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Kappa Xi Lambda Health and Wellness Section Prostate Cancer Survivor Article
Kappa Xi Lambda Health and Wellness
By Sheila M. Eldred
Health Writer for HealthCentral
PROSTATE CANCER IS the most common type of cancer in American men after skin cancer. Currently, 3.1 million biological males in the U.S. are living with it or have survived it. And African American men make up a disproportionate share of those millions. Not only are they diagnosed with PC at higher rates, they’re also more than twice as likely to die from more aggressive disease. However, when diagnosed at the same stage, African American men survive this cancer at similar rates as other men. We asked three Black survivors to share their prostate cancer journeys with us.
Brother Derrick A. Butts and Brother Larry Blackmon are prostate cancer survivors. These two brothers were proactive with their prostate health and encouraged other men to be proactive in knowing their PSA numbers. Each of them have undergone different prostate cancer treatments and have shared their stories on HealthCentral. To read their stories, please go to link below:
https://www.healthcentral.com/slideshow/blackadvanced-prostate-cancer-survivors-speak Brother Butts is an advocate on prostate health and prostate cancer through his non-profit – Prostate Cancer Awareness Alliance-DMV. Over the holidays, his organization helped men newly diagnosed with prostate cancer and/or who’ve have just undergone a treatment for prostate cancer. His organization also helps men navigate their post treatment as a prostate cancer survivor. Brother Butts is in the process of expanding his organizations model and outreach beyond DC, MD, and VA to include helping men from NYC to Los Angeles, CA.
Speaking Engagements in NYC – I would be more than happy to schedule time to talk with your church, Men’s/Health group, and/or organizations, virtually during COVID-19 and in-person later in 2022, about being proactive with your prostate health and to share my journey.
Please email me at info@derrickbutts.com to begin the discussion.
Thank you Brothers for your support!
Brother Derrick Butts
Submitted By: Bro. Derrick Butts
Health and Wellness Committee Member