Applied Technologies Pathways Booklet

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APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES Choose Your Academic and Career Pathway to Success!





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allace State Community College is

network and articulation agreements with

of excellence, comprehensive educational

University Center on campus allows students

widely recognized for its tradition

offerings, and unique opportunities. Since

1966, Wallace State has provided students

with quality, affordable education. Today, the college enrolls approximately 6,000 students and offers more than 50 programs

of study in academic, health, and technical programs in addition to an unlimited number

of transfer options. Students are guaranteed seamless transfer to the state’s four-year

colleges and universities through the STARS

specialized programs. An Athens State to complete a bachelor’s degree on the

Wallace State campus. Program offerings, prerequisites, and required courses are available by viewing the Wallace State

catalog online at For a program application packet, scholarship

application, and additional college information, please contact the Office of

Enrollment Management at 256.352.8031 or email

It is the policy of the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees and Wallace State Community College, a postsecondary institution under its control, that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age or sexual orientation, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefit of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program, activity or employment. The College will not retaliate against any person because they have engaged in a protected activity opposing the College or because they have made a complaint, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding or hearing alleging discrimination on a basis specified above.


Wallace State is pleased to be part of the American Association of Community Colleges Pathways Project, which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Pathways Project involves a rethinking and redesign of the student experience from enrollment through completion. As a student at Wallace State, you will be encouraged to choose a broad pathway from one of four metamajors - Liberal Arts/General Studies, Applied Technologies, STEM (Science, Technology, Engi-

neering, and Math), or Health Science — at the outset of your college career. The coursework you take early in your degree plan will be applicable to any major within the Pathway. Go to for a full list of programs. Choose the program of study you want to learn more about, and download a Pathway Map for an easy-to-use plan for completing the program. Visit our Advising Office to get started.



Business Administration Business Education & Office Administration Business Management & Supervision Criminal Justice Dance Global Studies Graphic Art & Design Music Education Paralegal Pre-Education Religious Studies

Computer Science Engineering Technology Geospatial Technology Math Poultry Science 2+2 Pre-Engineering/ Engineering Robotics Sciences


Agriculture/Horticulture Production Automotive Service Technology Aviation/Flight Technology Building Construction Collision Repair Culinary Arts Diesel Technology Engineering Technology HVAC & Refrigeration Machine Tool Technology Mechatronics, Electronics, Robotics Technology Salon & Spa Management Cosmetology, Esthetics, Nail Technology Small Farmer Training Welding

HEALTH SCIENCES Child Development Dental Assisting Dental Hygiene Diagnostic Imaging Diagnostic Medical Sonography Emergency Medical Services Health Information Technology/ Medical Coding Medical Assistant Medical Laboratory Technician Nursing Occupational Therapy Assistant Pharmacy Technology Physical Therapist Assistant Polysomongraphy Technologist Respiratory Therapy Sports Medicine

AGRICULTURE/HORTICULTURE PRODUCTION Wallace State’s Agriculture/Horticulture Production program offers practical training for jobs in landscaping, forestry service, conservation, farming, nursery, agriscience education and more. A new option in sustainable agriculture and a 2+2 Poultry Science option with Auburn University increases opportunities for students.


AWA R D S O F F E R E D : A ssoc iate i n A p pl i ed Sc i en ce- Gen era l Tec h n ol og y (4 Semester s) , Cer t i f ic ates (4 Sem ester s), Shor t-Ter m Cer t i f i c ate (2 Semester s) , Poultr y Sc i en ce 2 +2 O p t i on Do you love the great outdoors? Is getting your

Students completing the program may find jobs in landscaping, forestry, aquaculture operations, conservation, turf operations and farming. They could manage or own a farm, greenhouse or nursery.

hands dirty your idea of time well spent? Does the

thought of creating an outdoor space appeal to your nature? Do you want to preserve nature in all

of its glory or enhance it to make it more appealing? If you answered yes to any of those questions you might want to look into the Agriculture/Horticulture

Production program at Wallace State Community College in Hanceville.

Whether you want to be the boss or work with a

company, within two years WSCC can prepare you

for various jobs in agriculture, business and industry. The course content includes basic studies, agricul-

ture-related management and marketing, sustain-

able agriculture, and technically-oriented agriculture courses.

