Westchester Health & Life: June 2011

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w e s t c h e s t e r H e a lt h & L i f e

t h e g o o d l i v i n g m a g a z i n e f r o m w e s t c h e s t e r MEDICAL CENTER

j u n e 2 0 11 the go od living mag a zine from we stc he ste r me d i ca l c e n te r

Inspirational interiors from top designers Meet the ‘Green Housewives’ cheese: What to try, buy and serve A baby girl’s amazing journey

‘green housewives’

‘faces of heart disease’

home & garden issue

the home

j u n e 2 011 | $ 3 . 9 5 | w e stc h e st e r h e a lt h a n d l i f e . c o m

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garden issue 5/18/11 3:45 PM

Just Add Water...

The Selection, Service, and Experience to Create Your Dream Bath


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914-968-9200 | 550 Saw Mill River Road | Yonkers, NY 10701 212-876-0100 | 1254 Park Avenue | New York, NY 10029 212-777-7984 | 19 Bond Street | New York, NY 10012 212-588-1997 | 141 E. 56th Street | New York, NY 10022 www.CentralPlumbingSpec.com

5/17/11 2:51 PM

The Milano bracelet, $61,200 exclusively at Woodrow Jewelers

Woodrow Jewelers

R& M

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5/17/11 2:59 PM

Better Se S Better Service | Better Selection | Better PriceS Better Than the National Big Box Chains | | | | | Better Better Service Service Better Better Selection Selection Bet Be Better Service Better Selection Than ThanThan the theNational National Big BigBox Box Chains Better Service | Better Selection | Better PriceS the National BigChains Box Ch Than the National Big Box Chains

“Our representatives aren’t just knowledgeable, they’re truly nice people empowered to make your entire appliance shopping a pleasant experience.” –President Joel KaPnicK

“Our representatives aren’t just knowledgeable, they’re truly nice people empowered Homeowners, ArcHitects, Designers & BuilDers | specs & Quotes to make your entire appliance shopping • Delivery & installation in as little as 24 to 48 hours. a pleasant experience.” • Private Parking lot • Just minutes from manhattan & Westchester

–President Joel KaPnicK

951 eAst 233rD street | Bronx, new York Bronx river Parkway to east 233rd street (store is less than 1 mile on left) sHowroom.

718-324-5252 |


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Homeowners, ArcHitects, Designers & BuilDers | specs & Quotes • Delivery & installation in as little as 24 to 48 hours. • Private Parking lot • Just minutes from manhattan & Westchester

951 eAst 233rD street | Bronx, new York Bronx river Parkway to east 233rd street (store is less than 1 mile on left) sHowroom.

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8:22 PM

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5/18/11 AM 3/15/11 11:55 8:22 PM

Contents 42 FEATURES



THE GREEN HOUSEWIVES Meet three Westchester women who are turning heads for all the right reasons.

on the cover: keith scott morton. top: Maria Teijeiro/OJO Images/getty images. bottom: David Lees/Getty Images

june 2011

i n e v ery i s s ue

8 w e lcom e l e t t e r 1 0 Ed i to r’s Not e 5 9 W h e r e to E at 6 2 t h i n g s to do


the n atur a l Designer Frank DelleDone brought the sunny spirit of California into a couple’s new home.


FLOWER POWER Learn techniques for photographing the flowers in your garden from photographer Keith Scott Morton.


get outsi d e ! Our guide to outdoor recreation in the county’s beautiful parks, rivers, lakes and ponds


June 2011



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5/19/11 1:07 PM

Love to Grill? Come throwdown your most creative & best tasting grilling recipe.

Submit your favorite grilling recipe & be judged by a panel of experts that include editors from Westchester Health & Life, chefs from Balducci’s & a local celebrity chef.

It’s throwdown time at Balducci’s. Saturday, June 11th, 2011 Scarsdale Balducci’s

Register at www.balduccis.com/news_events/scarsdalegrill

Scarsdale Balducci’s 15 Palmer Avenue, Scarsdale, NY (914) 722-0200 005_WCHL_JUNE11.indd 9

5/10/11 2:41 PM

Contents JUNE



LOCAL BUZZ New ideas, tips, trends and things we love in Westchester County


LOCAL FASHION On the tennis court, this trendy, comfortable apparel will more than ser ve.




AT HOME Interior designer Jennifer McGee shares her favorite home décor items for this season.


TASTES A guide to the many varieties of cheese, where to find them and how to ser ve them


ESCAPES Catch a glimpse of Olana, a famous painter’s creation.



BLINDED BY THE LIGHT Illegal misuse of power ful green laser pointers can cause serious eye injuries.

YOU’VE COME A L O N G W AY, B A B Y Thanks to surgeons on two continents, a little girl born with an anatomical defect now has a brighter future.


Sign up for our e-newsletter at westchesterhealthandlife.com/newsletter Visit westchesterhealthandlife.com to subscribe!


JUNE 2011


FOR WOMEN, A PLACE OF COMFORT A beautiful new imaging center provides the reassuring surroundings patients deser ve.

Friend us on Facebook by visiting facebook.com/westchesterhealthandlife Follow us on Twitter: @WestchesterHnL


I t’s F i f y o u l RE E iv Westch e in ester!


“FACES OF HEART DISEASE” A photo exhibit celebrates the spirit of those who have battled the illness.




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5/19/11 1:07 PM

175,000 people didn’t plan on having cardiac procedures.

Fortunately, we did. Since 1977, over 175,000 people have come to Westchester Medical Center for the treatment of some of the most severe and complex heart conditions. The talent and dedication of our doctors, nurses and staff, and our exceptional outcomes, are the reasons Westchester Heart is the premier provider of cardiac care in the region. • In the last 10 years alone, we have performed: 45,000 diagnostic cardiac procedures 15,000 cardiac interventions 7,000 electrophysiology procedures 5,000 pacemaker & related device implants • Five full-service catheterization labs; the largest number of sophisticated labs in the Hudson Valley including a new state-of-the-art electrophysiology lab • The only cardiac surgery program in Westchester • The only Medicare-approved heart transplant center and Joint Commission certified VAD program in the Hudson Valley

• Awarded the 2010 and 2011 HealthGrades® Cardiac Surgery Excellence Award • Awarded HealthGrades® five-star rating for treatment of heart failure and for carotid surgery in 2010 and 2011 • One of only a handful of hospitals in the nation to earn the Triple Gold Award from the American Heart Association • One of only three hospitals in NY to earn a designation of low-risk for valve or valve/bypass surgery* * NYSDOH report – April, 2010

• Ranked in the top 10 in New York and the top 10% in the nation for cardiac surgery care by HealthGrades®

Westchester Heart. One hospital, changing countless lives. thewestchesterheart.com Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital • Westchester Heart • Cancer Center • Transplant Center • Neuroscience Center Joel A. Halpern Regional Trauma Center • Burn Center • Behavioral Health Center • Advanced Imaging Center • Advanced OB/GYN Associates

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5/23/11 10:42 AM


welcome letter


UniqUe in Many Ways Custom made by our in-house carpet fabricator.

At Fovama, we never sub-contract your job and the same professional people see your job through to its completion. Wall to Wall carpeting, custom made area rugs, Staircase and Hallways” VISIT OUR WEBSITE UNDER CUSTOM WORK

As you know, westchester MedicAl center serves a region of more than 5,000 square miles. in this issue, we want to share with you the many ways our advanced-care services are being brought closer to those we serve—and even reach around the world. First, on page 22 we introduce you to Joyce, a young girl from the other side of the globe. Because of the expertise of pediatric surgeons at our maria Fareri children’s hospital and their skill in treating rare genetic conditions, this little girl was given a chance for a new life in more ways than one. we are also proud to give you a sneak preview (page 26) of a very special photographic exhibit that will soon be touring westchester county. part of our strategic partnership with the american heart association, the exhibit features the faces of some of our most courageous heart patients and the healthcare professionals who make a difference in the lives of seriously ill adults and children every day. and be sure to visit the in the news section (page 20) to learn more about our most recent series of podcasts—now accessible from anywhere at worldclassmedicine.com—and our continuing work to bring our clinical experts even closer to those we serve. i hope you enjoy this issue of Westchester Health & Life and invite you to learn more about westchester medical center and our maria Fareri children’s hospital in these pages and on worldclassmedicine.com.

michael d. isr ael pre sident and ceo we stche st e r me dica l ce n t e r

Oriental Rugs & Carpets of Westchester since 1979 1088 Central Park Ave., Scarsdale, NY


Shop online at: www.Fovama.com Visit our Showroom for a unique decorating experience

008_WCHL_JUNE11.indd 2 1 _WES0611_CEOLetter_04.indd

For additional inFormation about Westchester medical center, visit our Website at worldclassmedicine.com.

5/23/11 9:32 9:33AM AM 5/23/11

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009_WCHL_JUNE11.indd 9

5/18/11 10:37 AM


· Semi Private Color Room · L’Oreal Iona Color Specialists · Gift Certificates Available

If you’re like me, you can’t wait until the weekend, when you can finally don your garden boots and get outdoors to spend the day planting and pruning. Or maybe you pull on your running shoes to sweat out the stress of the work week. Whatever outdoor activity you choose, know that its benefits will go beyond the fun factor: Numerous studies confirm you’ll also be boosting your psychological and emotional well-being. In fact, visiting places with lots of trees like local parks and forests has been proven to lower blood pressure and increase immune-fighting white blood cells, so check out our outdoor recreation guide on page 48. This issue’s home decorating feature on interior designer Frank DelleDone (page 42) is about design that takes its cues from nature, and renowned photographer Keith Scott Morton finds no better muse than those masterpieces of nature, flowers in bloom (page 46). Spending time outdoors is great, but let’s face it —I do spend a lot of time in the office. People always ask me, “What do you love most about your job?” The first thing I always say to them is, “I am fortunate to meet so many interesting and inspiring people and to share their stories with our readers.” Take a look, for example, at our first annual article on “The Green Housewives of Westchester County” (page 37). Here we feature three visionaries who are putting their environmental values into action. They will surely inspire you to take at least one eco-friendly step forward!






The gra n prize! d


Don’t miss our first annual Grill & Chill event at Balducci’s in Scarsdale on June 11, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., with live music, food tastings, door prizes and more. Plus you’ll meet the three local winners of our grilling recipe contest, who will be competing (live) for the grand prize, a fabulous stainless steel Weber grill worth $1,700. Winners and their recipes will be featured in our August issue.

430 Bedford Road | Armonk, NY 10504 914-273-7900 | www.cherylynsalon.com

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5/23/11 10:45 10:48AM AM 5/23/11

Take a backyard tour and stimulate the senses in our new website galleries. You’ll find loads of ideas and a variety of styles that are sure to spark your imagination! Create a private oasis for your friends and family to enjoy! Call us today to schedule a free consultation.

Westchester_6.11_fullPage.indd 1 011_WCHL_JUNE11.indd 9

787 Chestnut Ridge Road Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977 888 - 399 - 0683 www.bbpoolandspa.com

5/12/11 5:48 5/17/11 2:58 PMPM

Join Westchester Health & Life at Balducci’s Super Market for a day of food, fun, door prizes, special offers and more!

SATURDAY, JUNE 11 11:00AM – 2:00PM

jennifer vreeland ed itor i n c h i ef

art director meredith m c bride kipp executive editor marisa s andor a

ed i t o r i a l

senior editor timothy kelle y assistant editor eliz abeth l arner contributing editors alli son ander son, sallie brady, suz anne Gannon, judy kouts k y, david le vine, maria lis sandrello, andre a pyros, susan s praGue yeske intern maureen scully editorial director, custom media rita Guarna



design contributor amani semadi art & Production contributor meGhan ba s haW


director, digital media l arry vollmer contributing editor naomi imatome-y un


director of Production and circulation christine hamel


Watch our winners compete for grilling glory and enjoy:




We Want to hear from you! Send your feedback and ideas to: Editor, Westchester Health & Life, 110 Summit Avenue, Montvale, NJ 07645; fax 201.782.5319; e-mail editor@wainscotmedia.com. Westchester Health & Life assumes no responsibility for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or art materials.

westchester health & life is published 6 times a year by Wainscot Media, 110 Summit Avenue, Montvale, NJ 07645. This is Volume 6, Issue 3. © 2011 by Wainscot Media LLC. All rights reserved. Subscriptions in U.S. outside of Westchester County: $14 for one year. Single copies: $3.95. Material contained herein is intended for informational purposes only. If you have medical concerns, seek the guidance of a healthcare professional. advertising inquiries Please contact Linda Rothschild at 201.571.2251 or linda.rothschild@wainscotmedia.com. subscription services To inquire about a subscription, to change an address or to purchase a back issue or a reprint of an article, please write to Westchester Health & Life, Circulation Department, 110 Summit Avenue, Montvale, NJ 07645; telephone 201.573.5541; e-mail christine.hamel@wainscotmedia.com.

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5/23/11 10:50 AM 5/23/11 5/13/1110:49 1:26AM PM

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Numi™ The Numi toilet combines unmatched design and technology to bring you the finest in personal comfort and cleansing. From its striking form and features to its exceptional water efficiency, the Numi toilet marks a new standard of excellence in the bathroom.

