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H:\AJC 2013-2014\Letters\WholeSchoolMail\December 2013.docx
19th December 2013
Dear Parent/Carer As we approach the end of our first academic term at Wallasey School, I would like to thank you for your continued support both of the school and of your child’s progress and achievements. In my first term as Headteacher my strategic focus has been to reinforce a learning culture coupled with high standards of appearance, behaviour and attendance. Our standard of uniform has dramatically increased and our overall school attendance has improved to 94%, a 2% rise from this time last year. This is directly linked to a rise in expectation and to your support and co-operation with what the school demands and expects from its pupils. I am very proud of Wallasey School and am equally proud of our pupils – this term they have embraced more ownership in the way their school functions and have represented themselves positively at events they have attended both locally and regionally. Whenever our pupils go on visits or are part of events in school their positive behaviour and attitude is commented on highly – this is to their credit. As we prepare for the spring term I would like to ask for your support in the following areas so that we can be assured of a smart start to the term. All pupils should be fully equipped for learning. They should have a bag, pens, pencils, ruler and any other equipment needed to ensure positive learning this includes a full PE kit. Pupils should have a planner at all times. All pupils should return in full uniform and appropriate footwear, this comprises of shoes or trainers that are completely black in colour. All pupils should be punctual to school and should arrive no later than 8.35am ready for the start of the day at 8.40am. Breakfast Club opens at 7.45am. Mobile phones should be switched off at the start of the day and not be used until the end of the day. An ordered disciplined atmosphere in school is vital to successful learning. Any disruption to learning will not be tolerated and we expect all pupils to enable teachers to teach and other pupils to learn. I know that you will share our vision for a changing culture at Wallasey School and I look forward to a very successful working partnership with you all. On behalf of our pupils, staff and Governors, best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. Yours sincerely
Amanda Cawood Headteacher
Dates for the diary 2014 Friday 3rd January 2014 ................ Staff Development Day School closed to students Monday 6th January ...................... Staff Development Day School closed to students Tuesday 7th January ..................... School reopens All students return to school – 8.35am Thursday 9th January .................... Senior Prize Evening, commences 7pm School closes at 3.15pm – normal time Monday 13th January .................... Year 10 Work Experience Preparation Day Thursday 23rd January .................. Year 9 Parents’ Evening, 5pm – 7pm Tuesday 28th January ................... Year 9 Options Evening, 5pm – 7pm Tuesday 11th to 13th February ....... ‘Les Miserables’ Production, 7pm Friday 14th February...................... School closes for Half Term Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February – Half term Monday 24th February ................... School reopens All students return to school – 8.35am Thursday 6th March ....................... Sixth Form Parents’ Evening - 5pm – 7pm Monday 31st March – 1 week ........ Year 10 Work Experience Monday 7th April – 9th April ............ Year 7 Colomendy Trip Monday 7th April – 1 week ............. Year 12 Executive Shadowing Friday 11th April............................. School closes for Easter Holiday Monday 14th April – Friday 25th April - Easter Holidays Monday 28th April .......................... School reopens All students return to school – 8.35am