Manitoba Home Décor and Renovations - FEB/MAR 2013

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FEBRUARY - MARCH 2013 VOLUME 15 ISSUE 1 Endorsed by the





RECLAIMING bringing down SPACE by the walls


DO IT RIGHT… HIRE A PROFESSIONAL RENOVATOR. chOOsing a prOFessiOnaL renOVaTOr it’s the best renovation decision you can make. For over 70 years, members of the manitoba home builders’ association have upheld their commitment to quality, service and professionalism, keeping manitobans among the best-housed people in the world. For your peace of mind, make the smart move – contact a mhba renovators’ council member for your next renovation. the mhba renovators’ council is affiliated with the canadian renovators’ council of the canadian home builders’ association. 2 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

This issue’s parTicipaTing members:

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For a complete list oF member contractors call (204) 925-2560 or visit our website at Canadian Home Builders’ Association

FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 3


cover story


Reclaiming space by

bRinging down the walls BY Margaret anne Fehr

departments 20 Lessons learned from the pros BY Mike Moore

22 The spa journey with nature as your guide BY LYnn Fenwick

36 Design in detail BY kiM schroeder

48 ClosetMaid

simplifies your life BY Margaret anne Fehr

54 Classic backyard chic BY Margaret anne Fehr

60 Over and above

custom homes and renovations BY Margaret anne Fehr

72 Kitchen Solvers BY Margaret anne Fehr

in every issue 08 Editor’s notebook

features 10 The hot world of

Income Property BY scott McgiLLivraY

volume 15 issue 1

Feb 2013 - Mar 2013

66 trends 24 Kitchen

66 Living with renovation... comfortably

BY Yanic siMard

44 Reveal the untapped potential of the home office

69 The next generation of appliances

BY Jo aLcorn

BY eveLYn eshun

tips & tricks 74 14 What’s new 28 Modern and minimal 32 Reliable heating and 76 air conditioning

BY Margaret anne Fehr

38 Finalists named for 2012 Chba National Sam awards

home automation / integration here to stay BY Laurence rosenBerg

a winter warm-me-up with Lynn Crawford’s cheddar cheese biscuits

78 advice from renovators

42 Egg recipes 52 Urban trends 58 Start the new year by freeing yourself BY heLLen Buttigieg

64 The 39th

annual home Expressions Show BY ManitoBa hoMe BuiLders’ association


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februAry - MArch 2013 Volume 15 Issue 01 Vice President, wall2wall Media

Jacqueline hill editor-in-chief, national real estate

Susan legge editor/account executiVe

Merlyn Minty 949.6416 art director

Sarah Jang sales Manager

conni robinson account executiVe

kim Smith 949.6801 sales coordinator

Steve nelson 949.6408 national account Manager, MediatiVe

Paul Slizys

Hire a Professional


s Renovations magazine begins its 15th year of publication, we eagerly look forward to another exciting year producing educational and inspirational editorial for our fellow Manitobans. There certainly is no shortage of renovation activity in Winnipeg as well as in surrounding communities. An increasing number of homeowners are making the wise decision to upgrade and increase the equity in their homes. In fact, renovations make up a significant portion of the dollars spent in the housing market. Over the years, we have been invited by hundreds of Winnipeg homeowners to document their renovation experiences. We have been in homes new and old, large and small, and have witnessed virtually every type of renovation one could imagine. Interestingly, every single one of these homeowners was excited to talk about their renovation. In fact, many were down right passionate when describing in detail how their beloved home was transformed. How could that many homeowners all be so pleased with how their renovations turned out? It is because they all had one thing in common – they hired professionals. If you have heard of renovation horror stories, it may have something to do with the fact that the tellers of these stories neglected to call the renovators, designers, and suppliers found in this magazine. The businesses found within the pages of this magazine are true professionals that will treat your home as if it were their own. But it goes beyond that. A professional renovator will be able to help you from start to finish and offers an exceptional range of expert advice and experience. They possess a proven track record and can provide a long list of satisfied customers. They will also give you a detailed contract, warranty and exceptional service. You owe it to yourself to do it right the first time. Hire a professional renovator and you will enjoy the renovation experience.

Merlyn Minty Merlyn Minty editor

Production Manager

bala Gnanapandithan Production co-ordinator/graPhic designer

Mohammad haidarpour graPhic designer

caroline Wassef PhotograPhy

Artistic impressions, robert carter, John Johnston contributors

Jo Alcorn, hellen buttigieg, evelyn eshun, Margaret Anne fehr, lynn fenwick, Scott McGillivray, Mike Moore, laurence rosenberg, yanic Simard distribution

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WE’D LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU Home Décor and Renovations Magazine welcomes your comments, questions, stories and suggestions! wall2wall Media #1765 Kenaston Blvd., Unit T Winnipeg, Manitoba R3Y 1V8

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HOME DéCOR AND RENOvATIONs magazine is published by Wall2Wall Media located at 401 The West Mall, Toronto, ON M9C 5J5. Home Décor and Renovations, magazine is distributed throughout Winnipeg. This publication has been designed for the renovation and decor market as a guide. We carefully inspects all ads for accuracy, however, the publisher and the printer shall not be responsible for any mistakes, design errors or incorrect information which is provided by the advertiser or their representative. The advertising herein, including the photographs and all artwork is the property of Wall2Wall Media and not that of the advertiser. The advertiser has purchased the right of reproduction in Home Décor and Renovations magazine only and does not have the right to reproduce the ad in whole or in part in any other place or publication without the consent of the publisher. The entire contents of this publication are protected by copyright and are intended for the sole use of the public. ©2011 Wall2Wall Media.

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8 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

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The hoT world of

Income Property by ScOtt mcgillivRay


ith 12 years of real estate investing and seven seasons of Income Property under my belt, I’ve learned a thing or two about investment properties. I encourage just about everyone I meet to jump into the game and become a landlord, but rentals aren’t onesize-fits-all. Before taking the cheques to the bank, you need to decide what kind of landlord you’re going to be. 10 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

1 Student RentalS Student rentals are my bread and butter – and where I started my real estate investment career. There’s great income potential here if you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and do the work. PROS › Big Rental POtential You can rent by the room, which increases your bottom line. › exPenSive finiSheS nOt needed No need for granite and hardwood here. Units need to be functional, clean, and well done, but high-end materials won’t give you a return on investment. › SchOOl neaRBy = guaRanteed tenantS I’ve yet to find a University/College town that didn’t lack student housing. You’ll have no problem finding tenants.

› PaRentS You can ask that parents co-sign the lease, so the default rate is very low. › PRedictaBle Rental cycle School year starts, school year ends. Leases start and end at the same time every year, which means only having to deal with it once every 12 months.

2 eXecutiVe RentalS

cOnS › high/cOnStant tuRnOveR You might only need to worry about renting once a year, but depending on how many rooms you have available, that still means a lot of applications and a lot of screening. › nOt a lOt Of PRide in RenteRShiP It’s true, students aren’t always great at taking care of their temporary home, and not always the most responsible tenants. This isn’t always the case, but it’s something to keep in mind. › maintenance Student rentals require a lot of it, mostly due to turnover and neglect. › tenantS ReQuiRe mORe “BaBySitting” You have to keep in mind that your tenants are often leaving mom and dad’s house and moving into yours. This means that even simple things like changing light bulbs or tripped breakers may result in a phone call or house visit.

PROS › Big mOney Executive rentals can demand double or even triple what the same space would rent for in a regular rental situation. › higheR PROfile tenant Generally speaking, you don’t have to be concerned about the quality of tenant you’re getting here. › guaRanteed incOme Depending on our provincial rules, you may be able to collect all your rent upfront (if it’s a


Whether it’s a business in town for work, or movie crews on location, executive rentals can bring in big bucks, but also cost more upfront.



short-term lease) and collect a damage deposit (refer to your provincial policies regarding landlord-tenant relationships). › PROfit You usually only need to rent for half the year to make one. cOnS › high tuRnOveR Most executive rentals are short-term leases, so turnover is constant. › unPRedictaBle Because of the nature of executive rentals, it won’t always be rented and there’s no certainty about when it will be. › the BellS & whiStleS High-end finishes, nice furniture, linens, towels, dishes --- they all need to be included. Throw in utilities, cable, Internet, and regular cleaning service and it really starts to add up. › POSting, aPPlicatiOnS and ScReening Due to high turnover, landlords of executive rentals are constantly in a cycle of posting the apartment for rent, reviewing applications and screening tenants. Some people hire a placement/ management company to take care of this, but if you choose to do so, that’s another cost that eats into your bottom line.

3 SecondaRy SuiteS Secondary suites are apartments that exist within your own home, and definitely the most common rental scenario we see on Income Property. PROS › lOngeSt teRm Rental ScenaRiO Tenants are likely to stay longer and take better care of the space. › PaSSive Rental Secondary suites don’t take a lot of time and energy. › inStant Rental SituatiOn You don’t have to purchase another property to be in rental situation with a secondary suite. Have a basement you can make into a legal apartment? Great, you can be a landlord! › RetuRn On inveStment Adding a secondary suite typically adds a lot of value to your property. › high demand When done legally and safely, these types of properties attract tenants everywhere. You don’t have to be downtown like an executive rental or near a school like a student rental. cOnS › lOweR caSh flOw You won’t bring in as much rent as you would with other types of properties. › leaRning tO ShaRe You’ll be sharing your home with other people, which can be inconvenient at times. › RenO time Unless there’s one existing, putting a secondary suite into your home requires a significant renovation and may also require a zoning change. Now expanded into a one-hour format, the news Income Property explodes into a house hunt and renovation series. This season not only reveals dramatic renovations but also

12 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

focuses on buying and maximizing real estate. I partner with homeowners who want to purchase an income property to make their financial dreams a reality. I guide them through the entire process; buying the house, building the suite, and banking the rental cheques. If you want to find out more about real estate investing and renovation make sure you tune into Income Property, premiering Thursday, January 31st at 9 p.m. ET on HGTV Canada. For more information, please visit

Scott McGillivray is a full-time real estate investor, contractor, writer, and educator. Before graduating from The University of Guelph, with an Honours degree in Commerce, McGillivray had already discovered his calling. What began as an ambitious school project about income properties, developed into a unique and strategic business model. Now more than 12 years later, McGillivray has built his own real estate empire with hundreds of properties, housing thousands of tenants.