Students completing the program may find jobs in

landscaping, forestry, aquaculture operations, conservation, turf operations, and farming. They could manage or own a farm, greenhouse, or nursery. CONTACT: Anthony Hilliard Department Head (256) 352.8035

Wallace State can provide all of the background you need, from learning when and how to properly prune a tree to learning how to keep track of

finances, inventory, or breeding records by utilizing database and spreadsheet programs. WSCC also offers a transfer option in Poultry Science

through Auburn University.

AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNOLOGY Wallace State’s Automotive Service Technology program provides students with the knowledge and training they will need to tackle both the basics of auto repair and the high-tech aspects of today’s vehicles.

AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNOLOGY AWA R D S O F F E R E D : A ssoc iate i n A p pl i ed Sc i en ce- Gen era l Tec h n ol og y (4 Semester s) , Cer t i f ic ate (4 Sem ester s). Shor t-Ter m Cer t i f i c ates (2 Semester s) With more than 275 million cars on the road in the United States, and the average age of vehicles on

Mechanics have turned into technicians who must have a wide base of knowledge about how automobile components work and interact.

the road in 2017 at 12.5 years, it’s easy to see why a certificate from Wallace State Community College’s Automotive Service Technology program would be a good investment. Many of today’s vehicles are run by integrated electronic systems and complex computers that measure their performance on the road. Mechanics have turned into technicians who must have a wide base of knowledge about how those components work and interact. They must also be able to operate the diagnostic equipment and computer-based technical reference materials. Wallace State recently entered into a partnership

CONTACT: Adam Frazar Department Head (256) 352.8151

with Mercedes-Benz U.S. International to participate in the Mercedes Tech Co-Op Program, which offers tuition and fees assistance, paid summer internships with a monthly housing allowance during the internship, and employment upon completion of the program.

Mercedes Tech Co-Op Partnership Automotive Service Technology is accredited by the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF).

AVIATION/FLIGHT TECHNOLOGY Wallace State’s Aviation/Flight Technology program provides training for professional and recreational pilots for both helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. Upon completion of their coursework, Wallace State graduates can pursue advanced degrees through partnerships with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Athens State and others.

AVIATION/FLIGHT TECHNOLOGY AWARDS OFFERED: Associate in Applied Science (6 Semesters), Short-Term Certificates (1-3 Semesters)

If a job on terra firma isn’t quite enough for you, you might consider a loftier goal – say the sky.

Options for jobs include everything from pilots, co-pilots, and flight engineers who transport passengers and cargo to utilizing aircraft to track criminals, monitor traffic, direct firefighting efforts, and evacuate injured persons for medical care.

Wallace State Community College’s Aviation/Flight Technology program provides training for professional and recreational pilots for both airplanes and helicopters. Options for jobs include everything from pilots, co-pilots, and flight engineers who transport passengers and cargo to utilizing aircraft to track criminals, monitor traffic, direct firefighting efforts, and evacuate injured persons for medical care. The Aviation/Flight Technology program at Wallace State consists of flight and ground instruction, which will qualify students for various careers in the aviation industry. Students will have the opportunity to acquire FAA certification for the Private Pilot, Instrument Rating and Commercial Pilot Certificates. All types of advance certificates and ratings can also be acquired, including instructor training. Upon completion of their coursework at Wallace

CONTACT: Bert Mackentepe Department Head (256) 737.3040

State, students can pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Professional Aeronautics through an agreement with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Transfer opportunities also exist for bachelor’s programs in aviation at Athens State, Auburn, and Troy, among others.

Flight Technology is accredited by the Federal Aviation Administration, Approved by the Alabama State Department of Education for flight instruction under the U.S. Veterans Administration Program.

BUILDING CONSTRUCTION The Engineering Technology program at Wallace State Community College offers a Building Construction program, with options to earn an Associate in Applied Science degree in Building Construction Management or Short-Term Certificates in Building Construction Technology and Construction Science, all designed around helping students enter the workforce.

BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AWARDS OFFERED: Associate in Applied Science (4 Semesters); Short-Term Certificates (1-3 Semesters) For those seeking a career that offers something new

Construction management is one of the fastest growing majors at colleges and universities.

every day, the chance to see immediate results, to col-

laborate with a team working toward a common goal, and make a higher-than-average wage, the Building

Construction option offered through the Engineering

Technology program at Wallace State Community College is just the ticket.

The program offers an Associate in Applied Science

Degree in Building Construction Management, as well as Short-Term Certificates in Building Construction Technology and Construction Science.

