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Services - Programmes
Registrations open for Next Steps cancer group exercise class Term 2 2022
Next Steps is a specialized group exercise program run by Active Health’s Certified Cancer Rehabilitation Physiotherapist, Susan Larson. The classes combine pilates, yoga and cardiovascular exercises for a workout that is specifically designed to help women and men rebuild their strength, flexibility and stamina after cancer treatments. Classes are suitable after any type of cancer surgery or treatments and accommodate all ages, fitness levels and mobility. Next Steps benefits participants whether they attend one week or 10 years after their cancer treatment. The goal is to help people affected by cancer take the Next Step on their road to recovery, with the goal that following these classes they will be ready and confident to attend mainstream fitness classes, gym based training or independent fitness. Registration is now open for Term 2 2022 which will run on Fridays from 12.30-1.30pm during the school term starting 6 May. Classes are held at the Rangiora Fitness Centre at 345 Flaxton Road, Rangiora. To read more about the exercise classes and to register please visit the Pinc and Steel website: pincandsteel.com/programs/ next-steps/ For any questions about these local classes please contact Susan at Active Health Rangiora: susan@activehealth.co.nz or phone 03 383 6290.
All Sorts
COVID-19 keeps throwing new challenges our way, and there are all sorts of ways of coping. We might be feeling all sorts of emotions right now but with the support of friends, whānau, our community and those we love, we can get through this like we’ve done before. This site has been developed by the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand and is funded by the Ministry of Health. It’s here to provide support, tips and advice to help you look after your mental health during these difficult times. Go to: allsorts.org.nz

Know your Consumer Rights
Have you bought something recently which is faulty in some way, or maybe it’s broken down after only a very short time? Your rights to have it repaired or replaced are covered under the Consumer Guarantees Act. The Act covers almost all goods (new and second-hand) and services you would normally buy from a commercial entity. Items the Act does not cover includes houses and private sales (e.g. through Trade Me from a private individual). One very important point to note is that retailers cannot contract out of the Act. It’s also worth noting that the Extended Warranty that many retailers try to sell you is offering no more protection than you’re already entitled to under consumer law, your home and contents insurance, or the manufacturer’s warranty. In some cases, the extended warranty offers less cover than you’re entitled to under the law. For more information on Extended Warranties click here: consumer.org.nz/ articles/extended-warranties Consumer NZ is an organisation which has been in operation since 1959. They provide consumers with a wide range of consumer protection advice and information. They have written an excellent article which is easy to read and it takes you through your consumer rights for when something goes wrong. Go to: consumer.org.nz/articles/ consumer-guarantees-act War Memorial Hall 1 Albert Street, Rangiora 7400 PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440 Office Phone: 03 313 3505 servicemanager@bsnc.org.nz bsnc.org.nz
Consumer NZ are very willing to help if you have any concerns about a purchase, their office hours are 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday and they may be contacted on 0800 266 786, or you can email them on info@consumer.org.nz The Government has also produced information for consumers to explain how the Consumer Guarantees Act works – go to: consumerprotection.govt.nz/ general-help/consumer-laws/consumerguarantees-act/ If you are particularly interested in your rights when you buy online here is another great article: consumerprotection.govt.nz/ general-help/ways-to-buy-and-pay/onlineshopping/ Other useful links: • Banking Ombudsman - bankomb.org.nz • Citizens Advice Bureau - cab.org.nz • Commerce Commission - comcom.govt.nz • Consumer Protection - consumerprotection.govt.nz • Disputes Tribunal - justice.govt.nz • Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal - justice.govt.nz • Telecommunication Disputes Resolution
Service - tdr.org.nz • Utilities Disputes - utilitiesdisputes.co.nz
North Canterbury
with money?
problems? We can teach you to manage your money better