015_WCHL_JUNE11.indd ConPlumbing_FP_0211.indd 9 1

5/18/11 1/14/1112:37 1:16PM PM

Westchester Medical center staff president & ceo michael isr ael chairMan, board of directors mark s. tuli s senior vice president, coMMunications and fund developMent k ara bennorth director, Media relations and photography david billig

director, coMMunity relations and outreach isabel dichiara

director of coMMunications, Maria fareri children’s hospital at Westchester Medical center andrew l aguardia Manager, coMMunications mario d. s mith photo/digital iMaging benjamin cot ten westchester medical center, Valhalla, N.Y. For general information, call 914.493.7000. Visit Westchester Medical Center online at WorldClassMedicine.com.

linda rothschild pub li s her advertising

senior account executive donna herman account executive louise demmel director, special prograMs l aur a a . dowden

marketing & operations

director of Marketing and advertising services thoma s r agus a sales & Marketing associate amanda thorogood senior art director, agency services ki joo kim assistant controller agnes alves accounts receivable representative amanda albano

Manager, office services & inforMation technology mario ortiz

published by Wainscot Media c h a i r m a n carroll v. dowden

801 East Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY

914.381.0908 www.laneradecorating.com

014_WCHL_JUNE11.indd 2 _WES0611_Masthead_REV3.indd 2

p r e s i d e n t mark dowden s e n i o r v i c e p r e s i d e n t shannon steitz v i c e p r e s i d e n t s amy dowden, rita guarna

5/17/11 4:11 4:12PM PM 5/17/11


3 miles 15 challenging obstacles tough test of strength 1 and stamina

A benefit for the Joel A. Halpern Regional Trauma Center at Westchester Medical Center

Sunday, September 18 Westchester Medical Center Campus Valhalla, New York For more information, call 914-493-2575 or visit worldclassmedicine.com/traumarun


10 ANNUAl DUAthloN th

Sunday, June 26 • 8 am Start Get in gear and join over 400 participants for our annual duathlon attracting athletes from the tri-state area and around the country for our early summer run-bike-run challenge.

Sunday, June 26 8 am Start Macy Oval For more information call 914-493-2575 worldclassmedicine.com/duathlon Westchester Medical Center Campus

• A benefit for the Joel A. Halpern Regional Trauma Center at Westchester Medical Center

013_WCHL_JUNE11.indd 1

5/18/11 2:14 PM

the fit foodie’s guide

special advertising section

to the area’s best restaurants

The Melting Pot is an excellent choice for a memorable dinner event. With our unique “fondue flair,” you and your guests can enjoy communal pots filled with savory cheeses and chocolates. You can also cook your own succulent entrée selections—including premium cuts of chicken, steak and seafood—right at your table. Our cheese fondue dippers include a vast assortment of fresh breads, fruits and vegetables. The popular chocolate fondue course pairs nicely with our delicious cakes, brownies, and other tasty favorites. We also offer vegetarian selections as well as a gluten-free menu. The Melting Pot is truly a restaurant for all occasions, offering intimate spaces for romantic dinners as well as private dining rooms for bridal, baby, birthday, corporate, and other group celebrations. Make your reservation today and find out why The New York Times called the Melting Pot “pure entertainment.”

The Melting Pot 30 Mamaroneck Avenue | White Plains, NY

job 9-278c 914-993-6358 | www.meltingpot.com/white_plains 7.325 x 14 5 Grove Street | Darien, CT 203-656-4774 | www.meltingpot.com/darien westchester health & life mag

Earning a Master’s Degree or Advanced Certificate Can be your Strategy for Success Whether you are thinking about changing fields or advancing in your current line of work, Long Island University’s Westchester and Rockland Graduate Campuses offer a broad array of graduate programs to prepare you. Choose from*: • Teacher Education • Educational Leadership • Business Administration (M.B.A.) • Pharmaceutics • School Psychology and School Counseling • Mental Health Counseling and Marriage and Family Therapy • Health and Public Administration • Library and Information Science (offered by The Palmer School of Library and Information Science)

We provide a supportive environment and programs of study that are tailored to fit the needs of working professionals. Many generous scholarships are available for our students.

Summer Session I begins May 26 Summer Session II begins July 6 Apply Today! For more information contact:

westchester@liu.edu or 914-831-2700 rockland@liu.edu or 845-359-7200

*Not all programs offered at both campuses.

Foodies_SS_WH_0611Final.indd 20

5/20/11 3:17 PM


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My dad loves any outdoor activity from fishing to birdwatching, so I found these cool binoculars for him. The new Legend Ultra HD Bushnell binoculars have Extra Low Dispersion Prime Glass. What’s that? It produces color-tuned, high-resolution images with the brightest possible light—so tiny details are clear and distinct even in low-light or stormy conditions. They’re waterproof and fog-proof, with shockabsorbing rubber armor. $129 at Sam’s Camera Exchange in Scarsdale (914.725.1616, sams cameraexchange.com).

My husband’s an avid cyclist— and ultra-practical—so he’d love it if our girls got him this Topeak Hexus II multi-tool featuring 16 pro-quality, hardened steel tools that fold into an ergonomic composite body. The Hexus II features an integrated, full-sized CrMo chain tool head and two modular tire levers that snap onto the sides of the body. It’s the perfect blend of tool selection, low weight and compact size, great for road or mountain use. $20 at Danny’s Cycles in Scarsdale (914.723.3408, dannyscycles.com).

My grandfather is a voracious reader, but he’s no longer able to get to the library daily, so for Christmas we got him a Kindle. He’s enjoying it so much that it’s time to get him a protective cover that will keep his machine safe and double as a stylish accessory he can show off at the country club. The Graphic Image leather eReader case comes in 12 colors and three textures (smooth, croc and python) and can be monogrammed at graphicim age.com. $105 for the croc (shown) at The Paper Tree in Scarsdale (914.874.5379).

I think “Dad” whenever I walk into a photo shop, as my late dad was a photographer for the weekly Life. I believe he’d be intrigued by the Casio Tryx pocket camera, available for $250 at Best Buy, with three locations in Westchester (bestbuy.com). Less than ³⁄ 5” thick and weighing less than 5½ ounces, this 12-megapixel wonder has a 21-mm lens and an external frame that rotates 360 degrees to serve as a handle, hanger or tripod—perfect for snapping quick shots from tough angles. Uh—is my son listening? (Hint, hint.)

SHOES WITH SOUL Love to garden, but hate your clunky clogs? Native Shoes has an alternative for fashionistas with a green thumb. These kicks are made from a super-comfy foam material that is waterproof, odorresistant and washable—ideal for withstanding garden mud. Manufactured in a low-energy and zero-waste process, Native Shoes are a great choice for any gardener who sees the “green” beyond his or her own backyard. Find them at Z Life in Rye Brook (914.937.5433, zlifedenimlounge.com).

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To say that Meg Wendy knows her way around arts and antiques is an understatement. “I’ve been in the business for 52 years, and I’m only 55,” says the former Rye resident (now living in Greenwich, Conn.) with a laugh. She spent years helping her mother, Diane, run the Wendy Shows, well-known antiques sales that were held for several decades in the New York area and around the country. But Wendy could see tastes were changing. “People didn’t have the same interest in collecting antiques as their parents and grandparents did,” she says. In 2009, to introduce a wider audience to luxury, Wendy launched New Focus On (newfocuson.com), a website about fine living and lifestyle. She and her team write articles on travel, food and wine and showcase art, antiques, design and jewelry from select designers and galleries. “The site is easy to use,” she says. “It’s great for somebody who feels intimidated at an antiques shop because it is not overwhelming.”

TAKE COVER Did you know that skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States? Protect yourself in style in a Whitworth hat, made right here in Bronxville. Each hat has an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of 50+ and blocks 98 percent of harmful UV rays. Shapes include oversized brim sun hats, fedoras and garden styles, and the hats are made to measure by designer Barbara Whitworth (917.435.5076 or whitworthdesigns@aol).

juicy news THE RIGHT TO BARE ARMS Want sexy arms for those sleeveless summer ensembles? We can relate, so we turned for help to certified personal trainer Lisa Avellino, who runs Susan Marlowe Fitness for Women (914.472.3335, susanmarlowefitness.com) in Scarsdale with her sister and fellow personal trainer, Pamela. Avellino has developed the Iso-Towel Workout, an isometric upper-body routine designed to use the resistance of a towel to help tone your arm, chest and back muscles, plus increase flexibility and burn calories. “It is unique because it is designed to work your body smarter, not harder,” says Avellino, who teaches a towel class at Susan Marlowe Fitness and has released a DVD. Try this exercise that she says will tone your arms and improve your range of motion, which helps for sports like golf or tennis: 1. Stand with straight posture and lift one leg behind you. Extend your arms forward and hold a towel horizontally, pulling outward until you feel complete resistance. 2. Keeping the resistance the same, bend your arms at the elbow, bringing your wrists to your chest. Hold and then return to the starting position. Do 10 reps on each leg.


JUNE 2011


In May, O2Living, the holistic spa and wellness center in Cross River, opened a new holistic wellness center at the Saw Mill Club in Mount Kisco (914.241.0797, sawmill club.com). The health club now offers O2Living’s signature fresh-pressed fruit and vegetable juices, juice cleanses and customdeveloped raw foods meal plans, and you don’t have to be a member to partake.


In the April issue’s “Shop Local Westchester” article, we listed an incorrect address for Penny Pincher. The consignment store is located at 184 Route 117 Bypass Rd. in Bedford Hills. We regret the error.


fine living


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5/10/11 2:55 PM

Many thanks to this year’s corporate sponsors

in the news june 2011

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Listen Up

New Podcasts on


Log onto our website and listen to recently uploaded podcast interviews with Westchester Medical Center’s physicians and surgeons.

Dr. Rachel Busman, Psy.D. Clinical Director, Child & Adolescent Outpatient Department Behavioral Health Center

Talks about the challenges of managing children’s and teens’ busy schedules and their effects on these young people’s mental and behavioral health in one podcast. In another podcast, Dr. Busman covers the pitfalls of children’s and teens’ engagement in social media, how they can be affected mentally and emotionally—and how the family dynamic is affected when kids’ social networks intersect with their parents’ own fully developed social networks.

Westchester Medical Center would like to thank this year’s corporate sponsors. Their investment in our organization is a partnership and commitment that allows the Medical Center to continue to change the lives of countless children and adults. Our corporate sponsors are some of Westchester Medical Center’s most valuable assets. The funds raised contribute to our success in expanding and strengthening essential programs and services, and in creating community and regional awareness of our premier institutions. In 2011, the support we receive will become even more important as we look forward to the future and the potential to expand the facilities and services on our campus to meet the increasing critical needs of the region. This year, we are offering a new approach to corporate sponsorship that allows companies to support events across both Westchester Medical Center and Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital and provides organizations with an opportunity to reach diverse targeted audiences throughout the year. Please visit us at www.WorldClassMedicine. com/sponsorship to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.

Alan Gass, M.D. Medical Director, Heart Failure, Mechanical Circulatory Support & Heart Transplant Westchester Heart

Talks about how the innovative use of heart assist devices at Westchester Heart has eliminated the need for invasive open-heart surgery for many patients and how the use of these mechanical support devices with an oxygenator is changing countless lives. Dr. Gass’ podcast also highlights some interesting facts about Westchester Heart’s ability to provide groundbreaking cardiothoracic and cardiovascular care to residents of Westchester, the Lower Hudson Valley and New York City. Westchester Heart is one of a very few facilities across the nation using this highly advanced approach, and it is estimated to be one of the top three users of this technology in the nation.

David Spielvogel, M.D. Director, Heart Transplantation, Westchester Heart

Talks about the Aortic Aneurysm Program at Westchester Heart; aortic diseases and conditions such as aortic aneursyms, aortic dissection, Marfan Syndrome. Dr. Spielvogel also discusses the combined experience of Westchester Heart’s cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons and procedures such as the Bentall Procedure, aortic valve sparing root reconstruction and arch replacement. Dr. Spielvogel’s podcast also covers the care of patients with aortic disease and an innovative follow-up protocol that allows Westchester Heart clinicians to accurately track the progression of aortic disease in these patients.

Michael Stiefel, M.D., Ph.D. Director, Cerebrovascular and Endovascular Neurosurgery, Neuroscience Center Associate Director, Stroke Center, Co-Director, Neurocritical Care

Talks about cerebrovascular and endovascular neurosurgery and the neuro- and endovascular approaches to treating and managing ischemic strokes. In this podcast, Dr. Stiefel describes the comprehensive approach to treating ischemic stroke and the novel techniques available at Westchester Medical Center.

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prised by what they treat, but Westchester Medical Center ophthalmologist Robert G. Josephberg, M.D., was “floored” by a patient he saw recently. A 15-yearold boy was temporarily blinded when a friend shined a cheap, high-powered laserpointer beam into his eye. “They were just fooling around, but in less than a second he sustained a serious burn,” says Dr. Josephberg, Chief of the Retina and Vitreous Division at the medical center.

Robert G. Josephberg, M.D.

Wearing protective glasses, Dr. Josephberg demonstrates a laser pointer.

Even lasers under the legal limit of 5 milliwatts (mw) can cause harm if they’re not used properly, says the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which recommends: • Do not buy laser pointers for children or allow children to use them. These products are not toys. • Do not buy any laser pointer that emits more than 5 mw output power or does not have the output power printed on the warning label affixed to the pointer. Hand-held laser pointers over 5 mw and those that are not properly labeled are illegal and potentially dangerous. • Do not aim or shine laser pointers at any person, pet, vehicle or aircraft directly or through reflection by mirrors or other shiny surfaces. • Check the output power of any laser pointer that you own. If it has an output greater than 5 mw, dispose of it safely according to local environmental protection guidelines.

