Foreign Rights Catalogue Autumn 2014

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Wallstein Verlag Literatur

Foreign Rights Catalogue | Autumn Herbst 2014 2014

Literature Contemporary Editions History Cultural Sciences About Literature Backlist Highlights

Wallstein Verlag GeiststraĂ&#x;e 11 D-37073 GĂśttingen


Literature 4 Matthias Zschokke The Strict Ladies of the Rosa Salva 5 Teresa Präauer Johnny and Jean 6 Jörg Albrecht Anarchy in Ruhrtown Contemporary 7 Rosemarie Bovier  Home is what Others Talk about Editions 8 Armin T. Wegner  Shout it to the World History 9 Reinhard Rürup  The Long Shadow of National Socialism 10 Lisa Hauff  The Political Role of the Judenrat 11 12 13

Cultural Sciences Michael Hagner The Matter of the Book Uwe Jochum Media Bodies Christian Kiening The Middle Ages of Modernity


About Literature Kai Kauffmann Stefan George

Backlist Highlights 15 Lukas Bärfuss Koala Lukas Bärfuss A Hundred Days Lukas Bärfuss Alice goes to Switzerland – The Test – Amygdala 16 Lukas Bärfuss The Death of Meienberg – The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents – The Bus Lukas Bärfuss Malaga – Parcifal – Twenty Thousand Pages 17 Ralph Dutli The Song of Honey Ralph Dutli Soutine’s Last Journey 18 Maja Haderlap Angel of Oblivion Ludwig Laher Bitter 19 Dea Loher Bugatti Surfaces Wolfgang Matz The Art of Adultery 20 Joseph Roth and Stefan Zweig »A Friendship with me is a Perishable Thing« Patrick Roth My Journey to Chaplin 20 Gregor Sander What Would Have Been Gregor Sander Absent Gregor Sander Winter Fish 21 Matthias Zschokke The Man with Two Eyes

Wallstein Verlag Literature

Venice for six months. A celebration of the senses. Matthias Zschokke writes about it in such an inspiring way that you feel you must have been there with him. Or that you have to set off and go there at once.

Matthias Zschokke The Strict Ladies of the Rosa Salva ca. 340 pages, hardback, dust cover August


Matthias Zschokke The Strict Ladies of the Rosa Salva There are a considerable number of books about Venice. But no one has ever written one like this before! It brings the magnetism of the town to life in such a passionate, observant and laconic way that it overwhelms you. For example, the moment when the author steps out of the door onto the sunlit square and notes: »I am overcome by a sublime feeling, I envy myself.« On one level the author perceives everything as though he were seeing it for the first time, but at the same time he is one of the residenti, the locals who are not expected to pay tourist prices on the vaparetto, who drink their macchiatone standing up at the bar. From the early summer of 2012 he lives in Venice for six months; perhaps it would be more accurate to say he lives in the town and takes note of everything he sees, smells, tastes, hears and experiences: not in a silent journal, but in mails to friends, relatives, colleagues. Zschokke’s infectious curiosity protects him from idealisation – it is directed towards the whole world, wishing to fully grasp every­ thing it is possible to know. In this way a shimmering kaleidoscope emerges, a study of the big picture and the smallest of quirks, from theatrical rumblings and the literary scene to the real things of everyday existence. A marvellous thing, this book. Matthias Zschokke, born in Bern in 1954, grew up in Aargau and the canton of Bern. He has lived in Berlin since 1980, where he works as an author and filmmaker. He made his debut in 1982 with the novel »Max«, for which he was awarded the Robert Walser Prize, and has published a large number of novels, plays and feature films. Matthias Zschokke has been awarded prestigious prizes including the Gerhart Hauptmann Prize, the Solothurn Literature Prize, was the first German-speaking author ever to win the Prix Femina étranger for the novel »Maurice mit Huhn« (Maurice with Chicken) and the »Eidgenössischer Literaturpreis (Swiss Literature Prize)« for »Der Mann mit den zwei Augen« (The Man with Two Eyes).


