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Dear Air Traveler, I don't know about you, but one thing I'm tired of is paying too much for airfare. Based on the economy today people are doing less and less flying because of the outrageous costs of flying. In some cases I've known people that ended up driving to their vacation spot instead of flying because it was half the cost of flying. I do quite a bit of traveling. I have a family member who plays select softball so we are always flying somewhere for a tournament. When i dropped off our bags I ran into something that wasn't pleasant and really disturbing. I'm sure you've heard of the additional baggage charge! Yeah between the both of us it cost us a bit more than we were expecting. So when you go to book your flight make sure you check the rules and regulations they have in place when it comes to baggage and carry-ons. For the past 3 months I've been checking out some of these travel books that help you get cheaper Air Fare. I do say some work and some don't. The days of just going to a travel agency are over! They mark everything up so much we never really get a chance at a great deal. But if you don't have the time to research and money isn't a concern, then stick to the travel agencies. One reference guide that I used recently really helped me save some money. I went to buy two round trip tickets from Southwest and they were over 800 dollars! So I called into Southwest and bargained with them like the book said and believe it or not I got on the same flight for 567.00 dollars total for both tickets. It does take some patience because I was on hold for ever. But for saving over $300 dollars they can keep me on hold all day. The guide I used I found on a blog listed below. Hope this helps and if any of you know of any other good guides for tricks let me know.
http://www.crazyairfaredeals.blogspot.com/ If your looking to get the secrets that thousands of people are using to get cheap airfare! Then click the link above.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_Machado