Saint Barnabas Medical Center| RWJ Barnabas Health: The Cooperman Family Pavilion

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opening in September 2017

The Cooperman Family Pavilion

94 Old Short Hills Road, Livingston, New Jersey | 973.322.5000 |

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exciting times

this past year marked the beginning of saint Barnabas medical center’s transformation. construction of our expanded operating rooms and cyberKnife suite was completed. we added new technology and continued on our relentless pursuit toward becoming a high reliability organization with zero harm events. as our campus grows and we add new programs and services, we remain dedicated to providing compassionate care, healthcare excellence and superior service to our patients and their families. in 2016, we continued to receive a number of awards and distinctions including the leapfrog Group’s prestigious top Hospital recognition. saint Barnabas is proud to be one of only 29 teaching Hospitals in the U.s. to earn this designation. it was also a record-breaking year for activity as our Kidney transplant Program performed 304 transplants, of which 147 were from living donors. and, our emergency department provided care to over 100,000 adult and pediatric patients. our transformation continues as we eagerly await the unveiling of the new cooperman Family Pavilion in september. the 270,000-square foot, five-floor building will house a new, beautiful, light-filled lobby, neonatal intensive care Unit, 114 private patient rooms and extensive outpatient testing areas. this expansion reflects our dedication to serve and invest in our community. safety remains our #1 priority. since 2012, our dedication to safety has earned us a leapfrog Hospital safety Grade of “a” for 10 consecutive reporting periods. at saint Barnabas medical center, we are committed to providing the safest, highest quality, evidence-based care for our patients and their families. we appreciate being your healthcare partner. sincerely,

stephen p. ZienieWicZ, Fache President and cHieF eXecUtiVe oFFicer saint BarnaBas medical center

stephen p. ZienieWicZ, Fache president and chieF executive oFFicer

Thi s s up pl e m e nt i s p u bli s h e d by Wai n s c ot Me di a , Mo nt val e, N. J. © 2017. A ll ri g hts re s e r ve d. Mate r i al c o ntain e d h e re in i s fo r i nfo r m ati o n al p u r p o s e s o nly. If yo u h ave m e di c al c o n c e r n s, s e e k th e gui da n c e of a h e al th c a re p rofe s s i o n al.

2016 vital statistics In 2016, Saint Barnabas Medical Center recorded:

Our Kidney Transplant Program performed

304 kidney transplants in 2016, of which 147 were Living Donors


adults and children

as inpatients and

349,732 as outpatients

14,073 procedures

1,210 977

outpatients received chemotherapy in the caring environment at our state-of-the-art cancer center

premature and ill infants

saint barnabas medical center

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979 adults received

brought into the world

in our Department of Radiation Oncology

were treated in our Emergency Department

top-notch treatment

were cared for in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit




performed in our surgery center

100,162 patients of all ages

Winter 2017

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Giving the gift of life—and music A locAl musiciAn trumpets the benefits of kidney donAtion. Gary Guzio has played trumpet with some of the biggest names in jazz, performed in Broadway musicals and recorded many albums over a long career in music. But the Fair lawn resident had to put down his horn when kidney disease, caused by years of diabetes, grew so severe he needed a transplant to survive. now, he’s well enough to play his music again— because a neighbor he only casually knew offered to donate a kidney. Guzio’s health deteriorated about five years ago, when he needed bypass heart surgery. his doctors were worried about his kidneys then, and they got progressively worse, until he was forced into dialysis for more than a year. when he qualified for the transplant list, Guzio, now 69, hoped that either friends or healthy family members would consider donating. none would. “that really hurt me,” he says. “i had very little hope, nothing to look forward to. i was depressed. it was a very bad time for me.” the transplant team at saint Barnabas medical Center asked him to find people who could, if a donor was found, help him travel to and from the hospital and care for him while he recovered. among those people was that neighbor, who remains anonymous. after attending the meeting, the neighbor called him to offer to donate. “i was overwhelmed,” Guzio says. “i started crying. i couldn’t believe it.” testing revealed that their blood types didn’t match, but they could enter saint Barnabas’ living donor Kidney exchange program, in which pairs of