These aren’t your usual red-beam pointers used in PowerPoint presentations, which have just 1 milliwatt (mw) of power, well below the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) legal limit of 5 mw. These new green-beam laser pointers can be hundreds of times brighter, capable of sending a beam 10,000 feet into the sky. This is a growing concern to more than just eye doctors. According to the FDA, in 2009, airline pilots reported 1,500 incidents of light beams striking their airplanes or illuminating their cockpits, most of them from laser light. In the first 10 months of 2010, 2,321 incidents were reported. Pilots can be blinded by these beams, putting their aircraft and others in serious danger. Dr. Josephberg prescribed oral steroids to treat the inflammation in

his patient’s eye. “The boy’s vision is back to 20/20, but his color perception is still off and may take a year to come back,” he says. Since then, the doctor has been educating himself on the laser-pointer phenomenon. “I bought a 100 mw laser on the Internet for $28, including shipping, from China,” he says. “I saw them listed up to 1500 mw. And who knows how accurate those stated power ratings even are? The real numbers could be higher.” High-powered lasers can legitimately be used by astronomers to point at stars and by architects to align and level during construction. “But kids are using these as a toy to light matches or pop balloons,” he says. He’s also working to raise awareness of the problem. “I contacted new Republican Congresswoman Nan Hayworth of the 19th Congressional District, who is an ophthalmologist herself. We are working with her, trying to write a bill that addresses this problem,” he says. —DAVID LEVINE



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in good health


you’ve come a long way,

Thanks to surgeons on two continents, a little girl born with an anatomical defect now has a brighter future


june 2011



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photos courtesy of Westchester medical center

keepsie decided to adopt a second child, they hoped for one for whom they could make a big difference. They got their wish, and doctors at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center got to be part of a unique international collaboration. Three years ago, working with an adoption agency, the Berrys learned of a baby girl who had been abandoned at a gas station in China two days after her birth. If that wasn’t tragic enough, she had a birth defect called imperforate anus: Her lower intestine failed to develop properly, leaving the newborn without an opening through which to pass solid wastes. Fortunately, her story—which could have been a sad one—is an encouraging example of medical cooperation between two countries oceans apart. The saga began when the girl, who would be given the name Joyce, was taken from the gas station to a Chinese hospital. There surgeons connected the end of her intestine, which was about three inches short of where it should have been, to a drain inserted in her side that would allow her to use an ostomy bag. She was then placed in an orphanage. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, the Berrys— Teresa, 58, who runs a day care center, and Dennis, 59, an electrical engineer—contemplated adding to their family. They had already adopted one special-needs child a few years ago—their daughter Maxine, 10—so they understood the process. “I’m comfortable with special-needs children because I taught special education for 15 years,” explains Teresa. “We wanted to adopt, so once again we went for it.” Learning from their adoption agency about Joyce and her medical problems, the couple decided to make her a part of their lives. “We knew there were doctors here who could help her,” Teresa says. “And in the photographs there was something we saw in her eyes. We just felt a connection.” It took more than a year of paperwork and red tape to prepare. “Dennis did it all, hats off to him,” Teresa says. In April 2010 she went to China to adopt Joyce. Back home, her first challenge was finding ostomy bags small enough to fit her new daughter. “We had to order them on the Internet,” Teresa says. The family’s pediatrician knew there were no surgeons in their immediate area who could perform the kind of surgery


When Teresa and Dennis Berry of pough-




Joyce needed, so he referred the couple to Joseph SanFilippo, M.D., a pediatric surgeon at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center. Imperforate anus is a genetic condition that occurs in about 1 in 5,000 live births. “Cases vary in severity,” says Dr. SanFilippo. “Sometimes the intestine is near where it should be. Sometimes, as in Joyce’s case, it’s far away and harder to fix. But I have done this procedure many times.” The Berrys were able to obtain Joyce’s medical records from China, and these were of immense help to Dr. SanFilippo. “I understood what the doctors did there, and it was the appropriate action,” he says. “They knew what to do and did it. It was very exciting to see a continuity of care between such distant nations, united through an international system of healthcare knowledge.” In August 2010, Dr. SanFilippo and a colleague, pediatric surgeon Whitney McBride, M.D., did an operation to create a small new opening in Joyce’s body. Then, over the next several months, they performed a series of minor procedures to stretch the opening to the necessary size. In January of this year, they closed the colostomy and restored the integrity of the intestine. “While doing these operations, I saw that the earlier stitching was done very well indeed in China,” Dr. SanFilippo says. “It was a thrilling experience.” Joyce is now functioning as a normal 3-year-old—which means she’s learning how to use the potty. She is on medication to prevent constipation and sees Dr. SanFilippo several times a year. “She should grow up as a normal girl with normal bowel function,” says the doctor. “She is a delightful child with an extraordinary family.” Since her last operation, Joyce has continued to improve both physically and emotionally. “Without the ostomy bag, she is now able to move and play more easily and freely,” Teresa says. “She used to be reserved—we never saw a smile in her pictures from China. But now she smiles, laughs, poses for the camera and plays with the kids in my day care. It’s so nice to see.” —D.L.



Today life for little Joyce Berry (top) is a lot like it is for most 3-year-olds. Above, she is seen with dad Dennis, mom Teresa and big sister Maxine.



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in good health

for women,

a place of



June 2011


center’s diagnostic breast-care services and technology in one location. Here technicians can perform low-dose digital mammograms, breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), breast sonograms, ultrasound-guided and stereotactic breast biopsies and other breast health services. In stereotactic biopsies, a special mammography machine uses ionizing radiation to direct the radiologist’s instruments to the site of irregular tissue so it can be evaluated. The Women’s Imaging Center also provides DEXA densitometry bone scanning for diagnosing osteoporosis or other bone diseases affecting women. (DEXA stands for dual-energy X-ray absortiometry, a scanning technique that employs two different X-ray energy sources rather than just one for greater precision.)

But state-of-the-art technology is only part of the story of this impressive new facility, says Zvi Lefkovitz, M.D., Director of Radiology at Westchester Medical Center. “Comfort is also critically important,” he says. “Women coming for a breast image are already very nervous that we’ll find something, so the aesthetics of our environment goes a long way in relieving their stress and anxiety.” The emotional lift provided by pleasant, comfortable surroundings can translate into a medical benefit because it helps technicians get a better image. Dr. Lefkovtiz explains: “These tests may involve some discomfort. But the accuracy of the results is related to how well the patient is positioned in the diagnostic machinery. Someone who is comfortable


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photos courtesy of Westchester medical center

If you think comforT AND aesthetics are just superficial frills in medicine, think again. They affect our emotions, and doctors now understand that our emotional life plays an important role in health and the things we do to maintain it. That insight informs the design of Westchester Medical Center’s new 5,000-square-foot Women’s Imaging Center, which opened last summer. Women who need to go there for an imaging test—whether it’s a routine screening or an attempt to diagnose a problem— know they’re getting not just the finest in clinical technology, but also the latest in patient-friendly design. The new Women’s Imaging Center, the only one of its kind in the lower Hudson Valley, consolidates all of the medical


a beautiful new imaging center provides the reassuring surroundings pat i e n t s d e s e r v e





Zvi Lefkovitz, M.D.

Clockwise from top left: A patient undergoes breast ultrasound; the waiting room; Medical Director Julian Sanchez, M.D., reviews digital mammography images; a patient has a bone scan.

is easier to position accurately. Such a patient is also able to be more cooperative, and the tests require the patient to be as cooperative as possible.” Good feelings are encouraged even before patients walk into the Women’s Imaging Center, as complimentary valet parking at the building’s entrance is available to visitors. “They must feel that they are important, that they are being treated in a special way, and we designed the center to do exactly that,” Dr. Lefkovitz says. Indeed, it looks and feels more like a health spa than a medical facility. Decorated in warm earth tones, featuring

exotic wood paneling, plush carpeting, chandeliers and artistically etched glass, the center was “designed by a woman to reflect a woman’s perspective,” he says. “I helped ensure that the design worked operationally, and the technicians organized the imaging equipment, but the décor was all created to give women a sense of dignity and privacy.” Changing rooms are located in a women-only area and are larger than most women expect, with full wall mirrors and lots of space for clothing. Patients are given luxurious, full-length robes to cover skimpy medical gowns while

awaiting their procedure. Elegantly incorporated flat-panel televisions in the waiting room and changing area help women pass the time pleasantly. Prompt and personal service is emphasized. Each woman gets her test results in a private consultation room, and counselors are always available if those results suggest further testing or a consultation with a breast specialist. “We treat every patient with the respect and concern we’d give to family,” Dr. Lefkovitz says. “In fact, two of my own family members visited the facility and were simply amazed by it.” —D.L.



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‘FACES OF HEART DISEASE’ A PHOTO EXHIBIT CELEBRATES THE SPIRIT OF THOSE WHO HAVE BATTLED THE ILLNESS IF YOU ARE OUT AND ABOUT IN WESTCHESTER County this summer and fall, be on the lookout for a traveling portrait gallery sponsored by Westchester Medical Center and presented by the Westchester-Fairfield American Heart Association. The 2011 “Survivors Gallery” features local residents whose lives have been touched by heart disease and stroke and the care they received at Westchester Medical Center.


M A RT IN COHEN, M. D., CA RDI OLO GI ST; L INDA C U O MO, M.D., CA RDI OLO GI ST For every heart saved at Westchester Medical Center, a family is reunited. Behind every failing heart is a family filled with hope. The face of heart disease can take many forms—someone’s mother, brother, daughter or best friend. By far the greatest reward for Drs. Cohen and Cuomo is knowing that the work they do not only helps patients but also keeps families together.


JUNE 2011



Lida is a recent stroke survivor. Her husband recognized her stroke symptoms and sought medical attention right away. She lives today with 100 percent of her faculties because of the immediate medical intervention and advanced care at Westchester Medical Center. Grateful to be “whole” again, Lida, in her late 50s, has been given a second chance at life. Knowing now how quickly things can change, she makes every moment count.


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IN GOOD HEALTH ANDRE A AND BROOKLYN BENEDIK T Brooklyn was only 4 years old when her heart murmur was first diagnosed. She had atrial septal defect—a hole in her heart. Following open-heart surgery to repair the opening, Brooklyn now lives an active, healthy kindergartner’s life. Grateful for the care she received, on her 5th birthday Brooklyn donated her presents to kids at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center. Her mom, Andrea, is proud of her daughter’s generous heart. She says every day with Brooklyn is her gift, and fortunately, they will have a lifetime of birthdays to celebrate together.



Patricia came into this world with only a 90 percent chance at life. Born with multiple congenital heart defects, she had her first surgery at 7 days old. She would later have two more operations. Now age 6, many doctor visits later, Patricia is most thankful to her favorite docs, Drs. Sett and Giamelli of Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center, for giving her heart wings so that she can soar. Patricia is wise beyond her years and looks forward to following her heart to wherever it takes her.


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IN GOOD HEALTH M A RY A ND A NGE LO DIM A RTINO Angelo is 78 years young but too old for a new heart. He suffered his first heart attack nearly 20 years ago and numerous surgeries have followed. Recently diagnosed with endstage heart failure, Angelo had a prognosis that wasn’t good, and he was not a candidate for a heart transplant. Thanks to new technology at Westchester Medical Center such as the LVAD—an implanted heart pump— and other medical treatments, Angelo gets to resume his active lifestyle and love for life with his sweetheart of 53 years, Mary.

ROLLY AGUIL A R, CARDIOLOGY NUR SE Aguilar has been a nurse for 23 years, and he knows all too well that heart disease does not care how you look or where you come from. He has seen thousands of patients come through the doors of Westchester Medical Center—all from different walks of life and backgrounds. He serves them all with the same goal in mind: to provide care, comfort, hope and peace of mind.

K ATA RIN A , ROB E RT A ND DA RI A WE IGE L At age 15, Katarina collapsed from sudden cardiac arrest while at volleyball practice. Her coaches saved her with CPR and the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). She was later diagnosed at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center with CPVT, a rare congenital defect, and was implanted with a defibrillator. Her mother, Daria, and brother, Robert, were tested and found to have the same inherited arrhythmia that could have caused their hearts to fail at any time. They now each have an implanted defibrillator to help regulate their heartbeats. Katarina shares her story to champion CPR and AED training in schools. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE TRAVELING PHOTO GALLERY “FACES OF HEART DISEASE,” PLEASE VISIT WORLDCLASSMEDICINE.COM/HEARTGALLERY. TO SHARE THIS ARTICLE WITH A FRIEND OR TO RECOMMEND IT ON YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE, VISIT WESTCHESTERHEALTHANDLIFE.COM.


JUNE 2011



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special advertising section


&wellness GUIDE Your guide to local experts dedicated to helping you look and feel your best.

comprehensive care in a supportive setting

Department of Psychiatry at New York Medical College Westchester Fairfield Behavioral Medicine Associates, P.C. 20 Hospital Road | Valhalla, NY | 914-493-7124

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The clinicians of the Department of Psychiatry at New York Medical College know how difficult it can be to find mental health providers under private healthcare insurance plans. Their new Faculty Practice Plan gives outpatients accessibility to highly skilled psychiatrists, therapists and a pediatric neuropsychologist in a supportive setting. The clinicians offer a broad range of expertise. Dr. Richard E. Gallagher, Professor of Psychiatry, board certified psychiatrist, studied at Cornell Medical College and Yale. Dr. Gallagher sees patients with a wide range of disorders, and specializes in psychopharmacology management. Dr. Martha Gamboa sees patients experiencing mood and anxiety disorders. She is board certified in psychiatry. Dr. Susan Kemker, also board certified, trained at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center. Dr. Kemker evaluates patients and determines a treatment plan for medicine management and supportive therapy. Dr. Elizabeth Kera, a pediatric neuropsychologist, evaluates children to determine the impact health issues have on cognitive functioning. She specializes in the neuropsychological assessment of a variety of pediatric populations, such as developmental disorders, autism, epilepsy, brain injury, concussion, as well as other neurologic and hematologic disorders. She studied at Long Island Jewish Medical Center and Children’s Specialized Hospital of New Jersey.

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special advertising section

A Trio of Talent Will Make You Smile


At South Bedford Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, you’re not only in one—but three—sets of good hands. Drs. Adam Arnoldt, Jason Baker, and Benn Lieberman formed their team—and their lifelong friendships—at the Westchester Medical Center. There, they received their training in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Since graduating over five years ago, the trio has gone on to build a solid practice known for its state-of-the-art facilities. They’ve built their practice around making patients feel comfortable and safe. SBOMS offers all levels of anesthesia, and the team has extensive privileges at many New York City and area hospitals, including the Westchester Medical Center. Patients of all ages are welcome at SBOMS, where every facet of oral and maxillofacial surgery is handled with expertise in corrective jaw surgery, wisdom tooth removal, dental implants, bone and soft tissue grafting procedures, TMJ/facial pain and trauma. The office is outfitted with cutting edge technology, including Cone-Beam CT Scan technology, a state-of-the-art, full-cranial cone-beam CT (computed tomography) procedure that provides highly accurate 3-D radiographic images for the diagnosis, planning, and treatment of oral surgery. Dr. Arnoldt received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from SUNY-Buffalo, and completed residencies at Westchester Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dr. Baker is currently a clinical instructor at The Albert Einstein College of Medicine, among other prestigious appointments. Dr. Lieberman is currently the Director of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at The North Central Bronx Hospital. Drs. Arnoldt, Baker and Lieberman are board certified by the American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery as well as the American Dental Society of anesthesiology. The SBOMS team works around patients’ schedules, doctors can be contacted through email, and the office is open on Saturday.