Teresa Präauer Johnny and Jean Novel

Create good art! Johnny and Jean have no less goal in mind when they meet up again at the art academy after the summer holidays. The story begins with a jump in at the deep end, and there is still quite a way to go before embarking on an international career in New York and Paris. Some things that seem to be of help are the murmurings of the old masters, well-sharpened pencils and a bottle of Pastis. And sometimes, nothing helps at all. What if the sight of flowers makes you think of genitals? What if the police try to arrest you when you are out swimming? What if pin-up girls seem to flee from the pages of magazines? What if Europe has gone up in flames? The attendant throws you out of the museum? Your own father is a giant dwarf? You love women with French names? You would like a gold tooth in your mouth? Art has too many cats in it? The devil himself is suffering from burnout? You want to go to Zurich penniless? You want to get married to Björk? In a series of adventurous episodes, Teresa Präauer fabricates the life of two young men who are out to discover everything about art and life. Sensuous and quick-witted! Teresa Präauer, born in 1979, lives in Vienna, writes and draws. Studied German and painting in Berlin, Salzburg and Vienna. In 2012 she received the aspekte Literature Prize for the best German-language prose debut for her novel »Für den Herrscher aus Übersee« (For the Ruler from Overseas, Wallstein 2012).

Wallstein Verlag Literature

The second novel by the winner of the aspekte Prize. Highly imaginative, playful and fast-paced, on art and life.

Teresa Präauer Johnny and Jean Novel ca. 160 pages, hardback, dust cover August

Wallstein Verlag Literature

A vision of the future of work and life, in which the Ruhr area becomes a single city: Ruhrtown.

Jörg Albrecht Anarchy in Ruhrtown ca. 300 pages, hardback, dust cover August


Jörg Albrecht Anarchy in Ruhrtown August 2015: the leader of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hannelore Kraft, announces her resignation. György Albertz, a writer who has returned from exile, takes over the leadership in collaboration with a like-minded ally. 53 towns are joined together to become a single city, resurrected in ruins: Ruhrtown. A centre of attraction for all outcasts and those who have been systematically deprived of their rights. Together, they attempt to breathe new life into the post-industrial spaces. In a place that was once a centre of coalmining and steel production, designers and authors now get down to some hard work. Their concern is art. Here, they encounter people for whom art is primarily a business. Together they work towards generating the first hard currency, with the aim of making the Ruhrtown dream come true. In September 2044, two people are searching for each other in Ruhrtown: Julieta and Rick. They have been separated from one another, and now stagger through a living freak show: from Camp Lintfort to Trans Town and through Jungleburg, following the trail of the golden treasure of Unna! Until the illusion of utopia shatters before their eyes and the wave throws them back: it’s capitalism, stupid! Jörg Albrecht’s text roars through a landscape that we still call the »Ruhrgebiet« today. Jörg Albrecht, born in Bonn in 1981, lives in Berlin. Studied comparative literature, history, literary and theatre studies in Vienna and Bochum. In addition to his novels he has published a number of radio and theatre plays in the last few years, the most recent of which is »Die blauen Augen von Terence Hill« (Terence Hill’s Blue Eyes), first performed at the Steirischer Herbst Festival in Graz in 2011 and then in Berlin and Jena.


Rosemarie Bovier Home is, what Others Talk about

Wallstein Verlag Contemporary

A story of flight and displacement – and of the difficulties of integration.

Memoirs of a Second Generation Refugee Child In 1949, twenty Danube Swabian families from the village of Brestowatz in the Batschka, situated in Serbia today, moved to a refugee camp in Obersuhl, Hessen. Having fled from the approach of the Soviet army in 1944, the families found a temporary abode here. Although they thought of themselves as German, they came to Germany as strangers. Sealed off from the surrounding environ­ ment, they revived their own way of life, spoke their original dia­ lect, and cultivated their old traditions. Between the ages of 3 and 12, Rosemarie Bovier grew up in this Brestowatz world in Obersuhl. The stories of the villagers shaped her ideas of home, but when she started kindergarten and school she experienced another world: Rosemarie began to feel that being different was a flaw, and that living in the refugee camp was degrading. In the area of conflict between the home of her family (der­ho-m) and her new home (do-haus), the authoress recounts the sto­ ry of her integration. She tells of a past idyll and a displaced version of reality that begins to emerge, little by little. Rosemarie Bovier, born in 1947 in Obersuhl, Germany. Studied literature and geography in Frankfurt/Main to become a teacher and consultant. She lives in Wolfenbüttel.

