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Old City Hall 45 School Street Boston MA 02108

making massachusetts more walkable WalkBoston makes walking safer and easier in Massachusetts to encourage better health, a cleaner environment and vibrant communities. We advocate for wider sidewalks, safer intersections, and well-timed walk lights. We encourage more walking through initiatives such as Safe Routes to School, snow removal programs, community walkability assessments and great walking maps.

What does it take to move the work of WalkBoston forward? The suppport of people like you.

Your support matters! With every dollar that you give, you are making a community more walkable. Your support influences state and local transportation policies and designs, addresses social and physical barriers to walking, and benefits those who depend on walking the most: people with lower incomes, seniors, children, and people with disabilities.

Yes, I want to help WalkBoston make Massachusetts more walkable. Enclosed is my gift of:

h $500 h $250 h$100 h$50 h Other $___________ Your donation is tax deductible as a charitable contribution.

mail your contribution: h Enclosed is a check for $_________ (made payable to WalkBoston) h Please charge $__________ to my h Mastercard h Visa h Amex h Discover card #

exp. date



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to get monthly e-newsletter and other communications.

or give online: www.walkboston.org/donate

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