South Bedford Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Adam Arnoldt, DDS | Jason Baker, DMD | Benn L. Lieberman, DMD 105 S. Bedford Road | Suite 330 | Mt. Kisco 914-242-1142 | www.sboms.com | Visit them on Facebook.

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special advertising section






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5/23/11 11:04 AM

special advertising section

expert help for back and neck pain


There are a number of reasons why you should consider a neurosurgeon for back and neck pain. Neurosurgeons, trained as both brain and spine surgeons, are concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of patients with injury or disease of the brain, spine, and nerves throughout the body. Kaushik Das, M.D., is the Director of Spine Surgery in the Department of Neurosurgery at the Westchester Medical Center, a tertiary care academic medical center of New York Medical College, and specializes in complex spinal disorders and craniovertebral disorders using minimally invasive spinal surgery techniques. Dr. Das, Board Certified by the American Board of Neurological Surgery, has performed over 2,000 surgeries in his ten years of practice, and currently performs over 200 surgeries a year. At the Westchester Medical Center, the Department of Neurosurgery works independently and in conjunction with the departments of Orthopedic Surgery, General Surgery, Rehabilitation Medicine, Oncology, and Radiology in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of spinal disorders, including trauma, degenerative diseases, and neoplastic disease. In the operating room, spinal instrumentation and intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring are frequently used, along with innovative and adjuvant treatment protocols for postoperative rehabilitation. Dr. Das’s Neurosurgical ICU nursing staff is also specially trained in the care of patients with spinal cord injuries. With extensive training in neurosurgery, Dr. Das is a graduate SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine, completed his residency at the New York Medical College, and his fellowship from the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona. For patients, the thought of having to undergo spinal surgery can be overwhelming, and Dr. Das will take the time necessary to listen to you and help you find the best option for your condition.

Department of Neurosurgery and The Spine Center Westchester Medical Center / New York Medical College Medical Arts Atrium Dr. Kaushik Das 19 Bradhurst Avenue | Suite 2800 | Hawthorne, NY | 347-920-8058 For additional information, please contact: Department of Neurosurgery New York Medical College Munger Pavilion Valhalla , NY | 914-493-8510 www.nymc.edu/neurosurg/pages/about-dept.html

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5/18/11 4:25 PM

special advertising section

Constantly out of energy? Do you or your partner snore? It may be a sign of Sleep Apnea.

Advanced Dentistry of Westchester Kenneth S. Magid, DDS | Sabrina B. Magid, DMD 163 Halstead Avenue | Harrison | 914-835-0542 | www.adofw.com

Now open in white plains


Snoring is not only a serious social problem which can affect relationships, it could be related to sleep apnea, and is one of the signs to look for if you’re wondering if you should be evaluated. Some health risks of Sleep Apnea include heart attack, stroke, depression, muscle pain, inefficient metabolism, loss of short term memory, weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, severe anxiety, memory and concentration impairment, intellectual deterioration, insomnia, impotence, and more. As members of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, Drs, Sabrina and Kenneth Magid have extensive experience identifying and correcting the symptoms of sleep breathing disorders. They can often easily alleviate the condition with a dental appliance designed to keep airflow steady throughout snoring and sleep. Call today to schedule a complimentary consultation.

EuroLaser Services has joined Scott Newman M.D. FACS to create the most advanced Plastic Surgery and Medical Laser Center in Westchester.

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HealthWell_SS_0611final.indd 33

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special advertising section


state-of-the-art skin services

You’ve probably heard of Euro Laser Services in Rye because it’s won the Best of Westchester numerous years in the row, or maybe you’ve read about the spa’s innovative Retin-A Collagen Facial. There’s even more exciting news for Euro Laser Services. The spa, owned by Liz Dibartolo, has teamed up with plastic surgeon, Dr. Scott Newman, to bring cutting edge treatments to Euro Laser Services’ clients. Dr. Newman has been recognized as a Castle-Connolly “Top Doctor” every year since 2003. He brings to the spa nearly 20 years of experience in plastic surgery, aesthetics, and skin care, keeping Euro Laser Services at the forefront of the evolving medical spa industry. Call for the spa’s special on Botox and fillers by Dr. Newman, or show off your skin with a laser special for $99.

Euro Laser Services Liz DiBartolo, owner, manager 20 Purdy Avenue | Rye, NY | 914-921-3265 | www.eurolaserservices.com

Scott Newman, M.D. of the Advanced Plastic Surgery & Laser Center in Winchester Winchester’s Dr. Scott Newman of the Advanced Plastic Surgery & Laser Center has a national reputation for plastic surgery of the breast and body. Having performed over 4,000 cosmetic breast procedures, he is one of the country’s most experienced and sought after surgeons. Named New York’s Top Doctors for the past eight years, his own hi-tech, certified, private surgery facility, a 5,000-sq.ft. clinic is located near St. John’s Riverside Hospital where Dr. Newman is Chief of Plastic Surgery. Scott Newman, MD FACS Member American Society of Plastic Surgeons & The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery The Advanced Plastic Surgery & Laser Center

311 North Street, White Plains, NY 516-882-1020 1 Odell Plaza, Yonkers, NY 914-423-9000 1035 Park Avenue, New York, NY 212-472-6100

the link between vision and learning Tutoring is not always the answer for struggling students. The Bernstein Center for Visual Performance specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of learning-related and sportsrelated vision problems, Computer Vision Syndrome, strabismus, amblyopia, and other visual dysfunctions for patients of all ages. Recent studies have shown that efficient visual skills are critical to classroom performance. As seen in Scientific American (Feb. 2010), in an article by Dr. Burkhart Fischer, children with poor visual skills (eye movement control, eye teaming, and eye focusing) are poor learners. Drs. Ira and Paul Bernstein have been in practice for a combined 84 years and have both taught clinical practice at SUNY State College of Optometry, as well as having served as public and private school consultants. Learn more about the link between visual skills, learning, and sports performance by visiting the Center’s website.

The Bernstein Center for Visual Performance

Paul Bernstein, O.D., FAA0, FCOVD | Ira Bernstein, O.D., FAAO, FCOVD

701 Westchester Avenue | White Plains | 914-682-8886 bernsteincenterforvisualperformance.com

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Will2Lose Weight Loss Fitness Club Will2lose is operated and supervised by a doctor. Dr. Vito DiMatteo opened Will2Lose to cater to the unique population of people who want a weight loss therapy clinic combined with a full service exercise facility. The Will2Lose staff continuously guides and supports your efforts—from nutrition and meal planning to learning and using the exercise equipment. “It takes a lot of courage to walk in to a gym,” says Dr. DiMatteo. “Will2Lose is more than a gym, it has all the service and amenities of a club with expert support and understanding you won’t find at any other weight loss and exercise clinic.” Why choose Will2Lose? Because you deserve more than just a membership! 303 Central Park Avenue Scarsdale , NY 914-358-9890 www.will2lose.com

5/18/11 4:25 PM










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1 For men, an old-school Fila Retro Jacket, $80, in a classic color combination is the perfect layer for chilly mornings on the court or for kicking around town on cool evenings. fila.com. 2 Finally, a chic and sturdy tennis carry-all for women! Cortiglia’s Sonoma bag, $425, is made from patent leather and nylon and stylishly holds two racquets plus your gear. cortiglia.com. 3 The lightweight nylon Wind Tunnel Pullover from Lija, $110, is wind-resistant and water-repellent. Available in light blue or white, it will look great with both tennis clothes and your everyday attire. Kimberly’s Tennis Shop, Bedford, 914.234.9462. 4 Oakley’s Commit SQ in white, $150, is the ideal pair of sport sunglasses for women. They are unbelievably lightweight and have interchangeable lenses that allow you to adapt to changing light conditions. Sierra Cycles, Scarsdale, 914.725.8333. 5 Stella McCartney for Adidas is an unbeatable melding of fashion and athletic wear. We love the Tennis Ballerina Per formance Dress, $120, featuring a pleated skirt and ClimaLite fabric to keep you dry. Tennis Professionals, Rye Brook, 914.934.0001. 6 Not only is Babolat’s AeroPro Drive GT, $189, highly rated, it is also Rafael Nadal’s racquet of choice. It filters and dampens racquet vibrations for maximum comfort during play and is available in lightweight, extended and junior versions. New Rochelle Tennis Club, New Rochelle, 914.633.3388. 7 Need a gift for a tennis enthusiast? Tiffany & Co.’s beautiful 18K gold tennis charm (notice the diamond) on an 18K chain is both classic and stylish. Your loved one will be the envy of her tennis group. Tiffany & Co., White Plains, 914.686.5100. 8 The Polar RS300X heart-rate monitor watch will track your heart rate, calories burned, speed/ pace and distance traveled when combined with the heart-rate monitor and S1 foot pod (which is worn on your shoe). It’s $250 when purchased as a set. Bronxville Running Company, Bronxville, 914.337.7177. —ALLISON ANDERSON



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1 Perk up any piece of furniture with Ikat throw pillows, $450 each, by Madeline Weinrib, available in 76 different colors and patterns. ABC Carpet & Home, New York, 212.473.3000, madelineweinrib.com. 2 “Floor mirrors are always on my ‘must have’ list,” says McGee. “They add instant glamour and dimension to any room.” Try the Anna mirror, $3,480, from Julian Chichester. It has a bleached oak fretwork frame and an eglomise back. julianchich ester.com. 3 In decorating any room, a key element is lighting. “I love the architectural leaf design of the Maize vintage lamp by Arteriors,” says McGee. $1,575 at Milieu, Mamaroneck, 914.315.6090. 4 Function meets fashion with heavy-duty indoor and outdoor rugs by Dash and Albert, which are washable and fade-resistant. Shown in a diamond pattern in lighthouse denim and white. Sickles East India Design, Bronxville, 914.337.2177. 5 “With this fresh, bright lacquer color, I can’t wait to sit in my garden!” says McGee of this Chippendale curved garden bench, by O’Brien Ironworks, $3,900. thewellappointedhouse.com. 6 “There’s nothing like walking into your home and smelling the beautiful scents of lilies, peonies and roses,” says McGee. Place small bouquets around the house in brightly colored vases like the Peony vase in Hampton links, $58, by Jill Rosenwald. etsy.com/shop/jillrosenwald. 7 Take classic natural planters like the Devonshire urn from Elegant Earth, and fill them with moss or flowers for an architectural addition to your garden or entryway, suggests McGee. elegantearth.com. —MAUREEN SCULLY


5/10/11 3:59 PM

top left and second to right and two bottom center: courtesy of Shirley Lindefjeld. top second to left, far right, and bottom left courtesy of rainbeau ridge. bottom right: courtesy of amy hall

nomi nated by ou r read e rs !



of westchester county

These three women are standouts, but not for table flipping, hair pulling or extravagant shopping sprees. they are too busy saving the planet, one eco-friendly step at a time—and inspiring others along the way. By Suzanne Gannon

produced by jennifer vreeland


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Amy Hall hiking with her daughter

Hall aboard her bicycle

AS THE DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS for the 27-year-old women’s apparel maker Eileen Fisher, which used organic cotton long before many of its competitors, Amy Hall’s job is to help the company run its business responsibly. This entails guiding the company’s human rights program, developing community partnerships and overseeing its commitment to environmental sustainability. But Hall takes the same approach to life outside of work. A lover of the outdoors, she began biking to the office in Irvington a few years ago when she lived in Yonkers, ultimately initiating the company’s bike-towork week, which drew 18 participants and occurred for the second time in May, with employees receiving compostable water bottles and bike repair kits as an incentive. From her new home in Ossining, she now travels a different route when she’s up for it: a hilly, hour-and-15-minute ride she calls “deadly.” But it inspired her to participate in the Climate Ride from New York to Washington, D.C., in May to raise awareness for green jobs, clean energy and climate education. She pedaled south on a

bamboo bicycle she built herself at a workshop in Brooklyn. Hall went organic in 2002 when she had her first child. “When you have a little innocent being growing inside you, you do everything you can to learn about your health and the sources of your food,” she says. Despite being a self-described “terrible gardener,” each year Hall plants a vegetable garden, which yields a crop of green beans, snow peas and tomatoes that never even make it to the table because her children (now there are two) snatch them up for snacking. To supplement the produce she raises in her own garden, she shops at the local farmers’ market, Mrs. Green’s and Whole Foods. “You choose a couple of ways to start, like recycling, or using reusable bags or composting, and it becomes routine,” she says. She uses natural cleaning agents and air-dries her laundry, with the exception of sheets and towels, which she throws in the dryer because “they’re just too big.” “I am one who tries to be realistic in choosing the things that work for my lifestyle,” she says.


Bamboo makes for an environmentally friendly bicycle because it has a low CO2 footprint compared with aluminum and steel, plus it’s sustainable and even biodegradable. And bamboo is surprisingly strong and durable. Amy Hall built her bamboo bike at Bamboo Bike Studio in Brooklyn (bamboobikestudio. com), which offers weekend workshops for people who want help building a bamboo bike and sells pre-made bamboo bikes and kits for building one on your own.


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At the Bamboo Bike Studio in Brooklyn, Hall makes a bamboo bike (left) that will look like the one below.