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FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 13



We have been on the look out to see what’s new and exciting for the home. Here are some of the latest products that have entered the market and where you can find them.

1 Make the most of winter hibernating with a deeper, more restful sleep. The next generation of sleep technology from Dormeo, Europe's leading bedding brand's mattress, Octaspring is here. Named for the patented eight-pillared, honeycomb foam springs which define the bed's unique qualities that offer a cradling, comforting support while you sleep. The mattress hails from Belgium and ranges in price from $1,899 to $4,599 depending on the series. Available at Sleep Country.


Visit for more info/availability.


2 Buttercup chair With plywood bent for beauty and comfort, the Buttercup Chair cradles you in swiveling recline. In rift-sawn White Oak, graphite-on-Oak or Walnut with a brushed stainless steel base. Also available as a rocker. Exclusively in Winnipeg at hut K. hutK 74 Princess Street, Winnipeg, MB 204.894.7639

14 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

3 echOeS OF thuNDer Titled “Echoes of Thunder,” this large (48 in. X 36 in. oil on canvas) makes a bold statement with its sharp contrasts and textures. It depicts local artist Barb Stafford’s sense of the vanishing spaces in this beautiful country of ours. It would make a striking focal point for a feature wall in your home or office. Medea Gallery Artists Co-Op 132 Osborne Street, Winnipeg, MB Tel. 204.453.1115

4 4 aLL FireD up These unique products are handmade by a small Canadian familyowned ceramics company. All of their designs are All Fired Up originals, designed by Lynne Carson, and many of them are available in multiple configurations. The ceramic switch plates are available in a wide variety of styles and sizes. They start at $22 each. The wine stoppers are $18 each. All Fired up also makes house numbers. Artifacts Gallery Main level, Johnston Terminal at The Forks | 204.949.1222

5 Winter may be upon us but imagine a garden filled with the freshest, organically grown microgreens and herbs all year-round. The Urban Cultivator can make this green dream a reality. At the forefront of the locavore movement, this dishwasher-size appliance produces greens that feel, smell and taste like spring, even during the coldest winter months. The base Urban Cultivator home model is $2,200. The commercial model costs $8,000. Order the Urban Cultivator by calling toll free 1.877.352.0490.

5 6


6 Drawing from more than five decades of culinary expertise, Williams-Sonoma recently launched their very own line of cookware, stainless steel tools and tech-driven tools for the kitchen. The new Thermo-Clad line uses an exclusive aluminum alloy that provides up to 35 per cent more conductivity resulting in precise and even heating and temperature control. Double-wall insulated lids ensure even temperature throughout while keeping food warm after cooking. Manufactured in Italy, the 10-piece cookware set is $999.95. Visit FEB - MAR 2013 home dĂŠcor and renovations 15


reclaiming space…

by bringing down the walls by Margaret anne Fehr


p hot og ra p h y b y J o h n J o h n s to n


16 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

ypical of houses built three decades ago, Elaine and Brady’s floor plan consisted of separate rooms with ‘formal’ designations as in the ‘formal’ living room, the ‘formal’ dining room and so on. “We quickly learned upon moving into the home that you can only sit in one room at a time,” says Elaine. “We found that we rarely used the living room because we had a family room and we only used the dining room a couple of times a month at best. We also wanted to update the home, making it more open and modern; the total opposite of what we had.”

The couple realized that this was no time for half-measures and decided on All Canadian Renovations (ACR) after having a long conversation with owner Mike Kerr, who impressed the couple with his knowledge and honesty. “We had two walls ripped out; a thirteen foot wall separating the previous kitchen and dining room and a twenty foot wall that created a hallway separating the living and dining area from the rest of the home. We were fortunate that the engineer who was brought in by ACR confirmed neither wall was load-bearing. This allowed the ACR designer more freedom and flexibility with the plans.” Elaine estimates that simply removing the walls has freed up around 350 square feet of usable space that previously went wasted. Choosing materials for what was now essentially a blank canvas was the next critical step and ACR’s design expertise came fully into play. The overall goal was to achieve a modern aesthetic in combination with some older traditional pieces that were being retained such as the golden oak wall unit in the family room. Elaine adds that in order to create a more timeless feel and one that wouldn’t show its age, the couple chose to go with less trendy items.

pictured top leFt

to offset the abundance of wood flooring, the choice was made for white cabinetry paired with toffee-coloured cabinets and cappuccino soffits. Sleek and subtle white quartz countertops deliver a distinctly european flair complete with waterfall edges flanking both island ends.


“To that end, we selected walnut hardwood flooring that is multi-tonal, nicely blending in with both our old and new colour schemes.” The previous China cabinet cantilever had been covered over but was re-invented as an over-the-range niche set off with a small scale irregular glass tiles in contrast to the larger patterned Travertine backsplash. To offset the abundance of wood flooring, the choice was made for white cabinetry paired with toffee-coloured cabinets and cappuccino soffits. Sleek and subtle white quartz countertops deliver a distinctly European flair complete with waterfall edges flanking both island ends. The bar assumed a strong focal point courtesy of the 17 foot length of Cedar of Lebanon wood countertop and sides adding strong definition against the predominantly white cabinetry. A white Mirroflex wave pattern panel at the front of the bar adds shimmery interest. “Since our house design is very linear, we tried to soften the straight edges with curved lighting fixtures and choosing a mid-century modern bubble lamp and curved wall sconces in the dining area and going with rounded brown glass bar pendants,” Elaine adds. New ceilings were installed throughout the entire main floor eliminating the previous ‘popcorn’ look. New baseboards and door frames were installed along with new hardware and matching stainless banister and railings. pictured top & bottoM

the previous China cabinet cantilever had been covered over but was re-invented as an over-therange niche set off with a small scale irregular glass tiles in contrast to the larger patterned travertine backsplash.”


pictured top

the bar assumed a strong focal point courtesy of the 17 foot length of Cedar of Lebanon wood countertop and sides adding strong definition against the predominantly white cabinetry. a white Mirroflex wave pattern panel at the front of the bar adds shimmery interest. pictured below

“Blowing out those two walls and adding a larger window opens things right up,” elaine adds. “We no longer need lights on during the middle of the day.

Re-positioning windows within the newly configured space was key to creating a bright, open space. “We actually cut in 4 new windows to create brand new openings,” says Mike Kerr, “just because they have a beautiful backyard so they can now celebrate the view.” “Blowing out those two walls and adding a larger window opens things right

up,” Elaine adds. “We no longer need lights on during the middle of the day. We can be working in the kitchen and looking out towards both front and back yards at the same time, something we’ve never been able to do before.” elaine and brady rate their acr experience as being very positive. “issues were taken care of. Several changes were made along the way, either by choice or necessity, and Mike cheerfully accommodated all of these. acr employs pleasant, well-trained workers and sub-trades. everyone went out of their way to do their best work.” FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 19



learned from the pros by Mike Moore,

President, MAnitoBA HoMe Builders’ AssociAtion

First, let Me Make it very clear that

I will never be confused for one of the professional renovators, builders, designers and trades people that always grace the pages of this magazine with their skills. I’m pretty good with a screwdriver; not bad with a wrench, level and tape measure; but then things go downhill fast from there. That’s why, when I have the opportunity to receive expert advice from professionals who are willing to explain things in language that I can understand, I listen. At the recent Kitchen Bath and Renovation Show, numerous experts were on hand to share advice to thousands of Manitobans intent on doing a renovation to their home. There were hundreds of booths displaying fabulous products that would make any home look like a castle and guest speakers on hand to help you turn tired into terrific. I listened intently to the various presenters and also talked to the RenoMark renovators at the Ask a Renovator booth. Following are some of the things that I learned over the weekend: Andrew Downward taught everyone how to carry out the perfect paint job. (Preparation, Preparation, Application). We learned about brush management to guarantee proper application, how to ensure that walls remain smooth, the W method of using rollers and the importance of buying the right tape for the job. All of this made perfect sense and wasn’t difficult to follow; however, I knew none of it before listening to Andrew. He also said the greatest difficulty that people have is deciding on colours and he had an ingenious, yet simple suggestion for making that decision. He told us to look inside our clothes closets, or better yet our wives’ clothes closets as they have better 20 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

colour co-ordination, and see what colours we like and wear. If these are our favourite colours to wear every day, then they are likely our favourite colours to paint our walls. Just think, I can wear my ‘colour swatch’ to the paint store. Michael Penney gave the crowd a number of handy pointers on how to turn small DIY projects into features and make walls and rooms stand out. The simplest items such as cushion covers, framed hangings and table covers can bring life to otherwise plain surroundings. He showed that highlighting things that you like or mean something to you can be perfect for your home. He also gave sage career advice to young people about realizing and pursuing your passion and then turning it into a career. Tony Teunis and Mike Kerr from All Canadian Renovations spoke of the importance of picking the right renovator, a RenoMark renovator; one who puts everything in writing, puts a warranty on their work and avoids the discount cash deal. In other words, they spoke of hiring a qualified, ethical contractor and not just the pursuit of the cheapest price. This particularly hit home for me. I know that I don’t have the ability to carry out any kind of a sizeable renovation. Everyone knows someone who knows someone who claims they can do the job at a discount price only for friends of friends. However, the downside of losing my single most expensive material possession and investment isn’t worth the upside of saving a few bucks. That’s just not a gamble I’m willing to take. I’m phoning a professional RenoMark renovator, like the ones that are featured in this magazine every issue. Finally, from the time that I spent at the Ask a Renovator booth, I received some expert advice free of charge

about a small project that I had in my own home. I have a bathroom fan that is making a lot of noise, none of it good. I knew it needed replacing but wasn’t aware of some of the particulars involved. Was there additional electrical wiring beyond what I could see? Was there venting concerns? Does this unit just pop in and out or, once I remove the existing fan, am I going to find all sorts of complications? While sitting at the booth, I had my daughter take a series of pictures on her smartphone, e-mail them to me, and then I called them up for Brian Arnold from Trikor to look at. He knew the style and model, how to remove the existing unit, where to get a replacement and how to install it. All explained in five minutes. It was so simple that he convinced me that even I could do it. With all of this vital information available in one place for kitchens, bathrooms and renovations, just wait until I expand my knowledge base to the entire home and garden at the Home Expressions Show, March 15 – 17 at the Winnipeg Convention Centre. I may need to buy a tool shed to accommodate all my new implements of home improvement.

