A Travel Blog is the Best Way to Record Your Vacation Travel

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If you're wondering what a blog is, the word blog is an abbreviation for 'web log'. It is simply an Internet diary, or log, of your thoughts and daily activities. Most people take their laptop with them on vacation so that they are able check their emails and send messages. It is therefore simple to set up a travel blog on your laptop before you go, and to update it as you travel. We find that it is not always possible or convenient to get access to the Internet when we are travelling. We take brief notes of the places we visit and the things that interest us each day so that we don't forget anything when we are transferring our experiences to our blog. It saves time and head scratching when we are trying to remember what we did a couple of days earlier. We kept a travel blog when we were in Britain last Summer and we found it was the best way to record our experiences. Now we have a complete, day by day, record of our holiday with corresponding photos. It is a permanent record of our trip that we can refer to any time. Far better than dim memories of what we did and fading photos in an old album. One of the advantages of a travel blog is that it allows your family and friends to follow your blogs and to keep up to date with your travels. We were surprised how many of our friends followed our blogs and sent comments and questions about our experiences. Perhaps I should explain that your most recent entry appears on top of your blog, with previous days entries under it. In other words, the last entry is first. When we came home we simply reversed the order so that we are now able to read about our trip starting at day one and going on from there. This is a great way to keep lasting memories of a magic holiday trip.

We called our family travel blog, 'tracing-suffolk-roots' as it was kept purely to record our adventures and photos as we traced our family history and ancestors in the Suffolk area of England. Apart from your laptop, set up to take your blogs, and a diary or notebook to jot down things as you go, you will need a good digital camera to capture the images of your adventures. After all, you only get one chance to capture those precious memories. Recently we have added a Squidoo lens to include more on the subject of travel blogs. You can find our lens at http://www.squidoo.com/holiday_blog It goes in to a little more depth about setting up a holiday blog and has some info and suggestions for getting the most out of your camera and your holiday photos. This article was written by Geoff Aslett, who's SquawkAbout blog touches on a number of subjects including blogging for profit as well as his favourites, travel and photography.

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