Rosemarie Bovier Home is, what Others Talk about Memoirs of a Second Generation Refugee Child ca. 160 pages, ca. 25 illustrations, hardback, dust cover September

Wallstein Verlag Editions

From the 1918 revolution to the Palestinian conflict – the testimonies of a wakeful spirit.


Armin T. Wegner Shout it to the World Manifestos and Open Letters

Armin T. Wegner was an exemplary 20th century witness. He literally experienced the atrocities and brutalities of totalitarianism at first hand, offering resistance for his entire life – the resistance of the spirit, as he saw it. The texts in this volume, written between 1918 and 1968, bear testimony to this resistance. They encompass the 1918 revo­ lution and the struggle against both German militarism and the authoritarian tendencies of communism, a passionate commitment to the Armenians, whose suffering in the First World War Armin T. Wegner experienced as an eye witness, the fight against the per­ secution of the Jews in his famous »Brief an Adolf Hitler« (Letter to Adolf Hitler), his efforts against the divisions of the Cold War and the tension between the Israelis and the Arabs, which he shrewdly described as being a consequence of European colonialism. Armin T. Wegner took a stance on all aspects of the significant ideological battles of the 20th century, often by means of the manifesto and the open letter. Armin T. Wegner Shout it to the World Manifestos and Open Letters

Armin T. Wegner (1886 –1978) was a lawyer, an expressionist poet and a pacifist.

Edited by Miriam Esau and Michael Hofmann With an epilogue by Michael Hofmann Selected works in individual volumes. Edited by Ulrich Klan on behalf of the Armin T. Wegner Society

The Editors Miriam Esau, born in 1979, studied modern German literature, German linguistics and media studies at the University of Paderborn. Michael Hofmann, born in 1957, is a professor of modern German literature and literary didactics at the Universities of Bonn, Nancy and Liège.

ca. 288 pages, hardback, dust cover October


Reinhard Rürup The Long Shadow of National Socialism

Wallstein Verlag History

One of the most renowned German contemporary historians writes about the history and post-history of the Nazi regime.

History, the Politics of History and the Culture of Remembrance The author’s many years of experience in dealing with the history of National Socialism provide the basis of this volume. Reinhard Rürup describes the historical events and processes that are of particular significance for a real understanding of the Nazi regi­ me in a precise and vivid way: from the »seizure of power« and »bookburning« to the persecution and murder of the Jews and the war of conquest and annihilation against the Soviet Union. Rürup also turns his attention to the question of how the Germans have dealt with history after 1945 and up to the present day, a ques­ tion which has been raised more and more frequently in recent years. He is also concerned with the controversies surrounding the »Wehrmacht exhibition«, the »Goldhagen debate« or May 8, 1945 as the »day of liberation«. The view of German history is widened to incorporate an in­ ternational perspective in the introductory essay on the subject of the European history of dictatorship in the 20th century, and also in the concluding comparative study on the Second World War and the murder of the Jews in the politics of history and the culture of remembrance. Reinhard Rürup, born in 1934, professor emeritus for modern hi­s­ tory at the TU Berlin; research on political and social history, the history of economics and culture from the 18th to the 20th centuries; scientific director of the Topography of Terror Foundation in Berlin for many years. Publications include: Schicksale und Karrieren. Gedenkbuch für die von den Nationalsozialisten aus der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft vertriebenen Forscherinnen und Forscher (Fates and Careers. Memorial Book for the Researchers Expelled from the Kaiser Wilhelm Society, 2008); Deutsche – Juden – Völkermord. Der Holocaust als Geschichte und Gegenwart (Germans – Jews – Genocide. The Holocaust in History and in the Present, 2006); Deutsch-jüdische Geschichte in der Neuzeit (German-Jewish History in Modern Times, co-ed., 1996).