Mike Moore is president of the Manitoba Home Builders’ Association

Craftsmanship and Integrity



Photography by Artistic Impressions YEARS

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FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 21



spa journey

with nature as your guide Just say the word “spa”... it has an ahhh built in! by lynn Fenwick, B.i.d. owner & principal of fenwick & company interior design

design by fenwick & company interior design photography by artistic impressions

RiveRstone spa, located at inn at

the Forks on Winnipeg’s natural and historic site, where our two mighty rivers meet, was due for its second phase of renovation. Inn at the Forks is a contemporary yet timeless blend of luxury, originally inspired by its natural and significant setting. Instinctively, people are drawn to nature. We are soothed by its beauty, relaxed by its senses

22 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

and our bodies and minds succumb to it instinctively. The spa experience of ultimate escapism and enhancing our connection to the outdoors was a must and became our mandate as we began the design process. Riverstone Spa’s business model focusses on harmonizing and connecting one’s mind, body and spirit. They believe in the positive energy forces

emitted by nature and apply this to everything they do. Their treatments include “the classics” to unique ancient healing rituals, derived from cultures practiced all around the world. Fenwick and Company took these philosophies and brought them to visual interpretation. We understood that the interior design concept we were creating was to be as sensitive to nature as it is to our skin and bodies - providing both serenity and healing. Our firm believes that the spa experience and journey is as important as the treatments and services it offers. Our goal was to decompress visitors upon entry, leaving the “outside world” behind. We created deliberate focal points throughout, guiding guests to engage with the space, encouraging the physical, mental and spiritual renewal process. Every moment, every step within the spa environment is intended to lead guests towards healing and wellness. Design inspirations came from the simplicity of the prairies; a calming field of grasses, the intriguing texture of an old tree stump, and even the beauty of a single flower. Last year, we completed the first phase for Riverstone Spa, designing the reception and waiting areas. Guests are welcomed and begin to immediately anticipate the escapism beyond. They follow the “river stream” into the body of the prairie inspired spa. Visitors will enjoy new features like the island fireplace, “experience showers,” steam room and wet /dry sauna’s that all reflect nature and its beauty. The ambience gives guests the touch, feel and sounds that are all associated with the outdoors such as stone, wood, water, flora – observing their purest elements at work.

Elegant yet informal, an interior prairie atmosphere was our desired outcome for the project. We invite you to visit, indulge and draw in the luxury and refreshing energy this Manitoba destination spa has to offer…

lynn Fenwick B.i.d. fenwick and company interior design tel 204.489.5151 fax 204.487.0719 e-mail web blog like us on facebook:

FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 23


kitchen trends by Yanic Simard

applianceS As technology advances, one of the most dramatic changes we can see to the modern kitchen is the incredible number of options available for custom and unique range hoods. I love the clean look of pieces such as the Thermador Masterpiece series — when the hood is this beautiful and simple, there’s no need to hide it. Home kitchens are getting more and more like a real chef’s headquarters every day, with restaurant staples such as warming drawers and wine refrigerators popping up everywhere. Microwaves are moving to under the counter, often using a drawer instead of a door to make lifting hot items in and out more convenient.

24 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

Many companies even make built-in automated coffee machines to get as much clutter off your surfaces as possible—no barista required! Aquabrass makes a great user-friendly version of a pot-filler faucet, called the Zest, which gives you the pull-out multifunctionality of an industrial fixture with a stylish and elegant look appropriate for an inviting kitchen. counterS While we’ve recently seen total integration of cupboards and appliances into one perfectly clean line, a new trend emerging is the return to a more furniture-based look, rather than minimal built-ins. By this I mean you can find little details creeping in that let kitchen cabinets — and especially islands — feel more like stand-alone pieces than part of a continuous set. For example, while most kitchens have the lower cabinets raised off the floor enough to create a toe space, now designers are adding traditional feet to the corners of each section, echoing the look of an elegant vanity. At the same time, ending the countertops flush with the face of the cupboard allows those two elements to merge into a furniture unit, rather than looking like the cabinets and counter are unrelated. At my design studio, we’ve been loving the use of mixed materials for the countertops, pairing quartz and marble to let distinct areas have their own identity. I love working with Marble Trend and Caesarstone — mixing calacatta oro with grey quartz produces a beautiful look, and of course, there is also an infinite array of other possible combinations.

than ideal. Hardwood or engineered wood may not be quite as durable as tile when facing dropped pots and pans, but the right selection mixed with a little care can yield a more elegant and comfortable floor for the chef of the house to stand on. In the photo above, you’ll see Brushed Oak Luxe Ravensdale from Kentwood — I loved it for this home and it can fit into virtually any style of kitchen, from traditional to minimal. If you do prefer an even softer look, many people are finding an elegant runner rug (much longer than it is wide), following the line of the cabinetry, can add a pleasant visual break to the floor, and be cleaned or replaced in the event of a catastrophic spaghetti spill. This classic Scandinavian style can warm up your space visually, and you can switch out your rug later to get a punch of new colour.

Flooring An ongoing trend in both open and closed plan homes, playing against the more furniture-like counters, is a unification of flooring types throughout the space. Running continuous wood flooring from your dining room throughout allows the kitchen to feel less like a separate work space, and more like part of the larger environment. It also avoids unsightly joints between wood and tile, which are often less

lighting Borrowing from art galleries and museums, some recent lighting trends have focused on making the light sources disappear, so the sparkling surfaces can have all the attention. Traditional style pot lights for the ceiling are nothing new for kitchens—they are very practical sources of direct light for cooking and suit the tasks well, however, new shadow box style pot lights seem to be becoming more popular with their modern style. Lately, many such lights can be found recessed into tiny alcoves in the ceiling, which allows a slightly more extended fixture to angle the

FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 25

art. (By the way, if you don’t have any windowed cabinets, now is the time. Your beautiful dishes and glassware have been hidden away for too long!) Look to SieMatic, and especially their BeauxArts.02 collection, to put a little metal in your mix. mo - Designed by Anna Torfs. $500

BEAUTIFUL GLASS BOWLS, VASES AND SCULPTURES CAN BE EASILY MIXED INTO AN EXISTING KITCHEN SPACE, AND SINCE LEAFY TONES ARE AROUND US ALL THE TIME IN NATURE, WE ARE INSTINCTIVELY TUNED TO LIKE GREENS WITH ALMOST ANY COLOUR SCHEME. light to hit more specific targets. This creates a sophisticated look, and lets you avoid unsightly track lighting. Creating much larger recessed areas over the kitchen island is another popular trend, as this helps define the area as a special gathering place—which is fitting, as despite our plans this is so often where the real party happens! Of course, since the kitchen is such a celebrated space, it also deserves some statement lighting of its own, and many homeowners are electing for grander pieces rather than modest pendants. While your hidden lamps are doing a lot of the work, a brilliant chandelier over your island again helps to define this as a central space, and keeps the room from feeling too strictly functional. colour My absolute favourite colour of the year, which you can find popping up in designs of every taste and budget, is not just a colour but a precious stone: emerald. As a wall colour in paint or paper, rich jewel greens add a layer of depth and drama to a space, but also allow other lighter colours to breathe —it can be the focus, or a near-neutral backdrop, depending on the shade. Beautiful glass bowls, vases and sculptures can be easily mixed into an existing kitchen space, and since leafy tones are around us all the time in nature, we are instinctively tuned to like greens with almost any colour scheme. Drop by Avenue Road to see their selection of great home accessories (as well as furniture) —I find exciting new things every time I go. Another trend I’m loving is not just any colour, but actually chrome! Now I know you have probably heard of chrome for appliances, even backsplashes —this is a timeless look. However, lately designers have been applying touches of silvery glamour to the kitchen cabinetry, like the one shown here from adding to the gallery display case aesthetic. Stainless steel complements the cool emerald shades wonderfully, and frames the view through your cabinet windows like an elegant piece of 26 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

BacKSplaSheS Kitchen backsplashes tend to fall into one of two categories: timeless, neutral looks, or very personal style statements. Having your backsplash retiled isn’t something you do every day, so you need to absolutely love it. A style I’ve found recently is the beautiful diamond “pillow” tile from Deco-Tile. It creates a quilted effect, mixing the soft curves of an elegant sofa with the durability of tile. At the opposite end, companies like SieMatic are creating backsplash “systems” that transform the space into either multi-functional shelves, cupboards, or racks, so you get the most usability out of your space while maintaining a beautiful, built-in look.