Construction Management is one of the fastest grow-

ing majors at colleges and universities, according to the Education Advisory Board. This is due in part to a skills

gap in the construction industry, prompting a need for skilled construction professionals. CONTACT: Lynn White Instructor (256) 352.8246

Students can use the credentials earned at Wallace

State to be more competitive in the job market as employers are looking for employees with certified skills and training.

Employment of construction occupations is projected

to grow faster than average compared to all occupations through 2026, according to the U.S. Bureau of

Labor Statistics (BLS). The median annual wage for all

construction occupations was $45,820 in May 2017, ac-

cording to the BLS, with construction laborers making $33,430, flooring installers and tile and marble setters

making $40,250, drywall and ceiling tile installers and tapers making $43,970, construction and building in-

spectors making $59,090, and $91,70 for construction managers.

COLLISION REPAIR Wallace State’s Collision Repair program is designed to train students to repair and replace damaged auto bodies and parts, from frame repair and glass replacement, to working with fiberglass and plastics, and applying paints and finishes. Students also learn how to assess and estimate costs of damages.


AWARDS OFFERED: Associate in Applied Science-General Technology (4 Semesters), Certificate (4 Semesters), Short-Term Certificates (1-2 Semesters) Accidents happen. That’s a fact of life for every driver on the roads today. From dings and scratch-

Students learn the metallurgical structure of sheet steel and the use of hand tools and pneumatic equipment used in bumping, dinging, filing, grinding, sanding, and spraying a damaged panel.

es to fender-benders and more serious damage, a reliable professional is something every car owner seeks when the time comes to make repairs. Wallace State Community College’s Collision Repair program will help you become that professional within four semesters. The Collision Repair program is designed to train students to repair and replace damaged auto bodies and parts, from frame repair and glass replacement to working with fiberglass and plastics, and applying paints and finishes. Students learn the metallurgical structure of sheet steel and the use of hand tools and pneumatic equipment used in bumping, dinging, filing, grinding, sanding, and spraying a damaged panel. They learn how to mix and apply water-based and solvent-based paints. They learn how to estimate costs of damages. With so many different makes and models of cars, auto body repair work has variety and challenges.

CONTACT: Tim Grace Department Head (256) 352.8152

Each damaged vehicle presents a different problem. Using their broad knowledge of automotive construction and repair techniques, repairers must develop appropriate methods for each job. To become a fully skilled auto body technician, formal training is recommended because repair of newer automobiles requires more advanced skills to

Collision Repair is accredited by the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF).

fix the new technologies and new body materials, including aluminum repair.

CULINARY ARTS Whether you dream of owning your own restaurant, becoming a professional chef or being part of a hospitality team, the Culinary Arts program at Wallace State Community College provides the ingredients needed to build a career in the hospitality industry.


AWARDS OFFERED: Associate in Applied Science (5 Semesters), Certificate (4 Semesters), Short-Term Certificate (2 Semesters) If you can stand the heat of the kitchen, Wallace

The Culinary Arts program at Wallace State provides the ingredients needed to build a career in restaurants and hospitality. A new hospitality emphasis will cover all aspects of the industry.

State Community College’s Culinary Arts program can give you the skills to create meals at a wide variety of food service and hospitality establishments. Chefs, cooks and food preparation workers can find jobs in a variety of places. Restaurants, of course, are the most likely employers, but there are also opportunities at grocery stores and specialty food stores. Students could also become caterers, personal chefs, or open their own restaurants. The breadth of opportunities in the hospitality industry include everything from tourism to event planning. The Culinary Arts program at Wallace State provides the ingredients needed to build a career in the hospitality industry. It places great emphasis on sanitation in food handling, nutrition, and quantity food-service activities in professional food-service facilities. Practical experience is gained through the

CONTACT: Chef John Wilson Department Head (256) 352.7852

Culinary Art program’s café, where students learn not only how to prepare meals in the back of the house, but also how to serve customers in the front of the house.

Culinary Arts is accredited by the American Culinary Federation Education Foundation.

DIESEL TECHNOLOGY The Diesel Technology program at Wallace State Community College provides the education and training needed to compete in the field of diesel mechanics. Employers are looking for job applicants who are certified in the field.


AWARDS OFFERED: Associated in Applied Science-General Technology (5 Semesters), Certificate (4 Semesters), Short-Term Certificates (1 Semester)

Diesel engines are the lifeblood of America’s infrastructure. They power the diesel trucks, heavy equipment and railroad engines that move food and products across the nation.

