section 3, chapter 5 tissues

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Section 3, Chapter 5 Membranes, Muscles, and Neurons

Types of Membranes

Epithelial Membranes Serous Membrane

Mucous Membrane

Cutaneous Membrane

Synovial Membrane

Types of Membranes Serous Membrane • Lines cavities not open to outside • Thoracic cavity & abdominal cavity • Mesotheilial Cells • Specialized simple squamous epithelium • Secretes serous fluid (watery) • Reduces friction between organs

Figure 1.11 Serous membranes of the heart and lungs

Serous Pericardium = serous membrane surrounding the heart Pleura = serous membrane surrounding the lungs

Figure 1.12 Serous membranes of the abdomen

Peritoneum – Serous membrane that surround several abdominal organs

Types of Membranes

Mucous Membrane • Lines cavities &Serous tubesMembrane open to outside • Nasal & oral cavity • Digestive, respiratory, and reproductive tracts • Goblet Cells – Secrete Mucus

Types TypesofofMembranes Membranes

Cutaneous Membrane • Skin • Protective covering

Types TypesofofMembranes Membranes

Synovial Membrane Mucous • Composed entirely ofMembrane connective tissue

• Lines joints • Secretes synovial fluid = clear viscous fluid

Muscle Tissue • Designed to contract

Muscle Tissues

Skeletal Muscle

Smooth Muscle

Cardiac Muscle

Skeletal Muscle • Moves Skeleton = voluntary • Characteristics • Long tubular cells • Several peripheral nuclei • Striated

Smooth Muscle • Involuntary • Within walls of viscera • Stomach, intestines, uterus, blood vessels, ect. • Tapered cells, form broad sheets • Single central nucleus

Cardiac Muscle • • • • •

Located only within wall of the heart Involuntary control Striated Branched cells with central nuclei Intercalated discs

Nervous Tissue • Locations = brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves • Regulates, coordinates, and integrates body activities • Cells = Neurons & Neuroglia • Neurons transmit impulses • Neuroglia support neurons

End Section 3, Chapter 5

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