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If you are a keen traveler and you like to explore the weird, the wonderful and the unfamiliar, then starting a travel blog can be great. With internet access now available in virtually every part of the world, blogging your way through your trip is not just a great way to record your trip but its a great way to share it with friends, family and maybe even the rest of the world. Keeping a travel journal is something that even the earliest explorers did as a means of recording their travels. Not only were these journals intended to record new discoveries but in many cases it became novels and gave other people a real insight of what the explorer discovered both in new territories as well as personal and emotional discoveries. In many ways a travel blog is a modern day version of a travel journal. The fact that you can easily upload photos and videos means that you can record your experiences in a whole new way. Technically is does not present many challenges any more and with push-button ease of use, anyone can do it. In fact, you can run an entire blog using just your iPhone. Taking photos and videos are nice and a great way to capture sights and sounds, but its often the experience that goes with it that really counts. A blog allows you to talk about photos and share more than just the visual. How many "dead" photographs do you have stored away on your hard drive? What's great about keeping a travel blog is that there are now a few online services that allows you to print your entire blog and have it bind into a proper book. All you have to do is to provide the website address and the rest will be done for you.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Deon_Du_Plessis