Reinhard Rürup The Long Shadow of National Socialism History, the Politics of History and the Culture of Remembrance With a preface by Stefanie Schüler-Springorum ca. 256 pages, hardback, dust cover June

Wallstein Verlag History

An important document on the role of Jewish functionaries in the Nazi era.


Lisa Hauff The Political Role of the Judenrat

Benjamin Murmelstein in Vienna, 1938 –1942

Lisa Hauff The Political Role of the Judenrat Benjamin Murmelstein in Vienna, 1938 –1942 ca. 352 pages, ca. 46 illustrations, hardback, dust cover July

In the mid-1970s, the French documentary filmmaker Claude Lanzmann interviewed the former Jewish functionary Benjamin Murmelstein. During significant phases of the Nazi persecution of the Jews, Murmelstein had been an active member of key sections of the Jewish administration, and thus directly confronted with the reality of the persecution. The sharp criticism of his role »be­ tween the hammer and the anvil« – between the perpetrator and the victim, even though he was himself a victim – did not become any less severe after the war. On the basis of Lanzmann’s extensive interview material, Lisa Hauff investigates how Benjamin Murmelstein carried out his func­ tion, focusing on the strategies he developed in face of Nazi pres­ sure and the constantly changing situation. The interview becomes a unique empirical finding, throwing new light on the role of a controversial Judenrat elder throughout the history of National Socialism. It also makes an important contribution to the »activity trap« into which Jewish functionaries were driven. Up to the time of his deportation in early 1943, Benjamin Mur­ melstein (1905 –1989) was the leader of the emigration depart­ ment of the Jewish community of Vienna. In 1944, after his depor­ tation, he became the last Jewish elder in Theresienstadt Ghetto. Lisa Hauff, born in 1969, is a member of the editorial team for »Judenverfolgung 1933  –1945« (The Persecution of the Jews 1933 –1945), published by the Topography of Terror Foundation. She was a co-curator of the exhibition »Der Prozess – Adolf Eichmann vor Gericht« (The Trial – Adolf Eichmann before Court, 2011). Publications include: Mahnort Kurfürstenstraße 115/116. Vom Brüdervereinshaus zum Dienstort Adolf Eichmanns (Kurfür­ stenstraße 115/116, a Memorial Place. From Brethren Clubhouse to Adolf Eichmann’s Workplace, 2012).


Michael Hagner The Matter of the Book For a long period of time, the printed book was undisputedly seen as the most important organ of research in the humanities. How­ ever, in recent years a whole range of media, values and practices has been set into motion. Meanwhile, with the possibilities offered by digital research and communication and the demands for the standardisation of publications, the writing and printing of books almost seems like an anachronism with a limited lifespan. The criticism of the printed book reveals an element of cul­ tural critique that associates its unease related to the present with an exaggerated expectation of the technical possibilities available via digitalisation. Instead of focusing on the various paper thick­ nesses and strengths of digital representation available, and asking where possible synergies might lie, a competitive contrast is drawn between the two, demanding an immediate decision. In his new book, Michael Hagner combines his analysis of the digital cultural critique of the printed book with a thorough exami­ nation of Open Access. In this way, he investigates the very pheno­ menon that bears some of the responsibility for the contemporary crisis of the book: the excessive supply of scientific literature. Michael Hagner, born in 1960, is a professor of science studies at the ETH Zurich. Publications include: Der Geist bei der Arbeit. Historische Untersuchungen zur Hirnforschung (The Mind at Work. Historical Studies on Brain Research, 2006); Geniale Gehirne. Zur Geschichte der Elitegehirnforschung (Brilliant Brains. The History of Elite Brain Research, 2004).