AMY HALL: Going green by promoting sustainability at the office and at home


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Shirley Lindefjeld with her sheep

shirley lindefjeld: Going green by protecting farmland

courtesy of Shirley Lindefjeld

bike courtesy of bamboo bike studio. all others courtesy of amy hall

it’s not every day that a veteran currency trader retires from Wall Street to try her hand shearing sheep. But that’s just what Bedford resident Shirley Lindefjeld did after spending more than a decade buying yen with Swiss francs and shekels with yuan. Lindefjeld plies her new trade on the historic 30-acre farm where she lives with 52 Merino sheep and assorted horses and chickens (layers only, no broilers). Under the auspices of her vertically integrated operation known as WoolWorks, she not only harvests the fleece, colors it with natural dyes and has it spun into yarn (in Vermont by the country’s last surviving commercial organic spinnery), but also oversees its crafting into scarves, hats, leggings and wraps made from 100 percent Merino wool by artisans in New Jersey. The accessories retail for as much as $150 each at places like Barney’s and Stone Barns—and at her shop on the farm, where she also sells a limited number of hand-knit items for babies. “Though finance is my background, I always loved animals,” says Lindefjeld. “But I had to figure out how to make a business out of it and how to make that business something I was proud of.” To get going, 15 years ago she immersed herself in the stuff—er, fleece—of sheep, buying a small flock that now includes several ewes with names like Annie and Gracie, and then purchasing a prize ram known for yielding a long, soft fleece. Then she enrolled in a week-long sheep education program at Cornell’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. A typical day for Lindefjeld consists of checking on the general health of the WoolWorks sheep (their heads droop products when they’re sick); feeding

them a natural diet (organic hay in winter, pesticide-free grass in summer, plus a 16-percent protein mix); and giving them the occasional foot bath and pedicure as a special treat. She always picks a rain date for the much-anticipated shearing ritual in late April, which she conducts with the help of a professional shearer outside, rather than in a dark barn. Every year Lindefjeld hosts five or six groups of school children or people with developmental disabilities from agencies such as Westchester Arc. “The sheep romp around, and they have no upper teeth, so they’re great with kids as long as the kids can stay calm,” she says. When she’s not hosting a shearing event or delivering lambs in May, Lindefjeld devotes a substantial amount of time to farmland protection and the reduction of carbon emissions by

“it is this care for the land that will allow us to grow as a county in a healthier way.” serving on the Steering Committee of Bedford 2020, a panel that advises the town on ways to reduce energy consumption. In addition, she is the vice president of the Bedford Farmers Club, which at age 100 is one of the oldest clubs of its kind in the country, and a member of the Westchester Agriculture and Farmland Protection Board, which conserves and protects the county’s farmland and encourages the development of agricultural land—36 percent of which was lost between 1983 and 1994—for the production of food and other products. “We live in a part of New York that has lost much of its agriculture to housing developments and population growth,” Lindefjeld says. “All of the organizations that I am involved with are committed to land and environmental protection to balance out the increasing population of Westchester County. It is this care for the land—and smart growth—that will allow us to grow as a county in a healthier way with greenspace around us and clean water and land for us all to enjoy.”


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Lisa Schwartz gardening

The cheese Schwartz is making is sold at Mt. Kisco Seafood, Blue Hill Café at Stone Barnes and Bedford Gourmet.

Rainbeau Ridge goats

lisa schwartz: Going green by running an eco-smart farm a “sustainable farm in suburbia can happen,” says Lisa Schwartz, who since 2002 has operated the Rainbeau Ridge Farm in Bedford, using about four acres of a 15-acre spread. In 1989, Schwartz took herself off the partner track in management consulting in order to be home with her children. Eight years later, the family moved to Japan, where she spent the “most playful” four years of her life. Together, the Schwartzes traveled throughout Asia with itineraries often determined by the exotic seasonal ingredients that were available in a region, or the pre-dawn opening of a local food market. “During that time the food issue really came into focus for me,” says Schwartz. “There was no ‘aha’ moment. I just knew I needed to do something with my own hands that was tangible and creative—not just intellectual, but physical.” It turned out that at the same time that Schwartz began having these thoughts about watching “food miles” (the distance menu items must travel), eating local and choosing in-season ingredients, the “slow food” movement was taking off, and so

was a budding collective consciousness about the natural environment. Her timing couldn’t have been better. “I’ve been very influenced by the concept of a ‘nature deficit disorder’ in kids,” she says. “They’ve lost their sense of imagination as a result of not spending time outdoors. It’s been a long time since everyone had a backyard cow.” Upon her return in 2001 to the old Bedford house she’d owned since the late ’80s, Schwartz went to work studying agriculture and beekeeping, networking with goat owners to secure her own pair of milking does and purchasing parcels of land that abutted her property and that a century ago made up a farm known as Beaver Ridge. These days she has four full-time employees who, like her, divide their time among working the organic vegetable garden, making award-winning cheeses (five-inch rounds of ChevreLait and the ash-coated Meridian among them), doing farm maintenance and tending to the livestock—largely endangered breeds Schwartz is helping to preserve, including

Schwartz with her goats


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Cotswold sheep, Kerry cows, blue egg-laying, tufted Araucana chickens and Bourbon Red turkeys, as well as Alpine goats, llamas, Guinea hens and peacocks. Besides hosting several “open farm” days, festivals and school and scouting groups throughout the year, Rainbeau Ridge offers cooking classes with local chefs in the farm’s kitchen, in which students learn that asparagus is a spring vegetable or that tomatoes are light on flavor in the winter, for example. The farm also features an extensive calendar of nature-oriented activity programs for children. “Food is not just essential to life,” says Schwartz, who chairs the Food & Agriculture task force of Bedford 2020. “It’s essential to our quality of life too.”

courtesy of rainbeau ridge

“kids have lost their sense of imagination as a result of not spending time outdoors.”

to share this article with a friend, visit westchesterhealthandlife.com.

5/16/11 2:43 PM

Here Comes the Sun...Here Comes the SunShelter! Durasol SunShelter® retractable awnings are custom-crafted and professionally-installed to create a cool, natural extension to your home. With a touch of a button, you can maximize your outdoor living space, provide relief from the sun’s harmful ray’s, reduce energy cost and create an elegant expression of your personal taste and style.


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5/10/11 2:54 PM

Walls in the living room are covered in a fine, oatmealcolored Donghia hemp.

The Natural California sunshine, o c e a n b lu es a n d he alth y living inspire a fresh interior written By Sallie Brady Interior design by Frank DelleDonne Interiors Produced by Betsy Marx Photography by Peter Margonelli

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The house boasts two leaded glass windows. A reproduction Ushack rug inspired the living room palette.


ouse-hunters Jennifer Barr y and her husband, Michael, who lived with their three children in an apartment, were determined to find the perfect family home in the tri-state area. When they pulled up to a 1930s Mediterranean revival, their real estate agent said, “This house really reminds me of Pasadena.” “I knew then that we might have to buy this house,” says Jennifer, “because I grew up right near there in San Marino.” The orange hue of the California stucco on the home’s exterior, the small leaded windows and exposed wood beams in the living room and the rounded doorways throughout the house all looked wonderfully familiar to the Golden State native, and it wasn’t long before the family was unpacking boxes. While the couple liked the bones of the 8,000-square-foot house, they felt it needed finishing. They also had to marry their tastes—hers was more traditional, his more contemporary. They wanted to work with an interior designer, but they didn’t want the house to become stuffy or formal; they preferred to maintain a fresh look that took its cues from nature. “I love being outside by the pool or in the garden,” says Jennifer. “I wanted bright colors to liven up the rooms and a lot of windows to let the sunshine in.” Designer Frank DelleDonne understood and went to work to interpret the couple’s vision. He started by building up the Mediterranean flavor of the house, adding authentic wainscoting and architectural detailing where it had been lacking. His palette was inspired by coastal landscapes—golden yellow Venetian stucco for the dining room; ocean blues everywhere from the kitchen granite countertop to living room sofas and the powder room; and a delicious ripe cherry for the library to contrast with toasty white oak walls and the


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this page: Sunny yellow walls

redefine the dining room. opposite, clockwise from top left: Polished-nickel

chandeliers illuminate the gallery that runs the length of the living room; the library features a leather herringbone floor and a wingback covered in a bold Manuel Canovas red floral; the 8,000-squarefoot Mediterranean Revival

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brown leather floor. A very fine oatmeal-colored hemp worked for wall coverings. There was one design element, however, that the designer didn’t dare pursue actively with the Barrys. “Jennifer was terrified of window treatments,” says DelleDonne. “She is from California and wanted maximum natural light.” His solution? Simple silk curtains for the living room. The environmentally-minded couple also wanted to try to use wood from the trees that had to be cleared for the addition to the home. “We wanted to make floorboards, but that didn’t work,” says DelleDonne. “Now we’re going to make a table.” Accustomed to lots of outdoor activity, Jennifer also charged DelleDonne with creating a Mediterranean-style pool area and requested trees such as crape myrtle and Southern magnolia that reminded her of home. “I love being outside,” she says. “I love gardening and always involve the kids. I play tennis every day—even in the winter—and my husband is crazy about running.” “We were really able to redo this house to suit this modern family’s lifestyle,” says DelleDonne. The result brings some of the joys of California here to the Northeast.


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photography by keith scott morton. visit scottmortonworks.com to see more of his work.

Lotus opposite page, clockwise from top left: Closed Red Poppy, Yellow Ranunculus, Peony on Blue, Red Anemone

flower power

Renowned photogr apher Keith Scot t Morton shares his tips for taking gallery-worthy botanical shots by Maria Lissandrello

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“For beaut y and color and form, you can’t beat the simplicit y of the shape and function in nature.” — keith scot t morton

photography by keith scott morton. visit scottmortonworks.com to see more of his work.


ick up a copy of House Beautiful, Country Living or Architectural Digest, and you’re likely to see New York City-based photographer Keith Scott Morton’s work: lushly lit, serenity-inducing interiors that draw you in. Although Morton now splits his time between homes in the Carnegie Hill area of Manhattan and Orient, N.Y., he was born in Scotland, and he credits his native country as the source of his refined aesthetic. His great-grandfather had a decorative arts studio in Edinburgh, where natural motifs played center stage. So it’s no wonder the work closest to Morton’s heart is his botanical photography, photos of blooms that evoke deep emotion. “For beauty and color and form,” he says, “you can’t beat the simplicity of the shape and function in nature.” Look at his anemones, his peonies, his ranunculus—“both lyrical and complicated,” as he calls them. The close-ups show the flowers’ architecture—lines, curves, arcs and wedges meet, intersect and overlap to create harmonious images. “It’s terrific to focus on one object in an intimate setting,” says Morton. Terrific indeed, and you can’t help wondering how it’s done. Here are Mor ton’s tips in the three key areas that he says assure a frameworthy photo:

Lighting Pick a day with light cloud cover that produces soft lighting, advises Morton. Then think about the effect you’d like to create: Frontal lighting provides a starker, more graphic

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impression. Light your flower from the side, and you’ll create mystery and mood. And from the back? You’ll end up with an ethereal, perhaps even eerie, effect.

Angle You have your subject: the flower or flowers. Now how will you approach it? Will you look at it as we tend to see it—straight on? From a low angle? From above? Morton urges going “beyond your normal comfort level as an erect homo sapiens. Approach the flower from different angles while viewing through the camera and see what the effects are.”

Cropping The same flower looks quite different depending on how you crop it. “When you come in very tight, it emphasizes the characteristics within the flower—the details and the form of the bloom itself,” says Morton. “When you pull back, what’s around the subject— the table, the wall, the light—suddenly becomes important.” Now that you’re armed with Morton’s advice, grab your camera, head outside and snap away. With a little practice, you may be rewarded with a stunning photo of nature truly in bloom.


5/16/11 9:16 AM

This summer, dive into our county’s best water-based recreation

Go With The Pros Want to go sailing, kayaking or fishing, but don’t have the know-how or equipment? Check out one of these outfitters: Bedford Sportsman offers fishing trips: bedfordsportsman.com; 914.666.8091 Hudson River Recreation offers kayak trips: kayakhudson.com; 914.682.5135


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OJO Images/Getty Images

Croton Sailing School offers sailing excursions: crotonsailing.com; 914.271.6868

5/16/11 2:12 PM

left to right: Marcy Maloy/Getty Images, Martin Sundberg/Getty Images

With the weather warm at last and everything green, it’s time to get outside and explore the county. You might be surprised to learn that there are nearly 50 parks and 18,000 acres in the Westchester County Parks system. We put together a list of great water-friendly places—think swimming, fishing and kayaking—that also offer a bit more. Camping, hiking or biking, anyone? Being outdoors in sunlight, even for just 10 minutes, helps your body produce vitamin D, a nutrient that aids bone health and enhances immunity. It also lowers your level of stress hormones, so you feel calmer and more in control. So head out into the sun and have some fun! By Judy Koutsky

Know Before You Go

Saxon Woods

Croton Point Park

Saxon Woods Park is a 700-acre property offering a variety of recreational facilities including the county’s largest swimming pool and a children’s aquatic playground. The park also contains an 18-hole golf course as well as a miniature course, hiking trails and picnic areas. It is also the site of the county’s only playground that is accessible to the disabled.

A 508-acre green space situated on a peninsula on the east shore of the Hudson River, this is the perfect place for swimming, kayaking and enjoying beach activities. Croton River is home to an abundance of wildlife including osprey, haws and herons. You can also go camping and hiking here. Want more? Check out the historic wine cellars that are thought to be the oldest in New York State.

914.995.4480; parks.westchestergov.com

914.862.5290; parks.westchestergov.com

Ward Pound Ridge Reservation This is an ideal place to go fishing with the kids. Two streams, Cross River and Stone Hill River, make for a picturesque backdrop. At 4,315 acres, the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation is the county’s largest park and home to the Trailside Nature Museum. With miles of wooded trails and great picnic areas, it’s perfect for summer activities like hiking, biking and camping. 914.864.7317; parks.westchestergov.com

left to right: Marcy Maloy/Getty Images, Martin Sundberg/Getty Images

OJO Images/Getty Images

Croton Gorge Park The park is a popular spot for fishing, picnicking and hiking, with direct trail access to New York State’s Old Croton Aqueduct. This 97-acre property sits at the base of the Croton Dam and is arguably one of the most picturesque spots in the county. 914.827.9568; parks.westchestergov.com

George’s Island Park George’s Island Park is a 208-acrewaterfront park that offers magnificent views of the Hudson River. It contains tidal wetlands, a freshwater pond and wooded trails. It also has boat access to the Hudson River as well as areas for nature study and picnicking. For birders, this is the ideal spot for viewing eagles. Hikers will also love the trail network. 914.737.7530; parks.westchestergov.com

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Glen Island Park A favorite park for swimming and boating on Long Island Sound, this 105-acre island property is connected to New Rochelle by a drawbridge built in the 1920s. After Playland, Glen Island is the second most widely used park in the county parks system. The 130 acres provide a beautiful, crescent-shaped beach with access to Long Island Sound. Cannons, sculptures and stone castles give the park a unique atmosphere. 914.813.6720; parks.westchestergov.com

Playland Amusement Park and Beach Playland proudly bills itself as “America’s Premier Playground,” and it’s easy to see why. There’s plenty to do here—rides, beach, pool, a boardwalk, concerts, fireworks and more—and you don’t have to be a kid to enjoy it. The area was the site of various amusement parks dating back to the 1800s before the Westchester County Park Commission purchased the land and redeveloped the area, opening Playland in 1928. For those looking for rides of a more subdued sort, Playland Lake offers lake cruises and has pedal boats available for rent—or you can launch your kayak into Long Island Sound. 914.813.7010; parks.westchestergov.com

To share this article with a friend, visit westchesterhealthandlife.com.

