Summer 2013 Information Letter

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Our Ref:


15th July 2013

FAO Parent / Carer

Dear Parent / carer I hope this Information letter is useful to you and would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your good wishes on my retirement. I look forward to seeing continued achievements in what is a wonderful and successful school. I am delighted to announce that Mrs Cawood has been appointed Headteacher as from 1st September 2013. On a personal level I am extremely pleased for Mrs Cawood who I know will be an excellent Headteacher. Governors were in complete agreement with her appointment too. I am sure we all wish her well and I know she can count on your support in the coming years. Top 20% of schools Nationally Also I cannot begin to tell you how thrilled and delighted I am at the news and recognition of our achievements. Please see enclosed leaflet. Wallasey School is in the top 20% of schools nationally for its academic success over the past three years. This means we are compared against ALL schools. Look out for our next edition of our LIFE magazine due in September which highlights more of our student’s successes from the past twelve months. I look forward to hearing of another outstanding year, ‘Going from Good to Great’. Eco School We are currently aiming to achieve Eco-School Award status and to do this staff and students are putting all their efforts in to improving our environment and surroundings, for recycling and reusing materials. As part of our Eco School Award we aim to phase out (as much as possible) the paperwork that is sent out to all parent/carers, i.e., newsletters, and in future we hope to contact all parents/carers by email.

Therefore it is vitally important that we have current and up to date email details. If you do not have access to an email system then please let us know so we can ensure that you still receive paper copies of any documentation form the school. Student Details Please don’t forget to inform us (in writing or via email) of any changes to your child’s records. •

Are there any changes in your son/daughter’s medical conditions or severe allergies, e.g., asthma?

Have any changes take place in terms of medication or treatment? If so, please tell us, e.g., are inhalers up to date?

Please help us to help you and your child by giving us up to date, accurate information including changes to addresses, emergency telephone numbers/contacts etc.

Re-opening Times Tuesday 3rd September 2013 New Year 7 students (8.40am) and selected Year 12/13 students. Wednesday 4th September 2013 All students return, start normal time (8.40am). Uniform We take great pride in our academic achievements and take particular care to ensure we maintain high standards of uniform. Details of what the school expects can be found on our website, and I know that you as parents/carers wish us to uphold. One aspect of clothing that concerns us here is that of the ‘Hoodie’. Apart from PE, they are NOT a part of our uniform code and are not allowed. Students who wear them will be asked to remove them and if we do not get co-operation we will have little option but to take further action to ensure all students adhere to the code. Essentially, hoodies are not to be worn in school at all nor on the way to and from school and so are not to be brought in. Please help us by checking this at home. Important Dates Please take particular note of the following dates: • Year 12/13 results day is Thursday 15th August 2013 from 10am •

Year 11 GCSE results day in Thursday 22nd August 2013 from 10am

School Photographs for Years 7, 9, 11 and 12/13 Tuesday 24 th September 2013

Open Morning, Thursday 3rd October from 9.30am until 11.00am

Open Evening, Tuesday 8th October 7pm-9pm school closes to students t 2.20pm

Open Afternoon, Thursday 10th October from 2pm until 3.30pm

School closes for Half Term on Friday 18th October at 3.20pm Page | 2


School re-opens after Half Term on Monday 28 th October

More information on dates to follow School Planners These will be issued to students at the start of term Thank you for taking the time to read this information. Please check our website for regular school updates Yours sincerely

Philip Duffy Headteacher

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Tuesday 3rd September 2013 – New Year 7 & selected 6th Form only Wednesday 4th September 2013 – Full school day


Friday 18th October 2013

Half Term

Monday 21st October – Friday 25th October


Monday 28th October


Friday 20th December

Christmas Holiday

Monday 23rd December – Friday 3rd January 2014


Monday 6th January 2014


Friday 14th February

Half Term

Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February


Monday 24th February


Friday 11th April

Easter Holiday

Monday 14th April – Friday 25th April


Monday 28th April


Friday 23rd May

Half Term

Monday 26th May – Friday 30th May


Monday 2nd June


Friday 18th July

Staff Development Days Monday 2nd September 2013 Friday 4th October 2013 Page | 4

Friday 3rd January 2014 2 Additional Development Days to be added to the school calendar

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