October 2012 newsletter

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Included in this newsletter: Exam Results 2012 ............................................................. Information Open Evening / Days .......................................................... Information Holidays in Term-time ......................................................... Policy Energy Drinks and Health issues ........................................ Policy Uniform & Appearance ........................................................ Policy - Enclosed Mobile Phones .................................................................... Policy Safeguarding....................................................................... Updates Life Magazine...................................................................... Enclosed Useful dates for your diary .................................................. Information

Plus Examination Results Chart ................................................. Enclosed Year 13 Destinations Information ........................................ Enclosed

Dear Parent / Carer The first half term has ‘flown’ by and as we approach the end of October I wanted to communicate with you to celebrate our success and to ask for your support in helping the school manage some issues.

Exam Results: Most Improved School on the Wirral! We are delighted at the results this year and I am sure you are too. Academic outcomes have risen year on year across all measures. Congratulations to students and staff. I enclose a ‘Level 2 (GCSE) Performance 2006-2012’ chart to show the rise of our success year on year. 5 A* - C Inc. English & Maths 5A–C 1A–G

54.4% GCSE 79.2% GCSE 100%

At A level 98.6% of our students gained passes and all who wished to gained places at University, employment or training. A credit to all involved. I enclose a ‘Destinations’ list.

Open Evening / Days These events were well supported and the evaluations extremely positive and complimentary. As always those students who gave up their evening on 4th October did a superb job and represented the school with pride.

Holidays in Term Time Governors met recently and discussed the above. Following a lengthy debate they agreed that the school could not support students being taken out of school during term time for family holidays. The statement below is, I hope, self-explanatory. As a result of a growing number of parents requesting permission to take their children out of school for holidays in term time, I write to inform you that I am no longer able agree to such requests. Governors met recently to discuss this issue and have approved the policy. This means that authorisation will no longer be given for holidays in term time. Should absence occur the student will be recorded as an unauthorised absence which will be monitored by the Local Authority who may take further action. Governors and I are acutely aware of the unfair pricing structure that applies when parents/carers seek to book holidays during term time. However, it is inappropriate for us to condone absence from school. Every lesson is important and time away from school can have a negative impact on a child’s learning. These arrangements come into force with immediate effect.

Energy Drinks: Health Issues As a Healthy School we have made significant adjustments to what food and beverages are available via the school canteen and the vending machines. The weekly food menu meets Government guidelines and our vending machines only serve healthy drinks. Students, however, are arriving in school with Energy type drinks that we believe are compromising our drive to safeguard the health of our students. This means that students must not consume such beverages on the school site or bring them into school. If these drinks are identified they will be confiscated by staff.

Uniform and Appearance Policy Please refer to the Policy which I have enclosed. I would ask that Parents/Carers and Students familiarise themselves with the whole policy but in particular with the section on ‘Haircuts and hair colouring’.

Mobile Phones: Switch off and out of sight From next half term improper use of mobile phones will lead to staff confiscating the ‘phone for the student to collect at the end of the day at 3.20pm. Students must switch their ‘phone off before handing it to a member of staff. Students can use phones at break and lunchtime. Emergency Contact Parents/Carers can telephone the school on 0151 677 7825 if they urgently need to contact their son or daughter. This is for emergencies only. Students will be informed of this in assemblies on our return after half term.

Safeguarding - CCTV Wallasey School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, with this in mind we are currently looking into having CCTV cameras installed in various locations around the school. We are still at the planning stages and as we progress with this we will keep you updated.

Safeguarding - ID Badges We have currently issued all our Year 12 and 13 students (Sixth Form) with ID badges and it is a school requirement that these students should wear these badges at all times when they are on school premises. These badges should also be shown to gain entrance to the building and again when they leave via the front reception area. I trust you will support me to encourage your son/daughter (if in Sixth form) to wear their ID badge.

Life Magazine Please find enclosed a copy of our most recent LIFE magazine that details the excellent work involving our school community and highlights our students’ successes.

Dates for your diary Year 7 Progress and Target setting evening ........ Thursday 1st November at 5.00pm-7.00pm Sixth Form Open Evening for Year 11 ................. Thursday 15th November at 6.30pm-8.30pm Children in Need Day – Non Uniform ................... Friday 16th November Year 9 Health Day................................................ Thursday 22nd November Christmas Celebration ........................................ Wednesday 12th December at 7.00pm Positive Behaviour Reward Trips ......................... Monday 17th December School closes for Christmas ................................ Friday 21st December School re-opens to students ................................ Tuesday 8th January 2013 Senior Prize Night ................................................ Thursday 10th January at 7.00pm – 9.00pm Year 9 Options Meeting ....................................... Tuesday 29th January at 5.00pm- 7.00pm Review Days and Sixth Form Interviews .............. Thursday 7th and Friday 8th February (details nearer the time) School Production ................................................ Tuesday 12th to Thursday 14th February I hope this bulletin is helpful to you and I look forward to another successful and productive year for the school. In the meantime may I pass on my thanks to you for your support in helping us maintain our high standards and expectations of our students. Yours sincerely

Philip Duffy Headteacher Enc: Level 2 (GCSE) Performance, Where did they go?, Uniform and Appearance Policy, LIFE Magazine

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