donor-recipients like them are matched with another pair or pairs. about a month after his initial meeting, Guzio was notified that four pairs, including his, had been linked. “i was overjoyed,” he says. the operation took place June 8, 2016. his donor recovered well; the surgery is typically much easier for the donor than the recipient. “i was glad of that because i felt guilty that [the donor] had to feel any Fair Lawn resident Gary Guzio, top right, is living a “normal” life again thanks to the transplant surgeons Samantha Aitchison, type of pain at all,” he says. he M.D., Stuart Geffner, M.D., and Harry Sun, M.D., at Saint Barnabas admits his recovery was more Medical Center’s Living Donor Kidney Exchange Program. difficult, but the donor helped Gary through his convalescence. “now i have a different life. i am pretty with a local big band combo and a much normal again,” says Guzio, adding brass quintet. he still needs regular that he couldn’t play his trumpet for two medical surveillance, “but all my doctors months. “it was like starting from the are very happy with my progress,” he beginning,” he says, when he started says. “i couldn’t be more grateful and practicing again. he’s now performing thankful and happy than i am now.”

your partner in health today and tomorrow

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saint barnabas medical center:

The year in review

Radiation Oncology


2016 saw big changes, and even bigger accomplishments.

in 2016, barnabas health and the robert wood Johnson health system completed their merger to create new Jersey’s most comprehensive health system. this structure created a new organization, rwJbarnabas health. by integrating our systems, we have created a statewide network spanning the core of new Jersey and covering about 5 million residents. rwJbarnabas health provides tremendous opportunity to reach more than half the state’s population with high-quality, culturally competent care that will benefit the system’s patients in a number of ways: patient care will be more coordinated, and both organizations will benefit from the system’s commitment to the development of the most advanced services, as well as expanded access to cutting-edge clinical trials. one specific example is that patients at saint barnabas medical center have access to clinical trials and quaternary services, such as blood and marrow stem cell transplantation, available at the rutgers cancer institute of new Jersey. the system will improve outcomes for the diverse patient populations by combining the expertise of primary care physicians and medical specialists and adopting the best practices of both organizations. we will further our ability to attract, retain and train the very best national and international health care experts. over the past year, saint barnabas medical center continued to invest in cutting-edge technology to ensure

its patients and their families have access to advanced treatments in their community. among the new tools at saint barnabas medical center are: cyberKnife. in January 2016, saint barnabas medical center opened its new cyberKnife suite. this advanced technology enables our radiation oncologists to treat a variety of tumors with unprecedented precision. cyberKnife dramatically reduces treatment time from multiple weeks to five days. integrated imaging equipment continually scans the patient before, during, and after treatment to locate the tumor and re-adjust the radiation beam. such precision spares healthy tissue and accelerates treatment. patients’ quality of life is preserved as they receive outstanding cancer care. neW operating rooms (ors). we opened four new operating rooms at saint barnabas medical center. these ors are built to anticipate new technology for the next decade in terms of their size, shape and the ability to accommodate different procedures as well as new imaging systems. in all, the new ors add about 20 percent more space, which allows surgeons to perform more procedures each day. hybrid or for taVr. perhaps the showpiece of these new operating rooms is called a hybrid or. it

Saint Barnabas Medical Center management team members


saint barnabas medical center

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Winter 2017

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Helicopter landing at Saint Barnabas Medical Center.

The Surgeon General of the United States visits Saint Barnabas Medical Center.

allows surgeons to perform minimally invasive cardiac, vascular and neurological operations, with the option of converting quickly to open surgery should that need arise. the principal procedure performed here is called transcatheter aortic valve replacement, or taVr, to replace this critically important valve in the heart. taVr involves two surgical specialists, a cardiac surgeon and an interventional cardiologist, who work in tandem. they thread a catheter through an artery in the groin— or occasionally through an artery in the chest—to the heart. Instead of removing the old, damaged aortic valve (which requires open-heart surgery), taVr places the new replacement valve into the damaged valve’s place. the new valve is then expanded to push the old valve to the sides and regulate blood flow. the hybrid or affords these surgeons and their assistants more room and has a specially designed operating table that converts quickly from an interventional to an open surgical platform if necessary. It also houses the hightech imaging equipment needed for these types of operations. MaKoplasty. Joint replacement surgery has gone robotic, thanks to a new technology called maKoplasty. Currently approved for partial knee replacement—in which only the diseased and damaged portion of the joint is repaired—and total hip replacement procedures, maKoplasty uses threedimensional computed tomography (Ct) imaging to determine the precise implant size, position and alignment for each patient. It also helps the surgeon accurately map the areas of bone and soft tissues that