Need help to access your Kiwisaver? We can talk to
other agencies
on your behalf
We provide a free and confidential service
For anyone in the Waimakariri or Hurunui District
Contact: Sharon Grant | Service Manager E-mail: servicemanager@bsnc.org.nz Ph: 03 313 3505 Office: War Memorial Hall, 1 Albert Street, Rangiora Find us on Facebook: (Budgeting Services North Canterbury) www.bsnc.org.nz
Supported by: MSD and the Rātā Foundation Affiliated member of FinCap (National Building Financial Capability Charitable Trust) Registered Charity Number: CC10710

Volunteering for CAB
In May we are advertising for volunteers, with applications closing on Friday 13 May 2022. Training will commence in late May. If you’d like to apply, please get in touch with us for an application form. All trainees are fully supported with initial and ongoing learning plus a mentoring programme as they come up to speed with the challenges and pleasures of being a CAB volunteer.
Plain Language, please! At the CAB we understand the importance of communicating in plain language that everyone understands. Government information must be in plain language too, which is why we are pleased that Rachel Boyack MP’s private members bill is currently before Parliament. The Plain Language Bill will require government agencies to communicate with people in a way that is clear and easy to understand. This is important because people rely on information from government to access entitlements and meet obligations. We made a submission on the Bill and recommended that it be strengthened so that plain language is used across the whole of government and in all communication with the public. We also recommended that a plain language approach be included in a wider Public Service Design Standard that supports inclusive, accessible public services. To read our submission, visitcab.org.nz/ assets/Documents/About-us/SocialPolicy/Other-social-policy/Submission-onPlain-Language-Bill.pdf Our Service We deal with anything and everything, so please get in touch with us if you don’t know where else to turn. We’re here to help you. You can find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email: northcanterbury@cab.org.nz

Aviva Family and Sexual Violence Services are available in North Canterbury

Aviva has a new office in Rangiora.
Aviva offers specialist family and sexual violence services to all people, of any age or gender. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
Services include: 24-hour phone advocacy, advice and support for family or sexual violence
Family violence education programmes for adults and children
Sexual Assault Support Service Canterbury (SASSC)
ReachOut for those who have used, or are at risk of using, violence
GoodLoans budgeting services and no- and low-interest loans
Call 0800 AVIVA NOW (0800 28482 669) to discuss your needs
w w w . a v i v a . o r g . n z 0 8 0 0 A V I V A N O W ( 0 8 0 0 2 8 4 8 2 6 6 9 ) | e n q u i r i e s @ a v i v a . o r g . n z
Bereaved by Suicide? WAVES

A Bereaved by Suicide Group
This grief education programme is for adults (18+) who have been affected by the suicide of someone they know.
The group is facilitated by professional counsellors and educators and runs on a term 4 weeknight (likely to be a Tuesday or Thursday night—TBC) over 8 weeks. The course is evidence based and really does help, whether your loss is from many years ago, or more recent.
Date: Mid Oct—Early Dec (Term 4) 2022. Venue: Rangiora, North Canterbury. (Exact location TBA.) Time: 7.00pm—9.00pm. Cost: Free of charge.

Please contact
To register your interest in attending a Waves Programme contact Yellow Brick Road on rebecca@yellowbrickroad.org.nz 0800 87 66 82, (03) 366 9284 or text 022 369 3582.