Wallstein Verlag Cultural Sciences

An intelligent analysis of contemporary forms of book publication.

Michael Hagner The Matter of the Book ca. 160 pages, hardback, dust cover October

Wallstein Verlag Cultural Sciences

A critical appraisal of e-readers and e-books in the context of the history of our media.


Uwe Jochum Media Bodies

Wall Media, Hand Media, Digitalia

Uwe Jochum Media Bodies Wall Media, Hand Media, Digitalia The Aesthetics of the Book, Vol. 5. Edited by Klaus Detjen ca. 72 pages, engl. soft-cover. September

At first glance, digital publications appear to have huge advantages over printed texts. We are used to seeing new developments as the promise of a better future, and tend to equate technical innova­ tions with progress. In addition, e-readers are impressive because of their enormous storage capacity and access speed, and we hope that, with their help, we will succeed in gaining control over the vast amounts of information available in our civilisation. However, the literary specialist Uwe Jochum shows that a fun­ damental aspect is lacking in all forms of digital media: in contrast to the printed book, they are decontextualised media that do not require individual authors to be made responsible for the text or mentioned by name. In tracing the history of media, Uwe Jochum points out the importance of context in the cave drawings of Stone Age man (wall media), the papyrus scrolls of the ancient world (hand me­ dia), and up to the present day. In his plea for the printed book, he defends two cornerstones of our civilisation: the efforts involved in studying and the authority of the author. Uwe Jochum, born in 1959, studied German and political science in Heidelberg and did a PhD at the University of Düsseldorf. Since 1988 he has worked as a scientific librarian. He has published numerous works on the subject of library and media history, the most recent of which is »Geschichte der abendländischen Bibliotheken« (The History of Western Libraries, 2nd edition, 2012)


Christian Kiening The Middle Ages of Modernity

Wallstein Verlag Cultural Sciences

A look at the way literature deals with the past in the aesthetics of the modern age, on the example of three authors.

Rilke – Pound – Borchardt

The aesthetic modern age of the early 20th century does not sim­ ply break with the past; it experiments with models of complex temporality. This includes making reference to the Middle Ages in a way that is neither purely selective in character nor instru­ mentalises the past. Here, interest is directed at a specific mix of the contemporary and the antiquated, differing from that which directly concerns us in an aesthetic sense (Renaissance) and that which belongs to the general reservoir of educational history (An­ tiquity). Kiening shows us what the works of Rilke, Pound and Borchart, all written at around the same time, have in common: they attempt to transform modernity in itself, enriching it through references to the past. The Series The manner in which the past is dealt with gives rise to fundamental questions: is there a basic principle of meaning that prevails throughout history? Is it conceivable that a fullness and unity of time exists? Do literature and art have the possibility of allowing such a fullness to emerge? The series »Figura« provides answers using new approaches. The author and editor of the series Christian Kiening, born in 1962, is a professor of older German literature at the University of Zurich. He is the director of the National Centre of Competence in Research »Mediality. Historical Perspectives«. Publications include: Der absolute Film (The Absolute Film, ed., 2012); Mystische Bücher (Mystical Books, 2011); Urszenen des Medialen (Primal Scenes in Media, with Ulrich Johannes Beil, 2012). Further editors of the series Bernhard Jussen, born in 1959, is a professor of medieval history at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main. Klaus Krüger, born in 1957, is a professor of art history at the Free University of Berlin.

Christian Kiening The Middle Ages of Modernity Rilke – Pound – Borchardt Figura. Aesthetics, History, Literature Edited by Bernhard Jussen, Christian Kiening and Klaus Krüger ca. 195 pages, ca. 10 illustrations, soft-cover with flaps September

Wallstein Verlag About Literature

A biography on Stefan George and his ambivalent image, both as a poet and as a human being.


