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Wairarapa Young Parents�������������������







Puawananga- Wairarapa Young Parents is proud to be o ering students a unique whanau-based education. Students have the bene t of fantastic facilities and support which enables them to continue their education, have their child educated at Mākoura Early Learning Centre and engage in the many agencies that can support us. We are proud to be one of 25 Teen Parent Units in Aotearoa, all who have their own unique settings. We are well supported in all ways by our host school Mākoura College. Students have individual programmes, including work experience, tailored to their future goals, career or study pathways. Our values of Whaia te Tika, Whaia te pono and Whaia te Aroha are woven throughout all aspects of our teaching and learning as students grow and develop into capable learners and competent parents. Ngā mihi nui

Prue Harawira-Smith

Wairarapa Teen Parent Unit becomes Puawānanga Wairarapa Young Parents The year began with a change of name to provide a stronger sense of identity for our school, which stands in the Makoura College grounds. Puawānanga is the name of one of the native climbing, spring owering Clematis plants, and mirrors the growth and emergence of our students into the light through education. The aim of Puawānaga is for students to undertake learning towards their future goals, to contribute positively into our communities and to have the choices an education will provide. Students, who are either pregnant or already a parent, are strongly supported by a number of local social support teams. Students are able to pursue their high school education towards NCEA quali cations, while their pēpē are cared for at the Early Childhood Centre next door. Students this year have followed strong programmes in art, English, health, and maths, taught by specialist teachers. Opportunities are o ered to engage in programmes through external providers such as Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu, UCOL, Porse, to develop knowledge and skills in food preparation, tourism, childcare etc. A recreation programme is complemented by opportunities to be part of the netball team which competed successfully against our Palmerston North counterpart. Other key events and happenings • Matariki Festival acknowledgment of the rebirth of the year, with our whanau get together, and worked to bring students, tamariki, whanau, teachers and support personnel together over a hangi,

prepared onsite. • The Mentor programme (Leaving the Ladder Down) in which students are paired with local successful business people. • Catering at the Quilters Exhibition in Carterton, waitressing at local events. • Trip to Castlepoint • Our lunch programme is personalised for our students, in that our wonderful morning teas and lunches are prepared in our own kitchen to meet high standards, loved and appreciated by all. • Auaha (Project Based learning) focussed on increasing awareness of Climate change and Global

Warming - visiting recycling centre, an o -grid lifestyle block. • Youth Enterprise - developing a business plan for an opportunity - identifying a need and meeting that need through a business model. • Budgeting, parenting, and pregnancy support using local services Our new entrance and Waharoa.

Ariaan reading with children from Makoura Early Learning Centre. Hangi preparation for Matariki whanau event.

Flax weaving with Edith Rolls for Friday Tikanga.

Whaea Prue and students at Castlepoint lighthouse. Mt Holdsworth for Outdoor Rec.

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