YaNIC SIMarD is the principal designer of the Toronto Interior Design Group. Specializing in residential and commercial projects, Simard often applies his signature high/low and old/new combination design techniques in developing unique designs. Simard has created designs for clients in Toronto, Montreal and Miami, and has appeared as a regular guest expert on Citytv’s CityLine. For more information visit

modern minimal living


m concept

KITCHEN & BATH SHOWROOM 1783 Portage Ave. 204.694.9414




Kitchens, bathrooms, furniture, walk-in closets, and hardwood flooring are all available at M-concept. These pages present a sampling of what you will find when you walk into their showroom located at 1783 Portage Avenue. View their website at for showroom hours or call them at (204) 694-9414.

1 SABA ITAlIA - lES FEmmESDESIGN GIUSEPPE VIGANÒ. A modular couch, characterized by a high backrest, cozy seating and soft shapes which wrap around you in comfort. Its original design allows for maximum compositional freedom through three optional modules. Variety lies in the positioning of the backrest and the armrest, making it a playful and extremely versatile system. Reclining outwards through a particular ‘swivel’ device, the arm and backrest allow for fluid movement by using a simple motion of the hand.


2 2 WET STYlE -TUlIP BAThTUB. A new piece for the new year, carries a classic form into the second millennium, keeping the best of both worlds. This new addition celebrates the sensuality of spring as the first blooms burst forth from the ground, their silky petals unfurling into delicately curved tips. Organic in inspiration, the flawlessly smooth volume shoots up into two distinct angles at each end, one rising slightly above. Opening like a tulip, an exquisite curve crowns the tub, inviting the body to become one with the form.

28 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

3 3 ASTER CUCINE - TImElINE. Aster Cucine has collaborated with American design firm workshop/apd on a new kitchen line, titled Timeline. Timeline is a sleek and modern series that will blend in well in any modern space, yet also works for a more traditional home. Drawing on the history of craftsmanship and artisans of centuries past, Matthew Berman and Andrew Kotchen, design principals at workshop/apd, created a kitchen collection with a slightly old world look and feel for contemporary life. The collection goes beyond beautiful cabinetry; it also includes countertops and backsplash accents in the finest selection of materials including Venetian ceruse (a whitening compound used in the 16th century on human skin as well as cabinetry) applied to white oak; wire mesh inspired by French country cabinets, antique mirror glass; oxidized metal, weathered steel, and bronzed glass. Kitchens also can be “personalized” with art panels by famed Toronto artist Murray Duncan.

4 4 PIANCA - EmI ChAIR. Delicately stuffed, covered with leather or textile, the Pianca EMI chair welcomes pleasure, comfort and complete relaxation. It may be winter outside, it may rain, or blow a strong wind, but if you sit here it won’t matter anymore. Thanks to its flexibility and softness, it draws one warmly into any environment in which it’s hosted.

FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 29


reliable heating & air conditioning

Reliable Heating and Air Conditioning by MARgARet Anne FeHR

piCtuRed top

Visit us online at to view our products, services and testimonials.

32 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013


hat’s in a name? Plenty, especially when the name is ‘reliable’ as in Reliable Heating and Air Conditioning. Rob Johnson is an owner of this long-standing company that’s been serving customers for over 20 years in Winnipeg, surrounding areas and in cottage country. The company’s foundation consists of efficient, reliable and cost effective heating, air conditioning and indoor air quality products from York as well as the servicing of all existing brands. Whether in residential or commercial settings, Reliable Heating specializes in heating, air conditioning, custom built homes, ventilation, life time warrantee hot water tanks, swimming pool heaters, chimney inspections and liners, duct cleaning, geothermal boiler systems and heat recovery ventilator systems (HRV) and many other interior air quality systems, all backed with superior warranties. The company’s core strength lies in its expertly trained staff of refrigeration mechanics, licensed gas fitters, and sheet metal journeymen. “Our technicians are trained and equipped to handle anything from routine maintenance on a residential system to complete turnkey installations for commercial environments,” says Rob. All staff members realize the urgency behind each and every phone call they receive. “If you have a problem at Reliable we are ready to take the ‘HEAT.’ The meaning of the acronym is, H – hear the customer. E – empathize with the customer.

“As A compAny, We’re not so smAll thAt We cAn’t serVe you in the middle of the night When you cAll us And We’re not so big thAt We’Ve forgotten Where We come from. We offer Around the clock serVice 24 hours A dAy, 7 dAys A Week. We Also tAke greAt pride in purchAsing All our products locAlly.”

piCtuRed leFt

We don’t just sell you a piece of equipment or rattle off answers without taking your needs into account. reliable heating and Air conditioning ltd. technicians give you recommendations specific to your home for cost effective and efficient air conditioning, heating and indoor air quality options resulting in a healthier, more comfortable home!

A – apologize if an error was made. T – take action to solve the problem. We’re there to back you up. Customer concerns will always get our best efforts.” Obviously their approach must be working since more than 50 per cent of the company’s business is based on customer referrals. Reliable believes that service should always trump selling. “We would rather advise you on what’s best for your situation rather than selling you a system that you might not need. Sometimes a customer is already to buy a new system but may be surprised when I tell them that their current system is perfectly suited for their needs and there is no value in upgrading.” “That’s how all our technicians operate. When they come to your house, they treat you like a human being rather than trying to sell you something. In my mind, doing the right thing pays back three times, not just twice. These are the values we live by.” The entire staff takes pride in the home-grown roots that Reliable Heating and Air Conditioning represents in the Manitoba marketplace. “Many companies in Winnipeg are being bought out by corporations from other cities and

countries. We’re Manitobans, first and foremost, and we take great pride in that fact.” “People should realize that big corporations will generally cost them more without necessarily delivering extra value. As a company, we’re not so small that we can’t serve you in the middle of the night when you call us and we’re not so big that we’ve forgotten where we come from. We offer around the clock service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We also take great pride in purchasing all our products locally.” Reliable Heating and Air Conditioning can be contacted 24/7 at 204.888.6663 FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 33

Serving Winnipeg & surrounding communities for over 20 years


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Let the professionals at Reliable Heating introduce you to innovative YORK® furnaces that bring warmth and piece of mind to your home.


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1 2


Design in Detail by kim schroeDer



To create a new master bedroom suite from 2 bedrooms and an average sized bathroom. solution

By removing all walls and redesigning the layout, we created an interesting ensuite bathroom and a nice size walk-in closet, all adjacent to the master bedroom that boasts a fabulous view of the river.




Kim schroeder B.I.D. Charisma, The Design Experience 388 Academy Road, Winnipeg tel 204.487.6994 fax 204.487.0551

36 home dĂŠcor and renovations FEB - mar 2013



1 Large tile steam shower feels extra grand with 2 glass walls. 2 Varying depth art niches and pedestals which are finished in a combination of travertine and onyx tiles, create an dramatic focal point.



3 Striking wall lights add, not only light, but character. 4 By working with existing window locations, we avoided having to do work on the exterior. A simple pleated shade provide privacy. 5 Decorative mirrors in antique bronze, compliment the wall lights and add charm. 6 A 42” high 1/2 wall, finished in mosaic onyx tiles, was built to house the plumbing, as this is an exterior wall.

after Before

7 A prefabricated vanity was used rather than a custom-made unit, not only to save money but to shorten the construction timeline. 8 The floor tile was installed on the 45* angle to add interest and to follow the angled wall that separates the ensuite from the bedroom. The 12” sq. travertine tile is accented with the 1” onyx tiles. 9 The angled headboard wall showcases 3 glass art pieces by Jolanta Sokalska and 2 niches that feature the homeowners art collection. 10 Wall-mounted swing arm lights were used to provide light without making a statement.

home décor and renovations 37


Finalists named for

2012 chba National Sam awards The Canadian home Builders’ assoCiaTion (ChBa) is pleased To

announce the finalists for the 2012 CHBA National SAM Awards, presented by Schlage and Trane. These prestigious awards celebrate excellence in new homes, home renovation, innovative technology and construction, outstanding presentation and marketing across Canada. Twenty-three CHBA National SAM Awards will be presented at the Association’s 70th National Conference on March 8, 2013 in Lake Louise, Alberta. Commenting on the CHBA National SAM Award finalists, CHBA President, Ron Olson, noted that, “This year’s SAM Award theme – Awe – speaks to the ingenuity, imagination and creativeness that drives new home builders, renovators and developers to build homes and communities that are truly awe-inspiring. We take great pride in the achievements of our 2012 SAM Finalists.” CHBA National SAM Awards are presented for projects of varying sizes in the following categories: New Home Awards (8 in total); Home Renovation Awards (5 in total); and, Marketing Awards (6 in total).

In the home renovation category, a Manitoba company has been named as a finalist in the 2012 National SAM Awards. Kelly homes Home Renovation awaRds Whole house more Than $500,000 CaTegory

38 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

In addition, single National SAM Awards are presented for Marketing Excellence; Green Home; Community Development; and, the Grand SAM which recognizes the new home builder who demonstrates the highest level of excellence in both building and marketing. about the caNadiaN home builderS’ aSSociatioN The Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA) is the voice of the residential construction industry in Canada representing more than 8,500 member firms across Canada. Membership comprises of new home builders, renovators, developers, trade contractors, building material manufacturers and suppliers, lenders and other professionals in the housing sector.

the client and designer had worked for months to achieve their style without sacrificing function. starting with a 1200 square foot bungalow the goal was to significantly increase the style, space and comfort of the home. natural woods, stone and earth tone colors were to be the primary finishes. through plenty of coordination with the designers the project moved steadily to a spectacular finished product.

From Concept to Completion concave


hanging light

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f lat wood tiles

From space planning to a fully provisioned interior, main bath our architectural interior designers will make your dream home 1a reality. Scale: 3/8" = 1'-0" A2

388 Academy Road, Winnipeg Ph: (204) 487-6994

the design experience

We Build Dreams.