Kai Kauffmann Stefan George A Biography

Kai Kauffmann Stefan George A Biography Castrum Peregrini. New series, vol. 8. Edited by Wolfgang Braungart, Ute Oelmann and Ernst Osterkamp ca. 240 pages, ca. 35 illustrations, hardback, dust cover September

Stefan George was the most important lyricist of the German Sym­ bolist movement. After the turn of the century, he was at the in­ tellectual centre of a circle of friends and disciples who saw them­ selves as »geheimes Deutschland« (secret Germany). Kauffmann describes George’s life and work and strives to make a just assess­ ment of his multifaceted personality. George himself had a stylised image of his own life, seeing it as dominated by a poetic mission. This is qualified by examining several different kinds of human relationships in detail: his deep-rooted ties with his Bingen family, close friendships, for example with Albert Verwey and Friedrich Gundolf, or the remarkably relaxed flat-share with Clotilde Schlay­ er in Minusio, the place where he died at the age of 65. The biographical narrative is interspersed with passages out­ lining George’s poetry volumes as stations in a historical œuvre be­ ginning with »L’art pour l’art« and leading on to ideological poetry. The book contains a large number of photographs, most of them previously unpublished, which also add several new aspects to the narrow picture of Stefan George. Stefan George (1868 –1933) is one of the most important and influential German-language lyricists. He translated all the great European authors and opened up German lyric poetry to the European modern age. With his will to establish the philosophy of »Art for art’s sake«, a creed he followed in his work and his life, he soon became the centre of a »circle« of friends who wished to join him in the renewal of German lyric poetry. Kai Kauffmann, born in 1961, professor of modern German literature at the University of Bielefeld since 2005. Vice chairman of the Rudolf Borchardt Society. Main areas of research: literary and cultural history, literature of the 18th century, around 1900 and after 1945.


Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights

Backlist Highlights

Lukas Bärfuss Koala

Rights available

Novel | 184 pages Nothing about the story told in Lukas Bärfuss’s new novel seems normal. For the story culminates in an act of suicide, committed by the author’s brother. Bärfuss tries to track down his brother’s fate, of which he knows very little. He encounters silence. Somehow the theme ap­ pears to be hidden behind a high wall; there is a huge taboo. And a secret. Why did his friends call him Koala? How did he get the name? And did it perhaps somehow influence his brother’s fate, does a person start behaving as his name suggests he ought?

A Hundred Days

Rights sold:

Novel | 196 pages

·· Arabic world: Kalima ·· Argentina: Adriana Hidalgo Editora S.A. ·· Bulgaria: RIVA ·· China: Shanghai Publishing ·· English world: Granta ·· France: L’Arche Editeur ·· Israel: Babel ·· Italy: Einaudi ·· Kroatia: Edicije Bozicevic ·· Mazedonia: ILI-ILI ·· Poland: Ha!art ·· Russia: Text Publishers ·· Sweden: Norstedts Förlag ·· Turkey: Metis Yayınları

Lukas Bärfuss’ meticulously researched novel tells the story of peo­ ple who set out to do good and finally caused nothing but evil. ›A Hundred Days ‹ relays the darkest chapter of Africa’s history, the Rwanda genozide, a story which concerns us more than we wish to believe. Not least, it is the moving story of love in times of war and the devastation caused by hate.

Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights

Rights sold: ·· Bulgaria: Pygmalion Press ·· France: L� Arche (Alice goes to Switzerland. The Test)


Alice goes to Switzerland – The Test – Amygdala Plays | 168 pages Euthanasia, paternity test, brain research, these are all only secondary matters – Lukas Bärfuss’s plays in this selestion address all the big moral questions of the present day in a way which is both auspicious and playful.

Rights sold: ·· Bulgaria: Pygmalion Press (The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents. The Bus. The Death of Meienberg) ·· France: L� Arche Editeur (The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents. The Bus. Four pictures of Love) ·· Poland: Ksiergarnia Akademicka (The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents. The Bus) ·· Romanian: Europress Group (The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents. The Bus) ·· UK: Nick Hern Books Limited (The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents)

The Death of Meienberg – The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents – The Bus Pieces for Theater | 220 pages In The Sexual Neuroses, the mentally handicapped Dora is in a certain sense such a grain of sand in the works of the good, liberal society – not when she fulfils the role of the merely pitiable, but with immediate effect when she makes her own demands and no longer serves as the projection screen for all the nonsense about tolerance.