Diesel engines are the lifeblood of America’s infrastructure. They power the diesel trucks, heavy equipment and railroad engines that move food and products across the nation. They power the equipment and machines that build roads and buildings. They power the buses, trucks, and light vehicles that take us from point A to point B. Diesel service technicians and mechanics are essential in keeping those engines running and ensuring that the vehicles they power are in safe and working order. The Diesel Technology program at Wallace State Community College provides the education and training needed to compete in the field of diesel mechanics. The program is popular with students and boasts outstanding job placement rates and numerous industry partnerships. Along with teaching necessary skills and instruction on

CONTACT: Jeremy Smith Department Head (256) 352.8063

technology used in the industry, Wallace State also provides training for the state commercial driver’s license (CDL), which is needed in order to conduct test drives of vehicles on public roads as part of the repair process. Industries with the highest level of employment for diesel service technicians and mechanics include general longhaul trucking, local governments, light truck repair and maintenance, motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts and supplies merchant wholesalers, and specialized freight trucking.

Kubota Tech Partnership

The median annual salary for diesel service technicians and mechanics nationwide in May 2017 was $46,360.

Diesel Technology is accredited by the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF).

ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY The Engineering Technology program is designed to prepare a graduate to apply basic engineering principles and technical skills in support of engineers engaged in a wide variety of projects. The program includes instruction in various engineering support functions for research, production, operations, and applications to specific engineering specialties.

ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY AWARDS OFFERED: Associate in Applied Science (5 Semesters), Short-Term Certificates (2 Semesters) There are many career options for those interested in

a degree in Engineering Technology. There are careers

WSCC students have access to 3D printers and AutoCAD software BIM and Solid Works to aid in their education.

where your office is the site of a new road, bridge, or

building. There are careers where you work in the comfort of an air-conditioned office and create tools or programs to help business, industry or the public.

Wallace State Community College’s Engineering

Technology program provides a pathway to give you opportunities to see exactly where you fit in the engineering world.

The program offers an Associate in Applied Science





as well as AAS Engineering Technology de-

grees with specialized electives for Mechanical/ Civil





Construction Management; and an AAS is Building Construction Technology. Short-term certificates are offered in Mechanical/Civil Engineering, Architectural CONTACT: Todd Hardman Department Head (256) 352.8146

Engineering Building







Design, 3D Graphics, and Basic AutoCAD, and Construction Science.

Students will have the opportunity to learn all aspects re-

lated to their area of interest in engineering using stateof-the-art equipment and software. WSCC students have access to 3D printers and AutoCAD software BIM and Solid Works to aid in their education.

Students can use the knowledge gained at Wallace

State to start their career. They can also choose to further Engineering Technology is accredited by the American Design Drafting Association.

their education at a four-year institution while working in the field using what they’ve learned at Wallace State.

HVAC & REFRIGERATION Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration is a broad-reaching industry that plays a vital role across the globe in many different industries. It is required to maintain affordable, convenient and safe food supplies; it is used in manufacturing, and is also considered to be a necessary component of most human environments. The complexity of this field allows for many opportunities.

HEATING, VENTILATION, AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION AWARDS OFFERED: Associate in Applied Science-General Technology (4 Semesters), Certificate (4-5 Semesters) Heating, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC/R) technicians help make us more comfortable in our

No matter the system on which they will operate, HVAC/R technicians must rely on the same mechanical, electrical and scientific principles that allow these types of systems to perform the jobs for which they are designed.

homes, offices and industries. They install and maintain the equipment that protects and preserves foods, medications, and other perishables needed on a daily basis. No matter the system on which they will operate, HVAC/R technicians must rely on the same mechanical, electrical and scientific principles that allow these types of systems to perform the jobs for which they are designed. Wallace State’s HVAC/R program provides a highly academic environment that focuses on the technical foundations of the industry, along with practical insight and hands-on exercises that help the student to develop their ability. This is an opportune time to enter the field of heating, air conditioning and refrigeration as the U.S. Department of Labor predicts a growing need for HVAC/R technicians. Expectations of competitive wages by a skilled technician or a motivated business person are considered to be very attainable.

(256) 352.8140

Wallace State helps potential HVAC/R installers and service technicians gain the knowledge and skills they need to pass certification and licensing procedures in order to gain employment.

Heating and Air Conditioning is accredited by Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Excellence (HVAC).

MACHINE TOOL TECHNOLOGY The Precision Machining program at Wallace State Community College trains students to carry through to completion the construction and repair of all kinds of metallic and non-metallic parts, tools and machines. They also learn how to understand blueprints and specifications.