For some of the parks listed, you’ll need to purchase a Westchester County Parks Pass. The reasonablypriced pass—it’s $50 and valid for three years—is only issued in person and requires proof of Westchester residency. To find an office near you, visit westchest ergov.com or call 914.864.PARK. The pass allows you access to the parks, plus discounts on parking, golf and other activities. Also, keep in mind that in some cases, entrance to the park is free, but there may be a charge for parking or swimming/beach use.

Thompson’s Lake State Park The park has a beautiful sandy beach, and recreational opportunities abound such as boat access, rental row boats, fishing areas and nature trails. This is also a popular camping site, and recreational programs are offered for campers throughout the summer. 518.872.1674; nysparks.com

Sal J. Prezioso Mountain Lakes Park The 1,082-acre site is Westchester’s northernmost county park and offers a variety of water activities including fishing and boating. The park contains five lakes and a spectacular overlook, which makes for breathtaking hiking destinations. There’s plenty of outdoor fun to be experienced here, including camping, nature exploration, picnicking and a high/low ropes challenge course. 914.864.7310; parks.westchestergov.com

Franklin D. Roosevelt State Park In this beautiful park not far from the Big Apple you’ll find an enormous pool that can hold 3,500 bathers at one time. The pool contains 1.5 million gallons of water, more than twice the volume of an Olympic-sized pool! The park’s oases of blue water, Mohansic Lake and Crom Pond, provide excellent freshwater fishing and boating. Popular catches include bass, perch and sunfish. Both rowboats and pedal boats are available and visitors can launch their own canoes and kayaks. 914.245.4434; nysparks.com


5/23/11 10:21 AM

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& Garden

Appliance Connection

Today’s appliance buyer demands more personalized attention for their money. “It carries weight when a customer can speak directly to the company’s president—you can’t get that service at most big box appliance retailers,” says Joel Kapnick, owner of Appliance Connection, authorized retailers of best selling names such as Sub-Zero, Miele, Viking, and Liebherr. Follow through is a priority and fully-trained staff are knowledgeable about every product in the store. Appliance Connection’s website debuted this spring—a place to peruse before visiting for a consultation. 951 E. 233rd Street | Bronx 718-324-5252 | www.appliancesalesrus.com

The Caravan Connection

For three decades, The Caravan Connection has garnered awards for its sale and services of the finest quality oriental carpets. For 2011, Mike and Mary Lynn McRee offer the full breadth of possibilities in hand-knotted floor covering, from Tibetan wool and silk to antique Serapis and Oushaks. Don’t miss The Caravan Connection’s “Spring Fling” 20% discount on cleaning and repairs through June 30th. Free pick up and delivery are always provided. 14 Main Street | Bedford Hills 914-666-0227 | www.caravanconnection.com

Carpet Trends

Business is strong at Carpet Trends, and for good reason. Westchester’s largest carpeting showroom—in business for 55 years—is known for its quality service and large selection of fine Wiltons and in-stock rolls of wool carpeting. Fun brightly colored shag rugs for children’s rooms and sparkling white shags for living rooms are in great demand this season. This year marks the opening of Carpet Trends’ custom room for decorators who want to create unique carpets with their clients, and welcomes the addition of Decorative Carpets of California. The company services large and small commercial projects with bamboo, nylon, and wool products. Carpet Trends also recently installed solar panels to reduce its carbon footprint. 5 Smith Street | Rye 914-967-5188 | www.carpetrends.com

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special advertising section

yo ur lo cal home e xpert r e so urce gu ide By M arilyn Z e linsky- S yarto

Consolidated Plumbing Supply

Smart toilets with advanced technology and sleek designs are in demand for the bath, says Brian Reichenbach of Consolidated Plumbing Supply, Westchester’s oldest Kohler distributor since 1928. “Kohler’s new smart toilet, Numi, has high levels of personal technology and forward-looking design—this WaterSense and CALGreen-certified smart toilet is truly the ultimate flushing experience,” he says. Numi’s luxury features include an interactive LCD touch-screen interface, bidet functionality, dual-flush technology, intuitive auto-open and –close lid, built-in music system, and heated seat and foot warmer. Numi is now available at Consolidated Plumbing Supply. 121 Stevens AveNUE | Mount Vernon 914-668-3124 | www.consolidatedplumbingsupply.com

Fovama Oriental Rugs & Carpets of Westchester

Fovama Oriental Rugs & Carpets of Westchester has been in business since 1979, and continues to be the designer’s source for floor covering in the New York metropolitan area for rare, one-a-kind handmade rugs to machine loomed carpets from brand names such as Nourison, and wall-to-wall carpeting and custom-made designs for staircases and hallways. Fovama’s impeccable reputation and customer service earned it an Angie’s List award in 2010 for achieving and maintaining a superior service rating in custom- made installations. Fovama now offers the finest hardwood flooring from top manufacturers as Mirage. Visit www.FOVAMA.com to discover a wealth of information as well as Fovama’s gallery of custom-made designs for stairs and hallways, installed by in-house carpet fabricators. 1088 Central Park AveNUE | Scarsdale

914-725-2424 | www.fovama.com

Grande Central Showroom There’s news in luxury hygienic bathroom solutions at Grande Central Showrooms, a division of Central Plumbing Specialties, which offers quality plumbing products for kitchen and bath. “Duravit’s SensoWash products, designed by Philippe Starck,

5/19/11 8:53 AM

special advertising section

home & garden

Hand-Knotted Antique and New Oriental Rugs, Custom Tibetan Carpets. Cleaning, Appraisals and Repair Services Available. Mike and Mary Lynn McRee 14 Main Street, Bedford Hills, New York 10507 |

(914) 666-0227

are the perfect shower-toilets, which is a new term for advanced hygienic personal care with bidet functioning,” says Grande Central’s Howard Frankel. “The SensoWash seat not only closes silently, it’s heated, and it’s also illuminated for visibility in the dark.” SensoWash comes in a one-piece toilet or wall-mounted toilet design, each with elegant, ergonomic lines. Go to any of Grande Central’s four locations to learn more about Duravit’s new minimalist toilet seats. 550 Saw Mill River Road | Yonkers | 914-968-9200 1254 Park Avenue | New York | 212-876-0100 141 East 56th Street | New York | 212-588-1997 19 Bond Street | New York | 212-777-7984 www.centralplumbingspec.com

Gregory Sahagian & Son, Inc.

If you’re concerned about the effects of ultra-violet light, but don’t want to forfeit the joy of sitting outside, Gregory Sahagian & Son, Inc., a family-owned awning business since 1990, offers the newest materials from Sunbrella Fabrics—recommended by The Skin Cancer Foundation—which provide up to 98% U.V. protection from harmful effects of the sun. From styles that range from traditional to distinctive, a GS&S custom fabric awning is one of the best backyard investments you can make for your health and comfort. Choose from more than 600 patterns to shade your patio, deck, or terrace. Combine the comfort of an indoor lifestyle with the beauty of outdoor living. 18 North Central AveNUE | Hartsdale 914-949-9877 | www.gssawning.com

Lima Ceramic Tile

Ceramic and porcelain tile can be used in dining rooms and dens, and for heavy traffic areas such as foyers, and outdoor areas,

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recommends Moe Makhraz of Lima Ceramic Tile, the source for ceramic, porcelain, travertine, marble and tumbled marble, granite, limestone, slate, and glass tile from the finest European manufacturers and suppliers, including Panaria Ceramica, Cerdomus, Tagina, Unicom, Vallelunga, Marca Corona, Polis, plus many more factories. Recently, Lima Ceramic Tile worked with the Shippan Designer Showhouse, a project which benefited the Stamford Museum & Nature Center. Visit Lima’s large showroom in Stamford, open to trade and public, where you’ll find factory-direct prices and complimentary design services. 24 Magee Avenue | Stamford, CT 203-325-9577 | www.limaceramictile.com

My Home, My Planet For over a decade, My Home, My Planet has remodeled thousands of kitchens and has become a source for contemporary and traditional cabinetry brands. The company has expanded with two locations. A new Manhattan showroom features Leicht cabinets, the best combination on the market of German quality and value. In addition, the new Westchester showroom, (conveniently located near the Mt. Kisco train station), is a 5,000-square-foot home design center featuring hardware, lighting, tile, plumbing, flooring, and cabinetry. Expert design staff at each location will help you choose from a variety of product styles from traditional to modern and all price points from budget to high end. My Home, My Planet is a full-service contractor licensed in Manhattan and Westchester to install its own cabinetry. 2003 Broadway | betw. 68 & 69th | New York | 212-799-7755 74 South Moger Avenue | Mt. Kisco | 914-244-9099 www.myhomemyplanet.com

5/19/11 8:53 AM


Get Organized for Spring! Simplify your life with The Royal Closet, call for a free consultation. Let The Royal Closet turn your space into a custom-designed showplace. Whether choosing elegant quality stained wood or simple melamine laminate, Royal Closet provides an innovative design service and superior craftsmanship. Visit the well-appointed Norwalk, CT showroom or, at no cost to you, arrange for an in-home consultation with a design expert.

6-B Muller Park Norwalk, CT

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5/23/11 9:52 AM

special advertising section

New Dimensions Remodeling

home & garden

New Dimensions Remodeling has created classic kitchen and baths for Westchester, Putnam, and Fairfield Counties for over 20 years. The New Dimensions’ team has extensive design/build experience spanning over 35 years. With that breadth of experience, New Dimensions Remodeling’s streamlined, stress-free process results in never having to go over the initiated cost of a project. “There are no surprises—we never go over our quote on a project,” says Frank Branca, owner of New Dimensions Remodeling, who adds that his staff is sensitive to fluctuating real estate values, and understands the true costs of alterations. “We specialize in working with you to put together the best possible project for the best return on your investment.” 466 Lexington Avenue | Mt. Kisco 914-241-1773 | 203-975-9955 | www.newdimensionsremodeling.com

Scenic Landscaping

Established over 36 years ago, Scenic Landscaping and its sister company Tapestry Landscape Architecture are NJ’s premiere design-build firm. With two nurseries, display gardens and an award-winning staff of designers, horticulturalists and landscape artisans, they bring landscape visions to reality. Specializing in landscapes as unique as your home, they strive for perfection in every job. From planting design to estate master planning, Scenic Landscaping’s ability to manage every aspect of a project ensures no detail is left behind. 7 Argyle Street | Haskell 973-616-9600 | www.sceniclandscaping.com

The Royal Closet

Did you ever wish you had more closet space or could alleviate the morning mad dash to find something to wear? The Royal Closet will show you that organization is not impossible or expensive. The Royal Closet has helped homeowners maximize space by designing simple and elegant closets, home offices, pantries, mudrooms, entertainment centers, and garages since 1989. They’ve been recognized for their innovative designs and superior craftsmanship, and they manufacture right on premises. Call for a complimentary in-home consultation. 6-B Muller Industrial Park | Norwalk, CT 203-847-4179 | www.royalcloset.com



When the outdoors becomes a priority, having an organized indoors can be a godsend. A custom-designed laundry or garage will bring order to chaos. Accessorizing with a built-in ironing board, tilt-out hamper, collapsible laundry valet, hanging rods, and pull-out baskets enhances beauty and increases convenience to a normally neglected room. In the garage, a wall-track system can accommodate tools, recreational equipment, and gardening essentials, increasing convenience and functionality. At transFORM, we can renew any space. Westchester Showroom 20 Jones Street | New Rochelle | 914-500-1000 Manhattan Showroom 230 5th AveNUE | New York | 212-584-9580 800-450-1455 | www.transformhome.com



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Wallauer’s celebrates its 90th anniversary. Since 1921, Wallauer’s, a onestop shopping destination for home design, has helped home owners with their decorating projects, providing one-on-one in-store or at home consultations all with personal attention and service from start to finish. Wallauer’s has reupholstery workroom services, and specializes in designing and fabricating beautiful home fashions, including custom fabric window treatments and bedding ensembles. In addition, Wallauer’s carries Hunter Douglas Window Fashions and premiere paint lines, such as Benjamin Moore and California Paint. Become a Fan of Wallauer’s on Facebook! N. White Plains | Bedford Hills | Mahopac | Ossining | Scarsdale Yonkers | Yorktown | Port Chester | Mohegan Lake | Carmel 914-948-4000 | www.wallauer.com

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5/19/11 8:53 AM

Stop lugging your

BBQ tank. Order online and have it DELIVERED FAST AND FREE— only $24.99 for a full 20lb tank delivered!

