Portfolio from Yaowen Shi

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PORTFOLIO of Yaowen Shi "In me the tiger sniffs the rose." - Siegfried Sassoon

(570)216-2779 waldenshi@gmail.com Master of Environmental Planning and Design @ University of Georgia

HIGHLIGHT OF SKILLS • Research & Data Analysis • Public & Social Media Presentation • Professional Writing • MS Excel, Prezi • Arc GIS, Civic 3D • Adobe Design Suites • AutoCAD & Revit • Rhino, Grasshopper 3D, Sketch Up


• Sketching & Water Color Rendering • Graphic Design/ Media Rendering

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Project Listing

Graphic Gallery

Sketching Personal Branding Web Design, etc.

Growing from an urban planning and landscape architecture background makes me be able to think in a multidisciplinary way in the design process in order to consider both the larger urban context and specific site issues. Work collaboratively with the previous project team to assist in developing initial conceptual thinking through project delivery and execution, including interdisciplinary coordination and stakeholder engagement. The variety of planning and design projects I have been involved in makes me prepared to dive in any stage of assignment.

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Institutional Planning: Master Plan, Architecture

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Urban Planning: Land Use Analysis

The Chinese University of Hongkong, Shenzhen Campus Shenzhen, China 03.2012-07.2012 247.45 Acre

HuB Junction, GA 02.2014-06.2014 8625.88 Acre

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Urban Design: Waterfront, Community Redevelopment

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Landscape Architecture: Park Planning & Design

Sulphur Dell Development, TN 03.2014-04.2014 102.28 Acre

Disaster Prevention and Experience Theme Park Wuhan, China 02.2011-06.2011 80.10 Acre

Institutional Planning



The City

With the world-wide frequent exchange, the building of CUHK SZ will not only add city features and identities to Shenzhen but will also contribute to its industrious and economy transformation.

1. Open Sapce System

2. Landmarks

3. Edges

4. Linkages

5. Sustainable movement modes

6. Colleges

7. Matt typology

8. Courtyards

Regional The Site

Economic Growth

City Growth

Population Growth


The city of Shenzhen has witnessed a massive expansion in the past 30 years. While the projected growth continues, the city is facing its transformation from manufacturing to culture. We propose a mix-use planning framework to the site. This framework integrates the existing and planning infrastructure into a interrelated network of corridors, buildings and open spaces in between. This integrated framework digest the demand for infrastructure at the local level, will not only embody educational program, but also respond to industrial, and communal needs.

University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Campus Master Plan

03.2012 - 07.2012 China 247.45 AC Design Competition: 2nd Place

From “Shenzhen Economic Zone” to ”Shenzhen Culture Zone” Vision: Recompose CUHK genes into Shenzhen Campus

Current: Genes of the Chinese University of Hongkong

1. University of Humanities: Planting the Seed of Humanities CUHK is a palce combing East and West, tradition and modernity, natural and urban, university learning experiemnce and college life style.

Vision: Domestic Research & Development Production Model

Current: Production Economic Model

2. University of Innovation: Industrial Transformation

Product Fund








CUHK Shenzhen campus sustains the traditions of the shatian campus, but also evlve to a new model adapting to R&D high end industries and academic research.

3. University of Urbanity: Knowledge as Infrastructure


Vision: Domestic Research & Development Production Model

Current: Homogenetic Efficient City Planning

Divide University

Vision: Recompose CUHK genes into Shenzhen Campus

Open / Cross Over Industry



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Institutional Planning

Corridors Multi-use of corridor concept promotes pedestrian and non-vehicle oriented transportation on campus, enhancing pedestrian and cyclist safety. Extending city public transit system into campus improves resident’s access to the city.

Buildings Building of mixed use place living units to services within reality accessible distance by walking or biking. The mixed-use concept provides diversity and dynamic of a livable community to the site. Colleges and Housing

Public Facilities

bike parking

University Facilities

public pedestrian path

public transport campus transport loop Existing Start Up Zone

staff housing underground college posgraduate college public facilities public educational facilities university facilities

street level parking

underground parking local public transport campus transit loop

3% 3% 6% 12%

hotel sports adminstration services

31% classroom 45% residents

Open Spaces We Proposed an integrated open space system to link the corridor and buildings within the campus. This system contains green spaces between public buildings and private courtyards within the residential units on campus.