MACHINE TOOL TECHNOLOGY AWARDS OFFERED: Associate in Applied Science (5 Semesters), Certificate (MTT–4 Semesters), Short-Term Certificates: Tool and Die, CNC, Injection Mold Technologies, Level I MTT, Level II MTT (2 Semesters) They make many of the same parts or they may make

Machinists use their knowledge of the working properties of metals and their skills with machine tools to plan and carry out the operations needed to make machined products that meet precise specifications.

only one or a few customized parts, but either way machinists are the cogs in the wheel of all sorts of industries. Machinists use machine tools such as lathes, milling machines, and machining centers to produce precision metal parts. They use their knowledge of the working properties of metals and their skills with machine tools to plan and carry out the operations needed to make machined products that meet precise specifications. The Precision Machining program at Wallace State Community College trains students to carry through to completion the construction and repair of all kinds of metallic and non-metallic parts, tools, and machines. They also learn how to understand blueprints and specifications. They will learn how to use all manner of machinists’ hand tools and machine tools, such as lathes, drill presses, milling machine, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines, computer-assisted programming equipment, and graphics programming.

CONTACT: Gary McMinn Department Head

As of May 2018 the mean annual wage nationwide for machinists was $44,950. The top five employers for machinists in 2016 included machine shops, ma-

(256) 352.8217

chinery manufacturing, transportation equipment

manufacturing, employment services, and merchant wholesalers of durable goods.

Machine Tool Technology is accredited by the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS).


The Mechatronics, Electronics & Robotics program at Wallace State is designed to prepare students for entry-level employment in diverse areas in the field of industrial electronics, with a solid foundation for early advancement and promotion. The basic concepts of electricity and electronics, as well as the more advanced classes within the program, will ensure a promising future for graduates.

MECHATRONICS, ELECTRONICS & ROBOTICS AWARDS OFFERED: Associate In Applied Science (5 Semesters), Certificates (5 Semesters), Short-Term Certificates (1 Semester)

Hands-on laboratory exercises reinforce and strengthen concepts covered in the courses and add real world troubleshooting, maintenance, and repair experiences.

They are the people we call when things break down, be it on the factory room floor or within a computer system. Industrial maintenance technicians are a necessary component in many industries, from the medical field to manufacturing to construction. The Mechatronics, Electronics & Robotics program at Wallace State is designed to prepare students for entry-level employment in diverse areas in the field of industrial electronics, with a solid foundation for early advancement and promotion. Teaching is accomplished by traditional lecture and demonstration in the classroom as well as using a hybrid format of computer-based and web-based instruction. Hands-on laboratory exercises reinforce and strengthen concepts covered in the courses and add real world troubleshooting, maintenance, and repair experiences. From robotics and industrial maintenance technicians to

(256) 352.8154

biomedical equipment technicians to communications

and repair technicians, the basic concepts of electricity and electronics, as well as the more advanced classes within the program, will ensure a promising future for graduates in almost any advanced technical field. A new FAME program, in partnership with Toyota and other industries, allows Wallace State students to earn money while completing an associate degree in Industrial Maintenance.

Mechatronics, Electronics and Robotics Technology is accredited by the Electronics Technicians Association (ETA).

SALON & SPA MANAGEMENT Wallace State Community College’s Salon and Spa Management program offers you the most up-to-date facilities and technology needed to achieve your goal of becoming that person who helps others with their look and outlook.


AWARDS OFFERED: Associate in Applied Science (4 Semesters), Certificates (4 Semesters), Short-Term Certificates (2 Semesters)

They may be some of the most trusted people in our

Wallace State’s state-of-the-art facilities provide students with training in the full salon-spa experience.

lives. They help determine how the world sees us. They make us feel better about ourselves. They are our hair stylist, barber or cosmetologist. Employment in the field is expected to grow by 13 percent through 2026 because of increasing population, rising incomes, and growing demand for personal appearance services. Wallace State Community College’s Salon and Spa Management program offers the most up-to-date facilities and technology needed to achieve your goal of becoming that person who helps others with their look and outlook. State-of-the-art facilities provide students and guests with the full salon experience. From the sa-

CONTACT: Sabrina Flanigan Department Head (256) 352.8216

lon’s reception area to the hair and make-up stations, esthetics room and the manicure and pedicure room, all offer a professional atmosphere in which to learn the skills needed to be successful. There are more than 60 hair and make-up stations to accommodate a growing demand in cosmetic arts education. Wallace State’s Salon and Spa Management program offers a range of degree and certificate options in cosmetology, nail technology, esthetics, and therapeutic massage.

