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What you will learn

The course has language and literature components. You will need to master a new alphabet and tackle "real" Greek literature less than a year after starting the course. There is a prescribed vocabulary list and no coursework.

The course is a joint subject and, depending on timetabling, may be taught at WGHS or QEGS, although you will normally have the same teacher for the duration of the course.

When taught at WGHS, Prose and Verse Literature components are offered. At QEGS, Literature and Culture could replace one of the Literature components. At WGHS, two lunchtimes per week are used, while at QEGS students will need to commit up to three lunchtime lessons per week.

UseGreek offers similar linguistic and literary advantages to Latin. It is the direct fore-runner of Modern Greek. Its vocabulary provides practically all the technical terms for modern medicine, science and technology that do not derive from Latin. Greek literature, especially the poems of Homer and the tragic plays, has been read and enjoyed for over 2,000 years. Greek is highly regarded by employers as Classicists are prized for their academic rigour, logical and critical thinking, their precision and disciplined approach. It is identified by the Russell Group of universities as a ‘facilitating subject’, one that is frequently required or desired by universities to gain a place on a range of degree courses. As Greek is the study of a language with a different alphabet, it counts as a skill element in the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme.

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