New hybrid room for TAVR

MAKOplasty robot

need to be removed. during surgery, a robotic arm is partially controlled by software to help follow that map. this helps preserve healthy tissue and ligaments, provides better balance in the joint and gives patients a more natural-feeling knee. atrial Fibrillation ablation. atrial fibrillation, or aFib, is a kind of abnormal heart rhythm or arrhythmia. normally, a specific group of cells begins the signal to start your heartbeat. these cells are in the right atrium, the upper right chamber of the heart. during aFib, these cells don’t function properly and the signal to start the heartbeat is disorganized. this causes the atria to quiver or fibrillate. In aFib ablation, the interventional cardiologist guides a wire into your heart to ablate, or destroy, those small areas of heart tissue that may be causing your abnormal heartbeat. Heat (radiofrequency) or cold energy (cryoablation) are the two most common ways to destroy abnormal heart tissue. It is an alternative to long-term or lifelong medication therapy when medicine fails to control the heart rhythm problem.

Saint Barnabas Medical Center at a glance B eds : 597 emp loye e s: 4,157 ph ys ici ans: 1,706 nu rs es : 1,122 Vo lu nt ee rs : 649

Bruce and Lynn Schonbraun and Toby and Leon Cooperman your partner in health today and tomorrow

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One tough triO Though born 17 weeks premaTure, TripleTs are now Thriving Thanks To our neonaTal inTensive Care uniT.

were weak, and he was on a ventilator the longest. “i couldn’t Eight yEars ago, Mary-Jo and robErt bacon wErE hold him for six weeks,” Mary-Jo says. cooper would not in one of the worst situations new parents can find eat and had retina problems, and he would remain in the themselves in. their triplets were born on nov. 3, 2008, 17 nicU the longest. all the children had bleeding on their brain weeks premature—daughter colbea and sons chase and and needed multiple transfusions. colbea needed ostomy cooper each weighed less than 1.5 pounds. their eyes were surgery to repair her intestine when she was just 5 days still fused, and their skin was translucent. “they were hard old and down to 1.2 pounds, another surgery to look at, being so fragile,” Mary-Jo says. “we a month later and a third to reverse the ostomy were given some grim statistics on their survival.” before she came home. doctors told the parents that the chance of just “Everyone in the nicU went above and beyond one of the babies surviving was no more than 20 what you expect,” she says. “after a while, the percent. nurses would call me ‘Mare’ and tell me what to thanks to the care provided by neonatologists expect when we came in. they would say ‘here’s at saint barnabas Medical center’s neonatal my boy, here’s my girl,’ like they were their own. intensive care Unit, all three babies beat the when i saw a nurse holding my child it made me odds. and the Monroe township family, which happy because i couldn’t be there all the time. already had an 11-month-old son, tyler, couldn’t they would see the kids at the follow-ups and be more thankful. say, ‘the miracle continues.” when Mary-Jo went into early contractions, now they are perfectly healthy, doing well in she was given a monitor to wear at home. “at Mary-JO baCOn school and playing all kinds of sports. “colbea is 23 weeks it notified the nursing staff that i was into girly stuff, dressing up in glittery things,” Mary-Jo says. having lots of contractions, and to get to the hospital,” “chase is the funny one, my comedian, and he likes to sing. she says. they later learned that colbea had an infection, cooper is more the engineer type, feisty, with a temper. he caused by a perforated intestine, which likely prompted the is small but no one messes with him. they are thriving more premature labor. than any of us would have expected.” in fact, each baby had health problems. chase’s lungs

“everyOne in the niCU went abOve and beyOnd.”


saint barnabas MEdical center

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Winter 2017

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Saint Barnabas’ burn center restores victims to health

