1 minute read

What you will learn

GCSE History is for those who enjoy studying people - the personalities of exciting, sometimes glamorous, sometimes terrifying individuals – who, ultimately, have been responsible for creating the world today; it is for those who enjoy studying dramatic, engrossing and supremely important events. It is the collective record of humanity in all of its ambiguity. To understand the past is to shed new light upon the present and to begin to appreciate the complexity and diversity of human experience.

Lessons aim to bring the subject to life for you with extensive use of class debates, field trips, films and plays.


As well as interesting and exciting you, GCSE History prepares you for adult life and the world of university and work. It teaches you to think for yourself, to research, to analyse on paper and in oral debate and above all it gives you an understanding of people - a vital facet of every walk of life. Those with a History qualification have demonstrated ability in one of this country’s most respected subjects and are well prepared for careers in virtually every area of employment, including Law, TV, Journalism, Politics all forms of Management, Social Work and Medicine.

Latin Exam Board & Specification


Method of Assessment

There are three exams.

Paper 1: Language, 1 hour 30 minutes, 50%

Paper 2: Prose Literature, 1 hour, 25%

Paper 3: Verse Literature, 1 hour, 25%

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