Lower Campus Together as a whole, withe Corridor, the buildings, and the open spaces, the lower campus is the community of “interface� where its residents interact with the nature on north side and the city on the south side.

Public green space

Lower Campus Interface Concept

Univeristy buildings

Nature Interface

Squares Green Area Water Elements

Patio / Garden Kindergarten

City Interface

City Interface

Public program Framily residence Pedestrian walkway Single couple residence Parking

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Institutional Planning

Program Rather than building another conventional institution, we propose a model of “Interface� on the site where existing nature and man made space meet, interact, connect and coming to form an integrated and vibrant community. "From 30 AC of land to 30 AC of community."


Green Technology Measures Natural Ventilation


Transition season is long in Shenzhen, we try to optimize the air flow design of indoor and outdoor.

Dominant wind direction


Building Orientation

Wind Direction

Ambient Noise

Wind Speed (m/s)

Urbanized Zone

Planning with row building cluster along the main road side to mitigate traffic noise.



Noise Barrier

Noise Level

Noise Analysis

Natural Lightning Combined with “College" concept, the building clusters are defined by different sizes of courtyards




Rain Recycling Collect rainwater from surrounding mountains , combined with water system design into building design




Dayun Convergence

Normal Streets CUHK

Hydrologic Cycle

EcoGreenroof purification


- Building Cooling Water - Landscape Water - Laundary Water

Building Cooling Water

Anaerobic Treatment Renewable Energy

- Normal Domestic Water Restrooms

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Institutional Planning

Architecture Design The library is the core of centralized learning in the university system. It is the most direct exchange of information between pupil and source knowledge in the campus. In our new university model, internal, archived sources of knowledge are filtered into living and interactive learning spaces throughout the campus creating an identity for each college.










Centralized learning



Decentralized learning

Seed of Culture In our new university model, internal, archived sources of knowledge are filtered into living and interactive learning spaces throughout the campus creating an identity for each college. Each college then becomes a hub for learning that is defined by its particle of the university library. As the student grows with the college, their identity will be informed by these interactions.

Continuous loop of knowledge

Connection to the nature

Seed of culture spread into campus

Library system It continues vertically into the college above and forms a vertical book core in the heart of the college which serves as a branch of special collection from the main circular library. The open nature of the library is also enhanced by its ground floor connection to the public university street in the front and the classroom in the matt nearby.

Seminar Room

Open Reading Area

From the Mountain From College

Book Stack From the Mountain To College

Seminar Room Computer Lab Group Study Room

Galleries Exhibition Check Out Counter


Forum Computer Lab

From University Street Conference Room

Book Store

From Matt From University Street

Gift shop/Cafe


From University Street

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Institutional Planning

Physical Model 47.2'' x 21.6''

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Land Use Analysis

Hub Junction Smart Growth, Zoning Proposal

Newton, GA, 02.2014 - 06.2014, 8625.88 AC

Atlanta, commercial,

financial, and transportation centers of

the southeastern U.S.

Meanwhile, Atlanta suffered from it’s regional transportation planning disaster. With fewer natural barriers to contain or restrict the region’s growth, sprawling

subdivision has significantly

changed the land form as well as people’s life patterns for the past 15 years.

Define Benefits & Trends 1: Urbanized

32 Miles

east of Atlanta gives you the amenities of city, but still the small-town feel of living in Newton County.

Favorbale tax structure for business and residents. Executive housing is available in surroudning areas anchored by the

$100.1 Million

in direct tourist spending and $2.95 million in local county tax revenues in 2011.

prestigious residential lake and golf communities on 19,000-acre Lake Oconee, a 30-min drive away. Quick Start job training is offered at Dekalb Technical College’s Economic

5 -100+ Acres

ranging in size available business sites within the area.