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Your summer body. No crowds. No memberships. Real results. Call now for a private tour and meet your personal trainer. 914.231.9240 C e d a r M a n o r n u r s i n g a n d r e h a b i l i tat i o n C e n t e r is proud to offer outstanding short term rehabilitation, long term care and subacute services. The elegantly styled facility features an intimate and home-like environment offering residents the perfect blend of excellence in rehabilitative services and wellness. In addition to excellence in patient care, Cedar Manor offers restaurant style dining with panoramic views of the Hudson River, innovative and creative activities and programs in a unique setting of tranquility and healing.


theresistancefit.com 145 Palisade St. Loft 383 Dobbs Ferry

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Cedar Manor NursiNg & rehabilitioN CeNter Cedar Lane, Ossining | 914-762-1600 | www.cedarmanornursing.com

5/20/11 10:16 AM



cheese board features Morbier, with its distinctive streak of ash running through the middle; Tymsboro, an ash-covered pyramid; Barkham Blue; charcoal crackers; the bloomyrinded Waterloo; and fresh figs.

w h er e to bu y balducci’s 15 Palmer Ave. Scarsdale 914.722.0200 balduccis.com fairway market 847 Pelham Parkway Post Road Plaza Pelham Manor 914.712.0011 fairwaymarket.com mint premium foods 18 Main St. Tarrytown 914.703.6511 plum plums 72 Westchester Ave. 
 Pound Ridge 914.764.1525 plumplumscheese.com

Cheese 101 A comprehensive overview of cheese and its cl assic combinations

on T YPES OF CHEESE In my view, the consistency of a cheese and the presence or absence of rind are the easiest ways to categorize cheese, together with how strong the flavor is. Here are seven key varieties: YOUNG, UNRINDED Young goat and sheep cheeses dominate this popular style. When they’re first made, they’re light and moussey, just formed into a small flat disc or cylinder. A few days on they can be


june 2011


crumbled, and a week or so later, sliced. After a month on they will have acquired a protective greyish coating of mold, often described as a “natural rind.” Better-known ones are the pyramid-shaped Valençay and Tymsboro, and the herb-coated Perroche cheeses. Other well-known examples are mozzarella and mascarpone. SEMI-SOFT Unlike other cheeses, Bries and Camembert, which are also known as


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semi-soft cheeses, get softer as they age rather than firmer and drier. HARD How hard must a hard cheese be? Some experts consider only rock-hard crystalline cheeses such as Parmigiano Reggiano truly hard, but most of us would include cheeses that were cut from big wheels such as cheddar or Gruyère. VERY HARD CHEESES These are the oldest cheeses you’re likely to find—cheeses

so hard they’ve become almost crystalline and need to be shaved or grated rather than sliced. The best-known type is Parmesan or Parmigiano Reggiano, but matured Grana Padano and Pecorino (also from Italy), Sbrinz from Switzerland, Roomano from Holland and Vella Dry Jack from California are similar. WASHED-RIND These are described as washed-rinded because the surface of the cheese is rubbed with a brine

text © Fiona Beckett and photography © Loupe Images/Richard Jung

Overwhelmed by the dizzying array of varieties offered at your local cheese store? Don’t worry—help has arrived. In her book Fiona Beckett’s Cheese Course, author Beckett, an award-winning British food and wine writer, demystifies cheese and offers wisdom on the classic cheese board and the best pairings. Here, an excerpt:

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text © Fiona Beckett and photography © Loupe Images/Richard Jung


(salt water) solution, which promotes the growth of a bacterium which breaks down the texture of the cheese, turning it soft and pliable. Well-known examples are Epoisses, Langres, Munster and Reblochon from France, Chimay from Belgium, Appenzell from Switzerland and Stinking Bishop from England. BLOOMY-RINDed This term refers to the downy white surface these cheeses acquire as they mature. Some bloomy-rinded cheeses are exceptionally rich and creamy thanks to the addition of cream during the cheesemaking process. Referred to as double- and triple-creme cheeses, they’re popular in France, which produces some of the most indulgent examples—Explorateur, Brillat Savarin and PierreRobert among them. BLUE Cheeses develop their blue veining when a harmless penicillin mold is added to the milk or curds. Once the cheese is formed, fine steel needles are inserted to expose the center to oxygen, which enables the mold to spread throughout. Favorites include Gorgonzola, Roquefort, Stilton and Cashel Blue. On cheese boards The classic approach is to aim for a contrast of textures, tastes and shapes. Mild to strong, rounds and wedges, light against dark, soft and hard—it’s an aesthetic impact as much as a gustatory one. A classic selection would be a young, fresh-tasting goat cheese, a white or bloomyrinded cheese such as a Brie or a Camembert, a hard cheese like a cheddar and a blue such as a Stilton. You could also add a washed-rind cheese, a sheep cheese or a cheese flavored with herbs. What I like to do is create a miniature cheese board for two. You could have two goat cheese buttons, two wedges

of Camembert or other whiterinded cheese, two slices of Beaufort and two radicchio leaves topped with a spoonful of a soft blue cheese such as Gorgonzola or Cashel Blue. Perch two small pots of fruit compote or chutney alongside or a couple of shots of grape jelly, add a few grapes or a couple of fresh figs, some small home-baked rolls or precut slices of raisin bread and some rustic artisanal breadsticks, and you’ve got a very pretty-looking board indeed. On bread In general, softer and sliced breads are better with harder, sliced cheeses and crustier breads like baguettes and ciabatta with soft or semi-soft cheeses. Try Scandinavian-style crispbreads with mild, semi-soft cheeses like Havarti; seeded, crisp flatbreads with creamy cow, goat or sheep cheeses; breadsticks with mozzarella; a baguette with Brie and Camembert; sourdough bread with all kinds of cheeses, particularly washed-rind cheeses and hard sheep cheeses; mixed-grain bread with cheddar, Cheshire and Lancashire; light rye with alpine cheeses such as Beaufort and Comté; darker ryes with creamy, spreadable cheeses. OTHER PAIRINGS In summer, take advantage of the wealth of fresh fruit and vegetables to show off your cheeses. Also, don’t be afraid to introduce a touch of spice. Chili peppers and garlic work well with cheese. One idea: Serve thinly sliced sheep cheese with grilled peppers and almonds as a mini tapas plate with a glass of fino sherry, or do as the Basques do and serve it with a cherry compote and a glass of fruity red wine. Or plate up individual ploughman’s platters with a good chunk of cheddar, some thickly carved ham, a dollop of chutney, an apple and some crusty bread.


young, unrinded

blue semi-soft

bloomy-rinded washed-rind

very hard


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june 2011


5/10/11 3:56 PM

tastes G e t t i n g t h er e Bobolink Dairy & Bakery 369 Stamets Rd. Milford, N.J. 9 08.864.7277 cowsoutside.com

road trip

Coach Farm 105 Mill Road Gallatinville, N.Y. 518.398.5325 coachfarm.com

Dairy farms welcome visitors who want a closer look at how cheese is made

Rainbeau Ridge 49 David’s Way Bedford Hills, N.Y. 914.234.2197 rainbeauridge.com

Coach Farm (below) has goats you can visit (right) and tempting artisanal cheeses (far right).

Valley Shepherd Creamery 50 Fair mount Rd. Long Valley, N.J. 9 08.976.320 0 valleyshepherd.com

Bobolink Dairy & Bakery Bobolink owners Nina and Jonathan White last year moved their Vernon, N.J., farm to Milford, N.J., where their cows have plenty of room to roam and munch on grass. From the cows’ milk the Whites produce a variety of cheeses, including the Brie-like Baudolino, a cave-ripened cheddar and the bold, firm Frolic. Their cheeses are sold at the farm and at a variety of farmers’ markets. Hands-on classes limited to four people are taught by Jonathan White, and each Saturday when the weather allows there are one-hour walking tours of the farm to view the milking parlor, creamery, cheese caves and bakery.

Coach Farm After creating the well-known Coach line of handbags, Miles and Lillian Cahn started Coach Farm, a nationally known purveyor of authentic artisanal goat cheeses that are made using the traditional methods of French farmstead cheeses. Products of the upstate New York farm include cheeses such as the award-winning triple cream wheel, green peppercorn pyramid, green peppercorn tome and caraway round. Tours of the farm are not currently offered, but anyone can stop by at 3 p.m. to meet the goats and watch them being milked—just call first and let farm staffers know you are coming. Products are sold through the website coachfarmstore.com but can also be found at upscale cheese and grocer y stores in the Hudson Valley area including Whole Foods and Balducci’s.


june 2011


Bedford Hills seems like an unlikely setting for a farm, but Lisa and Mark Schwar tz have created Rainbeau Ridge on 35 acres there, selling Lisa’s award-winning goat cheeses while offering seasonal cooking classes taught by local chefs and hands-on programs for children. Lisa’s cheeses are sold at local shops and can be found on the menus of a dozen restaurants including Gramercy Tavern in New York City and the Culinar y Institute of America at Hyde Park. They include the ash-coated Meridian, pyramid-shaped Mont Vivant and cups of soft cheese curds. Check the calendar on the website for days when visitors can see this working farm in action, and also for information on festivals in May and October.

Valley Shepherd Creamery Children and adults enjoy visiting New Jersey’s only rotating sheep milking parlor at Valley Shepherd. They also can watch the milk being used to make a variety of cheeses, including the Pyrenees-style Oldwick Shepherd, truffle-laced Tartuffo Shepherd and Smokey Shepherd, which is smoked over applewood embers. Mixed-milk cheeses, which combine sheep’s milk and jersey cows’ milk, include Babaloo, a caveaged blue; the softer Crema De Blue; the flavored Nettlesome made with stinging nettles, and Carameaway made with caraway seeds. The cheeses are available at farmers’ markets, in gourmet shops and some local restaurants. Tours of the farm are offered on Saturdays and Sundays in July and August, and cheesemaking classes are held one Sunday each month from April through November. —Susan Sprague Yeske

top two and far left: shutterstock. other photos provided by coach farm.

Rainbeau Ridge


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5/16/11 2:10 PM

where toeat fine




Opus 465 Contemporary cuisine, 465 Main St., 914.273.4676 RestauRant nORth Seasonal, New American fare with locally sourced ingredients, 386 Main St., 914.273.8686


the BaRn at BedfORd pOst Casual dining with brunch on the weekends, 954 Old Post Rd., 914.234.7800 BistRO twenty-twO French bistro fare, 391 Old Post Rd., 914.234.7333 faRmhOuse at BedfORd pOst Contemporary American cuisine with seasonal ingredients, 954 Old Post Rd., 914.234.7800


GuadalajaRa Festive Mexican including favorites like fajitas, 2 Union St., 914.944.4380




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teRRa Rustica Classic Italian with salads, pastas and seafood, 550 N. State Rd., 914.923.8300


haiku asian BistRO Serves sushi and a variety of pan-Asian dishes, 56 Pondfield Rd., 914.337.5601


cRaBtRee’s kittle hOuse American fare with an expansive wine cellar, 11 Kittle Rd. (off Route 117), 914.666.8044

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dOn emiliO at lOBO’s café Upscale Mexican eatery, 57-59 King St., 914.238.2368


haiku asian BistRO Serves sushi and a variety of pan-Asian dishes, Cross River Plaza, Routes 35 and 121, 914.763.9120


pRimaveRa Regional Italian cuisine featuring jumbo shrimp parmigiana and grilled Scottish salmon, 592 Route 22, 914.277.4580


Ocean hOuse New England–style seashore fare including steamers, grilled wild salmon and fried clams, 49 N. Riverside Ave., 914.271.0702 umami café Creative, eclectic cuisine, 325 S. Riverside Ave., 914.271.5555


the cOOkeRy Fine Italian comfort food in a relaxed setting, 39 Chestnut St., 914.305.2336 half mOOn Casual American restaurant, 1 High St., 914.693.4130 tOmatillO Authentic Mexican fare featuring inseason local ingredients, 13 Cedar St., 914.478.2300


pete’s salOOn & RestauRant Casual bar and eatery with live entertainment, 8 W. Main St., 914.592.9849


veGa Classic Mexican cuisine in a contemporary setting, 187-189 E. Hartsdale Ave., 914.723.0010


haRvest On hudsOn Mediterranean cuisine, 1 River St., 914.478.2800


GashO Of japan Hibachi steak house, 6 Saw Mill River Rd., 914.592.5900


mima Home-cooked Italian fare with a wine bar, 63 Main St., 914.591.1300 Red hat On the RiveR Upscale eatery featuring contemporary American cuisine, 1 Bridge St., 914.591.5888

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where to eat LARCHMONT

Globe bar & Grill Seafood, pasta and steaks with a lively bar scene, 1879 Palmer Ave., 914.833.8600 larchmont tavern Pub fare in a casual setting, 104 Chatsworth Ave., 914.834.9821

photo: Lindberg

lusardi’s Authentic, homemade Italian cuisine, 1885 Palmer Ave., 914.834.5555 Plates New American menu with Italian, French and Asian accents, 121 Myrtle Blvd., 914.834.1244


haiku asian bistro Serves sushi and a variety of pan-Asian dishes, 265 Mamaroneck Ave., 914.381.3200 le Provençal bistro French fare, 436 Mamaroneck Ave., 914.777.2324 Zitoune Festive Moroccan eatery, 1127 W. Boston Post Rd., 914.835.8350


sPaccarelli’s ristorante Neighborhood eatery emphasizing Abruzzese cuisine, 238 Saw Mill River Rd., 914.941.0105


bella vita Italian spot known for homemade pumpkin ravioli, 1744 E. Main St., 914.528.8233


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Pour café & Wine bar Boutique wines and spirits from around the world and authentic bistro fare, 241 Main St., 914.864.0606


don coqui Authentic Puerto Rican dishes, 115 Cedar St., 914.637.3737 city choW house Asian-Latin fusion cuisine, 1 Radisson Plaza, 914.576.4141 the Gnarly vine Tapas and wine bar, 501 E. Main St., 914.355.2441 sPadaro Inspired Italian cuisine, 211 E. Main St., 914.235.4595


John-michael’s at Purdy’s homestead Modern fare set in a Colonial home, 100 Titicus Rd., 914.277.2301 vox French bistro serving eclectic fare from foie gras to burgers, 721 Titicus Rd., 914.669.5450


division street Grill Food with a contemporary American flair, 26 N. Division St., 914.739.6380


ZePhs’ Global soul food, 638 Central Ave., 914.736.2159

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blue hill at stone barns Local, seasonal cuisine, using many ingredients from the restaurant’s own farm, 630 Bedford Rd., 914.366.9600