SMALL FARMER TRAINING Wallace State’s new Small Farmer Training Program prepares students to start and operate their own farms or serve as a farm manager of existing farms. The program will also provide better understanding of farm operations for working in farm- or agriculture-related fields, including non-profits.

SMALL FARMER TRAINING AWARD OFFERED: Short-Term Certificate (2 Semesters); Credit may be applied toward associate degree in Horticulture Wallace State’s new Small Farmer Training Program

Those completing the course can receive college credit that can be applied toward an associate degree in Horticulture.

will prepare students to start and operate their own farms or serve as a farm manager of existing farms. Also, for those interested in working in agriculture, it will offer a better understanding of farm operations to work in non-profits or farmer assistance and promotion organizations. The FARM (Farm And Ready to Market) Short-Term Certificate can be completed in two semesters: Summer and Fall. Topics in the curriculum include: Soil and Fertility Management, Vegetable and Fruit Production, Herb Production, Crop Planning and Scheduling, Harvest and Post-Harvest Handling and Food Safety, Transplant Production (how to produce plants to be used on farm), High Tunnel Production, Direct and Wholesale Marketing, Developing a Business Plan, Enterprise Budgeting, Equipment Usage and

CONTACT: Travis Kress Farm Manager (256) 352.8115

Maintenance, Pest Management, Chemical Handling and Application, Irrigation, Crop Rotations, and Farm Specific Financials. Topics will be covered in lectures, research, handson exercises, farm visits, expert presentations, oneon-one instruction, and informational meetings. The program will run spring to fall to allow program participants to take part in a complete growing season from soil preparation to winter crops on the Wallace State Farm. After completing the course, assessments are can be taken to receive college credit hours that can be applied toward an associate degree in Horticulture.

WELDING Whether you are interested in hands-on welding or robotic operations, Wallace State Community College’s Welding program offers the most up-to-date training in the field. The Wallace State program can claim a 100 percent job placement rate, with salaries of up to $40,000 and increasing to $80,000 with just one to two year’s experience.


AWARDS OFFERED: Associate in Applied Science-General Technology (4 Semesters), Certificates (4 Semesters), Short-Term Certificates (1-2 Semesters) Whether you are interested in hands-on welding or

In recent years, welding has evolved into a highly sophisticated field filled with computer programming and robotics, and it’s becoming more advanced every year.

robotic operations, Wallace State’s Welding program offers the most up-to-date training in the field.

In recent years, welding has evolved into a highly sophisticated field with computer programming and ro-

botics, and it’s becoming more advanced every year. This evolution is evident in the welding department at Wallace State, which is equipped with state-of-the-art robotic welders.

Students trained on these robots will have a significant

advantage in opportunities for high-paying, highly skilled employment. An increasing demand for qualified and certified welders has pushed salaries higher and kept the job market vibrant.

Students will also learn traditional welding techniques such as stick welds, mig welds, flux core welds, alumi-

num welds, tig welds, pulse welds, and many others. Such hands-on welding techniques will prove valuable with robotic welding, helping to identify and correct

problems during the welding process. Welders will CONTACT: Jim Thompson Department Head (256) 352.8272

also learn how to read industrial blueprints, fabrication layout, process operation, and equipment set up.

The Wallace State program can claim a 100 percent

job placement rate, with salaries of up to $40,000 and increasing to $80,000 with just one to two year’s ex-

perience. Workers who have a thorough background in machine operations, certifications from industry associations, and a good working knowledge of the

properties of metals and plastics should have the best job opportunities.

Welding is accredited by the American Welding Society (AWS), National Center of Construction Education and Research (NCCER). Rev0619

Hanceville Campus

Oneonta Center

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101 First Ave. W

P.O. Box 2000

Hanceville, AL 35077 256.352.8000

P.O. Box 200

Oneonta, AL 35121 205.625.4020


A Wallace State of Mind. Wallace State Community College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate degrees. Contact the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404.679.4500 for questions about the accreditation of Wallace State Community College. Many programs have additional accreditation from organizations appropriate to the particular disciplines. Routine inquiries about Wallace State, such as admission requirements, inancial aid, educational programs, etc., should be addressed directly to Wallace State.

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