Kelly Stephens

A Division of Kelly Construction Ltd. Winnipeg, MB T. 204-663-2626 F. 204-654-1394 C. 204-771-3435

FEB - MAR 2013 home dĂŠcor and renovations 39

Because your home is an expression of you... REGENT SHOWROOM 1500 Regent Avenue W 204.661.6977


40 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

KENASTON SHOWROOM 1650 Kenaston Blvd. 204.489.0455

Crack open the possibilities...

EGGS are an essential ingredient in many foods from appetizers through to desserts and they contain high quality protein, an essential ingredient for good health. For recipe ideas visit


French Toast Sandwiches 42 home dĂŠcor and renovations FEB - mar 2013


2 eggs 2 tbsp (30 mL) milk 4 slices whole-grain bread 2 slices (50 g) Swiss cheese 2 slices of your favourite deli meat (or leftover thinly sliced chicken or turkey) 2 tbsp (30 mL) butter 1 tsp (5 mL) whole-grain mustard (optional) DIRECTIONS

Crack eggs into a pie plate. Add milk and beat together with a fork. Make 2 sandwiches using 1 slice of meat and 1 slice of cheese in each, and add mustard if using. Dip both sides of each sandwich in egg mixture. In a large fry pan, melt butter over medium heat, rotating pan to ensure bottom is covered with butter. Add sandwiches to fry pan, cover with a lid and cook 3 - 4 minutes. Flip sandwiches over and cook another 3 - 4 minutes or until both sides are brown.


2/3 cup (150 mL) butter 1 cup (250 mL) granulated sugar 2 eggs 1 tsp (5 mL) vanilla extract 1 ¾ cup (425 mL) all-purpose flour 1½ tsp (7 mL) baking powder ¼ tsp (1 mL) nutmeg Pinch of salt Canola cooking spray SUCRE a La CRÈME

1 cup (250 mL) maple syrup 1 cup (250 mL) heavy cream (35% m.f.) DIRECTIONS CAKE

Preheat oven to 450° (232°C). In a large bowl, combine butter and sugar and blend until smooth. Add eggs and vanilla and beat until completely incorporated. Add flour, baking powder, nutmeg and salt, and stir until dough is well mixed. SUCRE A LA CRÈME

In a saucepan, stirring often, bring syrup and cream just to a boil. As soon as it reaches the boiling point, remove from heat. TO ASSEMBLE

›› Spray 8 oven-safe, 4 oz. (½ cup/125 mL) ramekins with Canola


oil spray; place on a parchment – lined baking sheet. Using a tablespoon, divide dough evenly among the ramekins. Dough should be loosely packed. Slowly pour Sucre a la Crème over dough in each ramekin, letting the mixture sink into the holes. Bake 20 to 25 minutes, or until golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean. Serve with ice cream if desired.

Pudding Chomeur FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 43


Reveal the untapped potential

of the

home office by jo alcoRn Photography by RobeRt caRteR

44 home dĂŠcor and renovations FEB - mar 2013


as much as we all want a stunning office of tRanquility and

efficiency, the budget is never as big as we desire. Yet, even with champagne taste on a beer budget, there are clever design directions that anyone can follow to accomplish that high-end look for less. The flexibility to work from home has increased tenfold in the past few years but that often means more and more people can be found with their office space either mixed into their living room, bedroom, basement or a spare room. It is important to remember that the space you work in should be one of motivation and inspiration. We spend a lot of time in these areas, so it should be a space we love and want to come into. When I first saw my client’s office, I immediately felt tired, bored and uninspired to even want to enter the room. My client’s office space was a great size, however, you would never know it with the layout she had, the mis-proportioned furniture in it and the dark walls closing in on the space. A great office was hidden from its true potential, as many are when the desk is pushed up against the wall or a window. In this redesign, we had the freedom to truly open up the floor layout by moving the desk to the middle of the room, which created great wall space behind for storage, a sitting area in the corner and an inspirational wall to brighten up the room. By reconfiguring the space, it instantly became more inviting, exciting and overall more efficient. Paint goes a long way and just by updating the dark room with light, trendy and cheerful colours, the room immediately transformed into a space of inspiration. I used Para Paints trend colours on the walls, and I also work with Para and created my own paint colour called JoJo. It is the brightest of whites and goes on thick and luxurious. Bringing a light colour into a dark room always creates the illusion of more space. Due to a tight budget, painting a fun pattern on the wall was less expensive than wallpaper and we achieved the same look. I had Jim Connelly, the painter from the Debbie Travis show, come in to create an amazing zig-zag accent wall that sets off the entire office making the space motivating to enter. Accent lighting and accessories were added from Bouclair Home ( to create a great ambiance to work in and much needed storage pieces. The perfect desk and chair were sourced from a Canadian gem called Harkel (all pieces are made and manufactured in Canada!) –

It Is ImPortant to remember that the sPace you work In should be one of motIvatIon and InsPIratIon. we sPend a lot of tIme In these areas so It should be a sPace we love and want to come Into. On the one wall we added inspirational quotes to budget-friendly frames hung on picture racks and the wall, the nice part of this DIY project is the quotes can be changed to keep up with the growing mind of your child or you can use them to showcase your children’s art masterpieces. My client spends many hours in her office and I wanted to create a room that was fresh in colour, had FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 45

sophisticated storage and an efficient workspace that illustrated her true professional personality. I then tied it all together with fun, budget-friendly textures and accessories, which are needed to achieve a clever and interesting home office to work in. We saved money in certain design areas and made sure to splurge on the hightraffic pieces (such as the office desk and chair), which is important to keep in mind. Think of your home office as an extension of your home, and use those same design principles you used throughout the dĂŠcor. For example, the importance of accent lighting, the warmth of textures, the completeness of accessories, the joy of colour and the most important part, the functionality of your furniture pieces. Keep in mind your home office should be an important part of your home since it is the room you make a living in.

jo alcorn Jo alcorn, graduated with a ba from a liberal arts school in new york city. she went on to study colour and architecture while attending london’s city university. she is in the process of filming her own show on hGtv, she has been the design expert on the Steven & Chris show, Breakfast Television, discovery channel, city tv and more. 46 home dÊcor and renovations FEB - mar 2013


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FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 47





t’s clear that today’s modern households totally embrace the merits of home organization In fact there’s no room in the house, not even the garage, that can’t benefit from a well-thought out, easily accessible storage plan. Launched in 1965, ClosetMaid is a custom closet and storage company that has been well ahead of the curve in designing fully functioning, organized closets for their customers. Brenda Zellis (of Zellis Sales Inc.) represent the best of what ClosetMaid offers in Winnipeg and surrounding areas that extends as far as Thunder Bay, Ontario. The ClosetMaid authorized dealership has been operating for over five years and is the creator of hundreds of custom closets throughout the province. “We have some of the finest 3D software that gives our customers a virtual experience of what their new closet will look like and how it will function,” says Brenda.

48 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

“Our staff is trained to come out to your home and get a feel for what your individual needs are and then we custom design the closet to suit you. Whether you are right-handed, left-handed, short, tall, a woman or man we incorporate your profile into your closet. We make it fit and design it to your needs and wants within your custom space.” “If you want to make changes, whether more shoe racks, more drawers for example, it can all be


done on the computer. Of course, we bring a full range of sample doors and related materials to your home as well so you can choose your final finishes.” With many more closet and storage companies rushing to market, Brenda lists some of the distinctive benefits that set the ClosetMaid brand apart from the newcomers. Their quality products include the finest materials including top grade laminates and furniture grade substrates that hold screws securely and are not prone to chipping. “The drawers are solid wood boxes with authentic ballbearing type sliders that operate quietly thanks to the soft-close mechanism. Our doors are soft-closing as well. Clients have a wide choice of hardware and can go as custom in their choices as they want,” says Brenda. ClosetMaid customers can be assured by the lifetime warranty that accompanies their investment. “Our warranty covers all parts. So if anything should break, the manufacturer will send a new replacement part. It’s a sign of confidence in their product.” Factory trained closet install professionals know their craft and strive for perfection in all they do. “We always try to finish an installation within one day so as not to interfere with the household routine. ClosetMaid closets appear in many a master bedroom along with a full range of closet accessories like tie racks, belt rack, valet rods, shoe racks and specialty items like ironing boards. “It really comes down to the client; whatever our clients want we can pretty much supply.” Brenda notes that kitchen pantries, laundry rooms and garages are other areas of the house that can achieve their full storage potential through a ClosetMaid installation. Besides serving Winnipeg residential clients, Brenda encourages cottage and rural property owners as far as Thunder Bay to consider installing a ClosetMaid product. “We also work closely with contractors, property managers and builders. We also install office systems.” Booking a consultation is easy by simply dialing 204.222.6968 to talk to a ClosetMaid professional. FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 49

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50 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

be inspired RED 60 Series

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Take modern design to the next level. The RED 60 makes an impact in any space. These elite models create a chic, warming atmosphere through contemporary, non-traditional shapes and materials. A long, hypnotic ribbon flame rises through attractive modern media and dances along the 60-inch viewing area.




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As we endure the frosty Manitoba winter days, keep yourself warm and toasty by installing a cozy hearth product in your home. As an alternative, you can ‘keep your engines running’ by planning early for your Spring/Summer landscaping projects. Incorporate a luxurious outdoor living space in your backyard, complete with an outdoor gas or wood fireplace. All of these ideas will help you create the most comfortable home for you and your family! all products are available from Flame & ComFort.

Dimplex Optimyst series Check out the innovative flame design in the Dimplex OptiMyst series of electric fireplace products, which incorporate a ‘revolutionary ultrasonic technology.’ The flame and smoke effect is created by light reflecting off a water vapour mist rising up through the logs, giving the faux flame the unique random 3-dimensionality of a real fire.

