Waldorf School of Lexington
Parent Community Association 2012-2013 Lecture Series
Talking to Kids about Intimacy, Desire, and Sex with Sharon Maxwell, PhD, award-winning author of The Talk Lecture: Friday, January 11, 7-9 pm • • • •
How do we raise kids in an over-sexualized culture of advertising, video games, fashion, and the Internet? How can we help them be in charge of their desires and make good decisions? How do we lay the foundation at a young age when stakes are small, like wanting candy or a toy? What do we want to teach them about intimacy and love, and our own values about sex?
Join us in an interactive discussion on how to discuss sex and managing desire with our children. Sharon will clarify how parents can talk about reproduction, sexual desire, the social power that comes from looking sexy, intimacy and love, and moral/spiritual aspects of sexuality. Award-winning author of The Talk: What Your Kids Need To Hear From YOU About Sex, Sharon Maxwell is a practicing clinical psychologist, educator, and consultant. “Dr. Maxwell gives practical guidance on sharing values with children. Her focus on teaching self-discipline and developing self-control is a refreshing counterpoint to a pop culture that says we should have it all right now.” ~ Dr. Alvin F. Poussaint, Professor of Psychiatry and Faculty Associate Dean for Student Affairs at Harvard Medical School Open to the Public. Lecture $15 At the Waldorf School of Lexington, 739 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA Register online at www.thewaldorfschool.org/lecture_series or at Homespun (school store, 781-862-1829) Or pay at the door, if space is still available For questions, email PCA@thewaldorfschool.org