Development Center in Covington and other various national prominent universities and colleges. Abundant water resources are available. Rich cultural atmosphere, full of varities of events, activities and experiences are offered in neighboring towns.

From 2000 to 2010, Atlanta has recently undergone a drastic

demographic increase

in its migrants. Some 500 people per day are moving to the Atlanta Metro Area (Atlanta MSA)

In 2004, the elected and appointed senior leadership of Newton County formed the Leadership Colloborative for the purpose of fostering a coordinated county-wide plannng and policy-making process for both today and tomorrow.

Documents Study By intentionally zoning for higher and lower density, rather than allowing future growth to spread itself evenly across the entire county, the 2050 Plan will concentrate 89% of the county’s future population into compact communities on 37% of the county’s land area.

Status Quo Buildout

2050 Plan Buildout

Compact Communities Zone Rural Zone Conservation Zone

Status Quo Developed

Status Quo Rural Sprawl Status Quo Conservatio n

The resulting 2050 “Build Out” Plan created a vision for guiding the county’s future development.


Define Benefits & Trends 2: Planning Prjected

Stanton Springs Technology Park 1600 Acre

mixed use master planned community

$1.3 Billions Investment

1500+ Jobs

the median salary for the 1,500 new jobs is $60,000 a year

Plan 2050 projected the Newton county to reach 400,000 people in 2050 from 100,000 in 2010.

The new manufacturing facility of Baxter International have broken ground in 2012 and construction is expected to be completed by 2015, the majority of the 1,500 jobs expected to be created over a five-year period will be at the Stanton Springs site. The site economy pattern will elaborate on this technology park, how to better

facilitate it meanwhile keep the balance between jobs, people and land.

Georgia Perimeter College (Newton) 1500+ Jobs Newton County’s civic leaders identified five new compact communities where zoning will allow more growth.

the median salary for the 1,500 new jobs is $60,000 a year

6 Schools

Ranging from Elementary to High schools are planned within the site

A rural community tied closely to the preservation and conservation of its agricultural heritage. The top 3 major industry sector is Manufacturing,

Educational Services, Retail Trade.

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Agriculture Agriculture Residential Single-Family Multi-Family Office Institution Neighborhood Commercial Highway Commercial General Commercial CORD-PRC MCMUB 5-20 mins Walking Radius

3560 More

13% More

Multi-family HOUSING TREE Cover and Units and 757 8% more water Single-family preserved

125% More

RETAIL close to home

7% Savings

32% Less

TIME spent in traffic

17% More

WATER + SWEAGE LOCAL jobs & startinfrastructure costs ups

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Program In Sulphur Dell, the conflicts among ecology, economy and equity are more marked than other parts in states. Solutions need to be made through holistic approach. Thus, a multi-functional, mixed-use development model, aims at stimulating local community engagement in building unique land characters and city spirits are the driving force for this site to revitalize again. BUILDING FOR HEALTH We designed a program that supports residents’ healthy lifestyle choices, which include physical activity, healthy food and positive social interaction. We considered market and non market factors in promoting the above choices through design. FLOOD RESILIENCY The second part of the master plan responds to the site’s frequent flood issues. We analyzed the site conditions and explored the flood control through stormwater management system coupled with grey water recycling.

2014 ULI Gerald D. D. Hines Hines Student Student Urban Design Competition Competition Urban Design

Sulphur Dell Development Concept, Nashville, TN 03.2014 - 04.2014 102.12 AC

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HANDS ON NASHVILLE We have long learnt that community living cultivates social order. A community based living establish bonds between its members through co-op association of persons who voluntarily cooperate for their mutual, social, economic and cultural benefit. In this community, there is shared interest in art and creation, there is shared belief in buying local and buying organic, and there is shared concern over natural resources. We added these three shared living elements into our design.

CREATIVE INDUSTRIAL INCUBATOR We rehabilitated some of the industrial buildings by selective removing the exterior so to expose different stage of the “industrial” to the nature. FLOOD CONTROL





Flood Control

In the normal season, water level won't go through the filtration gate. The excess water is observed locally in the bioswale. In the middle-level flooding season, water level goes up, covering open space and forming small ponds of temporary function of bioswale. In the heavy rainfall season, the site’s green system joins the city’s stormwater system, observing flood locally and reducing burden to the city’s flood control.