Heat-&-GlO 6000 series Come back to visit a popular gas fireplace choice from Heat-&-Glo. The 6000CL and all of the 6000 series fireplaces are a great choice for you if you are renovating or building a new home, offering a Modern to Classic style range, with a wide range of options to choose from. 52 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

tOwn anD COuntry ws38 We would like to introduce to you the brand new “Reflections Burner” for the Town and Country WS38 linear gas fireplace. It now incorporates the smooth river rocks that we have all enjoyed, with one of 3 colors of Diamond media: Natural, Grey and Black. What an exciting new pairing!

DeCOrative wOOD FireplaCe Shivering a bit at this time of year? Make the decorative wood fireplace in your home more convenient and more efficient by converting to a high efficient gas insert from Stellar Hearth Products!

CastlewOOD wOOD FireplaCe The Castlewood wood fireplace offers you the opportunity to maximize your home’s living space by branching outside. Family and friends will be drawn to this natural focal point, reminiscent of a large, open masonry style fireplace. FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 53


DesiGn eQuATiOns

Classic backyard chic DeCkAll OuTDOOR DéCOR OFFeRs enDuRing beAuTy by mARgAReT Anne FeHR

Basic black deck skirting is a perennial favorite adds Ms. Goran, since it blends so well with all deck stains and colours. “When you look at the composite materials that decks are made of and the types of railings that are endless, basic black offers a classic option for skirting.” Thanks to exacting UV protection, the five designer colours including black stay vivid year after year. Ms Goran notes that the original DeckALL skirting has been on her own deck these past 8 winters and is in great condition. Clients share their own creative ways of applying DeckALL products. “One client sent me a picture of the skirting in soothing Sage Green, applied to an above ground pool and having some product remaining, decided to use the excess to enclose the family gazebo.” Outdoor Décor Stencil panels provide instant privacy, preserve the view, plus add a touch of artistry when set atop deck railings. “We have built ground level decks with a half wall of pressure treated wood and put the


hat are the best-dressed decks wearing this spring and summer? Brenda Goran, owner and product designer of Design Equations, has the answer with her made-for-Manitoba DeckALL outdoor décor collection including deck skirting, outdoor project mesh, fence panels, deck railing weave and outdoor décor stencils. New home design has seen the trend towards higher basement windows and backyard decks reaching heights of 4 feet or more. Preserving privacy while enjoying your backyard oasis during spring, summer and fall can be achieved with the DeckALL product line crafted of poly-coated vinyl on a polyester weave that has been engineered for outdoor use. Since the product is a mesh, it allows for optimum airflow that contribute towards longevity of material and air circulation under decks that solid wood products simply cannot duplicate. “DeckALL mesh works wonderfully in combination with wood,” says Ms. Goran. When the mesh is installed with access doors, the underside of a deck can become a shaded sanctuary with a view, while stenciled privacy panels and art pieces provide decorative accents within your outdoor living space. “You can use alot of the mesh fabric and it doesn’t overpower or take away from other elements of the yard. It blends in beautifully with a stunning contemporary look that’s very functional.”

54 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

stencils above as an art piece.” Applying the stencil pattern is easily done. Ms Goran uses a 4 inch roller. “The stencil itself isn’t big but it’s made up of components that you can repeat and extend to use in different ways. You can make them as large or small as you want just through repetition.” Those who are artistically inclined can create their own unique outdoor art pieces, or can let their creativity run free with abstract art to add bold colors and visual focal points. In addition to its multiple uses outdoors, Ms. Goran adds that the mesh panels have a great deal of indoor potential. “They make great dividers for open concept spaces and work especially well in condos. If you have a clutter area in your home or in your garage, they can be placed in front for instant visual relief.” DeckALL is available in Winnipeg at all three Windsor Plywood stores as well as national retailer, Home Hardware. For an updated list of retail outlets, visit FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 55


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It’s haute couture for your backyard

DeckALL deck-skirting by Design Equations. Trend-setting fashion for the sharp-dressed deck or patio. Give your deck a clean, polished look with a deckAll skirting kit — durable, UV-protected mesh fabric available in five designer colours to beautifully complement your home. Design Equations turns the backyard into the glamyard. Eat your heart out, Milan.



Panels & stencils FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 57


start the new year by freeing yourself by Hellen Buttigieg

tHere is so mucH Buildup at tHe end of tHe

year that it can almost feel like a race to the finish line. Then January 1st arrives, the social calendar calms down and the cocooning begins as you prepare to ride out the rest of the winter. Before you jump right back to everything you were doing before the holidays, take some time to look around and decide what needs to change. Not that you have to go making grand resolutions for the new year – unless that’s your thing – but look at it as an opportunity to free yourself of things that weren’t working for you. Try new methods that may improve your life in little, noticeable ways. Get clear on the year ahead If setting New Year’s resolutions is not your thing, there’s another way of defining what you’d like your life to look like – create a vision board. Get some magazines, glue and a poster board and start cutting and pasting images that you feel drawn to or that represent something you’d like to be or have in your life. If you would like to learn more about the power of these dream boards, and have a look at some of the ones I’ve created personally, check out my blog post, Creating a Dream Board ( 58 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

End procrastination by knowing your payoff Ever wonder how to motivate yourself to tackle that daunting task you’ve been putting off? Rather than dwelling on the chore itself, turn your attention to how you will benefit once the job is done. If you can come up with two or three compelling ways your life will be better as a result of completing what you’ve been procrastinating on, you will find the inspiration to take action. Make your ‘someday’ a reality How many times have you wistfully said, “Someday, I’d like to…” It’s interesting how we often procrastinate on doing the things we most want to do. We continue to put it off because something more pressing always seems to come up. But life is short, and habitually putting off doing those meaningful things that bring us joy can literally suck the life right out of us. One thing that I personally find very effective is to catch myself when I say I’d like to do something, and immediately pull out my calendar and schedule it in, even if it’s not for another month or two… or even six. The trick is to allow enough time to prepare for the event in advance and, once the date approaches, treat it as you would any other appointment you’ve booked with someone important – keep it. Make decisions fearlessly Clutter often represents unmade decisions. Many people struggle with indecision because of the fear of making a mistake (especially perfectionists). It may seem easier to avoid making the decision, but by doing so, you are deciding to procrastinate and stay stuck. Whenever possible, make decisions as you go along, before they accumulate. Although there’s no guarantee you will make the right decision, you will be taking the option that appears to be the right thing to do at the time. Avoid berating yourself if the outcome is less than you had hoped, and besides, there’s usually some recourse. See it as a great learning experience and move on. One effective decision-making technique is to ask: “What’s the worse thing that can happen if I make the wrong decision?” and “Can I live with that consequence?” This usually puts the decision into perspective and helps you make it confidently.

Hellen Buttigieg Hellen Buttigieg, CPO, is a Certified Professional Organizer, life coach, TV host, author and owner of We Organize U. Visit her website,, for a free e-Book on how to find more time, energy and inner peace. Contact Hellen at 905.829.2219 or

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RECLAIMING down SPACE by bringing the walls Distribution in the next issue will include Winnipeg home delivery and over 200 magazine stands across Winnipeg.

Manitoba Renovations Home Improvement & Design reaches more qualified readers than any other home improvement publication. Our readers are looking for project ideas and connections to professionals that specialize in home improvement, design and construction. Within our colourful, informative format, we can highlight your business, product or service in the best possible way: with creative advertising and/ or informative articles and profiles. It’s the best way to get your business the valuable exposure it needs!


Next issue ad deadline APRIL 3, 2013 Distribution starts APRIL 19, 2013

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FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 59



Over and Above Custom Homes and Renovations THE NAME SAYS IT ALL by MARGARET ANNE FEHR


ayson Nickol came to learn about construction techniques and the satisfaction of a job well-done at an early age. He was just in his early teens when he participated in complex projects including the deconstruction and rebuilding of two family cottages with his grandfather who demonstrated high standards in all he did. “We also built a detached double garage with living quarters above it before I was 18,” Jayson says. After a tour of duty in Afghanistan with the Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry detachment and an injury that effectively ended his military career, Jayson had no problem choosing a second career upon returning to Canada and in 2009, Over and Above Custom Homes and Renovations was born. From the onset, the company vision was to stand out from the competition. “We take pride in being different from the rest by giving a very well-outlined quote for any job so that the client knows exactly what they are getting and the cost of everything before the renovation starts. We all know there are some things that come up once the walls or floors are opened up, but we do our very best to keep it all within the budget that we set out at the start of the job.” “It’s almost a cliché in the industry, but listening to our clients is what we do because you really need to know what the clients want in order to build to their needs. We spend a lot of time on the front end to make sure the project will be successful for the client. I want to build what would make the client happy but also what would make me happy.” Keeping on top of the newest cutting edge products is important to delivering a superior job. “I’m always researching new products that are better for our clients to use. When all the news about Kerdi Board (a waterproof material installed in

60 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

showers) was coming out, we were using it long before others had switched on to it. I had made contact with the R&D reps at the company to make sure that I was installing it properly.”

“IT’S ALMOST A CLICHÉ IN THE INDUSTRY, BUT LISTENING TO OUR CLIENTS IS WHAT WE DO BECAUSE YOU REALLY NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE CLIENTS WANT IN ORDER TO BUILD TO THEIR NEEDS. WE SPEND A LOT OF TIME ON THE FRONT END TO MAKE SURE THE PROJECT WILL BE SUCCESSFUL FOR THE CLIENT.” The Over and Above team consists of two general contractors and six full-time employees. “We’re not so large a company that I can’t be on site every day to deal with issues that crop up and to deal with quality control from start to finish,” says Jayson. The company handles a range of projects from shingling roofs and fabricating feature items like outdoor firepits in the summer to building garages and full-scale home renovations and building additions. Commercial work has also been part of the company’s project portfolio. Glowing referrals from satisfied clients have contributed to the company’s word of mouth reputation. Lesley and Alan write: “Jayson was great to work with as a general contractor during our complete home renovation. It was a big project and we are very happy with the final result. He understood our vision during the planning and construction phases and was able to problem solve along the way. His crew of workers and his sub trades were polite, respectful and very hardworking.”

