hurtful – it’s harmful. Mental distress discrimination can affect people’s access to employment, housing, healthcare or insurance, prevent people’s recovery and even discourage them from seeking support when they most need it. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can be part of changing this. Applications for our Puna Pūtea/Social Action Grants are now open! These pūtea or grants will be awarded to individuals and community, iwi and hapū groups and organisations who want to challenge mental distress prejudice and discrimination through projects they design. If you have a moemoeā or vision to help end mental distress discrimination, you can apply for a grant of up to $40k right now!
How much is available? There are two types of grants – grants for up to $40,000, and grants of between $10,000 and $20,000. • Grants of up to $40,000 are open to all. Preference for these grants will be given to community and lived experience groups, committees, marae, and whānau, hapū and iwi rōpū/groups. Applicants for these grants must be open to codesigning their project with the
Mental Health Foundation. • Grants between $10,000 and $20,000 are open to all and are recommended for individuals and organisations. We have a total of $400,000 to award this year. Each grant comes with project support and guidance from the Mental Health Foundation. The grants are funded by the Nōku te Ao: Like Minds programme. What do these grants fund? These grants fund projects or initiatives that work to end mental distress discrimination in settings where discrimination occurs. You might have a training programme or resource you’d like to roll out; a large community event; or a creative project to tackle myths and stereotypes about our whānau with mental distress, for example. How do I apply? Applying for a grant is as easy as one, two, three! 1. First, download our Puna Pūtea/
Social Action Grants criteria document at mentalhealth.org.nz/ resources/resource/criteria-andinformation. This will tell you what we can fund and give you tips on what you need to apply. Our tips on how to apply page can help too. 2. Click on the ‘Apply now’ button below. This will take you to our online hub, where you can start your application. You’ll need to include a proposal, which can be either a video of up to 10 minutes, or a written proposal of up to 1,500 words. You can save your application mid-way and come back to edit it later. 3. Send in your completed grants application by 5pm, Friday 11 November 2022. Funding decisions will be announced by
February 2023. For more information, criteria or to apply go to: mentalhealth.org.nz/socialaction-grants