WalkBoston, Inc. RunBoston™ Marathon Team
Part of the 2013 John Hancock Non Profit Bib Program
All pages of this application must be completed and returned by November 1 , 2012 or until all spots are filled. Completion of the application does not guarantee you a spot on the RunBoston Team. Completion of this application does not guarantee you a spot on WalkBoston’s RunBoston Marathon team. You will be informed by November 30th, 2012 if you’ve been chosen as a member. Send completed applications to: Susan Hurley
or send to
Email: charityteams@comcast.net
52 Russell Street North Andover, MA 01845
Please print clearly Last Name: ______________________ First Name: ________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ State: ________ Zip: ________________ Date of Birth: ________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ______________________ Cell Phone: ______________________