Clara Maass Medical Center’s Healthy Together: Fall 2020

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1 TEMPERATURE CHECKS: Employees are screened as they report for work to be sure that their temperature is within the normal range. 2 WEAR A MASK, SAVE LIVES: All CMMC

employees wear face masks while at work. 3 4 SIGNS OF SAFETY: Visitors are guided to safe social distancing through the use of signs and stickers. 5 HEAD-TO-TOE PROTECTION: Staff members use personal protective equipment for interactions with patients.

Healthy Together

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6 UNCOMPROMISINGLY CLEAN: Spread of infection is prevented by rigorous cleaning of all rooms, including all surfaces, equipment and air vents. 7 WASHING HANDS: All CMMC employees wash their hands thoroughly and frequently, following the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 8 ROBOT CLEANER: Advanced robotic technology uses pulsed UV-C light and high-energy photons to disinfect surfaces. 9 MANDATORY MASKS: Face masks are distributed to any patients or visitors who don’t have them.

Fall 2020

9/23/20 11:24 AM

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