Rebuilding District Identity

City Spirit Statue

Music City Bikeway

Rain-water Park

Creative Industrial Incubator

Anytime Fitness

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collect rainwater to reduce surface water runoff

collect household grey water for reuse to reduce water use

filter rainwater or grew water for reuse in irrigation

“Flood Resiliency” means the region’s increased ability in mitigating flood damage through its stormwater management system.




encourage healthy food choice by buying local and buying organic

encourage healthy transportation choice by driving less and by taking alternative transportation

encourage healthy daily activity choice by walking more, exercising more and motioning daily activity

“Healthy Lifestyle” means the citizen’s increased engagement in being active and proactive managing personal health.

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Landscape Architecture

Wuhan Disaster Prevention and Experience Theme Park Planning and Design

Wuhan, China 03.2011 - 07.2011 80.10 AC 1st Place in Competition for Best Planning & Design Concept among All Colleges (China)

Wuhan Disaster Prevention and Experience Theme Park Planning and Design



Site Understanding


Water Wuhan acts as a Transportation Hub in central China, the “Hundreds of lake city” is also known as “national forest city”. However, rain and flood has long been an serious issue for Wuhan.


This project locates in southeast East Lake scenic area, only 10-minute drive from Optical Valley (the Silicon Valley in central China).


The Landscape Visual Conditions The site is situated in the East Lake Scenic area, surrounded by flat farmland on one side and hills by three sides. Within the site, the vegetation of the nursery garden is luxuriant and verdant, and the view may change drastically with the passage of the season. Considering the geological characteristics and the holistic scenic view, it is proper to design a garden on the site.







Strategy Formation: Structure Source

Emotional Fluctuation Ordinary

Recover Rescue




When a disaster strikes, man will suffer a seizes of emotional changes in the process, from the calmness in daily life dipping into an total lose and anxiety in the panic. The behavior pattern evolved from the indifference to each other at the very beginning to the union and order in the fight against disaster, and finally people come to grasp the power of union.



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Landscape Architecture

Concept Formation: Elements Abstraction








Strong Life Force


In the correspondent design, acute angle and the curve are deployed to display the transition from opposition to unification. And we can absorb the image of native plants on the site to emphasize awakening consciousness.

Flood Hard landscape




Aritificial hard landscape Soft landscape




Natural soft landscape Unification

Awakening Consciousness

Master Plan

Vegetation Waters Pavement Pavilion Road Building Lawn Gateway Exhibitions

Low bushes and arbors with genuine shape and rich clors

Disaster Prevention Training

Shelter belt species hint the awareness to disaster prevention

Bionic Disaster Experience

Ecology Restoration

Simple, rough, scattering Water plants, water-resistable planting, modernism impression arbors, wetland terrain


Pines, Cypress, Bamboos Sense of grief and meditation

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Landscape Architecture

Detail Design: Disaster Prevention Training Field

"Ice Breaking" Process



Overhead Walkway


Site Texture

Escape Simulation System

Fire Extinguishing Drill



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Project Listing

Major Project List

City of Chamblee International Village Master Plan Chamblee, GA, USA Independent Work Year: 2015.02-Present Area: 461.91 AC

Marin County Sustainable Planed Community Marin, CA, USA Team Academic Year: 2014.08-2014.12 Area: 867 AC

Athens-Clarke County Recycling Division Center for Hard to Recycle Materials Project Athens, GA, USA Charrattee Year: 2014.10-2015.02 Area: 4.91 AC

Hub Junction Zoning Proposal Newton County GA, USA Team Academic Year: 2014.01-06 Area: 8,625.88 AC

2015 Global Schindler Award Competition, Access to Urbanity: Designing the City as a Resource

Hazard Mitigation and Resilience Plan for the Coastal of Georgia

2014 ULI Gerald D. Hines Student Urban Design Nashville

New York City Walkability Analysis

Shenzhen, China Team Competition Year: 2014.10-2015.02 Area: 1,077.89 AC

TN, USA Team Competition Year: 2014.03-2014.04 Area: 102.28 AC

GA, USA Team Academic Year: 2013.08-2013.12 Area: 3,403,424.80 AC

NY, USA Independent Work Year: 2013.09-12 Area: 300,095.4 AC

NYC Publlic Transit Access This map shows the serving radius of the public transportation system of New York City.

