Golden Shears 2020
Judging In a nutshell In all disciplines, a penalty system
for points is used; the lower the total the better.
WOOL PRESSING Competitors are judged on workmanship, safety and technique. Loading the press, tramping, pressing the bale, capping and completion of bale are the most important judging criteria. Bale target weights are set with penalties for being over or under weight. Time points are deducted at 1 point for every 20 seconds elapsed or part thereof.
WOOL HANDLING Judging is divided into two sections; Board (what the audience sees) and Wool Assessment. Board Judging Takes into account the tidiness and efficiency of the competitor, the throw and skirting of the fleece, plus the roll and placement into a fadge. Fleeces are ‘skirted’ for finer neck wool, stained side wool, short wool and for other faults as necessary. Skirtings are separated and placed in baskets. Wool Assessment Fleeces and oddments are removed from the board for assessment. Fleeces should be free of skirtings and each basket should have a different type of wool.
2019 Shearing Judges BACK ROW: Philip Morrison, Ken Macpherson, Ian Hopkirk, Paul Harris, Donald Macrae, Allan Grant, Greg Drew (Aust), Mark Barrowcliffe, Joanne Mead, Neil Sidwell
FRONT ROW: Kevin MacCallum, John Fraser, Graham McNae, Neil Fagan, Russell Knight, Richard France, Peter McCabe, Ronald King, Allan Pretious
Whole points are accumulated from the board and assessment judging.
11mm x 10mm x 85mm long (or the accumulation of smaller second cuts) accrues a 1 stroke penalty. The shorn sheep is judged for wool left on at the same penalty value as above. Skin cuts are also penalised.
Sealed times are set for each grade, from the shearer finishing to when the competitor should finish. Time points accumulate for the sealed time but increase five-fold past that time. Board, assessment and time penalties are added for the total points.
Penalty strokes on the board and from the pen judging are divided by the number of sheep shorn to give a quality points total. Time points are calculated at 1 point for every 20 seconds elapsed or part thereof. Quality points and time points are added together for the competitor’s total score.
SHEARING Competitors are judged while shearing and in the outside pens for overall quality. Shearing the sheep, a second cut or double cut of wool staple is penalised. A second cut of
Masterton coMe and check us out
• New and historic shearing equipment, sheep farm gear and wool crafts. • The story of shearing – its beginnings and how it became an international sport. • The history of sheep farming and its importance to NZ. • Wool types and wool products. • Spinning and weaving demonstrations on Wednesdays and by arrangement. • Shop for wool garments and souvenirs. • Purchase your woollen shearing singlets at the Wool Shed Museum.
12 dixon street, Masterton • Phone 06-378 8008