Ed and Wendy comment: “We were very pleased with the renovations we had done. We left the country for 3 months and felt very comfortable that things would be done the way we wanted. We came home to beautiful renovation. We would highly recommend Over and Above. They certainly live up to their name.” Stephanie adds: “Over and Above has done both large and small projects for me. The team is fantastic. They are always a pleasure to have around both in my home and in my business.” Jayson’s grandfather has since passed away but his influence is still strong in all that Over and Above takes on. “I took a section off his old tool belt and got it sewn onto mine. Whenever I’m on site and thinking about how to tackle a problem, I always think of my grandfather and what he would have done.” FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 61

Spring into home improvements at the

Home Expressions



Featuring Samantha Pynn & Colin Hunter of HGTV’s Summer Home.


Interior or exterior renovations, over and above your expectations. Over & Above Custom Homes can help with your next renovation project. Call us for your free estimate



The 39th Annual Home Expressions Show

March in to Spring in Style March 15 -17, 2013 by Manitoba HoMe builders’ association

As we enter into the 39th year of Home Expressions, you will see a tighter, more focused show on home and garden products and services that we all use in our homes. One stop shopping and comparison, all under one roof! We are pleased to present a weekend full of entertaining and informative gardening sessions on our Lifestyle stage, presented by Manitoba Gardener. Come out and hear Manitoba’s most experienced gardening experts share their secrets to a perfect garden. And that’s not all… we are really excited to welcome Samantha Pynn, along with her sidekick Colin Hunter

For all oF us Hardy souls tHat Have endured tHe

harsh cold realities of Winterpeg this season… rest assured… Spring is on its way! The first sign of spring is always Home Expressions, presented by ComFree. Home projects can be anything from a painted wall to a complete makeover for your home, outdoor space or cottage. This is the excitement of attending Home Expressions… new ideas, new projects and best of all… more inspiration! Put together your ‘to do’ list and join us at the Winnipeg Convention Centre - March 15 - 17, 2013. Doors are open on Friday from noon to 9:00 pm, Saturday from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm and Sunday from noon to 5:00 pm. 24 hours of shopping with over 250 Exhibitors. Tickets are available for purchase at the show! We are really excited to tell you that we have reduced the ticket price for 2013! Tickets are $10 plus a Ticketmaster Agency fee. 64 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

There will be a fanTasTic Grand Prize raffle wiTh a reTail value of $10,000! 100% of The Proceeds will Go To varieTy, The children’s’ chariTy of ManiToba

from HGTV’s Summer Home. Sam will share her trade secrets for a fresh new look while repurposing items you already have in your home. There will be a fantastic Grand Prize raffle with a retail value of $10,000! 100% of the proceeds will go to Variety, the Children’s’ Charity of Manitoba. Create the life you deserve and fall in love with your home all over again at the 39th Annual Home Expressions Show March 15 - 17, 2013 at the Winnipeg Convention Centre. See you at the show! FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 65


Living with renovation... comfortably Once yOur prOject gets underway, yOu and yOur

renovator need to work closely together to make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible. The renovator needs a good working environment so the job can progress without problems or delays. You want as few inconveniences and disruptions to your daily routine as possible. Many of the responsibilities of both the renovator and the homeowner have already been spelled out in the contract. Before the work starts, sit down with your renovator and discuss everyone’s expectations and responsibilities in detail. Good communication is key to a good renovation experience and a satisfying result. Before the work begins

» Discuss the renovator’s requirements for the work, including access to electricity and water on a regular basis, delivery and storage of building materials, and disposal of wastes. » Determine the rules of the house for the work crew. Clarify


access to bathroom facilities and eating areas, as well as kitchen privileges, if any, and also which parts of the house are off limits. Set out your smoking policy and if you permit music in the work area. » Verify that municipal permits and approvals have been obtained as needed. The contract may stipulate that your renovator will do this; however, the ultimate responsibility rests with you, the homeowner. renovator responsibilities

» Your professional renovator will make every effort to avoid disruptions and minimize the impact on your household. For instance, additions will be built and partially finished before the connecting wall is removed. Temporary hook-ups for water and electricity will allow you to continue your daily cooking and cleaning routines. » To keep you informed, your renovator will name a contact person for your project, usually the site supervisor or

the renovator personally, who will stay in touch with you throughout the project. You will get regular updates on the progress of the work and be told when to expect tradespeople and when you will be needed for decisions. This person will also be available on short notice to respond to any questions or concerns that you have have. » The renovator is responsible for meeting deadlines. The contract should clearly outline the project schedule and deadlines to which your renovator will work. If the work gets off-track for unforeseen reasons, the renovator will discuss the situation with you immediately and find ways to correct it. » Daily clean-up is part of the service. Professional renovators leave a clean work site at the end of each day. Be sure to discuss your expectations. Homeowner responsibilities

» Clear work areas of furniture, drapes and art. Protect your valuables by placing them in an area where no work is going on, or out of the home, and cover anything that might be harmed by dust. » Make early product selections. The contract may stipulate that you select and/or provide specific items such as flooring, lighting equipment, tiles and kitchen cabinets. Have these items available to your renovator when needed to ensure

the smooth progress of the work. » Keep changes to a minimum. Most renovators are willing to accommodate changes to the original plan as you go along. However, changes may result in a cost increase or a time delay so make sure to discuss the implications with your renovator. Change orders are amendments to the contract and must be signed by both parties. » Be available to your renovator. Invariably, you will be asked to make a number of smaller decisions as the work progresses. Make sure that your renovator can reach you on short notice. » Discuss your concerns as they arise. Bring any concerns and questions to your renovator’s attention immediately; don’t wait for “the right moment”. » Provide payment as agreed upon in the payment schedule set up in the contract. Be sure to hold back the appropriate amounts required by the Contractors’ Lien Act in your province; contact your provincial government or your lawyer for information. » Accept the unpredictable. Foul weather, unavailable products, unforeseen complications… these can be part of the renovation experience and will be dealt with by your renovator in a professional manner. courtesy of the canadian Home Builders’ association

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the next generation of

appliances by evelyn eshun

We all knoW by noW that kitchens are a worthwhile investment for any home renovation these days, and it seems appliances are becoming the celebrities of any kitchen renovation. I adore appliances and am happy with the fact that through suppliers such as Appliance Canada, I can now have access to appliances that were normally not available in Canada. Clearly, we are becoming a powerful consumer base for the top appliance suppliers. Not only are the new appliance options here to make our lives easier and more efficient, but they also bring out the “inner chef” in all of us, which is not a bad thing. The proliferation of reality shows which depict “everyday people” fulfilling their cooking dreams certainly has helped in motivating us into making our kitchens work for us, which in turn has made the suppliers willing to invest in providing products that step up the cooking experience. FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 69

I don’t know about you, but I love to cook. I love the entire process and the fact that we can now have appliances that provide a Ferrari-like look and performance. Advanced technology has yielded many new options for home cooking. The range, the stove, the wall ovens, the “stoven” (my madeup name for a stove with an oven) are key to your cooking experience. Whether electric, gas or induction, we all have our preferences, I personally adore cooking with gas. I think the Thermador 48-in. Professional Series Pro Grand Commercial Steam Range is one of the best on the market. With a powerful 22,000 BTUs at your disposal and a convection and steam option, your cooking possibilities are limitless. This appliance will make the journey just as fun as the final destination.

I adorE ThE cool drawEr FroM FIshEr PaykEl, whIch can BE InTEGraTEd InTo an Island and housE all your ProducE aT arM’s rEach – IT’s GrEaT For juIcInG or salad TossInG. The newest innovation is also the Speed Oven, which is a great addition to any kitchen. It delivers oven-quality results up to 10 times faster than conventional cooking techniques, and without pre-heating! The GE Monogram Built-in Oven with Advantium Speedcook Technology can cook, brown, warm and perform all the conveniences of a microwave. Refrigeration is a luxury, which we often take for granted – a perk which our ancestors did not benefit from. With the growing awareness of the benefits of fresh food, our need for preserving our perishables has grown. I adore the cool drawer from Fisher Paykel, which can be integrated into an island and house all your produce at arm’s reach – it’s great for juicing or salad tossing. Consider it for a small kitchen or if you don’t need a full-size fridge. All these advances in appliance technology are a great benefit to homeowners. Adding any or all of these elements will inevitably raise the value of your home and they will also elevate the lifestyle and enjoyment of the kitchen experience. 70 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

Tips: ›› Though the cabinets are often the most fun to pick first, start by determining your appliances first when planning your kitchen, this will help the designer plan the cabinetry and other storage details you will need. ›› Before you select appliances determine what you really require from your appliances, how often do you entertain or cook in your kitchen? ›› Make sure you give your appliance specifications to the electrician, the plumber and the heating and ventilation specialist, they need this information to provide you with the appropriate services to make these appliances perform as required. ›› Plan to give 10 to 12 weeks for your kitchen renovation, the order of operations is the key to making this process smooth and stress-free. ›› a stand-alone range and a convection/steam oven (instead of a microwave) is the most cost-effective way to add additional functionality in your kitchen. ›› Ensure you have adequate power outlets, especially do not forget the island as well as enough lighting for all of the activities that will be taking place in the kitchen

EvElyn Eshun Toronto-based accredited Interior designer, Evelyn Eshun, Principal of Evelyn Eshun design. For more than 14 years, she is known for her custom designed residential projects throughout the GTa that showcase the space and bring out the best in you.

