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Grades 6 and Grades 1/2 Parent Evening (Zoom
school in the morning. Staff will reapply sunscreen 15 minutes before the children go in the sun in the afternoon. Staff will encourage play in shaded areas and discourage play in the full sun.
Toronto Public Health recommends that in the summer months your child should be dressed in loose fitting, tightly woven, lightweight clothing which covers arms and legs.
Parents will be notified by their class teacher or rep should the school be closed due to inclement weather. An email will be sent out and posted on the website.
Fire drills are conducted regularly according to the guidelines set out by the Fire Marshal. Children are assured of their safety and handled with care. Because the fire drills are not announced and we must make a complete evacuation of the building, it is necessary for the children to be wearing their shoes at all times.
*Please note that field trips have been canceled for the 2020-2021 school year due to our updated health and safety precautions due to COVID-19.
A field trip within walking distance of the school may take place on any day. The excursion form signed upon enrollment represents the authorization for teachers to take your child off the premises of the Waldorf Academy. A typical example of this would be a walk to a local park or ravine.
Appreciation and reverence for the world of nature and the cultural heritage of all people form the core of our educational programs.