·· Adapted to a movie by Stina Werenfels

Rights sold: ·· Bulgaria: Black Flamingo ·· Spanish world: Qatenus / Eduvim

Malaga – Parcifal – Twenty Thousand Pages Plays | 208 pages Bärfuss lets things start off like a piece of conversation and swell to a tragedy of Greek proportions. This plays tell stories that are related to our everyday lives and yet discuss wide-ranging themes such as guilt, responsibility, individual fulfillment – funny, tragic, grotesque. Full of unexpected turns. Exciting.


Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights

Ralph Dutli The Song of Honey

Rights sold:

A cultural history of the bee | 208 pages

·· Arabic world: Kana’an ·· Netherlands: Cossee

The bee has provided inspiration for religious rituals, superstitions and miracle stories. It has stood for community spirit, self-sacri­ fice, provision for the future, well thought-out organization, puri­ ty, industriousness and abundance. But also for magic and prophecy, soul and inspiration. Ralph Dutli tells us all these things in a knowledgeable, witty and poetical way. A pleasurable invitation to reflect on the important role of the honey-making hymenoptera in world culture.

Soutine’s Last Journey

Rights sold:

Novel | 272 pages

·· Arabic world: Kana’an ·· France: Le Bruit du temps

August 6, 1943. Chaime Soutine, a Belarussian/Jewish painter and a contemporary of Chagall, Modigliani and Picasso, is driven from the town of Chinon on the Loire to occupied Paris, hidden in a hearse. Suffering from a gastric ulcer, he is in need of an ur­ gent operation which can no longer be put off. Being forced to lie quietly in the car fort he whole trip, his mind starts wandering back in time. A novel about childhood, infirmity and art. About the wounds of exile in Paris, the powerlessness of the letter and the over­ whelming power of pictures.

Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights


Maja Haderlap Rights sold:

Angel of Oblivion

·· Arabic World: Dar Al-Muna ·· France: Editions Métailié ·· Italy: Keller Editore ·· Slovenia: Litera

Novel | 288 pages The story of a young girl and a family, and at the same time relates the story of a nation. This story goes back to the memories of a childhood in the mountains at Kärnten. In a highly sensuous way, the author recalls the scents of summer, her grandmother’s cook­ ing, her parents’ fights and the idiosyncrasies of the neighbours. It tells of a girl growing up and her attempts to understand her family and the people around her. Although the war is over, it is still omnipresent in the minds of the Slovenian minority to which the family belongs and has more influence on people’s bahavior than she would have ever guessed.

Ludwig Laher Rights available

Bitter Novel | 237 pages Up until his death at the end of the nineteen-fifties, Bitter had al­ ways managed to get away with his crimes, remaining complete­ly unscathed. Now, he is finally brought to trial through this act of narration. A highly political novel about the eventful life of a war cri­ minal, his atrocious deeds and successful attempts to evade all responsibility after 1945.


Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights

Dea Loher Bugatti Surfaces

Rights sold:

Novel | 208 pages

·· Netherlands: Cossee ·· Macedonia: ILI-ILI

No other German-speaking dramatist is so widely read, in her own country and all over the world, and more successfully staged (more than 300 productions, translations in 31 countries) than Dea Loher. This narrative focuses on existential matters: The death of a young man and the desparat efforts to deal with it. It investi­ gates the meaning of life in the face of this completely meaningless death, finding images of great intensity.

Wolfgang Matz The Art of Adultery Emma, Anna, Effi and the Men in their Lives 304 pages In his temperamental book, Wolfgang Matz traces the stories of three completely different women, their husbands and their lovers, to ascertain why their private failure – between the desire for personal freedom and the constraints of social order – held such a fascination for their creators Gustave Flaubert, Leo Tolstoi and Theodor Fontane, and what effect this had on their writing. A surprisingly new look at three masterpieces of the modern age.