Jennifer Doherty only haD a few hours to enjoy her vacation in Jamaica in 2012. at dinner on her first night there, she approached a flaming dessert station. She doesn’t remember how, but the flames caught her, causing second and third degree burns on her face, neck, chest and arms. But she was airlifted to Saint Barnabas Medical Center, and today is back at work as a teacher. Doherty, 46, and her husband, hani Khoury, live in hackensack. She initially was treated at the resort and a local hospital, but “i was heavily medicated and only remember bits and pieces of it,” she says. She does remember the medical transport to Saint Barnabas, and being taken to the special “tank room,” where her wounds were cleaned. then she was fully bandaged from the waist up, including her whole face and ears. Doherty spent eight days in the intensive care unit, and the pain was well managed, she says. then came seven weeks of what’s

called step-down care, in which she slowly moved from critical care to more normal daily care. But she still needed regular treatments in the tank room and remained heavily medicated. about three weeks after the accident, she received skin grafts, taken from her leg, to her chest, arms and ears. “the care i received was phenomenal, and the nurses and technicians made the experience a bearable situation,” she says. She admits the scars left by the burns were “shocking” at first. Some scars are still evident today, but she doesn’t hide them under long sleeves or high-neck shirts. “i am always open and talk about it with people who don’t know,” she says. Doherty was so happy with her care, she shares her experience at support groups for other burn patients. She was trained in a program called Soar—Survivors offering assistance in recovery—by the Phoenix Society for burn survivors. “it is really great to share that common experience,” she says. to learn more about the burn Center at Saint barnabaS mediCal Center go to

Kudos and Credentials Saint BarnaBaS Medical center earnS praiSe and diStinction in variouS areaS of Medical care. healthCare ProfeSSionalS Don’t ChooSe their line of work to win awards. they choose it because they are drawn to medicine’s important mission and want to make a difference in people’s lives. But it’s nice, once in a while, to win recognition or earn a new credential. Grade “a” for Patient Safety from the leapfrog Group, for the 10th consecutive survey. SBMC was one of 72 hospitals in the United States to achieve straight a’s since 2012. 2016 leapfrog top hospital–nationally recognized for patient safety and quality, one of only 29 teaching hospitals recognized in the U.S. in a recent national ranking in Consumer reports, the SBMC iCU placed in the top 32 of the highest scoring U.S. teaching hospitals at preventing central-line infections between 2011 and 2015. 2016 Most wired hospital from the american hospital association. three-year approval for the Cancer Center from the american College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer.

Below are just some of the awards, accreditations and accolades with which Saint Barnabas has been recognized recently. these honors show that it has met or exceeded the highest standards for quality care and service to patients.

academic Center of excellence in women’s health (the first in n.J.). Comprehensive Stroke Center designation by the new Jersey Department of health and Senior Services. the Joint Commission Certification for Primary Stroke Center. Designated level 4 epilepsy Center by the national association of epilepsy Centers. accreditation by the national accreditation Program for Breast Centers. Cancer Center certification from the Quality oncology Practice initiative Certification Program, an affiliate of the american Society of Clinical oncology. Verification as a Burn Center by the american College of Surgeons and the

american Burn association. new Jersey Bariatric and Metabolic institute is a Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery and Quality improvement Program and Comprehensive Center with adolescent Qualifications. Studer Group healthcare organization of the Month (May 2016). Platinum recognition national hospital organ Donation Campaign – U.S. Department of health and human Services. Joint Commission Specialty Certification for: • heart failure • total hip replacement • total Knee replacement • acute Coronary Syndrome • Cardiac rehabilitation

to learn more about Saint barnabaS mediCal Center viSit or Call 1-888-724-7123. your partner in health toDay anD toMorrow

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Saint Barnabas Medical Center Among the Best in the US Top 3 percent nationally for patient safety and quality. One of only 29 teaching hospitals in the country to receive the Top Hospital Award.

Continuing a tradition of delivering healthcare excellence, Saint Barnabas Medical Center (SBMC) was recently named one of the top 29 teaching hospitals in the country by The Leapfrog Group. SBMC also continues to make the grade when it comes to patient safety, earning a record 10th consecutive “A� rating from The Leapfrog Group for fall 2016. Congratulations to the entire SBMC family and the physicians in the community on these remarkable achievements.

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