5 minute read

Whareama School��������������������������������






It has been great this year to get back into school with limited disruptions. Our students and sta have done an amazing job in learning in an environment. Whether it be inside or outside the classroom, the learning experiences that the students have been involved in are a special feature of our school.

We have many students achieve at a high level in many curriculum areas and are regularly chosen to represent Masterton and Wairarapa in their area of talent. 2023 will be another big year for us with continual development of the work we have done in the development of our localised curriculum, when we will be working alongside experts like Ruud Kleinpaste, ‘The Bugman’, who will be a regular visitor at our school to work with our sta and students. The continual development of our new food forest at school remains a focus for us and to ensure we continue to provide a high quality, engaging and fun learning environment.

Darren Kerr

Written by Charlotte Grafton and Domanik Hullena (Year 8 students) Term 1

Term 1 was a busy start to the year when we had the start of our Virtual Learning Network with some students learning French and Digital Technology. Whakatutuki also started a project on seaweed called Love Rimurimu where we went over to Riversdale and explored and studied the seaweed. The school also started ki-or-rahi training with PJ Harrison to help us get ready for the Ki-o-rahi championship at Riversdale Beach, which we all enjoyed very much. Swimming in our school pool also builds our water con dence!

Term 2

In Term 2 we were in the Life Education classroom with Laura and Harold, where we learnt about our bodies and how they work. We had our rural schools cross-country day at Tinui and this saw many students go to Masterton and then regional cross-country event. We also did the skateboard in schools programme at the netball courts in Masterton, this was something fun. We ended the term with a shared kai and art day for Matariki.

Term 3

Things didn’t slow down in term 3! In fact they seemed to speed up. We started to plant our food forest and grow our own food that will support our already established vegetable gardens. We had the Year 7/8 ski trip to Whakapapa for three days which had been two years in the making due to covid. In Term 3 we started working with Mr French to plant 15,000 plants around his newly created dam, Lake Braemore. We ended the term with selected students going to the Have a Go Sports Day at the Masterton Turf.

Term 4

In the rst week of Term 4 we have our annual Pets’ Day where everyone brings a pet to school and participates in class competitions. We also do athletics with Mark Harris, Smash Play Cricket with Nathan Elliot and the Rural Cluster Athletics day. This year has been really fun and our school just gets more and more interesting! We are all looking forward to our zoo visit and snorkelling days at the Taputeranga Marine reserve in Wellington. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Safe New Year.

Visitors to school are very important and learning the value of books and being an author was fantastic when the Storyline team came to Whareama. Garden to Table is very popular with all the kids in our kura. Learning to grow, harvest, prepare and share.

The ever popular senior ski trip to Whakapapa was back running again in 2022.

Getting our hands dirty is how we learn ... Jamie is putting in his all to build our new food forest. Our Bangers and Maths day was a fun day for parents and kids to build skills in maths games and support for maths at home.

A visit from the Life Education classroom, Laura and Harold builds our student’s resilience and well-being con dence, resilience and well-being.

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