How to Sell Handcrafted Jewelry Online

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Are you a jewelry maker looking for new markets for your handmade creations? You may have done the craft and jewelry show route and found that sales didn't meet up to your expectations. All of the traveling and set-up involved in selling your jewelry at shows can become frustrating and tedious. Although you realize the better solution may be to sell your handcrafted jewelry online, you may not know where to start. Although you will eventually want to design your own website, using a website to sell handcrafted jewelry doesn't guarantee traffic or sales. Getting people to visit your site can be one of the most frustrating aspects of selling online. Many jewelry designers put up a website and eagerly wait for the traffic to come. Unfortunately, it never arrives and they end up giving up entirely on selling handcrafted jewelry online. This is unfortunate since you can reach an international market when you sell your handmade jewelry on the web. Another option that works for some people is to sell handcrafted jewelry on eBay. While eBay receives an enormous amount of traffic, many of your potential customers have a "bargain basement" mentality. Simply put, they're looking for a steal and aren't willing to pay the decent prices you deserve for your handmade jewelry. If you happen to designer lower end handmade jewelry, it's possible you could do well on eBay although you still have to compete with all of the imports and mass produced jewelry. So, what's the solution if you want to sell handcrafted jewelry and make a decent profit? One of the best options is to sell your handmade jewelry in an art and craft online galleries. The advantage to selling through an online gallery devoted to handmade items is you'll have an automatic source of traffic which will leave you more time to design jewelry instead of spending excessive amounts of time promoting an independent website. The other advantage of selling handcrafted jewelry through an online gallery is the site usually takes care of the payment transactions for you and sends you an email with notification of the sale. You then package the item and send it on its way to your customer. It can be liberating to not have to deal with the hassles of having your own merchant account. Selling handcrafted jewelry through an online gallery also gives you a certain level of credibility which can enhance your reputation as a jewelry artist. It's a wonderful alternative to craft shows and online auctions.

To get a free two week trial selling your handmade jewelry in an online gallery, visit

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How to Sell Handcrafted Jewelry Online by walner boursiquot - Issuu