Nick Loven
Pauline Loven and Nick Loven
Will Turland and Rick Everson
Filmed on Location In Lincolnshire UK
This 8 Page layout has been produced by Stewart Wall, A first year student studying Design at The University of Grimsby 2015
Tell Them Of Us William’s Story The Story of Lost Brothers Words and Photographs by Stewart Wall ARPS
“Whether he is dead or alive I cannot tell, the best I can hope he is a prisoner. He was a very brave fellow and we all miss him greatly� John Scott Major R.F.A. O.C. D/256 Bde R.F.A
Captured In Battle Lincolnshire Cinematographer and Director, Nick Loven and his crew are currently producing a follow up film to his film “Tell them of Us” which featured the story of the Horncastle family, The Crowders and their experience of WWI.The latest film is a drama-documentary telling William’s story. The Crowders had two sons, William and Robert. Robert never returned home, lost at war. William did eventually return but only after being captured at the German Spring Offensive, Kaiserschlacht on 1918.
Missing in Action
(Reproduced with kind permission granted from Robert Holland)
The family received the following letter from William’s commanding officer Letter from Major John Scott to William Crowder’s parents: “March 1918 D/256 Bde B.F.A. B.E.F. France My Dear Mr Crowder, I am writing to you about your Son who was a Subaltern in my Battery. I would have written you sooner but was unable to do so, as we had 6 days and nights continuous fighting and we have been moving every day through the Country. What happened was this: On the night of the twentieth your boy went to the Observing Post for my Battery accompanied by 3 Signallers (all stout fellows). On the morning of the 21st the Bosche put down a tremendous artillery bombardment all along our position, and about 9 a.m. crossed “No man’s land” and attacked us. The first news we had of the attack was from your Son, who sent in most valuable information to the Brigade Headquarters and said that the Bosche were attacking. I talked to him on the telephone wire, and he said the Bosche bombardment was terrific. I asked if he Captured, 2nd Lt William Harrison Crowder of the 51st Highland Div
was alright, he said he was in the dug out, and that he was observing when he could. He was quite cheery and seemed confident that the Bosche were going to get beaten. Shortly afterwards, it must have been about 11 a.m. he reported to Brigade, to whom there was a direct wire, that the Bosche had passed his O.P. in large numbers and had thrown two bombs down. He still went on reporting till the wire was finally broken. I cannot remember which, but either the “Daily Mail” or “Times” or “Morning Post” of the 22nd, 23rd or 24th told his Story. He was the first to give any real information re the enemy’s movements. I am sorry we have lost all his kit. He had some of it at the O.P. with him and the rest was lost in our little mess - which was destroyed by a shell - Whether he is dead
or alive I cannot tell, the best I can hope he is a prisoner. He was a very brave fellow and we all miss him greatly. We had got to know and like him. He was a typical English country gentleman, straight and unaffected and very simple in his nature. I pray God, he is alive, and its in my opinion an even chance that he is. I would have written you sooner but couldn’t. I had no sleep for 6 nights. The General was round seeing us this morning and said “Crowder was one of the bravest F.O.O’s I’ve ever heard of ” Be sure and let me know if you hear from him, and if I can help I’ll do it. I know the exact spot he was last seen in. If anything should happen to me it is MOEUVRES Special Sheet 1 20,000 D.28.C.33. I am recommending him and he is sure to get a Military Cross at least. I do hope he’ll be alright. Yours very sincerely John Scott Major R.F.A. O.C. D/256 Bde R.F.A.” Nick and his mother Pauline head up a community group of filmmakers called Wagscreen. Through their film making, websites and photography they aim to increase access to Lincolnshire’s history and archaeology. The images shown here are ones that I took when I spent the day with the film crew shooting stills. The crew reconstructed the field of war in Lincolnshire and a re-enactment company joined in making the whole event very real.
The Wagscreen Crew on location in Lincolnshire filming William’s story