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q restaurant & bar Authentic Midwestern barbecue, 112 Main St., 914.933.RIBS tarry lodGe Upscale Italian restaurant in a small, intimate setting, 18 Mill St., 314.939.3111

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060_WCHL_JUNE11.indd 22 _WES_WTE_04REV1.indd

the Willett house Fine steak house, 20 Willett Ave., 914.939.7500


la Panetière Contemporary French cuisine, 530 Milton Rd., 914.967.8140

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rye roadhouse Features steak and Cajun seafood, 12 High St., 914.925.2668 Whitby castle American cuisine, 330 Boston Post Rd., 914.777.2053


the 808 bistro Italian fusion fare and a full bar, 808 Scarsdale Ave., 914.722.0808 chat american Grill Steaks, seafood and sandwiches, 1 Christie Pl., 914.722.4000

5/24/11 11:16 10:06AM AM 5/23/11

where to eat meritage New American cuisine in a chic, Manhattan-style setting, 1505 Weaver St., 914.472.8484

Who said learning to drive has to include a sketchy guy in a beat-up Camry?


wasabi Casual Japanese restaurant featuring sushi, sashimi and hot dishes, 279 N. Broadway, 914.332.7788


le château Classic French dishes in a Tudor mansion, Routes 35 and 123, 914.533.6631


Driving Simulators

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equus restaurant French fare served at Castle on the Hudson, 400 Benedict Ave., 914.631.3646 sweet grass grill Creative local fare, 24 W. Main St., 914.631.0000


abis Japanese restaurant Traditional Japanese cuisine plus steak house hibachi, 14 Marble Ave., 914.741.5100 Johnny’s bar & grill A variety of American favorites, 665 Commerce St., 914.773.5982


an american bistro Bright eatery featuring quesadillas, lamb and chicken, 296 Columbus Ave., 914.793.0807


aquario Seafood and Brazilian and Portuguese cuisine, 141 E. Lake St., 914.287.0220


42 Elegant American eatery, 1 Renaissance Sq., 914.761.4242

In-Car Video Cameras

Great Instructors

Lessons 7 Days/Wk

Fresh Green Light

a better driving school

www.freshgreenlight.com 914.921.8888


275 Purchase St., Rye, NY 444 E. Putnam Ave., Cos Cob, CT

asian temptation Modern Japanese and Asian cuisine, 23 Mamaroneck Ave., 914.328.5151 blue Asian-influenced American fare featuring osso bucco, 99 Church St., 914.220.0000 the melting pot Fondue restaurant with an intimate atmosphere, 30 Mamaroneck Ave., 914.993.6358 morton’s Outpost of the Chicago-based steak house, 9 Maple Ave., 914.683.6101


X2o Xaviars on the hudson Eclectic fare with a vibrant lounge area, 71 Water Grant St., 914.965.1111 Zuppa restaurant & lounge Innovative Italian with homemade pasta, 59 Main St., 914.376.6500


peter pratt’s inn New American fare in a rustic setting, 673 Croton Heights Rd., 914.962.4090

Bedford Post

For our complete list oF dining options, visit the “where to eat” section oF westchesterhealthandlife.com.

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thingstodo j u ly

On June 13, get your golf on to benefit Guiding Eyes for the Blind.


The Boys & Girls Club of Northern Westchester will host its annual HUMANITARIAN AWARD DINNER at Lexus of Mount Kisco, 6:30 p.m. After a cocktail reception and sit-down dinner there will be an awards ceremony and live auction. Tickets: $350 . To find out more, call 914.666.8069 or visit bgcnw.com.

JUN 11 The historic James

House will be a scenic backdrop for the PHELPS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CRAFT FAIR in Sleepy Hollow, 10 a.m., featuring more than 30 vendors selling handcrafted jewelry, clothing, pottery, handbags, photography and more. The fair will also include tours of the house, an 1851 stone mansion with river views, which can be rented for special occasions. Free admission. For additional information, call 914.366.3170 or visit phelpshospital.org.

JUN 11

The Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival invites guests to help it celebrate a milestone at its 25TH ANNIVERSARY BENEFIT at the Boscobel House in Garrison, 4:30 p.m. This special event is a fundraiser for the HVSF, and the evening will include mingling with the 2011 company and a preview of this year’s Silver Anniversary season as well as a live auction presented by members of the company and its benefactors. Tickets: $200 . For additional information, call 845.265.9575 or visit hvshakespeare.org.


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JUN 18 In an event un-

like any he has ever done before, multi-platinum recording artist and Grammy winner PETER FRAMPTON will perform at the Paramount Center for the Arts in Peekskill, 8 p.m. The concert, featuring Frampton’s entire album Frampton Comes Alive! as well as highlights from his catalog, will also include a pre-show gala reception and meet-and-greet. Tickets: $95 to $105 . To find out more, call 914.402.2081 or visit paramountcenter.org.

JUN 19 Put a bow on a bottle

of sunscreen and take Dad to the FATHER’S DAY HIKE at Hilltop Hanover Farm in Yorktown Heights, 10 a.m. Enjoy the weather, check out the farm stand and explore the 3½ miles of woodland trails at the farm during this guided tour. Free admission. For more information, call 914.962.2368 or visit hilltophanoverfarm.org.

JUN 25 The Rockefeller State

Park Preserve is opening its carriage trails to runners looking for a picturesque race during the ROCKWOOD 10K RAMBLE at Rockwood Hall, 8:30 a.m. This challenging course provides competitors with a breathtaking view of the Hudson River, and all proceeds from the run will go toward maintaining the park. Registration fee: $40 . Call 914.631.1470 or visit nysparks.state.ny.us to learn more.

JUN 25 The Caramoor Center

for Music and the Arts will be kicking off its 2011 season with an OPENING NIGHT GALA at the Caramoor in Katonah, 6 p.m. The festivities will include a pre-concert cocktail hour; an on-premises dinner; a performance of one of the most beloved of the Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, H.M.S. Pinafore; and after-the-show dancing with the Pinafore cast. Tickets: $600 to $2,500 . For additional information, call 914.232.1492 or visit caramoor.org.


Celebrate this Independence Day with carnival food, games, a raffle and amusement rides for all ages before settling down on your blanket during the FIREMAN’S CARNIVAL AND FIREWORKS at Harbor Island Park, the largest park in Mamaroneck. This all-day event will conclude with the main event around 9 p.m.: fireworks over the water. Free admission. Call 914.777.7784 or visit village.mamaroneck.ny.us for more information.

JUL 5–15

The New York Classical Theatre performs Shakespeare’s HENRY V as never before at Battery Park in Manhattan, 7 p.m. E xperience the unforgettable journey of King Henry and his army to France, joining the monarch as he leaves England (Castle Clinton in Battery Park), crosses the English Channel (New York Harbor) by boat (ferry) and fights in the epic Battle of Agincourt in France (Governors Island). Free admission and ferry pass. To learn more, call 212.252.4531 or visit newyorkclassical.org. Send event listings to: Westchester Health & Life, 110 Summit Avenue, Montvale, NJ 07645; or reach us by e-mail at thingstodo@ wainscotmedia.com. Listings must be received two months in advance of the event and must include a phone number that will be published.

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JUN 13

New York Giants Quarterback Eli Manning will host the annual GUIDING EYES FOR THE BLIND GOLF CLASSIC at Mount Kisco Country Club, 8:30 a.m. The event, which benefits this Westchester-based guide-dog training school, will include a full day of golf, breakfast, lunch and a banquet dinner with a silent auction. Tickets: $700 for an individual and $2,500 for a foursome. Call 914.243.2208 or visit guidingeyes.org to learn more.

Photo courtesy of guidingeyes.org

j u n e


Go to WorldClassMedicine.com/ 2011Events for more about the medical center’s special events this year. 32ND ANNUAL WESTCHESTER MEDICAL CENTER GALA Saturday, June 11 7 World Trade Center The annual gala is the medical center’s largest fundraising event of the year. Supporters take part in an elegant evening of fine dining and dancing. There will be live and silent auctions featuring exotic trips, jewelry and other unique items. Visit WorldClassMedicine. com/gala or call the Westchester Medical Center Foundation at 914.493.2575 to learn more.

LEARNING FOR LIFE Learning for Life is Westchester Medical Center’s series of free educational seminars on topics relating to your health. For additional information or to register, visit WorldClassMedicine.com or call 877.WMC.DOCS.

WEIGHT-LOSS SURGERY SEMINARS Thursdays, June 9 and July 14; Tuesdays, June 21 and July 26,, 4:30 p.m., Conference Center, Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital. If you are overweight, you may be a candidate for bariatric (weight-loss) surgery. Join expert bariatric surgeons for an informative presentation on the latest minimally invasive surgical weightloss procedures.

SUPPORT GROUPS HEPATITIS C SUPPORT GROUP Meets every other Wednesday, 6–8 p.m., in the Cedarwood Hall Conference Room on the first floor. Call 914.493.7641. SUPPORT GROUP FOR PATIENTS’ FAMILY, CAREGIVERS AND FRIENDS Meets every Wednesday, 2–3 p.m., 6 South Patient Lounge, Westchester Medical Center. Call 914.493.1151 for more information. LIVING WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS For information about the group, call the Behavioral Health Center Outpatient Department at 914.493.2621. STROKE SUPPORT GROUP Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, 6–7:30 p.m. Call 914.493.1573 to find out more. WEIGHT-LOSS SURGERY SUPPORT GROUP Meets twice monthly at 6 p.m., Medicall Arts Atrium, 19 Bradhurst Avenue, Suite 1700, Hawthorne. For dates, visit WorldClassMedicine.com.

Challenge yourself at this year’s Duathlon, June 26.



10TH ANNUAL WESTCHESTER MEDICAL CENTER DUATHLON Sunday, June 26 With more than 400 participants each year, the annual Duathlon attracts athletes from the tri-state area and around the country. Competitors run two miles, bike 15 miles and run another two miles around the Westchester Medical Center campus and throughout the surrounding

neighborhoods of Valhalla and Hawthorne. Entry fees: Individuals: early, $55 ; regular, $65 ; race day, $75 . Two-person relay teams: early, $65 ; regular, $75 ; race day, $75 . Awards for top three overall finishers. For more information, please visit WorldClass Medicine.com/Duathlon or call the Westchester Medical Center Foundation at 914.493.2575.


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5/19/11 1:06 PM

escapes Ge t ting there

Olana State Historic Site 5720 Route 9G, Hudson, N.Y. 518.828.0135, olana.org Driving time: about two hours

clockwise from top right: The studio at

Olana; the main house; a view looking south from the bell tower

Painter’s paradise

Ch eck ou t a H u dso n R i v er Sch oo l l andscape artist’s masterpiece: his own back yard


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sculptures and furnishings that the painter and his wife acquired over the years. Besides Church’s own work, the art collection includes paintings by fellow Hudson River School artists Martin Johnson Heade and Arthur Parton, and there are numerous works by Church’s close friend sculptor Erastus Dow Palmer. It took Church 40 years to create Olana’s vast landscape, and many consider it his greatest work. Like a painting, it features a foreground (the house environs), a middle ground (the rolling fields and forest), and a background (the Hudson River and the Catskill, Berkshire and Taconic mountains). Church planted thousands of trees, created a large, heart-shaped lake and designed miles of carriage trails from which to experience his composition. The grounds are open from 8 a.m. until sunset daily throughout the year and are a popular spot for picnicking, cross-country skiing, hiking

to see more photos of olana and to pl an your visit, go to westchesterhealthandlife.com.

and bird-watching. Walks around the grounds can be brief or as long as two hours if you want to trek the entire carriage drive system. The house is open for tours Tuesday through Sunday (plus holiday Mondays) from April through October, and Friday through Sunday the rest of the year. The daily number of tickets is limited, so reservations are recommended. To make a day of it, check out some of the more than 75 antiques dealers in the area, which has become known as a major antiquing destination. The influx of stores beginning in the 1980s has been credited with revitalizing the formerly downtrodden town of Hudson. These days, Warren Street is lined with great antiques stores and a wide variety of other charming retail shops and restaurants. Those wishing to extend their stay can check into one of the historic inns or B&Bs in the area. —Marisa Sandora Jim Smith

When you travel the winding carriage roads up to Olana, near Hudson, N.Y., you’ll instantly appreciate why famed landscape painter Frederic Edwin Church chose the spot to build his Persian-style mansion in 1870. Turn one corner, and you’re treated to magnificent views of the Hudson River. Round the next bend, and the gorgeous Catskill Mountains fill the sky. And in the surrounding 250 acres, you’ll find the picturesque landscape designed by Church himself. One of the best-known artists of the Hudson River School, Church designed not only the grounds surrounding the home, but the stone, brick and polychrome-stenciled structure as well, working with the architect Calvert Vaux. The mansion is a mixture of Victorian, Persian and Moorish styles, and the well-preserved interior remains much as it was during Church’s lifetime, complete with the original furniture, paintings,

5/16/11 2:09 PM


SAFETY IS MY JOB. My name is Joe Pollock and I am Site Vice President at the Indian Point Energy Center in Buchanan, New York. In this role, I’m the person in charge of safely running the plants day to day. I understand area residents need to hear from us about the safety of Indian Point, so here are some quick facts: Indian Point has been designed to withstand an earthquake 100 times the magnitude of the strongest earthquake ever recorded in this area. However, it is important to remember that it was the tsunami, not the earthquake, that caused the loss of power to the Fukushima plant’s cooling systems. Which is why we’ve added multiple layers of on-site above ground backup power sources to make certain that our cooling systems will work whenever they are needed. All who work at Indian Point have complete confidence in the safety of our plants. We have multiple back-up safety systems and continuously upgrade our systems in all our operations to ensure safety. In addition, all Indian Point staff participate in training programs related to their jobs at least once a year and some, such as control room operators receive one week of additional training every six weeks to ensure safe operation. Our families and friends live in this area too. We would not be here if we didn’t also believe that Indian Point safely provides clean and reliable lower cost power. For more information on the safety and security of Indian Point Energy Center, please visit us online at www.safesecurevital.com. Joe Pollock Site Vice President Indian Point Energy Center

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