Legend NYC_Borough subwaystation subway busroute_Clip subwaystation_Buffer busstop_Buffer ny_Community_Districts

째 0 Yaowen Shi MEPD 2013.11.22



8 Miles

Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community

Planning & Design of Xiexing Cultural Ecological Tourism Planning

Audi Urban Future Initiative, Research on Pearl River Delta

Conceptual Master Plan of Weifang Seaside Resort

Conceptual Master Plan of Jiaomen River Central Area of Nansha Seaside New Eco-City

Sichuan, China Project CAUPD Year: 2013.03-07 Area: 16,803.13 AC

Shandong, China Project CAUPD Year: 2013.03-06 Area: 6,866.72 AC

PRD, China Project NODE Year: 2011.10-2012.05 Area: 1,729,734 AC

Gyuangzhou, China Competition Won Year: 2011.10-2012.05 Area: 4,591.21 AC

The Long Men Wetland Park detail design of the Dan River of JinCheng City

Urban Design of Shunde City, Guangzhou(Center Area)

Master Plan and Phase One Construction of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

Wangjiadun CBD Plaza Landscape Design

Shanxi, China Project CAUPD Year: 2013.02-06 Area: 743.789.72 AC

Guangdong, China Competition 2nd prize Year: 2012.04-07 Area: 247.45 AC

Guangdong, China Project NODE Year: 2011.12-2012.03 Area: 98.84 AC

Wuhan, China Team Competition Year: 2011.05-2011.07 Area: 24.8 AC

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• esg ter D • Pos Ink nese i h C • ing Paint


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n Sava osal,


0.96 D.U. / ACRE

93 DU 97 AC

2.6 D.U. / ACRE

191 DU 94 AC

Suburban Housing Density Study Cross-cutting Issues • Walkability • Social infrastructure and open space • Family-sized housing - general • Family-sized housing at higher densities in town centres and growth areas

100 feet

100 feet

400 feet

400 feet f o u r -

m i n u t e

w a l ki n g

dis t anc e

1,320 feet

6.2 D.U. / ACRE

one acre

3 4 7 DU 5 7 AC

four -




1,320 feet

19.7 D.U. / ACRE

one acre

28 DU 15 AC

100 feet 400 feet 1,320 feet = 4-minute walking distace One Acre

100 feet

100 feet 400 feet

fo u r -

m i n u te

wa l ki n g

400 feet d i s tanc e

1,320 feet

one acre

f ou r -

minut e

walkin g

dist anc e

1,320 feet

one acre

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Landscape Drawing Master Plan • Square • Rest Area • Waterfront

Landscape Drawing Perspective • Square • Rest Area • Waterfront

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"The shame is deeply that I am not be able to grasp the ancient insight, where comes the majestic strength". Buddha day, Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) drew the Ancient of Lore and moss stone, Shi Tao added the swag and autumn color leaves, and wrote the poem above.

《为拱北作山水图》原作:石涛 < Landscape Painting Drew for Sages

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Personal Branding Logo

Personal Branding

Logo: Lotus in the Heart

Taichi involves a series of movements performed in a slow, focused manner and accompanied by deep breathing, that unites mind, body and spirit.

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Personal Branding

Namecard: 3.5" x 2"

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Personal Branding T-shirt

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Web Design

Personal Website: naturalbelief.com

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Web Design

For Chinese Student Association @University of Georgia http://www.ugacsa.com/home.php

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Poster Design "In Memory" Series 18" x 24" Glossy Paper / Grid Net These posters were designed by me in the fall of 2015 working as a freelancer.

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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