Next issue ad deadline April 3, 2013 Distribution starts April 19, 2013

We can help you build your business Manitoba Renovations Home Improvement & Design reaches more qualified readers than any other home improvement publication. Our readers are looking for project ideas and connections to professionals that specialize in home improvement, design and construction. Within our colourful, informative format, we can highlight your business, product or service in the best possible way: with creative advertising and/or informative articles and profiles. It’s the best way to get your business the valuable exposure it needs!


Call Renovations today to be part of our exciting next issue!

Distribution in the next issue will include Winnipeg home delivery and over 200 magazine stands across Winnipeg.



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kitchen solvers

Kitchen Solvers

excels in kitchen renewal by Margaret anne Fehr


t was 2002 that Brent and Joanne McDonald bought the Kitchen Solvers franchise in Winnipeg. Ever since that year, this husband and wife duo have been showing Winnipeggers how Kitchen Solvers offers a definite solution for people wanting to transform their kitchens but without incurring huge costs in the process. “We offer a variety of options for cabinet refacing, from solid wood doors and wood refacing to thermofoil vinyl doors and laminate refacing. Thermofoil doors are vinyl wrapped on medium density fiberboard (MDF), and come in a variety of colours and woodgrains,” says Brent. As part of a larger franchise named Kitchen Solvers Inc., Brent and Joanne are proud to be part of the flagship organization that has been in business for over 25 years and has approximately 50 franchises across North America. “This gives us access to the finest material and suppliers. The combined experience and knowledge of this many franchises is invaluable,” says Brent. “I oversee the daily operations of the business, which entails estimating, ordering material and job scheduling. I am personally involved in every installation, even though my installers are unbelievable, I guess, you just can’t take the installer out of me. Also, we are so confident in our refacing process and experience, we offer an exclusive five year installation warranty.” “Joanne takes care of returning all calls, explaining the refacing process in which she is very knowledgeable and she also books all the appointments for consultations.” The benefits of refacing kitchen cabinets are many and now as environmentally friendly awareness in the reuse of materials becomes more mainstream, Kitchen Solvers is well ahead of the curve. “We reface the existing frame work and apply new doors and drawer fronts, thus avoiding filling up the landfills with perfectly good

72 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

cabinets. We all need to do our part. We also take some of the old doors to Habitat for Humanity, where they in turn sell them.” Another major benefit is the speed and ease that a dated kitchen can be modernized. “An average refacing job takes from 3 to 5 days. That means no major upheaval to the client as the installers work on their kitchen and the savings are impressive at approximately 40 % saving as compared to a complete kitchen re-do,” says Brent. “Also with cabinet refacing it is not necessary to change countertops, tile backsplash or flooring, because we just reface around them. This can add up to substantial savings.” “Converting lower cabinets to pots and pans drawers is one option I encourage on every project, as this instantly brings older kitchens up to date and makes them more functional. We can also build add on cabinets and modify existing cabinets for better efficiency.” Brent adds that not every kitchen is a candidate for refacing and to suggest so to a client would be a disservice. “This is why we started offering new kitchen construction where we could start fresh with a new design that will offer our clients modern day materials and efficiency.” “When people ask if we have a showroom, I tell them that what we have is better, an actual traveling showroom. We bring the sample doors and colours to your home. We feel that you need to see the options available right in your own home and under your lighting conditions to truly create the look you desire. If someone wants to see examples of our work, we have many clients that would be proud to show their kitchens.” For more details about Kitchen Solvers, check out their website at

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Home automation / integration here to stay With the onslaught of technical advances, home automation is becoming mainstream in today’s Renovation Industry by Laurence rosenberg

accuRate technology gRoup

There is no doubT ThaT ThaT smarT homes are

becoming mainstream in new home construction and renovations. In today’s modern age, technology influences practically every aspect of our home environment. However, home automation technology evolves at such a rapid pace that most homeowners are left wondering as to how to plan ahead in order to include it in their homes. Many homeowners are not aware of the enormous benefits of home automation and therefore do not consider it when renovating their existing home or building a new one. The main stumbling blocks when it comes to the installation of home automation are education and misconception of costs. One only has to look at the pace at which technology is being brought into our homes and our daily lives to understand that it would be wise to plan for not only future developments but those that exist today. If you do not have the budget to invest in a home automation system right away, you can design your home in such a way that you could integrate one seamlessly when your budget allows. One of the optimum times for this is during renovation to ensure the infrastructure (pre-wiring) for home automation is put in place. A home automation system is a system that provides you with remote or automatic control of things around your home. 74 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

a home automatIon system Is a system that pRovIdes you WIth Remote oR automatIc contRol of thIngs aRound youR home. home automatIon systems can gIve you the abIlIty to contRol home functIons Remotely fRom anyWheRe In the WoRld usIng a tablet oR smaRt phone WIth InteRnet access.

the bottom lIne Is that to achIeve optImum Results – It Is essentIal that youR home automatIon system Is desIgned, Installed and pRogRammed by an expeRIenced home automatIon pRofessIonal Home automation systems can give you the ability to control home functions remotely from anywhere in the world using a tablet or smart phone with internet access. Today’s home owners are looking at state-of-the art home automation systems as a means of managing their home’s daily functions in the most economical and energy efficient manner with ease of use. Home automation systems can do this by controlling a number of systems and appliances within the home in the most effective and economical way, including lighting systems, audio and visual equipment, heating systems, security, and many more. The main aim of any well designed home automation system is to create a flexible, practical and user-friendly environment – allowing even the most non-technical people to easily operate the most technically advanced systems. By designing and including an infrastructure that is capable of being readily upgraded, a smart home can easily maintain pace with advances in technology. The bottom line is that to achieve optimum results – it is essential that your home automation system is designed, installed and programmed by an experienced home automation professional. This will not only ensure that all the electronic devices and control software are integrated seamlessly, but it will also mean that the system meets your individual aesthetic and functional requirements.

audio video home automation security 204.957.7799

FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 75


a winter warm-me-up with lynn crawford’s

cheddar cheese Biscuits

celebrity chef and KitchenAid spokesperson, chef Lynn crawford. the classic comfort food, chef Lynn shares the recipe for these savoury tea biscuits.


» 2 cups all-purpose flour » 1 tablespoon sugar » 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder » 1 teaspoon pepper » 1/2 teaspoon salt » 6 tablespoons chilled unsalted butter, cut into 1/2 inch pieces » 1 1/4 cups of grated, extra-sharp cheddar cheese » 1 cup of cold buttermilk » 1 egg, beaten InstructIons » Preheat oven to 400°F. combine first six ingredients in processor and blend. Add butter and cut in, using on/off turns until fine meal forms. transfer to large bowl. Mix in cheese. (note: can be prepared four hours ahead.) cover and chill. » Mix enough buttermilk into flour mixture to bind dough. turn out onto floured surface. Knead gently until combined, about 10 turns. Pat out dough to 3/4-inch thickness. using three-inch diameter cookie cutter, cut out biscuits. gather scraps, pat out to 3/4-inch thickness and cut additional biscuits. transfer biscuits to ungreased cookie sheet. Brush with egg wash. Bake in new KitchenAid range or wall oven until evenly baked, golden brown and firm to touch. About 18 minutes. serve warm. 76 home décor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

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FEB - MAR 2013 home décor and renovations 77


Advice from


were asked what design and planning advice they most often give to their customers, here is what they said. KNOW WHY YOU WANT TO RENOVATE What problems are you trying to solve? Most renovations begin with practical issues. For instance, your bathroom may be cramped, you need more storage space in the kitchen, or there is nowhere for the children to play or do homework under your supervision. EVALUATE THE STRUCTURE, SYSTEMS AND GENERAL CONDITION OF YOUR HOUSE With your renovator, list the repairs and replacements likely to be required over the next two, five and 10 years. If necessary, be prepared to make trade-offs between lifestyle improvements and work needed to keep your home in good shape. WORK WITH THE STRENGTHS OF YOUR HOME And save money at the same time. Check under existing carpeting and sheet flooring for old hardwood flooring. Refinish old trim and molding rather than replace it. Resurface cabinets rather than installing new ones. Turn a large landing into a child's play area, a quiet reading area or a small home office. KEEP IT SIMPLE A complex design can result in complicated and expensive construction. Whether you want to build on to your home, change roof lines or reconfigure interior space, consult with a professional renovator on the impact of design on construction and budget. Less complex designs will often let you achieve the same goals. 78 home dĂŠcor and renovations FEB - mar 2013

DON'T JUST FOCUS ON THE UPFRONT COST Renovation is a further investment in your home. Consider the time, energy and cost required on ongoing maintenance and possible replacement down the road. A well-planned renovation can reduce these future costs. DON'T CUT CORNERS TO SAVE A FEW DOLLARS, OR YOU MAY NOT GET THE RESULTS YOU WANT There may be ways to stretch a limited budget or you may be able to scale down your project or alternatively, do it in phases over time. But don't compromise on quality-it's always better to do less and do it well. CHECK LOCAL BYLAWS Before you get too involved in a particular design for adding to or substantially altering your home, you or your renovator need to know the local regulations for instance, lot-line setbacks or septic tank requirements. LOOK AT YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD Exterior changes or additions that blend with the existing streetscape will probably add the most value to your home, and they will usually be appreciated the most by your neighbours. If you do want a design with a difference, think about ways of complementing neighbouring homes. DON'T WORRY ABOUT TRENDS Design trends come and go. First and foremost, plan for comfort, ease of living and personal satisfaction. Enjoy exploring options and possibilities then design the renovation that is uniquely right for you and your family. Courtesy of the Canadian Home Builders’ Association.

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