5 minute read

Halloween Dance (Middle School

parent(s)/guardian(s) have engaged in conduct which is detrimental to Waldorf Academy.

Staff Extension Numbers

Following are the telephone extension numbers of the faculty and staff of Waldorf Academy (for faculty without an extension number, please leave a message at ext. 0):

Cheri Grogan - Director of School and Childcare …………231 Lucia Amaral - Childcare Supervisor................ ……………..248 Jennifer Deathe - Admissions Manager................ ……………..225 Yasmeen Mamdani - Student Assessment Manager…………….232 Melody Bogin - Office Manager........................ ……………..221 Matthew Denton - Business Operations Manager……………. 226 Kindercare ........................................................................ ……………..241

Waldorf Education: Reading at Home with a Young Child

For many parents reading aloud is easier than telling a story. However, we would like to encourage you to find your storyteller within and share simple stories about favorite childhood memories or adventures with your child. As you tell stories, you will begin to experience for yourself the wonderful power of a spoken tale.

We know that most of you will also want to read aloud to your young child. We offer the following guidelines:

Choose books with pictures that are beautiful. Look for beautiful language. Avoid cartoons and caricatures. These are untrue images that confuse young children and may stunt their capacity to appreciate the true and beautiful. Choose stories with simple, heartwarming story lines. Avoid frightening visual or written images.


Most ‘chapter books’ have themes and images that are precocious for young children. If you plan to read one of these books to your children, please read it to yourself first, paying particular attention to potentially frightening details or confusing concepts. Please check with your child’s teacher for feedback as well.

In reading to your children, one story per sitting is enough. Of course, they may ask for more –just as they ask for more cookies or to stay up late. We urge you, however, to give the child one story and let it have its own inner space to live.

Enjoy the wonderful world of language!

Media and the Young Child

The Waldorf philosophical approach believes that limiting media exposure allows for healthier attitudes towards learning and encourages age-appropriate development. All parents accepted to the school committed on the application form to limit their child’s media viewing and listening time and support the Waldorf philosophic approach to media.

As teachers, we observe the influence of media upon the children in the classroom in their difficulty in entering into play, in their static roles chosen in play, in their choice of areas in which their imaginations may be activated, and in listening. The nature of the plots, characters, and settings in media and television does not provide children with the rich life experience which is the content of healthy play. The research regarding the effects of media upon the young child demonstrates many aspects of its inappropriateness. It is important that parents work to limit, censor, or even eliminate “screen time” from their child's experience particularly during the school week.


We know well what a challenging and daunting issue this is and hope that with the support of our teachers, resources and community we can support each other to ensure the healthiest development of the children.

Readiness for Grade One, October to December Birthday Option

Grade One: Each spring there arises within each group of kindergarten children the signs of readiness to move on from the environment which has supported and nurtured their growth up until this point. Each child will manifest this readiness in a different manner, some with clarity and directness, others in a less obvious way or perhaps even with reluctance to leave behind the years of early childhood. It is the task of parent and kindergarten teacher together to explore the development of each child in a sensitive and comprehensive manner so as to determine the child’s readiness and what we can do to support them over the summer and in grade one. In January we offer a developmental movement program with the support of the education support team. There is a grade on readiness meeting for parents in January to discuss the process. Particular milestones expected of the child entering the grade school are: • self-care • follow instruction • ability to participate

For a deeper discussion on this and why this may be an option to consider we encourage you to talk with your teacher during parent teacher conferences.

Parent Meetings

It is our hope and anticipation that parents will want to learn more about their children's experiences in the kindergarten. We plan parent meetings throughout the year as an opportunity for parents and teachers to share the many aspects of the life of the nurserykindergarten with each other. These may take a variety of forms: a


sharing from the teachers about aspects of child development, exploration of the whys and hows of nursery-kindergarten experience, study and discussion about the festivals throughout the year and artistic and craft activities for the entire group. These are important times during which a deeper understanding of the child's experience in the school is developed. These meetings are also an opportunity to support each other as parents of young children. It is important that parents commit themselves to these meetings for their richness is dependent upon the participation of all the parents in a class in many ways. For the 2020-2021 school year, meetings will occur via Zoom.

Parent-Teacher Communications

Parent-teacher conversations are offered throughout the year. These are an on-going opportunity for parents and teachers to build a picture of each child and her experiences in life. We offer an initial home visit in the summer and an opportunity for families new to the class to meet with the teacher during the summer or early fall. Conferences are encouraged for all parents in the winter, with an optional spring parent-teacher conversation as well.

Teachers are available, of course, throughout the year whenever questions arise. We want to give the concerns of your children and you the attention they deserve. Please do not hesitate to call. If we are unavailable when you call, please leave a message so that we can get back to you. We do want to know about anything of importance that may affect your child's day. A note is an excellent way to get this information to us when children are present. Each teacher also has a Waldorf Academy email.


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