Peer Support
North Canterbury
Comcare’s Peer Support Service supports people, through shared experience, to make sense of what is happening for them and how they want to move forward. Peer Supporters in North Canterbury can meet regularly to provide one to one in person support as a fully mobile service within the Waimakariri and Hurunui districts.
Our Peer Support services are based on the internationally recognised Principles of Intentional Peer Support, summarised as Relational, Learning Focused and Purposeful.
How does it work?
Intentional and purposeful relationships allow us to review our current position, helping both parties to learn and grow. They encourage us to understand, and evaluate, our experiences. Promoting a ‘trauma-informed’ way of relating to ourselves, Peer Support pushes us to move towards. It focuses on what and where we want to be, rather than focussing on what we need to stop doing. Peer Support is not like clinical support, nor is it just like being friends. Peer Support helps people to understand each other because they’ve ‘been there’, shared similar experiences, and can model for each other a willingness to learn and grow. In Peer Support, people come together with the intention of changing unhelpful patterns and getting out of ’stuck’ places. It can help to build relationships that are respectful, mutually responsible, and potentially transformative, while feeling safe and accepting. Peer Support Workers
Comcare Peer Supporters have had personal experience of mental illness and/or addiction. They are well trained and supported, receiving both individual and group supervision. Peer Support training assists people examine their past and current experiences, their potential strengths and vulnerabilities. They are trauma-informed, and trained in communication, boundary setting, resilience development, and selfcare. Based on the principle ‘to understand, you must first experience’, Peer Support provides a supportive culture.
Peer Support is for anyone aged 18+ who is struggling with mental illness and/or addictions. People can selfrefer, be referred by SMHS, their GP or other community services. Visit www.comcare.org.nz/generic-referral to complete a referral.
For Peer Support, select these options from the What support is required field: Help to understand how my mental health or addiction impacts me Support to understand my barriers to moving forward
Oxford Oxford Oxford Activelinks G Activelinks G Activelinks Gym Group ym Group ym Group
Mitre10 Mega Oxford Fitness Centre Fridays at 7 Burnett Street, Oxford 1.30pm – 2:30pm Entry with gold coin donation Mitre10 Mega Oxford Fitness Centre Fridays at 7 Burnett Street, Oxford Mitre10 Mega Oxford Fitness Centre Fridays at 7 Burnett Street, Oxford 1.30pm – 2:30pm 1.30pm – 2:30pmEntry with gold coin donation
Activelinks Support
Entry with gold coin donation
Activelinks Support
• Uses a holistic approach for people with mental illness or addiction by supporting Activelinks Support • with physical fitness. Uses a holistic approach for people with mental illness or addiction by supporting • • A safe and supportive environment Uses a holistic approach for people with mental illness or addiction by supporting with physical fitness. • • • • Support to “get active” through increasing participation in physical activity, sport, recreation, and leisure pursuits. with physical fitness. A safe and supportive environment A safe and supportive environment Support to “get active” through increasing participation in physical activity, sport, • • Uses exercise and physical activity as a therapeutic tool for personal recovery. Support to “get active” through increasing participation in physical activity, sport, recreation, and leisure pursuits. • • • • Meet and connect with others on a similar journey.recreation, and leisure pursuits. Uses exercise and physical activity as a therapeutic tool for personal recovery. Uses exercise and physical activity as a therapeutic tool for personal recovery. Meet and connect with others on a similar journey. Who is the Oxford Activelinks gym group for?• Meet and connect with others on a similar journey. People aged 18+ who: Who is the Oxford Activelinks gym group for? • Experience mental illness and/or addictionWho is the Oxford Activelinks gym group for?People aged 18+ who: • Want assistance to “get active” • Live in North Canterbury People aged 18+ who: • Experience mental illness and/or addiction • Want assistance to “get active” • Experience mental illness and/or addiction • Want assistance to “get active” • Live in North Canterbury How to get on board? • Live in North Canterbury People can self-refer, be referred by their health care provider or other community services How to get on board? by completing the generic referral form on the Comcare website. Ensure you select How to get on board? People can self-refer, be referred by their health care provider or other community services “Support to get active” from the list!!! We look forward to hearing from you.People can self-refer, be referred by their health care provider or other community services by completing the generic referral form on the Comcare website. Ensure you select by completing the generic referral form on the Comcare website. Ensure you select “Support to get active” from the list!!! We look forward to hearing from you. “Support to get active” from the list!!! We look forward to hearing from you.
03 3777020 www.comcare.org.nz 03 3777020 enquiries@comcare.org.nz 03 3777020 www.comcare.org.nz www.comcare.org.nz enquiries@comcare.org.nz enquiries@comcare.org.nz