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This academic year has been perhaps the most exciting one seen by the RPE Department during my time at WGHS. We have introduced a range of new initiatives to engage the whole school, which have been a resounding success so far.

Our notice boards and displays in the Beaumont building received a brand new makeover. We now display recent student work, book recommendations, current news articles with relevance to the department, RPE-related careers and university courses, departmental news such as trips, information about Mrs Keegan-Phipps’ Japanese culture club, and our new Religion of the Month display. Religion of the Month was introduced to reflect the diversity of the school community and raise awareness of the festivals and religious practices that take place not only in the lives of our students but worldwide, beyond what there is space for in the curriculum. Each month, the Student Leader team works with Mrs Keegan-Phipps to write and present an assembly focused on a chosen festival. We started with Buddhism and Parinirvana Day in January, and hope to resume quickly when we all come together again.

In addition to our usual GCSE clinics and A Level study groups, we re-introduced the school’s lunchtime philosophy club, now rebranded as ‘The Good Place’, at which I lead discussions about a wide range of philosophers, ethical theories and ideologies from different eras and origins. This has been such a wonderful experience so far that ‘The Good Place’ will be becoming an EDGE activity this autumn, enabling us to have many more in-depth discussions, as well as fit in a few more fun activities - I’m particularly excited for Philosophy Snap.

Suffering, what words can I use to explain The pain, the fear, the death, the decay Repeated in a cycle again and again Suffering, never really going away Swallowing us all till it has to find new prey Becoming a part of life, day to day But suffering, are you really there? Something there to haunt us, something there to scare, Watching as slowly down we wear Now suffering, you're just an illusion, I've realised now, there's nothing to it The thing consuming us, is simply a choosing A choosing in which we can escape Through the fear, through the pain, through all the decay Breathe in, breathe out and run away To a land where only happiness can stay

by Ann Achato

Some of our Year 9 students had a super time experiencing the Buddhist and Meditation Centre at Pocklington in February, but one of our greatest sadnesses as a department this year has been that we were unable to go on our planned trip to Rome at Easter. Such trips have been a valuable opportunity to immerse ourselves in Italian culture and learn firsthand about the impact and beliefs of Catholicism (and Christianity as a whole) through visiting churches, museums and historical sites. However, we are optimistic that we will return soon.

The RPE Department has also begun putting up a ‘Thought for the Day’ on the TV screens in reception and lower corridor, alongside the other school notices.They are a range of religious and secular phrases/mantras, from inspirational leaders and writers throughout history; in order to cater for our whole school community, they are from different faiths, countries and backgrounds.

Finally we must acknowledge our gratitude and thanks to Mr Sheehan, who left at Christmas to become Head of Department in All Saints, Mansfield, with Mrs Keegan-Phipps taking over as Acting HoD. He was an amazing teacher, full of energy and good humour, and we thank him for everything he did for us all over the last four and a half years.

However, we are incredibly excited to continue exploring new ways of evolving both in and out of lesson time in the upcoming academic year.

Inspired by their trip to the Buddhist Centre, girls produced some great artwork and poetry

Aminta Utting-Simon - Year 12

A rtworkbyNehaVemula

There's suffering all over, what can we do? It's an inescapable cycle for me and you But we don't have to suffer in the worst type of way There are things we can do to help us through our day

Start with meditation and your mind will slow down All of the crazy thoughts inside you will stop whizzing around With ease, your body will come to a rest The suffering can end, it sure is the best

by Mia Crecraft

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