Rights available

Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights


Joseph Roth and Stefan Zweig Rights sold: ·· France: Payot & Rivages ·· Italy: Adelphi ·· Spanish world: Quaderns Crema

»A Friendship with me is a Perishable Thing« Correspondence 1927 – 1938 | 624 pages Edited by Madeleine Rietra and Rainer Joachim Siegel. With an epilogue by Heinz Lunzer Joseph Roth (1894 –1939) and Stefan Zweig (1881–1942) are still two of the most widely read narrators in German literature. The correspondence tells the story of a friendship that is broken apart by the political circumstances – and the story of two lives des­troyed by exile. »We exiles don’t live long« Zweig comments when Roth dies in Paris in 1939. In 1942, Zweig commits suicide in Petropolis, Brazil.

Patrick Roth Rights sold:

My Journey to Chaplin

·· Arabic world: Kana’an ·· France: Le Bruit du temps

An Encore | 88 pages »My Journey to Chaplin« is the story of a passion. It tells us of Roth’s life-long love and veneration for the maker of »City Lights« (1931), whom he follows from the screen of a run-down L. A. cinema all the way to the door of his house in Vevey, Switzerland, just to hand over a letter to him in person. In its own way, the »Journey to Chaplin« becomes a film à la Chaplin, with the young man in the role of the tramp and the narrator as the director of the story of a memory. On April 16th 2014 will be Chaplin’s 125th birthday, which will be widely celebrated throughout the world.


Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights

Gregor Sander What Would Have Been Novel | 236 pages Gregor Sander interweaves past and present, telling tales of Ger­ man life histories that almost make your head spin. He succeeds in creating delicate images that are full of surprises: Love, friendship, escape, betrayal. Nothing is how it seems at first glance. Or at second, or even third.


Rights sold:

Novel | 156 pages

·· Arabic world: Kana’an ·· Spanish world: El tercer nombre

Christoph Radtke, in his early 30s, has to go back to his home town of Schwerin to watch over his father, who has been in a coma for years. Being pulled out of his everyday life he starts to wonder about his past and future. Who was his father and what did he want out of life? The silence of his father in life, as if in death, is interrupted by a peculiar letter from Switzerland. The son is suddenly far more active than he would like to be.

Winter Fish

Rights sold:

Short Stories | 192 pages

·· Czech Rep.: Vetrne mlyny

These stories are set in Rerik, at the Kiel Canal, in Gotland, Helsin­ ki, Klaipeda. They are about people who are on the move and yet bound by their fates: Taciturn seadogs, disillusioned artists, female idols. Although the stories are all different, they do have one thing in common. They are about longing – longing to be with loved ones, to lead a free life or simply to feel understood. Sander’s writing appears sparse, almost restrained; like the char­acters, like the northern landscape. In just a few strokes, discreet but precise, the author draws fates that never fail to fascinate the reader.

Wallstein Verlag


Matthias Zschokke Rights sold:

The Man with Two Eyes

·· English world: Thames River Press ·· France: Editions Zoé

Novel | 244 pages The man with two eyes has a real aversion to anything out of the ordinary, even though, as a legal correspondent, you would expect him to be continually in search of the sensational. But for him normality is far more interesting, not boring at all: on the contrary, he finds it complicated, surprising and fascinating. Matthias Zschokke writes of seemingly everyday things, discov­ ering their uniqueness, beauty, sadness and humour, and tells a discrete love story along the way.

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About Wallstein Wallstein Publishing was founded in 1986. A major event in the development of the publishing house was the huge success of Ruth Klüger’s biography »weiter leben – Eine Jugend« (Still alive) in 1992. Partly due to its high literary quality, this book is one of the most-read literary works written in German on the subject of the holocaust, and has become a »classic of holocaust literature«. Wallstein continues to add approx. 150 books per year to its list, with an annual turnover of approx. two million euros. Foreign Rights Manager Stefan Diezmann T: +49 551 54 898 12 | F: +49 551 54 898 33 Email:

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