June 1, 2011 David Mohler Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization Attn: Mark Callahan State Transportation Building 10 Park Plaza, Suite 2150 Boston, MA 02116 Dear Mr. Mohler and Members of the MPO: WalkBoston urges you to include funding for the Rutherford Avenue and Sullivan Square projects in the Boston MPO Long Range Transportation Plan. The existing design and operations of Rutherford Avenue and its ugly and fast underpass discourage transit, pedestrian and bicycle trips. It is a reflection of an outmoded approach to transportation and roadway planning which we have happily abandoned. Repairing this mistake, and providing greatly improved multi-modal transportation options to the residents and employees of nearby Boston, Somerville and Cambridge neighborhoods make the proposed Rutherford Avenue and Sullivan Square projects valuable transportation investments. Thank you for considering our comments in your deliberations. Best regards,
Wendy Landman Executive Director